Murder of Spartak general director Larisa Nechaeva. The editors have unique documents about financial fraud in Spartak Larisa Nechaeva Spartak biography

Grigory Vasilievich ESAULENKO

Vice President of FC Spartak.

Graduated from the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​named after Maurice Thorez and the Moscow Regional Institute of Physical Education. Fluent in German and English languages. Since 1987 he has been engaged in commercial activities. In Spartak - since 1989. Since 1992 - vice-president of the club.

- When did you decide to run for president?

Last Thursday after a meeting attended by representatives of top division clubs and the leadership of the RFU, where the issue of implementing television and commercial rights was discussed. The topic of future elections for the post of head of the PFL was also touched upon. As is known, in next year The Russian championship will be held not by the League, but by the RFU. However, the majority of club representatives were in favor of keeping the League. We must pay tribute to the current president Tolstoy. During the seven and a half years of his leadership, the PFL has done a lot of useful things for our football. And this was noted at the meeting.

- When did you apply?

- How do you assess your chances?

There are always chances. I have been working in football for a long time and am familiar with almost all club representatives. Many people know me too.

It is known that two candidates from Spartak are running for the post of president of the PFL - you and the general director of the club, Yuri Zavarzin. Let's imagine an abstract situation where you both get an equal number of votes. What then?

- If you are elected, what do you intend to do?

I would like all issues to be discussed at the PFL council, and for the clubs themselves to be more actively involved in decision-making. First of all, we need to re-work the PFL charter and make changes to the competition regulations.

- Which ones exactly?

We need to resolve the issue with duplicate squads. According to the majority of top division clubs, it is necessary to return to a separate championship among reserve teams - the tournament that existed in Soviet times. In addition, it is necessary to change the existing system of punishments when players miss matches after 4, 6, 8, etc. cards. It turns out that during the season, players too often do not play due to suspension. In my opinion, it is more expedient to fine players not after two matches, but after four.

- But there are also isolated cases, such as with Vladikavkaz resident Kutarba, who spat at the judge.

Such things need to be sorted out separately. By the way, Kutarba was treated leniently, giving him 10 games and a conditional disqualification. If my memory serves me correctly, he repeatedly committed openly hooligan offenses, for which he deserves a more severe punishment.


Former vice-president of Spartak Grigory Esaulenko told how in the 90s he walked without security, explained why he could not give Ferguson a bribe of 40 thousand pounds, and remembered how Nikolai Starostin took his hand and uttered prophetic words. All this was heard by Alexey Shevchenko and Alexander Lyutikov.

- You haven’t had any big interviews. Strange for a person involved in Spartak.

– Well, as a “participant” - we won eight Russian championships, three Cups, three European semi-finals. This was all with my participation.

- Didn’t you give an interview or weren’t you approached?

– At that time they turned more to Oleg Ivanovich. The press wasn't that interested in me.

- Where did you work after Spartak?

– “Sportmedia” is a Swiss company that sells rights to television broadcasts. Builds relationships between television and clubs. In 2009, I received an offer to become the sports director of Terek.

“We won eight Russian championships, three Cups, three European semi-finals”

- Now you sports director"Khimki". For you, is this a step back after the rich Terek?

– Now you can’t tell where is a step forward and where is a step back. This is my job. I came to Terek as: I had Grozny in Spartak as an assistant to Oleg Ivanovich. We got along with him a good relationship. He called me to Terek: “Can you help me?” I, of course, agreed. There is Vice President Alkhanov, the Minister of Sports of the Republic. A very wonderful person. It happens that people think alike! That's how it was with us. We look at the football player. I say: “Wow, look what it is!” And at that very second he: “Wow, look what it is!”

- What is your main success in the Terek selection?

– I think we successfully captured the Bulgarian.

- Is it good for Georgiev?

- Yes. Mauricio was also acquired from Fluminense. Not for very big money.

- Why did you leave there?

– We started the season with Anatoly Baidachny – by the way, I recommended appointing him. But in June, family circumstances arose that did not allow me to continue working.

- Did you walk around without weapons in Grozny?

– Always without weapons! There's no need there. Everything is completely calm. When you are not an aggressive person, you have nothing to fear. We went to a cafe, sat there until eleven-thirty in the evening, and returned to the hotel without incident. The hotel, the stadium - everything is guarded. If the match is on Saturday, we arrive on Thursday. The President of the Republic always wanted the team to come to Grozny early before matches so that they could communicate with both the management and the fans. “Terek” is the child of the republic.

- You worked in Russian football, when you did some shooting.

– When you behave decently with your partners, no one will shoot. I worked at Spartak - I had no security. And Romantsev too. Now look at people - they have five or six bodyguards.

- Have they written a lot of lies about you in the newspapers?

- So many. I just know not to mess with the press.

- Well, what exactly?

- Yes, everything that was written about Spartak, about Romantsev, about how bad it was for us. Nobody remembers how the national team played under Romantsev. How we won championships. And then – who played three European semi-finals? Yes, Gazzaev won the UEFA Cup. But this is a different time, different money. We did not have the same financial opportunities as CSKA or Lokomotiv now have. Our budget was tiny - $8 million. With these 8 million we played in the Champions League. For some reason no one writes about this. If I had the same financial capabilities as the leading teams now, we wouldn’t let go of first place at all.

- But in those days you were still the richest in Russia.

- No. Lokomotiv had much better, Dynamo, CSKA, Rotor had money. And everyone shouted: “Oh, Spartak is the people’s team, how good everything is there.”

“The only one who helped us was Rim Sultanovich Suleymanov, director of Urengoygazprom. All! Nobody gave us any more money."

- How was it really?

– But in fact, the only one who helped us was Rim Sultanovich Suleymanov, director of Urengoygazprom. All! Nobody gave us any more money. Nobody helped. We made our own money. Naturally, one person had to be sold to Europe per year. Romantsev prepared a person for this in advance. We sold a lot to Spain and Germany. There was a time when Spanish teams were very interested in Spartak players.

- Now there seem to be no problems with sponsors.

- But it doesn’t matter. We have so many rich people who - you read the press - spend money on unknown things. Although, it would seem, there is a team here - invest money in it, have fun. And they will buy it in Italy, or somewhere else. Get yourself a toy here.

- For what? Everything is opaque, you don’t understand where the money goes.

– Yes, if you think about it, then everything is simple: players’ salaries, staff salaries, transfer budget. Another thing is that now football has been corrupted. Players' salaries are unclear. This one has a million, this one has two million. Hair stands on end. And in our time, leaders received 5-10 thousand dollars. These are players of the class of Tsymbalar, Onopko, Nikiforov. The largest bonus is 3 thousand. Plus there were bonuses from the Champions League - I told the players: “Here is your money. Play, earn money." We played on equal terms with Real, with Bayern, with Inter. The only thing was that the refereeing got in the way.

- What's the point in interfering?

– In our country, television was not developed at the proper level. Therefore, we were not needed there, we pulled in those who could bring more income from broadcasts.

- Why did you leave Spartak in 2000?

