Three months of training: how does our body change during regular physical activity? Three months of training: how our body changes with regular exercise Results in the gym in 3 months

Is it possible to pump up quickly? Gym clients ask about this when opening the spring season, meaning getting a sculpted, muscular body. The truth is: first, lose fat, and then work on muscles.

Where to begin?

You can get pumped up in 3 months provided you have optimal nutrition, reasonable and regular training, full sleep and refusal bad habits. The real result is a kilogram of pure muscle mass per month, about half a kilo for women.

When working on muscle mass, you need to remember three important prohibitions:

  • You can’t build muscle if you eat everything in a row and without moderation;
  • you can’t work only on the target muscles;
  • cannot be dialed exclusively muscle mass without a gram of fat.

To pump up in 3 months so as to gain 10-20 kg of muscle in 90 days is absolutely unrealistic, but some factors can accelerate the desired growth:

Nature provides opportunities and imposes limitations. It is always easier for beginners who have not worked with hardware to see the first results. An untrained body readily responds to stress - muscles receive nerve impulses for the first time, become engorged, and become toned, which is usually confused with their growth.

Sometimes beginners claim that they have gained up to 5-10 kg per month, they take sports nutrition. It turns out that their menu includes creatine, a substance that promotes the accumulation of water in the body. As a result, the same 1-2 kg of muscle mass remains.

Basic exercises - a guide to the right path

Changing the number on the scale is only one side of the process. Muscles should reflect progress in strength training.

In three months men are able to:

To pump up in 3 months, the program must include basic exercises: squats, deadlift, bench press, pull-ups or bent-over rows. You can separately pump your biceps, triceps, deltoids, but only after the base.

You should not use programs replicated on the Internet that offer to work on the chest, legs, back, arms in different days weeks. Isolated exercises they load the muscles, but do not imitate the real situation of their work, therefore they do not give a command to grow. Whether a person is interested in the question of how to pump up in 3 months or lose weight, the answer will be training for the muscles of the whole body, including: squats, deadlifts, seated press, bench press, bent over rows, vertical or horizontal block rows, push-ups from the floor and parallel bars, pull-ups on the horizontal bar.

A simple training program would look like this:

Each workout works the muscles of the legs, chest, back and arms respectively. For the first two months, it does not matter which program will be used, the first priority is to get stronger.

It is important to determine how many repetitions to work for:

  • 1-5 reps – strength;
  • 5-8 reps – strength and mass;
  • 8-12 reps – volume and endurance;
  • more than 12 repetitions - endurance and relief.

If you want to get bigger and stronger, you should aim for 5-12 repetitions, choosing a weight so that you can complete the given number of sets completely. Some programs are designed for intensity, others for a large amount of work, but this does not matter to beginners. Start with an empty bar, add 2.5 kg every week, since the body only remembers the correct technique of movements and puts the muscles into work. Rest between approaches depends on the goal: when working on strength, you need to rest for 2-3 minutes, for muscle growth– about a minute, for endurance – less than a minute.

The basic principle of training for a beginner: stimulate, but do not destroy. Three workouts a week is enough for muscle response if nutrition and rest are in order. For one week, you should count the number of calories you eat, then add 500 kcal and look at the muscle reaction. If the gain is about a kilogram, then this is normal. If less than 500 g, you should increase the calorie content a little more. With a significant increase - more than 1 kg per week, cut calories from carbohydrates and fats so that fat is not deposited.

Pump up on the horizontal bar? Reality or myth?

People who do not have access to a gym ask how to grow muscles on the uneven bars and horizontal bar. Get pumped up in 3 months with the help of street sports ground You can’t, but you can significantly improve your physical fitness.

  1. Look at gymnasts - they all have pronounced muscle definition. But all this is connected with a special type of training. Performing more than 12 repetitions of one exercise develops endurance.: that is, a hundred push-ups simply indicates the effectiveness of their implementation.
  2. Runners on long distances do not have muscle relief unlike sprinters – blasting is needed. On the horizontal bar, this can be achieved using kipping pull-ups, which is practiced in CrossFit. However, the exercise with own weight the body needs to be either complicated or combined with weight lifting - powerlifting.

