Workout in the gym for 3 workouts. Weekly gym workout plan for men. For advanced athletes

Do you want to have a beautiful body and at the same time lead an active social life filled with events? Easily! Visit the gym only 3 times a week!

But first things first. Let's say you train fully seven days a week, but at some point work, girlfriend or social life gets in your way. And when this happens, you will have two options - continue to go to the gym or give up. An effective three-day workout program is the secret to how any man can stay in shape.

We are not talking about everyday back or chest training. To stay in shape and even get stronger by training only three times a week, you need something more intense. You'll benefit from a training program designed by certified strength and functional training specialist Chris Smith.

Instead of breaking down workouts by muscle group, Smith combines them into three high-impact, full-body workouts. And it is right! The most effective training program involves.

This may sound crazy, but you know what's even crazier? No parties, dates, or your nephew's football game when you're not around because you need to rock! If you want to spend more time hanging out rather than working out, here's how to do it.

Forget about traditional training

This three-day men's program targets all muscle groups. Smith praises this technique for one simple reason: High-intensity training hits muscle fibers more often, which can lead to more muscle growth.

The quadriceps that you pump with front squats during your first workout, once you have time to recover, will be pumped again when you perform back squats a couple of days later. As Smith explains, you work the muscle but don't wear it out, so it recovers after a day or so.

Change the volume of loads

This strategy allows men to train only a few times a week:

  • On day 1, choose a load of moderate intensity and volume, designed to create a so-called base for subsequent training;
  • On day 2, increase the intensity to build muscle strength and prepare your body for the third workout;
  • Day 3 is a high-volume training program that provides muscle growth and increased muscle mass.

You will have to do grueling work in the gym on the last training day of the week, and then your muscles will recover for two whole days.

Over the weekend, you may be thinking about doing another strength training session. Do not do that. According to Smith, each workout should be performed once per microcycle (one week). There must be at least one day off between them. Gym visits must be on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to free up the weekend.

The devil is in the details

During each workout, you will perform alternating sets of exercises consisting of complex, multi-joint movements. Compound exercises work a huge number of muscle fibers at once, giving you more bang for your buck. You'll do these compound exercises in multiple alternating sets because they're so damn grueling.

How to do alternating sets? Perform the first exercise (for example, pull-ups) and then rest for a certain amount of time. After you have rested, perform the following exercise. Continue until you have completed all the recommended sets, and then move on to the next set of exercises.

Doing exercises like this allows you to lift heavy weights set after set, because you will have more time to recover. Don't forget to rest. Rest is essential to achieve optimal results.

Training weight

Choose a load that will allow you to complete all the recommended reps while maintaining control and form. Smith leaves one or two reps in reserve at the very beginning, and during the third workout he works to muscle failure. If you feel like you can do more reps on your last set, increase the weight the following week.

General developmental exercises

Such exercises will not take much time, so you can start them immediately after strength training. Smith chooses jogging as her cardio workout. Running affects the glutes, quads and calves, reducing fat reserves. Running outdoors strengthens your muscles and joints. Various terrain will not allow you to disengage and move on autopilot. If you are injured and cannot run, ride a bike.

A large number of beginners or more experienced athletes are interested in the following questions: what is the best gym workout program for men? is it working?? This training program in the gym is working and effective. The program is designed to visit the gym three times a week.

As many years of practice and advice from professionals show, visiting the gym three times a week is the most optimal for most people. But, alas, almost all beginners cannot create a program for themselves (they lack knowledge in this area), so this article outlines a training program three times a week.

Worth remembering: The base is the head of everything. Basic exercises are what everyone should do - Psitting up, bench press, deadlift.

Many people neglect the basics and then whine about why there is no result. Many newbies make a grave mistake. Usually they only pump up their biceps and sometimes their chest, and wait to see why they don’t have the same results as Arnold Schwarzenegger. So you want to be beautiful, big, strong? – We do basic exercises and other exercises.

Eat right, exercise with an emphasis on basic exercises and in 2-3 months you will have good results.

