A training set of exercises with weights at home. The best exercises with a kettlebell Exercises with a 16 kg kettlebell at home

Greetings to readers interested in sports topics! Today we have a review of training with a projectile that gained popularity back in the days of the Soviet Union. Most likely, many have already guessed what we will talk about. Yes, we will consider their varieties, and also find out why kettlebell lifting is dangerous and how it is useful.

A weight is a spherical metal element that has a molded or removable handle for gripping. This primitive apparatus was used back in Ancient Greece to prepare participants for the Olympic Games. The only parameter by which it is classified is mass. Thus, weights vary from 4 to 92 kilograms, but in competitions only one-pound, one-and-a-half and two-pound weights are used (16, 24, 32). They are also solid and hollow, with a high and low bracket (handle), and are divided into colors - yellow (16 kg), green (24) and red (32).

At what age is it safe to train with kettlebells?

It is important to understand that any type of exercise that involves weightlifting equipment can easily injure the musculoskeletal system when it is not yet fully formed. While dumbbells and barbells are safe when used correctly, the same cannot be said about kettlebells.

Their main danger is excessive stress on the spine, regardless of which muscle group you train. That is why you can only train with this apparatus from the age of 12, focusing all your attention on technique. It is better to take light weights, even if you have enough strength to lift a heavier weight.

Benefits and harms

There are few advantages of kettlebells over other sports, since all equipment is considered effective and is created for one purpose - training our body. However, there are a couple of advantages that are worth mentioning.

  • Cheapness.
  • Practical - with just one weight.
  • The shoulder joint is strengthened, grip and arm strength develops.
  • Coordination training - even with a classic bench press, you need to strain and maintain balance of the whole body.
  • A positive side effect is that your back, arms, abs and legs are also trained.

However, along with these seemingly significant advantages, there is one main drawback that can cause colossal harm - the load on the lower part of the spine (lower back).

All exercises (except for the role of additional weight) are performed in a standing or sitting position. This causes a shocking effect for the vertebrae, since the weight of the projectile is added to the mass of the torso. If 16 kg is not yet so terrible, then 24 and 32 can, after a while, make a person crippled. Proof of this is the very frequent complaints of weight lifters about pain in the spine after 40 years.

Contraindications to training

The specificity of kettlebell lifting is based on explosive muscle development, which is fraught. From this we can conclude that beginners should not take on this projectile. It is also better to avoid weights in the following cases.

  • For any heart problems.
  • Having hypertension.
  • For injuries to the spine or shoulder joints.
  • Having weak hands and wrists.

It is important to understand one thing - kettlebell lifting is not that difficult or dangerous, it just requires certain preparation, which will prevent all injuries. That is, before taking on this apparatus, you must first master the basic group (horizontal bar, barbell, dumbbells, etc.).

When purchasing or selecting a kettlebell, you need to pay attention to some of its parameters.

  • Material - an excellent option is black cast iron with a rubberized bottom.
  • Handle - it directly affects the comfort when handling the projectile. Try to choose a long staple of such thickness that it fits comfortably in your hand.
  • Size - small volume will reduce wringing of the brush.
  • Weight - men and teenagers need to choose at least a pound, and for girls and women up to 16 kg.

The best decision regarding weight determination is to consult with a trainer. But you will have to select the handle and size yourself. The main thing to remember is that the smaller the volume and the larger the bracket, the more convenient the projectile.

Correct technique and types of exercises with a kettlebell

As mentioned above, elements with this projectile are beneficial for the entire body. However, when performing them, certain safety measures must be observed. I repeat once again that the kettlebell is not designed for beginners, but for more or less physically strong athletes. First you need to become more familiar with dumbbells, barbells and some exercise machines, and only then become a weightlifter.

For the back

The lats are considered the most resilient muscles and it takes a lot of work to stress them. To do this, you can perform the following exercises.

  • Bent-over weight row to the navel - the back should be straight, with a slight arch in the lower back.

  • Front throw - performed in the same position as the deadlift, only with a jerk, and the projectile rises to the level of the head.

  • Shrugs are done with two weights. While standing and holding the apparatus in your hands, you need to lift the shoulder joint with the trapezoid, thereby pumping it up.

Please note that before training, be sure to warm up your back. To make the result noticeable, the mass of the projectile is selected based on your capabilities. Ideally, you should do up to 15 repetitions.

For the pectoral muscles

In order to properly pump up your chest, it is enough to perform the same set of exercises as with dumbbells, because the specificity of the kettlebell allows you to replace other equipment with it.

  • All types of bench presses - on a horizontal, inclined bench, on the floor, at an angle of 45 degrees. As you can see, this projectile quite adequately replaces the barbell.
  • Two-hand press - performed with one kettlebell, which must be pressed in a lying position with both hands away from you.
  • Push-ups - placing two apparatuses on the floor, you can do push-ups from them. Thus we added amplitude, which increased efficiency.

A good exercise for the chest is bench raises, which are often performed with dumbbells. However, weights are also suitable in this case and will provide no less benefit.

For hands

Hands, forearms, shoulder joints are those parts of the body that are trained regardless of the exercises performed, that is, as if by default. This is due to the shape of the weight and its mass, which requires a strong grip on the handle to hold it. That is why fans of this projectile always have large hands and a strong grip.

  • Bicep curls are better with both hands. By changing the position of the brushes, you can distribute the load on the internal or external beams.
  • Triceps press - performed behind the head in a standing or sitting position.
  • Chin Pull - trains the front delts.
  • Raising in front of you - the essence is the same as the previous element, only the arms must be straightened at the elbows so that the entire load goes on the shoulders.

