Turboslim day effect on the body. Which "Turboslim" is the most effective (reviews). Use during pregnancy, GW

One of the most popular pharmaceutical products for weight loss is the Turboslim line of drugs from the Russian company Evalar. It includes 21 dietary supplements, each of which has a unique recipe, formula and principle of action, but they are all united by common goals - weight control and figure correction. The features of Turboslim products are their natural composition, high efficiency and affordable cost.

Types of Turboslim tablets for weight loss

A line of dietary supplements (dietary additives) Evalar to combat extra pounds It is conventionally divided into several categories with specific properties and a range of effects on the body. Turboslim tablets are included in the program active weight loss. They help speed up metabolism, burn fat tissue, suppress appetite well and normalize diet. This group is divided into several drugs that can be used as independent agents or in combination with each other.

“Smart” red tablets Turboslim for weight loss during the day work taking into account the biological rhythm of the body, forcing it to fight excess body weight. They are a combination of plant extracts and biologically active substances that form a unique composition of the product:

  • inulin;
  • guarana squeeze;
  • papaya extract;
  • citrus flavonoids;
  • vitamins B, C;
  • zinc;
  • red seaweed extract;
  • bromelain;
  • chromium picolinate;
  • extract from cherry stalks.

Once in the body, the components of the drug cause a real cellular revolution. Under their influence they are launched metabolic processes, metabolism accelerates, excess fluid is removed, and the consumption of fat reserves is stimulated. The effectiveness of the Turboslim Day dietary supplement is due to the versatile effects of its substances, which work in several directions at once:

  • suppression of hunger and cravings for sweets;
  • rapid breakdown of fats due to guarana caffeine contained in the plant extract;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • activation of intercellular fluid circulation;
  • detoxification of organs from toxins, metabolites, harmful elements;
  • ensuring drainage effects on tissues;
  • maintaining physiological blood glucose levels;
  • increased thermogenesis;
  • reduction of the lipid layer;
  • normalization of carbohydrate-fat metabolism;
  • positive effect on intestinal microflora.

According to the instructions for use, the indication for taking the drug is not only excess weight. The supplement helps restore the nervous system, strengthen the immune system, and improve digestion. It is recommended to drink Turboslim daily tablets, 1 tablet after breakfast and after lunch, with a small amount of plain water. The duration of the course is 1 month. If necessary, the therapeutic procedure can be repeated after 4–5 weeks.

Turboslim night

The first certified weight loss product Turboslim night allows you to lose unnecessary pounds while sleeping. The peculiarity of this drug is that it effectively suppresses appetite that occurs in the evening and at night. In addition, the dietary supplement prevents the deposition of fatty tissue and promotes gentle cleansing of the body. Blue dragees work ideally in combination with red Turboslim day tablets, but have a fundamentally different composition:

  • Garcinia squeeze;
  • senna extract;
  • L-carnitine;
  • chromium picolinate;
  • fennel;
  • chitosan;
  • lemon balm extract;
  • vitamins B, E;
  • linoleic acid;
  • silicon dioxide, amorphous;
  • calcium stearate of plant etiology.

The dietary supplement has a targeted effect, helping the body get rid of excess weight. Garcinia extract is a source of hydroxycitric acid, which helps control appetite and promotes the conversion of glucose into glycogen instead of lipid tissue. Under the influence of this substance, excess carbohydrates are not transformed into fat, but become energy. When taking Turboslim night, the following reactions occur in the body:

  • Binding of fats with their subsequent removal under the influence of chitosan (extracts from crustacean shells).
  • Accelerating the natural weight loss algorithm at night.
  • Stabilization of blood glucose levels, which helps reduce cravings for sweet foods.
  • Strengthening intestinal motility, mild laxative effect due to senna components.
  • Improving digestion, preventing the fermentation process in the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract).
  • Normalization of metabolism, elimination of deficiency of useful elements due to the presence of minerals and vitamins in the preparation.

Turboslim is not a medicine, but before you start using it, it is better to consult a specialist and carefully study the instructions. The daily dosage depends on the desired effect. If minor figure correction is required, you need to drink 1 tablet daily. If you have significant excess body weight, it is recommended to take 2 tablets. Reception is held in the evening, during dinner. The duration of therapy is 4 weeks, after a month the procedure can be repeated.

The product for burning fat deposits from the Evalar company is made from high-quality ecological raw materials of natural origin. The difference between the drug Turboslim alfa and its analogues is the optimal balance of its constituent substances, aimed at accelerating metabolism and transforming lipid reserves into a source of energy. Tablets for losing unnecessary pounds contain:

  • L-carnitine tartrate;
  • alpha lipoic acid;
  • vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6;
  • auxiliary components: calcium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, aerosil;
  • shell composition: titanium dioxide, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, polyethylene glycol, polysorbate-80.

The combination of active elements of Turboslim alpha activates metabolic reactions, increasing their speed, which has a beneficial effect on the process of weight loss and consolidation of achieved results. Numerous studies have revealed a wide range of functions of the dietary supplement:

  • Rapid breakdown of fats and carbohydrates in order to process them into the body’s energy resource.
  • Increasing the rate of metabolic response, stimulating the production of enzymes that help digest food.
  • Preventing the accumulation of lipid reserves.
  • Reducing the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  • Elimination of age spots, wrinkles, improvement of skin condition.
  • Normalization of general well-being, elimination of discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Protects tissues and cells from toxins and free radicals.

Turboslim diet pills with alpha-lipoic acid are taken 2 tablets 1 time per day before meals for 1 month. To maintain the effect and prevent weight gain, it is recommended to repeat the course after taking a short break. Including moderate physical activity in your daily routine, such as running, swimming, fitness or dancing, will increase the intensity of excess body weight loss.


The Turboslim figure correction system from Evalar is an excellent solution for those who cannot withstand a grueling diet and work for hours in the gym. The safety and high effectiveness of the drug is guaranteed only if a person losing weight does not have the following contraindications to its use:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • sensitivity to one of the components of the tablets;
  • diabetes;
  • children (up to 18 years old) and elderly (after 55) age;
  • continuous maintenance drug therapy;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • arrhythmia;
  • chronic pathologies;
  • alcoholism;
  • diseases of the digestive and excretory systems;
  • presence of stones in organs;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • insomnia.