“There were people who wanted to sponsor the club. Naturally, they wanted to come with their headquarters. Chervichenko appeared, Shikunov appeared. So I left. There was no resentment. And it was painful. We had a very warm relationship with Nikolai Petrovich Starostin. Two or three days before his death, Romantsev and I arrived at his home. Starostin took me by the hand and said: “Just don’t give up Spartak.” Don't leave Spartak. Because if you leave, Spartak will die.” And what happened later with Spartak after my departure, after Romantsev’s departure... That’s how great Nikolai Petrovich was, a brilliant man: he foresaw all this.

- Today's salaries seem to surprise you.

– Why pay a player two million now? They say: “They don’t want to come to us, we can only lure you with money.” Well, why have them then? It’s the same thing when I hear about salaries of 15-20 thousand a month in the first league. I don't understand why this is being done. Well, give them this money as a bonus, let them earn money.

“We have never paid a lift, I don’t know what it is. Why give them?”

- What is the strangest demand of a football player that you have encountered?

– At one time, I took the left back Shchegolev from Fakel. This was the only person who came and said: “Will you give me lifting tickets?” I tell Shchegolev: “Listen, we are providing you with a three-room apartment in Moscow, we are buying it for you. Here is your salary, here are your bonuses. Just play." And he: “No, how can that be, where are the lifts?” And he was so unfortunate that Oleg Ivanovich came in just at that moment. “Well,” he smiles, “Sash, how are you?” - “Well, we can’t agree on lifting fees with Grigory Vasilyevich.” Romantsev immediately has a grimace on his face. “Take,” he says, “your purse and close the door on the other side.” And then he says to me: “What kind of lifts can we talk about for people who come to us? If they don’t want to play with us, they go for lifting money.” We have never paid a lift, I don’t know what it is. Why give them? Let them go into the workshop where people melt steel, and there they will think about lifting.

Have you ever encountered the fact that certain groups of people have the rights to a football player you are interested in?

- They wrote that you negotiated with the bandits in order to get Nigmatullin,

- Yes, this is pure stupidity. Where do they get what from, well. There was Chetverik, the coach and president of KamAZ. We talked with him, with Nigmatullin. There were no bandits. Not only in the case of Nigmatullin - in general. We paid pennies to Odessa for Tsymbalar and Nikiforov: their contracts were running out. Vitya Onopko came to us almost free of charge from Shakhtar. Khlestov is our student. I picked up Pyatnitsky and Kechinov from Pakhtakor. I met with the Prime Minister of Uzbekistan, discussed it, we transferred money to them and took the guys. There were no problems anywhere

- Did you argue with Romantsev over candidates?

– For 11 years – not a single case. If he told me that he was interested in a certain player, I took that player. Kanishchev, for example, was taken from Alania. Although Benfica invited him at that time.

- Who couldn’t be grabbed?

- But there were no such people. Well, they thought about inviting Rolan Gusev, but he left for Dynamo. Oleg Ivanovich also wanted to take Kobelev.

“What did Chervichenko play before, did anyone ask him? Play chess? Checkers?"

- Which player were you mistaken about then?

- Not in anyone.

- There cannot be one hundred percent selection.

– We had one hundred percent selection. Look, we went through the season with 13 people. Romantsev’s genius is that he didn’t tamper with the lineup.

How did the brilliant Romantsev turn into a coach whose Spartak was crushed in the Champions League and moved from first place in Russia?

– We need to look at who they took into the squad. No one can make any claims against Oleg Ivanovich at all. He always made the most of it.

- But it wasn’t Chervichenko who said that Granovsky was running over Roberto Carlos.

– What did Chervichenko play before, did anyone ask him? Play chess? Checkers?

- No, you did not understand. The fact of the matter is that it was Romantsev who spoke, not Chervichenko.

– I don’t know, I can’t say. Perhaps I was mistaken. I'll tell you a story. I once looked for a right-back from Partizan for Spartak - his name is Dulyai. I told Romantsev about this: “He’s a gorgeous guy.” - "Let's watch". And Partizan and I played qualifying for the Champions League. We beat them - 3:1. But Romantsev liked Dulyai: “Let’s try to take it.” After some time, Dulyai and I were sitting in a restaurant, I told him about Spartak’s interest. And he refused.

- Why?

“I,” he says, “will not go to Spartak. You play like a computer. I will never be able to play like that." I told him: “They will teach you, don’t worry.” But the transfer price for him was too high. A few years later he was hired by Shakhtar.

- So much has been written about you on

- A disaster, yes.

- Why are there such fascinating stories about you?

- Yes, unconfirmed stories.

- Well, Alex Ferguson wrote about you in a book.

“I don’t even understand why Alex wrote all this.”

- But it was?

- Did not have.

- Nobody gave anything to anyone. Well, how could you even think about giving any bribes at the level of the Manchester United coach? And then - for what? Kanchelskis played superbly.

-You didn’t call Ferguson after that?

– We met in Monaco. And somehow they didn’t even touch on this topic. We had a simple lunch.

- They could have told him: “Why are you writing this, Alex?”

- And, you know, I somehow feel about all this... As they say, the dog barks, but the caravan moves on.

“Well, how could you even think about giving any bribes at the level of the Manchester United coach?”

- You say Ferguson is making it up. Who to believe now?

– Let’s finish about Ferguson and remember something else.

- How did you find Robson?

– There is some company that, in my opinion, is not involved in sports matters. But the people there are Spartak fans. We met and started talking. “Come on,” he says, “I’ll bring you a Brazilian.” - “Well, bring it.” He brought it, Romantsev looked at it, and liked the Brazilian.

- And you?

- And I liked it. Firstly, Robson was very fast. Plus Brazilian technology. Secondly, in terms of human qualities he is good. Now you read in the press: there is a problem with the Brazilian, there. And Robson was a balanced, cultured Brazilian. They rented him a three-room apartment in Sokolniki. He was never late and played perfectly. The only foreign player who was with me at Spartak.

- Why, by the way, is it the only one?

– Not every foreign player could yet fit into Spartak football. Now no one has such a game. People were fascinated! Who will now collect 82 thousand in the fall - in the snow and rain?

When Yegor Titov was asked why he did not go abroad, he answered: “Ask Esaulenko.” We ask.

- In ninety... What year did we play Leeds? This is ninety-six, I think.

- Ninety ninth.

– We had the match moved to Bulgaria, we won 2:1. Then Shirko went head-to-head four more times. At that moment, Leeds made a real offer for Titov - 20 million pounds.

“Romantsev could be tough, but he didn’t insult”

- Why didn’t you sell it?

– There was no candidate for a replacement. When I told Oleg Ivanovich about this, he replied: “Who will we play? There is no replacement for Titov yet. We’ll find it and then we’ll talk about this topic.” That's all. This was the only proposal regarding Titov.

- “Bavaria” and 22 million dollars – no?

“Nobody offered anything else.” This is all fiction. The case with Titov is the only time Romantsev kept a player from transferring. At that time we could not give best players what they can earn in Europe. So they let us go calmly.

- Have you ever detained anyone?

- Not once. Romantsev had this theory: “If a football player doesn’t want to play for me, I won’t work with him.”

- Is Romantsev a despot?