Before pumping your arms, warm up their joints well - shoulder, elbow and hand.

For the press

There are no separate exercises for training the abs with a kettlebell, but it can be used as a weighting agent in ordinary elements.

  • Body lifts - you need to rest your feet, use a light weight projectile (6-8 kg) and, fixing it with your hands near your chest, lift your body.
  • Twisting - everything is similar, only instead of resting your legs, you need to sit on your buttocks and lift your heels off the floor, correcting your balance with a load in your hands. Spinning left/right, you...

Exercising with weights burns a lot of fat, which is primarily important for the abs. After all, its relief will be visible only in a dry person. If it is not entirely clear how some exercises are done, then on the Internet you can see a description of their implementation in pictures.

Example workout

If you bought a couple of weights and don’t know what to do with them, then I’ll give you an example of pumping them both at home and in the gym. Often, training with this apparatus occurs in the form of sets, that is, short and powerful loads with a pause between approaches of no more than a minute.

At home

I would like to note right away that the weights are easily portable, which allows you to move them outside without any problems. So, for the next set you will need 2 pieces of 16 kg each.

  1. Floor press - lie on your back and alternately squeeze the apparatus above you. We do 4 sets of 15 times.
  2. Deadlift during push-ups - to do this, you need to take an emphasis while lying on the handle of the weights, and after each push-up, pull the projectile towards you. 3 approaches of 10 times on each hand are enough.
  3. Mill - you need to take one shell and raise it above your head. Then carefully bend and try to reach the floor with your free palm and take the starting position. We do 4 approaches to the maximum.
  4. Plank transfer - we stand in a plank position with one outstretched arm, and with the other we move the weight from right to left, thus pumping up the abs. We perform 4 approaches to the maximum.

Just 4 elements are enough to work out the whole body well and get tired. The whole secret lies in the strong cardiac load, for which beginners are often not ready. The photo below shows the most popular exercises with kettlebells.

In the gym

Of course, there are many more possibilities in the rocking chair, because there are weights of different sizes and weights, as well as benches. However, it is worth understanding that after a 10-minute kettlebell set, you will not be able to do anything else.

  1. Forearm throw - a projectile located between the legs must be thrown onto the forearm with a jerk of the back. This is how the hips and buttocks are pumped. We do 4 sets of 10 times.
  2. Classic press - overhead. 4 sets of 15 reps.
  3. The snatch is an exercise similar to a throw, only the projectile is also pressed from the forearm above the head. 3 sets of 10 times.
  4. Finally, a plank is performed with moving the weight, as in the home version.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that such sets affect not only muscle growth, but also heart function. The key is to take short breaks - 1 minute between sets, 3 minutes between exercises. Below is a video demonstrating how to do it correctly.

Don't try to lift weights and do tricks if you're new to the gym. Programs with this apparatus are intended for more experienced athletes, with a strong and hardened torso, who are not afraid of the load on the spine. It is also worth remembering about strong cardio exercise, which is undesirable for people with heart problems.


Any normal trainer can give only one sensible piece of advice - do a good warm-up. This sport is very difficult, so you need to sweat well before training. Also follow the exercise technique. After all, if neglecting it with other equipment simply reduces efficiency, then incorrect technique with weights can lead to disastrous consequences.

Sets and reps

The optimal number of repetitions is always considered 12 times, regardless of what you have in your hands and what muscle group you are pumping. Usually 3 or 4 approaches are performed with a short break. If we are talking about training for weight loss, then the priority should be light weight for the maximum number of times.

Kettlebell weight

In sports, 16, 24 and 32 kg are usually used. However, girls or beginners cannot overcome a half-pound jump, so they can use 12 or 8 kilograms. I will say from personal experience that if you bench press a pound of weights about 40 times, then you can safely move on to 24 kg. By this point, the back will be sufficiently strong and the risk of injury is minimal. However, it is better to coordinate each action with the trainer.

How often to train?

The number of times you train with kettlebells will depend on what you are doing. As a rule, experienced athletes do not consider this the main equipment, since it is not particularly suitable for gaining mass. It is simply included in training in order to simultaneously develop those qualities that cannot be developed with a barbell - grip strength, coordination, endurance, as well as the ability to clearly control your muscles.

Based on this, at the end of each workout you can do an additional 10-minute set or set aside separate 2-3 days for full training. That is, 3 times a week will be enough.

Nutrition and sports supplements

To improve strength performance, you can take creatine as a food supplement. Doctors have long proven that this substance is safe and has only a positive effect, increasing endurance during training. This will allow you to work the muscle fibers much better. If you are in a period of weight gain, then you need to take 0.3 grams per 1 kg of weight daily, and if it’s just prevention, then 0.03 every other day is enough.

Common mistakes

Let's look at a list of the main problems that almost every beginner has when training with kettlebells.

  • A hunched back is a very dangerous and stupid mistake. The spine should always be straight, regardless of whether you are standing with a weight or bending over.
  • Leg shutdown is often observed during classic bench press. Forget about the fables of heels coming off, etc. It is not only possible, but also necessary, to help push with your legs when squeezing.
  • Lack of smoothness - this mistake applies to ballistic exercises (for example, “figure eight”), where evenness and consistency of movement are very important.

Try not to repeat these mistakes because they not only reduce the effectiveness of the exercises, but also increase the risk of injury.


