The caterpillar exercise is performed as follows. Corrective and developmental lesson to reduce anxiety and aggression “Caterpillar” in the senior group with a compensatory focus. Dr. Bubnovsky’s exercises can be done at home

Dr. Bubnovsky’s exercises can be done at home. To do this you can use...

The difficulty of such seemingly simple and, as some may think, frivolous exercises lies in the ability to control the weight of your own body.

And further. A simple exercise is not primitive. From my point of view, the most primitive medical treatment for back pain is to write a prescription for medicine... Thus, the doctor admits that he has given up and does not know what to do. Let the pharmacologist think for him...

Dr. Bubnovsky’s exercises can be done at home

To perform them, you can use everything that is at hand: tables, chairs, beds, balls, gymnastic sticks...

When performed correctly, they can be no less effective than exercises performed on special simulators.

EXERCISE “Caterpillar”

Initial position: lying on your back near a bed or low table, legs bent at the knees, feet resting on the edge. If desired, the basin can be moved under the bed.

Push off with your feet, “walking on your shoulder blades” and moving your pelvis from the edge of the bed until your legs are fully straightened.

If at the same time you feel pain in the muscles of your legs when straightening them, do not be afraid. This is just a reaction to stretching.

Exhale as you push away from the edge of the bed. Then, moving your shoulder blades and pelvis, without standing up or helping yourself with your hands, move towards the table again and push off again.

Perform these movements for up to 20 repetitions in one series.

You may even feel a burning sensation in your leg muscles (thighs) and back muscles. This is a sign that the exercise can be completed.

Each time, try to increase the number of episodes, bringing it to the desired level.

By the way, arthritis of the joints lower limbs There are no contraindications for this exercise.

Selected exercises and meditations by Nishi Katsuzo

Exercise “Caterpillar on a branch”

This exercise is performed on the horizontal bar or on the uneven bars. Get up and grab the horizontal bar, your hands at a distance of 70 centimeters from each other (you can choose the distance yourself, as you wish). Hang on the horizontal bar - your feet should not touch the floor. Raise your legs up, without bending your knees, until they are parallel to the floor. Then lower your legs and repeat the exercise a few more times. You can do it in more easy version– raise your legs, bending them at the knees and pressing your knees to your chest.

This exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles.

Exercise “Caterpillar on a branch”

From the book Bioenergy Textbook author Sergey Petrovich Rozov

The observer position is a basic exercise. Exercise No. 11 1. Stand near a wall and lean your back against it.2. The legs should be joined together, straightened and moved slightly forward by 15-20 cm.3. The sacrum, the entire back and preferably the back of the head should fit snugly against the wall.4.

From the book Daily gymnastics for people of mental work author N.V. Korablev

Second exercise - breathing exercise with hand movements Starting position. Standing. Feet shoulder width apart. Hands on the belt. Shoulders and elbows are slightly pushed forward. The head is slightly tilted forward. Exhale (Fig. 3). Execution. 1. Smoothly straighten and spread your arms and sides.

From the book Improve Your Vision by Martin Brofman

The ninth exercise is a breathing exercise with hand movements. Starting position. Sitting on a chair. Hands on the belt. Shoulders, elbows and head are moved slightly forward. Exhale (Fig. 19). Execution. 1. Spread your arms to the sides and slightly up. Turn your palms up. Bend the body. head

From the book A healthy stomach at any age. Home encyclopedia author Viktor Fedorovich Ilyin

Tenth exercise - breathing exercise Starting position. Sitting on a chair. Hands on the belt. Shoulders, elbows and head are moved slightly forward, exhale (Fig. 21). Execution. 1. Move your elbows, shoulders, and head back a little and bend your body. Inhale (Fig. 22). 2. Go to the starting position.

From the book Breathing according to Strelnikova for those who... author Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin

The eleventh exercise is a breathing exercise with hand movements. Starting position. Standing. Feet together. The arms are lowered along the body. Exhale (Fig. 49). Execution. 1. Raise your arms straight forward. Inhale (Fig. 50). 2. Spread your arms to the sides. Turn your palms down. Continued inhalation

From the book Living Capillaries: The Most Important Factor of Health! Methods of Zalmanov, Nishi, Gogulan by Ivan Lapin

The twelfth exercise is a breathing exercise. Starting position. Standing. Feet shoulder width apart. Hands on the belt. Exhale (Fig. 52). Execution. 1. Pull your elbows, shoulders and head back a little. Bend the body. Inhale. 2. Go to the starting position. Exhale.Instructions. Exercise