To begin with, you can do push-ups with your feet elevated, Hindu or bomber push-ups, jumping or clapping push-ups. Then do push-ups in a corner position or in a handstand. On the horizontal bar, progression is achievable with the help of weights - a belt with a weight of 5-10 kg or more or a backpack with any weight. In a similar way, you can load the triceps on the uneven bars. However, it is impossible to work your legs and buttocks on the horizontal bar.

We wish you productive training and sculpted muscles!

Over the summer of 2015, I improved well on street exercise machines. It was a pity to lose all this over the winter. Therefore, in November 2015, I enrolled in a modern Gym. Very usefully there was a service for measuring body composition. It is useful to evaluate your body from the outside at the beginning of a new stage of training.
First, I’ll tell you how this analysis is done, and then about the results after 3.5 months of training.
The analysis is done using the bioimpedance method. Impedance is resistance, and bioimpedance is the resistance of living tissues. With this method, a small current of varying frequency is passed through the body. Based on the measurement results, many conclusions can be drawn about the state of the body.
In particular, determine the percentage of fat, muscle and water in the body, daily consumption calories at rest. Assess the risk of various diseases. Why is this analysis good for those starting their journey in fitness.

Yes, very simple. External changes occur rather slowly. 2-3 months very short term to notice the difference. This is where bioimpedance analysis comes in handy. It will show that you are on the right way or adjustments need to be made.

How is body composition analyzed?

We use the InBody 770 device in our gym.

This is a device with four electrodes. This allows you to accurately measure the composition of the limbs and torso. Simpler devices have only two electrodes and are apparently less accurate. Here you can more accurately determine the composition of the torso and limbs.

A special feature of the device is that it does not use empirical estimates. The bioimpedance of a specific person is measured. This makes measurements independent of a person's gender and age.

For analysis, you stand barefoot on the platform and take the electrodes in your hands. You spread your arms to the side and wait 30-40 seconds. A minute later, two sheets of paper with a detailed analysis of body composition are in hand.

It is better to take measurements in the morning. On an empty stomach. I did not notice any unpleasant sensations from the passage of impulses.
The doctor told me in detail about the results. All indicators are within normal limits.
This made me happy. At least some independent confirmation from my lifestyle. After all, all you hear is that vegetarian food is not complete.
That's what the doctor told me when I left.

As you ate meat, eat it. Your protein levels are normal.
-Yes, I haven’t eaten meat for three years.
-Well, nothing in plant foods also has enough protein.
He was not at a loss. This was the first moment that made me happy.

At home I looked carefully at the printout of the body composition analysis.
They calculated my ideal weight to be 64.5 kg. Apparently it should work out if you remove excess fat.

My body mass index is normal. 22.8 when the norm is 18.5-25.00. The concept of norm is quite vague. Either this should be the case for health reasons, or this is an indicator of the majority of the population.

This indicator must be used carefully. An athlete and just a fat person can have the same BMI, but completely different body shapes and fat percentages. BMI can be determined without any analysis. Here is a simple calculator.

Determine your BMI.

According to Joe Warner, editor of Men's Fitness, four hours of training per week is enough to achieve the results shown in the photo below.


Warner proved by his own example that you don’t need to spend hours in the gym to look physically strong and pumped up. He's the same office worker, like many readers of the magazine, wiping his pants at the table, with an eternal lack of free time. The main thing is to plan your classes, and then you will achieve tangible results.

Before starting training, Joe weighed 72.3 kilograms, there was almost no muscle mass on his chest, but he had a noticeable tummy (the proportion of fat tissue was 16.5%).


Trainer Nick Mitchell of Ultimate Performance helped Warner develop a training program for busy man. It provides classes for an hour 4 times a week (midday on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday), and for each of these hours you need to give 100%. Otherwise, says Warner, there will be no point. He also advises adding activities to your work organizer so that later there is no reason to skip them.


As a result, in 12 weeks he lost 8 kg of fat (up to 5.5%), but at the same time “gained weight” to 74.3 kg. Warner says that of the 10kg of muscle mass gained, most of it came from the chest and arms, which were the focus of the exercises. The shoulders have become visually wider.

