Amazing facts about child athletes. The most interesting facts about athletes. Heaviest weight lifted in the bench press exercise

Emerging in its process.

Sport is a specific type of physical and intellectual activity performed for the purpose of competition, as well as targeted preparation for them through warm-up and training. Combined with rest, the desire for gradual improvement physical health, increasing the level of intelligence, obtaining moral satisfaction, striving for excellence, improving personal, group and absolute records, fame, improving one’s own physical capabilities and skills. Sport is intended to improve the physical and mental characteristics of a person.

From the time of Ancient Greece and to this day the history of the sport can be easily traced. Over time, the sport became more organized and regulated. New types and subtypes of sports appeared and were formed, the rules were clarified, the sport acquired traditions and supporters.

Sports in Russia

According to 2008 data, in Russia there were 2,687 stadiums with stands for 1,500 seats or more, 3,762 swimming pools, 123.2 thousand planar sports facilities. In 2008, the number of people working in sports sections and groups amounted to 22.6 million people, including 8.1 million women.

see also

This section contains Interesting Facts from the world of sports. We present to your attention world records, historical dates of important events, unusual cases of various winter and summer species sports


Most fast man in the world - Usain Bolt (Jamaica). Three-time Olympic champion at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Set the following world records. In the sprint at distances of 100 and 200 m and in the 4x100 m relay, running the 100 and 200 m sprint races in 9.69 s. and 19.30 s. accordingly, and in the relay race he helped his team set a record time of 37.10 s.

Russian football:

Played the most matches for the Russian national football team Victor Onopko. He played 109 games for our national team from 1992 to 2004

Scored the most goals in the Russian national football team Vladimir Beschastnykh (26 goals).

Scored the most goals from a penalty kick in a row in the Russian Football Championship Dmitry Kirichenko. His result is 21 goals. This series has been going on for 9 years since 2000.
* This record was recorded in September 2009.

The largest score in the history of the Russian football championship (Premier League) is 9: 3. St. Petersburg Zenit beat with this score Moscow Dynamo in 1999

Most a crushing victory V elite championship Russia won the capital's Lokomotiv. The railway workers defeated Uralan with a score of 9:0 in 2000.

World football:

Argentina national football player Martin Palermo in 1999, at the Latin American Cup, in a match against the Colombian national team, he missed 3 penalties in a row. In the end, Argentina lost with a score of 0:3.

Which country has won the most FIFA World Cups?
Answer - Brazil national team (5 times).

Which football club most often won the Champions League (including the Champions Cup)?
The answer is Real (Madrid) and he did it 9 times.

Where and in what year did the first FIFA World Cup take place?
Answer - In 1930 in Uruguay.

Which team won the first FIFA World Cup?
Answer - Uruguay national team

Russian Oleg Salenko At the 1994 FIFA World Cup he scored 5 goals in one match. In that match, the Russian team beat Cameroon with a score of 6:1. this moment this record has not been broken.

The fastest goal in the history of the European Football Championships was scored by a Russian Dmitry Kirichenko. This happened at Euro 2004 in a match against the Greek national team, in which our players won with a score of 2:1.

The first and only football player to date who has scored goals at the World Cup for different national teams is the Croatian Robert Prosinecki, currently coaching Red Star.
At the 90 World Cup he scored a goal for the Yugoslavia national team, and at the 98 World Cup for the Croatian national team.


Tallest basketball player in the world - Song Minmin (China), center, height - 236 cm, and weight - 152 kg.


Mexican American boxer Oscar De La Hoya became champion in six weight categories. No one has broken his record yet.

Who is the tallest professional boxer in the world? This record belongs to Gogya Mitu from Romania, his height was 223 cm.

The world's tallest professional boxing champion - Nikolay Valuev(Russia). His height is 213 cm. I would also note that Valuev is the first Russian world boxing champion heavyweight champion among professionals.

The very first boxer to win Mike Tyson - James Buster Douglas(USA). This happened in 1990 in the ring in Japan.

Which boxer held the longest championship belt heavyweight?
Answer - Joe Louis(USA). For 11 years in a row he held the title of world boxing champion, defending this title 25 times.