Side effects

Achievement desired result is possible only on the condition that all recommendations for the use of Turboslim have been taken into account. It is important to adhere to the dosage regimen specified in the instructions for the drug in order to prevent possible Negative consequences. In case of overdose or improper use of dietary supplements, the following may occur: side effects:

  • skin allergies (itching, rashes);
  • nervous disorders (aggression, insomnia);
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • increased fatigue;
  • diarrhea;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • intestinal inflammation;
  • gastritis;
  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • heartburn;
  • dehydration;
  • dizziness;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • fainting;
  • loss of consciousness.

Price for Turboslim tablets for weight loss

The cost of a dietary supplement depends on the region of its sale, the pricing policy of the distributor and the type of drug. Turboslim products can be purchased at a pharmacy or online store with delivery by courier. In Moscow, the following prices are set for dietary supplements:


The Evalar company produces the famous line of Turboslim weight loss products. The most commonly used tablets are presented in the form of dietary supplements. As the manufacturer assures, they not only eliminate extra pounds, but also strengthen the organs and the entire body as a whole. Despite the manufacturer's claims, reviews from real people about Turboslim for weight loss are quite contradictory. To understand whether it’s worth using “miracle pills” for figure correction at all, you need to take a closer look at their characteristics.

What is Turboslim?

Almost every person who is overweight asks the question: how to quickly and effectively lose weight without causing harm to health. Nutritionists from all over the world recommend the only sure way: proper nutrition in combination with physical activity. However, some reviews from real people - doctors and those losing weight - are in favor of Turboslim capsules for weight loss, which are quite effective, safe and have relatively low price. The drug is suitable for women and men who are tired of exhausting diets and endless workouts in the gym.

Dietary supplements from the company Evalar are a popular line of weight loss products that have no analogues in Russia. Turboslim tablets for weight loss are made using a unique technology, their effect is proven by numerous studies, reviews of losing weight customers and nutritionists.

On a note! Turboslim is produced not only in capsule form. There are other forms of release: tablets, protein powder, solution, bars, cream. The action of each of the presented products is aimed at reducing excess weight. In addition, a combination of several drugs is allowed to obtain a greater effect. Turboslim tablets and capsules have achieved the greatest popularity, so most often you can find reviews from real people about them.

Composition and beneficial effects of Turboslim capsules

The drug Turboslim is divided into three types of capsules intended for morning, lunch and evening administration. The components of these products actively interact with each other, as a result of which the maximum effect is achieved.

Capsules for use in the morning consist of the following components:

  • red algae extract– promotes the removal of water and improves blood circulation in the body;
  • guarana extract– activates the effect of adrenaline, due to which the weight loss process is carried out much faster;
  • vitamin C, calcium, red grape leaf extract– promote better microcirculation, improves metabolism in cells, increases muscle and vascular tone.

As for Turboslim-day, the drug has the following composition:

  • Senna and fennel extract– have a laxative effect, improve intestinal function, prevent stool stagnation;
  • extract of garcinia, prickly pear flowers, corn silk, chromium in organic form– reduce appetite due to the complex action of components, restore metabolic processes in the body, stimulate fat oxidation, relieve swelling;
  • lemon balm extract– has a calming effect, promotes rapid falling asleep and sound sleep;
  • garcinia extract, chromium,L-carnitine– improve the oxidation of fats, which promotes their active elimination;
  • fucus and sena extract– soften feces and facilitate their rapid removal from the intestines, which prevents toxins and waste from lingering and accumulating in the body (providing easy morning bowel movements).

On a note! Between doses of the weight loss drug, it is recommended to drink a sachet, which is a herbal tea that cleanses the kidneys and lymph.

It is enough to dissolve a sachet in 1 liter of water to enjoy healthy tea drinking. The main component of the drink is oligofructose. It contains dietary fiber, which quickly dissolves and helps restore beneficial microflora, thereby improving intestinal function. As you know, this is necessary when losing weight. In addition, the sachet contains lemon juice, which strengthens the immune system and enriches the body with vitamin C. It helps immune system fight various infections. The rich composition of the sachet does not end there. It contains extracts of green tea, fennel, artichoke, and prickly pear flowers. These components together normalize the functioning of the kidneys and liver, accelerate fluid circulation in the intercellular space, and improve drainage of the lymphatic system.

Thanks to its unique composition, which includes exclusively natural ingredients, Turboslim for weight loss is quite effective and safe for the human body, which is confirmed by reviews from doctors and buyers.

Indications for use

  • to remove toxins and waste from the body, tendency to edema;
  • with impaired metabolism;
  • if you are overweight;
  • in order to increase the effectiveness of physical activity;
  • to combat cellulite;
  • if you have digestive problems;
  • when excess fluid is retained in the body.

Turboslim capsules help you lose weight day and night, adapting to a person’s natural biorhythms.

On a note! There are several programs for losing weight using Turboslim products. You can find out more about them in the instructions attached to the drugs. In addition, there you can find a lot of other useful information regarding the method of application, side effects and contraindications.

It is worth noting that the Evalar company invariably points to the opinion of experts who confirm that Turboslim is a high-quality and highly effective weight loss product. In addition, before taking the drug, you can read real reviews losing weight who have tried tablets and other Turboslim products.

Dosages and method of use

It is important to note that the dosage and methods of use of the drug depend on its release form:

  • Turboslim bar used as a snack to satisfy hunger between main meals. The bar consists of natural proteins, molasses, cocoa, and plant extracts.
  • Cream Turboslim eliminates cellulite, stops the aging process without smoothing out early wrinkles, eliminates pigmentation on the skin. The cream is applied twice a day to problem areas of the body.
  • Concentrate dissolves in water and is taken with meals.
  • Protein shake dissolve in milk or water, use as a bar, for a snack.
  • Turboslim capsules very easy to take. It is enough to drink 1 capsule of a certain type with meals.

There are also Chewable tablets Turboslim which are recommended to be taken before meals. They are especially useful before a late dinner, when hunger does not allow you to sleep and you have to satisfy it.