In addition to physical activity, Joe followed a specific diet that included lean meat, lots of vegetables and foods rich in slow carbohydrates(for example, sweet potatoes - yams). Breakfast is purely English - bacon and scrambled eggs. Before lunch he snacked on nuts, and for lunch he ate tuna salad with peppers and olives. Before dinner, he drank yogurt, and in the evening he ate steak and fried potatoes (not regular ones, but the aforementioned sweet potato). It is better to abstain from alcohol, but you can still have a glass of wine on the weekend.

Alexander SOKOLOV

athlete, traveler

Saint Petersburg

It seems that everyone understands that achieving a champion physique in a few months is impossible. Those same professional bodybuilders took years and even decades to achieve their titles. But they had at their disposal the most advanced training methods and powerful pharmacological support. Should you be disappointed if, after a couple of months of the most grueling workouts, your reflection in the mirror does not resemble the figure of Arnold Schwarzenegger in his heyday? However, in 3 months you can achieve very good results if you assess reality sensibly.

Losing weight is more profitable than gaining weight

Gym visitors are mostly divided into two unequal parts. Those who want to lose weight (the majority of them) and those who want to gain muscle mass. To the delight of the first category of people, I responsibly declare that you can lose much more fat in 3 months than gain muscle mass in the same period of time. Some numbers from personal experience.

I first joined the gym 2.5 years ago to gain muscle mass. Not surprising with a weight of 57 kg and a height of 176 cm! In the first 3 months of proper training, I managed to gain as much as 11 kg. Very good result against the backdrop of surrounding hall visitors pursuing the same goals. But before this summer, I came up with the sensible idea to dry out a little in order to better demonstrate the muscles accumulated over 2 years of training. And what? I lost 12 kg in just 2.5 months!

Of course, against the backdrop of advertised weight loss methods that promise to relieve you of almost 10 kg per week, this result looks frivolous. But let's face it. Do you know what people who have lost more than 15 kg in one month look like? Theoretically, this can be achieved. If you reduce your diet to a starvation diet and tirelessly train in an aerobic mode for 6 hours a day. It’s only under such extreme loads that the body begins to burn not only fat, but also muscle tissue so that a person does not stretch his legs from exhaustion. As a result, you become smaller, but not at all more beautiful. Plus you get additional health problems.

Fading progress

If you decided to use a calculator to calculate how many kg you can gain or lose in a year, multiplying the result achieved in 3 months by 4, then I have to disappoint you! The body responds with such an “explosion” only in the first months, when any training is a great stress for it. Subsequently, the results will be much more modest. For example, gaining 2 kg of muscle per month after six months of training is very good achievement. The situation is similar with combustion. subcutaneous fat. Every month the body has less and less excess fat tissue. This means that he is becoming more and more reluctant to part with her, wanting to keep at least some reserve for a rainy day.

And the most important thing. Don't expect to make consistent progress using the same training program for a year! It doesn't matter how well it is written. Sooner or later, the body will get used to it and stop responding by gaining muscle or burning fat. Any program needs to be changed to another from time to time. How often? Depends on your level of training. For beginners, one program is usually enough for 2-3 months, and more experienced athletes forced to resort to drawing up a new lesson plan every month.

Now that you have an idea about possible results in 3 months, achieving them will be much easier!

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What are our guarantees based on? Here look. You’ve probably tried more than once or twice to transform yourself into something beautiful using the “jerky” method – puffing with all your might. But let’s face it: intense training in itself is not a feat at all and not a reason for pride.

Yes, it is useful to exercise. But a stable result visible to the naked eye is always the merit of monotonous and lengthy work. Consider that everyone is capable of taking the plunge once—for example, limiting your diet for a measly month and, gritting your teeth, forcing yourself to do squats under the dictates of a trainer. But training for years, patiently overcoming muscle pain, fatigue (and moral fatigue), slowdown or disappearance of progress is a different story.

The success of any person who has achieved results lies on three pillars: personal desire (since you are reading these lines, there is no problem here), a competent plan and a strategy for maintaining motivation. You will find instructions on the last two points in our material. We have compiled a detailed training plan for you for three months, plus we are ready to tell you how to keep your spirit up sporting level even in the most difficult moments. If you go with us to the end, you will get results. And you will become so involved in the fitness process that you yourself will not want to stop, realizing that you can do anything.

