Ironman triathlon. First triathlon: start with a short distance or go straight to Ironman? Eventing iron man

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The sport called ironman triathlon consists of three disciplines: open water swimming, road cycling and classic running.

They begin to compete with a swim (after the mass start): a short run and a jump from a pontoon into the water. The water temperature should not be lower than 25 degrees. If it is cooler, then the Ironman triathlon rules require that athletes swim in wetsuits with a coating thickness of no more than 5 mm. Signaling buoys mark the route. If an athlete leaves the race, he receives penalty points. These seconds are later subtracted from the total time.

The bike race follows immediately after the swim in the Ironman triathlon. They prepare for the race in a special area. Road bicycles are used to travel the route. Along the route, cyclists have food stations where they can drink water and satisfy their hunger. No outside assistance is permitted in the Ironman Triathlon.

The standards of the International Triathlon Federation allow the use of bicycle racks that do not extend beyond the boundaries of the brake levers. At this stage, group leadership is allowed in Olympic competitions.

But in the Ironman triathlon you cannot do this: the rider must move at least 11 meters from the accompanying vehicle and the moving cyclist. This requires extra effort.

Third in the ironman triathlon is running on hard surfaces. The main task of the participant is to preserve the advantages earned at the previous stages. In case of violations, the participant is stopped for up to 30 seconds. He will be able to continue moving after additional instructions. They can be punished if an athlete interferes with the running of other participants.

What types of triathlon are there?

There are 6 of them today:

  • tristar. The difference lies in the short distances that the athlete covers: 100 meters for swimming, 10 kilometers for a bicycle race and a kilometer for free running;
  • for the super sprint the numbers are different: the swim requires 400 meters, the race is 10 km, the run is 2.5 km;
  • for the sprint these figures are respectively: 0.75 km for swimming, 20 kilometers for cycling and another 5 kilometers for running;
  • The triathlon standards for the Olympic distance are as follows: you need to swim 1.5 km; for a road cycling race, cover 40 km; then run 10 km;
  • The standards for the Ironman triathlon, or “iron man,” are as follows: you need to swim 3.86 km; ride a bicycle – 180 km; run – 42, 195 km;
  • the last type is ultra triathlon. For it, the length of the distances used in standard triathlon is increased by a different number of times. Competitions are held not on one day, but on several.

About equipment for triathletes

In order to achieve high performance in the Ironman triathlon, athletes are provided with specialized clothing at different sections of the marathon routes to help them complete the route.

For the swim, as mentioned, you need a wetsuit, which is selected depending on the water temperature and the length of the route. If the length of the route is less than 1500 m, they perform in ordinary swimming trunks, since changing clothes is impractical for such a short distance. In addition, the swimming style they use is crawl. It is intense enough that the swimmer does not have time to become hypothermic.

If the water temperature drops below 25 degrees, and you have to overcome a classic or marathon distance, it is recommended to wear a wetsuit, which will protect the participant from hypothermia. The thickness of the suit cannot exceed 5 mm. This is enough to maintain temperature control functions.

The equipment for the cycling stage is identical to the sportswear of a classic cyclist, which can be the following:

  • streamlined helmet. In addition to protecting the participant, it helps overcome air resistance, which is especially necessary on descents where the athlete reaches maximum speed;
  • glasses. An important accessory that protects your eyes from sunlight and insects. They help to cover all sections of a cycling race evenly;
  • shoes. It is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the cyclist. Sports shoes provide high-quality traction for the feet and pedals. The best are considered to be contact pedals that can be pulled along with the foot, thereby facilitating the rider’s movements during torque;
  • cloth. During a race, a cycling suit, like a helmet, reduces air resistance and protects against abrasions of the skin on the bicycle saddle. In addition, it maintains optimal body temperature under different weather conditions.

Equipment for the running stage is, first of all, high-quality shoes. It is selected for ironman triathlon participants based on individual characteristics and the type of track surface. Comfortable shoes for this stage of the ironman triathlon are sneakers.

How Ironman Triathlon Training Is Conducted

Trainings– the only productive way to improve endurance and reduce pain after completing the route. Athletes know that the main discipline in ironman triathlon is running. This section decides whether the athlete will win or not.


