Workouts with weights at home. Kettlebell exercises for shoulders, chest and arms - basic course. Swing in front of you

They are quite effective.

The convenience of the apparatus lies in the fact that it allows you to pump up almost all muscle groups, exercising in any conditions, including at home, in the absence of other equipment.

Movements with these apparatuses can be included in a program for mass, weight loss, relief - it is possible to create a varied training program that meets any goals.

Features of working with a projectile at home

The exercises can be used in home workouts. The peculiarity of the classes is that the main purpose of the projectile is to increase strength and strength endurance. This factor must be taken into account when creating a training program.

At the same time, the movements are perfect for various training programs, including weight loss, as they allow you to burn a lot of calories and stimulate metabolic processes. Other features include:

  • the need for a good warm-up. When working with weights, the joints are really seriously loaded, so it’s impossible to do without warming up;
  • inability to gain weight by a couple of kilograms or so. Most often, the athlete has at his disposal a projectile of 16, 24 and 32 kilograms, that is, the standard. Therefore, when performing movements from 16, you will not be able to move to 18; you will have to immediately count on 24, which can be quite difficult;
  • The workout can be structured either by working exclusively with a kettlebell or by adding other elements to it, ranging from exercises with your own weight to work and other equipment.

The rest of the training is based on the same principles as training with other equipment. It is worth considering your daily routine, sleep, dealing with stress and establishing proper nutrition. This is the only way to achieve the desired result.

Attention! When working with kettlebells, you can devote time to both classic exercises, such as the clean and jerk, and others aimed more at increasing muscle mass. There are a lot of options for creating training programs, it all depends on the goal set by the athlete and his level of training. It is better for beginners to devote time to general strengthening movements, and for more experienced ones to move on to complex variations.

What muscles can be pumped?

There are many exercises that will pump up almost all the muscles in the human body. If you take general, multi-joint movements, such as the snatch, then almost the entire body is involved in the work, including the legs, back and arms. There are also a number of individual movements.

For example, squats help pump up your legs, push-ups with weights help your chest, and overhead raises help your shoulders. All this allows you to build an extensive set of movements for each necessary muscle group.

Exercises for different muscle groups

Among the main exercises are:

Swings - an exercise aimed at developing the shoulders, back and, to some extent, arms.

You need to stand up straight and take the projectile in your hands. Then lower it down and lift it by moving your arms straight up until they become parallel to the floor.

Pull to the stomach - works the back.

Legs straight, and body slightly tilted forward. There is a weight in each hand. The projectiles rise to the belt, then slowly return back.

Squats – pumping up the legs.

A weight is held in your hands, and your feet are shoulder-width apart. Hold the projectile in front of you. Squat as low as possible.

Press crunches.

Lie on the floor, take a weight in your hands, bend your legs slightly at the knees. Raise your body up, while holding the projectile in front of you.

Press – chest and shoulders, partially triceps.

Lie on the floor, bend your knees. Take the same weight in each hand. Lower them down and lift them up.

Push-ups with weights - chest.

Place the shells on the floor, grab them with your hands, by the handles. Feet on the floor. Next, do regular push-ups, only your arms will actually be higher.

Curls – biceps.

Stand up straight, take the shells in your hands. Raise your arms, bending them at the elbow, but not moving them in other parts.

Snatch – back, legs and shoulders.

Kettlebell on the floor, between the legs. Legs are slightly narrower than shoulder width. Bend your back at the waist without arching it. The hand clasps the handle of the weight from above. Raise the projectile above your head, then return it back.

This is just a minimal list that includes basic exercises. They will be enough at the initial stage, but after that you can include others.

Muscle building complex

at home for men and women can also be performed to increase muscle mass. For this, the principle of conditionally dividing all muscles into three groups and training them on different days is suitable. Three workouts a week will be enough.

You can use the following training complex:

Workout 1. Legs and biceps.

  1. Kettlebell squats – 5 sets of 12-15 reps.
  2. Plie squats. They differ in that the projectile is located at the bottom, and the legs are placed wide - 4 to 12.
  3. Calf raises – 3 x 12-15.
  4. Lifting weights for biceps – 5 to 12-15.

Workout 2. Chest and back.

  1. Kettlebell push-ups – 5 to 12.
  2. Floor press – 4 x 12.
  3. Bent-over rows – 4 x 10-12.
  4. Kettlebell rows to the belt – 5 to 12.

Workout 3. Shoulders and triceps.

  1. Snatch – 5 to 12.
  2. Standing kettlebell press – 4 to 12.
  3. Kettlebell extension from behind the head – 5 to 12-15. You need to stand up straight, take the weight with your hands above your head so that your palm faces forward and to the side, then straighten your arms at the elbows and bend them back.

This complex is suitable for beginners, as it contains few exercises and leaves the body enough time to recover. You can significantly diversify it by including exercises with your own weight, for example:

Workout 1. Legs.

  1. Squats – 3 to 15.
  2. Kettlebell squats – 4 to 12.
  3. Plie squats – 3 to 10.
  4. Kettlebell lunges – 3 to 10.

Workout 2. Chest and back.

  1. Push-ups – 3 to 12.
  2. Push-ups with weights – 4 to 10.
  3. Kettlebell bench press – 4 x 10.
  4. Deadlift with kettlebells – 4 to 12.
  5. Pull-ups – 4 x 10.
  6. Kettlebell rows to the belt – 3 x 10.

Workout 3: Arms and shoulders.

  1. Reverse grip pull-ups – 4 to 10.
  2. Kettlebell lifts for biceps – 4 x 12.
  3. Reverse push-ups – 3 to 15.
  4. Extension of arms from behind the head and kettlebells – 4 to 10.
  5. Standing kettlebell press – 4 x 10.
  6. One kettlebell snatch – 4 x 8.