Training program for gaining muscle mass 3 times a week

Monday: legs – deltoids

  • Squats – 5 sets of 5 times, warm-up: 2 x 20 kg x 20 times (warm-up), 30 x 10, 40 x 8, 50 x 6, and 5 x 5 – working (60 kg);
  • Front squat 3x8;
  • Hook machine 3x15 (half squats);
  • Dumbbell lateral raises 4x15;
  • Lifting dumbbells in front of you 4x15 for a total of 30;
  • Standing calf raises 2 x 25;
  • Press 3x20;
  • Leg raises on the horizontal bar 3x10;

Wednesday: Chest – Triceps

  • Bench press 5x5 working weight, 2x20 kg warm-up, 30x10, 40x 8, 50x 6, 60-5x5;
  • Incline barbell press 4x8;
  • Dumbbell bench press 4x 15;
  • Standing barbell chest press 4x15;
  • Lifting dumbbells in front of you on one arm 4 x 15 (15 on one arm);
  • French press 3x 6;
  • Press 3x20;
  • Leg raises on the horizontal bar 3x10;

Friday: back – biceps

  • Deadlift 5x5, warm-up 40x10, 60x8, 90x6, working 100kg 5x5 (choose the weight according to you);
  • Seated block row to the chest 4 x 15 (choose the weight so that in the 4th approach you can do 15 times);
  • Pull-ups to the chest 3 x 3-8; if it’s hard then barbell row to the belt 4x15;
  • Biceps curls, medium grip, warm-up 20 kg for 20 reps, working 30 kg 4x15;
  • Dumbbell hammer raises while standing 4x15 (15 times per arm, 30 in total);
  • Press on the bench, sit-ups 4x20;
  • Leg raises on the floor 3x15;

Useful tips or secrets:

  • If Mon, Wed, Fri doesn't suit you, That Tue, Thu, Sat will be more convenient for you;
  • The program is very effective. The program was compiled for you by a master of sports in powerlifting and a world championship medalist. Therefore, get yourself a training diary and beautifully write down everything you did or what didn’t work out. You can ask your questions below in the comments, about weight loss, exercise, diets - I will try to answer everyone if possible;
  • Carefully monitor the loads, if it’s hard, reduce the weight, if it’s not enough, add a little, but so that you can complete the 4th approach for 15 times, or the 5th set of the base for 5 times.
  • We remember that it is impossible to build up muscles without a proper diet, so you can read the article on how to gain muscle mass quickly; you can also buy one to enhance the effect.

There are three types of omega-3 fats:

  1. ALA (alpha-linolenic acid).
  2. DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).
  3. EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid).

ALA is an essential fat that must be obtained from the diet. In limited quantities, the body is able to convert EPA and DHA from ALA.

Including omega-3 fatty acids and foods rich in DHA and EPA in a man's diet has a positive effect on overall physical and mental health.


  1. Reduced inflammation

Omega-3 can reduce inflammation, which causes chronic diseases as well as joint pain. This is also useful for those men who play sports, as it allows them to train more and recover faster.

  1. Fat Loss

Omega-3, when combined with a healthy diet and daily physical activity, can promote fat loss and improve body composition.

  1. Heart Health Support

Research shows that including omega-3s as part of a balanced diet can reduce the risk of death from a heart attack, as well as reduce high blood pressure in men and prevent heart rhythm problems. In addition, omega-3 may improve cardiorespiratory function, allowing athletes to compete at a high level for longer periods of time.

  1. Reducing the risk of developing diabetes

Men with the highest levels of EPA, DHA and DPA in their blood had a 33% lower risk of diabetes than men with the lowest levels.

  1. Improved cognitive function

Omega-3 may improve reaction speed and overall brain function, as well as protect against brain development.


Omega-3 benefits include alpha-linolenic (ALA), eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids. Good sources of ALA are:

  • cold pressed flaxseed oil – 7 g per tablespoon,
  • dried chia seeds (5 g per 30 g of product),
  • black walnuts (3 g per cup),
  • oil (0.9 g per tablespoon).

EPA and DHA are mostly obtained from fish, chicken, shrimp and eggs. Some particularly good sources of EPA and DHA:

  • cooked Atlantic herring (1.3 g EPA and 1.5 g DHA per fillet),
  • cooked salmon (0.9 g EPA and 0.6 g DHA per 85 g),
  • black cod (0.7 g EPA and 0.8 g DHA per 85 g),
  • cooked mackerel (0.4g EPA and 1.4g DHA per fillet).