Turboslim preparations are used for no longer than 1 month. If the need to take it continues in the future, you need to take a break (about 2 weeks) and then repeat the course. During this time the body will recover, rest, accumulate strength for new struggle with extra pounds.

Side effects

Despite its natural composition, Turboslim has certain side effects. It is necessary to read them according to the instructions before taking the drug in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

Side effects after taking Turboslim are as follows:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • cutting pain in the abdomen;
  • ulcer;
  • weakness;
  • irritability;
  • inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • disruptions of the menstrual cycle in women;
  • gaining excess body weight;
  • dehydration;
  • allergic reactions;
  • gastritis;
  • insomnia;
  • dysbiosis.

Despite the impressive list of side effects, doctors assure that they can be avoided if Turboslim is taken correctly. Usually, undesirable effects are a consequence of uncontrolled use of the drug. Therefore, you must carefully read the instructions, study the dosages and contraindications before you start taking it.


The natural weight loss product Turboslim is not without contraindications. In order not to cause harm to health, they must be taken into account. Contraindications for the drug Turboslim are as follows:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 16 years;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • stomach diseases;
  • chronic pathologies.

If you have chronic diseases, before taking Turboslim, it is advisable to visit a doctor and consult with him on this issue. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, any interference with the body's functioning is prohibited. Therefore, women who are carrying a child or are in the lactation period should not start taking a weight loss product.

Thus, Turboslim is a natural drug that helps get rid of extra pounds. It has conflicting reviews, since the effect depends on a person’s physiology, lifestyle and other factors. It is also important whether the exact dosages were maintained and contraindications were taken into account.

Evalar CJSC

Country of origin


Product group

Everything for weight loss

As a dietary supplement for people controlling body weight

Release forms

  • 1 or 4 bars of 50 g. 10 sachets of 2.0 g. 12 bars in a card. pack 20 filter bags of 2.0 g each 30 capsules of 0.3 g each 30 capsules* of 0.3 g each 40 tablets of 0.56 g each, coated in a blister. 6 bags of 50 ml 90 capsules per pack 50 g bar. 100 ml tube. 50 ml tube. capsules, 18 pcs per pack + sachets, 3 pcs per pack. tube 100g tube 100ml pack 10 sachet pack 20 tablets pack 20table pack 4 bars of 50g pack 4 pcs pack 5 sachet pack 60 capsules pack 60 tablets bottle 100ml Bottle 100 ml.

Description of the dosage form

  • 25 ml (daily intake) contain: L-carnitine 900 mg Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5) 6 mg Lemon juice 25 mg Alpha-lipoic acid 1.5 mg bar bar diet bar for weight loss chewable tablets capsules capsules 0.15 g capsules+ sachet cocktail concentrate drink concentrate slimming drink concentrate coffee cappuccino body shaping cream face cream cream for external use cream night tablets tonic drink tea drink

pharmachologic effect

The fat-burning drink helps to: accelerate metabolism; burning fats (processing them into energy); increasing the effectiveness of physical activity. For more effective weight loss, it is recommended to maintain your metabolism at high level. Research by foreign scientists has established that the combination of alpha-lipoic acid and L-carnitine helps improve metabolism. Alpha lipoic acid is a vitamin-like substance that positively affects the rate of basal metabolism, stimulates the work of enzymes involved in the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, accelerating the burning of the latter. Alpha lipoic acid is a strong antioxidant, prevents oxidation by free radicals, enhances the effect of other antioxidants, and prevents the appearance of wrinkles and age spots. Alpha lipoic acid also helps lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. L-carnitine is an amino acid that ensures the delivery of fats to the mitochondria of cells, where they are broken down and burned, producing energy. Without L-carnitine, fat breakdown slows down. As a result of taking L-carnitine: the process of weight loss is enhanced by extracting fat energy, endurance during training is increased, the supply of oxygen to cells is increased, which allows for faster recovery after training, the production of lactic acid is reduced, so muscle pain goes away faster. Alpha lipoic acid and L-carnitine, by regulating energy metabolism and providing antioxidant protection for the body, promote weight loss.

Special conditions

Taking one bar provides the following: L-carnitine – at least 300 mg (100% of the adequate level); Protein – at least 8.0 g (11% of physiological needs); Soluble dietary fiber - at least 0.9 g (45% of the adequate level).


