Mohammed Ali died: the wives and children of the legendary boxer. Mohammed Ali - biography, information, personal life

74 years ago he was born to a black woman, Odessa Clay. The boy was named Cassius in honor of his artist father. The father painted advertising signs, and the family lived quite well compared to other blacks. But racism flourished in America in the 50s: blacks were considered second-class citizens. Cassius's great-grandfather was Irish, but this did not play any role.

One day, a boy’s bicycle was stolen and he wanted to beat up the offender. And then, fortunately, he happened to make friends with a white policeman Joe Martin, who also worked as a boxing trainer. And within six weeks he wins his first fight. And in 1956, Cassius won the Golden Gloves tournament.

He always had problems with his studies. No one could force him to sit down to read his books. As a result, until the end of his life he couldn’t even really read.

In 1960 he was invited to the Olympics in Rome. Despite terrible aerophobia, Cassius flew to Europe (buying a personal parachute for himself!), confidently reached the finals and won gold. Even then, he had a signature style: he seemed to dance around his opponents on his toes, lowering his hands and skillfully dodging their blows.

In October 1960, he won the first fight at professional ring. Money appeared, and the family moved to Miami. At the same time, he became interested in Muslim values, took the name Mohammed Ali and became a member of the Nation of Islam.

Our hero really wanted to serve in the army. But they didn’t take him. Ali failed the “mental ability” test and was unable to answer the question of how many hours a person works from six in the morning to three in the afternoon, taking into account the hour for lunch.

Muhammad Ali several times became “Boxer of the Year,” “Boxer of the Decade,” and even “Boxer of the Century.” In the early 90s, he was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame to forever remain a legend of the sport.

In 1984, Muhammad Ali was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. He began to hear and speak poorly, all motor functions failed. An incurable illness was a consequence of an occupational sports activities: The champion often wins, but he himself has suffered heavy knockdowns more than once.

Mohammed was married four times. He separated from his first wife in his early youth because of her reluctance to become a Muslim. Second companion Belinda Boyd(after marriage - Khalila Ali) bore him four children. But Ali was not an exemplary husband, and his infidelities became the reason for another divorce.

His mistress Veronica Porsche She married him, becoming his third wife, in 1977. The marriage lasted nine years. After this, Muhammad married one of his many girlfriends Iolanthe Williams. They even adopted a child. By the way, in addition to the legitimate children listed above, Muhammad still had two more illegitimate daughters.

IN last years he often suffered from severe pneumonia. In early June, he was hospitalized again due to serious respiratory problems. The doctors, alas, were powerless.

The legendary boxer Mohammed Ali passed away exactly two years ago. He died on June 3, 2016, after a 32-year battle with Parkinson's disease. Read about the main fragments of the biography of the great athlete and person in our material.

How did you spend your early years?

How did you gain worldwide fame?

In the same 1960, the young boxer won the Amateur Athletic Union tournament and received an invitation to take part in qualifying tournament for the Olympic Games. Performance at this competition has become largely a formality. Having received the coveted ticket to the Olympics, Cassius went to Rome and confidently won the championship there. Golden medal Olympic Games became the first serious success in his career.

In 1964, Cassius Clay received his first championship title in a fight with Sonny Liston, defeating him TKO in the seventh round. That same year, Clay converted to Islam and changed his name to Muhammad Ali.

On May 25, 1965, a re-fight took place between Muhammad Ali and Sonny Liston, in which Ali again won.

In 1966-1967, the boxer defended his title against Brian London, Karl Mildenberger, Cleveland Williams, Ernie Terrell and Zora Folley.

In 1967, during the Vietnam War, Muhammad Ali was drafted into the US Army, but refused to fight in the war. His title was revoked, and the boxer himself was sentenced to five years for evading service. During this time, Ali was prohibited from boxing. In 1970, the US Supreme Court overturned the verdict, and the boxer returned to the ring.

In March 1971, Muhammad Ali entered the ring for the first time against Joe Frazier. This fight was subsequently named "fight of the year" by Ring magazine. In the 15th round, Ali was knocked down, and after the end of the fight the judges came to the conclusion that he lost the fight. This was Ali's first defeat in his career.

End of career

In 1974, the second fight took place between Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier. Ali won this fight, winning on points.