Wrestling and various martial arts:

Won the most freestyle wrestling world championships Alexander Medved(USSR) in 1962-64, 1966-72. (ten times).

Most consecutive world championships Greco-Roman wrestling weighing up to 130 kg. won Alexander Karelin(USSR) from 1988 to 1996 (nine times).

Interesting Facts, interesting information about athletes and other people - this is information about health, strength, endurance, agility. In ancient times and in modern times, there were amazing people whose skills are difficult to replicate and they continue to amaze with their achievements and inspire daily training. modern athletes. Unfortunately, in our time, many victories are based on doping and unsportsmanlike behavior. But there are still many athletes who achieve success through daily training, perseverance, training not only their muscles, but also strengthening their character.


Interesting facts about sports in ancient times. Sports and intelligence may seem incompatible concepts, but the ancient Greek scientists - Socrates, Hippocrates, Aristotle, Democritus, Demosthenes were famous athletes and participated in the Olympics, they had significant strength in addition to their intelligence. Pythagoras was a champion boxer, and fist fights ancient times were much more cruel than modern ones - they wrapped their hands in ox skin so as not to injure the hands, and such a fist could cause much more harm to the enemy than an unarmed hand. Plato competed in the discipline of pankration - a mixture of boxing and wrestling, such fights could be as brutal as fist fights.

The most successful Soviet freestyle wrestler is Alexander Medved, who became the world champion 10 times.

The maximum weight of the bar pressed from the chest in a prone position was 486 kilograms. The record was set by weightlifter Ryan Keneally; while performing the exercise, he was unable to fully straighten his arms, as required by the rules, but the result was still counted, having calculated that no one would be able to lift a barbell weighing almost half a ton anyway.

Russian Denis Zalozny is very resilient - in one hour he did 1333 lifts with a flip on the bar. This athlete holds another record achievement (it was not officially registered) - 210 squats with a barbell weighing 100 kilograms.

Children often make excellent athletes. A five-year-old boy, Ronak, did 1,482 push-ups in 40 minutes. The child achieved this result by doing push-ups every day from the age of 2.5 years.

Ancient athletes could earn much more than modern ones. The Roman athlete Gaius Appuleius Diocles (2nd century AD) took part in chariot racing competitions. If we recalculate his fees in modern money, then his earnings amounted to 15 million dollars.

The heaviest sumo wrestler is the world champion in this sport discipline, Emanuel Yabrauch. His height exceeds two meters, weight - over 400 kilograms.


The tallest basketball player in the world is the Chinese Song Minmin, he can be a record holder not only among athletes, but also among ordinary people - with a height of 2.36 meters, he has quite a heavy weight- 152 kilograms, which allows him to move freely and achieve noticeable athletic success.

1976 was an amazing year Soccer game, in which the Aston Villa team player scored four goals - two against Leicester City, two against his own. The game ended in a draw, with a score of 2:2, surprising and perhaps angering the fans.

In 1957, at a baseball game, athlete Richie Ashburn hit the ball so that it broke the face of a woman who was sitting in the stands. The match was interrupted, and the woman with a broken head was taken to the first aid station on a stretcher. Having bandaged her head, the fan returned to her seat and the same baseball player again hit the same woman with the ball.

Parachuting has its own records - in 1960, American military man Joseph Kittinger jumped from a stratospheric balloon, which rose to a height of more than 31 kilometers, reaching a speed of 1149 kilometers per hour. Before the parachute opened, the athlete flew for more than 13 minutes. During the jump, Kittinger passed out, his life was saved by a parachute, which automatically opened at an altitude of 5.5 kilometers. The jump was made in special equipment; the paratrooper looked a little like an astronaut.

Bicycle acrobatics are very dangerous to health. However, cyclists sometimes perform tricks so difficult that they are recorded as records. At the age of 24, cyclist Jed Mildon performed a triple backflip (triple backflip) on a bicycle at a BMX show. The athlete prepared the trick for three months.

The largest number of water skiers who simultaneously rode behind one boat - 145, the athletes rode in this composition for almost two kilometers along the coast of Tasmania, setting a record that was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records.

