Upper body workout exercises. Upper body fitness - what is it. What is the Upper body fitness lesson for?

Upper body fitness, what it is, and how you can model your body using special exercises for the “upper” muscles - the answer to this question can only be found in the fitness room with an experienced trainer.

Upper body fitness - what is it?

Upper body workouts are perfect for developing muscle groups in the shoulders, arms, abs and back. They can improve blood circulation and help fight overweight, correcting the figure.

A correctly selected set of Upper body exercises will help reduce your waist, giving it a noticeable slimness and a flat stomach.
Upper body fitness training is distinguished by its intensity. It is for this reason that it is best to take some time to warm up in advance. Aerobics is perfect for this. This way you will set yourself and your body up for high level loads, excluding unpleasant consequences.

Features Upper body fitness

Upper body classes are designed to use a variety of sports equipment in the form of dumbbells, body bars, step platforms, rubber shock absorbers, medicine balls, etc. The duration of classes is from 45 to 55 minutes. The load and weight of weights must be selected individually based on the level of training and physical capabilities.
Beginners begin their workouts in a lighter mode, for example, with dumbbells. Experienced athletes choose sports equipment with heavy weight. One way or another, the load is selected from the individual characteristics of each.
Upper body classes can be held in sports clubs and independently at home. It is important to take into account that personal trainer will competently select a lesson plan and individual load, and also instruct in the choice of strength equipment. At home, you are your own coach.
If you are a supporter of the latter version of upper body exercises, then you will need dumbbells and a huge supply of patience, endurance and desire to achieve results. You can create your own personal training plan and strictly follow it. As a reminder, place it where you can see it and mark it with a bright marker. It is recommended to exercise no more than 3 times a week. However, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of your body. After exercise, muscle recovery takes up to 2 days. Breaks are usually filled with lower body workouts or combined with cardio workouts.

Upper body fitness - exercises

We present to your attention simple exercises, specially selected for practicing in a relaxed environment at home. All you need is dumbbells and a serious attitude to achieve results.
    If you want to improve the condition of your biceps, you need to do it regularly. next exercise. Stand so that your heels are touching and your toes are pointed out. Hands should be kept along the body, with palms facing forward. Alternately bending your arms with dumbbells at the elbow, perform up to 30 approaches for each arm at an average pace. If the goal is to improve the condition of the triceps and forearm muscles, perform the following exercise. We stand so that our heels are touching and our toes are apart. It is important to maintain an angle of 45 degrees. We hold our hands along the body, the state is relaxed. We take a dumbbell in each hand and raise our hands to our shoulders, touching them. Then you need to raise your arms up and lower them to your shoulders, after which we return to the starting position. It is necessary to do 15-35 repetitions at an average pace. If you need to strengthen the deltoid and pectoral muscles, it is important to perform the following exercise. It is performed standing, but the arms must be raised to shoulder level, while keeping the palms so that they are directed inward. We hold dumbbells in our hands and spread them, holding them straight to the sides, rising on our toes. Then we return to the original position. At an average pace, it is recommended to do 8-12 repetitions. If you want to be proud beautiful back, the following exercise will suit you. It should be performed standing with your feet wide apart. We raise our arms with dumbbells above us and, exhaling, bend forward. We make sure that the legs do not bend. Inhaling, we straighten up. Slowly, we do 10-12 repetitions. If you have long dreamed of flat stomach, then this exercise is just what you need. It is recommended to take a sitting position. It is better to use a chair for these purposes, as it is convenient to place your feet behind its legs. We raise our hands to our shoulders and tilt our body back, then return to the original position. Performing this exercise slowly, you need to do 8-10 repetitions.

Upper body fitness - video

Each of us has specific goals for going to the gym. Men most often need sculpted muscles, women - a slim body and elastic buttocks, and both – moderately pumped up abs. And since absolutely universal complexes does not exist, to obtain high-quality results, it is advisable to choose the most suitable program for this. For all muscle groups of the upper half of the body, this is Upper Body fitness (literal translation - “ top part body"), whose popularity is growing almost every day. We will briefly answer all questions about Upper Body - what it is, what exercises the complex contains, what weights you will have to work with, whether it is effective for losing weight and much more - in this article.