On October 30, 1974, a fight for the world title took place between George Foreman, current champion, and Muhammad Ali. Experts consider this fight “the greatest and unforgettable.” Ali won it, becoming the champion.

On October 1, 1975, Ali fought another fight, which also remained forever in the history of world boxing. It was a duel in which Muhammad Ali met Joe Frazier for the third time and defeated him again.

In 1978, Muhammad Ali decided to end his boxing career. Was chosen for the final battle Olympic champion 1976 Leon Spinks, to whom Ali lost. The fight received the status of "Fight of the Year" according to Ring magazine.

During his career, Muhammad Ali earned about 50 million dollars, which was simply an exorbitant amount in those days. However, the boxer managed his finances poorly. Due to the ensuing lack of money in 1980, Mohammed was forced to enter the ring again. That time his opponent was the current champion Larry Holmes, who confidently defeated the veteran. From that moment on, Mohammed never entered the ring again.

Personal life and the fight against illness

Mohammed had four wives in his life. The boxer met the first of them in his youth, but soon broke up due to her reluctance to convert to Islam. The marriage to his second wife Belinda Boyd (later Khalilah Ali) lasted longer and resulted in the birth of four children. Despite this, while married, Cassius Clay began to have an affair with model Veronica Porsche, who, as noted in many sources, was not his only mistress. One way or another, it was Veronica who became the reason for Mohammed’s separation from his ex-wife. They got married in 1977. Soon they had two children.

This union lasted for nine years. After divorcing Veronica Porsche, the legendary boxer married longtime girlfriend Iolanthe Williams. Soon they adopted a five-year-old boy together. In addition, Mohammed has two more illegitimate children from previous unions.

In 1990, Ali was elected to the National Boxing Hall of Fame. In 1996, he carried the torch at the Summer Olympics in Atlanta. For the last 32 years, he has been fighting not in the ring, but in life with Parkinson’s disease. Muhammad Ali passed away on June 3, 2016.

Muhammad Ali became a true boxing legend, and he achieved victories not only in the ring, but also on the personal front - Ali was always surrounded by female attention and even being married could not deny himself short-term romances, not in the best possible way influencing his personal life.

Muhammad Ali's first wife, waitress Sonji Roy, did not live with him very long - the boxer's mentors from the Nation of Islam were against this marriage, forcing him to break off relations with a woman who professed a different religion (Ali was a Muslim), and, moreover, worked as a simple waitress.

Their divorce process lasted about a year, and among the main reasons for the divorce, Muhammad Ali named his wife’s reluctance to dress like a real Muslim woman and her love for revealing outfits.

In the photo - Ali with his first wife

Muhammad Ali's second wife, Belinda Boyd, tried not to make the mistakes of the boxer's first wife - almost immediately after the wedding, she converted to Islam and even changed her name, becoming Khalila Ali. She gave birth to four children - three daughters, Mariyum, Jamila and Rashida, and a son, Muhammad Ali Jr.

However, the family idyll began to crumble after three years life together- Ali’s numerous fans, who followed him everywhere, haunted not only him, but also his wife, who was tired of enduring her husband’s endless infidelities.

In the photo - Muhammad Ali, his second wife Khalila and their children

One of the girls who was not against having an affair with the famous boxer was fashion model Veronica Porsche, who starred in a poster for one of Muhammad’s fights.

Their romance began in front of the boxer's wife, who at that moment was with him in the training camp, where Muhammad was preparing for a fight with George Foreman. Ali divorced Khalila after ten years of marriage, then he already had a one-year-old daughter from Veronica Hana, and after Porsche became the official wife of Muhammad Ali, she gave birth to another child - daughter Leila, in the future, like her father, who dedicated his life to boxing and even became absolute champion world in this sport.

In the photo - Ali with his third wife Victoria Porsche

The marriage to Veronica Porsch lasted almost nine years, and immediately after the divorce, Ali married for the fourth time - to Iolanta “Lonnie” Williams, whom he had known in his youth. Muhammad did not have any children together with Iolanta, but they adopted the boy Asaad Amin.

The number of children of the famous boxer is not limited only to those born in marriage - Ali also had two illegitimate daughters - Mia and Kalia. Thus, Muhammad had seven children, two of whom also devoted their lives to sports.