The training plan can be further complicated by introducing new elements, but for beginners and intermediate level athletes this will be enough. When working for weight, it is important not to forget about other elements, such as proper nutrition with sufficient caloric content and daily routine.

Important! Additionally, it is worth considering constant progression in terms of load. If you do the same movements constantly, without changing them, your body will get used to it over time. Muscles must be constantly shocked in order for them to be stimulated to grow, otherwise growth will not be possible. Therefore, the training program should change quite often, at least once every couple of months.

An effective method is the use of power cycles. For example, if an athlete constantly works in a regime of 8-15 repetitions, it will be useful to work out for a couple of weeks, performing up to 6. This will increase strength, allow you to lift more in the future, which will additionally stimulate the growth of muscle mass.

When working with kettlebells, you can create a cycle of classic movements such as the clean and jerk. You don't have to do them every workout, but once a week you can do movements that develop strength and strength endurance.

Professionals believe that an athlete’s training can be structured in almost any conditions. You can achieve impressive results even at home, and having some equipment, such as weights, will help you achieve your desired shape faster.

They can be quite varied. Such a projectile will allow you to pump up your arms, legs, shoulders and other parts of the body, and by adding exercises with your own weight, you can achieve even more impressive results.

Igor Antonenko, coach and blogger

A well-known online trainer and blogger specializing in bodybuilding points out the fact that exercises with kettlebells are very effective both when working on mass and strength, and when it is necessary to reduce body fat and work on relief. He believes that this equipment can replace training with others, since exercises with it are quite varied in complexity and level of load.

Ivan Denisov, coach

The trainer and world champion in kettlebell lifting believes that exercises with this apparatus will help not only in specialized sports, but also in working with other equipment. Kettlebell lifting helps develop explosive strength and strength endurance, which has a positive effect on results when performing other aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

Sergey Mishin, weightlifter

Kettlebell lifting athlete and coach Sergei Mishin claims that these equipment are suitable for almost everyone. They help develop not only strength, but also help in working on endurance and speed. There are a lot of exercises with kettlebells, so you can build a high-quality training plan only if you have these equipment and no others.

Useful video

Main conclusions

Working with weights will help pump up the athlete’s entire body. Exercises will be available for training both at home and in the fitness room. The training program can also be divided into several days or performed on the principle of circuit training, increasing endurance.

You need to approach your classes with full responsibility. Exercises are performed in strict accordance with technique. It is important to warm up before starting. It is also important to follow other training principles, such as nutrition and daily routine, that correspond to the goal.

© Georgiy -

  1. Starting position (IP) - lying down, shoulder blades retracted, legs firmly resting on the floor. Hands with weights are straightened and above the chest. The grip is by the handles, the shells hang not on the sides, but towards the side of the head.
  2. As you inhale, you need to slowly lower your arms, while your elbows go to the sides perpendicular to the body, and do not press against the body. The depth should be comfortable, depends on your stretching, no need to do it through pain.
  3. As you exhale, use a powerful force from your pectoral muscles to press the weights upward. It is better not to straighten your elbows all the way - this way your chest will be tense throughout the entire approach.

If you only have one kettlebell, you can do the press either with your hands alternately, or grab it by the bottom with both hands at once. It all depends on its weight and your strength indicators.

Floor press

If you don't have anything to make a bench out of, the floor press is an alternative. The main difference here will be a smaller amplitude, which slightly reduces the effectiveness of the exercise. The technique is similar, only for better support it is better to bend your legs at the knees:

This exercise can also be performed with one hand:

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Another interesting option is to press two weights on the floor alternately. You pick up both projectiles at once, but do not squeeze them together, but first with your left hand, then with your right. In this case, the body can be slightly raised following the working hand:

Kettlebell push-ups

This type of push-up increases the range of motion, which allows you to better stretch and work your chest.

The technique is as follows:

  1. Place two weights wider than shoulder-width apart. Their handles should be parallel to the body.
  2. Take a lying position, in which your hands clasp the handles of the implements.
  3. As you inhale, lower yourself as low as your stretch allows.
  4. As you exhale, rise to the starting position with a powerful movement. It is better not to straighten your arms completely; immediately proceed to the next repetition.

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If you are a beginner and are afraid of not being able to hold the kettlebells with this grip, use the following option:

Option for advanced athletes - one-arm push-ups:

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This is an exercise that works the pectoral muscles, triceps and lats. Moreover, the load is distributed in this order. One shell will be enough.

It is best to perform it on a straight bench; a chair or stool is also suitable here, since here support is needed only for the upper back.

In the process of moving your arms back, you do not need to bend them so that the load does not go into the triceps. Try to perform both lifting and lowering slowly and under control, concentrating on the chest muscles.



Can be performed with one or two weights. This is a powerful basic exercise that, in addition to the back muscles, actively engages the quadriceps.

Technique with one kettlebell:

  1. Stand in front of the apparatus - it is between your legs at the level of your toes, your legs themselves are shoulder-width apart.
  2. Squat forward and grasp the handle of the kettlebell with both hands.
  3. By simultaneously extending your legs and straightening your back, rise to the starting position. There is no need to bend backwards - just stand straight. The most important thing is that your back should not be hunched in the lumbar and thoracic regions throughout the entire movement.
  4. Perform the next repetition by lowering the apparatus toward the floor, but without touching it.

In the case of two weights (to increase the working weight), the technique is almost the same. Only in this case they will stand on the sides of the legs:

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Bent-over row

Here you can also come up with several options for implementation. Classic - one-arm deadlift. You can lean on a bench, sofa or any other similar surface (preferably not too soft).