First of all, these include:

  • back;
  • shoulders;
  • hands;
  • breast;
  • press.

Equipment and inventory used

The most common practice in the “upper body” set of exercises is:

  • step platforms;
  • dumbbells of various weights;
  • rods with weighted tips (body-bar) and rods;
  • medicine balls and fitballs;
  • rubber shock absorbers, etc.

In addition, for those who want to speed up the process of burning fat, classes can be carried out in a thermal belt for weight loss.

Brief description of a standard lesson

A typical session is usually about 45 minutes long (which is somewhat shorter than lower body strength training because there is no aerobic warm-up required).

Already in the warm-up part, the above begins to apply strength equipment. At first, light weights are chosen - ideal for warming up all muscle groups and joints, as well as stretching tendons.

The warm-up is followed by a lighter version of pre-stretching (stretching the muscles of the arms and back), after which light weights are changed to heavier ones and the main Upper Body workout begins.

The first muscle group to be worked on is all large and deep (in other words, the back and chest are loaded).

Lastly come .

The techniques used during the exercises are very diverse. Among them:

  • spring;
  • “static” spring;
  • technique of ascents and decreases (by count);
  • rapid downward movements followed by slow ascents, etc.

Achieved results

The gym, which serves mainly for working with serious weights, involves no more than 8-12 repetitions of certain actions. In fitness programs, of which Upper Body is one, the situation is the opposite.

This complex, designed for training mainly not with a barbell, but with light dumbbells and body bars, allows each exercise to be repeated several dozen times. muscles and their toning are optimal, however, the program was not initially designed to acquire a powerful relief pattern and quickly build muscle mass. That is why Upper Body enjoys the greatest popularity among the fair half of humanity, for whose representatives flexibility and endurance do not imply the accompanying appearance of powerful and not very attractive muscles of the “male” type.

Who needs such training?

Taking into account the results that training in the Upper Body system leads to, the complex can undoubtedly be useful:

  • the already mentioned female persons (who want to make their body beautiful, elastic and resilient, but without a visible increase in superficial muscles);
  • everyone who wants to start full-fledged training without even an initial level of training;
  • people whose lifestyle involves daily increased loads on the spine and who do not have at least some developed muscles press and back (responsible for the stable position of the body and support of the spine);
  • physically well prepared and not suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, relatively elderly people aged 50+ (in the latter case permission to work with heavy weights can only be given by a specialized doctor).

The complex (especially its strength part) is strictly prohibited only for hypertensive patients, “heart patients” and the already mentioned representatives of the group of people whose spinal problems are quite serious - it is more suitable for them.

Principles for selecting the weight of sports equipment

First of all, weight selection is carried out based on the level of general physical training. However general principles are observed for everyone, and include the following rules regarding the performance of exercises with maximum loads:

  • weight loss for, if push-ups were done before;
  • limiting the weight of weights on the bar to 10, maximum 15 kg on each side;
  • performing deadlifts only with a barbell, and not with a light body bar (excessive weight reduction when this exercise is also not recommended because it simply won't make sense).

When and how to do Upper Body?

The optimal number of classes is three times a week.

The optimal combination with other complexes is Upper Body + cardio training. First of all, this is recommended for parallel strengthening of the heart muscle, which is necessary for any increase in physical activity. In addition, good results are obtained by combining an upper bodysuit with some kind of “combat” aerobics - for example.

A mandatory principle is systematic attendance at classes. Often active training allow you to achieve initial results quickly enough positive effects, after which the joy of improving well-being leads to the fact that they simply quit going to the gym. The result is wasted time, and returning to classes becomes more difficult the longer the break is (just one missed week results in muscle pain, and two or three return the general condition of the body and muscle network to their original positions).