In the photo - with Iolanta Williams

Ali himself was not born into a large family - he had only brother Rudolf, two years younger than him. Their family belonged to the middle class, their father was a member of the US House of Representatives and the Senate from Kentucky, and their mother was a housewife.

Parents raised their sons, trying to instill in them best qualities- taught drawing, my father tried to instill a love of poetry. Muhammad came to boxing quite by accident, trying to achieve justice after his bicycle, which he had bought with his own earnings, was stolen. The policeman, whom Ali turned to in search of a fair punishment for the offenders, advised the boy to take up boxing in order to always be ready to defend himself. So, at the age of twelve it began sports biography future great boxer.

In the photo - Muhammad Ali with his daughter Leila

At the very beginning, no one could even imagine that in front of them was a future boxing star - the coaches did not see any potential in Ali, moreover, he was very cocky and constantly disrupted training. Only Fred Stoner, who taught Muhammad the first techniques, became interested in the boy and was not mistaken. In his first fight, broadcast on television as part of the “Future Champions” program, Ali won an unconditional victory over his peer and immediately shouted straight into the camera that he would become the greatest boxer, and dedicated his whole life to this - Ali never drank or smoked , didn't do drugs, became a fan healthy eating, trained endlessly, and his dream finally became a reality.

In youth fights, he won victory after victory; from the age of fifteen, Ali studied at the Central higher school Louisville, but due to poor academic performance, he was able to graduate only thanks to the personal support of the director, who hoped that the purposeful aspiring boxer would someday become famous and make the school famous throughout the world. Muhammad Ali, who received only a certificate of completion from school, did not even learn to read well, but he became what he dreamed of becoming since childhood.

Constantly getting worse. The family began organizing the funeral. Ali's daughters urgently fly to the hospital in Phoenix (Arizona), where the great boxer is hospitalized.

Muhammad Ali's family has begun funeral preparations after doctors warned the legendary boxer was just hours away from death.

Great boxer is on life support in a hospital in suburban Phoenix, Arizona. He was rushed to hospital after he was found "barely breathing" in his home on Thursday, June 2.

Ali is now surrounded by his family, who have rushed to be at his bedside as doctors say his condition is "rapidly deteriorating," Radar Online writes.

A source who spoke with Ali's wife relayed Lonnie's words (Iolanthe "Lonnie" Williams - Ali's fourth wife - website) regarding the condition of the great boxer: “It is extremely difficult. It is a matter of hours. It may be more than a couple of hours, but it will not be much more. Funeral arrangements are already being made.”

Muhammad Ali with wife Iolanta "Lonnie" Williams, October 2015

Ali was taken to hospital on Thursday "choking from a cough". His breathing problems are aggravated by Parkinson's disease, which he was diagnosed with in 1984. Ali's vitals are "horrible," sources said. "Ali is in a terrible condition and it is deteriorating rapidly. His breathing has become very weak, requiring tubes."

The boxer's third wife, Veronica Porsche, said on Friday evening that her two daughters with Ali, Leila and Hana, were already on their way to see their father. Presumably, the girls have already arrived at the hospital.

Mohammed Ali with daughters Leila (left) and Hana (right), autumn 2015

“My daughters both flew out there and I will hear from them what happens in the hospital,” Porsche told Radar Online. "I can't comment further, but I'll just say that he a real hero. It's a sad situation," she added.

Meanwhile, Leila Ali - who, as you know, became the absolute world boxing champion - posted a photo on her social media account showing her daughter Sydney in the arms of her great grandfather. According to Leila, this is her favorite photo.

Ali's second wife, Khalilah Ali (née Belinda Boyd), also said one of her daughters had gone to say goodbye to her father.

Let us remember that Ali has 7 daughters in total (including two illegitimate) and 2 sons.

Muhammad Ali with his daughters

A Radar Online source reports: "The family believes that even if he somehow survives this critical situation, he will remain in a vegetative state. He cannot stand due to stiffness in his legs. Before this incident, he sometimes seemed to freeze when standing, as his legs were “stuck” to the ground. Now he can’t even take a normal step.”

“The family has gathered around him and is preparing for the worst,” the insider points out.