Program idea

For us and Powell, it doesn’t really matter who you are - a sophisticated connoisseur of the barbell or a completely green neophyte. This three month training plan suitable for any lady. He pursues two extremely important goals at once - getting rid of excess weight and achieving muscle tone that is pleasing to the eye and touch.

Every week you will have to spend 3 intense workout with weights plus 2 cardio sessions (see Cardio block). The first four weeks will be spent building muscles and working out correct technique performing exercises. The second month will add speed and improve your power and endurance. In the last period, you will be completely focused on burning the remaining fat that hides your perfectly trained figure.

Although classes in each of the three months are based on a different method of building loads, they all help speed up metabolism for several hours after training, take no more than 30 minutes of pure time and, thanks to constant changes, will not plunge you into boredom and despondency.


This is the plan. You conduct classes according to our scheme 2-3 times a week. Using any cardio equipment (treadmill, bike or elliptical trainer s or even a swimming pool). After a five-minute warm-up, adjust the intensity of your efforts using a scale from 1 to 10.

  • Walk for 3 minutes at intensity 5;
  • 2 minutes – with intensity 7;
  • and a minute - at level 9.
This is one cycle. Make five of these.

Think of this interval as a starting point. The fact is that your body inevitably adapts to any type of stress over time. So that it continues to transform into better side, periodically it is necessary to surprise him with something new and unusual. So every 6 workouts, change one of four parameters:

  1. frequency of classes (from two cardio per week to three);
  2. intensity (for example, increase the average number of pedal rotations per minute on an exercise bike by 15);
  3. duration (add one to three more cycles to the five main ones);
  4. type of equipment (as an option, you can replace the elliptical trainer with a jump rope).

TIP: To spice up your cardio life, add a partner to it. And train together - even just catch up while jogging. Run 30 meters away from your satellite - and let him try to overtake you for the next 100–200 m. Then switch roles.

Do 8-12 repetitions of each exercise, performing all movements in a row, with virtually no rest. Having completed the circle, catch your breath for a minute and start over. In total, you need to complete three full circles during the workout.

Dumbbell Squats

  • Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise the projectile to your chest, placing it vertically and clasping the upper disc (a) with your palms.
  • Moving your pelvis back, squat deeply (b). Straightening your legs, return to the starting position - and you get one repetition.

Hammers with overhead press

  • Place your feet hip-width apart, grab a dumbbell and lower them to your sides, palms facing each other (a). Bend your elbows and lift the weights toward your shoulders (b).
  • Now press the dumbbells up so that at the end point they are located exactly above shoulder joints(c). This is one repetition. Smoothly return your hands to the starting position, rewinding the movement back.

Deadlift with dumbbells

  • Take the shells so that they are in front of your hips. Place your feet hip-width apart, legs slightly bent at the knees, back straight (a). Moving your pelvis back, bend over and, without rounding your lower back, lower the dumbbells, trying to reach them to the level of the middle of your shins (b).
  • Return to the starting position - this is one repetition. Throughout the entire approach, keep the apparatus as close to your feet as possible.

Dumbbell pullovers

  • Lie down on a bench, bend your knees and place the apparatus above you. Keep your arms slightly bent (a). Without changing the angle of your elbows, lower the dumbbells back as close to the floor as possible (b).
  • Smoothly return to the starting position. This is one repetition.

Dumbbell row with rotation

  • With your feet together, take the projectile in left hand and lean forward with your knees bent. In the starting position, the dumbbell should be just below the knee, with the palm facing inward (a).
  • In one coordinated motion, pull the implement toward your waist and twist to the left, keeping your elbow close to your body (b). Return the dumbbell and body to the starting position - you get one repetition. Make the required number of these first with one hand, then immediately with the other hand. If necessary, rest your free palm on a stationary support.

Do 15 repetitions of each exercise, moving from one movement to the next with little to no rest. Complete as many laps as possible in 15 minutes. Allow yourself pauses to rest only when you feel that you can no longer perform the required number of repetitions with the correct technique.

Climbing to the step

  • Take dumbbells in your hands and stand to the right of the platform. Now place your right foot elevated so that your thigh forms a diagonal in front of you (a).
  • Step up onto the platform, straightening your right leg almost completely (b). Gently return to the starting position - this is one repetition. Do all 15, then change sides.