The technique is as follows:

  1. Stand to the side of the support, for example, to the right of it. Lean on it with your left hand and left bent leg. Place your other leg back and slightly to the side, bend it slightly at the knee, the support should be secure.
  2. Take the weight with your right hand. Straighten your body - it should be parallel to the floor. The hand with the weight hangs down. This is the starting position.
  3. As you exhale, using the efforts of your back muscles, pull the projectile to your belt. In this case, the elbow runs along the body, almost pressed against it. At the top point, you can turn around a little so that the amplitude of the movement is as large as possible.
  4. As you inhale, lower the projectile down as far as possible without rotating your body, while properly stretching your lats, and immediately begin a new rise.
  5. Then the same must be repeated for the other hand.

If you do not have any suitable support, you can perform the exercise without it. To do this, you will need to put your left leg forward, as in a lunge, rest your left hand on it and bend down, but not to parallel with the floor, but a little higher:

If the kettlebell is too heavy to lift with one hand, you can lift with both hands at once - in this case the movement will be similar. In the same way, you can pull two projectiles at once.


This exercise is similar to the regular bench press discussed above. However, the emphasis here is on the triceps due to a different grip - the shells need to be taken with a neutral grip, that is, the palms will face each other, and the weights will hang down to the sides. There is also a difference in movement - when lowering, you should not spread your elbows to the sides, but keep them as close to the body as possible. At the top point, fully extend your arms. You can perform it either on a bench (preferred option) or on the floor.

If there is only one projectile, you can press it with both hands at once, holding the bottom and not forgetting about the correct trajectory of the elbows:

Arm extensions from behind the head

Alternative. This exercise is even easier to perform with a kettlebell than with dumbbells, since it is more convenient to hold.

The technique is as follows:

  1. We sit on a bench, sofa or chair without a high back. Raise the projectile above your head in any convenient way and hold it with both hands by the handle so that it hangs back.
  2. As you inhale, gently lower it down, bending your arms. Make sure that your elbows do not move too far to the sides. Also be careful not to hit your head.
  3. As you exhale, extend your arms to the starting position.

The exercise can be performed while standing, but it is more convenient to maintain balance while sitting.

© Photocreo Bednarek -

If it’s too easy for you, you can do extensions with one hand:

© Ocskay Mark -

Push-ups can also be done by focusing on the triceps rather than the pecs. To do this, we place the apparatus shoulder-width apart, and when lowering, we do not spread our elbows, but keep them as close to the body as possible. Extend your elbows to the end in each repetition.

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Arm curls

As part of home workouts, this is the main biceps exercise. It is performed as follows:

  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, exercises in your arms.
  2. There are options for grip. The first is a neutral grip, with your palms facing each other. In this case, when lifting, you need to supinate the hand - turn it away from the body so that the weight hangs in front of the hand. The second option is to initially take such a grip so that your palms point away from the body, and do not change the position of your hands while lifting. Both options are good, it is recommended to alternate them from workout to workout.
  3. As you exhale, bend both arms, lifting the exercises to your shoulders (you can lift them one at a time, but this will give the biceps time to rest). Make sure not to help by rocking the body, and also do not move your elbows forward - they must be fixed. If it doesn’t work, then you took too much weight and you need to lower it or lift one weight with both hands at once.
  4. As you inhale, slowly lower the exercises, but do not fully extend your arms; keep your biceps under load the entire time.

© nastia1983 -

Option with lifting one weight with two hands:

You can also do the exercise first with one hand (all repetitions), and then with the second:

© Nomad_Soul -

Concentrated curls

Even the possibility of cheating is excluded here; the biceps are worked in isolation, so the working weight will be slightly less.

The technique is:

  1. Sit on any comfortable support, spread your legs wide and firmly rest them on the floor.
  2. Take the weight with one hand, rest its elbow on the thigh of the same leg.
  3. As you exhale, lift the projectile by bending your arm. Don't lift your elbow from your hip.
  4. As you inhale, lower your arm under control without fully extending it, and immediately do the next repetition.
  5. Do the exercise for your second hand as well.

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Reverse grip curls

This option works the brachialis (located under the biceps) and brachioradialis muscles. Their hypertrophy is no less important for large arm volumes, which is why curls with a reverse or hammer grip must be included in the program.

The technique is identical to regular curls, only this time the grip will be straight, that is, the palms are facing back. This will make it harder to lift the shells, so take less weight. You can perform it with both hands at once, or alternately with each.

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These are the same bends, only the grip should be neutral throughout the entire exercise - palms facing each other:

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Standing Kettlebell Press

A basic exercise that uses all three deltoid bundles, although the main load falls on the front one. Can be performed with both hands at once or with one. The technique is as follows:

  1. Hop the weights (or kettlebell) from the floor onto your shoulders in any convenient manner. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, no need to bend them.
  2. As you exhale, using the deltoid force, straighten your arms with the apparatus above your head, without sitting down or arching your back. The movement should be carried out only in the shoulder and elbow joints - this is the main difference between the bench press and the shvung.
  3. As you inhale, slowly lower the weights back to your shoulders.

© Mihai Blanaru -

There is a slightly more complicated option - bench press one kettlebell, holding it by the bottom. Here, more effort will be required to keep the projectile in balance and more stabilizer muscles will be activated. You need to take a little less weight.

© ifitos2013 -

Chin pull

This is also a basic exercise, here the emphasis of the load can be shifted to the front or middle beam:

  1. If you hold one kettlebell with both hands and pull it toward your upper chest, you'll work your front delts and traps.

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  2. If you take two projectiles and lift them at a distance from each other (approximately shoulder width), the middle beams work. In this case, the lifting height will be slightly less.

    These options are an alternative to pulling the barbell to the chin with a narrow and wide grip, respectively.

    Kettlebell swings

    This exercise is isolated and absolutely identical to dumbbell swings. You can also perform forward swings on the front beam, sideways swings on the middle beam, and sideways bending swings on the back beam. An important point - here you will need lighter weights, about 8 kg. Only sufficiently trained athletes can perform such movements cleanly even with 16 kg.