Green leafy vegetables, edible seaweed and hemp seeds also contain omega-3s.


ALA is found in some vegetable oils, walnuts, flaxseeds and soy products. EPA and DHA are found in fish, seafood and fish oil. The table below shows foods that are sources of omega-3 fats.


How much Omega-3 should a man consume?

The amount of omega-3 required by the body depends on age and gender. Your doctor may also recommend more omega-3s if you have or are at risk for heart disease.

You can get the recommended amount of EPA and DHA by eating 85 to 170 grams of oily fish at least 3 times a week. The Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences recommends that omega-3 constitute 1–2% of the total daily caloric intake of an adult man. The World Health Organization recommends that at least 0.5% of daily calories come from ALA (that's about 1.1 grams per day if a person eats 2,000 calories per day). This need is covered, for example, by half a cup of walnuts.

Working out in the gym will help you improve the condition of your body, create beautiful muscle definition, and get rid of excess weight and sagging skin. Beginners should start with light exercises, performing a set of exercises in the gym for men 3 times a week.

In order to build your body, the gym has all the conditions - any exercise equipment, sports equipment, instructors. Beginners should pay attention to the introductory course of exercises, designed for 2-3 months. The introductory course will help you avoid the main mistakes of beginners - sprains and injuries. Will it help a man?

Rules for completing the introductory course

  1. You must familiarize yourself very carefully with the rules for performing this or that exercise, and try to perform them exactly according to the instructions.
  2. A set of exercises for working out in the gym will help you quickly lose weight if you exercise 3 times a week.
  3. You should not refuse the introductory course, since its goal is to accustom the muscles to loads. Completing the introductory course will help you avoid muscle strains and tears.
  4. Many instructors advise their students to take several photos of their body before starting training.
  5. After completing the introductory course, it will be interesting to compare before and after photos.

Important! To begin with, you should select the weight of sports equipment or set the load on the exercise equipment so that performing the exercise does not cause severe fatigue. There should be no pain or burning sensation. Is it possible to eat this product after training?

Where does the introductory course begin? The course is divided into three lessons per week. Classes should take place on Monday, Wednesday and Friday:

  1. Classes begin with warming up the muscles. To warm up your muscles, you can run on a treadmill or jump rope. Warm-up time: 8 minutes.
  2. Then they start pumping the press. The lower part of the press should be pumped in 2 sets of 15 times. The upper abdominal muscles are pumped in 3 sets of 10 times
  3. Then pull-ups are performed. You need to do 2 sets of 8 pull-ups.
  4. The next exercise is the bench press. Can be performed both on a machine and with a barbell. The exercise is performed in 2 sets of 8 times.
  5. After the bench press, do the leg press. Do the exercise in 2 sets of 10 times.
  6. At the end of the session, stretch the warmed muscles.

Important! The number of approaches must begin with 2. Then gradually increase the number of approaches to 4 for each exercise.

Exercise programs for weight loss in the gym

Very often, people who have never exercised before come to the gym to lose weight. You should take seriously not only the beginning of training, but also subsequent training. Very often, problem areas in which you need to lose weight are your arms and buttocks. Therefore, it is very important to perform a set of exercises for your arms in the gym and for your buttocks every session.

But exercise alone will not be enough to lose weight; you should also focus on proper nutrition. Weight loss will occur if you reduce the proportion of carbohydrates in your diet and eat more protein to build a beautiful body. If you build the right diet, then weight loss in problem areas will occur precisely through physical activity, and not by cutting the calorie content and nutritional value of the menu.

Important to consider! Don’t forget about minerals and vitamins during training. Be sure to take vitamin complexes in addition to your daily diet. About what it is.

Sample exercise plan


Classes begin with leg presses. Can be performed on a platform with your feet wide apart. The socks need to be turned out. Next, bench press the barbell while lying on a bench. After the barbell bench press, you need to start doing push-ups from the floor with your palms wide apart. The lesson ends with abdominal pumping on an inclined board.


The lesson begins with a forward bend with a barbell or a bend with dumbbells. This exercise includes any set of back exercises in the gym. Next, you should move on to hyperextension in the simulator, but without weight.

The next exercise is pull-ups on the bar. Then you should start doing shoulder presses in the machine. The lesson ends with abdominal swings on the wall bars.


