Football training for adults. Football schools for children

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    Skill to work in team

About playing mini-football

Many popular sports have their own “mini versions”. This fate has not spared the most beloved team game in the world - football. Many people believe that mini-football became a part of life only at the end of the last century, but this is not so. Its history goes back to Brazil (where would it be without Brazilians!), where back in the 20s, residents had fun playing ball on the beaches. Since space was limited, both the rules and the composition of the participants changed slightly. The mini-version was so loved by the players that it soon moved to indoor halls and was called “football de salon”.

At the end of the 50s, the mini-game also captured Europe: the Austrians picked up the palm, and soon mini-football sections arose in other European countries. Since the mid-70s, it has become a separate sport, and already in 1974 an international match was held. It took place in Rome, and the home team won.

Who is futsal suitable for?

Good news: unlike its “big brother”, Russia has a good reputation and results in the mini-game. They are, of course, closely related, but the differences are also significant. Classes take place on the field and goal, half the size of standard ones, and the ball is lighter. A team consists of five players (along with a goalkeeper) and the match lasts two 20-minute periods. The area for playing and training mini-football is called futsal.

The mini-football section accepts children aged 5-6 years. This great way improve the child’s physical fitness, immunity, strength and endurance. Bonus - agility, reaction, coordination of movements. In addition, learning mini-football is very disciplined and teaches order. Useful for both kids and teenagers!

But what should adults do? Many companies monitoring physical fitness their employees, organize football training and matches - and equipped halls, of course, have a certain advantage here. If as a child you didn’t even make it to the local team - or, on the contrary, you decided to remember your past successes - come to mini-football lessons for adults! This is an excellent way to lose weight, tighten up, and get beautiful muscle definition. And the main thing is to get rid of constant stress and get a charge of positive emotions. Team play here differs from standard football - each player participates in both defense and attack. This requires a restructuring of thinking and is very useful from a psychological point of view.

Contraindications for playing mini-football

The game is quite traumatic, and the loads here are high. Therefore, before learning mini-football, it would be useful to undergo a medical examination. Standard contraindications are diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, myopia, diseases of the joints and spine.

Don't neglect your own health - or the health of your child. Kick a ball in the yard and regular classes futsal - a big difference. The coach must be sure that the student will withstand heavy loads.

Mini-football training: equipment

The clothes for training will be the same as for regular football players - T-shirt, shorts, socks, shin guards, shoes. It is allowed to play in gymnastic shoes with rubber soles. In any sports store presented a wide range of football clothing and shoes. During mini-football lessons you will have to sweat: the T-shirt and shorts must be well ventilated and “breathe”. You can come to your first classes in a regular cotton T-shirt. Your trainer will tell you how to dress for outdoor lessons.

How to sign up for a mini-football section in Moscow

Are you looking for a futsal school? We have selected options in various areas of the capital and provided a convenient search system on the website. Some teachers offer individual training— several of these lessons will be useful for children and adults with zero level of training. And remember: football requires regularity!

Football in Moscow is a truly iconic sport; there is hardly a hobby that can surpass it. Matches of your favorite teams invariably bring tens of thousands of fans to the stadiums and captivate millions of spectators to their television screens. Football has been played since childhood in small school stadiums or simply in courtyards; almost every boy (and many girls) has a ball with which he is ready to rush selflessly down the street for days on end. But this, of course, is far from a sport, as long as it is just children’s games and imitation of idols.

Football sections in Moscow - wonderful relaxation and fun training

Real sport begins with real training. Thanks to the ever-increasing popularity of football, today in the capital there are countless schools and sections in which both those who want to simply kick the ball and those who want to play football professionally can enroll, regardless of age, gender, skill level or physical preparation. Sections for adults, as a rule, are more aimed at leisure, maintaining physical fitness and improving playing technique, while children's ones pursue slightly different goals. Of course, not every parent who brings their child to the football section sets the goal of raising a world-famous star. Much more often they are interested in sports due to their undeniable health benefits, the development of physical endurance, improved coordination, and football, in addition, also contributes to the development of team play skills and teaches how to interact with peers.

