Exercise “Stone, sand, water. Sand correct explanation of the word in the dahl synonym dictionary Anagrams and speed reading

Smart guys and smart girls 2nd grade

Lesson 2.

Presentation prepared by:

Romanova Larisa Viktorovna

MBOU secondary school No. 276,


Murmansk region

R A h m And n To A

Name always hard consonant sounds?

J, SH, C.

R A h m And n To A

Remember the names of the components when added?

Addend, addend, sum.

R A h m And n To A

Misha has 3 pairs of mittens. How many mittens for left hand?

R A h m And n To A

There are chickens in the yard. All chickens have 10 legs. How many chickens are there in the yard?

R A h m And n To A

There are 7 light bulbs in the chandelier, 5 of them have burned out. How many light bulbs need to be replaced?

R A h m And n To A

The funniest circus performer?


R A h m And n To A

Airspace where birds fly?


R A h m And n To A

Elongated circle?


R A h m And n To A

Pouty poultry?


R A h m And n To A

A line of camels moving in the desert?




Without moving your hand along the lines, but only following with your eyes, determine which letters correspond to the numbers. Lament the words.

Count the umbrellas

Way one:

1 square up

Look at the square. A butterfly sits in one of the cells. Listening to the story about its flight and, without touching the table with your hand, but only following with your eyes, find out which cell it flew into. Draw it there.

Way two:

2 cells to the right,

Look at the square. A butterfly sits in one of the cells. Listening to the story about its flight and, without touching the table with your hand, but only following with your eyes, find out which cell it flew into. Draw it there.

Way three:

1 cell to the left,

There are 13 people in line for ice cream. Fedya is seventh from the beginning of the line. Can you guess where he stands from the end of the line?


The staircase consists of 15 steps. Think about which step you need to stand on to be in the middle of the stairs?




Read the anagram. What word corresponds to its meaning? Place a suitable icon next to the encrypted word.














Replace one of the consonants in a word with the letter “N” and get a new word.









Lisa, Galya and Nina live in different houses. The first house is tall stone, the second is tall wooden, the third is low stone. Write down who lives in which house, if Galya and Nina live in a tall one, and Nina and Liza live in a stone one.




Enter the number of the desired figure

Well done!

Thank you for the lesson!

Anagram- this is a technique, the essence of which is to rearrange the letters of a word, which results in a completely different word. More often anagrams used for developing and testing intelligence, for example, in IQ tests.

Anagrams are one of the most powerful exercises for the development of speed reading. But anagrams alone are not enough to learn to read at high speed. To do this, you need to study using a special method, for example, such as our course.

Also, anagrams are used to create aliases, altering their own name in this way. For example, Volodya - Yadolov, Orlov - Lorov.


Solve the anagram

Make an anagram

Anagram games

If you want to play while saving statistics, we offer an anagram game from our partner BrainApps:

Also, you can see all the educational games that we offer on our website. These games develop the brain, intelligence, memory, attention and so on. The games are divided into groups responsible for the development of one or more qualities.

Anagram for the word

Anagrams contribute to the development of the brain, attention, thinking and even speed reading and therefore are such a common exercise. They are also used in IQ tests to test the level of human development.

Exercise 1 (Easy level):

  1. Wednesday

If the data was easy for you anagrams– this is great, welcome to the Middle Level!

Exercise 2 (Intermediate Level):

  1. Personnel
  2. Lapot
  3. Fist
  4. Valve
  5. Orange
  6. Checkers
  7. Weed
  8. Flask
  9. Actor
  10. Boar

Wasn't it difficult to pass level 2? We can offer you the next level, which will give you something to think about. Ready? Forward!