From the book Taoist practices for improving vision by Mantak Chia

The thirteenth exercise is a breathing exercise. Starting position. Standing. Feet shoulder width apart. Hands to the side. Inhale (Fig. 82). Execution. 1. Lower your arms down. Tilt your head slightly forward. Exhale (Fig. 83). 2. Return to the starting position. Inhale (see

From the author's book

The fourteenth exercise is a breathing exercise. Starting position. Standing. Hands along the body. Exhale (Fig. 84). Execution. 1. Understand hands forward. Inhale (Fig. 85). 2. Raise your hands up. Continue inhalation (Fig. 86). 3. Spread your arms to the sides. Exhale (Fig. 87). 4. Lower your arms down.

From the author's book

The fourteenth exercise is a breathing exercise with “grouping” Starting position. Standing. Feet shoulder width apart. Relaxed arms raised up. Inhale (Fig. 127). Execution. 1. Sit down smoothly. Relax your arms and body downwards. Exhale (Fig. 128). 2. Smoothly transition to

From the author's book

The fifteenth exercise is a breathing exercise. Starting position. Standing. Feet shoulder width apart. Relaxed arms are raised to the sides. Inhale (Fig. 129). Execution. 1. Slightly tilt your body forward and cross your relaxed arms in front of your chest. Exhale (Fig. 130). 2. Smooth

From the author's book

Exercise IV. Hatha Yoga Eye Exercise This is a classic, very effective approach to improving vision. It is very beneficial to do the exercises in a relaxed state of mind. Using this complex, you can carefully work out the muscles of the eye, moving the eye

From the author's book

Exercise 1 Starting position: sitting on a chair, feet shoulder-width apart, back straight. On the count of “one”, lift the stick up with both hands, and on the count of “two” lower it down. If you want to increase the load, then, raising your arms up, turn your torso to the side. Repeat 5–10

From the author's book

Exercise “Gypsy: main exercise” Circular movements of the shoulders back. Performed alternately with the right and left shoulders. Starting position: standing with a straight back and straightened shoulders. Take a short, noisy breath in through your nose at the exact moment your shoulder drops.

From the author's book

Third health exercise: “Goldfish” exercise But this is a real exercise. Therefore, let's start with its description, and then we will explain how it works and what it affects. The “Goldfish” exercise is performed as follows. Starting position: lie on your back with your face

From the author's book

Eye Exercise 1: Egyptian Black Point Technique (Eye Muscle Exercise) The Egyptian Black Point Technique is a series effective exercises, intended for a comprehensive solution to vision problems. First, draw in black on a white sheet

From the author's book

Eye Exercise 2: Egyptian Letter Focusing Technique (Exercise for eye muscles, which improves distance and near vision) Before school, children actively use their peripheral vision. However, having become schoolchildren, they get used to looking either forward - towards the teacher and the board,

Communicative training of teachers' competence

Sakhnyuk N.V. educational psychologist

MBOU Ilyinsky UVK

“Modern approaches to organizing the educational process in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard”

Target: activate a form of advanced training for teachers.

In a playful way, analyze the professional competence and general culture of teaching staff in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Equipment: poster “Weather Forecast”, colored stickers in the shape of clouds and suns (according to the number of participants), sheets of A-4 paper, felt-tip pens, Whatman paper for recording information; poster with rules, portable board, balloons, glue, ball of thread

Progress of the lesson:

Educational psychologist: Good afternoon, dear colleagues. Communication permeates our entire lives; it is a human need, like water and food. A person without communication cannot live among people, develop and create. The success of a teacher’s work, which involves constant contact with parents and children, depends on the ability to communicate. Therefore, communication has always been significant in a person’s life and his personal development. In pedagogical practice, communication is the most important factor in professional success.

Greetings"Let's say hello"

Target: withdrawal muscle tension among training participants, switching attention.

Exercise “Weather Forecast” Seminar participants write their expectations from the lesson on stickers in the shape of clouds (“Why are we considering this topic? What do you expect from today’s lesson?”), voice them and attach them to the “Weather Forecast” poster.

RulesTarget: creating a working and friendly atmosphere during work. - For effective work during the training, i.e. To achieve your goals, objectives and create a creative atmosphere, you must adhere to the rules of work. Our rules today are encrypted in proverbs. Try to decipher them.

    Live and learn. (Strive to learn new things).