  • L-carnitine tartrate, guarana extract, cherry stem extract, inulin, chromium picolinate. L-carnitine, alpha lipoic acid, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B2, vitamin B1. L-carnitine tartrate, alpha lipoic acid, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B2, vitamin B1 purified water (solvent), concentrated plum juice, powdered acai juice, guarana extract, powdered lemon juice, green tea extract, sodium benzoate and sorbate potassium (preservatives), sucralose (sweetener). 100 ml of the drink contains 100 mg of caffeine, which is 200% of the adequate level and does not exceed the upper permissible level of daily intake. Purified water, vegetable glycerin (thickener), orange flavoring additive, L-carnitine, L-carnitine tartrate, fructose, xanthan gum (thickener), lemon juice, potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate (preservatives), natural curcumin dye, pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5), alpha lipoic acid. Water, glycerin (thickener), fructose, cherry stem extract, grape leaf extract, citric acid (acidity regulator), oat extract, powdered lemon juice, senna extract, artichoke extract, guarana extract, fennel extract, green tea extract, natural flavor ( grapes), sucralose (sweetener), sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate (preservatives). Water, soybean oil, glycerin, caffeine, ethyl alcohol, triethanolamine, menthol, D-panthenol, Tera-active, carbopol, L-carnitine, vitamin E, fucus extract, ginkgo biloba extract, butcher's broom extract, horse chestnut extract, aminophylline, emulsifier , euxyl K300, fragrance. Water, soybean oil, caffeine, glycerin, ethyl alcohol, aminophylline, L-carnitine, TERA-ACTIVE (complex of nicotinic acid and its salt), hyaluronic acid, D-panthenol, vitamin E, fucus vesicularis extract, butcher's broom extract, triethanolamine, carbopol, polysorbate 20, dipropylene glycol, PEG-40 hydrogenated castor oil, euxyl K300, aromatic composition. Garcinia extract, senna extract, chitosan, fennel extract, lemon balm extract, ginger and leuzea liquid extract, red seaweed extract, green tea extract, cherry stem extract, L-carnitine, fennel extract, guarana extract, artichoke extract, zinc lactate, linoleic acid (“Tonalin”), chromium picolinate, natural “Blackcurrant” flavoring. Pink “vitamins” capsule: L-carnitine tartrate, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E, vitamin B3 (nicotinamide), dry fruit mixture (apple, orange, pineapple, banana, lemon), vitamin B5 (calcium pantothenate) , vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B1 (thiamine hydrochloride), vitamin B9 (folic acid) Excipients: capsule (gelatin, dyes: azorubine, titanium dioxide, quinoline yellow, brilliant blue), microcrystalline cellulose (carrier), aerosil (anti-caking agent), calcium stearate (anti-caking agent). White “minerals” capsule: mineral premix (iron sulfate, zinc oxide, copper sulfate, manganese sulfate, potassium iodate, sodium selenite), magnesium oxide, chromium picolinate. Excipients: capsule (gelatin, titanium dioxide), microcrystalline cellulose (carrier), aerosil (anti-caking agent), calcium stearate (anti-caking agent) MORNING capsules: guarana extract, red seaweed extract, calcium carbonate, red grape leaf extract, ascorbic acid. Capsules DAY: garcinia extract, prickly pear flower extract, fennel extract, corn silk extract, senna extract, chromium picolinate Capsules EVENING: garcinia extract, lemon balm extract, fucus extract, senna extract, L-carnitine, chromium picolinate Sachet: oligofructose, lemon juice , prickly pear flower extract, artichoke extract, green tea extract, fennel extract Tera-Vital Complex, caffeine, Liposentol multi complex, L-carnitine, hyaluronic acid, extracts of ginkgo biloba, fucus, butcher's broom, d-panthenol, triethanolamine, soybean oil, glycerin , ethyl alcohol, natural essential oil, carbopol, katon CG. Whey (milk) protein concentrate, starch syrup, confectionery glaze, vegetable glycerin, complex food additive "Ecasia", maltodextrin, egg white, cocoa powder, L-carnitine, garcinia extract, green tea extract, flavor identical to natural "Caramel", "Hazelnut", sweetener, chromium picolinate. Whey (milk) protein concentrate, starch syrup, confectionery glaze, vegetable glycerin, complex food additive "Ecasia", maltodextrin, egg white, cocoa powder, L-carnitine, garcinia extract, green tea extract, flavor identical to natural "Caramel", "Hazelnut", sweetener, chromium picolinate. whey protein concentrate (100% protein) - 7.5 g; apple pectin - 1.5 g; inulin - 1.49 g; Chromium picolinate - 450 mcg (chromium - 50 mcg). Auxiliary components: flavoring additive – strawberry powder, fructose. Whey protein concentrate, food glycerin, starch syrup, cocoa butter, complex food additive "Ecasia", egg white, L-carnitine, mate extract, green tea extract, sweetener, chromium picolinate, confectionery glaze. coffee 1700 mg, taurine 400 mg, L-carnitine tartrate 110.2 mg / L-carnitine 70 mg/, inulin 50 mg, garcinia cambogia extract 50 mg, cherry stem extract 50 mg, ginger 30 mg, cinnamon 30 mg, turmeric extract 25 mg, chromium picolinate 47 5mcg; Auxiliary ingredients: powdered cream on a nutritive basis, cappuccino flavoring or identical to natural Natural instant coffee, garcinia extract, turmeric extract, horsetail extract, burdock extract (inulin), senna extract, vitamin PP, chromium picolinate Caffeine, aminophylline, menthol , fucus extract, ginkgo biloba extract, butcher's broom extract, horse chestnut extract, D-panthenol, L-carnitine, vitamin E, natural grapefruit essential oil, glycerin, soybean oil, triethanolamine, carbopol, neomekkin-M16, benzyl ester of nicotinic acid. Mineral complex of sea salt, L-carnitine, green tea extract, cherry stem extract, powdered lemon juice, cassia extract, fennel extract, black cohosh extract, artichoke extract, oat extract, grapefruit juice base. Senna leaf, corn silk, cherry stalk, green tea leaf, garcinia Cambodian extract, peppermint leaf. contains inulin, hoodia extract, L-carnitine, chromium picolinate Chitosan, bean seed extract, garcinia extract, fennel extract, chromium picolinate. Chromium picolinate 1.819 mg, Chromium – 200 mcg; Auxiliary ingredients: cellulose, silicon dioxide.

Among the huge variety of dietary supplements, Turboslim diet pills occupy a leading position. There are several videos of this drug, with which you can effectively lose extra pounds. When a person does not know how to control the size of his portions, cannot moderate his appetite and refuse snacks, specialized pills come to the rescue that allow you to lose weight without serious restrictions on the diet and exhausting workouts.

About the drug

The drug Tubroslim is manufactured by the Evalar company. The manufacturer has developed a whole series of biologically active food supplements that promote weight loss. Each variation has a different effect on the body and is selected depending on the human body. However, even with their effectiveness, we must not forget about the basic rules of losing weight:

  1. Eat healthy meals in small portions at least 4-5 times a day.
  2. Daily fluid intake is at least 2 liters of water per day.
  3. Additional physical activity, constant walks in the fresh air.
  4. Refusal bad habits, fast food, alcohol, fatty, sweet and salty foods.
  5. Eating more greens, vegetables and fruits.

Without following these basics, it is impossible to achieve significant results in the plumb line.

Turboslim tablets for weight loss saturate the human body, thereby dulling the feeling of hunger. Opinions about this drug differ among doctors and people who have used it. To understand how effective it is and what disadvantages it has, you need to know what effect it has on the body, what it consists of, what properties and contraindications it has.

Turboslim diet pills can be used not only for problems with overweight. They are used in the following cases:

  1. With weak immunity.
  2. As a sedative.
  3. To normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The benefit of the drug is that it is low cost, it reduces appetite and thereby prevents you from eating a lot of food at one time. There are savings on products.