And yet, what boy, dribbling the ball towards the goal, does not dream of becoming a professional football player? Become a member famous team, participate in city, national, world championships, score your winning goal, win your cup. Dreams? May be. However, this is exactly the chance that young football players are given by professional football sections, where training is aimed not only at physical training beginning football players, but also on ball handling technique, without which further growth in skill is impossible. Those of them who combine talent and perseverance eventually achieve their dreams - they become players professional teams. Those who fail to reach the top simply acquire a favorite hobby for the rest of their lives, because in the game the main thing is not victory, the main thing is participation.

How to choose a football section in Moscow?

Especially for fans of football training, our portal contains many sports sections in Moscow clubs. The tables contain basic information: costs and prices football training, addresses of sections and telephone numbers of centers where classes are held. Thus, you can easily choose the most geographically convenient option and immediately determine the upcoming expenses. Of particular interest are reviews of football sections in Moscow left by visitors sports centers. They can describe the professional skills of trainers and their ability to teach material to students, an attentive approach to students, the condition of the training area, and the adequacy of the section’s visitors.

Classes are suitable for both adults and children. In the first case, it is important to feel comfortable during training - after a hard day at work, you don’t want to come to the section to work more. Here you need to relax and unwind. Football for children will require detailed attention from the coach so that the kids do not get injured and spend their time as productively as possible, acquiring new useful skills.

Football is the most famous team appearance a sport where 7 to 11 players play two halves of 45 minutes each, trying to score as many goals as possible more goals into the enemy's goal. In Russia, the first football association appeared in early 1864, immediately after the recognition of football. On this moment more than 2 million teams and 400 thousand registered professional clubs. And there are already football clubs in almost all cities.

Football sections and schools for children and adults

Football is a team game with a ball, the most popular and widespread for several centuries. Many football skills were used in Ancient Greece, Egypt and Rome during the training of fighters. Roman legionnaires brought elements of the game to Europe. In the mid-19th century, elements of the ball game were transformed into a team game - football. In 1847-1849, the first rules of organized football were developed, and the first football club was organized at the same time.

Football has constantly evolved and now combines sports and entertainment into a powerful gaming industry. This is a game of millions of people all over the planet - small children and gray-haired veterans, men and women.

In Russia, football is the most popular look sports, therefore football sections are being created everywhere, which anyone can enroll in without any restrictions, regardless of age and gender. However, not all sections are able to satisfy serious gaming requirements. Some football sections simply offer to kick the ball around in your free time with strangers, while others train professional football players. Therefore, when choosing football sections It is necessary to discuss your requirements and necessary training conditions with the section leadership. Football sports sections usually have serious coaching staff; they are less common.

Football schools for children

Development children's football especially relevant in last years. All boys dream of becoming famous football players. Football schools for children are sports organizations whose main goal is to educate children good player so that he can subsequently develop professional career football player. The main focus of the nursery football schoolphysical development future football player. Children from such schools may not choose a career as a professional football player in the future, but they will always be good at handling the ball. Coaching staff and many school methods guarantee high level child preparation.

Admission to football sections usually starts with school age. However, some football schools accept students aged 5-6 years.

Football schools for adults
Learn to play football, as well as exercise regularly and physical exercise possible at any age. Classes at a football school for adults also involve football matches and corporate tournaments.

Institutions (schools, clubs) in the Football section with free sections for adults in Moscow

This section presents free sections football, football clubs and schools for adults. Finding a suitable place for free classes football can be played directly on the map or according to the list of presented sports organizations. You can choose a suitable sports section near your home and work. For each sports sections available: telephone numbers, addresses, prices, photos, descriptions and conditions for subsequent free registration of men and women for football in Moscow.