    How can I speak when they won’t even let me open my mouth? (Don't interrupt)

    You need to know what to say and where to say it. (Stay on topic.)

    Don’t bother others, otherwise there will be people who will bother you too. (Don't criticize).

    Tell a friend - it will go around in circles. (Privacy Rule).

Exercise "Caterpillar"

Target: overcoming interpersonal barriers in communication and activity, developing social interaction skills.

The team stands one after another in a column, between each participant balloon is a caterpillar that cannot break. The caterpillar should show how it sleeps, moves, does exercises, washes itself, etc.

Exercise "FSES"

Target: identify the training participants’ understanding of the concept of “Federal State Educational Standard”

Federal State Educational Standard Federal State Educational Standard
Let's try to come up with new interpretations for the frightening abbreviation GEF. They can reflect the essence laid down initially and can be completely abstract and preferably funny.

Examples:F - fraction

G- citizens

ABOUT- burdened

WITH - glory,

F fundamental G Rani O dazzling With parts, F federation G ornyh O own With shooters, etc.

Announcement Since 2014/2015 school year schools in the Krasnoperekopsk district began work on the transition to teaching according to new federal educational standards. Our school creates conditions for the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard. the main objective The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard is to create conditions that make it possible to solve the strategic task of Russian education - improving the quality of education, achieving new educational results that meet the modern needs of the individual, society and the state.

The Federal State Educational Standard was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

What is the Federal State Educational Standard?Federal state standards are established in Russian Federation in accordance with the requirement of Article 7 of the “Law on Education” and represent “a set of requirements mandatory for the implementation of basic educational programs of preschool, primary, basic general education (EOP POO, NOO, LLC) by educational institutions that have state accreditation”What requirements does the new Federal State Educational Standard put forward? The standard puts forward three groups of requirements: T requirements forresults mastering the basic educational program general education; T requirements forstructure , including requirements for the ratio of parts of the main educational program and their volume, as well as for the ratio of the mandatory part of the main educational program and the part formed by participants in the educational process; T requirements forterms of implementation basic educational program of general education, including personnel, financial, logistical and other conditions. What approach underlies the Federal State Educational Standard? The Standard is based on a system-activity approach.

The introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards significantly strengthens the role and importance of the school’s psychological service, determining the dominant role of psychological knowledge in the content and organization of the educational environment of the school, which makes mandatory, specific and measurable the activity of a teacher-psychologist as a full-fledged participant in the educational process.

Exercise Sinkwine

For understanding and summarizing knowledge into a clear presentation, the technique of writing a syncwine works well. It is an unrhymed poem that requires a synthesis of information and material in concise terms. Let's think about what we know about federal state educational standards and try to create a syncwine on this topic. Let me briefly remind you of the rules.

1 line - topic,

Line 2 - 2 adjectives that, in your opinion, fit the topic of the noun,

Line 3 - 3 verbs on the topic,

Line 4 - a meaningful phrase on this topic, your attitude towards it,

Line 5 - summary of the topic (preferably 1 word or phrase), association possible.

Example: Federal State Educational Standard

State, innovative

Develop, prepare, accompany

Meta-subject and personal development

Social order

(my syncwine: Standard

New, unexplored

Study, understand, apply

Introduction of Standards is necessary



We live among other people. The opinion of another person adds something to our knowledge about ourselves. Sometimes our self-image coincides with the opinions of others, sometimes it doesn’t, and that’s normal. This exercise will help you look at yourself through the eyes of another.

Condition: be tactful and say only good things about your comrades. Everyone stands in a circle. The presenter throws the ball, looks at the person, addresses him by name and says what he likes about his character, behavior, appearance. Then the one who received it throws the ball, etc.

Look at these threads that just connected us. We usually don't see them, but they exist. Let warm threads always connect us in life, kind words and feelings. Now let’s untangle the cobwebs and remember what others told us.


Leading. Were your expectations met?

(Participants in the seminar write down their impressions of the lesson in the “suns”. The weather forecast changes: instead of clouds, suns appear, which indicate the effectiveness of the work, a favorable psychological climate and communication between all participants in the educational process).

Relaxation “I am the sun”

Leading . Unfortunately, our lesson has come to an end. So bring your sunshine to your homes and families! Give these rays to your children!