“He could be tough, but he didn’t insult.” I haven’t heard a single rude word from him addressed to a player – in 11 years! The only case was that we played with Krylia Sovetov, where Tarkhanov was the coach. First half – 0:0. Romantsev entered the locker room: “You are crawling across this field like well-fed lice.” In the second half, the Wings scored five.

- What did you say after the match?

– And Romantsev didn’t even watch the game. About ten minutes before the end I left. Pyatnitsky came running: “Ivanovich called us lice! Where is he, where is he? “Andryush,” I say, “he left. You’ll ask tomorrow.”

- Funny.

- Another story about tomorrow. There was a moment - Rotor lost 0:1. Mamedov sat crying in the locker room. And Ledyakhov, who once played in Volgograd, and a number of other people stood combing their hair: “Oh, let’s go partying around Volgograd now.” The next day we flew to Moscow and Doctor Vasilkov asked: “Oleg Ivanovich, what time tomorrow?” - “Not tomorrow, but now. We go to the base and prepare for the next game. And I’ll ask someone differently.”

- What would you like to achieve with Khimki?

– I would like to get into the big leagues. Money doesn't play football. But now they have stalled this moment. We're looking for reasons. We have, if you look at it, a playing company... Danishevsky is in the attack. It has a number of advantages that must be used, and a number of disadvantages that must be eradicated. This needs to be done. It may be necessary to build combinations for it. It must be used in combination with the third player - then he will come out one on one twenty times during the match. Because such a speed as his, and in major league You won't see many of them. In general, we will try to get out. There is no panic yet.

“We saw Fedun at meetings when I was working at Terek, but I can’t say whether he knows me.”

- You don't buy anyone.

- Yes, in Khimki we don’t yet have the opportunity to even buy someone simply. If we hire anyone, it’s free.

- Well, who would you buy?

– Last year I brought a right-hander, Arsi, from the Bolivian national team to Terek. Baydachny was delighted with him. We rented it for 120 thousand euros for a year - with the right to buy! Now there is a colossal crisis in Latin America - in Uruguay, Peru, and Chile. People there have no money at all; you can take great football players.

- Where is Arcee in the end?

- I went home. Terek did not buy him back.

- Do you now have a VIP pass to Spartak matches?

- Of course I have. There are no problems with this. I am in touch with both Popov and Karpin. We saw Fedun at meetings when I was working at Terek, but I can’t say whether he knows me. I know him, of course.

* Alexey Shevchenko – correspondent for “Sport. Day after day". Alexander Lyutikov is a correspondent for PROsport.

    The small dacha of Larisa Nechaeva near Petushki is the site of a massacre

    Just over 10 years ago, on June 15, 1997, a crime occurred throughout Russia, which became one of the most notorious in history. domestic sports. Larisa Nechaeva, the general director of the legendary Spartak, was killed at her dacha, and, judging by all the signs, the massacre was clearly ordered in nature. The investigation began with extraordinary activity, and within a few days the perpetrators were identified: two drug addicts - Alexey Zdor and Vladimir Tenoshvili. However, they managed to hide from detectives in rebellious Chechnya, and the case immediately stalled. Attempts to identify those who ordered the murder were unsuccessful, and out of harm’s way they decided to classify the investigation. A year and a half ago, “Our Version” spoke in detail about the materials of the Nechaeva case, which came into the possession of the newspaper’s journalists. Today, immediately after the 10th anniversary of the tragedy, we decided to find out what has been happening to him lately. To do this, our correspondent talked with the relatives of Larisa Nechaeva and with representatives of the prosecutor's office of the Vladimir region, which is conducting the investigation.

    “About a year and a half after the tragedy, at the end of 1998, they called me from Petrovka and offered... to pay for a possible operation to capture the perpetrators of the murder - this is how our interlocutor Andrei Lukin, the eldest son of the murdered woman, unexpectedly began his story. - They allegedly turned out to be in the hands of the Chechens, who could hand over the criminals for a certain bribe. That is, a ransom was required. Our family members, of course, simply did not have such an amount. After refusing to pay, the “benefactors” no longer appeared... Someone might condemn us for the fact that we decided to leave this case as it is. But if the investigation didn’t go right away, what can you do? And we have no connections in law enforcement agencies... True, there is still a faint hope: maybe someone “at the top” will give finally an impulse to investigate the murder of my mother? She looks very similar to the wife of our president, and her beliefs were the same as those of Vladimir Vladimirovich, who actively advocates for the development of physical education and sports in our country. Mom once ran for deputy in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, and at meetings with voters she spoke about sports grounds at her place of residence, the construction of large arenas, and so on..."

    In general, according to relatives, Larisa Gennadievna was a powerful, moderately proud, purposeful woman. And she did not accept the frequent advice to “go aside” and “keep your head down.” In addition, according to those around her, Nechaeva clearly had a taste for being a successful businesswoman, and was not going to quit her business even because of regular threats. According to her son, she almost didn’t let her loved ones know about her affairs so that they could sleep peacefully. However, in her terse phrases it was clear that she had gotten involved in a very difficult and unpleasant enterprise.

    “This was in all her stories about Spartak,” recalls Andrei. “In particular, it was very difficult for her to communicate with the then vice-president of the club, Grigory Esaulenko. There was even a certain premonition of trouble - since March 1996, when the situation in Spartak “It became especially tense. I felt this when my mother and my uncle Gennady Sorokin (he was seriously wounded on June 15, 1997 and miraculously survived. - Ed.) began talking about professional bodyguards: they say, it’s time to get them, out of harm’s way. But somehow everything was delayed - my mother, I saw, simply did not believe in such a close outcome..."

    At the same time, according to Andrei Lukin, his mother always had a good relationship with the famous coach of the “red-whites” Oleg Romantsev, because it was he who invited her to work at the club. But at that moment in Spartak he already decided little, other people did it for him... At the same time, Nechaeva was a kind of think tank, she worked on all the operations of the club. Romantsev, who was nominally its president at that time, only signed the prepared documents.

    "Romantsev was an icon for me in his time, the best coach Russia, says Andrey Lukin. - When I first found out that my mother was communicating with Oleg Ivanovich, I was in a state close to shock. But admiration gradually gave way to disappointment. Thanks to my mother, I became familiar with the inner life of the team and would characterize the atmosphere in it as follows: total hypocrisy... Well, after my mother passed away, Oleg Ivanovich never even called us.

    True, he paid for my studies at the Law Academy for three years in advance, for which I am very grateful to him. He and I agreed on this during my mother’s funeral - this was my last opportunity to communicate with Romantsev.”

    According to Andrei himself and his loved ones, the severity of the loss of a loved one has somewhat dulled over the past 10 years. He never wanted to artificially cultivate a feeling of revenge in himself. And by and large, he does not believe in the miraculous capture of the killers who fired several bullets at his mother and uncle - too much time has been lost.

    “The name and surname of the alleged customer were announced by both the investigator and my uncle.

    It’s no secret,” says Andrey. - During my mother’s life, Grigory Esaulenko always avoided communicating with me. I did not attach any importance to this: I believed that people like Esaulenko, who own substantial capital, as a rule, are simply somewhat withdrawn. But later I began to evaluate the processes taking place in the team differently. Now many things seem ominous..."