    The only option when you can take one projectile with both hands is to swing forward:


    Goblet Squats

    The first type of squats focuses on the quadriceps. Also, a good load goes to the gluteal muscles. The hamstrings, calves, spinal erectors and abs work as stabilizers.

    The technique is:

    1. Take the kettlebell by the handle on your sides with both hands, stand straight, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, toes pointing slightly to the sides.
    2. Without changing the angle of your back or hunching, squat so that your thighs form an acute angle with your shins, that is, below parallel. At the same time, try not to let your knees go ahead of your toes.
    3. Get into the starting position, do not bring your knees together when lifting. Do not straighten your legs all the way; begin the next repetition immediately.

    A variation of this exercise can be called a squat with a kettlebell on outstretched arms. Here, it will most likely be easier for you to catch your balance, but it is more difficult to hold the projectile - only the front deltoids work on this.

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    Experienced athletes can perform the movement with two kettlebells, thus increasing the load on the legs.

    Here the load shifts to the adductor muscles of the thigh (inner part), as well as the gluteal muscles. The quadriceps also works, but less.

    1. Place your feet significantly wider than your shoulders, and also turn your toes to the sides. The projectile is in your hands down, it will be easier to hold it here.
    2. As you inhale, lower yourself slowly, as if sitting on a chair. At the same time, your knees point in the same direction as your socks, do not bring them together.
    3. Lower yourself to a comfortable depth and, as you exhale, begin to rise, straightening your knee and hip joints. Also make sure that your back does not round and your knees do not go past your toes.

    © Vitaly Sova -

    To make the exercise more difficult, you can hold a weight in each hand.

    Single leg squats

    Another name for the exercise is. In this case, it is performed with weights - a kettlebell, which must be held with arms outstretched forward. Not suitable for a beginner, but for more experienced athletes it is an excellent movement that allows you to pump up the muscles of the legs and buttocks, as well as develop coordination and dexterity.

    © ifitos2013 -

    To practice the exercise, you first need to learn how to correctly perform a regular squat, then on one leg without weights (you can sit on a sofa or hold onto a support with one hand) and only then proceed to the most difficult option.

    Lunges with kettlebells

    - a universal exercise for the lower body. The quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes work here. At the same time, the front part of the thigh works more with a narrow and medium step, and the back and buttocks work more with a wide step.

    In general, the technique is as follows:

    1. Take the apparatus in your hands, stand straight with your feet together.
    2. Take a step forward with your left foot, lower yourself down until your right knee almost touches the floor. It is not necessary to touch - just go down to the greatest depth. In this case, the angle between the thigh and shin of both legs should be 90 degrees.
    3. Return to the starting position and lunge with your right leg.

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    Kettlebells can also be held overhead - here the shoulders and triceps will work statically, plus in this option it is a little more difficult to maintain balance, which will lead to the connection of more different stabilizer muscles.

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    If you only have one kettlebell, you can do each leg separately, either squeezing the apparatus with the same hand each time you lower it, or constantly holding it at the top.

    Romanian deadlift

    Basic exercise for the hamstrings and glutes. Can be performed with one weight or two - depends on physical fitness.

    The technique is as follows:

    1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, slightly bent, the apparatus hanging in your lowered hands.
    2. As you inhale, lean forward, while the movement occurs by moving the pelvis back. The angle in the legs does not change. The depth of the bend depends on your stretch. At the bottom point you should feel your hamstrings stretch. The back should never be rounded. Squeeze your shoulder blades and watch the position of your back. If you start to lean your shoulders forward or sag in your lower back, reduce the weight.
    3. As you exhale, return to the starting position. To emphasize the load on the muscles of the legs and buttocks, straighten your torso not by moving your body upward, but as if pushing from the floor with your legs and pushing your pelvis forward.

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    All abdominal exercises with kettlebells are not suitable for beginners, who first need to learn how to perform them correctly with their own weight and only then gradually increase them.


    This is a classic version on the floor, only with additional weights. It is most convenient to hold the projectile on the chest with both hands. Don’t forget that when doing crunches, you don’t need to lift your lower back off the floor—only the shoulder girdle, while rounding your spine and straining your abs.

    © ifitos2013 -

    Reverse crunches

    This is a heavier version of reverse crunches - when you do not pull your body towards your stationary legs, but, on the contrary, raise your bent legs, lift your buttocks and lift them up, straining your lower abs.

    Here you can hold the weights with your arms outstretched in front of you:

    © ifitos2013 -

    Side plank

    Here the oblique abdominal muscles work statically. The kettlebell can be held with your free hand at the shoulder or on your arm extended upward. You can stand in the plank either on your elbow or on a straight arm.

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    Corner on kettlebells

    An excellent exercise for the rectus abdominis muscle. The technique is:

    1. Place the implements shoulder-width apart so that when you lean on them, your arms are perpendicular to the floor.
    2. Sit between the apparatus, stretch your legs forward, grasp the handles of the weights, straighten your arms. The pelvis should lift off the floor.
    3. Raise your legs up so that an angle of 90 degrees is formed between them and the body, and hold for as long as possible.

    © grki -© studioloco -

    There are several options for performing Russian swings, and they can also be done with two kettlebells. The exercise develops well the muscles of the shoulder girdle, legs, lower back, and explosive strength of the lower body. A good option for beginners who will then have to learn the technique of more complex movements - pushes, pushes, pulls, etc.

    Turkish get up with kettlebell

    The Turkish get up is an example of a functional and efficient movement. Every muscle in your body works. This exercise also works on shoulder mobility: you'll be sure to stabilize your shoulder by rotating it as you perform the task.