On days free from visiting the gym, a certain set of lighter ones (even without sports equipment and equipment - although, as follows from numerous training videos, the same dumbbells can easily be replaced at home with water bottles). Only this approach will provide the muscles with constant tone and “memory” of the load.

Muscle training

In any fitness complex (and Upper Body is no exception), high-quality muscle development is impossible with a limited number, as well as the method and magnitude of load application. For example, to pump up the triceps you will need:

  • straight push-ups (wide grip);
  • straight push-ups (narrow grip);
  • reverse push-ups;
  • use of auxiliary tools and equipment.

Can Upper Body be used for weight loss?

Theoretically, this is possible by including more minor stretches, push-ups, back raises and various twists into the exercise routine. However, it should be understood that without restricting yourself in nutrition, you will not be able to achieve the desired effect (fitness does not directly promote fat burning, but only strengthens muscles that relax and become flabby in areas that lose fat accumulation).

Upper Body is a strength fitness class aimed at developing the muscles of the upper body. This complex contains exercises from the simplest to the most complex, depending on the level of training, for the abdominal muscles, back, arms, pectoral muscles. They will help to effectively correct problem areas. As a result regular training your hands will gain beautiful shape, your back will become flexible, your waist will become thin, and your stomach will become flat and elastic! To perform the exercises you will need a step platform, a body bar, dumbbells and a mat.

Have a strong healthy body– this means that you not only look good, but also take care of your body throughout your life. It is important not only to develop and strengthen your cardio system, but also to maintain a healthy normal weight, but it is important to build up and strengthen muscle mass, which helps strengthen and support the entire body as a whole. The Upper body class helps you achieve these goals through daily training. Because when you have weak muscles, you are more susceptible to joint pain and various diseases (such as osteoporosis). But thanks regular classes fitness class Upper Body (Upper Body) You can prevent diseases, strengthen and build muscle mass, develop and maintain a strong and healthy body throughout your life. The Upper Body strength class is one of the most effective fitness classes, since after several weeks of classes the result is already visible.

When do you decide to start classes? power class Upper Body You should consider factors such as age, general health, and current fitness level.

If you are a beginner and have never done strength training before, it is better to start with classes with lightweight strength equipment (dumbbells, etc.), which will be productive and useful for you.

For people who are experienced in strength training, they should use exercises and weights of strength equipment that take into account their personal fitness level.

If you are over 60 years old, you should consult a doctor to determine the optimal load for your health in this fitness class in order to minimize possible risks to the body.

In a fitness club, in addition to Upper Body classes, the trainer may recommend additional training in gyms. Then be sure to consult with a trainer about each simulator you need to perform the exercises:

How to do it correctly on each simulator exercises,

· with what weight,

· number of approaches performed,

· how to use exercise equipment correctly (how to change weight, etc.),

· how to breathe correctly while doing exercises.

If you plan to visit regularly Gym, it is advisable to formulate a plan for your training with your trainer, which you will adhere to for several months to obtain the desired results.

To practice Upper Body at home, you will need to purchase dumbbells (the weight of the dumbbells depends on your level of physical fitness and load). Be sure to put the dumbbells in the room in a place where they will always be in your field of vision, since you will constantly see them and remember that you need to do the exercises. It is advisable that they lie in the same place, and then, gradually, exercising at home with dumbbells will become your habit. You need to mark the schedule of classes at home on the calendar and mark the day of classes in a bright color, so that it is imprinted in your visual memory that you have to do some important thing - and you will definitely remember about classes. After all, the most important thing in Upper Body is regularity, then there will be a guaranteed effect!!!

The following exercises are designed for exercise both in a fitness club and at home.


· rest between approaches should not exceed 2 minutes;

· muscles must rest for 48 hours after training for complete recovery;

· training should combine exercises for the muscles of the arms, abdomen, back and pectoral muscles.