Distance, kilometers KMS 1st category 2nd category 3rd category
0,3+8+2 27:00 29:00 31:00
0,75+20+5 1:02:00 1:06:30 1:12:00 1:18:00

Winter triathlon

7+12+10 1:32:00 1:40:00 1:50:00 7+12+10
9+14+12 2:00:00 2:10:00 2:25:00 9+14+12

Duathlon sprint
(running + cycling + jogging)

2+8+1 24:00 26:00 28:00

Triathlon long distance
(swimming + cycling + running)

3+80+20 4:50:00 5:20:00 5:50:00 finish the distance
4+120+30 7:50:00 8:35:00 9:30:00 finish the distance
3.8+180+42.2 10:40:00 11:40:00 12:45:00 finish the distance


Group of distances (swimming + cycling + running) Distance, kilometers KMS 1st category 2nd category 3rd category
0,3+8+2 31:00 34:00 37:00
0,75+20+5 1:10:00 1:15:00 1:21:00 1:28:00

Winter triathlon
(running + cycling + cross-country skiing)

7+12+10 1:42:00 1:52:00 2:03:00 1:32:00
9+14+12 2:15:00 2:30:00 2:50:0 2:00:00

Duathlon sprint
(running + cycling + jogging)

2+8+1 28:00 29:00 31:00

Triathlon long distance
(swimming + cycling + running)

3+80+20 5:30:00 6:05:00 7:00:00 finish the distance
4+120+30 9:10:00 10:00:00 11:10:00 finish the distance
3.8+180+42.2 11:45:00 12:50:00 13:55:00 finish the distance

The cycling phase precedes the running phase, which uses the same muscles as during running. Consequently, by overcoming running segments in training, the athlete also progresses in cycling.

This means that you initially need to decide on the discipline in which you plan to participate. Then, the appropriate section of the route is selected, and running begins, at a pace acceptable for the athlete: the muscles should not get tired, i.e. the athlete must feel comfortable. Gradually you need to add segments where the running pace will be increased. Alternating this technique, gradually increase the running speed and add the number of sections where acceleration is performed.

When the first successes become noticeable, sections are added to the route, which can be overcome by bicycle. Afterwards they jog again. It will be easier to complete the distance if you change disciplines more often.

Video: Ironman Triathlon

My children already know what triathlon is - it’s going early in the morning to nature and shouting: “Daddy, come on!” It’s also quite easy for adults who are idlely interested in this question to find the answer - I’m simply listing the classic distances that need to be covered one after another by swimming, cycling and running.

Classic triathlon distances:

  • “Sprint” - 750 meters swimming, 20 km cycling, 5 km running;
  • “Olympic” - 1.5 km swimming, 40 km cycling, 10 km running (perhaps the most spectacular distance, which is why it is included in the Olympics: not too long so that the viewer gets tired, not too short so as to show all the beauty);
  • “Half ironman” - 1.9 km swimming, 90 km cycling, 21.1 km running (This distance is also called “ironman 70.3” or in Russian “triathlon 113”, 113 is the total number of kilometers covered);
  • “ironman” - 3.86 km swimming, 180.25 km cycling, 42.195 km running (Aka “ironman”, aka “226”, the most difficult test (although people also came up with “ultra ironman” 🙈))

At first glance, it seems like a so-so sport, with too many difficulties and frightening distances... But in recent years, the popularity of amateur triathlon has been growing inexorably. Where do all these new triathletes come from and what reasons motivate them to take the path of triathlon? I will describe my guesses, experience, what brought me to triathlon and why I consider it an ideal sport for an amateur.

What to do if you're tired of running?