Kettlebell lifting has both pros and cons. Its main advantage is the development of strength qualities of the arms, upper shoulder girdle and grip. Moreover, it is strength, not muscle volume. This equipment also trains coordination and the cardiovascular system, which is necessary for any athlete. But at the same time, weights can easily injure you, so they require serious physical preparation.

On this note I will end my story! If you liked the article, then share it with your friends on social networks, and also subscribe to the mailing list of new publications and wait for them to appear soon.

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To enjoy quality sports, there is no need to have a full set of gym equipment. In order to train the muscles of the entire body from head to toe, one weight is enough.

For 12 years now, I've been asking people of all ages and fitness levels: "What's so special about kettlebells?" These steel balls not only allow you to perform high-quality sports, but also perform a sufficient number of exercises. I mean one weight that doesn't take up much space.

For now, let's talk about just one weight. Perhaps someone has only one available or someone is just a beginner athlete. Well, or there are several weights, but this person prefers to put them aside and work with one instead of running from one machine to another in the gym. Perhaps someone already has experience with kettlebells and simply prefers to work with one.

Kettlebell workouts

It doesn’t matter what reasons may motivate a person to work with one weight, but everyone will agree that the choice of each person is directed towards a lighter weight. This may not provide adequate training for low-rep deadlifts, but this type of exercise is great for swings, squats, lunges, and high-rep deadlifts.

This is a common situation and I have two types of training programs. Grab a weight and let's go!

The magic of training with one kettlebell

With a kettlebell you can do everything the same as with a barbell or dumbbells. But the special shape and placement of its handle makes the kettlebell ideal for performing exercises such as swings, snatches and squat cleans.

There is an opinion that all work with weights comes down to swings and jerks, and they are, without a doubt, effective. In fact, one study by the Physical Education Committee found that kettlebell exercises performed at 15-second intervals burned the calories equivalent to a 6-minute 1,400-meter run or uphill cross-country skiing. And this is already a serious statement.

However, the reduced training program is not the only end in itself. You can also combine exercises that require explosive muscle power with strength training to warm up your entire energy system, strengthen your heart, and increase muscle strength.

What weight should the weights be? The optimal weight of the kettlebell will be the one with which a person can perform 5 squat presses followed by lifting the kettlebell overhead. If a person can perform 10-15 reps of a kettlebell press using one arm and then raising it overhead, then perhaps this exercise will seem too easy for him, in which case he can increase the number of repetitions, which will make the training more effective. For female beginners, the “golden mean” is usually 4-12 kilograms. For men, usually 12-16 kilograms. For stronger or more experienced athletes, the weight of the kettlebell can be increased.

Standing kettlebell press: execution technique

If a person cannot perform an overhead press due to restrictions in the shoulder joint or thoracic spine, then I advise such people to exclude this set of exercises and perform exercises related to the lower body.

After a short dynamic warm-up of the muscles and joint mobility, the warm-up can be as simple as moving your joints in circles or performing one of the following exercises, which include body weight work and kettlebell exercises. The first group of exercises is based on the number of repetitions, the second is performed for a while. By changing workouts 2-3 times a week according to type A/B/A, you can achieve excellent results and master a huge number of exercises with weights.

In both cases, the load can be either increased or decreased. If someone does not want to distribute their training over time, then in this case one can start with the first exercise program and start with two series of each cycle. Over time, it will be possible to increase to three series and continue to increase in the future.

A set of exercises with kettlebells for all muscle groups

Workout #1 with one kettlebell

Workout 1 with one kettlebell

Training cycle: 2-3 series (4 series in total)

1. Kettlebell Turkish Get Up (Squat Style)

Part of the training cycle 1.

1 set of 2 repetitions for each hand.

2. One arm swing with a kettlebell

Part of the training cycle 1. Performed using both hands.

1 set of 25 repetitions.

3. Turnover at point-blank range

Part of the training cycle 1.

1 set of 10 repetitions for each leg in both directions.

4 Romanian deadlift

Part of the training cycle 2. Performed with a kettlebell.

1 set of 8 repetitions.

5 Push-ups

Part of training cycle 2.

1 set of 10 repetitions.

6 Kettlebell Squat

Part of training cycle 2.

1 set of 10 repetitions.


Part of the training cycle 2. Squat press followed by an overhead lift

8 Mill with weight

Part of the training cycle 2. The mill is performed using body weight.

1 set of 5 repetitions for each side.

9 Single leg kettlebell deadlift

Part of training cycle 3.

1 set of 10 repetitions for each leg.

10 Bent-over kettlebell row

Part of the training cycle 3. Performed with a kettlebell.

1 set of 12 repetitions for each side.

11. One arm swing with a kettlebell

Part of training cycle 3.

1 set of 12 repetitions for each hand.

12 Isometric exercise to develop the anterior and posterior neck muscles

Part of training cycle 3.

1 set of 10 repetitions in both directions.

13 Squat press followed by lifting the weight overhead

Part of training cycle 4.

1 set of 10 repetitions.

14 Climber steps

Part of training cycle 4.

1 set of 20 repetitions for each side.

15. One arm swing with a kettlebell

Part of training cycle 4. Performed using both hands.

1 set of 20 repetitions.

16 Jump Squat

Part of training cycle 4.

1 set of 10 repetitions.

17 Russian twists or Russian twist

Part of the training cycle 4. Body weight or kettlebell is used as additional load.

18 Leg raises to train the gluteal muscles

Part of training cycle 4. Or performed on all fours.

1 set of 5 repetitions on each leg.

Workout #2 with one kettlebell (for time)

For each group of exercises you need to set a timer.