Exercises with dumbbells in the Upper Body class:

1. Alternating flexion hands in the elbow joints (for biceps). Starting position (IP) – heels together, toes slightly apart, arms straight along the body, palms forward. 1 – bend left hand, 2 – lowering your left hand down, bend your right hand. The pace is average, repeat 20-30 times with each hand.

2. Simultaneous and alternate squeezing of dumbbells (for the muscles of the forearm and triceps). I.p. – basic stance (heels together, toes apart (no more than 45 degrees), arms relaxed along the body, back straight, chest raised, head held straight). 1 – bend your elbows until the dumbbells touch your shoulders, 2 – raise your arms up (squeeze), 3 – lower your arms to your shoulders, 4 – lower them down. The pace is average, repeat 15-35 times.

3. Arm movements, as when swimming crawl (for biceps, triceps, deltoids and trapezius muscles). I.p. – legs are foot-width apart, slightly bent at the knees, the torso is slightly tilted forward, the left arm is pulled back and slightly bent in elbow joint. The right arm is raised forward to the height of the head and also slightly bent at the elbow joint. 1 – arcuate movement right hand top - down - back, 2 - the left hand moves back - up - forward - down. The movements are performed alternately with the right and left hands and resemble the movements of a swimmer when swimming in the crawl style with arms extended. The pace is average. Repeat 15-30 times with each hand.

4. The same thing, but in the opposite direction. Copy the movements of a swimmer using the back crawl method. The pace is average. Repeat 10-15 times.

5. Raising straight arms to the sides (for deltoids and pectoral muscles). I.p. – legs, in the main stance (see exercise 2), arms raised forward to shoulder height, palms inward. 1 – spread your arms to the sides and rise on your toes, 2 – bring your arms forward. The pace is average. Repeat 8-12 times.

6. Bend the torso forward (for the back muscles). I.p. – legs spread wide, arms raised up. 1 – tilt your torso, without bending your legs, forward (exhale), 2 – straighten up (inhale). The pace is average. Repeat 10-12 times.

7. Roundabout Circulation torso (for the oblique muscles of the abdomen and lower back). I.p. – feet shoulder-width apart, arms raised up. Circular rotation torso to the right and left side. The pace is slow. Repeat 5-8 times in each direction.

8. Circular movement of the body while sitting (for oblique and rectus muscles abdominals). I.p. - sit on a chair, with your toes hooked onto a table, bed or other object, hands to your shoulders. Circular rotation of the body to the right then to the left at a slow pace. Repeat 3-5 times in each direction.

9. Tilt of the torso while sitting on a chair (for the abdominal muscles). I.p. - Same. 1 – bend the torso back, 2 – take the i.p. The pace is slow. Repeat 8-10 times.

Today, various fitness clubs offer a wide range of fitness options. For example, one of popular types fitness is upper body- special power complex, aimed at developing the muscles of the upper body. What are the features of upper body fitness?

In upper body workouts target muscles shoulder girdle and arms, abdominal and back muscles. Upper body exercises develop muscle strength, improve blood circulation in tissues. The upper body complex helps well in the fight against figure flaws: thanks to the upper body, you can make your waist slimmer and your stomach flatter.

Upper body classes are quite intense, therefore, those who are just starting this complex are recommended to do aerobics beforehand in order to prepare their body for such stress.

During upper body classes, various Sports Equipment: dumbbells, body bars, step platforms, rubber shock absorbers, medicine balls, etc. Usually the lesson lasts 45-55 minutes. As a rule, aerobic warm-up is not expected: the warm-up is immediately performed on the equipment. The weight of weights when working in upper body classes is selected in accordance with the level of training.

Yes, newbies It is recommended to start training with lightweight strength equipment, for example, dumbbells. People who already have some experience strength training, it is useful to use equipment that weighs more, but the selection of equipment should be strictly individual.

You can do upper body workouts both in the fitness club and at home.. At the club, a trainer will help you create an optimal training plan and provide instructions on how to use power equipment. At home you will have to be your own coach.

