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Viktor Nikolaevich Seluyanov (born 1946) – graduate of the State Central Order of Lenin Institute physical culture (1970).
Director of the scientific laboratory " Information Technology in sports" National Research University Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.
Professor. Candidate of Biological Sciences (1979). Honored Worker of Physical Culture. Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education. Specialist in the field of biomechanics, anthropology, physiology, theory of sports and recreational physical culture. Author of many scientific inventions and innovative technologies, creator health system Isoton©, the founder of a new direction in science - sports adaptology, head of the master's program "Physical training and health technologies" of the Russian State University of Physical Culture and Sports. Lecturer at the Academy of Coaching Excellence of the Russian Football Union. Author of more than 300 scientific articles, textbooks and monographs, a number educational programs. Currently participates in scientific support of national and foreign Olympic and club teams in football, judo, sambo, wrestling, alpine skiing, athletics, speed skating, field hockey and other sports.

Iron World: Hello, Viktor Nikolaevich. Tell us how you first got into sports.
Victor Seluyanov: I started playing sports when I was studying at a construction college. The physical education teacher told me that I could succeed either in weightlifting or cycling and asked me to choose what I liked best. Since I had heart problems - a congenital defect, I decided to strengthen it and decided to become a cyclist. My heart really didn’t bother me, because I felt no worse than everyone else and was involved in almost all sports available at the technical school - basketball, volleyball, skiing. I was at the technical school good team cyclists, I was assigned to them, and at the age of 15, I started training. A year later I fulfilled the standard of the 1st sports category, then CMS, and then for 5 years I couldn’t fulfill the master’s standard. And I couldn't understand the reason. I graduated from technical school and decided to enter the Institute of Physical Culture to learn how to become a master of sports. I entered the evening department, had to work after graduating from technical school, and began to study sports sciences, in the hope of answering this question: HOW TO BECOME A MASTER OF SPORTS? As a result, I even wanted to transfer from the evening to the full-time department and took 15 subjects as an external student. That is, in fact, he graduated from the Institute of Physical Culture in 2 years. During my training, I trained hard and was still able to achieve my goal. My highest achievement was winning a multi-day cycling race in the Moscow region. This race was called "Lenin's Banner". For this victory I received the coveted title of Master of Sports. However, even after graduating from college and completing the master’s standard, I still couldn’t really explain to myself how to become a master of sports, and therefore I decided to delve into this problem and try to thoroughly understand everything

JM: Did you study at the Department of Cycling?
Victor Seluyanov: No, evening department of the Faculty of Pedagogy. While I was studying I was studying myself coaching work At the technical school, my road racing guys performed well. Won the Russian Championship among technical schools. I worked for a couple more years, and then a conflict arose with the new director. He said that my guys need to pass the GTO standards for some workers from the factory. I was indignant and refused. To which he replied: then quit. And I quit. But I wasn’t very upset. Because I understood that if you don’t do science, you can’t be a coach. By the way, the young athletes training with me have all graduated from universities, but my friends’ coaches have all sent them to prison. I consider my highest coaching and pedagogical achievement of that time to be that my guys became normal people and did not go into crime.
Let me return to my story. So, I decided to engage in scientific activities. I heard that there is such a famous scientist V. M. Zatsiorsky, that he has a scientific laboratory where they study the problems of sports, and that they need people who want to engage in sports science.

JM: What year was it then?
Victor Seluyanov: 1972.. I was 26 years old. I came to the laboratory, I was introduced to V. M. Zatsiorsky, S. K. Sarsania, and the head of the department of theory and methodology physical education A.D. Novikov and I was hired as a technologist at the department. A year later I became an engineer at a problem laboratory and passed my candidate exams. I thought about defending myself in pedagogical sciences, but in the end I was assigned a topic that has nothing to do with pedagogy. I had to determine how much a person’s body parts weigh and what mass-inertial characteristics they have. And this is pure biology. As a result, I spent six years creating a radioisotope technique in order to determine what a living person weighs, and then wrote a dissertation and defended it at Moscow State University at the Institute of Anthropology. So far no one in the world has been able to repeat this work, and our data is unique. The only study in the world conducted on living people in which it was precisely determined how much the hand, forearm, shoulder and other 10 parts of the test person’s body weigh

JM: Is this data now used in modern science?
Victor Seluyanov: Yes, the whole world refers to Zatsiorsky and Seluyanov, and the whole world knows these authors from the point of view of biomechanics. They use either our data or data obtained on corpses, but our data is living and in this sense more practical.

JM: How did your journey continue along the scientific Olympus?
Victor Seluyanov: Since I worked in a problem laboratory, over time I became interested not only in biomechanics itself, but also in the problems of training and the problems of managing the training process. But, not based on pedagogical information, but based on the laws of biology. I had to delve deeper into the physiology and bioenergetics of muscle activity. And this was convenient, because in our laboratory there was N. Volkov’s group, whose employees were well versed in bioenergy. Physiology was represented by the wonderful specialist Ya. M. Kos. It was possible to be at the forefront of science, interested in these problems. The people working in our laboratory were the foremost scientists in the world.
So, I began to study theory and methodology based on the laws of biology. I understood perfectly well what sports science was and how it should develop. In order to understand what functional changes occur in a person as a whole, it is necessary to simulate this person, or even better, make a mathematical model out of him, and then consider all training processes as an interaction between a virtual computer athlete and a coach who is trying to train him. Therefore, we were given this unique challenge, and we solved it in the early 90s. We have created a model that simulates immediate adaptation processes and a model that simulates long-term adaptation processes in muscle tissue. in cardiac tissue, in the endocrine system and in immune systems e. All this was combined into a single whole, and we had a virtual athlete who could be trained. And this work led to the fact that more than 10 monographs have already been written, where this approach has already been implemented. And not only these mathematical models, but also practical recommendations that follow from these models. And these practical recommendations fundamentally contradict generally accepted pedagogical views. For example, in order to train a specialist in cyclic sports according to the generally accepted scheme, one must first perform a certain huge amount of work in order to create general endurance. But according to our ideas, THERE IS NO GENERAL ENDURANCE, and it is necessary to create a muscular apparatus in which there are many myofibrils, and then the person becomes stronger, and mitochondria must be created around the new myofibrils and then the person becomes more resilient. And at the same time, it is necessary to check whether the heart corresponds to the new muscular apparatus.
As soon as we switched to this approach, we began to get very good results in many sports. We can say that our first significant result was the victory of our football players at the 1988 Olympic Games. We were engaged in the physical training of athletes. Further good success With football team Dynamo Stavropol. In one season, even in one winter, we raised this team from last place and brought it to first place. And this team didn't make it to Major League, because the management forbade her to do this, citing the fact that the stadium in Stavropol is not ready to host tournaments of this level, and there are no funds for its reconstruction. Great contact was established with Gadzhi Muslievich Gadzhiev. Think. we provided great assistance to this coach in preparation for the Olympic Games, where he was one of the coaches of the national team. And when he was the coach of Anzhi, the team played in the second league. In one season she moved to the first, and in next year to the Major League and took 4th place there. Unfortunately, the team was sold out after that.

JM: As far as I know, your main area of ​​activity is related to athletes of cyclic sports. Most of your scientific works and publications are devoted to cyclists, skiers and runners. How long ago did you pay attention to strength sports and start working in this direction?
Victor Seluyanov: Strength sports have always interested me, especially when I first came to Zatsiorsky’s research institute. L.M. Rayson worked there; he was a weightlifter and could thoroughly explain how to do strength training. Practicing according to his recommendations, I increased my squat from 140 kg to 180 kg in a month.

JM: In ONE month?
Victor Seluyanov: Yes. And, the most surprising thing is that my results in cycling have sharply improved. Unfortunately, at the same time, our other specialist S.K. Sarsansia was researching doping agents, including anabolic steroids, and getting impressive results. I consulted with him and decided to try it. I bought a pack of nerabol (methandienone) at the pharmacy and took 1 tablet for a month. A month later there was a competition and the result was very bad. I couldn't go at all. I came home and checked, I have a criterion - hip girth. I measured it - I was almost 62 cm, but now I’m 58 cm.

JM: Were you on a strict protein-free diet?!
Victor Seluyanov: Yes, since the salary was small, I only ate potatoes and pasta. Well, a small piece of sausage. It turns out that I upset the balance of anabolic hormones. I still somehow held on to my own, but when strangers were added, it turned out that I began to eat myself. There were not enough amino acids for protein synthesis. The heart was in excellent condition, the brain too, and the muscles disappeared. And I recovered only a month after stopping taking anabolic steroids.
Since that time, interest in strength training has especially grown, because it gave a great result in progress in a cycling race, and taking pharmacology also gave a great and very indicative, albeit negative result, which clearly showed that when taking hormones from outside it is extremely important proper nutrition, and this should not be neglected under any circumstances!
Now we have such a tendency - in any sport, the search for all further directions is built through strength training. That's why we carefully develop these new approaches related to strength training. They include as already known techniques related to GMV training, as well as variants of GMV training that we ourselves invented on the basis of our laboratory. It was tested experimentally and reflected in a number of PhD dissertations, proving that it really works.

JM: Do athletes often turn to you for help? power types sports? Which of them was able to achieve decent results in the future?
Victor Seluyanov: While working at RGAFK, students from the weightlifting department came to me. Two of them tried to train with the new settings that were offered to them. As a result, one became a master of sports, the second began to show outstanding achievements in powerlifting. Both of them wrote their dissertations, then entered the master's program. The weightlifter, having achieved the title of master of sports, did not strive for big sport. And powerlifter Alexander Grachev became the 2nd world champion according to the WPC version. At the same time, he used our methodological developments in order to optimize the training process.
Judoists trained in our programs: 2001 world champions - Makarov, A. Mikhailin, bronze medalist olympic games 2004 -D. Nosov; Honored Masters of Sports in Sambo D. Maksimov, Martynov, R. Sazonov; MSMC in Armwrestling A. Antonov. We can mention the world champion among juniors Georgiy Funtikov. He came to us for consultations when he was still performing successfully as an athlete, and developed his own training programs based on our developments during the period of his coaching activities.

JM: How much was protected? master's theses your followers?
Victor Seluyanov: There are about 10 on our issues. One woman is now defending her doctorate in skiing. She is a Paralympic champion among veterans. By the way, we have a lot of veteran champions. They especially like our approaches to organization training process, because you don’t need to train a lot, and the results are very good.

JM: Tell us about your current job.
Victor Seluyanov: The main place of work is MIPT NUL “Information Technologies in Sports”. And we are now trying to actively involve students from our university to develop mathematical models. which would describe the behavior of the human body in training and competitive conditions. In parallel, we have a laboratory in which we test athletes in various types sports in order to assess their level of fitness and give direction to training work. We currently monitor more than 100 athletes at the national team level and help them achieve results without harm to their health.

JM: Tell us about the equipment that is used in your laboratory.
Victor Seluyanov: The equipment is standard. Just like all over the world. Bicycle ergometers for assessing the functional capabilities of the muscles of the lower and upper limbs. We have electromyographs and force-measuring installations. There are installations for assessing the coordination capabilities of athletes based on the stabiloplotform. We are currently beginning to develop methods and methods for studying human movements. For this we have the appropriate biomechanical equipment. To analyze the functional capabilities of a person, there is good, quite expensive equipment such as gas analyzers, devices for measuring lactate concentration, and now biochemical devices have appeared that can be used to assess the state of the blood of athletes during training and competitions.
We are expanding our range and continue to conduct scientific research using the statistical material we have collected.

JM: Thank you for the interview, Viktor Nikolaevich. We hope that you will continue to amaze the scientific world with your new unique developments, and that our athletes, using them, will take first places in competitions at any level!

(recordings by Andrey Antonov)

Part one

This publication opens a series of conversations with Professor Viktor Nikolaevich Seluyanov, dedicated to the most modern and scientifically based training methods. Some fans of the “iron game” will probably take much of what Seluyanov said with hostility: scientific methods are too strikingly different from generally accepted ideas, which are still considered unshakable in the security world. Viktor Nikolaevich smashes to smithereens a huge number of established stereotypes and he does this with deadly logic based on deep knowledge of anatomy, physiology and biochemistry. Therefore, you should not stop reading this text and return to the works of the so-called “practitioners”. For real science “looks to the root”, explains the true causes of phenomena and, therefore, uses the correct theoretical models to derive its predictions and recommendations.

Unfortunately, the connection between advanced science and current narrow practice still leaves much to be desired. Today, long-outdated textbooks on the theory and methodology of physical culture and sports are still being republished. The works of Matveev, Zatsiorsky, Verkhoshansky suffer from superficial approaches and therefore contain formal-logical recommendations without biological justification. But this is not the fault of the listed authors, because at the time they wrote their works there was not such a volume of biological information, there were no such research methods, there was no such technical equipment as there is now, and specialists of former times had to think out, put forward hypotheses that would later have passed, alas, into the category of established ideas. Although initially, as noted, they were not really justified. Now these incorrect ideas are mechanically copied from textbook to textbook, and this has been going on for more than half a century, while modern scientific biological research rests unknown in highly specialized scientific publications. And they don’t reach out not only to the general reader, but even to publishers of books on sports topics. Therefore, the gap between theory, that is, biological sciences, and current so-called “practice” continues to widen.

The presentation in this text will begin with the basics. True, it will not contain detailed information about the structure and biochemistry of the cell, but a number of basic provisions will still have to be analyzed in order to understand what processes occur in the muscles under the influence of various workouts. We will have to build models of human systems and organs in order to describe and predict adaptation processes on this basis.

"Iron World" (ZhM): Viktor Nikolaevich, start your story with the basic information necessary to understand the biological processes in the muscle.

Viktor Seluyanov (VS): I'll start with a story about the structure of the cell. muscle cell or, as it is also called, muscle fiber is a large cell that has the shape of an elongated cylinder with a diameter of 12 to 100 microns and the length most often corresponds to the length of the whole muscle. Groups of muscle fibers form bundles, which, in turn, combine to form a whole muscle. This muscle is enclosed in a dense sheath of connective tissue, and the latter passes at the ends of the muscle into tendons that attach to the bones.

The contractile apparatus of muscle fibers are special organelles - myofibrils, which in all animals have approximately equal cross-sections, ranging from 0.5 to 2 µm. The number of myofibrils in one fiber reaches two thousand. Myofibrils consist of sarcomeres connected in series, each of which includes filaments (myofilaments) of actin and myosin. Myosin is attached to the Z-plates by titin. When a muscle is stretched, titin also stretches and can tear, which leads to the destruction of the myofibril and, thereby, to increased catabolism. Bridges can form between actin and myosin filaments, and with the expenditure of energy contained in the molecules of adenosine triphosphoric (ATP) acid, the bridges rotate, that is, contraction of the myofibril, contraction of the muscle fiber, contraction of the muscle and their bridges, rupture. The main energy of ATP molecules is spent on breaking bridges. Bridges are formed when calcium ions are present in the sarcoplasm. An increase in the number of myofibrils (hyperplasia) in a muscle fiber leads to an increase in cross-sectional area (hypertrophy) and, consequently, an increase in the force and speed of contraction when overcoming a significant external load. The specific force per cross-section of muscle fibers is approximately the same for all people, be it an old woman or a super powerlifter.