    Andrei, of course, maintains relations with his uncle, Gennady Sorokin.

    Having received several severe gunshot wounds, he survived, but became disabled and after some time left the capital - went to his homeland, Alushta. “My uncle simply buried this story within himself: he was a closed person before, and even more so now,” our interlocutor explains. “By the way, he did not leave for security reasons. Gennady Gennadievich is a man without an education, he can only drive a car.” manage, that's why mom made it personal driver. He decided to live in a city with good ecology, calmly, without much hassle... But my relationship with my younger brother Maxim did not work out: he was always a spoiled child, he was not taught to respect his elders. Max showed interest in the process of dividing the property, and, having received his share of the inheritance, he completely lost interest in us. By the way, we sold the dacha where the tragedy occurred, and now we meet with my brother only at the cemetery to remember my mother.

    By the way, no one from Spartak came to the 10th anniversary of her death. My brother and I sat for a while and went in different directions..."
    The traces of the killers have disappeared in the south of Russia

    The prosecutor of the Petushinsky district of the Vladimir region, where the tragedy occurred, Oleg Makarov, with whom the Our Version correspondent spoke, believes that the criminals most likely remained “forever” on the territory of one of the “hot” southern republics of Russia. “They could have died under circumstances unrelated to what they did 10 years ago in the village of Taratino,” says Oleg Vladimirovich. At the same time, he admitted that he had not removed this criminal case from the shelf for a long time; his secretary had difficulty unearthing the folder, dusty from time to time. “The case was suspended in November of the same year, 1997,” said the prosecutor. - But operational search activities are still being carried out. I can’t divulge which ones exactly - it’s a state secret. However, there is no objectively real prospect of resuming the case: everything that is possible has already been investigated. Yes, the customer, I think, is somehow connected with the professional activities of Larisa Nechaeva. But, alas, we do not have evidence incriminating him. In our practice, we usually reach the customer through performers. We've been looking for them for 10 years now..."

    Ten years ago, on the evening of June 14, 1997, Larisa Nechaeva, her friend Zoya Rudzate, the already mentioned Gennady Sorokin and General of the Customs Committee Valentin Polyakov went to a dacha in the village of Taratino, Vladimir Region. Take a steam bath, drink beer. The next day, Larisa and Zoya went by car to get another portion of alcohol: that’s when the future killers got behind them in a car. So we arrived together literally to the threshold of Nechaeva’s house. The criminals told the victim that her murder had been ordered and that she could pay off with $100,000.

    Larisa promised to satisfy the appetites of the bandits when she returned to Moscow - she, of course, did not have that kind of money with her. Shots rang out...
    The killers seem to have been helped to escape

    According to Sorokin’s testimony, Alexei Zdor fired the shot. And the more experienced Vladimir Tenoshvili, who had previously been convicted twice, helped his comrade. The search for the killers, as is clear from the above, has not yielded any results so far. Although, oddly enough, they weren’t really hiding. This is what Lavrukhin, the then head of the criminalistics department of the Vladimir regional prosecutor’s office, reported to the Prosecutor General’s Office: “Ambushes were organized by employees of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Vladimir Region and the Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Lytkarino... From the testimony of Elizaveta Borisovna Chebusheva, who lives in the city of Lytkarino, last time Tenoshvili was seen on June 17 driving a Mercedes. Before this, Tenoshvili and Chebusheva drove around the city of Lytkarino in a VAZ-2108 car. So literally a couple of days after the murder, one of the criminals easily drove around the city, where everyone knows each other. One can only wonder: what kind of “ambushes” were law enforcement officials organizing at the same time?

    This fact also illustrates the work of police officers. The day after the crime, Tenoshvili was taken by his father to a hospital in the city of Lytkarino with a diagnosis of allergies. When the “patient” was missed, he, of course, was not in the hospital room: he ran away from there the next morning.
    Personal security was one day late

    In other words, the criminals were simply helped to leave: the traces of the killers were lost somewhere in Sochi, and they were later seen in Chechnya and Dagestan. They are still on the run, unless the flight, of course, ended in death. According to some information, they fought together with Chechen militants and were killed during the conflict that broke out due to banal jealousy.

    The documents of the criminal case also contain a protocol of interrogation of the general director of the private security company Skat, Alexander Voronov. This is what he told the investigator: “On June 6, 1997 (just nine days before the murder. - Ed.) in the afternoon we received a call from a woman who introduced herself as the general director football club"Spartacus". She said that she would like to talk about the issue of her personal security; friends recommended hiring professional security guards. We agreed that from June 16 she will have permanent security.

    We made an agreement and parted ways."

    So, due to a fatal set of circumstances, the security was only one day late.

    Now one can only guess whether she would have helped Larisa Nechaeva or not.

    Indeed, in the depths of Spartak itself, the meticulous general director interfered with a lot of people. After all, people in management needed to “master” the multimillion-dollar profits from the participation of the “red and whites” in the Champions League...

    Soon after the murder of Nechaeva, Spartak almost went bankrupt. After the death of Larisa Nechaeva, Spartak president Oleg Romantsev entrusted the management of club funds to odious individuals - Grigory Esaulenko and Yuri Zavarzin. The result is well known: Spartak was on the verge of bankruptcy.

    This was directly stated at a sensational press conference dedicated to Oleg Romantsev’s resignation from his post (his associates Esaulenko and Zavarzin fled from the team even earlier, having previously scattered Spartak’s millions into the accounts of various offshore companies). So, at that same press conference, the new president of the “red-whites” Andrei Chervichenko told the people that all data on the financial activities of the club in the 90s were simply erased from the computer memory by its former owners...

    By the way, in the documents of the criminal case there is also a curious message from one anonymous person addressed to the Investigative Committee of the FSB of the Russian Federation. “I know well the situation around Spartak,” the anonymous author said in his message dated July 14, 1997 (literally a month after the murder. - Ed.). “I personally know people in the management of the club. The following happened there. Until last year money coming to the club from the sale of football players, as well as sponsorship funds, went to the personal accounts of G. V. Esaulenko. He was secretly in charge of all financial transactions. Until some point, Oleg Romantsev believed that money was put into personal accounts in order to get away from taxes, etc. Some time ago, he began to guess that something was wrong with the money. Then Romantsev persuaded Nechaeva to come to work at the club. When she got to the bottom of what was happening, she sorted it all out accordingly, since she was smart, meticulous a woman.About six months ago, an internal scandal occurred at the club when G.V. Esaulenko was almost kicked out of work.

    Nechaeva tried to deprive him of financial influence. Most likely, Esaulenko ordered the murder, and the organizer was his friend and “roof” Chechen Turpalo.”

    Many of the leaders of the “people’s” team were associated with crime. Law enforcement officials in the Vladimir region checked the commercial activities of the mentioned Esaulenko, but it did not produce significant results. However, during the activities to identify the likely masterminds of the murder of the general director of FC Spartak Nechaeva, it was established that “G.V. Esaulenko was involved in the acquisition and sale of football players.

    He appropriated part of the proceeds from the sale. Esaulenko was allocated funds to organize refereeing in custom matches. He did not report to anyone about spending money. With the arrival of Nechaeva, they tried to remove Esaulenko from the above-mentioned duties. Esaulenko also made attempts to remove Nechaeva from her position..."