Dumbbells are required for upper body workouts at home, as well as “iron” willpower, because sometimes it can be difficult to force yourself to exercise. You can help yourself by making a study schedule and posting it in a visible place. Every time a calendar with training days marked, for example, with a bright marker, comes into view, you can remember the need to work out.

Upper body workouts should be done 3 times a week, although on the individual recommendation of the trainer the number of classes can be changed. For complete muscle recovery after each session, it takes at least 48 hours, so you can exercise the muscles in the breaks between sessions. bottom part body or do cardio training.

Here are some examples upper body exercises with dumbbells at home.

Exercise for biceps. The exercise is performed standing. The heels are brought together, the toes are slightly apart, the hands are located along the body with the palms facing forward. Taking a dumbbell in each hand, you should alternately bend your arms at the elbow joint. The exercise is performed at an average pace. The number of repetitions is 20-30 times for each hand.

Exercise for triceps and forearm muscles. The exercise is performed standing. The heels are moved together, the toes are spread apart at an angle of no more than 45 degrees, the arms are located along the body, without tension. Taking a dumbbell in each hand, on the count of one you should raise your hands to your shoulders (the dumbbells should touch your shoulders), on the count of two - raise your hands up (“squeeze”), on the count of three - lower them back to your shoulders and on the count of 4 - return your hands to the starting position. The exercise is repeated 15-35 times, it must be performed at an average pace.

Exercise for deltoid and pectoral muscles. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercises, but the arms are raised forward to shoulder height. The palms “look” inward. On the count of one, spread your straight arms (with dumbbells) to the sides and rise on your toes; on the count of two, return your arms to their original position. Perform the exercise at an average pace, repeat 8-12 times.

Exercise for back muscles. The exercise is performed standing. Feet wide apart, take dumbbells in your hands and lift them up. As you exhale, tilt your body forward without bending your legs, and as you inhale, straighten up. Perform the exercise at an average pace, repeat 10-12 times.

Abdominal exercise. The exercise is performed while sitting: you need to sit on a chair, put your toes behind a table, bed or sofa, and raise your arms to your shoulders. On the count of one, tilt the body back, on the count of two, return it to its original position. Perform the exercise at a slow pace. Repeat 8-10 times.

How you want to look great! So that not only your acquaintances, but also yourself can admire your figure and posture. There are many and one of them is Upper Body. What is this in fitness? That's what we'll talk about now.

A little about the training

The name of the system already speaks for itself. Upper body training. The bulk of the time in classes is aimed at strengthening the muscles: chest, arms, abdomen, neck and shoulders. Special equipment for weights is used. This includes dumbbells and body bars.

Let's move on to the tasks of the Upper Body system. The exercises used in the classes help improve, restore and strengthen the motor function of the limbs. Solve problems associated with the spine.

Basically, Upper Body differs from other activities aimed at getting a great figure. There is only one thing that unites them:

  • Proper nutrition. Minimum sweets and starchy foods.
  • Compliance with the exercise regime and the need for rest after them.
  • Always and everywhere follow the recommendations of the sports instructor.
  • Physical activity after training.
  • Drink more water.

Upper Body classes will help make your figure the figure of your dreams, and your posture stately and graceful.

Where are we going?

When starting to play sports, every person knows approximately what result he wants to get. This system is no exception. That’s why now we’ll talk about where Upper Body will lead us - a workout that many have heard about for the first time.

  • The general condition of the body will improve. The spine is the support of the entire body. If problems associated with it arise, they immediately affect the entire body.
  • Your posture will become beautiful.
  • Your shoulders will not appear full.
  • You will feel the strength in your muscles.
  • Blood circulation in tissues will improve.
  • Figure flaws will be corrected. The waist will be thin and the stomach will be flat.
  • Will you do it? beautiful muscles arms and body, strengthen your back.