In addition to myofibrils, organelles such as mitochondria are of great importance for the functioning of muscle fiber, that is, the energy stations of the cell, in which, with the help of oxygen, fats or glucose are converted into carbon dioxide (CO 2), into water and into the energy contained in ATP molecules . For increase muscle mass and strength must be increased in muscle fibers the number of myofibrils, and to increase endurance the number of mitochondria in them.

ZhM: Tell us about the energy of muscle fibers.

Sun: Experts describe energy processes usually in such a way that they seem to occur simultaneously in the whole organism. And it turns out that with such a description, the entire organism is presented in the form of a test tube in which biochemical processes unfold. In this connection, it is quite logically correct in full accordance with such an absurd model that ideas about MIC and AnP are born, which are the same for all types of exercises, and the cause of the appearance of AnP is declared to be a lack of oxygen in the blood. However, it is quite obvious that biochemical processes cannot take place in the body as a whole; they can only take place in certain cells. Therefore, the interpretation of physiological phenomena using the described test tube model of an organism leads to erroneous ideas. Increasing the complexity and accuracy of the model expands the range of phenomena available for correct interpretation.

Once again: bioenergetic processes occur precisely in cells. In the cell, energy is used only in the form of ATP. The release of energy contained in ATP is carried out thanks to the enzyme ATPase, which is present in all places where energy is required. It is based on the activity of ATPase in the myosin heads that muscle fibers are divided into fast and slow. The activity of myosin ATPase is embedded in DNA, and information about the construction of a fast or slow isoform of ATPase depends on the frequency of impulses coming to the MV from spinal cord motor neurons. The maximum firing rate depends on the size of the motor neuron. And since the size of the motor neuron cannot be changed, the muscle composition is inherited and practically does not change under the influence of the training process. It is true that muscle composition can be changed using electrical stimulation; however, such a change will necessarily only be temporary.

The energy of one ATP molecule is sufficient for one rotation (stroke) of myosin bridges. The bridges disengage from the actin filament, return to their original position, engage with a new section of actin, and make a new stroke. ATP energy is required precisely to separate the bridges. Each stroke requires a new ATP molecule. In fibers with high ATPase activity, ATP breakdown occurs faster, and more bridge strokes are performed per unit time, that is, the muscle contracts faster.

Evidence of the use of ATP for the uncoupling of actin-myosin bridges is provided by experiments determining the energy consumption when going up and down stairs. When ascending, the efficiency is 20-23%, and when descending, metabolic costs practically disappear, and costs remain only at the resting level of the basal metabolism. Therefore, with the same mechanical power, the efficiency on the descent exceeds 100%. This means that when performing eccentric exercises (meaning stretching the knee joint extensors), mechanical energy is spent on breaking the actin-myosin bridges, but the chemical energy of ATP molecules is not spent. Moreover, a properly trained muscle does not hurt after such exercises; therefore, no destruction occurs in the muscle fibers.

The ATP reserve in myofibrils is enough for one or two seconds of high-intensity work. Under the influence of myosin ATPase, ATP breaks down into ADP and phosphorus, releasing a large amount of energy and a hydrogen ion. But from the very first second of work, the process of resynthesis of myofibrillar ATP unfolds in the muscle due to creatine phosphate (CrP). CrP breaks down on the myosin head, since the enzyme creatiphosphokinase is also present there. As a result, free creatine, phosphorus and energy sufficient to combine ADP, phosphorus and hydrogen ions are formed. ATP molecules are large, so they cannot move around the cell. In this connection, KrF, Kr and F move throughout the cell. Researchers called this phenomenon a creatine phosphate shunt. Resynthesis of CrP can only be accomplished with the help of ATP molecules. Mitochondrial ATP molecules resynthesize CrP, and ADP, P and hydrogen ion penetrate back into the mitochondrion. ATP molecules resynthesized during glycolysis can also be used for resynthesis of CrP.

ZhM: What is muscle composition?

Sun: Muscle fibers can be classified in at least two ways. The first way is to classify muscle fibers by the speed of muscle contraction. In this case, all fibers are divided into fast and slow. This approach to classification determines the hereditarily determined muscle composition. Typically, muscle composition is determined by taking a biosample from the lateral head of the femoral muscle. But the data obtained for this muscle do not correlate with bioassays of other muscles. For example, intermediate and long distance runners long distances have a large proportion of slow muscle fibers (SMF) in the lateral head of the femoris muscle and in their muscles of the back of the thigh and in their calf muscle more fast-twitch muscle fibers (FMTs). In a stayer, all leg muscles have predominantly MMV.

There is a second method of classification. If in the first method the separation is based on the enzyme of myofibrils (myosin ATPase), then in the second - on the enzymes of aerobic processes, on the enzymes of mitochondria. In this case, muscle fibers are divided into oxidative and glycolytic. Those muscle fibers in which mitochondria predominate are called oxidative. Almost no lactic acid is formed in them. Glycolytic fibers, on the other hand, have very few mitochondria, so they produce a lot of lactic acid.

So it is in these classifications that the confusion begins. For some reason, most people understand the situation in such a way that fast fibers are always glycolytic, and slow fibers are always oxidative, and therefore equates these two completely different classifications. Which, I repeat, is absolutely false. With a properly structured training process, fast fibers can be made oxidative, significantly increasing the number of mitochondria in them, and they will stop getting tired, that is, they will stop producing lactic acid. Why will this happen? Because the intermediate product pyruvate is not converted into lactate, but enters the mitochondria, where it is oxidized to water and carbon dioxide.

Athletes with fast and at the same time oxidative MV show outstanding results in sports requiring endurance, if there are no other limiting factors. For example, outstanding professional cyclists Merckx, Indurain and Armstrong, when performing a step test to VO2, acidified only to 6 mM/l lactate in the blood. In ordinary racers, the lactate concentration reaches 12-20 mM/l.

Conversely, slow fibers can also be glycolytic, although this option is not described in the literature. But everyone knows that if a person is in the hospital during the preoperative period, and then also during the postoperative period, then later he cannot get up or walk. The first reason for this is clear: coordination is impaired. But the second reason is that the muscles weaken. And, most importantly, mitochondria disappear from slow muscle fibers (their “half-life” is only twenty to twenty-four days). If a person remains in bed for 50 days, then almost nothing will remain of his mitochondria; the MVs will turn into glycolytic ones. Because slow or fast MVs are inherited while mitochondria age, and they are created only when muscles begin to actively function. Therefore, after a period of long rest, even slow walking initially causes acidification of the blood, which proves the presence of only GMV in the muscles, and not at all the absence of oxygen in the blood.

ZhM: Tell us more about lactic acid: what does it consist of and what benefits and harm can the accumulation of its components in the muscles bring?

Sun: Lactic acid consists of an anion, a negatively charged lactate molecule, and a cation, a positively charged hydrogen ion. Lactate is a large molecule, so it cannot participate in chemical reactions without the help of enzymes and, therefore, cannot harm the cell. The hydrogen ion is not even an atom, but just a proton, an elementary particle. Therefore, the hydrogen ion easily penetrates into complex structures and leads to significant chemical destruction. At a very high concentration of hydrogen ions, destruction can also lead to catabolism with the help of lysosome enzymes. Lactate, with the help of cardiac-type lactate dehydrogenase, can be converted back into pyruvate, which, thanks to the work of the enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase, is converted into acetyl coenzyme A, which enters the mitochondrion and becomes a substrate for oxidation. Consequently, lactate is a carbohydrate, a source of energy for OMB mitochondria, and the hydrogen ion causes significant destruction in the cell, increasing catabolism.

ZhM: How to determine muscle composition in practice?

Sun: The international standard here is this: they take a piece of muscle tissue (usually from the thigh muscle from its outer head) and use biochemical methods to determine the ratio of fast and slow fibers. A portion of the same portion is subjected to another analysis, in which the amount of mitochondrial enzymes is determined.

However, in our laboratory, under the leadership of Yu.V. Verkhoshansky, externally mediated, indirect, but, oddly enough, much more accurate methods were developed. Testing was carried out on a universal dynamographic stand (UDS). We used it to determine the rate of increase in force. And it turned out that it is related to the ratio of fast and slow fibers. Then the same studies were carried out by Komi in Finland. He found a correlation between muscle composition (fast and slow MVs) and the rate of strength increase. But we went further and divided the force gradient by the force itself, that is, we got a relative indicator that works very well. Moreover, this is generally, as noted above, a much more accurate method than a biopsy, since it directly measures the rate of muscle tension.

In particular, we separate long-distance runners and middle-distance runners based on this indicator. In stayers, the muscles of both the front and back surfaces of the thigh are slow, while in 800 m runners the muscles of the front surface of the thigh are as slow as those of stayers, but the back ones are fast, like those of good sprinters. Therefore, 800 m specialists quickly run 100 m on the run, and it is these muscle fibers that are protected until the very finish. 100-150 m before the finish they change their running technique; the athletes themselves say that they “switch the speed”, like in a car.

ZhM: This means that if you take a biopsy from the quadriceps femoris muscle, you can make a big mistake because the ratio of fibers in different muscles not the same?

Sun: Absolutely right. Recently, a lot of materials have accumulated that indicate that if one muscle, for example, the rectus femoris, is slow, then it is not at all necessary that all other muscles are the same. Interestingly, sprinters have anterior thighs that are neither fast nor slow, but back surface fast. And, even more so, the gastrocnemius and soleus are fast. It cannot be otherwise. But the biopsy is still stupidly taken from the lateral surface of the thigh; therefore, the results, for example, for sprinting are incorrect: uninformative.

ZhM: What happens when you apply your method?

VS: When using our method, everything turns out to be normal. After all, there are no restrictions for measuring force and force gradient. In addition, it is impossible to harm the muscles here, as happens when taking a biopsy. To implement our method, an isokinetic dynamometer (BIODEX) is now available. Measurements have shown that in sprinters the front of the thigh is quite fast and very strong, and the back is even more so. If we take jumpers, then up to 90% of their fast fibers are concentrated in the front surface of the thigh, because this is where the main muscles for them are located. But in running, the back surface is still more important, which is why it often tears. For example, when examining a national ski team, we found only two gifted athletes (very strong and fast), who continue to successfully compete in Russian competitions. But among the women there was not a single one suitable - that’s why Russia has no success in the international arena yet. No foreign coaches will help such athletes.

ZhM: Can you provide average data on the ratio of fast and slow fibers in the main muscle groups?

Sun: It is well known that in humans the muscles of the legs on average have more slow MVs (type I 50%, type II 50%), and the muscles of the arms have fewer slow ones (type I 30%, type II 70%). At the same time, there is individual diversity, which underlies professional selection in sports.

ZhM: How pronounced is the transition from fast to slow fibers in a single muscle?

Sun: Muscle composition is usually determined by strictly defined methods of biochemical processing of muscle tissue samples. Within the established method, 2 types of CF and another 2-4 subtypes are determined. However, by changing the biosample processing technique, a significantly larger number of MV types can be obtained. For the practice of sports, the proven methodology for classifying CF remains satisfactory.

List of abbreviations:

AnP anaerobic threshold
AeP aerobic threshold
MV muscle fiber

KrP creatine phosphate
Kr creatine
F inorganic phosphate

Part two

"Iron World" (ZhM): Viktor Nikolaevich, tell us about the methods of myofibril hyperplasia in muscle fibers, because this topic is of greatest interest to the readers of our magazine.

Viktor Seluyanov (VS): Target strength training increase the number of myofibrils in muscle fibers. This is achieved through the well-known strength training, which should include exercises at 70-100% intensity, with each set continuing until failure. This is well known, but the meaning of such training and the processes that unfold in the muscles during exercise and during recovery are not yet fully understood.

The forceful impact of a person on the environment is a consequence of the functioning of his muscles. A muscle consists of muscle fibers (MF) and special cells. To increase the traction force of the CF, it is necessary to achieve hyperplasia (enlargement) of myofibrils. This process occurs when protein synthesis is accelerated and at the same time at the same rate of its breakdown.

The physiological literature contains materials on the study of various factors influencing the growth of strength. A generalization of these materials leads practitioners to the idea that mechanical tension in the muscle is a stimulus for myofibril hyperplasia. It should be noted that this opinion is clearly flawed, since it was taken from experiments on animals that underwent surgery and were forced to continuously withstand any mechanical loads for hours. In these cases, animals experience enormous stress, and they release a lot of hormones. Consequently, strength here grows not from muscle tension, but from an increase in the concentration of hormones. Based on the results of these “animal” experiments, techniques for using so-called “negative” loads (that is, resistance to loads greater than maximum strength), eccentric training for example, the so-called “depth jumps”, that is, jumping from heights, turning into a rebound, emerged up (Yu.V. Verkhoshansky based on V. Deniskin’s dissertation research). These ideas appeared more than twenty years ago, but data on morphological changes in CF after eccentric training have not yet been provided to the scientific world.

ZhM: What are the main factors that influence the growth of muscle mass?

Sun: Closer analysis of physiological studies recent years made it possible to identify four main factors that determine accelerated protein synthesis (mRNA formation in the nucleus) in the cell:

1) The supply of amino acids in the cell.

2) Increased concentration of anabolic hormones in the blood and muscle.

3) Increased concentration of “free” creatine in CF.

4) Increased concentration of hydrogen ions in MV.

The second, third and fourth factors are directly related to the content of training exercises.

The mechanism of synthesis of organelles in a cell, in particular myofibrils, can be described in the following way. During the exercise, ATP energy is spent on the formation of actin-myosin compounds, that is, on performing mechanical work. ATP resynthesis occurs thanks to CrF reserves. The appearance of free CR activates the activity of all metabolic pathways associated with the formation of ATP (glycolysis in the cytoplasm, aerobic oxidation in mitochondria, which can be located next to the myofibrils or in the nucleolus, or on the membranes of the SPR). In BMW, M-LDH predominates, so pyruvate formed during anaerobic glycolysis is mainly transformed into lactate. During this process, H ions accumulate in the cell. The power of glycolysis is less than the power of ATP expenditure, so Kr, H, La, ADP and Ph begin to accumulate in the cell.

Along with its important role in determining contractile properties in the regulation of energy metabolism, the accumulation of free creatine in the sarcoplasmic space serves as a powerful endogenous stimulus that stimulates protein synthesis in skeletal muscles. It has been proven that between the content contractile proteins and creatine content there is strict compliance. Free creatine apparently affects the synthesis of mRNA, that is, transcription in the nucleoli of CF. In the laboratory of biochemistry of the PNIL GCOLIFK, it was shown that the use of creatine preparations in the preparation of sprinters allowed for a significant improvement in sports results in sprinting and jumping over the course of a year, but the indicators of aerobic capacity became even worse.

ZhM: That is, when training for endurance, additional intake of creatine is not advisable? What does this have to do with? After all, sports nutrition manufacturers always emphasize the increase in endurance when taking drugs from this group.

Sun: It is a hasty conclusion that taking creatine is not advisable for endurance training. Aerobic capacity was assessed using maximum oxygen consumption (MOC). But this is a vicious method, because MIC depends on the mass of active mitochondria in working muscles, in respiratory muscles and in the myocardium. To assess oxygen consumption by active muscles, it is necessary to determine oxygen consumption at the level anaerobic threshold. In fact, CrP is a shuttle that transports energy from mitochondria to myofibrils, therefore, increasing the concentration of CrP in MB after taking creatine monohydrate significantly increases the performance of athletes in all operating modes, including from sprint to distance running.