Clinical effect, composition, properties, contraindications

Many people wonder what is the most effective drug for weight loss. How not to make a mistake in choosing what components are included in the composition, what contraindications various tablets have, what properties they have on the body.

  1. Hoodia Gordonii extract is the main component of Turboslim tablets. This is a natural extract that contains molecules that have an effect on nerve cells. This effect is similar to the effect glucose has on the body. Thus, a person deceives himself and begins to feel false satiation. The natural extract also contains components that improve metabolic processes in the body and also reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood. Hoodia Gordoni extract cleanses the body of waste and toxins.
  2. Inulin is another natural component of plant origin. It is present in plants such as Jerusalem artichoke and chicory. This component has positive impact for the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. Thanks to this, weight loss occurs. It also helps to quickly saturate the body. Satiety is felt for a long time after taking the drug. If you use inulin constantly, a person will stop overeating, he will begin to eat measuredly, in small portions and not feel hunger at night. This is due to the fact that when it enters the body, the natural component is converted into a gel. It coats the stomach lining and increases the level of satiety hormones.
  3. Chromium picolinate – this component is responsible for gaining muscle mass and restoring it after hard training, transportation of glucose in the body. If there is not enough chromium, metabolism slows down, proteins are poorly absorbed, and thus excess weight is gained. However, in its pure form, chromium is dangerous to the human body. In the production of preparations based on it, chromium picolinate is used. It starts regeneration processes, improves performance thyroid gland, helps withstand low-calorie diets.
  4. L-carnitine – this component is also called levocarnitine. It is included in most weight loss drugs, sports supplements. It's being used experienced athletes and fitness visitors. Levocarnitine removes excess liquid from the body and breaks down fat layers.

These are the main components of the drug. In addition to them, it contains green tea extract, lemon juice (powder), sorbitol, Aerosil, mint oil and others.

After the composition is clear and the active components are designated, you can move on to the properties of the drug:

  1. Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Dulling of the feeling of hunger. Saturation of the body for a long time.
  3. Developing healthy eating habits.
  4. The ability to more effectively engage in heavy sports and increase muscle mass thanks to the main components of Turboslim tablets.
  5. Normalization of the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  6. Reducing the level of bad cholesterol and glucose in the blood.
  7. Cleansing the body of toxins, excess fluid, salts and toxins.
  8. Increased stress resistance. Improved mood.
  9. Reduced blood pressure.
  10. Improves the condition of nails, skin and hair.

In most cases, dietary supplements are made from natural ingredients of plant origin. Thanks to this, they have the least number of contraindications.

Doctors and nutritionists recommend that pregnant and lactating mothers take any new medications carefully. This is due to the fact that the body undergoes restructuring during these periods and any innovation can negatively affect the child’s health.

The drug is also contraindicated in case of individual intolerance or allergic reactions to the components of the tablets. Otherwise, they can be used for various diseases since they do not have a harsh effect on the body.

The most famous variation of weight loss capsules. They are intended for daytime use depending on the pace Everyday life. For best result the Turboslim day complex must be combined with night capsules.

These tablets consist of guarana, which accelerates metabolic processes and promotes the burning of fat layers, an extract from red algae, which helps cleanse the body of toxins. It also contains bioflavonoids, which activate fat burning processes. Papaya extract blocks the formation of fatty deposits.

For people losing weight, it is important to support the body at night so that it loses extra pounds. On average, the human body burns 400 kcal in one night. However, this is not enough for active weight loss. Capsules intended for night time activate the processes of burning calories and enhance them.

This drug contains:

  1. Melissa – promotes good sleep, calms nerves, fights insomnia.
  2. Garcinia Cambogia extract – breaks down fat fibers. It tidies up the skin, smoothes out wrinkles and stretch marks.
  3. Senna extract – improves intestinal function and reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

This is a universal drug that does not need to be mixed with additional tablets. It is used in cases where a person cannot control his appetite, has age-related problems with weight loss and weight gain, and also has a slow metabolism.

Alpha lipoic acid in combination with lovocarnitine helps speed up metabolic processes, helps control appetite, improves bowel function, and helps cope with age-related weight gain problems.

These capsules help improve metabolic reactions and thereby contribute to fast weight loss. The course of the technique lasts 3 days and is designed for rapid weight loss. Throughout the day, you should take 6 tablets of different colors before three main meals, and also drink a special drink at the end of the day.

The drug activates the fat burning processes of the body itself, removes waste, excess fluid and toxins from it. Has a laxative effect to remove food debris. Eliminates swelling and salt deposits. Helps improve general condition. A person reaches the maximum plumb line in the shortest possible time.

Why you should use Turboslim tablets

In order to understand how effective this drug is for burning fat and whether it is worth purchasing, it is necessary to consider a scientific experiment in which outsiders took part.

The purpose of the experiment was to see how effective weight loss capsules would be for various types body. 200 people took part in it. All volunteers underwent a medical examination before the experiment. They took Turboslim tablets day and night. At the same time, fatty, sweet and salty foods were excluded from the diet. Additionally added morning work-out and daily walks fresh air. Results:

  1. During the course, 110 people were able to lose 15 kilograms of weight and felt an improvement in the general condition of the body.
  2. 60 people were able to reduce their weight by 6-10 kilograms. They approved the product and expressed a desire to continue using it in the future.
  3. 30 people were dissatisfied because they were unable to reduce their weight by more than 5 kilograms.

Based on these figures, we can safely say that this drug is effective for various types of organism. However, with some features it may not bring the desired result.

Scientists, nutritionists and doctors agree that dietary supplements are not medicines. Because of this, the duration of the technique may extend for more than one month. The instructions clearly indicate the period after which you should stop. If the result is not enough, you can repeat the course after a two-week break.

Also, depending on which capsule option you chose, be it day, night, alpha or express, the number of tablets consumed per day will depend. It is strictly forbidden to exceed the specified dosages. Otherwise, you can harm your body.

Reviews from specialist doctors

Andrey Gusarev (Moscow). Dietitian, 45 years old, 15 years of experience.