How tempting? All that remains is to gain willpower and find a good instructor. By the way, you will also need dumbbells, medicine balls, and a step platform.

We figured out a little about the question of Upper Body - what it is, and now about how...

Lesson in progress

Let's start with the fact that during classes you will use sports equipment. By the way, it was mentioned above. Thanks to special devices, the training will be more intense, the muscles will be well worked out. The duration of the classes is forty-five minutes. No aerobic warm-up, just basic exercises using special equipment. Which weighting agent should be used depends on the individual characteristics of the person. For beginners, it is best to use dumbbells, experienced athletes can take heavy equipment.

Upper Body classes - what are they and where else can they be held? What this is is already known, and in addition to the fitness club, they can also be carried out at home. Of course, it is best to perform the exercises under the supervision of a professional, but this does not always work out. If you decide to practice at home, then you will need dumbbells and a special diary. This is where you will record your study schedule.

Training frequency

It is too important factor, which influences the result. Experts advise conducting classes three times a week. But this amount can be reduced or increased. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the person. Muscles recover after training for two weeks. During these fourteen days, it is advisable to exercise the lower body: legs and buttocks.

Upper Body - what is it in fitness? These are exercises for: triceps, biceps, pectoral and deltoid muscles.

To work each muscle group you will need dumbbells. Several approaches are performed. One approach - ten repetitions. With each lesson their number increases.

Let's look at a few exercises below. Before you start, consult your doctor. It is important. After all, no one wants to harm their health. Let's start implementing the complex.

Upper Body Exercises

Let's move on to the training. By performing these exercises, you can practically understand that this is the Upper Body.

  • Working out the biceps.

Starting position - standing. Heels together, toes apart. The arms are located along the body. Take dumbbells. Alternately bend your right and then your left arm at the elbow joint. The exercise is done at an average pace. The number of repetitions is from twenty to thirty.

  • Forearm muscles and triceps.

Stand with your heels together, toes slightly apart, upper limbs located along the body. Dumbbells in hands. Limbs are raised to the shoulders. Then they are lifted up, lowered again to the shoulders and returned to their original position. The pace of the exercise is average. The number of repetitions is from fifteen to thirty-five.

  • Pectoral and deltoid muscles.

Starting position, as in the first two exercises. Only the hands with dumbbells are directed forward. They are located at shoulder height. Raise yourself on your toes and spread your upper limbs to the sides. The number of repetitions is from eight to twelve times.

A few exercises and something else

  • We work the back muscles.

Feet are shoulder width apart. Hands with dumbbells raised up. As you exhale, bend forward. You can't bend your legs. As you inhale, straighten up. The pace of the exercise is average. The number of repetitions is ten.

  • Gymnastics for the press.

Don't forget the dumbbells. Sit on a chair. The toes rest on the table or sofa, the arms are raised to the shoulders. Tilt your body back and return to the starting position. The pace of execution is slow. The exercise should be repeated at least ten times.

Like any physical activity, Upper Body also has contraindications. These include:

  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Diseases associated with the cardiovascular system.
  • Problems with the spine.
  • Hypertension and pregnancy.

That's why, before you start exercising, you should consult your doctor.


You already know that this is Upper Body. But there are also a few extras for you. Besides physical activity, during classes the respiratory system is also trained. The exercises do not require intense movement. They are leisurely, but very tense. The whole complex is aimed at reducing the volume of the stomach, accelerating metabolism, and burning calories.

If you cannot achieve for a long time desired result, it means you are doing something wrong. Namely:

  • Don't watch your calories. A lot of them enter the body, but little is spent. Eat right.
  • You are not increasing the load. Of course, no one is forcing you to carry huge equipment, but it is necessary to progress. The efficiency will be better.
  • You are doing the exercises incorrectly. You don’t keep up with the instructor and make mistakes.

A lot has been said about the Upper Body complex. All you have to do is think it over, find a professional instructor and start training. Also, don’t forget to consult your doctor and gain willpower. It will be very useful to you.