    Further, the detectives state: “Esaulenko was repeatedly seen in the company of the Chechen brothers Atlangirievs - Mavladi and Turpalo, the first was in prison together with murder suspect Vladimir Tenoshvili. The Atlangiriev brothers are the founders of the Razgulay restaurant, Esaulenko has his share there. maintains contacts with the leaders of the Lyubertsy organized crime group and in his commercial activities enjoys the support of the Chechens... If any problems arise, Esaulenko tries to travel outside Russia, mainly to Spain.” However, all this is only indirect evidence: after the traces of the perpetrators of the murder disappeared in Chechnya, those who ordered the crime began to feel completely at ease.

    And this despite the fact that the police established that almost the entire top of the “people’s” team, one way or another, was connected with representatives of criminals.

    And in this regard, is it any wonder that the contract killing of Larisa Nechaeva matured precisely in the depths of Spartak itself, which became a kind of fiefdom for football-related crime.

    Alexey Matveev

    The apotheosis of the crisis of the most popular football team the country has become loud murder of Spartak general director Larisa Nechaeva. Versiya has obtained exclusive materials from this criminal case. They shed light on what was happening in the depths of our leading football club in the 90s. However, the case is not closed, but only suspended. However, first things first.

    There was a murder in this house

    So, on June 15, 1997, at about 2 o’clock in the afternoon, shots were heard in Larisa Nechaeva’s country house. As follows from the forensic examination report, the general director herself was shot with two shots in the stomach and head "Spartak", bullets in the face and head also killed her friend Zoya Rudzate. Miraculously, Nechaeva’s brother Gennady Sorokin, who was wounded in the neck and right forearm, survived. Only Larisa's acquaintance Valentin Polyakov was the luckiest: on the night of June 14-15, he slept peacefully in the bathhouse of a country house and did not even hear the fatal shots. When the bloodied Gennady Sorokin finally shouted to his friend, he called an ambulance and the police...

    A couple of days after the murder, the criminal was easily driving around the city

    A company of four people went to Nechaeva’s dacha in the village of Taratino, Vladimir Region, the night before on June 14, immediately after the end of the match between Spartak and Nizhny Novgorod Lokomotiv. Relax, drink beer - all this is clear from the testimony of the same Sorokin and Polyakov. The next day, around noon, Larisa and Zoya went by car to get another portion of alcohol, on the way back they were already escorted home by an orange Moskvich, in which the killers were following.

    A “warm” conversation began in Larisa’s house itself. The criminals told the victim that her murder had been ordered, and she could only pay off with a substantial sum of $100 thousand. Nechaeva promised to satisfy the demands of the raiders when she returned to Moscow; she, of course, did not have such a sum with her. This did not stop the bandits - shots followed. The shooter, according to the testimony of the surviving Sorokin, was a certain Alexey Zdor, previously unconvicted. The more experienced Vladimir Tenoshvili guided the hand of his comrade, who served prison terms twice. The criminals were only 26 years old, both natives of the town of Lytkarina near Moscow.

    The search for the killers has so far yielded no results, although, judging by operational data, they were not particularly hiding. “Ambushes were organized by employees of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Vladimir Region and the Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Lytkarino,” Lavrukhin, head of the forensic department of the Vladimir Regional Prosecutor’s Office, reports to the General Prosecutor’s Office. - When working out connections, the following was established: from the testimony of Elizaveta Borisovna Chebusheva, who lives in the city of Lytkarino, Tenoshvili was last seen on June 17 driving a Mercedes. Before this, Tenoshvili and Chebusheva drove around the city of Lytkarin in a VAZ-2108 car.

    In other words, literally a couple of days after the murder, one of the criminals was easily driving around a tiny city where everyone knows each other. Apparently, the police “ambushes” had no effect... And also, as recorded in the review report on the work to solve the murder of Nechaeva, the day after the execution, Tenoshvili was taken by his father to the hospital in the city of Lytkarina and placed for inpatient treatment with a diagnosis of allergies " But the next morning the allergy sufferer was no longer found in the hospital...

    When investigators checked the suspect’s particularly close connections, it was established that Tenoshvili’s cohabitant Irina flew to Krasnodar on flight No. 1139 with a young man whose characteristics were very similar to the wanted man. Of course, neither the killer himself nor the aforementioned Karpenko were ever found. As well as his partner Alexei Zdor, whose traces were lost somewhere in Sochi. Then, according to eyewitnesses, both criminals were seen in Dagestan and Chechnya. Having covered their tracks so successfully, someone certainly helped a lot.

    Most of the deals were carried out by Romantsev’s ubiquitous assistant, Esaulenko.

    The role of the most eminent in modern times Russian history a football specialist in the collapse of the club where he made a name for himself first as a player and later as a coach cannot be overestimated. After all, this Oleg Romantsev At one time he asked Yuri Shlyapin to resign from the post of Spartak president: otherwise, players will begin to leave the team en masse. However, it was during the reign of Romantsev himself that the “great exodus” began and continued. the best football players famous club.

    At one time, “Version” reported in detail what caused the fundamental changes in the composition of Spartacists - this was mainly dictated by reasons of a purely mercantile nature. In addition, people of openly criminal type settled in the depths of Spartak. Romantsev invariably flaunted: he himself brought them into the glorious team. At the same time, the team was withering before our eyes: as a result, drained of personnel and finances, it slipped into the role of the middle peasant of the Russian championship, which it is gradually getting rid of only now.

    From the protocol of interrogation of Oleg Romantsev in the criminal case of the murder of Larisa Nechaeva: “I completely trusted Nechaeva as a specialist and did not delve into her activities... I don’t see any reasons for the murder related to Larisa’s work. Checks of the team’s financial condition did not reveal any significant violations...”

    They turned out to be so “insignificant” that in March 2003, the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation opened, at the request of the then Federal Tax Police Service (FSNP), a criminal case against the management of FC Spartak - President Oleg Romantsev, his deputy Grigory Esaulenko, General Director Yuri Zavarzin and chief accountant Pavel Panasenko. The main claims are large-scale tax evasion. Spartacists, in the process of all kinds of financial fraud (Versia also wrote about them in detail), owed the treasury more than $1.5 million. True, the charge was brought against Grigory Esaulenko alone, Romantsev and Zavarzin served as witnesses. This matter, as usual, was not brought to its logical conclusion.

    Romantsev, in his own words, being the president of the club, did not delve into financial issues. Most of the transactions were carried out by his ubiquitous assistant Grigory Esaulenko. Well, Spartak club money, earned by football players in various tournaments, was sent all over the world to mysterious accounts. It’s not at all disinterested for Messrs. Romantsev, Esaulenko, Zavarzin and others like them. “Spartak” received millions of dollars for regular performances in the most prestigious club tournament in Europe - the Champions League; sponsors also generously showered the “red-whites” with substantial bonuses. Cash injections flowed like a river, and this is where the club needed a zealous owner, and the club got one. But...