    Pay attention to an important nuance that ensures the purity of the Turkish get-up: when you stand up, the body must be fully straightened, and at the end and at the beginning of the exercise the projectile must touch the ground.

    Easier than the bench press thanks to a different technique, the weight here must be greater, which leads to an increased risk of injury. Be careful when increasing the working weight. The exercise can also be performed with two weights.

    Also came from kettlebell lifting. The shoulders, trapezius, and spinal extensors work actively here; the legs are also involved, but less than when performing, for example, a kettlebell jerk into a squat position.

    The technique is as follows:

    1. Place the weight in front of you, feet shoulder-width apart.
    2. Lean towards the apparatus, while bending your legs slightly. Do not round your back, keep a bend in your lower back throughout the entire exercise.
    3. Take the weight, make a small swing back and immediately begin lifting it up, helping with your body and pelvis. The arm should not bend or unbend - all movement is due to the inertia and efforts of the deltoid and trapezius.
    4. At the top point, fixate for a second and begin lowering. There is no need to put it on the floor - swing back and rise again.

    © Mihai Blanaru -

    Emissions (thrusters)

    They are a goblet squat with squeezing a projectile over your head simultaneously with lifting.

    The projectile in the starting position must be held with both hands on the sides of the handle at chest level. Feet are shoulder-width apart, toes slightly pointed to the sides. Then the usual bending of the legs occurs during squats until the thighs are parallel to the floor (or slightly lower) and further lifting, while simultaneously straightening the arms along with the weight. Do not forget that you need to keep your back straight, do not hunch or bend over.

    © ifitos2013 -

    © kltobias -

    Much more could be said about each of the exercises described, and by no means should the above be taken as a complete guide. Consider this information as the start of a new approach to your training.

    Training programs with weights at home

    For men

    We will analyze two programs - for beginners and more experienced athletes. It is assumed that you have at least two kettlebells of the same weight. Ideally, there should be more of them (of different weights) or collapsible.

    So, a complex for beginners, compiled in the fullbadi style - at each training session the same thing is done and all the muscles are worked out:

    You need to do this for several months. How much exactly is individual. Some people need six months, while others will significantly increase their working weights even after two months and will no longer have time to recover.

    In the future, you need to switch to split. It can also be taken by more experienced athletes who have to train at home. Here we use the classic division into synergistic muscle groups - chest + triceps, back + biceps and legs + shoulders.

    Day 1 - Chest and Triceps
    Kettlebell exercise Approaches Repetitions
    Bench press on a bench or floor4 10-12
    4 15-20
    Pullover3 10-12
    Narrow push-ups4 15-20
    Sitting overhead extension with two arms3 12-15
    Day 2 – back, biceps, abs
    Exercise Approaches Repetitions
    Deadlift4 10-12
    4 10-12
    Standing two-arm curls4 10-12
    Standing hammer curls3 10-12
    Crunches3 10-15
    Reverse crunches3 10-15
    Day 3 - Legs and Shoulders
    Exercise Approaches Repetitions
    4 10-12
    Romanian deadlift4 10-12
    Squat Pulldown4 12-15
    One-arm standing press4 10-12
    Swing to the sides4 12-15
    Bent-over swings to the sides4 12-15

    For women

    Similarly, for women, we present two program options: for beginners and experienced athletes.

    Fulbadi for a beginner:

    Split for athletes with experience:

    Day 1 - Quadriceps and Shoulders
    Kettlebell exercise Approaches Repetitions
    Goblet Squats4 12-15
    3 10-12
    Thrusters4 10-15
    One-arm standing press4 10-12
    Squat Pulldown4 12-15
    Day 2 - chest, back, arms
    Exercise Approaches Repetitions
    Push-ups with wide arms4 10-15
    Bent-over one-arm row to the waist4 10-12
    Pullover3 10-12
    Standing arm curls4 10-12
    Two-arm overhead extension4 10-12
    Day 3 – hamstrings, glutes, abs
    Exercise Approaches Repetitions
    4 10-15
    Romanian deadlift4 10-12
    Wide Step Lunges4 10-12
    Crunches3 10-15
    Reverse crunches3 10-15

Tkachenko Sergey- master of sports in bodybuilding | more details >>

Master of Sports of Ukraine in bodybuilding, coach. Finalist of the IFBB European Championship Moldova, Chisinau 2013. Champion of Ukraine in the category up to 70 kg. 2011. Multiple winner of the Ukrainian championships in bodybuilding and bench press. Senior moderator of our site.

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Date of: 2018-07-08 Views: 19 993 Grade: 4.0 Tired of barbells and dumbbells? Pay attention to the weights! I found 15 effective exercises that will not only diversify your training, but also pump up all muscle groups. By the way, it is wrong to think that training with kettlebells is only suitable for men. Women do it well too. The main thing is to choose the right weight (more on this later). The peculiarity of training with a kettlebell is that here we focus more on movements rather than on muscles. Those. During the training we develop qualities such as endurance, flexibility, coordination. Moreover, you can practice both at home and conduct training in the gym: everything will be effective. Kettlebell training is often used in the following areas:
  • Crossfit
  • High Intensity Interval Training
  • Cardio training
All of these areas are dynamic, which means that kettlebell lifting is suitable for those who want to accelerate muscle growth, get rid of excess fat and simply improve body contour. But for building muscle mass, a training program with kettlebells is not suitable: here it is better to give preference to a barbell or dumbbells.

Pros and cons of training with kettlebells

Any sports equipment has its pros and cons. Kettlebell is no exception. Let's start with the advantages, there are still more of them: 1. The training program combines strength and cardio exercise, which means that less training volume gives greater results. 2. The apparatus allows you to work all the muscles. 3. A kettlebell is a durable piece of equipment that will last a long time. 4. With the help of the projectile you can develop endurance and pump up the heart muscle. 5. The result of the training is a muscular body with a minimal percentage of fat and elastic muscles. 6. During the training, the spine is stabilized by strengthening the muscle corset. 7. The kettlebell makes joints strong and resistant to injury by strengthening ligaments and joints during training. 8. The kettlebell can also be used perfectly in team sports - exercises with it develop speed, agility, and coordination.