Highest tennis court is located in Dubai, in a five-star hotel at an altitude of about three hundred meters. It is not installed on the roof, but is attached to the side of the building and seems to float in the air. When no one is playing on the court, helicopters can land on it.


Interesting information about track and field athletes. Ethiopian Haile Gebreselissie won the 10-kilometer race. While running he presses left hand to the building - this is a consequence of the fact that as a child he ran ten kilometers every day on the way to school, clutching his textbooks.

Jamaican athlete Usain Bolt runs the fastest in the world. In 2009, he set two records - in the 100-meter race he covered the distance in 9.58 seconds, and in the 200-meter race he finished in 19.19 seconds.

The longest jump with a skateboard was made in 2004 by Danny Wayne at a Los Angeles skateboarding competition. Having driven off a high ramp, Danny reached a speed of 88 kilometers per hour, flying 24 meters during the subsequent jump. On next year the athlete turned his jump into a real show, flying over the Great Wall of China on his skateboard.

Racer and test driver Mauro Calo set a record for the longest drift (controlled drift) in a Mercedes car - he skidded 2308 meters, after which further movement was impossible due to damage to the tire.

The most dangerous looking BASE jumping is considered a sport - jumping with a parachute at low altitudes, during which the body can rotate uncontrollably, and the parachute may not open in time.

Motorsport is also a sport. Electric cars are very popular now. The fastest electric car was created by students from the American Brigham Young University (Whittingham, Vermont, USA). More than a hundred people worked on the project over seven years. Maximum speed exceeds 280 kilometers per hour, and at a slightly lower speed, 250 kilometers per hour, the car can drive for quite a long time. The car body is lightweight, made of carbon fiber, batteries are lithium phosphate. This is not just an experimental car, this is a real car racing class, at least among electric vehicles.

If you have any other interesting facts about athletes, share them in the comments.