That's right - triathlon! I really liked how one strong runner described triathlon on the eve of his first sprint experience: “Running in public.” I've also heard cyclists talk about a triathlon - it's a race with a warm-up and a cool-down. In this dispute, I only feel sorry for the swimmers 😂

It seems that most triathletes come from runners, cyclists and swimmers. And I attribute the growing popularity recently to the running boom. Now in Russia we are experiencing a huge surge of interest in amateur running. Indeed, to start running you don’t need practically any expenses: the most difficult thing is finding the time. In swimming and especially in cycling, such an influx of “fresh blood”, unfortunately, is not observed. But, nevertheless, people get up from the couch and run, then start pedaling and swimming. The trend is so strong that not only couch runners, but also professionals and experienced runners suddenly get on a bike and try on a trisuit. Do you still look askance at such people and don’t understand why this is necessary?

What are the pros and cons of triathlon?

The number of disadvantages in triathlon is equal to the number of disadvantages in any sport if you don’t want to do it. That is, in fact, some of them are stereotypes, and some need to be turned into advantages. For example, the most common reasons that cast doubt:

  • It takes an unrealistic amount of time to prepare for a triathlon, and there’s nowhere to get it even for running!

Indeed, preparing for ironman requires many hours of training. But, firstly, it always seemed to me that I couldn’t even find half an hour a week to run, but if you get up an hour or two earlier, including on weekends, then this is more than enough for the full Ironman distance (12 hours per week). Secondly, triathlon is not only Ironman! There are also shorter distances that require less time. Moreover, I strongly do not recommend rushing to complete the full iron distance, especially if you have just started your journey in the sport. It is quite possible to prepare for the full Ironman distance in a year and complete it. But this is not about a healthy lifestyle..

  • Triathlon is a very expensive sport, because for running you only need sneakers, and for swimming - a cap and goggles;

Yes, triathlon is three sports in one. At the very least, this makes it more expensive. But what's stopping you from trying? Today there is a great opportunity to rent everything you need in one place: a wetsuit, a bicycle with a helmet, and even sneakers (though there are not many such places yet).

  • A triathlon bike costs as much as an airplane;

Yes, there are very expensive TT time trial bikes. But, firstly, a beginner still needs to build up power over the first few years, and this can be done on almost any bike. Secondly, for short distances, a regular road bike is quite enough, and where drafting is allowed, the road bike will even benefit, since drafting at the time trial is much more dangerous. Thirdly, any triathlete who has a TT bike also has a regular road bike. So, you have to start somewhere 😜

  • Triathlete's equipment, training accessories, cycling machine, power meters - all this costs as much as a second plane;

There is an opinion that triathlon is an investment. When you get tired of it and you decide to sell everything, it will be a good investment in your apartment 😂 In fact, today more and more inexpensive triathlon products are appearing on the Russian market. And the cost of this sport depends only on the size of your pocket and the influence of marketing. This is especially true for beginners - in the first years we fight with ourselves, develop endurance, and most of the gadgets begin to play a role when we switch to fighting in seconds.

  • To practice triathlon, you need at least three coaches: swimming, cycling and running;

If you have the desire, but no opportunity, you can study from a book. With the advice of experienced triathletes, progress will be even faster, and with a coach, it will completely move to another level. If you have the opportunity to show your technique to your coach, then a good triathlon coach is quite enough... But three, of course, is better 😜

  • Triathlon is bad for your health!

Any sport can be harmful to health, depending on how you approach it. If the goal is to complete Ironman in a year, then yes, there is no sense of a health goal here. Health in amateur sports should always come first!

So what is triathlon for the new triathlete?

I spent a whole year working toward my first triathlon. At first I had ambitions to complete the half ironman, but after preparing for and successfully completing the first marathon, I somewhat moderated my ardor and began to choose the distance simply out of convenience. I wanted to complete the Olympic course on my birthday in my hometown, but it was not among the available distances to choose from. I probably could have completed half of it, but I probably wouldn’t have had much fun or health, so I chose the Sprint. I successfully completed the distance, felt what triathlon is, and now I’ll try to briefly formulate the essence of my path:

✅ I started to get involved in a cyclic sport - running, and cycling is a logical continuation;

✅ In fact, the reason was also the fear of “jumping off.” Once you've set goals, it's harder to quit. You buy a bike, start learning to swim and feel like you did in the first months of running;

✅ Trying triathlon turned out to be even easier than starting to run - the magic kickoff is no longer needed. I just rented a bike and all the necessary equipment.