Workout 2 with one kettlebell (for time)

Training cycle: 3 series.

1. One arm swing with a kettlebell

Training cycle 1. Performed using both hands or a swing with a lunge to the side.

2 Pull-up

Part of the training cycle 1. Pull-ups or rows of one dumbbell are performed.

1 set of 20 seconds and 20 seconds rest).

3 Single leg kettlebell deadlift

Part of training cycle 2. Repeated for both hands.

4 Push-ups

Part of training cycle 2.

1 set of 20 seconds and 20 seconds rest.

5. One arm swing with a kettlebell

Part of the training cycle 2. Performed with both hands.

1 set of 20 seconds and 20 seconds rest.

6 Side lunge

Part of the training cycle 3. Performed using body weight or with a kettlebell.

1 set of 30 seconds and 30 seconds rest for each side.

7. One arm swing with a kettlebell

Part of the training cycle 3. A kettlebell swing or power lift of a kettlebell is performed, followed by lifting it overhead.

8 Plank

Part of training cycle 4.

1 set of 30 seconds and 30 seconds rest.

9 Jump Squat

Part of training cycle 4.

1 set of 30 seconds and 30 seconds rest.

Strength and endurance are considered primordially masculine qualities. That’s why strength training is very popular among the stronger sex. But what if you are tired of the usual dumbbells and barbells? Exercises with weights at home can be a good alternative. This is a very affordable, compact piece of equipment that anyone can use.

This type of exercise is designed to effectively work out almost all muscle groups. They comprehensively develop endurance, functional strength, and agility. At the same time, weights will provide not only strength, but also cardio. This simple exercise will significantly strengthen your muscles, help you build a beautiful profile, and also burn excess fat.

Kettlebell lifting should not be confused with exercises. Such training is aimed more at movement, strength, flexibility, and not at building muscles. Therefore, growth cannot be expected. But weights will definitely help to “draw” the relief significantly.

Strengthening your hands

Without prior preparation, it is better not to try to perform complexes with kettlebells, especially heavy ones. Weak arms, hands, forearms and an insecure grip can lead to unexpected tendon injuries, muscle tears and ligament tears. In everyday life, such simple activities as chopping wood, hand washing, working with a two-handed saw, working with a shovel, rake, pitchfork and crowbar are good for strengthening your hands. Additionally, other sports target the appropriate muscles.

  • Rowing.
  • Struggle.
  • Fencing.
  • Gymnastics.
  • Biathlon.
  • Acrobatics.
  • Workout.
  • Rock climbing and mountaineering.
  • Arm wrestling.

If you have done something similar before, then most likely no preparation will be required. But if not, you should first do push-ups and deadlifts to strengthen the necessary muscles.

  • There are two types of weights: solid and prefabricated. The first already have a certain weight ahead of time, and in the second case you can independently adjust it by removing or adding parts of the projectile.
  • To avoid injury, you need to start with light weights. Choose a 4, 6 or 8 kg kettlebell. Practice with them. Once you understand the principle and study the technique, you can move on to more serious weights.
  • Keep in mind the unspoken rule: the more muscles the exercise you choose covers, the heavier the equipment you can use to perform it.
  • Always do stretching exercises.

Any set of exercises with a kettlebell is much heavier and more intense than any exercise with a barbell or dumbbells. Therefore, you need to warm up before training more thoroughly, thoughtfully and attentively.

Haven't acquired a shell yet? It's time!

“Sacred Six”: basic exercises with a kettlebell

First you need to study and perfect a training set of exercises with kettlebells for beginners. There are a number of basic movements that are considered basic. Without mastering them, there is no point in moving on. We will consider only options for equipment weighing 16 kilograms.

A beginner in kettlebell training, according to many experts, should begin classes with swings and swings. These are two types of swings that everyone can do. After all, swings do not involve lifting weights above your head. They involve postural muscle layers and cover almost all muscle groups, due to the shift in the center of gravity. However, the main burden falls on the back, shoulders and legs. Some people perform them as a warm-up before a strength training session on the gym.

Performance technique

  • Place your feet slightly further apart than shoulder width. The weight should be 5-10 centimeters in front of the feet.
  • Squat down, leaning slightly forward, and grab the handle with a closed grip.
  • Raise yourself up while keeping your back inclined.
  • Having torn the weight off the floor, you need to slightly follow it back, where it will go by inertia.
  • At the extreme point, smoothly straighten your back, swinging the weight forward.
  • Raise the weight, slightly accelerating it, until it reaches chest level.
  • Before the projectile goes down, you need to intercept it with your free hand and repeat all the same movements.

*If it is difficult to intercept the equipment while hanging at first, then you can perform swings with one hand, and then put it in place. After that, take it with your other hand and repeat the exercise.

2. Goblet squats (goblet)

Such exercises with a 16 kg kettlebell. Primarily aimed at developing the muscles of the lower body. It works the front of the thigh (quadriceps), back, gluteus maximus, calf muscles and lower back. In addition, the biceps and shoulders experience static tension due to the fact that the projectile is held in front of you.

Performance technique

  • Stand up straight, place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, and turn your toes slightly outward.
  • It is more convenient to immediately grab the weight with both hands with a closed grip on the sides of the arch. You need to hold it directly in front of your chest with your elbows bent, close to your body.
  • As you exhale, squat down, keeping your back straight with a natural arch.
  • As you exhale, rise up, pressing your heels into the floor.