Now the fly in the ointment:

1. Exercises with kettlebells can lead to back injuries, especially for those who have just started training and distribute the load incorrectly. 2. The kettlebell is not suitable for building muscle mass. 3. The projectile is sold at a certain weight, which cannot be adjusted, unlike the same barbell. 4. A kettlebell made of high-quality material can be expensive. Important! If you have problems with the heart, musculoskeletal system, or recent injuries, then it is better to hold off on training or consult a specialist.

Choose the weight wisely

A few words about the weight of the projectile. As a rule, for men it will be 16-32 kg, for women - 8-16 kg. But everything is individual. To find an acceptable weight, you need to try to do five repetitions of one exercise. Was the set easy? Let's add a couple more kilos. Are you exhausted after the fourth or fifth try? So, we reduce the weight. So, the weight has been found, but you shouldn’t relax. If it is suitable for one exercise, then it is not for another. Therefore, it is better to experiment with each element separately in order to ultimately choose the optimal weight. And one more thing: focus on the number of repetitions of one exercise 10-15 times. This is exactly what effective training requires. Can you do more? Great! Just don't overdo it! Well, that's it. Now comes the fun part. As they say, let's move from theory to practice. Let's start, perhaps, with a list of exercises with kettlebells with a description of their technique. And we’ll finish with developed training programs with kettlebells for different purposes.

1. Kettlebell swings

In this exercise, the weight can be lifted either above your head or just above your shoulders. To do this you need:
  1. Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Take the weight with both hands, bend forward slightly and place the weight between your legs.
  3. Swing the kettlebell to the desired level.
  4. Lower the projectile, placing it between your legs again.
Important! Make sure that your back is not rounded, and that the movement begins not from the arms, but from the hips.

2. Swing a kettlebell with one hand

We do the same thing, using each hand in turn, which will allow us to work the target muscles even more effectively.

3. Bent-over Kettlebell Row

An excellent element for pumping the back, performed as follows:
  1. We take two weights and, with slightly bent knees and a straight back, lean forward.
  2. We pull the projectile to the chest, the end point will be the stomach area.
  3. Lower the weights to the starting position.
Important! We make sure that the elbows are close to the body; we pull the weights not with the muscles of the arms, but with the help of the back.

4. Eight

Want to pump up your core muscles? Then feel free to include the element in your program! In addition to the core muscles, the legs and arms work here. The essence of the element is to describe a figure eight around the legs with the projectile, for which you need:
  1. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and take the weight in your right hand.
  2. Bend slightly forward with your knees bent and your back straight, bring the projectile between your legs a little further than your torso.
  3. Reach back with your other hand and take the weight from your right.
  4. Move the limb with the projectile forward and bring it back between your legs.
  5. With your right hand from behind, grab the kettlebell again.
The exercise perfectly develops coordination of movements, and it looks very impressive.

5. Deep squat with a kettlebell

Three elements for effective pumping of legs and buttocks. The additional load in the form of weights allows you to acquire the desired shape much faster. To do the exercise:
  1. We stand up straight, holding the projectile with both hands in front of our chest.
  2. We do a deep squat, moving our pelvis back and keeping our back straight.
Important! We make sure that the elbows are not separated, and at the lowest point the hip joint is below the knees.

6. Jump Squats

This element additionally trains explosive strength. The execution technique looks like this:
  1. With your feet shoulder-width apart, stand straight and pull the weight forward, holding it with both hands.
  2. Do a squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor
  3. Jump up from a squat.

7. Lunges with lifting the projectile

This is where the shoulder girdle comes into play. For execution:
  1. We stand up straight and hold the weight at shoulder level in a bent arm, palm facing the body.
  2. Lunge forward while simultaneously raising your arm with the weight above your head.
  3. We return to the starting position, lowering the weight.
  4. Repeat for the other leg.

8. Kettlebell Crunches

Despite the fact that the element perfectly trains the core muscles, it is contraindicated for those who have problems with the spinal column. People with weak abs should also wait a bit with this element. The work progress is as follows:
  1. We sit on the floor, pressing the weight with both hands to the body.
  2. Raise your legs, bent at the knees, off the floor.
  3. We make turns with the body in different directions.
Important! We make sure that the back remains straight and do not lower the legs.

9. Mill

In addition to the strength part, the element perfectly stretches the muscles. To perform it, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and lift the weight with one hand above your head. We tilt to the side, leaving the arm with the projectile extended. We try to reach the foot.

10. Lifting a kettlebell with one hand from a lying position

We lie on our backs, bending our knees and placing our feet on the floor. Holding the projectile in a bent hand, squeeze it upward. Important! In the starting position, the shoulder should lie on the floor, the elbow is pressed to the body, the palm is turned towards it. Make sure that the angle between the shoulder and forearm is maintained at 90 degrees. When pressing upward, the elbow must be turned to the side and the wrist with the palm facing the legs. At the lowest point, the projectile should be above the chin.

11. Deadlift with a kettlebell

We continue training the buttocks, thighs and core muscles. Technique:
  1. Standard starting position - stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, weights in both hands.
  2. We tilt the body and lower the weight to the floor, while moving the pelvis back.
  3. For the greatest effect, when returning back, you need to tense your abs and buttocks. The back remains straight.