✅ Triathlon is constant discoveries. This is so interesting that the notorious “overcoming oneself” fades into the background, and the goal becomes enjoying the process itself and transferring the skill of such pleasure to all areas of life.
Although regularly Ironman will remind you of itself, but there is no longer any desire to pass it for the sake of a tick and another medal. I want to consciously approach it and feel all the preparation.

✅ Three times more emotions at the starts)
When you come out of the water with a feeling of finishing, but then you realize that you are still far from getting a medal, you remember your plan for the race and try to compare it with reality, you get off the bike and remember how to run... boundless joy is already guaranteed at the finish arch;

✅ Fewer running injuries. Well, maybe not less, but training does not stop because of this - they are simply replaced by cycling and swimming 🙄

✅ Cycling is very interesting!

✅ Swimming is actually a parallel universe 👍

So, if you feel that you need to change something in your life -. Running will put your thoughts in order and you will realize that all your life you wanted only one thing - to become a triathlete!

If we compare it with one sport that can be somehow integrated into your schedule, then triathlon is three sports and a special lifestyle that will rearrange all your schedules for the better!

Discussion: 5 comments

    Alexey, excellent note. I started running a year and a half ago from scratch, I weighed 130 kg. The most difficult thing was to get the magic kick! 🙂
    Step by step for 20 seconds...
    I became so interested in running that I have already completed 8 marathons, not to mention dozens and halves. Lost 35 kilograms.
    I really got excited about moving on—to get to the triathlon.

    I absolutely agree: “... If you feel that you need to change something in your life, start running. Running will put your thoughts in order and you will realize that all your life you wanted only one thing - to become a triathlete! Reply

Hello. Please tell me how can I get into this sport? Where to begin? I'm not a good swimmer. With the rest more or less


  1. Zhanna, you answered your own question - start swimming)
    Here it is just important to start swimming with a coach, I started on my own (as well as running), but after 2 years I have to break the old “technique” in order to learn how to swim correctly, otherwise there will be no progress. Then choose a goal, connect other sports and go towards it. The most logical thing is to try a sprint triathlon: you can fully prepare for it in 2 months, if “with the rest more or less”)
    Almost all equipment can be rented. It is only advisable to practice on a road bike in advance, learn how to use it properly, and ride in a group, especially if the start involves drafting.


In Russia, many have heard about Ironman only in connection with the famous blockbuster. But we know who really is iron. Ironman is the most desired triathlon distance. What it is? We'll tell you.

Triathlon will seem strange to some, some will mentally twirl their finger at their temple, and most will completely confuse it with biathlon. No, no one here skis or shoots at targets, and this sport has nothing to do with winter. Today we will talk about people who completely changed their lives and bodies to achieve their goal - in order to become iron men.

Triathlon is a triathlon. Athletes compete in three disciplines - swimming, cycling and running. There are several distances, here are the most famous of them:

There are also other distances, including ultra-triathlons, where the Ironman mileage, for example, is multiplied by two or more times.


This is perhaps the only sport where the very fact of successful completion is often an end in itself. You can't just put on a pair of swimming trunks, swim four kilometers in open water, then immediately cycle 180 kilometers and finally run a full marathon. Many athletes have dedicated most of their lives to achieving their goals. Triathlon is not just a hobby, it is a way of life, it is thinking on a completely different level.

To the average person, such a sport may seem like self-torture for which there is simply no reason, but for triathletes it is something more. We spoke to some hobbyists to find out what makes them tick.

Andrey Storozhuk (Tallinn)

30 years old, sports store owner

Distance: Vyborgman, similar to half-Ironman, (Vyborg, Russia)

An exciting challenge for yourself.


30 years old is the time to start triathlon. With age, a person only becomes more resilient, although he loses some sprinting qualities.


Family support is very important. Even when you don’t really want to go to training, your wife helps you get ready and leave the house.


One of the reasons is problems with excess weight, and also the desire to prove to yourself what you are capable of.

Preparing in the gym

Training 1-2 days a week. First, jogging, stretching, static exercises, then strength training. It is important to have strong back and abdominal muscles in order to be in an aerodynamic position on the bike.