*It is recommended to carefully control the depth of the squat. For beginners, without serious training, it is better to squat no deeper than parallel to the floor. Deep squats can only be done by trained athletes to avoid injury to the knee joints.

This is a rather complex exercise, but it doesn’t hurt to learn it. It will help make joints more mobile and ligaments elastic. The muscles of the arms will be strengthened first, but the muscles of the back and legs will also be involved. It will allow you to burn a lot of energy, which helps in. This way you can learn to maintain balance and balance.

Performance technique

  • Lie on the floor on your back, arms along your body, supporting leg bent at the knee, weight placed behind your shoulder on the same side, as in the picture.
  • Turn your body slightly towards the weight, grab the bar with both hands, and pull it towards you. Squeeze your hand with the projectile vertically upward. Direct your gaze to the weight.
  • Without lowering the equipment, lean on your free hand and rise up.
  • Line up your supporting arm and lift yourself up with your abs so your pelvis is in the air.
  • Bend your free leg under your body and stand up, then rise to your full height without lowering your hand with the weight.
  • Make all movements in the opposite direction.

4. Press

This exercise is simpler than the previous one, but will still require preliminary preparation. It is aimed at working the biceps and deltoid muscles. Other groups are also involved. In essence, this is a regular standing press, but with weighting with a kettlebell, which has a shifted center of gravity. The movement can be significantly diversified by performing it with one hand, with both hands at once, or alternately.

Performance technique

  • Stand straight, back straight, feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned outward.
  • Perform a chest lift.
  • When performing a press, you need to slightly rotate your hand so that at the top point it is directed forward.
  • As you lower the projectile as you exhale, you need to lean forward slightly and spring your knees. In order not to provoke a spinal injury, you need to lower the weight not on your shoulder, but on your chest.

*Learn this exercise only after you have learned how to do chest cleans.

5. Lifting (cleaning) onto the chest

This is a preparatory, basic movement related to exercises with kettlebells for all muscle groups. It can be performed, along with swings, in the first days of training. The main load is taken on by the biceps and deltoids, but at the same time the legs, back, shoulders, and abs work.

Performance technique

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart, point your toes out, keep your back straight with a natural arch, and place the kettlebell between your legs, just like in a swing.
  • Lean forward with your knees slightly bent. Grab the projectile with your working hand, lift it, and let the inertia take it back.
  • When the pendulum of your hand swings forward, give the projectile some acceleration.
  • Rotate your hand slightly at the top point so that the weight seems to point towards your forearm and pull your hand towards your chest.
  • When lowering the weight, do not forget to slightly rotate your hand so that the weight returns to its original position.

*It is not necessary to change hands while hanging; you can place the apparatus on the floor to make it easier. Beginners are advised to always start with a weaker hand.

6. Two-handed kettlebell snatch

With the help of this exercise, the lumbar region of the back is thoroughly worked out, the thigh biceps, gluteal muscles, quadriceps, and deltoids are strengthened. At the same time, the abdominal muscles and spinal extensors are held in static tension.

Performance technique

  • Stand in a normal stance: feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned outward, resting on your heels, back straight.
  • Lean forward, bend your knees, and grab the kettlebell with both hands with a closed grip.
  • Having lifted the weight, we slightly add force to the inertia as the weight moves back and then forward.
  • As the weight moves forward, we straighten our knees, bringing the barbell to chest level.
  • Lower the equipment down, between 3 legs and repeat the movement.

*Usually the weight moves upward by inertia to approximately the level of the solar plexus. For beginners, it is enough to accelerate it to lift it up to the chest. More experienced athletes can raise it to the shoulders or chin.

The Best Kettlebell Exercises for Home Workouts

For men

7. Deadlift with 16 kg kettlebell

  • Feet slightly wider than shoulder width, toes turned outward, back straight.
  • Lean slightly forward, bend your knees, and grab the weight with both hands.
  • Without leaning forward or backward, rise up by straightening your knees, keeping your heels firmly planted.

8. Swing kettlebells in different directions

  • The starting stance is standard, do not forget about a straight back.
  • Grab the bow with both hands.
  • Swing from a kettlebell position between your legs, just like a regular swing. You just need to direct the projectile to the side.

  • Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, toes turned outward, projectile in a vertically extended hand.
  • While looking at the weight, lower your free hand, bend over and touch your fingers to the floor.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Lower the projectile to the floor, repeat with the other hand.

For women

10. Bends on one leg (Romanian deadlift)

  • Hold the weight with one hand.
  • Slowly lean forward, holding the apparatus hanging, while simultaneously moving the opposite leg as far back as possible.
  • Keeping your back straight, return to the starting position. For balance, it is permissible to move your free hand to the side.

11. Lunges with transfer

  • Take the inventory in one hand.
  • Lunge according to the standard pattern.
  • At the bottom point, pass the weight from one hand to the other.
  • Rise to the starting position.

  • Grab a kettlebell with one hand and stand in a standard stance with your feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointing out.
  • Rotate the weights around your body.
  • From behind, pass the projectile from one hand to the other.
  • In front, change hands again, continuing the movement.

Ready-made kettlebell lesson plans: a simple program

If you are going to work not only with kettlebells, increasing strength and endurance, but also to build muscle mass, then it is better to do no more than 10-15 repetitions with a 16-kilogram kettlebell. In other cases, you can increase the number of repetitions to 12-20.

Provided you work with such a projectile once a week, alternating with other workouts, you can perform the complex proposed below at a time, with one approach. Provided you break it down into complexes and perform them on different days, do 2-3 approaches.