Olympic competitions are watched with excitement not only by savvy fans, but also by people far from sports. If you are one of these people, you probably have a lot of questions about the mysterious behavior of athletes, their mysterious rituals and many other details of competitions that seem strange or outlandish to an untrained person. We invite you to lift the veil of sports secrets. What is this white powder that gymnasts smear on their hands? This is magnesia powder. It removes the slightest traces of moisture from the hands, which can lead to the apparatus falling off, and facilitates sliding, making it easier for gymnasts to spin on the uneven bars or horizontal bar. How is the distance over which an athlete has long jumped measured? He flops his whole body, so from what point does the countdown begin? It's simple: the landing point is considered to be the point of contact closest to the push bar. That is why jumpers try to stretch their arms and legs forward - so as not to accidentally scratch their limbs on the sand before the final landing, because in any case, only the first touch will be counted.
Do synchronized swimmers hear the music they perform to? Yes. For this purpose, special speakers are built into the underwater pool. French synchronized swimmer Margot Chretien claims: “The sound, of course, is not like in headphones, but everything is heard normally.”
Why do swimmers pat themselves on the back before starting? For many athletes, this clapping is a familiar ritual that reduces nervous tension. Some, however, argue that these clapping speeds up blood circulation, which is not superfluous before the start.
Why do some swimmers wear two rubber caps at once? The second cap presses the elastic band of the swimming goggles, making them fit tighter and not at risk of slipping. What kind of bruises are visible on Michael Phelps' body? What, the coach beats him? And not only Phelps, but also other American athletes. Only these are not bruises, but marks from medical cups - the same ones that our mothers and grandmothers used to treat colds in childhood. Now in sports world- a new fashion fad: cupping is believed to increase blood circulation and help relax muscles.
What is the water temperature in Olympic swimming pools? According to the standards of the International Olympic Committee, the water temperature in Olympic pools should be between 27 and 28 degrees Celsius.
Why are the Olympic field hockey fields blue? Field hockey fields are covered with artificial grass. The color blue was first used at the London Olympics in 2012 because the blue surface contrasts best with the yellow ball, which is convenient for spectators, judges and the athletes themselves. At the Beijing Games 2008 and earlier, athletes played on a green field with a white ball.
Why does the score go so strange in tennis - 15, 30, 40, game? Initially, the scoring system was associated with the position of the hands on the clock, which counted points in quarters - 15 minutes, 30, 45 and finally 60. However, later, in France in the 19th century, with the development of tennis, the number 45 was replaced by 40 - presumably to make it easier was to announce the score. Several attempts were made to change the number system to a simpler one - from 1 to 4 - but they were not successful.
Why American football never became an Olympic sport? American football is popular mainly in the USA. Therefore, the IOC decided what to include in Olympic program a sport that is interesting only to residents of one country does not make sense.
What is freestyle swimming? Exactly what the name says: the athlete is allowed to swim in any style, even doggy style. Restrictions apply only in the medley relay: here an athlete swimming freestyle is allowed to swim as he pleases, but not breaststroke, butterfly or backstroke. However, the vast majority of athletes consider one or another type of crawl to be freestyle.
What do the five Olympic rings symbolize? They symbolize the unity of the five continents, although none of them are a symbol of any specific continent. The colors of the rings - blue, red, yellow, green, black - were chosen as the most common colors found on the flags of countries around the world.
Where did the tradition of lighting the cup with the Olympic flame come from for the entire duration of the Games? This ancient greek tradition- however, many people know about this. Few people, however, are aware that ancient Greek olympic flame was not just a torch, but an altar on which sacrifices were made to the gods. Fortunately, this part of the tradition has not reached us.
What sports are included in modern pentathlon? Modern pentathlon is a sport that dates back to military training in the 19th century. In fact, it recreates the situations that an officer had to face when delivering a report to the commander through the enemy's ranks. It includes horse racing, shooting, fencing, swimming and running.
Why are all gymnasts so short? There are many explanations for this. One of them says that it is not natural data that is to blame for this, but the training regimen. At the ends of human bones there are cartilage pads, the so-called “growth plates”. If these pads are constantly subjected to excessive stress, they become thinner and bone growth slows down. Since gymnastics is at the level of sports highest achievements- this is a very traumatic thing for the musculoskeletal system; these very “growth plates” wear out very quickly, and growth practically stops. Why are two bronze medals awarded at judo competitions? This is the scheme of competitions in judo. According to it, athletes who lose in the quarterfinals meet each other in elimination bouts, and the winner of this “battle of four” receives a bronze medal. The same competitions are held between the losers in the semi-finals - in the bout between them the second bronze medalist is determined. The same system operates, by the way, in boxing and classical wrestling.
Can judo be used for self-defense? Yes. Judo - real martial arts, which originated in Japan in the 16th century and was modernized in the 19th century by the master Jigoro Kano. Olympic view It became a sport only in 1964.
How much does a gold medal weigh? At the 2016 Rio Games, gold medals weighed 500 grams. They consisted of 92.5% silver, 6.16% copper and only 1.34% gold, which was used only for coating. Thus, each Rio gold medalist received 6.7 grams of 24-karat gold. And how much does an Olympic gold medal cost? Somewhere between $560 and $590. But this is the official price; on the collectibles market the price is many times higher. Thus, the gold medal won by black athlete Jesse Owens in 1936 at the Berlin Olympics was auctioned in 2013 for $1.5 million.
Do Olympic winners receive extra cash? Depends on what country they represent. Brazilian athletes pay, in terms of calculation, about 30 thousand US dollars for “gold”, 15 thousand for “silver” and slightly less than 10 thousand for “bronze”. In Argentina, each medal costs about 20 thousand dollars, in Russia - about 60 thousand. But in Italy, bonuses for an athlete can reach 185 thousand dollars. But in the United States itself, only gold medalists are awarded, giving each a relatively modest amount of $25 thousand.

Interesting information about athletes, film stars, podium races and other media celebrities attracts a wide range of readers. Moreover, if the facts about achievements are well known to most sports fans, then in the life of any athlete quite interesting events can occur that are unknown to many readers. A striking example is the childhood and adolescence of the famous African-American boxer Mike Tyson before the period when he gained worldwide fame.