Sports in Estonia

Excellent conditions have been created for cyclists and runners, as well as skiers. Estonia's calling card is marathon races, cycling races in the spring and skiing competitions in the winter in the city of Tartu; they attract a huge number of participants.


Become an Ironman faster than my son can. He is 1 year old. Joke.

What does the Ironman title mean?

I admire the people who have completed this distance. This is a huge challenge for me. This is something I want to be a part of. I can’t yet clearly formulate what and why.


Playing sports educates a person. You learn to constantly plan your time in order to combine sports, work and family. Triathlon teaches you to perceive life more philosophically.


This is a certain circle of communication. There is someone to look up to, there is something to learn.

Stress and health

We don't fully know what our body is capable of. You must learn to listen to yourself, approach sports wisely, then the risk of injury will be minimal. For me, lying on the couch is an incredible burden. This only makes my health worse.

Damir Nuriakhmetov

(Naberezhnye Chelny), 29 years old

Distance: Ironman (Regensburg, Germany)

Without discipline there is nothing to do in this sport. IRONman is not about the distance, but about preparing for it. Competitions are just the final touch, the finish line.


At the age of 20, I started running, ran 7 marathons, but then running alone was not enough, and triathlon became a logical continuation. Unfortunately, I couldn’t swim, but that didn’t stop me. In 2010, I found a coach through an advertisement, he taught me how to float on the water. After 3 months I was able to swim for 40 minutes without stopping.


In 2011, he finished in 63rd place in Vyborg at the Vyborgman distance. In 2012 he became an iron man in Regensburg (Germany).


Depending on the training period: in the active phase 3 times a week - 2 times - cycling and running. On average 6 workouts per week.


I try to stick to a healthy diet.


I wanted to make something that I could remember for a lifetime. I did this for myself, to know that I can.

Is it worth the effort?

Of course, it's worth it, if only for the sake of new sensations.

Sports in Russia

In my city there are practically no conditions for training. The first is the high cost of visiting sports facilities, that is, swimming pools and gyms. The second is the driving culture and the quality of the surface on Russian roads. In our country it is difficult and sometimes dangerous to conduct cycling training.


I have a dream - to go to the Comrades ultra-marathon in South Africa. Its distance is about 89 kilometers, and the route runs between two cities, which change every year. This is the most prestigious ultramarathon.


My goal is to play sports and have fun, because that’s the whole point.

Sports for everyone?

Anyone can become an iron man. This does not require special genetics, predisposition or sports background. Using their examples, thousands of amateurs prove that we ourselves do not know what we are capable of.
Triathlon allows you to understand yourself better. When your body experiences serious stress for many hours, your head clears up and you begin to feel your body as well as never before.

Sports of the smart and rich

According to the American Triathlon Association (ITU), the education and income levels of people who participate in this sport are much higher than the average. We have our own opinion on this matter. We believe that when you have been able to achieve certain successes in life, you need new heights to conquer. Triathlon is best for this. Firstly, this is an age-appropriate sport where you can achieve success in adulthood. Secondly, it is quite difficult, so there will definitely be excitement. Third, it takes time to realize the importance of maintaining your health and fitness. Triathlon will make a real athlete out of anyone.

Where to begin

It all depends on the level of your preparation. If sport is something completely new to you, then first you need to get in the right shape. Triathlon is a sport where you definitely need to use your head. Read books, look for background information, and be sure to find a coach. He will help you choose the load and adapt the workouts specifically for you, which will help you achieve better results and avoid injuries and overtraining.
Warn your family and get their support. Now you have to start really planning your time. Keep a training diary and track your progress.


Start with walking, and after some time gradually move on to a slow run. Increase the load from week to week. The main thing is to run the required volume, so don't run fast, run long. You will train your speed when it makes sense.


To overcome long distances, you need good technique that will allow you to spend your energy efficiently. To avoid sinking right away, take a trainer to the pool. He will teach you all the basics and help you choose the right training program.


You shouldn’t immediately buy a carbon horse for hundreds of thousands of rubles. Start with a good road bike. When you're ready, the coach will put you on a special triathlon bike, which has a number of differences that you can only appreciate with some experience.