The most important factor that enhances myofibril hyperplasia is an increase in the level of anabolic hormones in the blood, and then in the nuclei of active tissue cells. This fact has been proven in “experiments on themselves” by almost all weightlifters and bodybuilders. An increase in the concentration of, for example, growth hormone depends on the mass of active muscles, the degree of their activity and mental stress.

It is assumed that an increase in the concentration of hydrogen ions causes labilization of membranes (an increase in the size of pores in membranes), which leads to easier penetration of hormones into the cell, activates the action of enzymes, and facilitates the access of hormones to hereditary information, that is, to DNA molecules. In response to a simultaneous increase in the concentrations of Kr and H, i-RNAs are formed much more intensely. The lifespan of mRNA is short—only a few seconds during a strength exercise plus five minutes of rest. Then the mRNA molecules are destroyed. However, anabolic hormones remain in the cell nucleus for several days until they are completely metabolized with the help of lysosome enzymes and processed by mitochondria into carbon dioxide, water, urea and other simple molecules.

When performing a strength exercise to failure, for example, 10 squats with a barbell at a pace of one squat in 3-5 seconds, the exercise lasts up to 50 seconds. Theoretical analysis shows that a cyclic process is going on in the muscles at this time: lowering and lifting with a barbell for 1-2 seconds. performed using ATP reserves; in 2-3 seconds. pauses, when the muscles become inactive (the load spreads along the spinal column and leg bones), ATP resynthesis from CrF reserves, and CrF is resynthesized due to aerobic processes in MMV and anaerobic glycolysis in BMV. Due to the fact that the power of aerobic and glycolytic processes is significantly lower than the rate of ATP consumption, CrP reserves are gradually exhausted, and continuing exercise at a given power becomes impossible - that is, failure occurs. Simultaneously with the development of anaerobic glycolysis, lactic acid and hydrogen ions accumulate in the muscle (the validity of the information provided can be verified from studies using NMR installations). Hydrogen ions, as they accumulate, destroy bonds in the quaternary and tertiary structures of protein molecules, which leads to changes in enzyme activity, labilization of membranes, and easier access of hormones to DNA. It is obvious that excessive accumulation or an increase in the duration of action of an acid, even of a small concentration, can lead to serious damage, after which the destroyed parts of the cell must be removed. It should be specially noted that an increase in the concentration of hydrogen ions in the sarcoplasm stimulates the development of the peroxidation reaction. Free radicals can cause fragmentation of mitochondrial enzymes, which occurs most intensely at low pH values, characteristic of lysosomes. Lysosomes are involved in the generation of free radicals, that is, in catabolic reactions. In particular, in a study by A. Salminen e.a. (1984) showed in rats that intense (glycolytic) running causes necrotic changes and a 4-5-fold increase in the activity of lysosomal enzymes. The combined action of hydrogen ions and free CR leads to activation of mRNA synthesis. It is known that Kr is present in the muscle fiber during the exercise and for another 30-60 seconds. after it, while the re-synthesis of the KrF is underway. Therefore, we can assume that in one approach to the apparatus the athlete gains about one minute of pure time, when mRNA formation occurs in his muscles. With rapid repetition of approaches, the amount of accumulated mRNA grows, but it grows simultaneously with an increase in the concentration of H ions. Therefore, a contradiction arises, that is, more can be destroyed here than will be synthesized later. This can be avoided by increasing the rest intervals between approaches or by training several times a day with a small number of approaches in each workout, as is the case in the training of I. Abadzhiev and A. Bondarchuk.

The question of the rest interval between days of strength training is related to the rate of implementation of mRNA into cell organelles, in particular into myofibrils. It is known that the i-RNA itself breaks down in the first tens of minutes after the end of the exercise, however, the structures formed on its basis are synthesized into organelles within another 4-7 days (obviously, this depends on the volume of i-RNA formed during the training and on the concentration in the core of anabolic hormones). In support, we can recall the data on the progress of structural transformations in muscle fibers and the subjective sensations consistent with them after working the muscle in an eccentric mode: for the first 3-4 days, disturbances in the structure of myofibrils (near the Z-plates) and severe pain in the muscle are observed, then The CF returns to normal and the pain goes away. We can also cite data from our own studies, which showed that after strength training, the concentration of Mo in the blood in the morning on an empty stomach for 3-4 days is below the usual level, which indicates the predominance of synthesis processes over destruction processes. The logic of what happens when performing strength training seems to be basically correct, but only experiment can prove its truth. Conducting an experiment requires time, involvement of subjects, etc., and if the logic turns out to be flawed somewhere, then the experiment will have to be conducted again. It is clear that such an approach is possible, but ineffective.

A more productive approach is using a model of the human body, that is, an approach with modeling physiological functions, as well as structural, adaptive changes in systems and organs. We already have such a model at our disposal, so now in a short time we can systematically study adaptation processes on a computer and check the correctness of physical training planning. The experiment can now be carried out after it is clear that no serious mistakes were made in planning.

From the description of the mechanism, it becomes clear that MMV and BMW should be trained while performing exactly different exercises, using exactly different methods.

In the West, where they proceed precisely from these experiments on animals, several mechanisms of myofibril hyperplasia in muscle fibers are proposed. For example,

Muscle stretching

This is a powerful stimulus for influencing DNA and the formation of mRNA. In 1944, Thomsen and Luko recorded the joints of cats whose muscles were stretched. And the increase in stretched muscles occurred within 7 days. Let's think: why did this happen so quickly? What was the influence of hormones here? After all, the cats were under extreme stress? In the stretched muscle of the limb, fixed with a plaster cast, the blood supply was even disrupted, but the cat strained these muscles, resisted, and thereby performed statodynamic exercises all day long. Thus, as a result of the experiment, the main training factors were implemented in the cat’s body: the concentrations of hormones and free creatine were increased, the muscles were acidified. And the stretching of the muscle itself was just a prerequisite for the appearance of factors stimulating myofibril hyperplasia. Therefore, information (Goldspick et al. in 1991) about an increase in rabbit muscle mass by 20%, as well as RNA content by 4 times in 4 days in a rabbit with a stretched limb muscle fixed in a plaster cast, is an excellent confirmation of the theory of myofibril hyperplasia outlined above .

The idea of ​​the effect of stretching on gene transcription has been tested many times, but no one has ever checked: was there stress (of course, the animal was suffering here), did the concentration of anabolic hormones in the blood and tissues increase?

So, on the basis of precisely these “animal” facts, Yu.V. Verkhoshansky and many other “theorists” of strength training in the West proposed the idea of ​​performing jumps from a height of 1.0-1.2 m to develop the strength of the extensor muscles of the leg joints. But it is obvious that the traumatic consequences of such exercises far exceed any beneficial effect.

In addition, in the West, based on data from experiments on animals, they came to the conclusion that

Eccentric training is more effective than concentric training

This result was obtained in the work of Higbie, Elizabeth et al (Journal of Applied Physiology 1994) after 30 training sessions on an isokinetic dynamometer at an intensity of 70% of the maximum for ten repetitions with three sets 3 times a week. One group trained in a concentric mode of muscle work, and the other in an eccentric mode. As a result, the diameter of the muscle fibers increased approximately equally by 15-20%, and the strength of the group with the concentric mode of work increased by 12-14%. However, the eccentric training group increased their strength by a whopping 34%.

The correct interpretation of the results of this training should be as follows. The duration of muscle tension was 1 second, the rest interval was 2 seconds, the number of repetitions was 10, so the consumption of ATP and KrP and the accumulation of hydrogen ions were approximately the same in both cases. To overcome resistance in the eccentric mode, it was necessary to recruit more motor units, therefore, in the group with the eccentric training mode, a special skill in performing the exercise had to be formed - which testing, in fact, confirmed. In both training sessions, conditions were created for myofibril hyperplasia in the muscle fibers: an increase in the concentration of anabolic hormones, the appearance of free creatine, and an increase in the concentration of hydrogen ions in the muscle. Consequently, myofibril hyperplasia is influenced not by the form of exercise, but by biological factors that stimulate DNA transcription (reading information from genes). By the way, the training option studied turned out to be low-effective, since over 30 training sessions the average increase in strength was only 0.5% per training session. With proper training organization, strength increases by 2% per workout.

ZhM: 2% at what rest interval between workouts? After all, Abadzhiev recommended to his wards 3-4 workouts a day with maximum and near-maximal load 5 times a week. Surely he couldn't achieve 30-40% strength gains per week?

Sun: An increase in strength of 2% is observed when performing classical strength training in a dynamic mode at an intensity of 70% of 1RM. Number of lifts to failure (on average 6-12 times). Rest interval 3-5 minutes, number of approaches 4-5. Number of training sessions: once a week. After 2 months, the strength gain is determined and divided by the number of workouts. It should be noted that only glycolytic MVs have an increase in strength. Therefore, stayers who have almost 100% OMV have very poor muscle growth and strength.

Abadzhiev worked with outstanding weightlifters who already had muscle hypertrophy, so he solved the problem of increasing the effectiveness of the expression of force by the muscles that already existed. In doing so, two goals were pursued:

technical: learn to perform work with extreme loads;

physical: learn to recruit high-threshold motor units and their muscle fibers. In this case, myofibril hyperplasia occurs in them. Weightlifter peaks sports uniform with minimal muscle growth. The muscle fibers of high-threshold motor units are the least trained, therefore, even when using an imperfect technique, myofibril hyperplasia occurs. In MVs of low-threshold motor units, hypertrophy is significant, so daily repeated training does not cause significant myofibril hyperplasia in them.

Lifting near-maximal weights (90-95% of RM) without reaching the depletion of CrP and increasing the concentration of hydrogen ions cannot cause hyperplasia, but repeating near-maximal exercises during the day 4-6 times leads to a summation of effects (concentration of anabolic hormones in the nuclei of active MF).

List of abbreviations:

ATP adenosine triphosphoric acid
ADPadenosine diphosphoric acid
VO2 max maximum oxygen consumption
AnP anaerobic threshold
AeP aerobic threshold
MV muscle fiber
GMV glycolytic muscle fiber
OMF oxidative muscle fiber
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
Efficiency efficiency factor
KrP creatine phosphate
Kr creatine
F inorganic phosphate


Part three. Hyperplasia of myofibrils in oxidative fibers

Previous publications described methods of myofibril hyperplasia in muscle fibers in general and discussed methods of hyperplasia in glycolytic fibers in more detail. Now Professor Seluyanov will talk about myofibril hyperplasia in oxidative fibers. This topic is practically not covered in the literature. There is an opinion that only hypertrophy of fast muscle fibers gives muscle volume and strength growth. And the role of slow fibers is so insignificant that it can be neglected. Therefore, in strength and speed-strength sports power training slow twitch muscle fibers have never been considered. How true this is will become clear during the next conversation with Viktor Nikolaevich.

"Iron World" (ZhM): Viktor Nikolaevich, are the power capabilities of the MMV really much lower than those of the BMW?

Viktor Seluyanov (VS): For a long time there was an opinion that hypertrophy of muscle fibers cannot exceed 30% of the normal state. Therefore, the idea was born that muscle hypertrophy in bodybuilders is due to an increase in the amount of MV. In connection with this, in the 70-80s of the last century, a search began for facts confirming this idea (for example, P.Z. Gruzd discovered the splitting of hypertrophied MVs).

In the 90s of the last century, the Swedish scientist Tesh and his co-authors provided information on the muscle composition of highly qualified bodybuilders. It has been shown that in a normal person the cross-section of the CF is on average 3000-4000 µm2, and in athletes it is 6000-25000 µm2. This means that MVs can be hypertrophied 4-6 times. Consequently, the idea of ​​increasing the number of CF in bodybuilders has lost its relevance. However, the idea remains of activating myosatellites to increase the number of MVs in the muscles of athletes. But so far, unfortunately, there are no practically useful results.

At proper training the cross section of the MMV and the BMW should not differ, therefore there should be no loss in strength, while the MMV should lose in speed and power, since the activity of myosin ATPase is lower here.

It is necessary to clearly understand and this is confirmed by numerous studies that the force of contraction of the MV depends on its cross section (on the number of myofibrils in the MV). The specific force, that is, the ratio of the force of the MV to its area, is the same in a child and an adult, in a man and in a woman, in a grandmother and grandfather, as well as in any athlete.

ZhM: MMV training gives an increase even in speed strength exercises. Having become acquainted with your work, Viktor Nikolaevich, I learned that after training the IMM, for example, results in standing jumps improved. Could you talk about this in detail?

Sun: Maximum speed reductions of MMV and BMW differ by 20-40%. Despite all this, the speed of contraction in real sports activities is no more than 50% of the maximum speed of muscle contraction. Therefore, increasing the strength of the IMM gives an increase in speed and power in almost any event. sports activities. This is possible even in sprinting.

Victor Turaev and I conducted a special study where we found out that 50% of the power in a sprint is produced by slow fibers. It turns out that running short distances this is a chain of not the fastest movements, and MMVs work there quite comfortably. We had an experiment with a group of eight sprinters, and in it training was carried out to increase the strength of the IM. The sprinters' results in the 100 m race improved by 0.2-0.3 seconds: with an average result of 10.9 seconds, the sprinters began to run in 10.7 seconds.

ZhM: Is there a need to train IMM separately? They have a threshold of excitability lower than that of BMWs and, accordingly, are always included in the work together with the latter. If you carry out training aimed at hypertrophy of the BM, described in the previous part of the text, then the MM should always receive their share of the load in parallel.

Sun: Yes, this is correct: when training BMWs, the MMVs also function. However, during a strength exercise with alternating muscle contraction and relaxation, hydrogen ions do not accumulate in the ROM, since mitochondria absorb them and convert them into water. The absence of this factor inhibits the penetration of anabolic hormones into the IMV (OMV), therefore, with classical strength training, no significant hypertrophy of the IMV is observed. In order to be convinced of this, you need to open the textbook “Physiology of Muscular Activity” (edited by Ya.M. Kots). There is a table there, from which it can be seen that, according to various authors, conventional strength training training for muscle fibers, does not provide a significant increase in muscle muscle hypertrophy (type 1).

ZhM: Does this mean that representatives of strength sports, for example, powerlifters, who do not use the method of myofibril hyperplasia in OMV in their training, have an untapped reserve in the development of strength? And that by incorporating this technique into their training, they are guaranteed to increase their strength results?

Sun: In those sports where the growth of one’s own weight is not a limiting factor, for example, in bodybuilding, it is beneficial to increase strength and gain mass due to OMV (MMW). In this case, the athlete works with unlimited weights, and therefore injuries are minimized. It is beneficial to increase the strength of the IMM (OMV) in arm wrestling, since there is an increase in the mass of the arm muscles, but this growth can be compensated by a decrease in body weight due to fat or the mass of the leg muscles. Simultaneously with the increase in the strength of the OMV (MMV), there is an increase in the mass of mitochondria, and local muscular endurance increases, and this is very important for arm wrestling and for any other types of martial arts.

However, in powerlifting, when performing a squat or deadlift, it is advantageous to use the reserve for increasing the thrust force of the OMV (MMV), since they are no worse than the BMW (the speed of muscle contraction is very low). This is beneficial because the weight of the weight is only 40-60% of the maximum maximum, so there are no conditions for injury and you can work to failure, that is, to severe stress, leading to the release of your own anabolic hormones into the blood, which will be a partial alternative to taking AS .

ZhM: Well, then it’s time to talk about the technique itself. Moreover, as far as I know, you, Viktor Nikolaevich, are its developer.