Exercise 3 (High Level):

  1. Redness
  2. Colonel
  3. Attention
  4. Wake
  5. Hospital
  6. Benjamin
  7. Enlightener
  8. Old regime

Anagram of letters

Solve the anagrams: seott, niavd, aalterk, kozhal, dmonchea, shkaach, slot, lexor, tivonkr

Anagrams with answers

Answers and solutions to the most common anagrams:

Solve anagram

Anagram is a technique the essence of which is to rearrange the letters of a word, resulting in a set of letters. You have to assemble a word from these letters, only by rearranging the letters, without deleting or adding anything.

For example: riga - game, tep - sing, chukar - pen, ruuis - draw.

Performing such exercises helps improve reading technique for both adults and children. After a certain time, you will be able to notice how you begin to read faster.

Solving anagrams

There are no instructions or scheme for solving anagrams as such. Only through your imagination, mind and idea can you decide. Try to check various options words and you can find the answer. Also, an encrypted word can visually remind you of some existing word, and you will understand what was encrypted.

You can also use online programs, if you can’t do it yourself. The operation of such programs is primitive: you enter a set of letters, and the program displays one or more words consisting of these letters:

Solve anagram online

Eliminate the extra word

There are tasks for eliminating extra words. Several encrypted words and a set of letters are given, which in no way becomes a word. Your goal is to identify this set of letters.

For example:

Exercise: Tyap Orgod Parot Muliz

Answer: muliz (words: five, city, path).

How to make an anagram?

How to come up with an anagram? Anagrams are made by mixing letters. This is the simplest thing you can do.

For example, we take the word “dog” and mix the letters the way we want - “kobasa”, “baasok” or “skobaa”.

So that you don't have to do this manually, we have prepared a special application for you:

Anagrams for kids

You've probably wondered, “how to instill a love and interest in reading in a child?”

Children love to play, and game-based learning is becoming more and more popular in the modern world, because Game Mode will definitely interest the child. You've probably wondered, “how to instill a love and interest in reading in a child?” We have a good solution.

Therefore, we have developed a special version of anagrams for children:

Anagram is a technique the essence of which is to rearrange the letters of a word, resulting in a set of letters. The child will have to assemble a word from these letters, only by rearranging the letters, without deleting or adding anything.

We have also prepared a number of tasks for children:

Exercise 1: aMam pilauk niguk. amT quiet and akritnik. fromV imaksh and Isaac. And utt yaTan and kyamich. I bulul tichatie hitis.

Task 2: Oym trab elposh an kucher. But the bastard is swearing at the ear. Kuusch fashion amam Slavir. Ym shulaki uh.

Reception anagram

Using the anagram technique fairy-tale heroes invented pseudonyms.

Among these heroes were: Odysseus, Gulliver, Nemo, Assol, Munchausen, Carlson, Pinnochio, Poseidon.

Match the names with their pseudonyms: Peysonod, Seidosi, Olsas, Nezuagmnyuh, Omen, Ipokonki, Virgilul, Clarnos.

Anagram scanwords

Anagram for the word scanword: dnorvask

We present to you a crossword puzzle consisting of anagrams. You decipher the words, write them in the boxes and fill in all the boxes. As soon as the scanword is filled out correctly and completely, it is considered solved.


Task 2:

Horizontally: 1. Man in captivity. 3. Cell, place. 5. Melody from star wars"Imperial..." 7. Girls' favorite toy. 9. First three-digit number.

Vertically: 2. A recess dug in a hole. 4. A liquid saturated with the juice of what was cooked in it. 6. God of War Ancient Greece 8. An element of the periodic table used in medicine. 10. Godmother. 11. Movement of electric charge in a conductor.

Anagram crosswords

In this crossword puzzle we used words that have their own anagram. Your goal is to solve the word and mix the letters so that you get an anagram of the word, then write it in the cells and fill out the crossword puzzle completely. Well, interesting? Then go ahead!