Find people in your city who do triathlon. They will help you avoid making mistakes, tell you how to find a good coach, and themselves will serve as the best incentive. Without motivation you cannot become ironclad.

The main thing is to remember that triathlon requires enormous commitment, you need to constantly expand your knowledge, consult with a coach and study your body. The risk of injury is quite high, so you should approach your training wisely and monitor your results.

Iron Man's Loving Heart

Father and son Dick and Rick Hoyt have gone down in the history of world sports, in particular triathlon and Ironman distances, as an amazing example of not only love and willpower, but also the magical and truly transformative power of sport.

Rick, who had been completely immobilized since birth, once asked his father to take part in a marathon with him. Afterwards he told Dick that when they ran, he “no longer felt like an invalid.”

Since then, Dick and Rick have taken part in more than 1060 sports competitions, including 6 Ironman (4 km swim, 180 km bike and 42 km run), more than 200 other triathlon distances, 70 marathons, more than 200 races 10 km and many other competitions. At first they couldn't officially compete in the Boston Marathons (before marathons moved on to triathlons), they simply joined the crowd and ran alongside them, but in 1983 they completed the marathon so fast that they met the required time to participate in the next one. marathon time.

Incredibly, Dick Hoyt did not know how to swim and had not ridden a bicycle since childhood, and in general he had not been involved in sports at all before the start of the race with his son. Their best time for two is only 35 minutes more than the world record, which is generally set by one person. And they still take part in triathlons - Dick runs and rolls a wheelchair with his adult son in front of him (Rick is already 50), drags a boat with Rick on cables, swimming the water part of the distance, and then pedals a bicycle with a special the wheelchair he uses to carry his son. Dick always does this only with Rick and only to feel the “amazing feeling” of how Rick breaks into a smile while running, swimming and cycling.

Recently, during a race, Dick, who is already 73 years old, had a small heart attack - one of the arteries was 95% blocked - doctors said that if not for his unique physical form, he would have died 15 years ago.

Stunning with its scale and effects, Jon Favreau's Iron Man is one of the most successful comic book adaptations in the vast Marvel universe. The film turned out to be almost perfect in all its components.

There are beautiful girls, cool cars, spectacular special effects, a fabulous fantastic plot that does not delve into some realistically dark noir, on the contrary - everything is replete with the brightest colors in the best traditions of comics! An excellent cast, excellent music, an interesting plot, as well as the presence of sparkling light humor are some of the main advantages of the film.

We are shown absolutely the entire history of the formation of Iron Man. It is impossible to make a prequel to this franchise, since this film is the beginning of all beginnings in this story. We are shown what Tony Stark was like, how he went through his life, turning into a superhero. How he realized that people needed him, that his company’s products were directed against peaceful goals, and only he alone could change everything.

In the film we will see as many as four modifications of the Iron Man suit, starting from the first prototype made by Stark while still in captivity in the mines, ending with a stunning combination of gold and red coating, in powerful alloys creating stunning unique armor.

The writers managed to reveal to the maximum not only the key character of the film, but also many secondary characters, conveying the full depth of feelings, experiences and emotions through words, deeds and their actions. The film is filled with colorful characters who fit colorfully into the plot of the film. The cast talentedly managed to embody all the images on the screen properly. To tell you the truth, before this work, I was familiar with the work of Robert Downey Jr. only from the thrillers “Goblin” and “Zodiac”, but he has a huge list of roles behind him. And it must be said that the role of Iron Man in his career is the most key, important and the one that paved the way for the actor into the big world of high-quality cinema.

When watching a film, I always want to say that this is simply an unreal blockbuster! Spectacular science fiction at its highest level. Iron Man always appears unexpectedly, at the most opportune time, but at the very last second. At the same time, he manages not only to save everyone, but also to punish the villains in a cool way. The superhero image is realized perfectly, this is one of the best and brightest superheroes in the history of cinema!