Sun: Yes, this technique was developed in our laboratory. It is similar to the previously described technique for BMW, and its main distinguishing condition is the requirement to perform the exercise without relaxing the muscles being trained. In this case, tense and thickened MVs compress the capillaries ("Physiology of Muscular Activity", 1982) and thereby cause occlusion (circulatory arrest). Impaired blood circulation leads to MV hypoxia, that is, here anaerobic glycolysis in the MV (OMV) is intensified, lactate and hydrogen ions accumulate in them. Obviously, such conditions can only be created by working against gravity or against the traction of a rubber shock absorber.

Let me give you an example of such an exercise. Squats are performed with a barbell of 30-70% RM. The athlete gets up from a deep squat to a corner in knee joints 90-110 degrees:

intensity 30-70% (and when training arm muscles, which have little GMV, intensity is less than 10 40%);

duration of exercise 30-60 seconds. (here failure quickly occurs due to muscle pain);

rest interval between approaches 5-10 minutes. (and rest should be active);

number of approaches to the projectile 7-12;

number of workouts per day one, two or more;

number of workouts per week exercise is repeated after 3-5 days.

These rules can be justified as follows. The intensity of the exercise is chosen such that only the OMVs (MMVs) are recruited. The duration of the exercise should not exceed 60 seconds, otherwise the accumulation of H ions may exceed the optimal concentration for activating protein synthesis, and the rate of catabolism may exceed the processes of construction of new cell structures.

The effectiveness of the training method can be increased. To do this, you need to increase the time spent in OMV (MMV) K and N. Therefore, you should perform the exercise in the form of a series of approaches, namely: the first approach - not to failure (no more than 30 seconds), then - a rest interval of 30 seconds. This is repeated three or five times, then a long rest is performed or another muscle is exercised. The advantage of such an exercise (in bodybuilding it is called a “super series”) is that Kr and H are present in the OMV (MMV) both during the exercise and during rest pauses. Consequently, the total time of action of factors (Kr, N), causing the formation of mRNA, including, increases significantly in comparison with the training options described earlier.

An increase in the concentration of hydrogen ions in OMV cannot cause significant catabolism, since there are many mitochondria in OMV, and the latter very quickly absorb hydrogen ions. There are few mitochondria in the HMV, so hydrogen ions remain there for a long time and cause severe destruction - that is, catabolism takes place here.

The fact that this technique works is confirmed not only by theory, but also by the practice of training outstanding athletes. For example, Vasily Alekseev, a heavyweight weightlifter, had problems with the lumbar spine and therefore could not perform deadlifts with large weights. As a result, Alekseev found a secret exercise for himself, which he did not allow anyone to show. He entered the hall, kicked everyone out and closed. Then he lay face down with his hips on a gymnastic “goat” and performed bends with a small amplitude (static-dynamic mode of muscle work). To increase the load, Alekseev carried a 40-60 kg barbell on his shoulders. It is clear that the spine was loaded here, that is, the back extensors were being trained.

Another example Arnold Schwarzenegger. The basis of his training was training in the “pumping” mode, that is, pumping the muscles with blood. These exercises are done without muscle relaxation (static-dynamic mode), so rapid acidification of the OMV occurs. At the moment of rest, this leads to a reflex relaxation of the smooth muscles of the arterioles and to the accumulation of blood in the muscles (pumping). The idea of ​​​​the arrival of nutrients with the blood is not constructive, but the arrival of anabolic hormones, acidification of OMV and a lot of free creatine stimulate the formation of mRNA in the nucleoli.

ZhM: How quickly does muscle fiber hypertrophy (MMH) occur after such training?

Sun: Here it is necessary to take into account that slow fibers can occupy only a third of the muscle, and the diameter of slow muscle fibers is usually 30-40% smaller than that of fast muscle fibers. Therefore, the hypertrophy of the MV occurs imperceptibly at first, since first of all the density of the myofibril bundle increases due to the appearance of new filaments, and only then the diameter of the MV grows - this is when mitochondria appear around the new myofibrils. But mitochondria occupy only 10% of the total muscle volume. So the main increase in muscle diameter occurs due to an increase in the number of myofibrils. It has been experimentally shown that with properly organized training, strength increases by 2% per workout. But it is only necessary to take into account that more than one developmental training session per week cannot be performed, since if training is too frequent, the growth of strength is inhibited.

ZhM: Is it acceptable during such training for failure to occur not because of pain in the muscle, but, as with GMV training, because of muscle failure? Let, for example, an athlete do 3 approaches of 30 seconds. with a rest interval of 30 seconds. in the exercise “bench press of a barbell along a limited trajectory of movement”, and in the last approach at the 29th second, muscle failure occurred, the barbell crawled down, because even to hold it in static position the athlete could no longer do it. Wherein muscle pain was moderate. Will such training be aimed at hyperplasia of the muscle mass or is it recommended to reduce the weight of the barbell and do, for example, 3 sets of 40 seconds, so that the cause of failure is still a strong burning sensation in the muscle?

Sun: When performing strength exercises, it is not the number of lifts or tons that must be counted, because these are formal criteria. In each approach, it is necessary to induce certain physiological and biochemical processes in the body, the content of which the athlete can guess from individual sensations. When training OMV, the correct sensation is pain in the active muscle, which occurs as a result of the accumulation of hydrogen ions in the muscle. This pain, I repeat, is the main condition for activating protein synthesis. Along with pain comes stress and the release of anabolic hormones into the blood. The reliability of this information can be verified by the publications of IBMP in the journal “Human Physiology” (headed by Dr. O.L. Vinogradova, Doctor of Biological Sciences). In this example, namely, in work lasting 3 x 30 seconds. with muscle failure, the weight of the projectile is overestimated, so not only the OMV, but also the PMV, as well as part of the GMV, are recruited. This type of training also has a right to exist, but the effect of increasing the strength of the OMV will be somewhat less.

ZhM: But here there is still too much variation in the time it takes to complete the exercise: from 30 seconds. up to 60 sec. in approach. Therefore, the following question arises: if in the above example the athlete reaches muscle failure at 30 sec. work in the third approach, then what time period should he choose? After all, an athlete can adjust the weight until a strong burning sensation is felt, performing both 3 x 45 seconds, and, having further reduced the weight, 3 x 60 seconds.

Sun: The criterion for correct execution of the exercise is the accumulation of lactic acid in the OMV in the optimal concentration (10-15 mM/l). There will be less accumulation of lactic acid in the blood. This is possible with a static-dynamic mode of muscle work and by limiting the duration of the exercise. Experiments show that the optimal duration of the static-dynamic regime is within 30-60 seconds, and if at this time the athlete experiences severe stress due to pain, then the conditions for increasing the strength of the OMV have been achieved. Since hydrogen ions can enhance catabolism, it is necessary to strive for an earlier onset of muscle pain, that is, closer to 30 seconds.

ZhM: There are videos on the Internet (for example, at this address) where you, Viktor Nikolaevich, conduct a seminar with wrestlers. There you warn athletes in every possible way against excessive acidification, since it leads to the destruction of mitochondria. If an athlete regularly trains according to your method and works to failure due to severe burning in the muscles, will he eventually “burn out” all his mitochondria?

Sun: We have already discussed this problem with you, here I will emphasize that in different types of microwaves, hydrogen ions cause their own specific reactions. The effect of hydrogen ions (H) is determined by their concentration and duration of presence in the MF. In the MV, even in the presence of a high concentration of hydrogen ions, during the rest period, mitochondria quickly eliminate them, so hydrogen ions do not have time to damage the mitochondria and other structures of the MV. This is evidenced by the values ​​of creatiphosphokinase and cortisol in the blood after training. These values, as a rule, are 2-3 times lower compared to those in conventional strength exercises. In GMW, after classical strength training (dynamic with an intensity of 70-80% of 1RM), hydrogen ions are not absorbed by mitochondria (there are too few of them), here hydrogen ions combine with lactate, and lactic acid slowly enters the blood over a period of time of 10-60 minutes. (by the way, active rest accelerates the release of lactic acid into the blood). In this regard, mitochondria and other cell structures are subject to long-term destructive influence. Therefore, wrestlers should not train with strong muscle acidification; they need to take care of the mitochondria in the GMV, because the local muscular endurance of the wrestler depends on them.

ZhM: Give an example of a training cycle.

Sun: The results of simulation modeling showed that one of the rational training options is a cycle in which one training session is developmental in nature. After three days, the strength training is repeated, but in a smaller volume ("tonic" training), and the total cycle is seven days. One of the advantages of such a cycle is that it can be used in endurance sports. On rest days, training can be used to develop mitochondria in the MV or train the myocardium and diaphragm. The effectiveness of the theoretically developed microcycle was tested during the experiment.

I'll tell you about a specific technique. Seven IFC students (body length 177.3 ± 11.8 cm; body weight 71.7 ± 9.7 kg; age 25.0 ± 4.8 g) performed strength training twice a week for six weeks and two Aerobic training was performed for 40-50 minutes per week. with heart rate AeP.

The first strength training included three series of three sets each. The rest between series was active 12 minutes, and between approaches 30 seconds. In each approach, the exercise was performed to failure; the duration of squats with a barbell was 60-70 seconds. Squats were performed in static-dynamic mode.

The second strength workout included only four sets of intervals. active rest 8 min., barbell weight and squat conditions were the same as in the first workout.

And here are the results obtained. During the study period, the subjects became stronger, they were able to lift a heavier barbell: before the experiment 866 ± 276 N, after the experiment 1088 ± 320 N (differences are significant at p > 0.001). The average strength gain was 222 N (25.6%) or 2.1%/day. The last indicator should characterize the effectiveness of strength training; it can be used to compare different methods.

In the review work by M. McDonagh and S. Davies (1984), a comparison was made of isotonic and isometric methods of strength training in various variants. In particular, it has been shown that isotonic training gives a strength increase of 0.4-1.1% per training day, isometric 0.9-1.1% per training day. Other researchers achieved better results: 2-3%, but they used approximately the same methodology: intensity 80%, number of muscle contractions per workout 12-18, 21-24 training days.

Thus, the effectiveness of the developed method of strength training is higher than isometric and isotonic methods, with the exception of those trainings that coincide in technology with the one we developed. Therefore, our model adequately simulates the processes of myofibril synthesis as a result of strength training.

ZhM: Is it possible to combine exercises on GMV and OMV for one muscle group in one workout?

Sun: There are no fundamental obstacles to such a combination. But it is important to consider the following:

reserve capabilities of the endocrine system;

first you need to train the GMV, since lifting heavy weights requires the freshness of the central nervous system and the normal condition of the auxiliary muscles.

ZhM: Can you give an example of how, in a weekly or two-week cycle, you can combine training aimed at hypertrophy of the GMV and OMV for one muscle group?

Sun: Let's talk about strength training in arm wrestling. As a means of preparation, we choose to pull a load through a block in the condition of simulating a competitive exercise. We train OMV means we perform a static-dynamic exercise with an effort of 60% of RM until pain (30 sec.) and after a rest interval of 30 sec. repeat this cycle 3-6 times (much depends on the level of local muscle endurance).

Then there is a long rest interval of 10 minutes. At this time, you need to do squats with a barbell in static-dynamic mode 1-2 approaches. The latter is necessary because when large muscle groups are active, more hormones are released compared to the work of arm muscles.

This super series cycle is repeated 4-9 times, depending on the level of local muscle endurance.

Such developmental strength training for myofibril hyperplasia of the OMV is performed no more than once a week. After 2-4 days, you can perform a toning workout, which exactly repeats the developmental one, but has the number of approaches 3-5 times less.

GMV training is provided in arm wrestling within the framework of technical and tactical training. For example, when practicing the starting force, skills are formed to activate all motor units (MUs) and at the same time increase the strength of the GMV of high-threshold MUs.

If there is a need to perform special training to increase the strength of the brain muscle, then these developmental workouts should be performed before tonic training to maintain the synthesis processes in the muscle muscle. Exerting greater effort requires full muscle recovery, so dynamic strength training is best done after a day of rest. In the future, there is a process and a recovery period of 2-3 days, so here you can perform strength toning training for OMV.

ZhM: How many muscle groups can be trained using this method in one session?

Sun: For a qualified athlete, the number of approaches to weight is 30-60 times. This takes 60-90 minutes. During a long rest interval (10 minutes), you can insert training exercises for two more muscle groups. Therefore, in one strength training session you can work out 3 muscle groups - for example, one large and two small or medium ones. Other muscle groups can be trained on the same day or on other days. The total volume of strength training is determined by the state of the endocrine system. It is known that if we take the reaction of the endocrine system after the first strength training as 100%, then after the second strength training on the same day the concentration of anabolic hormones in the blood will be 2-3 times lower. Therefore, it is better to distribute muscle groups and strength training over several days. It is clear that when using anabolic steroids, the volume of strength exercises can be significantly increased.

List of abbreviations:

ATP adenosine triphosphoric acid
ADPadenosine diphosphoric acid
VO2 max maximum oxygen consumption
AnP anaerobic threshold
AeP aerobic threshold
MV muscle fiber
GMV glycolytic muscle fiber
OMF oxidative muscle fiber
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
Efficiency efficiency factor
KrP creatine phosphate
Kr creatine
F inorganic phosphate
mRNA messenger ribonucleic acid
pH acid-base balance

Part four. Myofibril hyperplasia in glycolytic muscle fibers

This publication concludes a series of conversations with Professor Viktor Nikolaevich Seluyanov, dedicated to modern biologically based scientific training methods.

"Iron World" (ZhM): Viktor Nikolaevich, in your last conversation you talked about myofibril hyperplasia in muscle fibers. As you explained, MMV and BMW must be trained through different exercises, that is, using different methods. What should be the correct training if the goal is to increase the mass of fast muscle fibers?

Viktor Seluyanov (VS): First you need to understand the methods of classifying muscle fibers (MF). The division of MVs into fast and slow is performed after a biopsy to determine the activity of the enzyme myosin ATPase. The muscle composition of this enzyme is inherited and is different in each muscle. The response to strength exercise depends on biological factors that stimulate the formation of mRNA in the MV. Such factors include anabolic hormones, free creatine, the optimal concentration of hydrogen ions in MB, etc. Since in OMB hydrogen ions are absorbed by mitochondria, the force effect in them is minimal, and in glycolytic MB hydrogen ions accumulate, so there can be positive and negative The result is increased strength. In this connection, when considering the reaction of the MV to strength exercises, it is necessary to take into account the activity of the OMV, PMV and GMV. The recruitment sequence remains the same, that is, when mental stress increases, first the OMVs are recruited, then the PMVs are connected, and then the GMVs are connected. Since the adaptive response to strength exercise is associated with the presence of mitochondria in the MV, it is better to talk about OMV, PMV and GMV.

To activate the GMV, it is necessary to perform exercises with maximum or near-maximal intensity. In this case, according to Hanneman’s “size rule,” all MVs (OMVs and GMVs) will begin to function. If muscle contraction is combined with relaxation, that is, with their functioning in a way that does not stop blood circulation, then the effect of the exercise will be directed mainly at the GMV, since in the GMV the mitochondria absorb hydrogen ions and convert them into water, and therefore disappears the main factor stimulating the formation of mRNA in the cell.

Experimental study of metabolic processes in individual cells is currently practically impossible. After a standard tissue sample is taken (by biopsy), the latter is crushed and the concentration of various substances is measured chemically. This procedure is reminiscent of the anecdote about measuring the average temperature in a hospital, which is within the normal range, although one patient has already died and is cooling down, and the other is feverish. The same situation can occur in muscle tissue, namely: some muscle fibers work, while others are at rest, and therefore overall result average.