    Nechaeva’s security was a day late

    From the protocol of interrogation in the criminal case of Nechaeva, the general director of the private security company Skat, Alexander Voronov: “On June 6, 1997 (just nine days before the murder - Ed.), in the afternoon we received a call from a woman who introduced herself as the general director of the Spartak football club » Nechaeva Larisa Gennadievna. She said that she would like to talk about the issue of her personal security, friends recommended hiring professional security guards... We agreed that from June 16 (Nechaeva was shot in a country house the day before. - Ed.) she would have constant security, we concluded an official agreement , and that’s where we parted.”

    Larisa Nechaeva was a very secretive person: she never said a word to anyone, not even her brother Gennady Sorokin, about the threats against her. At the same time, she apparently had fears for her life, because there was a need to turn to the employees of a private security company for help. Well, those who ordered the crime, it seems, were in a hurry to remove Nechaeva, since they somehow found out about her plans to hire security guards. In other words, it is clear that there could be no talk of any confidentiality in Spartak at that time: its then president turned out to be too indiscriminate in the selection of personnel.

    After the tragic death of Nechaeva, Romantsev signed a document in which he trusted the same Esaulenko and the newly appointed general director Yuri Zavarzin to manage Spartak’s money. Later, at a sensational press conference dedicated to Romantsev’s resignation, the president of the “red-whites” Andrei Chervichenko told the people that all data on the financial activities of the famous club in the 90s was simply erased from the computers by its former owners...

    The bosses of the “red and whites” did not notice the difference between the club cash register and personal accounts

    However, let's return to the murder of Larisa Nechaeva. Although Oleg Romantsev denied a club motive for the massacre of her, this version seemed to the investigators the most logical. This can also be seen in the text of the interrogation of the then vice-president of the club, Grigory Esaulenko. “Although I was the vice-president of Spartak, I did not have the right to sign,” Esaulenko assures the investigator. - And therefore, all contracts for the purchase or sale of players were conducted by Nechaeva. Financial affairs were mainly handled by Nechaeva with the knowledge of Romantsev. I did not and do not have personal bank accounts. I don’t know the mechanism for transferring money for buying and selling players, since L.G. Nechaeva was involved in this matter. I would like to add that I don’t know exactly how Romantsev O.I. controlled the activities of L.G. Nechaeva. in the process of buying or selling football players.”

    But for some reason Esaulenko’s signature is on almost all contracts of Spartak players of that time. Probably, Nechaeva was simply trying to intervene in this process, but, apparently, to no avail. Even earlier, Versiya published extensive and very interesting correspondence between Mr. Esaulenko and the manager of the Swiss bank Arzi bank AG, from which it becomes obvious how the nimble vice-president of the “red-whites” manipulated Spartak’s currency. “If there is not enough money in my account, transfer money from Spartak’s account to my account,” Esaulenko asks the bank manager. “But in any case, make the payment from there.” It seems that the then bosses of the “red and whites” simply did not notice the difference between the club cash register and their personal account.

    The testimony of one of Nechaeva’s close friends, Dmitry Savotin, also sheds light on the relationship between the heads of Spartak: “Figuratively speaking, the vice-president of the club, Esaulenko G., tried to divide the monopoly of financial issues that Nechaeva dealt with. Larisa did not like Esaulenko at work and tried in every possible way to remove him from work at the club, that is, she was in favor of his leaving, dismissal...”

    The murder was ordered by Esaulenko, and the organizer was the Chechen “roof”

    One anonymous letter received on July 14, 1997 to the Investigative Committee of the FSB of the Russian Federation is also extremely interesting; we will give its text in full. “I know the situation around Spartak well,” says the anonymous author. - I personally know people in the club’s management. The following happened there. Until last year, the money coming to the club from the sale of football players, as well as sponsorship funds, went to the personal accounts of G.V. Esaulenko. And he was in charge of all financial transactions behind the scenes. Until some point, Oleg Romantsev believed that money was put into personal accounts supposedly in order to evade taxes, etc. Oleg Ivanovich is a good person, but an alcoholic. Therefore, it was not difficult for him to fool his head by organizing endless drinking parties with trips to the dacha. Some time ago, he began to suspect that something strange was going on with the money. Then Romantsev persuaded Nechaeva to come to work at the club. When she got to the bottom of what was happening, she sorted everything out accordingly, since she was an intelligent, meticulous woman. About six months ago, an internal scandal occurred in the club when Esaulenko G.V. Almost got kicked out of work. Nechaeva tried to deprive him of financial influence. Most likely, Esaulenko ordered the murder, and the organizer was his friend and “roof” Chechen Turpalo.”

    The senior investigator of the prosecutor's office of the Vladimir region, Prokhorov, promptly responded to this message, instructing the employees of the special economic unit of the Vladimir region police department to check the information. In particular, do Esaulenko have personal accounts, what are their sources and directions for further movement of funds. But this check did not give any serious results.

    But after receiving the letter, the circle of the most likely customers of the murder of Larisa Nechaeva was outlined. This is what the senior investigator of the GUUR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, police lieutenant colonel Derkach, says in his report to the head of the same department, Lieutenant General Khrapov: “I report that during the activities to identify the likely customers of the murder of the general director of the Spartak football club, the following was established. Vice-president of the club Esaulenko G.V. after the death of Nechaeva L.G. Acts as director. While working as vice president, Esaulenko was involved in the acquisition and sale of football players. He appropriated part of the proceeds from the sale. Esaulenko was allocated funds to organize refereeing in custom matches. He did not report to anyone about spending money. With the arrival of Nechaeva, Esaulenko began to be removed from the above-mentioned duties. On this basis, they repeatedly had conflicts. Esaulenko also made attempts to remove Nechaeva from her position. Most of the club employees sided with Nechaeva.

    In addition, Esaulenko was repeatedly seen in the company of the Chechen brothers Atlangirievs - Turpul and Mavladi, the latter was in prison together with murder suspect Vladimir Tenoshvili. The Atlangiriev brothers are the founders of the Razgulay restaurant; Esaulenko has “his share” in the restaurant. Esaulenko maintains contacts with the leaders of the Lyubertsy organized crime group and uses the services of Chechens in his commercial activities. At the club, Esaulenko is closest to executive director Korotkov and coach-administrator Khadzhi. If any problems arise, Esaulenko tries to travel outside of Russia, mainly to Spain.” Here you have the main suspect - with motive and capabilities.

    Almost the entire leadership of Spartak was associated with criminal groups

    In general, Grigory Esaulenko is a unique personality. He managed to leave a legacy not only in Russia, but also in Europe. The story of the failed bribery of the chief Manchester United coach Alex Ferguson(Esaulenko tried to give him a bribe of 40 thousand pounds for the transfer of Andrei Kanchelskis) went around the whole sports world. At home, he was charged in a criminal case for evading taxes on a large scale by Spartak. Esaulenko’s participation in the murder of the former general director of Spartak is also traced. Finally, operatives established his connections with representatives of criminal structures. But Grigory Vasilyevich doesn’t care - they still can’t catch him.

    The executive director of FC “Spartak” M.V. Korotkov, the police chief’s report further says (according to the police, another of the likely customers of the murder), “maintains relations with the leader of the organized crime group in the city of Lytkarin, Valery Silenok. Silenok is familiar with the wanted men Zdor and Tenoshvili, who shot Nechaeva. While working in his position, Korotkov opened several kiosks selling souvenirs on the club’s territory. Nechaeva took control of this trade, and Korotkov lost uncontrolled income.”