For the upper body

  • Rotation of the weight.
  • Traction.
  • Casting
  • Pull up to the chest.
  • Push-ups.
  • Triceps pullover.

For the lower body

  • Squat with a kettlebell.
  • Squat with legs raised.
  • Single leg deadlift.
  • Back lunges with throwing.
  • Jump squats.
  • Combined squats.

On the press

  • Russian twist.
  • Horizontal running.
  • Rotation of the weight around the body.
  • Lifting the body.

For the whole body

  • Squat with a raised kettlebell.
  • One hand push.
  • Deadlift.
  • Side lunge with press.
  • Squats + bicep curls.

Don't forget to warm up before lifting weights and cool down after lifting them.

  • Always select the weight of the kettlebell based on your training. Do not jump above your head, this can lead to injuries and sprains. For men, you can increase the weight of the projectile to 24 kilograms, but for women it is better to stop at sixteen.
  • Let us repeat once again that the back should always be straight, only natural deflection is allowed.
  • Make all movements slowly, do not rush. This will allow you to fully control both your body and equipment.

It is permissible to perform exercises with two weights at once. However, they should be the same size and weight to avoid imbalance in muscle development.

There are many types of kettlebells, but they mainly differ in weight and technique. Today I want to talk to you about the standard kettlebell, and show you what 16 kg you can do. All these exercises are divided into exercises with two weights and with one and involve all muscle groups of our body without exception.

So first the complex exercises in pictures with one kettlebell.

Raising the kettlebell forward

Place one weight between your legs as shown in the photo. Bend your legs slightly at the knees. Then forcefully yank the kettlebell forward, raising it to 90 degrees with your body. At the top, your back should remain straight. Swing the kettlebell back and forth as if you were passing an object from behind your legs to the front. Change your hand every 8-12 times. The kettlebell should swing so that you feel the tension.

Lifting the kettlebell up

Similar to the previous exercise, only in this case you change the direction of the weight so as to lift it up above your head. The trajectory of the weight will slightly resemble the English letter J, and not an arc, as in the previous case. Change your hand every 8-12 times.

Clean kettlebell lift

Place a kettlebell on the floor between your legs. Lean forward and grab the kettlebell while keeping your hips back. Immediately pull the weight up with force and turn your arm in the chest area so as to throw this 16 kg weight over your shoulders. Then, using the push, yank the kettlebell up and over your head. Then return to the starting position, do the required number of times and repeat with the other hand.

Lifting a kettlebell up from a sitting position

Squat down and throw the weight over your shoulder. Place one arm forward for balance. Then lift the weight up. Pause for a second and come back. Repeat with the other hand. During the exercise, make sure you are sitting well and your buttocks and calves are tight.


Raise the grilla up above your head. Then push your hips back as shown in the photo and lean to the side, reaching your free hand to the floor. You can bend your knees slightly. Pause for a second and come back.

Lifting a kettlebell from a lying position

Lie on your back and raise one arm up with the weight. Always keep it upright. Then you need to climb up. Do this alternately, bending first your left and then your right leg at the knees. After that all that remains is to climb up. Return back in the same way. Do 8-10 times, then change hands.

Now exercises with two kettlebells.

Lifting two weights up

Throw two sixteen-kilogram weights onto your shoulders at once. Take a deep breath, then lift them up in a straight line. As you exhale, slowly lower the weights back down. Your abs should be tense throughout the entire exercise.


Similar to the previous exercise, only in this case the weights rise upward with a push of the body. To do this, bend your knees slightly and then forcefully pull them up. Then lower them in exactly the same way.

Bent-over kettlebell row

This exercise is similar to the bent over row. Place both weights on the floor between your legs in front of you. Bend your knees and lean forward almost to a straight line with the floor or slightly higher. Keep your back straight! Then stretch your arms up. Elbows should be pressed to the body. Hold for a second, then lower the weights to the starting position.

Kettlebell row from a lying position

Place both weights on the floor and assume a prone position with your hands on them. Then pull one hand with the weight up, while simultaneously turning your body slightly to the side, as shown in the photo. At the top point, pause for a second and return to the starting position. Then repeat on the other side.

Pistol with a weight

A pistol is a squat on one leg. Regular squats with 16kg kettlebells may be too easy for most, so I recommend giving this exercise a try. The technique is very simple. Hold the kettlebell with both hands in front of your chest, and when squatting, put one leg straight ahead. Then you go back up. To add even more stress to yourself, do it as slowly as possible.

Well, you can do regular squats in the same way, only with two weights.

These are the basic and best exercises with a 16 kg kettlebell that can be performed by beginners. Although, by and large, the weight of the kettlebell does not play any role, you can do this set of exercises with a 24 kg kettlebell, or indeed any weight, even 32 kg, it all depends on your strength and level of training. Also be sure to watch the exercises in the video above about strength training with kettlebells.

In order to develop strength, as well as for training, an exercise with a kettlebell is perfect. Boxers, weightlifters, track and field athletes, skiers, rowers, gymnasts and other athletes for whom strong and healthy arm muscles are important constantly use kettlebells in their training. However, if a person has never worked with weights before and wants to try, he needs to first discuss this issue first with a doctor, and then with a trainer who can also teach the exercises. In the absence of a coach, an experienced weightlifter can help.

What weight is best to start with?

The weight of the kettlebell depends on 2 factors: the strength of the athlete and the type of exercise. It varies from 16 kg to 32 kg. They usually start with 16 kg, gradually adding weight, after about 3 months they reach 25 kg of weights, and after a year - up to 32 kg. All exercises with weights are strictly consistent and alternate with others. For example, a task for strength, then for agility, and then for legs.