Therefore, at present, objective information about the processes in certain types of MVs can only be obtained using mathematical modeling. If the model includes muscle fibers of different types - OMV, PMV and GMV, then the physiological law of MV recruitment (DE) is reproduced, and the researcher can get an idea of ​​the bioenergetic processes in each individual muscle fiber.

The course of short-term bioenergetic adaptation processes was studied using mathematical simulation modeling (V.N. Seluyanov, 1990, 1996). The reaction of the model to exercises with I = 85%, duration of one squat 5 sec., rest interval 5 sec., number of repetitions until failure was studied.

The result is this. The model was able to perform 4-5 repetitions in one series. Creatine phosphate reserves in the muscle decreased to only 60%. (It should be noted that this result is in good agreement with the data of the nuclear magnetic resonance technique, which indicates, on the one hand, the correctness of the modeling, and on the other hand, the presence of false information in the experiment, since information is again provided on average for the muscle. Modeling shows that in OMV the concentration of ATP and CrP decreases to a level of less than 30% of the maximum.) Then a recovery period of 3 minutes was set. with active rest providing oxygen consumption of 1-2 l/min. In 3 min. the lactate concentration in the blood remained virtually unchanged, CrF was almost completely resynthesized, but the maximum power at this point was only 70% of MAM. Extending active rest up to 6 minutes. made it possible to increase power up to 75%, and with active rest lasting 10 minutes. capacity increased to 85%. By the tenth minute, the concentrations of H and La decreased to 7.29 mmol/l and 4.5 mmol/l, respectively. The maximum concentration of these substances was observed at 2-4 minutes of recovery and amounted to 7.265 mmol/l and 6.9 mmol/l. These data also confirm the correctness of the mathematical model.

The use of exercises with an intensity of 85% does not lead to a significant breakdown of CrF, since failure does not occur as a result of the depletion of ATP and CRF, but as a result of the recruitment of all MVs. After this, it is impossible to perform the next lift of the apparatus without the help of an instructor-trainer. But to increase the effectiveness of strength training, you need to achieve the maximum concentration of free creatine in the CF. Therefore, to increase the effectiveness of strength training aimed at MV hypertrophy (myofibril hyperplasia), it is necessary to increase the number of repetitions in the approach, that is, reduce the power of the exercise (up to 70%). It should be especially noted that this conclusion is consistent with experimental data on methods of muscle hypertrophy (see monographs: V.M. Zatsiorsky, 1970, Y. Hartman, H. Tynnenman, 1988), and this indicates the adequacy of the imitation, the adequacy of the model.

The experiment with simulation modeling (IM) of long-term adaptation processes was carried out according to the following plan. The intensity of the exercise was 85%, the duration of strength training varied from 1 minute. up to 20 minutes, that is, the athlete could do 1-15 approaches to the apparatus, the rest interval between workouts was 1-7 days. A real athlete might spend 100 years testing every possible training option.

The results of the simulation are as follows. It was found out how the mass of myofibrils changes over 20 cycles. Analysis of MI results shows that an increase in the number of rest days leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the training cycle at a given intensity and duration of training. Increasing the duration of the workout from 1 minute. up to 20 min. ( useful time, when mRNA is formed) leads to an increase in the efficiency of the training cycle, but at the same time the metabolism of hormones increases. And when the rate of hormone elimination exceeds the rate of their synthesis, the concentration of hormones in the body begins to decrease. A decrease in the concentration of hormones in the body below the normal level leads to the occurrence of the phenomenon of Selye's general adaptation syndrome (SASS), to a decrease in the intensity of the processes of synthesis of myofibrils and mitochondria, as well as cells in the organs of the endocrine and immune systems. The latter circumstance increases the likelihood of disease. During MI, the object is constantly in an environment containing pathogenic viruses and microbes that infect the body, therefore, with a decrease in immunity, the risk of disease increases. Consequently, high-intensity and long-term training can significantly increase the synthesis of various structures in cells, but at the same time, high-intensity and long-term training are the cause of future diseases and overtraining phenomena. This conclusion is in good agreement with the generally accepted opinion of experts and is reflected in such concepts as “boosting sports form” and “cumulative effect.”

ZhM: How can you minimize the negative effects and maintain the effectiveness of strength training?

Sun: I propose the following option for constructing a weekly cycle. Let's assume that on the first day of the microcycle a developmental workout is performed, for example, a squat with a barbell weighing 80-90% of the voluntary maximum to failure (the exercise lasts 40-60 seconds). During the exercise and during the 60 sec. recovery in the MV should involve active formation of mRNA, therefore, the useful time from one approach is 1.5-2 minutes. To achieve a developmental effect, you need to do 7-10 approaches, that is, 12-20 minutes. useful work. Performing such high-intensity and prolonged work causes a significant release of hormones into the blood. The increased concentration of hormones remains in muscle fibers for two to three days, which stimulates general synthesis. On the fourth day, the concentration of hormones returns to normal, so it is also necessary to perform strength training, but not so much for the formation of mRNA, but to increase the concentration of hormones in the blood over the next two days of recovery. This will ensure that the intensity of myofibril synthesis processes is maintained after developmental training. Obviously, such a “tonic” workout should be high-intensity (to release hormones into the blood), but not long-lasting (half of the “developmental” workout), so as not to cause increased metabolism of hormones and structures formed in the cell.

Simulation modeling of this training option showed that over 6 microcycles the mass of myofibrils increased by 7%, the mass of mitochondria decreased by 14%, the mass of the endocrine glands first tended to increase (10 days), then to decrease, and by the 42nd day the mass of the glands returned to normal.

Therefore, the proposed microcycle is effective, but cannot be used for longer than six weeks, since signs of OSA may appear in the future.

ZhM: What is the reason for this decrease in mitochondrial mass? Does this mean that for power sports that require endurance (meaning, for example, extreme power, arm wrestling and folk bench press) this microcycle is not suitable?

Sun: The decrease in mitochondrial mass is due to their destruction during strength training for PMV and GMV, as well as natural process aging (the mechanism of organelle aging is associated with the functioning of lysosomes, which constantly destroy some organelles in the cell, including mitochondria). The synthesis of mitochondria after strength training is weak, therefore, in order to increase the mass of mitochondria in the PMV and in the GMV, it is necessary to perform special interval speed-strength training.

Sun: To achieve maximum hypertrophy of the GMV as a training effect, a number of conditions must be met:

the exercise is performed with an intensity of 70% of 1RM;

the exercise is performed “to failure”, that is, until the reserves of CR are exhausted and a high concentration of CR is formed;

rest interval 5 min. or 10 minutes, then 5 minutes. active rest, during which exercises are performed with AEP power (heart rate 100-120 beats/min), which significantly speeds up the process of “processing” lactic acid. Then there are 10 minutes. relatively inactive rest, during which CrP is resynthesized mainly during anaerobic glycolysis with the accumulation of H and La ions in the HMV;

number of approaches per workout: 3-5 approaches with passive rest, 10-15 approaches with active rest;

number of workouts per day: one, two or more depending on the intensity of training and the fitness of the body;

number of workouts per week: after the maximum duration (volume) of the workout, the next one can be repeated only after 7-10 days. This is exactly how long it takes for the synthesis of myofibrils in muscle fibers.

That is, this is a classic scheme, well known since the 60s of the last century.

ZhM: And what factors determine the choice of the number of repetitions in the approach for myofibril hyperplasia in the brain muscle?

Sun: As a rule, strength athletes (bodybuilders, weightlifters, powerlifters, etc.) have a lot of GMV (more than 60%). To understand the criteria for choosing the intensity and duration of a strength exercise, it is necessary to imagine a muscle in the form of a column with a set of RMVs (from below), then RMVs are placed on them, and GMVs are laid on top. If you choose the initial intensity of 70% PM, then lifting the projectile will be performed 1-2 times due to the ATP reserve. Further, the power of active MVs decreases, so additional “fresh” MVs have to be recruited. This continues until the supply of “fresh” MVs is completely exhausted. After this there is a refusal. If active MFs contain many mitochondria, then such MFs lose strength more slowly, since mitochondria absorb hydrogen ions. In this regard, endurance athletes (wrestlers) lift a 70% RM projectile more than 10 times, and weightlifters less than 6 times. It should be especially noted that the OMV, PMV and part of the GMV for example, half will function from the beginning to the end of the exercise, while the high-threshold MV (the second part of the GMV) can work for a much shorter time. The highest threshold GMVs work no longer than one contraction. Consequently, free creatine, hydrogen ions and hormones will accumulate only in the PMV and in the first half of the GMV. It is in them that the accumulation of mRNA will occur. In OMV, MF hyperplasia will not occur due to the presence of mitochondria. The optimal duration of exercise for the accumulation of free creatine and the required concentration of hydrogen ions is within 30-40 seconds. (10-12 lifts). Increasing the duration of exercise leads to excessive accumulation of hydrogen ions, and decreasing the duration leads to a lack of free creatine and hydrogen ions for the full activation of transcription processes of genetic information.

To hypertrophy the second half of the GMV, it is necessary to use an intensity in the region of 85-95% of the 1RM. In this case, after 2-4 ascents, all MVs will be recruited, and even a slight decrease in the ATP concentration will lead to a refusal to continue the series. A low concentration of free creatine and hydrogen ions is created in the muscle fibers, so the reaction of the genetic apparatus should be weak. Therefore, for effective hyperplasia of high-threshold MU myofibers, it is necessary to perform a large number of training sessions per day and per week. The experimental effectiveness of this method was proven by the practical work of the Bulgarian trainer Ivan Abadzhiev. His players are members of the Bulgarian national team weightlifting trained 6 times a day with weights of about 100% of the competition load (90% RM) and 5 times a week.

The choice of the number of workouts per day and per week is determined by the power of the endocrine system. It has been experimentally shown that after strength training there is a certain reaction - the concentration of testosterone and growth hormone increases. Repeating strength training after a few (6-10) hours no longer produces the same response from the endocrine system. The concentration of hormones in the second case does not reach 30% of the maximum after the first workout.

Thus, the choice of the number of workouts per day and per week depends on the reaction of the endocrine system. The trainer can judge the state of the endocrine system based on the results of “testing” (testing). If the force stops increasing or decreases, then this means that endocrine system cannot withstand loads. This means that rest is required to restore the endocrine system. And, therefore, it is impossible to accurately determine the number of training sessions per day and per week; the programming process must be strictly individual and based on the results of regular testing of the athlete’s physical condition.

Training with large weights allows you to improve the skills of activating all muscle fibers in weightlifting exercises (which has a positive effect on technique, results and mental reactions, that is, fear of large weights), as well as maintain and even increase the degree of myofibril hyperplasia in all muscle fibers. In this case, strength increases without a significant change in muscle mass. This training method is most suitable for preparing an athlete for the main competitions of the season.

There is also a third option for strength training, which is widespread among security forces. With it, exercises are performed with a weight of 80-90% of the maximum maximum, but not to failure (3-4 repetitions). For example, if an athlete’s maximum in a squat with a barbell is in the region of 250-350 kg, then in this case any violation of the technique can lead to injury. How to be? But there is a way out: it is to take anabolic steroids. If the exercise is not done to failure and does not lead to the release of your own hormones, then to enhance anabolism you need to take artificial hormones, that is, doping. In this case, it is possible to create all the necessary prerequisites for myofibril hyperplasia in active HMVs: hormones, free creatine, optimal concentration of hydrogen ions, amino acids (with proper protein nutrition).

ZhM: Tell us about the so-called “active recreation” this is a very important topic. Its meaning is clear: in 5 minutes. work by slow MVs of the trained muscle group, the lactic acid formed as a result of the exercise is utilized. That is, it is broken down into carbon dioxide and water in the mitochondria of OMV. Naturally, an athlete who uses active rest and gets rid of lactic acid will have a much less pronounced drop in results from approach to approach than an athlete who uses passive rest, since the latter accumulates lactic acid in the muscles from approach to approach, which reduces it performance. The question is the practical application of active recreation. If an athlete trains his legs, then it is clear that during these 5 minutes of active rest he can pedal on an exercise bike with a load level below the aerobic threshold or simply walk around the gym. How to “rest” between sets when bench pressing or arm training?

Sun: Lactic acid enters the blood and can enter any other organs where the concentration of lactic acid will be lower. This usually occurs in the OM of active muscles, since mitochondria function there. In connection with this, a large difference is created in the concentrations of lactic acid in the blood and in the OMV. Therefore, the greater the mass of OMV is active, the faster lactic acid is eliminated from the blood. Therefore, after training your arms, you need to work with your legs, pedal a bicycle ergometer, or walk.

To accelerate the release of lactic acid into the main vessels from small muscle groups, you can perform massage and light local exercises on muscles containing a high concentration of lactic acid.

ZhM: Is it possible to use the technique of myofibril hyperplasia in BMW in recreational physical culture?

Sun: The answer to this question is most likely negative. If we take into account that most adults have signs of atherosclerosis, then the use of exercises that lead to an increase in SBP (systolic blood pressure) and straining can be considered contraindicated.

When performing strength exercises at near-maximal intensity, holding your breath, straining, and, as a result, increasing SBP are inevitable. In qualified weightlifters, SBP increases even before training to 150 mmHg, and during hyperventilation with straining, SBP increases to 200 mmHg ("Sports Physiology", 1986). In the first minute after lifting the weight, SBP reaches 150-180 mmHg, here the average pressure increases, and DBP (diastolic blood pressure) can increase or decrease (A.N. Vorobyov, 1977). And a powerful flow of blood can rip off sclerotic plaques. They can travel through the bloodstream to a vessel, the lumen of which is too small for their advancement. This will cause blockage of the vessel, that is, the formation of a blood clot. In tissues that do not receive oxygen, anaerobic glycolysis will begin to unfold, and hydrogen ions will accumulate in huge quantities, which open the pores in the lysosome membranes. Protein kinases, enzymes that destroy protein, will begin to emerge from the lysosomes into the sarcoplasm. Cell organelles will begin to break down, which will lead to cell necrosis. In relation to the heart, such events lead to myocardial infarction.

List of abbreviations:

ATP adenosine triphosphoric acid
ADPadenosine diphosphoric acid
VO2 max maximum oxygen consumption
AnP anaerobic threshold
AeP aerobic threshold
MV muscle fiber
GMV glycolytic muscle fiber
OMF oxidative muscle fiber
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
Efficiency efficiency factor
KrP creatine phosphate
Kr creatine
F inorganic phosphate
mRNA messenger ribonucleic acid
pH acid-base balance

I haven’t checked LJ for a month, so don’t be angry that I’m reposting this article to your feed again :)

I think that on no other topic dedicated to physical exercises have so many copies been broken as on the topic of the possibility of local fat burning, or, as this process is also called, spot reduction. Even now, while writing this article, I went into a search engine with these terms and saw a lot of articles with diametrically opposed opinions.

It’s high time to put a final and definitive end to this tired debate. Moreover, the answer to the question: “is local weight loss possible under the influence of physical exercise?” unambiguous and categorical. Yes, it's possible!

For reference -

Seluyanov Viktor Nikolaevich

(b. 1946) - graduate of the State Central Order of Lenin Institute of Physical Culture (1970). Specialist in the field of sports anthropology, physiology, theory sports training and health-improving physical culture.

Candidate of Biological Sciences (1979). Senior Researcher.