Horizontally: 3. Liquid dosage form. 8. Drug. 9. Place of birth. 10. A definitive type of faucet. 12. Fishing hawk. 15. “The Unstoppable Power of Hazelnuts.” 18. Raising the water level in rivers. 19. Both gunpowder and fertilizer are made from it. 20. Former Persia. 23. Hair dye. 26. Japanese syllabary. 28. Odessa is mom, and who is dad? 29. Battle ax with a long handle. 30. Part of a teapot, borrowed from an elephant.

Vertically: 1. Sign (lat.). 2. Musical feeling. 3. They are lucky only in winter (transp.). 4. A city on a river or sea. 5. Second name for Congo. 6. Muse of Pushkin. 7. Voice in Old Russian. 10. Letter of the Greek alphabet. 11. River in the mouth. 13. “Infarct” artery. 14. Type of duty of peasants. 16. Biblical prophet. 17. Detail of Pythagorean pants. 21. Malay dagger of curved shape. 22. Crayfish backwards. 23. Material for a candle. 24. Capital of Peru. 25. Fur tax in Rus'. 26. Red algae. 27. Precious goods of antiquity.

After registration, over 30 other free educational games will be available to you.

Anagrams and speed reading

Anagrams are one of the most powerful exercises for developing speed reading. But anagrams alone are not enough to learn to read at high speed. In order to achieve this, you need to study using a special method, for example, such as our “Speed ​​Reading in 30 Days” course.

The course will help you develop and, most interestingly, synchronize both hemispheres of the brain. With synchronized, joint work of both hemispheres, the brain begins to work many times faster, which opens up much more possibilities.

The course contains a large number of exercises for training the brain, because with a fast reading speed you still need to have time to understand, remember and sometimes even think about information!

Brain training courses

We also have interesting courses for training and brain development that you will definitely like.

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The purpose of the course: to develop the child’s memory and attention so that it is easier for him to study at school, so that he can remember better.

After completing the course, the child will be able to:

Super memory in 30 days

As soon as you sign up for this course, you will begin a powerful 30-day training in the development of super-memory and brain pumping.

Within 30 days after subscribing you will receive interesting exercises and educational games to your email, which you can use in your life.

We will learn to remember everything that may be needed in work or personal life: learn to remember texts, sequences of words, numbers, images, events that happened during the day, week, month, and even road maps.

We speed up mental arithmetic, NOT mental arithmetic

Secret and popular techniques and life hacks, suitable even for a child. From the course you will not only learn dozens of techniques for simplified and quick multiplication, addition, multiplication, division, and calculating percentages, but you will also practice them in special tasks and educational games! Mental arithmetic also requires a lot of attention and concentration, which are actively trained when solving interesting problems.

Money and the Millionaire Mindset

Why are there problems with money? In this course we will answer this question in detail, look deep into the problem, and consider our relationship with money from psychological, economic and emotional points of view. From the course you will learn what you need to do to solve all your financial problems, start saving money and invest it in the future.

Page 2 of 23



1. Always name hard consonant sounds - zh, sh, ts.
2. Remember the names of the components when adding - (commands, sum).
3. Misha has 3 pairs of mittens. How many mittens for your left hand? - 3
4. There are chickens in the yard. All chickens have 10 legs. How many chickens are there in the yard - 5
5. There are 7 light bulbs in the chandelier, 5 of them have burned out. How many light bulbs need to be replaced? - 5
6. The funniest circus performer is a clown.
7. The air space where birds fly is the sky.
8. An elongated circle is an oval.
9. Inflated poultry - turkey.
10. A chain of camels moving in the desert - a caravan.

2. Without moving your hand along the lines...
Answer: Zucchini, well.

3. Count the umbrellas - 8 pieces.

5. There are 13 people in line for ice cream. Fedya is seventh from the beginning of the line. How far does he stand from the end of the line?
Answer: also seventh.

6. The staircase consists of 15 steps. Think about which step you need to stand on to be in the middle of the ladder?

Answer: to the 8th step.