I am familiar with Turboslim drugs for weight loss firsthand. This is a whole chain of dietary supplements designed primarily for weight loss. I have a calm attitude towards dietary supplements, even though their benefits have not been officially confirmed. After carefully studying the composition and properties of these capsules, I began to implement them in my own weight loss techniques. I used the complexes day and night. I can say that these are one of the few effective fat burners that I have encountered in my entire career. I recommend it to my clients all the time.

Vladimir Alushtov (St. Petersburg). Dietitian, 50 years old, 17 years of experience.

Over many years of work and constant study of nutrition systems, I have recommended dietary supplements in various situations. I don’t consider these supplements to be somehow illegal or useless. When I came across Turboslim fat burners, I spent a long time testing them for effectiveness. I can say that this is a workable remedy for losing excess weight, but it is stupid to rely only on its effect. We must not forget the basic rules of losing weight.

Customer Reviews

Based on the reviews of most clients, we can judge that Turboslim tablets are one of the highest quality fat burners. With their help, you can lose weight by an average of 10-12 kilograms per month.

Negative reviews represent approximately 12% of 100%. They are usually left by people who did not add additional stress to the process of losing weight, ate what they wanted, and led a passive lifestyle.

Where to buy Turboslim tablets

Since dietary supplements are not medications, they can be purchased without any prescriptions. You cannot buy Turboslim in a regular pharmacy. To do this, you will need to go to the online store and order capsules for home delivery. For 220 rubles you will receive a package of 20 chewable tablets.

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A whole range of products with a special composition is designed to make life easier for people trying to become slim. The Evalar program offers capsules, tablets, special drinks and even dietary desserts. Weak metabolism, tendency to overeat, abuse of sweets, fluid retention - for each problem, Turbo Slim has prepared its own solution. But isn't this just another trick?

What is offered to those losing weight

"Turboslim" is a complex of drugs, according to the manufacturers, that can provide powerful support on the path to the desired weight. The developer himself positions four categories:

  • to cleanse the body– these drugs stimulate the peristaltic activity of the intestines and promote the removal of retained fluid;
  • to activate the weight loss process– this category contains drugs that activate weight loss and comprehensively eliminate the problems of losing weight;
  • for weight control– products that solve specific problems of overweight people;
  • for cosmetic support– includes a line of products for external use that can sculpt the contours of the figure and eliminate cellulite.

To make it easier and more correct to say goodbye to extra pounds, as well as speed up this process, the manufacturer recommends combining products from different groups.


This category of Turboslim products has a special mission - to remove waste and toxins from the body, start intestinal function, activate lymphatic drainage and remove fluid from tissues. For this purpose, the products contain components that have been tested for centuries in folk and traditional medicine. This approach allows you to achieve weight loss by eliminating all “extra” from the body, which invariably leads to an acceleration of metabolism and activation of physiological fat burning. Category includes:

  • cleansing tea "Turboslim";
  • cleansing coffee drink;
  • drainage concentrate.

The latter remedy has varieties - a drug for older women age category(from 45 years old), product for men. The first drainage from Turboslim has a more gentle effect on the urinary system. The second, on the contrary, works more actively to speed up a man’s strong metabolism.

Weight loss activators

To activate weight loss, “Turboslim” performs several tasks at once that are relevant for a person when fighting extra pounds:

  • cleanses the body;
  • removes liquid;
  • controls appetite;
  • improves metabolism;
  • accelerates the breakdown of incoming fats;
  • activates the consumption of reserves.

Products in this category are distinguished by their complex composition and specialized approach. You can choose the necessary drug based on your lifestyle, weight loss goals, as well as the problems you encountered on your way to being slim. "Turboslim" to activate weight loss includes:

  • capsules "Turboslim Day";
  • capsules "Turboslim Night";
  • tablets "Turboslim Alpha";
  • drink "Turboslim Alpha";
  • concentrate "Turboslim fitness";
  • "Turboslim Express Weight Loss" set.

A special feature of the listed drugs is their complex composition, which allows you to approach the problem from different angles and resolve it in the shortest possible time. The use of "Turboslim" "day-night" is recommended simultaneously to lose weight around the clock. Alpha products are intended for people with inactive metabolism. The Fitness product is suitable for active losers who focus on physical exercise. The “Express Weight Loss” kit is designed for accelerated weight loss as an emergency aid. You will need it before an important event or to speed up the achievement of your goal - when there are only a couple of “stubborn” kilograms left to reach it.

Weight Control Products

This group of products from Turboslim has the most important mission - to make it easier for a losing weight person with dietary restrictions. Its main tasks:

  • moderate appetite;
  • allow you to enjoy delicious food without compromising your diet;
  • speed up metabolism;
  • supply the body with proteins;
  • prevent vitamin deficiency;
  • support the principles of fractional nutrition;
  • speed up weight loss.

As you can see, the tasks are not easy. Nevertheless, they are extremely important for anyone losing weight. Turboslim offers “controlling” products:

  • “Appetite control” tablets;
  • "Calorie blocker";
  • "Chromium picolinate."

These remedies are designed to reduce cravings for food, especially sweets. Calorie blocking tablets limit the absorption of carbohydrates and fats by controlling their breakdown. This remedy is necessary for people who from time to time allow themselves “breakdowns”.

For those who like to eat, there is a category of “snacks” in “Turboslim”. They can be used as a healthy and tasty snack to help you avoid eating junk food. Characteristic feature These products contain proteins, fiber, vitamins, as well as means that help overcome the “brutal” appetite. Here's what a dieter can afford:

  • drink "Turboslim Coffee Cappuccino";
  • dietary cocktail "Turboslim";
  • weight loss bars in five flavor variations.

To facilitate the task of creating a diet for weight loss, Turboslim has in its arsenal a special set that includes products for a protein diet. It consists of special “semi-finished products”, the preparation of which consists only of dissolving with warm water or other liquid. To prevent vitamin deficiency, Turboslim contains a vitamin-mineral complex, which focuses on vitamins that accelerate metabolism.


The manufacturer claims that the result of the diet will be inferior if a person who has made so much effort to achieve the desired weight is disappointed by his reflection in the mirror. To prevent this from happening, taking Turboslim medications must be supplemented with the use of external agents. They perform several tasks:

  • moisturize the skin in areas where the problem is localized;
  • trigger the burning of subcutaneous fat;
  • eliminate the appearance of cellulite;
  • carry out figure correction;
  • activate the process of losing weight locally.