    “The responsibilities of the manager-administrator Hadji,” further reports police lieutenant colonel A. Derkach, “includes the acquisition sports uniform, other inventory. For these purposes, Haji received money, but he bought sports equipment of lower quality and appropriated the remaining funds. Nechaeva began purchasing equipment on her own, trying to conclude a contract with the Puma company. Khadzhi, Esaulenko and Korotkov oppose such a step. Hadji maintains contacts with the leaders of the Lyubertsy organized crime group, whom he brings to Spartak matches and provides them with best places in the stands. Nechaeva suspected Khadzhi of selling counterfeit tickets for Spartak matches and told him about it.

    In order to establish the involvement of the above-mentioned persons in organizing the murder of Nechaeva, it is necessary to carry out a set of operational and technical measures, checking the financial and economic activities of Esaulenko, Khadzhi and Korotkov...”

    All these activities, apparently, are still ongoing - so far no one has been punished for the death of Nechaeva. Only two direct perpetrators of the crime have been put on the wanted list, and law enforcement agencies are also unable to find them. In general, the murder of the general director of Spartak, no matter how cynical it sounds, fits organically into the financial chaos that was happening at the club under Oleg Romantsev. After all, according to investigators, almost the entire club elite at that time was associated with various criminal groups. By the way, some of the people mentioned in the case work in the “people’s” team to this day: until the killers are captured, it is impossible to charge them. Well, the people who shot Larisa Nechaeva 9 years ago may no longer exist. This means that the death of the only person who tried to resist Spartac’s lawlessness will, apparently, forever remain unpunished.

    People sometimes ask me: why am I writing about this dirt, exposing some scoundrels - ideologists and organizers of “fixed” matches, masterminds of “black” betting, etc. After all, nothing changes anyway. I answer: organically I don’t accept dirt, that’s how it’s designed. What’s happening in the depths is too disgusting Russian football. I also really want it to be cleaner. And the fact that there is no result... I really can’t replace law enforcement agencies with myself! Questions for them are based on the results. I will continue to expose. Come what may.

    By the way, about the corruption of our law enforcement system. I have almost thoroughly studied many “gray” and “black” schemes, which are often the basis for financial crimes, murders, etc. The considerable money of all sorts of “scumbags” is the reason for their avoidance of seemingly inevitable and fair retribution.

    Take, for example, the death of the former general director of football Spartak Larisa Nechaeva. The attack was so carefully planned that the criminals who shot the woman in the village of Taratino, Vladimir Region, escaped from the police without hindrance. Even for a couple of days after the execution, we lived in the city of Lytkarino, where we were from, drove around in cars with girls, and had a lot of fun. Because they are sure that their non-capture was paid for in advance by those who ordered the crime. The money, of course, was paid to those same Vladimir detectives; they received it long before the memorable shots at Nechaeva. Customers have been “friends” with them for years, from time to time “feeding” them with “black” money.

    I came to this conclusion after reading the materials of the criminal case. And I was horrified: how corrupt everything was! Indeed, the bandits did not have the slightest chance of falling into the “nets” of such justice as in Russia. Frankly speaking, I have a feeling of cold rage, even disgust, a kind of half-contempt for the representatives of Themis. Aren’t they disgusted themselves?!

    “...Ambushes were organized by employees of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Vladimir Region and the Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Lytkarino,” A. Lavrukhin, head of the forensic department of the Vladimir Regional Prosecutor’s Office, reported to the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation. - When working out connections, the following was established: according to the testimony of Elizaveta Borisovna Chebusheva, who lives in the city of Lytkarino, Tenoshvili was last seen on June 17 while driving a Mercedes. Before this, Tenoshvili, together with Chebusheva, drove around the city of Lytkarino in a VAZ 2108 car.

    So, literally a couple of days after the shots, one of the criminals was easily driving around a tiny town where almost everyone knows each other. Apparently, the police “ambushes” did not work. Also, as recorded in the review report on the work done to solve the murder of L. Nechaeva, on the same day after the execution, at 16:15, Tenoshvili was taken by his father to the Lytkarina hospital and placed for inpatient treatment with a diagnosis of “allergy”. The next morning, during the rounds, the “allergy sufferer” was not found in a hospital bed... And when investigators checked especially close connections at the place of residence, it was established that Tenoshvili’s partner, Irina Karpenko, flew to Krasnodar with a young man whose characteristics were very similar to the wanted Tenoshvili. However, neither the killer himself nor the aforementioned Karpenko were found in Krasnodar.

    Meanwhile, the traces of his partner, Alexey Zdor, were lost somewhere in Sochi. Then, according to eyewitnesses, both criminals were seen in Dagestan and Chechnya. Of course, someone helped them a lot to cover their tracks. It seems that this is largely the “merit” of the brave police officers of the Vladimir region, on whose territory the tragedy occurred.

    Years after the fatal shots, I managed to talk with Larisa Nechaeva’s eldest son, Andrei. He brought additional clarity to events that in one way or another shocked the sports community.

    A year and a half after my mother’s death, they called me from Petrovka,” my interlocutor recalls. - And they offered... to pay a certain amount for a possible operation to catch the killers. They allegedly ended up in the hands of people from Chechnya, who could hand over the criminals for a certain bribe. That is, a ransom was required. Our family didn't have that kind of money! After refusing to pay, the “benefactors” from Petrovka did not call again.

    It turns out that representatives of our “wonderful” law enforcement system in all respects have switched, and apparently for a long time, to “self-sufficiency.” There is money to catch the killers of your relatives - come to our cop (or police) offices. But no - there’s nothing to count on, sorry.

    Someone, perhaps, will judge me that I decided to leave this matter as it is,” says Andrey. - If you have no luck with the investigation right away, then what can you do? It's useless to investigate on your own. In addition, there are no connections in law enforcement agencies. True, there is still a faint hope. Maybe someone “at the top” will give an impetus to promote this business?!

    So why haven’t the killers of Larisa Nechaeva been found yet? According to Andrei, they were simply allowed to escape retribution. Total corruption visibly reminded of itself, the omnipresent power of money literally absorbed a possible and impartial investigation into all the nuances of the sensational crime. And the perpetrators of the murder, as Nechaeva’s son believes, may well be alive. He is a professional lawyer: until he sees actual evidence of their death, there is no point in talking about the non-existence of these scoundrels. Who, however, is the customer?

    The name and surname were announced by both the investigator and my uncle, this is not a secret, everything points to the former vice-president of the club Grigory Esaulenko, Andrey believes. - By the way, Grigory Vasilyevich earlier, during his mother’s life, always avoided communicating with me. I didn’t attach any importance to it then. I thought that people like Esaulenko, who own substantial funds, are usually reserved, even unsociable. Later, I began to evaluate the processes taking place in the team I once loved somewhat differently. Now many things seem ominous.