Begin the lesson by doing squats with weights. Next, they move on to bending the legs on the simulator. Then they begin to straighten their legs on the simulator. This is a set of exercises for the buttocks in the gym.

The goal of training in the gym is not to increase the weight of the equipment or increase the number of repeated exercises. It is quite enough for a man of average build to add 1 kg to the weight of the shells every two to three weeks. So, a set of exercises in the gym for men 3 times a week is easy enough to put together on your own to ultimately get excellent results.

Let's consider a program of classes in the gym, designed for those who plan to attend it 3 times a week. The main goals that it will achieve are training the main muscle groups and rapid weight gain.

In order to get good results, you need to exercise regularly and give your best in training.

Classes 3 times a week

The classic training program for non-professional athletes includes 3 groups of exercises divided by day of the week. Training days should alternate with rest days. This is due to the need for time to restore physical and psychological shape.

This training program in the gym for men 3 times a week is designed for 1-1.5 months of training with increasing weights each cycle (once a week), and after the total period, correction is necessary by replacing or adding exercises.

There are no training programs that you can do for more than 2 months without changing it.

1 training day: working out the pectoral muscles and triceps

  • Classic bench press: 4 sets, 8-12 reps.
  • Dips: 4 sets, 8-15 reps.
  • Standing French dumbbell press: 3 sets, 10-15 reps. Technique of execution in .
  • Seated wrist flexion and extension: 3 sets, 10-15 reps. .

Day 2: back, abs, shoulders

  • Barbell deadlift: 4 sets, 6-10 reps. Look carefully at the variations and technique -.
  • Seated lat pulldown: 3 sets, 10 to 15 reps.
  • Dumbbell pullover in a lying position: 3 sets of 10-15 reps.
  • Arnold press: 4 sets of 8-12 reps - .
  • Standing barbell row to the chin: 3 sets of 10-15 reps.
  • Lateral swings with dumbbells: 3 sets of 10-15 reps.
  • Incline crunches: 3 sets, 10-15 reps.
  • Lying leg raises: 3 sets, 10-15 reps.

Day 3: legs and biceps

Don’t forget that before training you definitely need to have a good workout to prepare your body for work. After you complete all the exercises, do. Usually, beginners do not pay attention to this issue - understanding how important a good warm-up and cool-down is comes to them later. But you can get it right from the start by incorporating these essential parts of your training program.

Selecting projectile weight

If you are just starting to exercise, or have had a long break, you should not use maximum weights. In this case, there is a high probability of injury.

In addition, if you are new to training, you first need to develop technique, and with heavy weights this is very difficult to do.

First, the muscles must learn the correct pattern of movement and get used to the load. After this, you can build up a lot of weights - after all, in order to make muscles grow, you still need to work with full dedication, and you can’t do this without really heavy weights.

How to increase weight in exercises, such as the bench press, read.

When you get to this stage, the weight of the apparatus in each exercise should be such that you work the target muscles to failure for the required number of repetitions. Ideally, at the end of each set you should feel like you can't do any more reps.

Feelings while doing the exercise

While doing the exercises, you need to mentally concentrate on the work of the target muscles.

For example, if you are doing a barbell clean, you should focus your attention on the pectoral muscles and feel how they do their job, taking the lion's share of the load during the rise and slow, controlled lowering of the apparatus. This is a very important point that must be kept in mind in order to get really good results from your training.

If you're just starting out and your muscles are doing hard work that they're not used to, they'll be pretty sore in the first few weeks. This is absolutely normal, but the pain goes away over time.

In order to avoid pain or simply reduce it to a minimum, you need to enter the training process as smoothly as possible - you can start with a light half-hour workout with minimal weights, and then gradually increase the size of the weights.

Increasing load

In order to progress quickly, you need to regularly increase the load. You can do this 2-4 weeks after you enter the training process and start training with the weights that will be optimal for you at first. Next, in a 3-day gym training program for men, it is necessary to increase weights at least once every 2 weeks.

If the size of the weights does not increase, the muscles get used to the work and over time react to it worse and worse, as a result their growth slows down. The transition to working with heavy weights is the main method of increasing the load, which is sure to help achieve excellent results in building the body of your dreams.