As a result, I would like to once again emphasize the priority of interaction between a psychologist and a teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. Teachers must participate in the support process together with a psychologist on the principles of cooperation, personal and professional responsibility. In solving the problems of a particular student or in determining the optimal conditions for his learning and development, all interested adults jointly develop a unified approach, a unified strategy for psychological and pedagogical support.

I wish you success in this!

"Formula for success"

U - confidence

S- aspiration


E- unity

X - good study

At the end of the training, teachers are offered reminders and booklets.

Tatyana Anatolyevna Vitkova
Corrective and developmental lesson to reduce anxiety and aggression “Caterpillar” in senior group compensating orientation

MBDOU No. 11 "Spring" Tikhoretsk

Vitkova Tatyana Anatolevna

Corrective and developmental lesson using person-oriented technology on anxiety reduction, aggression« Caterpillar»

V senior group for children of the compensatory group

Time: 30 minutes.

Tasks classes:

Relieving emotional and muscular voltage.

Reduced impulsivity, anxiety, aggression.

Improving communication skills and creativity.

Fostering interpersonal trust and group collaboration.

Development of cognitive processes.

Development of the sensory apparatus based on sensory standards.

Expansion of emotional experience.

Development of the ability to build associative analogies between images of reality and sound and artistic images.

Learning new drawing techniques and developing the ability to experiment.

Equipment: toy caterpillar; magnetic board, magnet, picture « Caterpillar» ; tape recorder, audio recording "The Magic of Nature" or "Sounds of nature"; fingerprint paints or gouache mixed with toothpaste, sheets of paper, napkins; balloons, soft modules, large soft toys.

Progress of the lesson:

Greetings. Exercise « Caterpillar»

Target: configure group to work together, create a positive emotional mood in group.

Children are sitting on the carpet.

Educational psychologist: Guys, let's say hello to caterpillar! She came to visit us, let's greet her and smile at each other.

Children: Hello, caterpillar! (Audio recording plays.)

Educational psychologist: Today you will try to turn into caterpillars. Remember how they crawl caterpillars...

Imagine that you are in a forest clearing, there is green grass and flowers all around... Show how they crawl caterpillars...Slow, twisting your way through the grass... The caterpillars saw each other, smiled and lay down to rest... Kar-kar-kar! The crows have arrived. The caterpillars froze, hid on the leaves, they were not visible... The crows walked and walked, but did not notice anyone and flew away. Caterpillars breathed a sigh of relief, stirred and crawled further... The sun is warming, they feel good (Turns off audio recording.)

And then the magic melody stopped sounding, and we are again in the room, we see each other, we are people, we feel good in this room.

Drawing. Target: Learn to express your feelings on paper, learn to overcome shyness, fear of what doesn’t work out.

There are paints, sheets of paper and napkins on the tables.

Educational psychologist: Now let’s sit down at the tables.

Attaches a picture to a magnetic board « Caterpillar» .

Educational psychologist: Let's look at it together caterpillar and let's try to describe it.

Children: Green, long. (A toy appears caterpillar.)

Caterpillar: I caterpillar, there are a lot of us in the world different types, but we are all painted in different colors. This feature helps us survive. Protective, bright coloring repels birds. And the green color helps us hide.

Educational psychologist: torso-5-6 cams (dark green and light green color); Head - cam (light green color); eyes, antennae, nose - finger (black color). G. Now try to draw it.

Children: drawing.

Educational psychologist: Very good. Well done, everyone coped with the task.

Caterpillar: I really like your drawings. Thank you!

Exercise « Caterpillar»

Target: Relieve emotional and muscular voltage.

Educational psychologist: Now leave the tables, caterpillar I have prepared an exercise for you. Shall we try to do it?

Children: Yes. (Children lie down on the carpet.)

Educational psychologist: You need to lie down on your stomach, touching your chin to the floor. Stretch your arms along your body, palms down. Press your hands, chest and chin into the floor, lift your straight legs up, and then swing them left and right. Now turn your head so that one cheek touches the floor, and try relax all the muscles of the body. (2-4 times)

A game "Big caterpillar»

Target: creating in every child a sense of belonging to group and consolidation of positive emotions from work at class.

Educational psychologist: Please line up in a column and place your hands on the shoulders of the person in front, and hold the balloon between the stomach and back of the other person. And we'll give the first one a ball, it needs to be held on outstretched arms, this will be our head caterpillars. Now imagine that you have turned into one big caterpillar, and you will move together so as not to drop the balls. The caterpillar will walk around the room, and will go around obstacles (chairs, soft modules, large soft toys) Fun music turns on the caterpillar starts to move.