12. Lifting the kettlebell onto the shoulder

A very difficult element, so use light weight at first. Technique:
  1. We place the projectile between the legs and lean towards it with a straight back.
  2. We grab the weight with one hand.
  3. We place the projectile between the legs and behind the body.
  4. In the swing, we raise the hand with the weight to shoulder level, while directing the palm towards the body.
  5. We lower the projectile so that it passes between the spread legs and bring it up again.
Important! Make sure that the elbow is close to the body and the wrist continues the line of the chest without any bending.

13. Raising weights to the top

We take two weights and throw them over our shoulders. We squeeze the shells up, making sure that at the top point they are located behind the hand. To do this, you need to turn your palms forward.

14. Kettlebell push-ups

We do regular push-ups, but place our hands on weights. You can complicate the element by adding alternate lifting of the arms with the apparatus at the waist.

15. Kettlebell plank + arm raise

Typically, the training ends with a bar that can consolidate the result, keeping all muscle groups in good shape. Let's complicate the element with weights. To do this, place your hands in a plank position on weights. Next, we alternately raise our hands with the projectile. Make sure your hips stay in place.

Ready set of exercises

If you don’t have time to visit the gym, you can get by at home. Fortunately, a kettlebell is a piece of equipment that you can train with anywhere. So, the program for the week.
  1. Mill
  2. Deep squat with a kettlebell
  3. Lifting a kettlebell onto the shoulder
  4. Kettlebell Lunges
  5. Kettlebell Bench Press
  6. Kettlebell push-ups
  7. Kettlebell crunches
  8. Deadlift with kettlebell
  9. Bent-over kettlebell row
  10. Kettlebell plank
As you can see, the program is designed in such a way that all muscle groups alternately participate in the training. To begin with, we do one circuit (one approach from each exercise) with repetitions of 5 times. Next, we increase the load according to how we feel. Three sessions a week are enough to see results. There is no need for more: between training sessions there should be at least a day of rest.

Circuit training program with kettlebells

And finally, we will analyze several ready-made training complexes for different purposes. Let's start with circuit training, which involves performing several elements in a circle. Select a few exercises from the list above that include squats, swings, bends and twists. You can start with a minimum, gradually increasing the number of exercises. The essence of the program is to repeat several elements cyclically at the fastest possible pace, taking a short rest only between circles. Three laps are enough to get started. The purpose of the training is to train endurance and fight excess weight.

Crossfit with kettlebell

Do you want to have an excellent cardiovascular system, be resilient and strong? Then this is the place for you! CrossFit involves a large number of approaches without rest at high speed. Any elements related to swings, lunges, jerks, and squats are suitable for the program. The only condition is excellent health, otherwise the training may result in a hospital bed.

A few words at the end

Kettlebells are a fairly simple, but incredibly effective exercise that works all muscle groups and helps you achieve excellent results. And in order for the training to bring only benefits, do not forget about the warm-up before it and the cool-down after, choose the weight wisely, keep your back straight and watch the position of your hands. You can order a training or nutrition program for yourself from me, the author of the article.

  1. My page in

Hello dear reader! Let's talk about simple exercises with one kettlebell? In this article, I'll cover five kettlebell exercises: the snatch, the squat, the clean and jerk, the throw, and the swing.

Of course, there are a lot of different exercises with kettlebells. But if you are just taking a closer look at this magnificent equipment, I advise you to start with the exercises I have listed, performed with one kettlebell. They develop the body in a very versatile way and teach how to handle the apparatus correctly.

Using just one weight is a very useful advantage, and not at all a budget disadvantage :), as some of my friends think!

Firstly, this is a powerful training in an asymmetrical mode, which seriously develops not only the muscles involved in the movement. This is a powerful workout that provides balance and balance to the entire body.

Secondly, there is no overload of the whole body, which is especially important for beginners. Two weights, even 16 kg, is quite serious for an untrained man. As well as two weights of 6-8 kg for an untrained woman. But one such weight is what you need.

Thirdly, asymmetrical exercises, also performed according to the rules of kettlebell training, seriously speed up metabolism. For people with extra pounds, this is another reason to take a closer look at weights.

Fourthly, a weight is a projectile with a displaced center of gravity. Performing exercises with a kettlebell develops a wide variety of coordination skills. This is especially valuable in team sports and martial arts.

And let’s not forget that a kettlebell is still iron. The kettlebell perfectly develops muscles, makes you stronger, more resilient, and more defined. And with the right approach, it grows muscle mass perfectly. It was while working with kettlebells that I realized what I was missing in bodybuilding and powerlifting to significantly strengthen my arms and shoulder girdle.

So, let's get acquainted with the exercises. And at the end I will tell you how often and in what quantity to perform them in order to get results.

An important note. Of course, in my performance, kettlebell exercises look somewhat different from those of the great masters. The technique is influenced by the weight of the projectile and, of course, training experience. Thousands of lifts of a 32-kilogram weight form a specific, very economical technique and a special body type. The main purpose of such equipment is to save effort and reduce energy costs for lifting.

The purpose of this publication is to teach you how to use kettlebells in a wider range - body development, formation of an aesthetic figure and acceleration of metabolism. Therefore, I do not urge you to immediately use Olympic weights and do not strive to force you into the framework of purely sports achievements. This is fitness with weights, not kettlebell lifting! We have other goals: health, general training of the whole body, aesthetics and muscle definition. Therefore, the recommended exercise technique may differ from purely classical advice designed for records in lifting weights for a while.

Basic stance for kettlebell exercises

In many kettlebell exercises, the starting position is the so-called basic stance. This is a position from which it is convenient to start many exercises in training.

Overall, the stand comes down to a few simple guidelines.

1. Legs slightly wider than shoulders. The toes are slightly turned to the sides. As your training experience grows, you will feel exactly how you need to change the basic stance to suit you.

2. Back straight.

3. The kettlebell is held in the lowered hand in the groin area.

4. The free hand is ready to actively work, maintaining balance when lifting the weight.

Our task is to train muscles, not to save energy.