Special thanks to the composer of the project Ramin Djawadi, who managed to create an amazing soundtrack for the film, so pleasant to the ear that you even watch the end credits just for the sake of the music, until the very end. And at the end, by the way, my impatient friends, another scene of the film awaits you, and not just a scene, but a key episode with Samuel L. Jackson himself! The soundtrack of the film is admirable, with beautiful melodies in their variety from heavy metal of Ozzy Osbourne to pathetic and sensual fanfares in the style of “Transformers”.

Special attention should be paid to the plot itself. Finally, a movie like this goes far beyond the love story. There will be no final kiss or romance in the film. Relationships will be revealed, but from a slightly different, unusual angle. In a kind of light office romance. The script of the film is quite interesting, especially when after the breakdown of the first model of Iron Man, you realize that the first 40 minutes of the film are a rich prologue, and everything else begins right after. The film leaves no time to get bored. If there is no action on the screen, then there are witty jokes or smart dialogues with meaning.

The film is instructive, with a deep dose of morality, so important for children's comic films. The instructiveness of the film is visible to the naked eye, and here it directly concerns one of the most terrible topics of our everyday life - war and terrorism. Few films are capable of raising such problems at the “cinema for everyone” level, explaining them in such a way that both adults and children think. In this regard, “Iron Man” succeeded; the picture is very strong.

But the downside of the film can be considered the abundance of quotes from its other analogues. The film was released in 2008, from which it absorbed elements of all modern comic book films. The initial image of Iron Man resembled “RoboCop”, and the mask looked like “Spawn”, the final battle of two “pieces of iron” largely copies a similar fight from “Robot Cop 2”, the hero himself is a billionaire superhero, a big hello to “Batman” Bruce Wayne in his own way In fact, the assembly of the final costume is strongly reminiscent of Transformers, and during the action scenes you can’t help but notice the influence of such films as X-Men, Fantastic Four and Spider-Man.

Having cited all of the above in individual scenes, fragments, and even directorial techniques, the film risks being accused of a global number of cliches and plagiarism. However, on the other hand, the film quotes its analogues very competently and appropriately. Going with traditional clichés, it still goes somewhere beyond the ordinary predictability and naivety of a comic book movie.

And if in “X-Men” you always knew that Magneto was bad, then in “Iron Man” you will never guess the real main villain! The excellent storyline keeps you surprised many times as, unlike its peers, Iron Man is not at all predictable or trite. The film is unique, new, quite effective and interesting.

Unfortunately, the camera work is not ideal either. There are scenes where a shaky camera interferes with a beautiful view of what is happening on the screen. There is not enough shooting from long shots, panoramas, camera rotation around scenes, as well as smooth movements. At the same time, everything is in order with the direction of the film; the director shows us everything that is most necessary, tasty and interesting. But the cameraman does not understand how such films should be shot, and sometimes he cannot cope with the camera. However, not all of Iron Man's cinematography suffers, just some scenes. Otherwise, we can see a bunch of spectacular moments, excellent filming and staging of scenes, done really well.

Summarizing all of the above, I would like to note that despite a couple of minuses, “Iron Man” can be called the standard of comic book adaptations that everyone else should strive for. He turned out to be head and shoulders above the X-Men, Elektra, Catwoman, Daredevil and many, many others, second only to Schumacher’s “Batmen” in terms of the colorfulness of the characters. The film lacked an even brighter villain in the style of Doom, Two-Face, Ridrel or the Joker. Therefore, hopes remain for the further continuation of the franchise, where we will see both the Avengers squad led by Nick Fury and more colorful villains.

Here the intrigue rested more on guessing and the resulting unpredictable shock when the identity of the main antagonist is revealed. In the sequels, it’s worth presenting the idea a little differently, showing enemies becoming enemies, as was the case with Jack Nicholson’s Joker, for example. The franchise has very rich potential, and the budget, which more than paid for itself, helped the special effects to develop at a high level, showing stunning footage accompanied by an interesting story.

A masterpiece of comics, a masterpiece of science fiction, a standard of superhero movies and just an unrealistically cool blockbuster!

/ Date: 2016-10-15 at 23:43

I prepared for IRONMAN in just 6 months. And all thanks to the RUNTOFINISH school (of which I am one of the founders). The coach at the school is just super. Trains the No. 1 triathlete in the world triathlon rankings.