Published more than 100 scientific works, including: the monograph “Biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system of athletes” (1981, co-author); textbooks "Biomechanical foundations for improving the efficiency of pedaling technique" (1985, co-author), " Physical training V sports games"(1991, co-author), "Isotone. Fundamentals of the theory of health training" (1995, co-author).

Laureate of the USSR Sports Committee Prize for the best research work in the field of physical culture and sports (1981).

He has a patent “Method of changing the proportion of tissue composition of the entire human body and in its individual segments” (1995).

Developed mathematical models that simulate immediate and long-term adaptation processes in the body of athletes (1995).

Head of the Laboratory of Fundamental Problems of the Theory of Physical and technical training highly qualified athletes of the Russian State Academy of Physical Culture; Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences and Information Technologies of the Russian State Academy of Physical Culture.

For me this question has not arisen for many years. Having been involved in arm wrestling for about 20 years, I have repeatedly observed and measured the minimum fat folds on the arms, with average, or even exceeding average, folds in the abdominal area and on the legs. During my 10 years of work in the field of fitness, I have provided regular anthropometric testing using a caliper to more than a hundred clients of fitness centers and athletes. And not once did I see a uniform decrease in fat throughout my entire body. Working with clients using the local fat burning method developed by Professor Viktor Nikolaevich Seluyanov and his team, over the course of 10 years I have repeatedly recorded the fact of local fat reduction in the trained areas. Sometimes, when, for example, a client had a goal to gain weight and recover from knee surgery, I recorded a decrease in the thickness of the fat folds on the thighs, which we intensively trained, with a general increase in the thickness of the fat folds in other areas.

But at the same time, it is still believed that the official opinion of scientists is an impossibility local weight loss. But let me ask, which scientists? What kind of research was this and where did it take place? Unfortunately, I was never able to find the answer to these questions. From article to article, from publication to publication, phrases pass: scientists from all over the world have proven..., according to physiologists..., any competent trainer will say..., modern science denies... etc. etc. As in the song: “..If someone is here and there sometimes...”.

Iron World: Hello Viktor Nikolaevich! What facts can you provide confirming the possibility of local fat burning?

Victor Seluyanov: Hello! In fact, there is a lot of evidence in the practice of physical culture and sports. We often have to test football players. So, the players of the Caucasian republics are very concerned about their appearance. And having sculpted abs is a very important goal for them. As a result, even the laziest player on the team performs strength exercises on the muscles at every training session. abdominals. And as a result, every single player has clearly defined abs. But players from other clubs don’t have this. But at the same time, the thickness of the skin-fat folds in other areas is practically no different from the thickness of the folds of Caucasians.

At the end of the 50s of the last century, the so-called athletic (better said, artistic) appeared in the USSR. women's gymnastics, originally invented for people who had finished exercising. Even before aerobics came to the country. Doing this gymnastics and following the ballet diet (two apples and a glass of kefir a day) gave excellent results.

And regarding local weight loss, you can cite Mokhova’s data. She defended her dissertation at GCOLIFK (80s). The women tested were divided into groups depending on the type of physical activity. One group trained in skiing, another ran, a third did rhythmic gymnastics, a fourth in swimming, and the control group did something like general physical training. Six months after the classes, anthropometric testing was carried out on all participants in the experiment. It turned out that the one who ran lost fat mainly from his legs, the one who swam lost fat from his arms, since the experiment involved women who were not involved in sports, who did not know how to properly use their legs in swimming and stayed on the water mainly due to the muscles of their arms. IN rhythmic gymnastics and skiing, the fat disappeared evenly. And then it became clear that depending on the types of exercises performed, the loss of fat from body segments would also depend.

Later appeared in the country the new kind physical exercises - shaping, and in shaping they dealt directly with the shape of the body, fromEnglishshaping - giving shape. Practicingdid it first circuit exercises on all muscle groups, then on problem areas, that is, on certain muscle groups, so that the fat goes away there (and this is local weight loss). The first circle was done on all 12 muscle groups, and the second, third and fourth on those groups where there was excess fat. And the result was positive. Trained the abdominal muscles - fat left the abdomen, trained the quadriceps muscle of the thigh - fat left the quadriceps. And when the fat more or less disappeared, exercises were done to develop muscle mass.

The scientific justification was primitive, saying that fat is lost because lipolysis is active during low-intensity training. The idea is correct, but when doing shaping, local strength exercises are performed at a high pace for 1-2 minutes until exhaustion, until the heart rate is more than 160 beats/min, sometimes up to 200 beats/min. What kind of lipolysis can we talk about after this, but local weight loss occurs!!!.

JM: How can this be explained from the point of view of classical physiology?

Sun: We have a sympathetic nervous system. And when we start exercising, it becomes more active. Under the influence of signals passing through the sympathetic nerves, excitation comes not only to the muscles, but also to the fat located above the muscle. These signals also come to the adrenal glands, to their medulla, and from there adrenaline and norepinephrine begin to be released. These hormones enter the general bloodstream and are absorbed from it by those tissues that are active. That is, if an athlete trains one muscle group, then the adrenaline will flow there. Both in the muscle group and in the adipose tissue located above this muscle group.

JM: Should the load be stressful?

Sun: As a rule, these are so-called gymnastic strength exercises, which are done for 20-30 repetitions per set and cause severe acidification, a burning sensation, which leads to pain stress.

When performing aerobic exercise that involves many muscle groups, adrenaline and norepinephrine are distributed throughout the body and contribute to overall weight loss.

But the most interesting thing about the mechanism of local weight loss is different. A neurotransmitter is released from the endings of the sympathetic nervous system. And if acetyl choline serves as a mediator in muscles, then in the sympathetic nervous system, which activates adipose tissue, norepinephrine is released as a mediator.

In the 70s, the Soviet scientist R. N. Balkhovskikh worked in our laboratory. He invented an electrical stimulator, which Professor Ya.M. Kots used in the preparation and treatment of hockey players, and then sold a license in America and now this method of electrical muscle stimulation is called “Russian current”. So R. Balkhovskikh regularly performed electrical stimulation and was the first person to discover that during electrical stimulation, fat begins to disappear under the electrodes. How did he discover this? At that time he already had an ultrasound device that allowed him to determine the thickness of the skin, the thickness of fat and muscle to the bone. During electrical stimulation, the adrenal glands do not produce norepinephrine, so there is no general increase in its level in the blood. Only a local neurotransmitter is produced, which diffuses into nearby tissues, including adipose tissue, where it promotes local lipolysis. Then guys from Leningrad appeared, who created special devices by analogy, which they advertised as local fat burning, began selling them, and in Soviet times they began to earn quite decent money. It is electrical stimulation that absolutely definitely proves the fact of the possibility of local fat burning. And it can be caused both by electrical stimulation and local strength exercises. This has never been done in aerobics and therefore aerobists write about the impossibility of local fat burning, but we have been doing this all the time (local static-dynamic exercises) and accordingly we have completely different data.

Performing work in static dynamics, a student removes from 6 to 12 kg of fat per year. But at the same time, he gains about 6 kg of muscle mass. As a result, a person (women of the first and second mature age) seems to remove only 6 kg, but looks completely different.

JM: What exercises are most effective for local fat burning?

Sun: The most effective exercises are those performed in static dynamics. We have already talked about this training regimen when we described a technique aimed at myofibril hyperplasia in the OM. They cause severe pain stress, while the weight of the burden is insignificant, which allows you not to strain the joint-ligamentous apparatus. The endocrine system is excited, activating the sympathetic nervous system, it sends signals to where the source of stress comes from. When a muscle is tense, blood flow there is difficult, but in adipose tissue the blood flow does not stop, and hormones flow there even during the exercise.

The time to complete the exercise depends on the endurance of the individual, but should be within 20-40 seconds. You need to aim for a strong burning sensation for 4 to 8 seconds in each approach. This is enough to activate hormones.

Another important point is that when performing exercises in this mode, due to the activation of hormones, metabolism intensifies by 1.5 times, which persists for 12-24 hours.

JM: The process of fat breakdown itself occurs during work or after its completion?

Sun: If we are talking about norepinephrine and adrenaline, then lipolysis occurs directly during work and the next five minutes after its completion. These hormones easily attach to the outer membrane and do not enter the cell. Their the main role is to activate cell metabolism. Anabolic hormones, for example, growth hormone, can already penetrate into the active cell. But growth hormone has a much more prolonged effect. It enters the fat cell and remains there for several days until it is utilized. And it expels fat into the general bloodstream all night. If you have not used up your glycogen and fat reserves, then it has nowhere to go, and it can return to another segment of the body, and if energy consumption occurred during training, then this fat will be used to restore the energy potential of the muscles and for plastic processes. We lose weight and build muscle mainly at night while we sleep. And not under the influence of adrenaline and norepinephrine, but under the influence of growth hormone and testosterone. But if we talk about women, then they have little testosterone and the main factor stimulating the output fatty acids growth hormone is released into the blood. Men and women secrete this hormone in equal amounts.

ZhM: At a number of forums dedicated to strength sports in topics about local fat burning, a quote from the book “Health training using the ISOTON system” is often cited: “..Unfortunately, the distribution of fat is under strong genetic control. Therefore, “locally” fat can only be removed surgically - liposuction.” And they ask, how can Professor Seluyanov talk about local fat burning if he himself writes the opposite in his book?..

Sun: This book was written by me in collaboration with Evgeniy Myakinchenko, and he wrote the quoted section. At that time, he intensively studied aerobics, collaborated with Russian and foreign specialists, and wrote a book on aerobics. Perhaps he inadvertently inserted the text for aerobics into the book about ISOTON. I did not correct the text before printing because I could not accept that my students, who had experimentally shown the possibility of local weight loss, could write such an incorrect text. My opinion on local fat burning is clear. This is a scientifically established fact.

JM: What can you say about dietary recommendations during the period of getting rid of excess fat?

Sun: There is a training day when we do static-dynamic training. Low calorie intake is associated with hunger, and hunger is associated with brain function. In order to turn off the brain from a hunger strike, you need to constantly introduce small doses of carbohydrates before and during training sessions, as well as immediately after them. Isotonic drinks can be used; they do not cause insulin release, but a slight increase in blood glucose concentration promotes normal brain activity. There are other products that help normalize brain activity on a reduced calorie diet. For example, we recommend taking lean meat at night.

JM: What would increase the concentration of amino acids in the blood during sleep?

Sun: Not only. In addition to directly building material Lean meat contains a number of ingredients that can be absorbed in the brain instead of glucose. For example, ketones.

JM: What should we take after a workout aimed at burning fat?

Sun: After training, be sure to take a small portion of carbohydrates that does not lead to the release of insulin. For example, eat one candy and wash it down with an isotonic drink.

The principle is very simple. Eating large amounts of carbohydrates or carbohydrates with a high glycemic index causes a significant increase in blood sugar levels. This leads to a reactive release of insulin, the hormone responsible for fat storage. If you regularly stimulate the release of insulin, your adipose tissue will get used to this condition. Receptors will be formed that will bind to insulin and the cell will begin to consume carbohydrates to convert them into fat. And if you stimulate receptors that bind to somatotropin and conduct it into the cell, then adipose tissue will be built according to a completely different principle. She will be ready to give up fat, but she will poorly perceive insulin, because she will have few receptors that bind to it. Therefore, people who fast, they stimulate the development of receptors that bind to insulin, and under the influence of our isotonic exercises the opposite is true. Adipose tissue is rebuilt. If a person was starving or on a strict diet, then as soon as he switches to a normal diet, the amount of fat mass in him immediately begins to increase and returns to the original level, or even exceeds it. But this does not happen to people who practice according to our method. Our women who train using the ISOTON system go on vacation for 2-3 months in the summer, stopping training, and return to the gym in the fall, having quite decent shape, despite the lack of stress and the absence of any diet. Of course, when practicing isotonic exercise, clients receive theoretical information about the correct training methods and diet, so during rest, as a rule, they behave in a civilized manner. Naturally, in order to train such adipose tissue in yourself, it is necessary to regularly induce the release of growth hormone. That is, regularly do local strength exercises until the burning sensation occurs to cause stress.

JM: Let's move on to specific practical recommendations. For example, the goal is to remove fat in the abdominal area as quickly as possible, how often should you exercise?

Sun: Well, first, of course, you need to reduce your carbohydrate intake, especially in the afternoon, to remodel your fat tissue and make it less sensitive to insulin.

Secondly, you need to perform statodynamic exercises on the abdominal muscles daily and several times a day, doing from 30 to 90 seconds per approach, depending on your level of fitness.

JM: And from such frequent training will the endocrine system not be overloaded?

Sun: If work is performed on only one muscle, it will not work. A man, without overloading the endocrine system, can perform up to 30 approaches a day. Naturally, not at one time in a row.

JM: That is, if we usually do 3 approaches in a series at 30-second rest intervals, then during the day we can perform up to ten such series, evenly distributing them throughout the day.

Sun: Yes, but in this mode, 10 episodes a day, you can work for two weeks. Then, after all, the endocrine system will begin to overload. But in these 2 weeks the result will be visible! But 10 episodes is, of course, too harsh a regime, when a bloody nose needs to be removed from the stomach in 2 weeks. We generally recommend doing a series of abdominal exercises 30 minutes after each meal.

ZhM: But with this mode of work, it is possible to quickly get used to the load and performing the exercise will not cause pain sufficient to cause stress. Maybe it makes sense, after the pain during the exercise has decreased, to perform another static-dynamic exercise, for example, a squat, before doing abdominal exercises? There will always be pain when performing this exercise.

Sun: Yes, this is a fairly competent approach. For hormone release it is always preferable basic exercises. This is observed, for example, when training arms. When working with your hands, hormones do not want to be released; a large muscle group is insufficient. Therefore for better effect You need to do one approach on your legs first. Hormones will be released, and with subsequent approaches to the muscles being trained, we will force the hormones to be absorbed by these particular muscle groups. Moreover, one approach to the legs per day is quite enough. There is no need to do it before every episode.

JM: Can we always clearly monitor progress using anthropometric testing?

Sun: Basically yes. But there is one aspect not described in the literature. In addition to subcutaneous and visceral fat there is still fat between the muscles. Like in bacon fatty layers. Especially a lot of this fat accumulates in older people, and this fat needs to be removed. I personally had to face this problem. I went to Malta to train. I was 45 years old at the time and had not trained for a long time. I bought myself a bicycle and rode it 2-3 times every day, including in mountainous areas. I got into good shape, but when I did anthropometric testing a month and a half later, I was somewhat puzzled. Before training, the thigh circumference was 60 cm. Afterwards it became 56. And this despite the fact that strength and, accordingly, muscle mass increased, and the loss of subcutaneous fat could not lead to such a decrease in thigh circumference. And I realized that in this case there was a loss of intermuscular fat. Unfortunately, it is not possible to determine the amount of intermuscular fat using modern testing methods. Frequently former athletes preserved muscle volume and came into Gym surprised by the strong decline in results. There seems to be a little fat on the arm (leg). The girth is only 2-3 cm less than it was. Why did the strength indicators drop so much? But because there are fewer muscles than it seems. Intermuscular fat preserves the external shape of the muscles, but it is impossible to see the real picture of how much muscle and how much fat. This point needs to be known and taken into account in training and testing. It is especially pronounced in women and the elderly.