Rock climber

  • Stand in a lying position with your feet together. The legs and body should straighten into a single rigid line (a). Pull your right knee toward your right shoulder, ending with your foot touching the floor (b).
  • Return to the starting position. Now repeat the movement with your left leg. This will be one repeat. Continue alternating legs until the end of the set.


  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart, lift the dumbbells to your shoulders so that your elbows are pressed to your body and under the apparatus (a).
  • Moving your pelvis back, squat down (b). Straighten your legs powerfully and press the curls overhead (c). Lower the dumbbells back to your shoulders for one rep.

Throwing a medicine ball to the floor

  • Place your feet hip-width apart and lift the apparatus above your head (a).
  • Keeping your back straight and your arms slightly bent, use your abdominal muscles to bend over and hit the floor with the medicine ball (b). Quickly pick up the ball and return to the starting position - that's one repetition.

Track your progress: count the number of laps you complete and try to beat your previous record every week.

Complete all reps of exercise 1A, then move on to movement 1B. Once you finish it, rest for a minute and switch to 2A and 2B. Complete the circle with exercise 3. And repeat all over again. In total you need to complete four full rounds.

Jumping Lunges

  • Take dumbbells in your hands, step your left foot forward and lower into a lunge (a).
  • Jump and switch legs in the air (b), landing again in a lunge (c). This is one repetition. Continue jumping, alternating your legs. Do 12–20 repetitions.

Bent-over dumbbell row

  • Take the shells in your hands and lean forward, slightly bending your knees. In the starting position, the hands should be slightly below the knees, palms facing each other (a).
  • Squeeze your shoulder blades and pull your handles toward your stomach (b). Return to the starting position - this is one repetition. Do 12–15.

Raising the pelvis with bending the shins on a fitball

  • Lie on the floor with your knees slightly bent on the apparatus (a). By contracting your buttocks, lift your pelvis off the floor (b).
  • Now, without lowering yourself, bend your knees and roll the ball towards you (c). Moving in the reverse order, return to the starting position (pelvis on the floor). This is one repetition. Do 12–15.

Incline Dumbbell Press

  • Set the bench to an angle of 20–30 degrees and lie on it with your back. Raise the shells above you, turning them in one line (a).
  • Lower the dumbbells to the sides of your chest (b), pause and return to the starting position. You did one rep. In total you need to complete 12–15.

Plank on fitball

  • Place your forearms on the ball, feet shoulder-width apart, and bring your body in line with your legs. Tighten your buttocks, pull in your stomach and don't hold your breath.
  • Stay in this position for 60 seconds. If this is too difficult to bear, divide the minute into six 10-second segments. and perform them as a single series, resting in 5-second intervals.

Start each exercise by checking your core: tighten your stomach and buttocks, arch your back. This way you will not only reduce the risk of injury, but also improve the shape of your waist.

Set a goal

Goals are the key to the success of an event; they keep you going, even when you want to give up. But in order not to lose your way and not give up on your studies halfway, you need to formulate your tasks very carefully. If you want to fight and not give up, make sure that your aspirations are:

  1. Specific
    Don’t be content with the amorphous “I want to be healthy.” Vague goals leave your mind too much wiggle room. Therefore, gather your thoughts together and make clear wishes. For example: “I want to lose 10 kilograms” or “I want to be able to do 20 push-ups.”
  2. Measurable
    Your progress towards your ideal result should be easy to measure, whether you are talking about long-term or short-term prospects. To keep everything clear, set yourself weekly (micro) and monthly (macro) tasks.
  3. Achievable
    Don't torture yourself with unattainable promises. If you are physically unable to exercise for more than 30 minutes a day, do not aim for “daily hour of cardio.”
  4. Real
    Even the most competent training plan and the most dedicated individual in the world together cannot change human physiology. Some tasks simply take many months to achieve.
  5. Time limited
    They organize deadlines, we all know this very well. Without them, it’s generally difficult to move anything. Therefore, always set deadlines for achieving a particular fitness goal. For example, give yourself no more than four months to lose 10 kg. To run 10 kilometers, it will take three to six months of training. And so on.

Change the environment - move your workout outside or just to another part of the gym. It’s a stupid-looking technique, but, you know, it’s invigorating and doesn’t let you get bored.