External Turboslim products include:

  • body cream “Turboslim day”;
  • body cream “Turboslim night”;
  • cream for weight loss and face lifting.

The manufacturer recommends making your own individual plan losing weight using products from all groups. It is necessary to understand the essence of your own problem of stopping or gaining weight, and then select the necessary means, supplementing them with a variety of auxiliary drugs. Then weight loss will occur more actively. All drugs are available without a prescription.

Availability of funds

Turboslim products differ from weight loss drugs not only in the possibility of over-the-counter use. Indications for the use of all Turboslim products include obesity and excess weight, but the drugs can be used by people trying to lose just a few kilograms. This is due to the safety of the components included in the preparations. Additional advantages over analogues are the moderate price of Turboslim, as well as the absence of strict restrictions on diet and alcohol consumption.

Cleansing drinks "Turboslim" for weight loss

A universal remedy from this category is Turboslim Cleansing tea. This product is a blend of green tea with herbal ingredients. Among them:

  • hay;
  • corn silk;
  • cherry stalks;
  • garcinia;
  • mint.

The product has no restrictions on the time of administration - tea is drunk in the morning and evening. All you need to do is pour a glass of boiling water over one packet and let it sit for five minutes. The maximum frequency is twice a day. The effects of use are laxative, diuretic, decreased appetite and increased metabolism. For moderate weight loss, it is enough to replace your usual tea with Turboslim. According to reviews, the laxative effect is most noticeable and is not always appropriate.

Slimming coffee "Turboslim", in addition to plant extracts, contains nicotinic acid, chromium picolinate, and inulin. This gives it the following properties:

  • regulate blood sugar levels;
  • tone the body;
  • prevent attacks of hunger;
  • cleanse the body of toxins and fluids;
  • stimulate lipid metabolism.

The remedy differs from tea in its milder laxative and diuretic effect, as well as tonic properties. You can drink coffee twice a day, before lunch. Otherwise, the risk of insomnia increases.

Series "Drainage"

Turboslim Drainage products are natural liquid concentrates prepared from plant extracts. They contain cherry stalks, artichoke, hay, corn silk extract, chromium picolinate and other components selected specifically for draining the body while losing weight. Drugs in this group have several actions:

  • remove fluid accumulations from the body;
  • “drain” fat cells to facilitate their breakdown;
  • neutralize toxins and free radicals;
  • activate lymph outflow;
  • tone the body;
  • have an antioxidant effect.

The Turboslim line includes three drainage products designed to enhance weight loss. Let's consider the action of each of them:

  • "Turboslim Drainage". The active concentrate, acting in the indicated directions, ensures intensive removal of fluid and stimulation of the excretory system. Take half a teaspoon dissolved in a glass of water, four glasses per dose, for 10 days.
  • "Turboslim Drainage 45+". A plant concentrate that stimulates cleansing of the body, taking into account age-related changes in female body. Among the special substances it contains black cohosh extract and sea ​​salt. This provides regulation hormonal levels, prevents the development of electrolyte imbalance. The product also contains active antioxidants that rejuvenate the body's cells.
  • "Turboslim Drainage for men." A herbal remedy that takes into account the characteristics of male metabolism. It is more active than other drugs to eliminate “male-type” fat deposits.

Drainage for older men and women, take a teaspoon dissolved in a glass of water. The maximum permissible dose is four glasses per day. The course of treatment is ten days.

The intake of all cleansers must be accompanied by an optimal drinking regimen. This will ensure active flushing of waste and toxins, speed up the process of losing weight, and prevent dehydration of the body. Customer reviews indicate the unpleasant taste of drainage products and certain difficulties in drinking the recommended amount during the day.

Fat burner drugs

The day-night combination stands out from this series. The products are designed to be used together to provide around-the-clock weight loss for the person losing weight. A special feature of the enhanced daily formula is: increased concentration active ingredients:

  • L-carnitine;
  • guarana extract;
  • chromium picolinate;
  • cherry stalks;
  • inulin.

These substances provide moderate appetite throughout the day, as well as activation of the process of fat burning and removal of fluid from the body. The manufacturer claims that the drug reduces cravings for sweets, preventing the consumption of excessive amounts of calories.

The night remedy contains substances that bind fats consumed with the evening meal. The drug prevents evening overeating and attacks of night hunger. Besides, natural process weight loss that occurs at night should intensify under the influence of “Turboslim Night”. The laxative component provides morning bowel cleansing and a feeling of lightness the next day. The gentle soothing effect of the capsules is designed to ensure a good night's sleep - a guarantee of proper functioning of the thyroid gland and gradual healthy decline weight.

Both drugs are available in capsules, 30 pieces per package. The course of complex therapy is a month of daily use. To take "Turboslim" for weight loss, you need two capsules of the daily drug in the morning, during breakfast, as well as one or two capsules of the night drug during dinner.

Lipolysis activator "Alpha"

"Turboslim Alpha" is a combination of two main stimulants of metabolism - alpha-lipoic acid and L-carnitine. These substances ensure activation of lipid metabolism and increased fat burning during physical activity. In addition, they increase the endurance of the human body, allowing you to do more exercise, feel more active. The additive is recommended for:

  • athletes;
  • losing weight through fitness;
  • hard working people on a diet.

Take two tablets, once a day, before meals. The concentrated solution is used to increase physical endurance - half a bottle, immediately before training. The opened bottle is stored in the refrigerator. If the tablets need to be taken in a course of at least a month, then the concentrate can be consumed as needed.

"Fitness" option

"Turboslim Fitness" contains:

  • plum extract;
  • acaya extract;
  • guarana extract;
  • green tea extract;
  • lemon juice.

The drink is a tonic and is taken to increase the activity of training, once a day. The manufacturer recommends using the product several times a week, immediately before high-intensity activities.