The father of the future boxer abandoned his family, in which two more children were growing up who were older than Mike. His mother was forced to rent an apartment that had no hot or cold water or central heating. When buying food, she saved every cent. That is why, as a child, Tyson had a puny physique, and later was forced to wear glasses. His peers subjected the boy to ridicule and bullying, to which he could neither respond nor give a worthy rebuff. At the same time, the older brother bullied Mike no less than other children and teenagers.

The incident with pigeons, which Mike was breeding, helped to completely reverse the slave psychology. One day, a guy older than him approached the dovecote, grabbed one of the birds and tore off its head. The berserker in Mike Tyson has awakened. The boy grabbed the larger offender by the chest, threw him to the ground and beat him until he lost consciousness. After this, a turning point occurred in Tyson’s psyche, and he began to feel like a “revenge machine,” reacting sharply, sometimes inadequately, to the slightest insult from much stronger opponents. Following the beaten path for African Americans, the teenager soon found himself in a juvenile correctional facility.

Despite the prevailing opinion that the colony does not correct people, but only exacerbates their criminal tendencies, it was in prison that Mike Tyson took his first steps in the field of his boxing career. This was greatly facilitated by one of the colony’s educators, former professional boxer Bob Stewart. After serving his sentence, Tyson continued training with Cus D'Amato, who by that time had prepared a lot famous boxers, including Olympic champion 1952 Floyd Patterson. Further sports career Mike Tyson after he won professional boxer Trevor Berbick in 1986 is well known, as are the scandalous facts from Everyday life athlete.

Stanisława Walasiewicz - American runner of Polish origin, set a world record in the 100-meter dash at the X Summer Olympic Games in Los Angeles. In 1980, after the tragic death of Stanislava, during an autopsy it was discovered that she was a hermaphrodite, having male and female genitalia in an underdeveloped state. The gender scandal was further developed by a genetic study of the runner, which showed that she had a female and a male set of chromosomes. However, no action was taken by the Olympic Committee and the Association of Athletics Federations, and the runner retained all her titles and world records as a female athlete.

It is generally accepted that the highest basketball players are the leaders of the European (Alexander Sizonenko) and Negro (Manute Bol) races. However, the top five tall athletes Also included is the representative of Chinese basketball, Sūn Míngmíng, whose height is 236 cm. He is also known for wearing the smallest size twenty sneakers of all basketball players.

Northern Irish footballer Chris Nicholl became famous for the fact that in a 1976 match between English clubs Aston Villa and Leicester City drew the game with a score of 2:2, scoring two goals in their own goal and two in the opponent's goal.

The “wide-profile” athlete Elbrus Nigmatullin is the most strong man in Russia. He received his title at the wrong time sports competitions, and during entertainment events, in 2006, he pulled the motor ship “Ivan Kalita” 10 meters against the flow of the Moscow River. The weight of the vessel was 186 tons.

Many American athletes have given up pharmaceutical doping, using physical therapy instead. They are deeply convinced that conventional medical cupping intensifies blood circulation in the body, reducing fatigue and increasing endurance. It is for this reason that many American athletes have visible bruises on their bodies. Initially, traces of cans on the body of American swimmer Michael Phelps II were taken for signs of beatings, which his coach awarded him for not being diligent in preparing for the competition.

Emanuel Lasker held the title of world chess champion for the longest time. The palm of the championship (with short breaks) remained with the German grandmaster for 27 years.

Fraud during sports competitions using technical means did not appear in recent decades, when Russian chess player Vladimir Kramnik was accused of using a smartphone to suggest the optimal move. At the 1914 Olympics, held in St. Louis, during the race marathon distance American runner Fred Lortz, having overtaken all his rivals, after 14 kilometers of running, got into a waiting car, from which he got out two kilometers before the finish. Having won, the athlete received gold medal, which was canceled after one of the fans witnessed the fact of the transplant.

At the 1936 Berlin Olympics, two Japanese jumpers Shuhei Nishida and Sueo Oe achieved the same jump height of 4.25 meters. The jury, without hesitation, tossed a coin and awarded Nishida second place and a silver medal, naming Sueo Oe the bronze medalist. However, the Japanese were not offended, and upon arriving home, they sawed off their medals and exchanged halves.

Interesting information about athletes can be cited endlessly, but this article contains little-known, curious and paradoxical facts from their sports career.