They do no more than 40 minutes a day at a certain time: 2 hours before lunch or 2 hours after it. At the end of the workout, they perform breathing exercises 6-8 times, 3-5 times to relax the muscles, simply walk leisurely for about a minute, after which they go into the shower (warm, then cold), then rub themselves with a hard towel.

At the end of all these manipulations, get dressed and rest for at least 10 minutes. Kettlebell exercise is not a goal, but a means to development. Therefore, such activities are often combined with other sports, such as skating or skiing, mountaineering, etc.

Kettlebells are an ancient sports equipment. Suffice it to say that there are references to the use of weights at the Olympic Games, which were just emerging in ancient times. And if now an exercise with a kettlebell can be done at will, then before it was a prerequisite for athletes.

Gunners of the 18th century were also forced to exercise with weights, because then they could reload their guns faster and thereby could save many of their fellow soldiers. Over the centuries, the techniques have not undergone any changes, which means that when you perform, for example, a set of exercises with a kettlebell, you are doing the same thing as a man of the century before last.

So what is a kettlebell? This is a projectile made in the shape of a sphere, which has a cast handle, usually it is all-metal. Although there are collapsible weights, there are not many of them on sale. The weight of the smallest solid weight is 4 kg, and the largest is 56 kg, and it increases in increments of 4 kg (i.e. a 4 kg weight, then 8, 16 and so on).

People who want to master exercises with kettlebells for beginners need to buy a 16-kilogram (i.e. one-pound) one. As muscles improve and physical strength increases, weights of 24 and 32 kg are purchased. If your athletic form leaves much to be desired, then you can purchase a lighter weight.

Why is kettlebell lifting so popular?

Exercises with kettlebells for beginners

First you need to master the jerk. It is performed with one or two hands. Your back should be straight, and the projectile should be positioned in the center of your body so that you can reach it with your hand clenched into a fist. So, you need to bend over, take the weight by the handle and jerk it up to your chest, where you grab it with your other hand and then return it to the starting position. Or put the projectile in place and change hands.

Then the bent over row is mastered. Here, the more weight, the better. However, we must proceed from the physical condition of the body. The technique is not much more complicated. The left knee is placed on one edge of the bench, the left hand is placed on the other edge. you need to straighten your right hand and take the weight in it. Exhale and jerk at the same time, pulling the weight up. The arm should be bent at the elbow. As you inhale, smoothly return to the original position. Only elbows and shoulders work.

The “mill” exercise is performed as follows. The body must be tilted to the side so that the hand touches the foot, the second hand with the weight in it must be raised up. Change hands, repeat.

The arm muscles are weak, what should I do?

It's no secret that not every one of us is in ideal physical shape. This applies equally to the entire body, and even more so to the limbs. What to do if your hands are weak, but you want to somehow strengthen them? For this there are special exercises for muscles with weights.

  • Straighten your back. Take 16 kg weights in both hands. If they are too heavy for you, use less. Then the arms are lowered down, but the palms should be turned up. In total, do approaches from 2 to 4, repeat 8-10 times. The muscles of the hands and arms develop and strengthen well.
  • Sit on a chair, place your feet shoulder-width apart. The left hand rests on the waist. The right hand, in which the weight is located, is placed with the elbow on the right knee, while the weight should be suspended. Pointing your palm upward, bend your hand so that the weight rises and falls. Change the hand and repeat the exercise. Do 3 approaches, 10 repetitions.
  • Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a weight in one hand and place the other on your waist. Raise your arm with the weight above your head, then raise and lower it, while your elbow should not move. Repeat with the second hand. The exercise develops and strengthens the triceps brachii muscle, perform 3 sets of 10 times.
  • Place a chair nearby and bend over, resting one hand on the seat, while keeping your back straight. In the other, take a weight and pull it back along the body, and then bend it at the elbow. Change hands, perform 3 sets of 10 times.
  • Take a weight in one hand and place the other on your waist. Raise the arm in which the weight is located tangentially to the chest, while the elbow should not move. Change hand. Do 3-4 approaches, repeat 8-10 times.

What can you do to strengthen your back muscles?

It is, of course, very good to develop and strengthen the muscles of the limbs. But judge for yourself, what is the use of this if the back muscles are rather weak and, under any load, begin to ache as if you were at least dragging an entire KAMAZ truck, along with some kind of firewood or coal? What kettlebell exercises will help you strengthen and develop your back muscles?

  • Place a chair nearby. Grasp the backrest with your left hand and take the weight with your right. Bend your knees slightly, put your left leg slightly forward, and your right hand should be located below. The weight must be pulled to the chest and then released. Then change the hand. Perform 5 approaches, repeat 10 times.
  • Take the weights in both hands, straighten your back, pull your arms together with the weights to your chest, return to the starting position. Total approaches - 4-5, repetitions - 8-15.
  • Kettlebell push-ups strengthen the pectoral muscles well. The projectile is placed on the floor, they lean on it with their hand, the other on the floor, and do push-ups.
  • An exercise with a kettlebell, called the “standing press,” develops and strengthens the triceps, deltoids, pectoral, and back muscles. Take one projectile, place it at shoulder level and lift it above your head. You can help yourself by pushing your legs.
  • The static pose allows blood to flow to the chest muscles. To do this, you need to take the weight by the round base and hold it between your hands, bend your arms at the elbows and hold for as long as possible.

Are there any other exercises?