7. Anagram

a) stone, water, sand - ice (square)
b) factory, hospital, school - doctor (square)
Note: the icon is the same as for the right word(water-ice, hospital - doctor)

8. Replace one of the consonants...

  • ice-flax
  • elephant syllable
  • sok-son
  • son of cheese
  • rama-rana
  • village-hay
  • bark hole
  • salt-zero
  • Mila-mina

9. Lisa, Galya and Nina live in different houses....

[ husband. genus] crushed stone, ground by nature, small stone grains; Usually they mean flint sand, but there are also other rocks. Coarse sand, debris, cartilage, gravel. - loose sand, loose sand. The authorities will know: all the paths will be sprinkled with sand. The executor eats sealing wax, eats paper, eats ink and eats sand! When the sand rises on the stone, that is, never. underfoot, and whoever needs it, they carry it. He weaves ropes out of sand, he is miserly and intricate. We can even have sand, as long as it's salty. You can’t fill the world with sand, you can’t please everyone. The hill is high, but everything is sand - you can’t climb up without horseshoes! comic The water and sand have become cloudy, the conversation has become cloudy. about a quarrel between spouses.

North abusive decrepit old man, old woman. you old bastard! What sand, old hag! Sand [fem. genus] grain of sand, -noch, one grain of sand. Oh, you are sand, my little sand! warm-hearted, lonely orphan.

Sheaf of flax (Naumov). Sandy, sandy, related to it. The dog is tiny. Peschishcha [men. genus ] or sands [ male genus] pl. continuous sandy soil over a large area. In some sands, like Karakum, there are caduks and water, others, like Kizylkum, are completely waterless.

Or sands, a sandbank, a spit or a cape in a river. Three sands have passed, and two more remain. Golden sands, placers, mines, where there is gold. Sandy, related to sand. Sand plants. Hourglass. Sand color, issera-pale yellowish. Sandy, crumbly, loose, friable. Sandman [male] genus] the smallest coastal sandstone.

Chernomorsk fish from the genus of gobies, golovans, Gobius melanostomus. Sandbox [fem. genus ] a vessel with sand, a companion to an inkpot, for filling up written material;

box with sand, spittoon.

Sandboxes, -nits, caps, put on the butt of the axle and covering the tail of the hub so that it does not become covered with sand. Pesoshenka [fem. genus] bird wagtail, flycatcher. Sandy, sandy, abundant in sand, or mixed with sand, or similar to sand, hard-grained. Our places are sandy. The bread (baked) is somewhat sandy and crunches on the teeth. Sandy, somewhat sandy, sandy. Sandy clay. Sandy, sandy, sandy, sandy. Sandy steppe, soil, road. Sandy, sandy gold, not vein gold, but loose gold. Sand or sand bath, chemical. boiling or evaporation of liquid through heated sand in which the vessel stands. Sandy, olon. doglike, somewhat sandy. Sandstone, sandstone [noun. genus] sand stone compacted from flint sand and hardened. The variegated sandstone is the oldest, and the red sandstone is newer, younger.

Sandstone, sandpiper, the smallest sandpiper; there are two of them, the lesser ringed wren, the yellow-eye, the yellow-browed wren, and the sandy wren. Sandstone strata. Gerbil, sandwort [fem. genus] clay with sand, by nature already, or in a mixture, for making bricks;

symb. sandy road (Naumov).

Bird Emberiza pesserina.

Worm living in damp sand, Tellina.

Plant. Arenaria.

Arch. small bait for cod and halibut, Ammodytes lancea.

Gerbil, sib. thigh, lure, lure, Meriones mouse. Peskolub [male] genus] translated plant Ammi. Peskodonok [male] genus ] lower sandy dry land; abandoned river bed, wilderness, oxbow lake, river. Peskozob sowing Sib. gudgeon [noun] genus] Moscow fish Cyprinus gobio, mistaken gudgeon, Vologda. sand. The pike is fasting, and the gudgeon is not asleep! Sand carrier [male] clan] that makes its living by carting sand. Sandfish, Ammodytes fish.