Express slimming

Turboslim Express Weight Loss stands apart in this group of drugs. The set is designed for immediate weight loss and reduction of body volume. The manufacturer promises a weight gain of three kilograms and minus three centimeters at the waist in just three days of intensive therapy. The complex consists of:

  • six capsules for morning use– they activate fluid excretion, reduce appetite, and activate fat burning;
  • six daily capsules– designed to maintain a stable state throughout the day, when no additional meals are required, and fat burning remains intense;
  • six evening capsules– activate nighttime weight loss, start the process of complete cleansing of the intestines;
  • three sachets with a drink– designed to strengthen the formula, invigorates, tones the body, supports active weight loss.

Reviews of Turboslim Express Weight Loss are somewhat contradictory. Some consumers enthusiastically point to the impressive plumb line behind short term, and part of it is a waste of money and a complete lack of results.

It is difficult to say which Turboslim is the most effective for weight loss, because each body is individual. The effect of natural components is difficult to predict. In terms of the most quick results You can select a set for weight loss in three days, however, the consumer should be prepared for disappointment and even unpleasant side effects, which is also mentioned in the reviews.

Maintenance medications

At specific times during the diet, additional support may be required. Typically, the need for it arises in those with a sweet tooth, as well as in the presence of other food addiction. In this case, special medicine and tablets will help, solving the main problem, for comfortable adherence to the principles of dietary nutrition.

The first drug is “Turboslim Appetite Control”. These are chewable tablets, according to the manufacturer's promises, which have a lightning-fast effect:

  • reduce appetite;
  • relieve the feeling of hunger;
  • activate accelerated saturation;
  • prevent the recurrence of the desire to eat.

This drug is suitable for people who suffer from chronic overeating or who feel dependent on glucose. Dissolving in the mouth, the tablet stimulates the receptors of the food cavity, creating the illusion of irritation with food. Hoodia extract promotes accelerated satiety by stimulating the “satiety” center in the brain. Inulin blocks surges in glucose and insulin, preventing the occurrence of sudden attacks of hunger, and chromium picolinate suppresses cravings for sweets.

The dosage of Turboslim tablets is individual. Chew one tablet before each meal. Course use allows you to adjust the patient’s eating habits. Some reviews question the lightning-fast effect, although they note a slight decrease in appetite.

The second popular drug from this group is “Turboslim Calorie Blocker”. This medicine contains:

  • chitosan;
  • bean seed extract;
  • garcinia extract;
  • chromium picolinate;
  • fennel extract.

The product has a complex effect. It promotes weight loss by blocking the absorption of broken down carbohydrates and fatty compounds, reducing the daily calorie intake. This is a solution for those who are not ready to give up their eating habits, but want to lose weight. The product can be used as an independent method of losing weight, as well as in combination with other drugs to enhance the effect and speed up the achievement of your goals. The drug is taken one tablet with each meal.

Any weight loss includes not only the use of drugs, but also physical exercise, as well as adherence to dietary nutrition. Otherwise, even the newest developments by scientists will be ineffective. Tablets are not able to reduce the caloric content of the diet even by 50%, which should be taken into account when choosing foods.

Desserts with photos

One of the significant problems in the process of losing weight is giving up your favorite foods. Most often these are desserts and sweets. With the help of special developments from Turoslim, you can please yourself while losing weight. These products are low-calorie, which means they cannot interfere with the weight loss process. An additional advantage is the composition of each product - they are enriched with plant extracts and mineral compounds that dull the feeling of hunger, promote fat burning and accelerated metabolism. There are several desserts for the patient to choose from.

  • Cappuccino "Turboslim". A pleasant tasting coffee drink with a tonic effect. Can be used as a healthy coffee substitute. Contains only 42 kcal. It is distinguished by its ability to activate the removal of fluid from the body.
  • Berry cocktail. In addition to plant extracts and organic compounds, it contains pectin and protein. With its help, you can reduce the portion sizes of regular food or even replace one of the meals, reducing the daily calorie intake. An additional effect is the supply of the body with essential amino acids required for the full active combustion of fat deposits and the building of muscle tissue.
  • Protein bar. Its formula is enhanced not only with quickly digestible protein, but also with extracts of garcinia, green tea, and mate. Such a snack will be tasty, satisfying, and healthy.

All additional products You can consume one serving per day. This provides an opportunity to enrich the diet even at the most strict diet. It is important to understand that desserts cannot replace normal food, so it is better to leave them “as a last resort.”

Are there any pitfalls?

Based on the manufacturer's promises, losing weight with Turboslim seems like a dream come true, when specialized supplements do everything for the person losing weight, giving him the desired slimness in a matter of days. In fact, everything is not so simple and it cannot be done without human efforts. The manufacturer guarantees weight loss with Turboslim subject to the following conditions.

  • Calorie content of foods. If you don’t have the strength or the ability to give up all high-calorie foods, you need to limit the consumption of calorie giants - fast food, sweet soda, pure fat. The fact is that the composition of the most effective supplements will not be able to cope with the effects of particularly harmful food if consumed without moderation.
  • Drinking regime. Complete cleansing of the body is possible only by consuming a sufficient amount of clean drinking water. 2 liters per day is the cherished minimum for weight loss. Moreover, drinks from the Turboslim line cannot be included in this volume.
  • Physical exercise. Even a simple increase will be effective physical activity throughout the day - walking, cycling. If you engage in sports seriously, the rate of weight loss will increase noticeably.

An additional reason for buyers’ doubts are the side effects of Turboslim. I just can’t believe that the effects of drugs can disappear without leaving a trace on the body. Based on customer reviews, it turns out that the side effects of the main drugs consist of a laxative and diuretic effect. Some reviews mention heartburn and stomach pain.

Thanks to the natural composition, the risk of negative actions is minimal, however, they cannot be completely excluded. The scale of side effects increases with overdose. To exclude it, you must follow the recommendations of the instructions.

Contraindications for all Turboslim products are the same and include:

  • pregnancy period;
  • breast-feeding;
  • kidney failure;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • serious pathologies of the digestive tract;
  • individual sensitivity to the components of the products.

The harm of the drug "Turboslim" to the body may appear unexpectedly, because not everyone knows that he is sensitive to Garcinia Cambogia or guarana. In addition, reviews indicate aromatization of capsule shells and their contents. Fragrance additives can also provoke a number of undesirable effects. Taking any remedy requires careful attention and caution.