Yes, definitely. For example, to develop leg strength and strengthen the buttocks, there is the lunge exercise. The projectile is taken in one hand, after which they take turns lunging backwards, changing hands if desired.

Exercises similar to standing up help burn fat and develop coordination. At first, a sitting or lying position is assumed, after which presses, pulls, and pushes are done without lowering the apparatus to the floor, and at the end the weight must be raised above the head.

Crunch exercises improve and strengthen your abdominal muscles. The hand with the weight is lowered along the body, after which a tilt is made in the other direction. You can lie on your back, with your legs bent at the knees, and the projectile held above your head with both hands. You need to raise your head and pull it towards your knees.

I have 16 (24, 32) kg weights. How to train with them?

Often, many beginning athletes wonder whether training with apparatus, such as an exercise with a 24 kg kettlebell, can improve performance more than regular dumbbell training. However, you need to carefully consider your training program, because time and energy are limited. All kettlebell lifting is based on exercises with this apparatus, so you need to think about whether you can replace some of your activities with training with a kettlebell.

Best exercises

The set of exercises with a kettlebell is designed for weights of 16, 24 and 32 kg and consists of 7 points, each of which is repeated a certain number of times.

The first point is throwing the weights. Do 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions. In order to cast, you need to slightly tilt your hip joint, take the projectile and sharply lift it, while straightening your leg, as if jumping. Keep your elbows outward from the weight and your shoulders directly above it, maintaining this position for as long as possible. The projectile should be close to the body. When straightening your legs, simultaneously raise your shoulders and at their height, pull the weight with your hands. Elbows should be kept high. Then the elbows are turned so that they are lower than the weights. The arms form a hook in front of the shoulders. The hips and knees bend slightly to accommodate the weight of the projectile. All this should result in a smooth movement.

The second point is one-arm kettlebell rows, 3 sets, 15-20 repetitions. You need to place your feet so that they are hip-width apart. Knees slightly bent. Bend at the hip joint, keeping your back straight. Place one hand on the back of the chair and take the projectile in the other. The arm should hang perpendicular to the floor. Pull the weight up while squeezing your shoulder blades. Return to original position. The back and head should be straight at all times, as excessive bending and rotation of the torso can cause injuries.

The third point is alternate bench press on the floor in 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions. You need to lie on your back, holding a weight in your hand (or an apparatus in each). Squeeze weights, changing hands. When lifting the projectile, the body rotates slightly. Change hands.

The fourth point is squats with weights on the chest. Do 3 approaches and repeat 15-20 times. Grab a kettlebell and hold it in front of you at chest level. Your feet should be slightly wider than your hips and your knees should be slightly bent. Bend your knees and lower your torso. With this movement, the upper body may tilt slightly. The knees remain above the feet during the squat. When your thighs are parallel to the floor, return to the starting position.

Fifth point - push the weights with one hand (3 sets, 15-20 repetitions). Place your feet at shoulder level, bend your knees slightly. The projectile is taken with an overhand grip and placed at the same level as the ear. Perform a quick squat, then immediately stand up, while lifting the weight above your head. The arm moves parallel to the body, and the wrist is above the elbow. Return to the starting position. You can lift more weight when using this exercise (16 kg kettlebell, for example, instead of 8, or even more), since it uses leg strength.

Sixth - kettlebell swings, total approaches - 3, repetitions - 15-20. The kettlebell should be held between the legs, the body should be tilted, but the back should be straight. Swing the projectile back, then swing it as hard as you can forward to chest level. The arms are held straight, while the hips are straightened, and then the knees and ankles.

The seventh point is a “mill” with weights (do 3 sets of 15-20 times). The hand containing the weight is placed above the head so that it straightens. The back bends so that you can take the second weight with your second hand. One weight is held above your head while the other is raised and lowered at the same time. Then change hands and repeat.

What is biceps and what is it used for?

The biceps muscle is called the biceps muscle. It performs 2 functions at once: it bends the elbow and moves the forearm. The biceps has two heads: long and short. The long head is easy to use in all biceps exercises. But with the short one you will have to tinker a little, doing exercises to bend the elbow.

For biceps, the optimal number of sets is 5 to 8, and it responds well to them. But when a person can already withstand more severe loads, the approaches are reduced to 5 in order to increase the load on the ligaments and tendons, without which the development of mass is impossible.

Undoubtedly, if you do more sets and repetitions, you can also build up your biceps, but if for some reason a person does not exercise for a long time or completely refuses to exercise, then these muscles will soon disappear. But muscles pumped up in the right way will not go anywhere.

Biceps training technique

Looking at athletes or movie characters with powerful and massive arm muscles, most men want them to have the same. Why does not everyone succeed in this? No, heredity has nothing to do with it, and there is absolutely no need to eat meat, cottage cheese and anabolic steroids with spoons. Of course, proper nutrition is a very important factor, but it's all about training.

The thing is that novice athletes often violate the technique of performing exercises, but the whole point of training is to work not only hard, but also correctly. Incorrect approaches can cause injuries, such as joint damage.

The second is called “Kettlebells.” Sport of the strong and healthy.” This book contains descriptions of exercises, talks about mistakes made by beginners, and provides advice from experienced weightlifters. The author himself has been training athletes for many years and put all his long experience into the book, talking about how to build a training program correctly, taking into account age and physical fitness.

We can only hope that your view of kettlebell lifting has changed, and you will not waste money and time on what sports “experts” are imposing. What is fashionable does not always bring health benefits; it is much better to read books, watch master classes by experienced athletes and make your choice.