And don’t forget that, like before any workout, before exercising with a kettlebell, you need to...

The first exercise is the snatch.

Classic kettlebell snatch

This is an exercise from the arsenal of classic kettlebell lifting.

Take the weight in your hand and stand up straight. Legs wider than shoulders. Socks are slightly apart. We stand steady.

Having swung the weight back between your legs (men, be careful!) with a slight tilt forward, you need to pull it up to an outstretched arm and fix it for a second. At the moment of fixation, the arm with the weight, body and legs should be straightened.

An important point is that there is no need to press the weight. That is, it must “fly out” high enough to simply fix it in the upper position.

In order to technically correctly perform a jerk, you need to take a close look at the mechanics of the movement. For details on the kettlebell snatch technique, see a separate post.

Squats with a kettlebell at the shoulder

This exercise is mainly aimed at training the leg muscles. But given the shift in the center of gravity and the not entirely comfortable position of the kettlebell, we can say that such squats develop the whole body.

You need to throw the weight to your shoulder, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and perform the required number of squats.

In this case, the free hand should help balance. Pull it forward when you squat.

Take a deep breath as you bend your legs. When extending your legs, exhale.

Perform each set of these kettlebell squats by changing the position of the kettlebell. If you held the kettlebell with your left hand in the first approach, then in the second, hold it with your right hand.

Kettlebell push

Classic kettlebell exercise. The kettlebell push develops the entire body, especially the muscles of the shoulders, arms, and back. Excellent for training coordination of movements.

Throw the weight to your shoulder. To do this, tilt your torso slightly, slightly bend your knees and swing the weight between your legs. Next, carefully throw the weight towards your shoulder. The free hand is held to the side for balance.

Pay attention to the correct holding of the weight at the shoulder. The elbow is pressed to the upper abdomen. The shoulder part of the arm is close to the body.

Before pushing, inhale and bend your knees. Then sharply straighten them and push the weight straight up. The weight does not rise through the side, but simply upward, along the shortest trajectory. At the same time, hand effort is minimal. The hand only fixes the weight. And the projectile flies up thanks to the impulse from the legs.

Hold the weight at the top for half a second. Hand close to head. The body and legs are straight. Then smoothly return the kettlebell to your chest, springing your legs slightly at the bottom of the movement. This will allow you to accept the weight smoothly, without impact.

Repeat the push again. Etc.

The exercise is first performed in full with one hand. And then immediately another. This is considered one approach.

Breathing - Take a breath before pushing. When performing a push and fixation, exhale. You can lower it by alternating a short inhalation and exhalation.

Throwing a weight to the shoulder

The exercise is an element of classic kettlebell lifting. Belongs to the group (develops shoulder instep supports, important for the health of the shoulder joints).

Starting position - basic stance. Legs wider than shoulders. Socks are slightly apart. The kettlebell is held in the lowered hand at the groin. The free arm is lowered along the body and makes short movements to help maintain balance.

Perform a slight torso tilt, slightly bend your knees. Move your free hand back. Swing the weight forward a little and then back between your legs. Vigorously, in a circular path, throw it to your shoulder and fix it.

Try to ensure that the weight rests gently on your forearm, without impact.

Fixation is a position where the hand with the weight is pressed tightly to the chest. The kettlebell is located under the chin close to the middle of the body. The elbow is pressed to the upper abdomen closer to the center of the body.

The duration of fixation is no more than 1 second.

Next, relax your arm (except for the hand and fingers) and let the weight fall freely down. At the bottom of the trajectory, tense your arm, slightly tilt your body and sit down, thus compensating for the inertia of the weight. The weight should not “fall” below knee level.

Perform a new swing and another cast. Continue in this manner until the required number of repetitions is achieved.

Then switch the weight to your other hand and perform the same number of throws.

Breathing - when moving the weight up, exhale, when lowering the weight and swinging, inhale. When fixing, you can take a short breath and exhale.

Swing - swing exercise with a kettlebell

The kettlebell swing is a great coordination exercise. Perfectly develops the back, muscles of the buttocks and thighs. Stimulates breathing well. Therefore, swinging is often recommended to be performed as part of cardio training.

Starting position - basic stance. Legs wide. Socks are slightly apart. Kettlebell in the lowered hand at the groin.

The swing is performed with a fairly strong forward tilt of the body while swinging the weight. This recommendation contradicts the basic principles of classical kettlebell lifting, in which a strong bend is generally considered unacceptable. But we have other goals - stimulation of the gluteal muscles and thigh muscles.

Bring the kettlebell forward, and then when it starts to move back, bend over and bend your knees, bringing the kettlebell far back between your legs. After this, quickly straighten up, straighten your legs and carry the weight in a large arc to eye level.

Perform the required number of swings with one arm, and then without resting with the other. This is considered one approach.

The main muscle group worked during swing is the buttocks. Pay attention to working with your free hand. She actively participates in rocking, bending and balancing the body.

Breathing - when moving the weight down and swinging, inhale, when lifting, exhale.

A set of exercises with a kettlebell

Perform these kettlebell exercises alternately with rest periods of 1-2 minutes or more if necessary to restore breathing.

Conduct classes every other day, three times a week. Gradually try to increase the number of repetitions in each approach. For example, one repetition each workout.

Here is an approximate set of exercises.

*beginners - people with minimal experience in training with iron.

**experienced - people with 2-3 months of experience working with iron.

***number of repetitions for each hand.

I wish you successful training with kettlebells!


Looking for a cardio program or want to lose excess fat and increase endurance? The Endurance Ultimatum Dual Kettlebell Exercise Program is a great choice for achieving these goals, either together or separately! During the workout you will perform exercises with two 16 kg weights for 30 second intervals. For trained athletes, this program can be included at the end of a workout to increase endurance, and for beginners...


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