Completion classes. Parting (reflection)

Educational psychologist: Let's remember what we did today?

Children: We played and drew.

Educational psychologist: Did you enjoy playing with caterpillar?

Children: Yes.

Educational psychologist: And you the caterpillar really liked it, she will be waiting for you at the next one class. - And I will wait for you.

Let's say goodbye to everyone.

The children say goodbye. They leave.

Publications on the topic:

Preschool educational institution No. 112 in Lipetsk Presented photographic material from the correctional and developmental classes of “Color Game Training”. They took part in it.

Corrective and developmental lesson Goal: development of cognitive processes Tasks: development of attention, memory, visual perception; improvement fine motor skills, visually.

Correctional and developmental lesson for the senior group “Smile” Abstract: the pedagogical event is aimed at nurturing goodwill and a sense of unity, consolidating the emotional vocabulary.

Correctional and developmental lesson on the development of coherent speech for children with mental retardation. In the older group. Topic: "Transport". Goals: Development of coherent speech. Objectives: Educational: - Formation of coherent dialogical speech. - Strengthen children's knowledge of vocabulary.

Correctional and developmental lesson using fairy tale therapy with children of senior group A “Fairytale Journey” Purpose: - to introduce.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Static exercise The caterpillar strengthens not only the abs, but also the core muscles, develops shoulder and hip joints, trains the spine, allowing you to cope with osteochondrosis. But most importantly, it removes belly fat with ease, which is why it is also used for weight loss.

The human body is made up of 700 muscles, large and small, and all of them must work, each in its own mode, as it is inherent in nature. IN Everyday life a person often overloads his muscles and they are in a spasmodic state due to overwork or, on the contrary, are inactive for a long time, which contributes to sedentary image life.

When muscles are overworked, they cannot perform their protective function and the load is redistributed to the joints and spine. This causes their rapid wear, pain, sometimes deformation and even injury.

The occurrence of back and joint pain is never accidental. An excellent assistant in eliminating pain are simple exercises. The Caterpillar exercise allows you to redistribute the load from one muscle to another, while giving the opportunity to relax muscles that are overworked. After all, this exercise is performed in an unusual position for a person.

How to do the exercise

From a standing position, bend over and place your palms on the floor. With your knees slightly bent, begin to perform walking movements with your arms, smoothly moving into the plank.

Read the article, Plank, an exercise that strengthens the muscles of the body.

Hold the Plank position for 30 seconds to create tension in the muscles of your back, legs and arms.

Start walking movements with your arms in the opposite direction to your legs, stand on your feet. This is one repetition, you can perform several such repetitions.

To complicate the exercise, while in the Plank stance, you can focus on one or the other hand, and press your free hand to the opposite shoulder. Maintain a stance for 10 to 30 seconds.

Option for children

In the first half of the exercise, the same as for adults is repeated. That is, you need to walk a few steps with your hands, then, without lifting your hands from the floor, take a few steps with your feet, approaching your hands.

Again, a few steps with your hands... An imitation of the movement of a caterpillar is created.
Exercise for feet. Designed for children special exercise for feet with the same name, which is recommended for flat feet.

And it is done this way: Sitting on the floor with bent knees, you need to bend your toes and pull your heel forward as much as possible (the foot is pressed to the floor). The middle of the foot should arch slightly, lifting off the floor. Straighten your fingers and repeat the imitation of the caterpillar movement again. The exercise is performed with both legs at once.

From the exercises of Dr. Bubnovsky

Dr. Bubnovsky develops his exercises in such a way that they can be freely performed at home, without the use of exercise equipment. And chairs, coffee tables, balls, sticks are used as exercise equipment... And exercises, provided they are correct execution, give the same healing effect.

The exercise is performed as follows: Lying on your back, it is better to sit on the floor, stretch your legs, place the heels of your feet on a low chair or coffee table. Place your hands on the floor along your body.

Raise your body, resting on your shoulder blades and heels, and begin moving towards the table on your shoulder blades. As you move, bend your knees.

Then repeat the movement in the opposite direction until your legs straighten. This video shows a recovery exercise on the board:

Periodic repetition different exercises, including the Caterpillar exercise, allow a person to get rid of the need to drink painkillers for pain in the muscles and spine, and make it possible to maintain mobility of their joints, but only on the condition that the origin of the pain is associated with the person’s low mobility.

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Be healthy, dear readers!

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