A strength exercise is the repeated performance of monotonous motor actions at a relatively low pace (1 cycle per 1-5 seconds) and significant external resistance (more than 30% of the maximum voluntary effort). Note that the concept of exercise is often used as a synonym for a holistic motor action, for example, lifting a barbell from a starting position and returning to it. In this case, the sequence of exercises of the same type is called a series. In this article we will use the following terminology:

1) Motor action (MA) - purposeful control of body parts, with the help of muscles, from the initial position to the final position and back to the original position.

2) Exercise or series - sequential performance of several similar motor actions.

3) A series of the same type of exercises or a super series - a sequence of the same type of exercises or series with short (20-60 seconds) rest intervals.

4) Set - sequential execution variety of exercises(series, super series) with short (1-3 min) rest intervals.

5) Superset - sequential performance of various exercises without a rest interval, in which the same muscles are involved, but depending on the type of exercise, the degree of their tension changes.

The system developed by Weider enjoys the greatest authority in bodybuilding. Ben Weider (championship coach) has formulated a number of principles that are outdated or false. Let us present the main ones and give them a rationale at the current level of development of sports physiology.

Factors that stimulate muscle fiber hypertrophy

Empirical studies have shown that with increasing external resistance, the maximum possible number of lifts of the projectile, or, as it is also called, the repeated maximum (RM), decreases. External resistance, which can be overcome at most once in a motor action, is taken as an indicator of the maximum voluntary force (MVS) of a given muscle group in a given motor action. If the MRL is taken as 100%, then it is possible to construct a relationship between the relative value of resistance and the repeated maximum.

An increase in strength is associated either with an improvement in the processes of controlling muscle activity, or with an increase in the number of myofibrils in muscle fibers. An increase in the number of myofibrils simultaneously leads to the proliferation of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, and in general this leads to an increase in the density of myofibrils in muscle fibers, and then to an increase in cross section. The change in cross section may also be due to an increase in mitochondrial mass, glycogen stores, and other organelles. Note, however, that in a trained person, myofibrils and mitochondria occupy more than 90% of the cross-section of the muscle fiber, so the main factor in hypertrophy is an increase in the number of myofibrils in the muscle fibers, which means an increase in strength. Thus, the goal of strength training is to increase the number of myofibrils in muscle fibers. This process occurs when synthesis accelerates and at the same rate of protein breakdown. Research in recent years has revealed four main factors that determine accelerated protein synthesis in the cell:

1) The supply of amino acids in the cell.

2) Increased concentration of anabolic hormones in the blood.

3) Increased concentration of “free” creatine in CF.

4) Increased concentration of hydrogen ions.

The second, third and fourth factors are directly related to the content of training exercises.

The mechanism of synthesis of organelles in a cell, in particular myofibrils, can be described as follows. During the exercise, ATP energy is spent on the formation of actin-myosin compounds and performing mechanical work. ATP resynthesis occurs thanks to creatine phosphate (CrP) reserves. The appearance of free creatine (Cr) activates the activity of all metabolic pathways associated with the formation of ATP, namely, glycolysis in the cytoplasm, aerobic oxidation in mitochondria - myofibrillar, located in the nucleolus and on the membranes of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SRR). In fast muscle fibers (FMF), muscle lactate dehydrogenase (M-LDH) predominates, so pyruvate produced during anaerobic glycolysis is mainly transformed into lactate. During this process, hydrogen ions (H) accumulate in the cell. The power of glycolysis is less than the power of ATP expenditure, so Kr, H, lactate (La), and ADP begin to accumulate in the cell.

Along with its important role in determining contractile properties in the regulation of energy metabolism, the accumulation of free creatine in the sarcoplasmic space serves as a powerful endogenous stimulus that stimulates protein synthesis in skeletal muscles. It has been shown that there is a strict correspondence between the content of contractile proteins and the content of creatine. Free creatine apparently affects the synthesis of messenger ribonucleic acids (i-RNA), i.e. on transcription in the nucleoli of muscle fibers (MF).

It is assumed that an increase in the concentration of hydrogen ions causes labilization of membranes (an increase in the size of pores in membranes, this leads to easier penetration of hormones into the cell), activates the action of enzymes, and facilitates access of hormones to hereditary information and DNA molecules. In response to a simultaneous increase in the concentrations of Kr and H, RNA is formed more intensively. The lifespan of mRNA is short, a few seconds during a strength exercise plus five minutes during a rest period. Then the mRNA molecules combine with polyribosomes and ensure the synthesis of cell organelles.

Theoretical analysis shows that when performing a strength exercise to failure, for example 10 squats with a barbell, at a pace of one squat per 3-5 s, the exercise lasts up to 50 s. At this time, a cyclical process occurs in the muscles: lowering and lifting with a barbell for 1-2 seconds is performed using ATP reserves; during a 2-3 s pause, when the muscles become less active (the load spreads along the spinal column and leg bones), ATP is resynthesized from CrP reserves, and CrP is resynthesized due to aerobic processes in the MMV and anaerobic glycolysis in the BMV. Due to the fact that the power of aerobic and glycolytic processes is significantly lower than the rate of ATP consumption, the CrP reserves are gradually exhausted, continuing the exercise at a given power becomes impossible - failure occurs. Simultaneously with the development of anaerobic glycolysis, lactic acid and hydrogen ions accumulate in the muscle (the validity of these statements can be seen from research data using NMR installations). As hydrogen ions accumulate, they destroy bonds in the quaternary and tertiary structures of protein molecules, this leads to changes in the activity of enzymes, labilization of membranes, and easier access of hormones to DNA. It is obvious that excessive accumulation or an increase in the duration of action of an acid, even of a not very high concentration, can lead to serious damage, after which the destroyed parts of the cell will have to be eliminated. Note that an increase in the concentration of hydrogen ions in the sarcoplasm stimulates the development of the peroxidation reaction. Free radicals can cause fragmentation of mitochondrial enzymes, which occurs most intensely at low pH values, characteristic of lysosomes. Lysosomes are involved in the generation of free radicals and catabolic reactions. In particular, in a study by A. Salminen e.a. It was shown in rats that intense (glycolytic) running causes necrotic changes and a 4-5 fold increase in the activity of lysosomal enzymes. The combined action of hydrogen ions and free CR leads to activation of RNA synthesis. It is known that Kr is present in the muscle fiber during exercise and for 30 - 60 s after it, while KrF is being resynthesized. Therefore, we can assume that in one approach to the apparatus the athlete gains about one minute of pure time, when mRNA formation occurs in his muscles. When repeating approaches, the amount of accumulated mRNA will increase, but simultaneously with an increase in the concentration of H ions, so a contradiction arises, that is, more can be destroyed than will be synthesized later. You can avoid this by doing sets with long rest intervals or training several times a day with a small number of sets in each workout.

The question of the rest interval between days of strength training is related to the rate of implementation of mRNA into cell organelles, in particular into myofibrils. It is known that i-RNA itself breaks down in the first tens of minutes after exercise, but the structures formed on their basis are synthesized into organelles within 4-10 days (obviously depends on the volume of i-RNA formed during training). In support, we can recall the data on the progress of structural transformations in muscle fibers and the subjective sensations consistent with them after working the muscle in an eccentric mode; for the first 3-4 days, disturbances in the structure of myofibrils (near the Z-plates) and severe pain in the muscle are observed, then MV normalizes and the pain goes away. You can also cite your own research data, which showed that after strength training, the concentration of urea in the blood in the morning on an empty stomach for 3-4 days is below the usual level, which indicates the predominance of synthesis processes over degradation. From the description of the mechanism of myofibril synthesis it should be clear that MMV and BMW should be trained during the performance of different exercises, using different methods.

Research by A.N. Vorobyov (1970-1980) showed that performing exercises to failure requires special organization of breathing. Studies have shown that an athlete shows the greatest strength when holding his breath and straining, he can demonstrate less strength when exhaling, but it is very difficult to lift weights at the moment of inhalation. Therefore, in one motor action we encounter the following sequence: a short inhalation at the moment of holding the weight or lowering it (an inferior mode of muscle functioning), holding the breath at the moment of contraction and overcoming the most difficult section of the trajectory, exhalation when the load on the muscles is reduced.

Straining leads to an increase in intrathoracic pressure, the heart decreases in size by up to 50%. This is caused both by the expulsion of blood from the cavities of the heart and by its insufficient inflow. At this moment, heart rate increases from a resting state from 70 to 100 beats - this is without performing a strength exercise, and systolic pressure rises to 175-200 mm Hg. The same high pressure is observed immediately after performing a strength exercise and is relatively normalized after 1 -3 min. recreation. Regular strength training exercises develop reflexes that contribute to an increase in blood pressure already at rest before training and especially before competitions and average SBP = 156 and DBP = 87 mm Hg. Art., and in heavyweights the pressure can be SBP = 170-180 mm Hg.


Obviously, only absolutely healthy people, with arteries without any signs of atherosclerosis, can use strength exercises in training. It is not difficult to imagine a situation when a person with atherosclerotic plaques begins to perform near-limit strength exercises. An increase in pressure and an increase in the speed of blood flow can lead to the separation of sclerotic plaques, their advancement along the vascular bed, and blockage of arterioles. A blood clot forms at this point, and tissues located further along the riverbed cease to receive blood, oxygen and nutrients. This is where necrosis begins - tissue death. If this happens in the heart, then a heart attack occurs. A severe condition, usually fatal, occurs when, along with the separation of the sclerotic plaque, the arterial wall ruptures.

Principles of sports strength training:

The principle of selection and technique of performing exercises. Compliance with this principle requires a clear understanding of the biomechanics of the functioning of the musculoskeletal system in the chosen exercise. It should be understood that in some cases, failure to comply with the exercise technique can lead to injury. For example, squats with heavy weights and leaning your torso forward can lead to intervertebral disc injury lumbar region spine.

The principle of quality of effort

In each main exercise it is necessary to achieve maximum and full tension. Compliance with this principle can be ensured when performing exercises in three versions.

1) The exercise is performed with an intensity of 90-100% MPS, the number of repetitions is 1-3. During this exercise and during the rest pause, there is no significant accumulation of products that contribute to protein synthesis. Therefore, these exercises are considered as training of neuromuscular control, the ability to exert maximum effort in a selected exercise (6,7,12,23].

2) The exercise is performed with an intensity of 70-90% MPS, the number of repetitions is 6-12 in one approach. The duration of the exercise is 30-70 s. This variant repeats the rule set out above for the case of increasing the number of myofibrils in the BMW and means that the effective exercise is one that is performed to failure, causing extreme splitting of CrF and a stressful state. To increase this effect, you should adhere to the principle of forced movements. The greatest effect is achieved when performing the last 2-3 repetitions, which can even be performed with the help of partners. This principle only clarifies the principle of quality of effort, i.e. it is necessary to achieve maximum cleavage of KrP, so that free Kr and H stimulate RNA synthesis, and extreme mental stress causes the release of hormones into the blood from the pituitary gland, and then from other glands of the endocrine system.

3) The exercise is performed with an intensity of 30-70% MVC, the number of repetitions is 15-25 in one approach. The duration of the exercise is 50-70 s. In this version, each exercise is performed in a static-dynamic mode, i.e. without completely relaxing the muscles during the exercise. Tense muscles do not allow blood to pass through themselves and this leads to hypoxia, lack of oxygen, and the development of anaerobic glycolysis in active muscle fibers. In this case, these are slow muscle fibers. After the first approach to the apparatus, only slight local fatigue occurs. Therefore, after a short rest interval (20-60 s), the exercise should be repeated. After the second approach, a burning sensation and pain appears in the muscle. After the third approach, these sensations become very strong - stressful. This leads to the release of a large amount of hormones into the blood, a significant accumulation of free Kr and H ions in the slow muscle fibers. In this embodiment of the implementation of the principle of quality of effort, the meaning is combined with other Weider principles:

The principle of negative movements

Muscles must be active both during contraction and lengthening, when performing negative work.

— The principle of unifying series, a system with a desire to reduce breaks (rest between approaches) or the principle of a super series. To further excite the muscles being exercised, double, triple and multiple series are used with virtually no rest. Organizing the exercise in a super series allows you to increase the residence time of free CR in the IMV, therefore more RNA should be formed. This option also implements the principle of pumping - the essence of which is to increase blood flow to the muscle. According to Weider, this should lead to an influx of useful substances to the muscle, however, we cannot agree with this point of view. The filling of the muscle with blood occurs in response to its acidification (anaerobic glycolysis), hydrogen ions during the rest pause in such a muscle interact with hemoglobin and it releases carbon dioxide. CO2 acts on vascular chemoreceptors and leads to relaxation of the muscles of arteries and arterioles. The vessels dilate and fill with blood. This does not bring any particular benefit, but it is a sure sign that the exercise was performed correctly, i.e. a lot of hydrogen ions and free dihydrogen have accumulated in the muscle fibers.

Principle of priority

In each workout, those muscle groups whose hypertrophy is the goal are trained first. Obviously, at the beginning of the exercise, the hormonal background and response of the endocrine system are adequate, the supply of amino acids in the MV is maximum, so the process of RNA and protein synthesis proceeds at maximum speed.

The principle of split or separate training

It requires building a training microcycle in such a way that developmental training for a given muscle group is performed 1-2 times a week. This is due to the fact that the construction of new myofibrils by 60-80% lasts 7-10 days. Therefore, supercompensation after strength training should be expected on days 7-15. To implement this principle, muscles are divided into groups. For example:

- Monday. Perform developmental training (4-9 approaches to the apparatus), the back extensor and trapezius muscles are trained. The remaining muscles are trained in a tonic mode (1-3 approaches to the apparatus).

- Tuesday. Perform developmental training (4-9 approaches to the apparatus), training the extensor muscles of the arms and abdominal muscles. The remaining muscles are trained in a tonic mode (1-3 approaches to the apparatus).

- Thursday. Perform developmental training (4-9 approaches to the apparatus), training the leg extensors and arm flexors. The remaining muscles are trained in a tonic mode (1-3 approaches to the apparatus).

- Friday. Perform developmental training (4-9 approaches to the apparatus), training the flexor muscles of the leg joints. The remaining muscles are trained in a tonic mode (1-3 approaches to the apparatus).

On each training day, specific muscle groups are trained. Such a combination is called a set.

The set system has two implementation options.

1) A set is a combination of exercises for different muscle groups into one group.

2) A set as a combination of exercises that differ in the method of execution, but are aimed at training the same muscle group without any rest intervals. In this version, the split system exactly repeats the idea of ​​the super series.

Super compensation system

The growth of myofibril mass requires 10-15 days, so strength training with an emphasis on muscle development should last 14 - 21 days (two to three weeks). During this time, anabolic processes should unfold, and further continuation of developmental training may interfere with the synthesis processes. Therefore, to ensure supercompensation processes, you should abandon developmental exercises for 7-14 days and perform only tonic exercises, i.e. with 1-3 approaches to each projectile.

The principle of intuition

Each athlete must rely in training not only on the rules, but also on intuition, since there are individual characteristics of adaptive reactions. The athlete must regularly lift maximum weights to assess his condition and level of fitness. These indicators are the main criterion for the effectiveness of the training process.