Ali has been hospitalized several times in recent years.

In November 2011, he was brought to the clinic in very serious condition and was treated for dehydration.

More recently - at the end of 2014 - beginning of 2015 - he was treated for a severe urinary tract infection (pneumonia was initially suspected).

In January 2015, for the first time, Ali's family did not publish photos from his birthday (which he celebrates on January 17).

In March 2016, Ali's wife said his Parkinson's disease had become so severe that the legendary boxer spent his days watching old videos of past fights. Lonnie told The Times that Ali's favorite thing to do is relive his historic fights with Joe Frazier.

As you know, he has been struggling with Parkinson's disease for decades. It is caused by a huge number of blows to the head during fights in the ring.

Muhammad Ali over defeated Sonny Liston

The boxer has appeared extremely ill during public appearances over the past few years, including on April 9, 2016, when he wore glasses and was hunched over at the annual Celebrity Fight Night dinner in Phoenix during a fundraiser for Parkinson's disease.

His last public speaking before that was last October, when he appeared at the Muhammad Ali Center in his hometown of Louisville, Kentucky. Then he was joined by former opponents of George Foreman and Larry Holmes.

In Rome (Italy), Cassius Clay, under his own name, became the Olympic champion in the light heavyweight division. After that he turned professional.

In 1963, Cassius Clay defeated Doug Jones. The fight received the status of "fight of the year" according to Ring magazine.

In 1964, Cassius Clay received his first championship title in a fight with Sonny Liston, defeating him by technical knockout in the seventh round. That same year, Clay converted to Islam and changed his name to Muhammad Ali.

On May 25, 1965, a re-fight took place between Muhammad Ali and Sonny Liston, in which Ali again won.

In 1966-1967, the boxer defended his title against Brian London, Karl Mildenberger, Cleveland Williams, Ernie Terrell and Zora Folley.

In 1967, during the Vietnam War, Muhammad Ali was drafted into the US Army, but refused to fight in the war. His title was revoked, and the boxer himself was sentenced to five years for evading service. During this time, Ali was prohibited from boxing. In 1970, the US Supreme Court overturned the verdict, and the boxer returned to the ring.

In March 1971, Muhammad Ali entered the ring for the first time against Joe Frazier. This fight was subsequently named "fight of the year" by Ring magazine. In the 15th round, Ali was knocked down, and after the end of the fight the judges came to the conclusion that he lost the fight. This was Ali's first defeat in his career.

In 1974, the second fight took place between Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier. Ali won this fight, winning on points.

On October 30, 1974, a world title fight took place between George Foreman, the reigning champion, and challenger Muhammad Ali. Experts consider this fight to be “the greatest and unforgettable.” Ali won it, becoming the champion.

On October 1, 1975, Ali fought another fight, which also remained forever in the history of world boxing. It was a duel in which Muhammad Ali met Joe Frazier for the third time and defeated him again.

In 1976, Muhammad Ali successfully defended his titles against Jean-Pierre Koopman, Jimmy Young and Richard Dunne. In 1977 he defeated Alfredo Evangelista and Ernie Shavers.

In 1978, Muhammad Ali decided to end his boxing career. 1976 Olympic champion Leon Spinks was chosen for the final fight, to whom Ali lost. The fight received the status of "Fight of the Year" according to Ring magazine.

Ali challenged Leon Spinks to a rematch, which took place on September 15, 1978. This time Ali won by unanimous decision. After which he left boxing. Due to financial difficulties, he soon had to enter the ring again. But only to lose two fights - one in October 1980 against Larry Holmes and the second against Trevor Berbick in December 1981. After which Ali finally left boxing.

Soon the athlete was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.

In 1990, Ali was elected to the National Boxing Hall of Fame. In 1996, he carried the torch at the Summer Olympics in Atlanta.

Muhammad Ali - 1960 Olympic champion, absolute world heavyweight champion (1964-1966, 1974-1978), world champion in heavyweight according to WBC (1974-1978), WBA (1967, 1974-1978, 1978). Ring magazine recognized him as “Boxer of the Year” five times (1963, 1972, 1974, 1975, 1978) and, in addition, “Boxer of the Decade” (1970s). In 1999, Sports Illustrated and the BBC named Ali