    By the way, Yuri Zavarzin, Grigory Esaulenko’s closest friend and associate, who then replaced Larisa Nechaeva as general director, invited her eldest son to work at the Spartak club. Andrey quite reasonably refused, intuitively sensing that many of Spartak’s employees were somehow connected to each other. And for the sake of a newcomer in the team, they will not change the style and manner of communication, or methods of work, which are often associated with crime. Nechaev Jr. could not afford to communicate with such people, if only for reasons of personal safety.

    The materials of the criminal case also include a very characteristic letter from an anonymous person to the FSB Investigative Committee. “I know the situation around Spartak well,” the unknown person said. - I personally know people in the club’s management. The following happened there. Until last year, the money coming to the club from the sale of football players, as well as sponsorship funds, went to the personal accounts of G.V. Esaulenko. And he was in charge of all financial transactions behind the scenes. Until some point, Oleg Romantsev believed that money was placed in personal accounts in order to evade taxes, etc. Some time ago, he began to suspect that something strange was going on with the money. Then Romantsev persuaded Nechaeva to come to work at the club. When she got to the bottom of what was happening, she sorted everything out accordingly, since she was an intelligent, meticulous woman. About six months ago, there was an internal scandal at the club when G.V. Esaulenko was almost kicked out of work. Nechaeva tried to deprive him of financial influence. Most likely, Esaulenko ordered the murder; the organizer was his friend and “roof” Chechen Turpulo.”

    Responsible law enforcement officials also almost directly point to the possible masterminds of the murder of Larisa Nechaeva. There are several names on the list, and all of them are from the Spartak camp. It is clear: the thread of the crime stubbornly stretched to the legendary football club, so beloved by millions of fans. Here is what, for example, the senior investigator of the Main Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, police lieutenant colonel A. Derkach, reported to the head of the same department, Lieutenant General I. Khrapov: “I report that in the course of carrying out activities to identify the likely masterminds of the murder of the general director of the football club “Spartak” The following has been established. The vice-president of the club, G.V. Esaulenko, acts as director after the death of Nechaeva. While working as vice president, Esaulenko was involved in the acquisition and sale of football players. He appropriated part of the proceeds from the sale.

    Esaulenko was allocated funds to organize refereeing in custom matches. He did not report to anyone about spending money. With the arrival of Nechaeva, Esaulenko began to be removed from the above-mentioned duties. On this basis, they repeatedly had conflicts. Esaulenko also made attempts to remove Nechaeva from her position. Most of the club employees sided with Nechaeva.

    In addition, Esaulenko was repeatedly seen in the company of the Chechen brothers Atlangirievs - Turpul and Mavladi. The latter was in prison together with murder suspect Vladimir Tenoshvili. The Atlangiriev brothers are the founders of the Razgulay restaurant. Esaulenko has “his share” there. He maintains contacts with the leaders of the Lyubertsy organized crime group and uses the services of Chechens in his commercial activities.”

    In my opinion, this is comprehensive information for the portrait of the notorious Grisha Esaulenko in football circles. He was directly suspected of “ordering” the murder of Nechaeva, the police in their official report mentioned the role of this mafioso in “working” with football referees, that he appropriated part (and, I note, a huge one) of Spartak money for himself (why on earth? !). And the law enforcement officers did nothing. Complete impotence, not to say business impotence, as well as serious corruption literally paralyzed the law and order system.

    Esaulenko was officially charged in another criminal case - “large-scale tax evasion.” This refers to the tax scandal associated with the sale of Spartak midfielder Dmitry Alenichev to the Italian Roma. From the amount of this transaction (7 million dollars), the management of Spartak did not pay tax to the state treasury, ignoring other mandatory deductions for the team’s performances in European tournaments. Money legendary club were shamelessly stolen; the organizer and inspirer of these frauds, as the investigation established, was also Esaulenko and others like him. The funds earned by the football players were sent to the personal accounts of the gentlemen I listed in foreign banks, mainly Swiss and Italian. While the players sat without salaries for months.

    Here is a very interesting correspondence between Grigory Vasilievich and the general manager of the Swiss Arzi Bank AG, Mr. Destrats. So, in one of the letters, Esaulenko asks the mentioned banker to transfer 614 thousand dollars to the account of a certain company Brookfood Services. The amount is not small. Grigory Vasilyevich does not bother himself with the motives for the money transfer, that is, the basis for the payment. Another characteristic is also characteristic. In the same message, Esaulenko asks verbatim: “If there is not enough money in my account, transfer it from the Spartak account to my account, but in any case, make the payment from there.” A brilliant example of how the former Spartak bosses managed club money, which they were very concerned about in words. It seems that Esaulenko, Zavarzin and the company did not see much of a difference between their own pocket and the club cash register.

    The same Esaulenko once again asks Destrats to transfer 200 thousand US dollars from the famous Spartak account in Switzerland to... Australia. Allegedly to pay for apartments for Spartak football players. What kind of apartments the players have on the other side of the world remains a mystery. And the “red-whites” did not prepare for the season there. Another 300 thousand “greens” went to the account of the notorious Bank of New York. Esaulenko transferred 220 thousand... To whom do you think? The owner of the Asmaral football club, Mr. Al-Khalidi, remember this? The vice president of Spartak sent only 50 thousand to a bank in the Italian town of Brescia in the name of a certain Rimma Andreeva. Probably an experienced fan.

    Several years have passed since the initiation of the once high-profile criminal case. They began to forget about him. The slowness, perhaps, and reluctance of the investigation to establish the truth and punish the perpetrators seem obvious. In the case of the notorious YUKOS, the culprits were found instantly. Punishment followed inevitably. Let me remind you that Khodorkovsky, like the former management of Spartak, was charged with tax evasion, among other things.

    With potential criminals from the world of football, it turns out that everything is more complicated, although there is irrefutable documentary evidence of their activities related to sports. So, in the fall of 2007, another case was opened against the former managers of Spartak with the wording “theft and embezzlement on an especially large scale” (Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). It seemed that they could no longer escape. However, a year and a half later, for some reason, the case materials were confiscated from employees of the Investigative Committee under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and handed over to colleagues from a similar department in the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation.

    When a case is transferred to an organization with a lower status, this means that they want to “bury” it, explained my source in the Investigative Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

    Well, corruption, brothers, corruption. One “kickback” after another follows into the wallets (or personal accounts) of high government officials. A proven chain of relationships that has not yet been interrupted by anyone.

    Esaulenko also distinguished himself in the international arena. Surely many fans remember the story of the outstanding Manchester United coach Alex Fergusson. Our Grisha handed him a box with 40 thousand pounds - for the transfer of Andrei Kanchelskis from Manchester to Everton. The pedantic, honest Sir Alex immediately called his personal lawyer to return the box to the addressee... The British trainer reported on Gregory’s trick in his book, which caused a lot of noise in Europe. After which Esaulenko continued to work at Spartak as if nothing had happened.

    Nowadays, the anti-football hero works as a manager at Terek Grozny. On the other hand, where else should he work? Perhaps only there. Apparently, the contacts and informal relationships that had been established over the years had an effect. Remember in the police reports about how Grigory stole Spartak money with the help of Chechen militants? I would like to believe that those same militants, the Atlangiriev brothers, at least have nothing to do with Terek. Otherwise, there will be melancholy, and a host of problems await a unique team.