Principles of Healthy Strength Training

A physiological analysis of strength exercises has shown that only absolutely healthy people can use them. There is no doubt that a system of exercises such as bodybuilding is an excellent means of preventing major types of human disease, since it stimulates the activity of the endocrine and immune systems (with the exception of overtraining). However, persons with signs of atherosclerosis, spinal diseases (osteochondrosis, radiculitis), thrombophlebitis, etc. cannot afford bodybuilding classes. For most people, it is necessary to develop a gentle system of strength exercises, which should preserve everything positive about bodybuilding:

1) Stress, which causes an increase in the concentration of hormones in the blood;

2) Increasing the processes of anabolism in muscle tissue, the formation of a muscle corset;

3) Increased catabolism processes in all tissues and especially in adipose tissue, which leads to the renewal of organelles, weight loss and treatment of the hereditary apparatus of cells.

Such principles were developed in the ISOTON system. The concept of “IZOTON” has two ideas in its origin. The first is that the main means of physical education for the majority of practically healthy people, which has the highest health-improving effectiveness, are statodynamic or isotonic strength exercises. The second is the regular use of statistical dynamic exercises in a person’s life creates conditions for increasing adaptive reserves, creates an increased and constant vitality.

The implementation of ISOTON's ideas is achieved if the following principles are observed.

The principle of minimizing the increase in systolic blood pressure. It is clear that for persons with signs of atherosclerosis, it is contraindicated to perform exercises that cause an increase in systolic blood pressure of more than 150 mm Hg. Therefore, when constructing training session The following requirements must be met.

Warm up. Before the main part of the training, before strength exercises, it is necessary to achieve dilation of the arteries and arterioles by warming up. In this case, peripheral resistance decreases and the work of the left ventricle of the heart is facilitated.

Exercise in a lying position. In a standing position, the heart must pump up the blood pressure in the arteries and arterioles to such an extent as to overcome the weight and viscous resistance of the blood in the venous system, raising the blood to the level of the heart. Therefore, preference should be given to exercises performed in a lying position.

Use a minimum number of muscles in a strength exercise. When performing dynamic exercises, tensing and relaxing muscles makes the heart work easier. When performing strength exercises, when the pace is slow, the role of the muscle pump is reduced to a minimum, and when a large mass of muscles is active, with vascular occlusion, the work of the heart becomes more difficult. Therefore, in strength exercises you should use a minimum number of muscles, especially if they work in a static-dynamic mode.

Alternate exercises for relatively large muscles with training muscles with low mass. When building a set of exercises, you often have to activate large mass muscles, which creates conditions for an increase in blood pressure. Therefore, performing the following exercise for muscles with low mass will eliminate possible problems with increased blood pressure.

After each strength exercise or series, perform stretching. Stretching does not pose any special difficulties for the cardiovascular system, so there are 10-40 seconds to reduce the activity of the cardiovascular system. Muscle stretching is known to stimulate plastic processes in the muscle.

The principle of maximum stress tension. When performing strength exercises in bodybuilding, extreme stress is created by applying the principle of quality of effort and forced movements. Their implementation leads to holding your breath, straining, and a sharp increase in blood pressure. This method of performing strength exercises in isotone is not permissible, therefore strength exercises are performed taking into account the following requirements.

The intensity of muscle activation is 30-70%. Exercises are performed in static-dynamic mode. It is forbidden to hold your breath; when contracting muscles, you should exhale slowly, and when doing inferior work, inhale a short, medium-depth breath. The duration of the exercise is no less than 30 seconds and no more than 60. This time is necessary and sufficient for significant destruction of creatine phosphate molecules and moderate acidification of muscle fibers. Both of these factors are the main stimulators of protein synthesis in muscle fibers.

The exercise should be performed until there is severe pain - stress. Taking into account the above requirements creates conditions for performing strength exercises when blood flows poorly through a non-relaxing muscle. This causes the unfolding of anaerobic glycolysis even in oxidative muscle fibers. The accumulation of hydrogen ions leads first to a burning sensation in the muscles, and then to severe pain - stress.

Exercises for one muscle group are combined into a super series. When choosing an intensity of 30-50%, a strength exercise lasting 30-60 s may not cause significant acidification or pain. Therefore, after a short rest interval (20-60 s), you should repeat the strength exercise on the same muscle group. During the second and especially the third repetition, the sensation of pain appears earlier and becomes unbearable. This is precisely the state that should be achieved - a state of severe stress.

The principle of inseparability of the training process and nutrition. Performing physical exercises leads to the activation of various tissues, enhancing the processes of anabolism and catabolism in them. Depending on the diet, you can direct the course of adaptation processes in the desired direction, for example, increase muscle mass (intake of complete protein above the norm), reduce the mass of adipose tissue (intake of carbohydrates and fats below the norm).

Thus, adherence to the principles of ISOTON will make it possible to develop methods of health-improving physical culture that will ensure, with minimal risk to health, the maximum impact of hormones on the hereditary apparatus of cells of active human tissues (muscle, nervous, fat, etc.), and therefore its self-renewal - healing.


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Seluyanov Viktor Nikolaevich

Seluyanov Viktor Nikolaevich - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports, specialist in the field of biomechanics, anthropology, physiology, theory of sports and health-improving physical culture, sports adaptology, author of a number of scientific inventions and innovative technologies, creator of the health system isotone.


Isotone, this is a health system that was created by Professor V.N. Seluyanov in the mid-90s of the last century.

The name itself is isotone comes from the Greek- isos tonos, what does tone, tension mean, and if we talk about isotonic exercises, then we can translate the word isotonic as equal muscle tension during movement. as happens when you simply raise your hand. It is already becoming clear that the exercises must be done with the same muscle tension.

Purpose of the system

The goal is very simple - to make a person, improve his well-being and performance, change the composition of the body, that is, normalize the ratio of fat and muscle tissue, increase the activity of men and women of a wide age range, increase immunity, normalize the functioning of internal organs.

This system was developed on a scientific basis, that is, first scientists studied how strength exercises affect the human body, then all Western training methods were subjected to in-depth analysis, such as bodybuilding, aerobics, and sports games. Eastern health systems were also studied, such as yoga, qigong, something was taken from ours. That is, all the most popular systems from the point of view of healing the body were studied.

Then, with the help of computer modeling, it was studied how and what kind of load has a beneficial effect on our body, how the physiological systems of the body react to the load, what biochemical processes occur in the body during bodybuilding and aerobics. callanetics and other types of activities.

After the research and familiarization with scientific publications, scientists were convinced that none of the listed systems had a significant theoretical basis. In addition, publications were found in which the very low effectiveness of the most popular healing systems, such as different types aerobics

As a result, a health system was created or developed isotone, which is based on the concept that the basis of a person’s biological well-being (as a decisive condition) is, first of all, a normal state endocrine and immune systems, as well as other physiological systems of the body (cardiovascular, muscular, etc.), which, however, play a subordinate role in solving health problems.

Basic principles of the isotone health system

The concept of “IZOTON” has two ideas in its origin:

First— the main means of physical education for the majority of practically healthy people, which has the highest health-improving effectiveness, are strength static-dynamic, or isotonic exercises.

Second— regular use of static-dynamic exercises in a person’s life creates conditions for increasing adaptive reserves, creates an increased and constant vitality.

The implementation of ISOTON's ideas is achieved by observing the following principles:

The principle of minimizing the increase in systolic blood pressure It is clear that for persons with symptoms it is contraindicated to perform exercises that cause an increase in blood pressure of more than 150 mm Hg. Therefore, when constructing a training session, the following requirements must be observed.

Warm up. Before the main part of the training, before strength exercises, it is necessary to achieve dilation of the arteries and arterioles by warming up. In this case, peripheral resistance decreases and the work of the left ventricle of the heart is facilitated.

Exercise while lying down. In a standing position, the heart must increase blood pressure in the arteries and arterioles to such an extent as to overcome the weight of the blood in the venous system, raising the blood to the level of the heart. Therefore, preference should be given to exercises performed in a lying position.

Use a minimum number of muscles in a strength exercise. When performing dynamic exercises, tensing and relaxing muscles facilitate the work of the heart. When performing strength exercises, when the pace is slow, the role of the muscle pump is reduced to a minimum, and when a large muscle mass is active, with vascular occlusion, the work of the heart becomes more difficult. Therefore, in strength exercises you should use a minimum number of muscles, especially if they work in a static-dynamic mode.

Alternate exercises for relatively large muscles with low mass muscle training. When building a set of exercises, you often have to activate a large mass of muscles, which creates conditions for an increase in blood pressure. Therefore, performing the following exercise for muscles with low mass will eliminate possible problems with increased blood pressure.

After each strength exercise or series, perform a stretch. Stretching does not pose any particular difficulties to the cardiovascular system, so there is 10-40 seconds to reduce the activity of its activity. At the same time, muscle stretching stimulates protein synthesis in the muscles.

How to do the exercises

Exercises must be performed with constant muscle tension, without a relaxation phase, “to failure” or until a burning sensation in the muscles. This is a signal that you need to stop the exercise and rest. The amplitude of movement is small. The exercise lasts 30-60 seconds, rest between exercises for about 30 seconds. Here everyone approaches individually, depending on their condition. Exercises are performed in moderate pace and without holding your breath.

For example. do squats 10-20 times, rest for 30 seconds, then repeat again 10-20 times. again rest for 30 seconds, repeat the same thing a third time. We got one circle. Then rest on this muscle group for 5-10 minutes. At this time, you can work, for example, your abs, back or biceps according to the same scheme. You can do 3-4 laps in one session if you are well prepared. then 5-8 laps.

In one session, work no more than 2-3 muscle groups. We are all different, so each person must have their own individual approach. There are basic principles. and these principles must be followed.

Another important point - the exercises should be done like this. so that there is no strong acidification of the muscles. Lactic acid or hydrogen ions with strong acidification simply destroy the cell. Therefore, rest between exercises is important so that lactic acid disappears and the synthesis of new cells begins.

Isoton consists primarily of strength exercises, because the strongest release of hormones into the blood occurs during strength exercises when physiological stress is reached. Moreover, this happens best when you perform exercises in a static-dynamic mode.

Isotonic exercises for every day for a wide age range

What happens in the body when performing isotonic exercises

And this is what happens. When muscles are tense, our body experiences short-term stress, and stress includes everything that is unpleasant for our body, in this case it is muscle tension.

Mental tension arises in the cerebral cortex, which excites the pituitary gland, and the pituitary gland is a gland of the endocrine system, which is located in the brain under the main cortex.

Other glands of the endocrine system also begin to activate. The glands of the endocrine system begin to secrete somatotropic hormone or growth hormone; this hormone promotes synthesis processes in the body and activates protein. lipid, carbohydrate and mineral metabolism. The hormone builds muscles. bones, ligaments, tendons of the body.

A hormone that is important for men is released. In women it is estrogen. The main role is to perform two important functions:

  • Stimulates muscle growth, burns fat and maintains optimal bone density. Being by its chemical structure anabolic steroid, it activates the formation and renewal of cells and muscle structures
  • .Formation of secondary sexual characteristics in a man, ensuring the full functioning of the organs of the reproductive system.

Estrogens in women are steroid hormones that affect the growth and development of the genital organs, preparing a woman for motherhood. If the female body contains estrogen in sufficient quantities. then the first one. what catches your eye is beautiful figure With thin waist and beautiful hips, velvety skin.

Here are two important hormones for us: growth hormone and which the endocrine system begins to secrete when exercising with isotone. Hormones enter the cell, and as written above, the construction of new cells and muscle structures begins and are burned body fat. The body is renewed. It is the endocrine system that is responsible for the health of the body and plays an important role in human health.

  • It should be noted that hormones do not enter passive tissue, but active tissue, the one that is being worked on.
  • Hormones appear only in the presence of mental tension or stress
  • If you exercise with a barbell, then the weight should be 30-60% of maximum weight which you can lift.
  • The exercises must be performed without holding your breath.
  • Between exercises there should be a rest of 5-10 minutes so that the muscles recover and lactic acid leaves the muscles.
  • With the help of secreted hormones, you can make the blood vessels clean.
  • Be sure to warm up for 5-10 minutes and stretch before class

The theory of atherosclerosis or how to make blood vessels clean

You cannot get rid of it with jogging, since there are no conditions for the release of hormones, there is no stress or mental tension. Jogging is an easy, comfortable run, without muscle tension.

Proper nutrition and regular release of hormones help get rid of the hormone. The hormone penetrates the plaque, stays there for about a week, as a result, cholesterol will turn back into fat, the fat will release into the blood and go away. Goodbye

Performing physical exercises leads to the activation of various tissues, enhancing the processes of anabolism and catabolism in them. Depending on the diet, you can direct the course of adaptation processes in the desired direction, for example, increase muscle mass (intake of complete protein above the norm), (intake of carbohydrates and fats below the norm).

Why you shouldn't hold your breath during exercise

When a person begins to hold his breath while performing exercises, especially if he is unprepared or older, he essentially deprives the heart of blood flow and the heart beats. and the blood is not flowing properly.

Having completed the exercise, the person gets up and begins to breathe intensely, the heart beats wildly, the pressure increases, a powerful blood flow hits the vessels, and if there is something there, then this blood flow disrupts it and somewhere something is clogged and a mini-stroke results. Therefore, holding your breath is unacceptable.

Isotonic exercises

Isotone is intended for all categories of people who want to escape from a stroke or heart attack and feel like people. Regular ones offered physical exercise, which people usually forget about as they age and rely on a miracle - a pill.

As Seluyanov says, isotone is designed for men of sixty years old who are ready to die tomorrow.

However, isotone is a health system that has an evidence base. Seluyanov clearly explains what changes occur in the body when regular classes isotone.

Isoton is something that can be done anywhere, if you wish.

As an example, look at several exercises of the isotone health system. Exercises can be tailored for each person. regardless of his physical condition.

For some, lighter exercises are suitable; exercises can be done lying down or sitting. This is for people over fifty years of age whose muscles have already atrophied.

For others, the exercises are more difficult, this is for those who are younger and have not yet lost everything. The number of repetitions of the exercise is also individual. But physical activity is necessary for everyone, this is true.

A set of static-dynamic exercises

Statodynamic exercises for beautiful posture

Statodynamic training

Seluyanov Viktor Nikolaevich. Biography

Viktor Nikolaevich Seluyanov was born in 1946.

In 1970 he graduated from the State Order of Lenin Institute of Physical Culture

1979 - Candidate of Biological Sciences. Senior Researcher

1992 - defended his doctoral dissertation

1995 - received a patent “Method of changing the proportion of tissue composition of the entire human body and in its individual segments”, developed mathematical models that simulate immediate and long-term adaptation processes in the body of athletes.

Recently, he has been the head of the MIPT scientific and educational laboratory 〈 Information technologies in sports 〉, Deputy Head of the Department for Scientific Work.

Professional interests: sports anthropology, physiology, theory of sports training and health-improving physical culture.

Seluyanov Viktor Nikolaevich

Seluyanov Viktor Nikolaevich

Seluyanov published more than 100 scientific works, including: the monograph “Biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system of athletes” (1981, co-author), “Physical training in sports games” (1991, co-author), “Isoton, fundamentals of the theory of health training” (1995 year, co-author) and others.

In 1981 - laureate of the USSR Sports Committee prize for the best research work in the field of visual culture and sports.

Many famous judoka athletes practiced and continue to practice according to Siluyanov’s system: 2001 world champions Makarov, Mikhailin, 2004 Olympic bronze medalist D. Nosov, Honored Masters of Sports in Sambo D. Maksimov, Martynov, R. Sazonov.

Olympics 2004, Athens. Dmitry Nosov

World Judo Championship - 2001, Munich, Makarov Vitaly-Zamora David

Full lecture by Professor Seluyanov V.N.