I run and hear my heart beating in my brain. It feels like your head is about to explode. I don’t want to eat anything anymore and I don’t want to drink anything either; I can’t put anything in my mouth at all. Salt appeared all over my face and body. My legs stopped running completely. There are only 5 km to the finish, but I understand that this is a complete mess...

A whole 5 km... God, how long it is. The callus on my finger has also burst and with every step I feel as if someone is pouring boiling water on my left foot... My right side hurts so much that I can breathe less than halfway. When you inhale sharply, it’s as if a knife is piercing your liver...

I see a guy lying on the left, and a friend is holding his legs and saying, “Let’s just be patient, they’ll come now.” I look into the distance, and there is already an ambulance coming for this guy. He had convulsions and his legs were completely disabled...

I continue to run and all sorts of different thoughts come into my head like, “Why do you need this triathlon at all, why do you need such torment? All! Now I’m finishing and what the hell. I've had enough. Damn, how cool is it to lie in a warm bed, or even better in a hot jacuzzi... Mmmmm..."

3 km to the finish, 2, 1... Well, where is the finish, I’ve been running for 8 minutes, but I can’t make it the whole kilometer... Hurray! I see! Sasha, all that’s left to do is turn right after the bridge, go down the steps and that’s it. You passed... I'm running...

500 meters, 300, 200, 100... 10 meters... I'm going to the finish line. Applause from friends and competition organizers. My wife and children are running towards me. The children are clutching their legs, and I understand that now if I bend down too much to hug them, I will simply fall right on top of them. I squat, barely holding back tears, almost falling, hugging my children, wife, friends... The organizers hang a medal around my neck, which seems to weigh a ton...

The remaining 4 people who also almost accurately predict the time will receive incentive cash prizes and gifts.

Guys, tell me honestly. Are we crazy?)))))))))))) I will run with Yuki, foot in foot, hand in hand. I will tell you at every stage what and how. I believe in her and know that she will pass the iron, she just needs to learn to swim, ride a bike for 6 hours and run for 42 hours))))) Ahahahaha... Well, there is something to strive for. If everything goes according to plan, then she will be the first girl (woman) to complete the full IRONMAN in Karelia.

In conclusion of the article, I would like to thank all those who prepared me for this race, who supported me, worried about me and motivated me.

This is, of course, first and foremost my family. My dear Yukushka and my two little ones Zhorik and Temka. My parents. Mom and Dad. My relatives. My coaches: Artem Bukovets from Belarus, swimming coach Natalya Mikhailovna Volkovets (Ostrovskaya), Valentin Rogalev (Russian freediving champion), first triathlon coach Evgeny Nikitin.

Well, of course it’s you guys, my readers. Thank you everyone for your support and congratulations. Even thanks to those who wrote comments like: “Sasha, you won’t pass.”

Thanks to the Nemtsov family, Yuri and Oksana for their help and support both before and after the start:

Thanks to the Buvalin family, Maxim and Gulnara for psychological help and pleasant communication. Max to you separately for the joint training session before the start:

Thanks to the hundreds of fans in the stands who met me at the finish line and to whom I shouted at the top of my lungs FOR MOTHER RUSSIA!!!

Well, in conclusion of the article I want to answer a sore question - “Where do you get strength from if you don’t eat meat and don’t drink milk?”... You get strength from fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts, cereals and honey...

That's all for me dear friends. I hope you liked the article. We are waiting for your predictions for August 2017 in the comments with Yuki. And I have plans to complete the ULTRAMAN race - SIBERMAN. There you need to swim 10 km, bike 420 and run 84.

The plans were to go to her in 2017, but since Yuki will be preparing for IRONMAN, we will go with her to her first start. And it’s later for ultric. I would also like to run the Baikal Marathon, complete the marathon in the MDS desert, run the marathon along the Great Wall of China and conquer some mountain, but for now this is in the plans. Now the goals are slightly different.

Bye everyone and see you soon... Iron has passed while I rest for 2 weeks from stress:

Want to complete IRONMAN? Come to RUNTOFINISH school

Best regards, Alexander Borisov