What does Tabata training give? Tabata interval training: secrets to successful weight loss. Abs workout with a heavy ball

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  1. Working through all muscle groups per lap. For this, multi-stage exercises are used (burpees, etc.) or a complex of several multi-joint exercises performed sequentially (push-ups, squats, presses).
  2. The training always takes place with a timer and a partner. Each exercise must be performed a certain number of times in a specified time, or the maximum number of times in a minimum amount of time (usually 20 to 25 seconds).
  3. Reducing the rest time between sets to 10 seconds. This is enough to fill the body with oxygen, but not enough to give muscle tissue a rest.
  4. Work always takes place within a certain pulse zone(much above the fat burning zone). Therefore, all training is carried out using a heart rate monitor.


The Tabata protocol has a number of advantages over classical methods workouts:

  • Effective for both general weight loss and drying. Thanks to the intense work of the heart, your muscles do not have time to undergo serious stress, while fat becomes a more accessible source of energy in conditions of lack of oxygen. But when drying, it is still recommended to combine with classic strength training in order to minimize muscle loss.
  • Minimal risk of injury. If you warm up and use the classic Tabata protocol, there is very little risk of injury.
  • Short training time. The Tabata protocol can be used separately from other workouts. Class time rarely exceeds 10-20 minutes, which allows you to make room for them even in an extremely busy schedule.
  • Allows you to prepare ligaments and tendons within the periodization system. The Tabata protocol allows you to train your heart, increase aerobic and anaerobic endurance, master basic technique workout exercises and at the same time tone muscle tissue.

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The Tabata protocol has no specific contraindications for classes. All warnings are standard for sports:

  1. Having problems with the cardiovascular system.
  2. Diseases of the digestive tract.
  3. Having problems with ligaments and tendons.
  4. Pregnancy.
  5. Hypotension and hypertension.
  6. Diabetes mellitus type 1.
  7. Atherosclerosis.
  8. Obesity of the 2nd degree and higher.

The latter is due to the fact that with the high intensity of the Tabata protocol, people are likely to damage their joints and get heart problems, even “” syndrome.

Although training according to the system is not contraindicated for beginners, even in the absence of any physical form, it would be better for them to work out for 1-2 months first general general physical fitness, and then move on to the protocol. Otherwise, the system suits everyone.

Exercises for Beginners

The Tabata protocol is known for being used not only for training professional athletes, but also for maintaining one’s body in good shape. Sometimes it is even used during the rehabilitation of people after minor injuries, when it is necessary to regain mobility without putting too much strain on the muscles.

Tabata Protocol suitable for beginners, if used suitable exercises:

  1. . Almost everyone can master them. Plus, there are always simplified types of push-ups, for example, from the knees.

  2. Explosive jumps. They work several muscle groups and are interesting in terms of execution. You can simply jump from a half-squat position, or you can jump onto a pedestal or stacked weight plates.

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  3. Lateral jumps. You need to jump to the sides from a half-squat position.

  4. Spiderman push-ups. A more complex variation of push-ups that works not only the muscles of the arms and chest, but also the abdominal muscles. When lowering the body, one leg needs to be bent at the knee and pulled towards the arm of the same name. In the next repetition, use the other leg.

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  5. Dead bug. One of the best and most simple complexes for the press. While lying on your back, you need to take turns raising your opposite arms and legs, bent at the knee.

    Tabata in a row Tabata non-stop Circular Tabata
    Incoming exercises Circular exercises for each muscle group. These are the basic complexes:
    • Push ups
    • Squats
    • Pull-ups
    • Plank
    Narrow specialization, including easy and complex exercises:
    • Push ups
    • Plank
    • Squats
    • Plank
    • Pull-ups
    • Plank
    Each exercise is performed sequentially. The set can be anything. Heavy basic exercises like:
    • Bench press
    • Deadlift
    • Squats, etc.
    Load type Aerobic. Development of maximum respiratory endurance.Aerobic. Development of heart muscle parameters.Aerobic. The development of indicators depends on the exercises used.
    Training time From 4 to 8 minutes.From 3 to 10 minutes.Up to 20 minutes.
    Peculiarities After completing each exercise, there is a 10-second rest, after which the transition to the next begins.There is no rest between exercises. Instead of a break, use light cardio, including running or planking.The exercises are performed sequentially. A distinctive feature is the ability to rest between different exercises for up to 40 seconds. May include more exercise than the previous options.
    Efficiency Develops endurance.Used for weight loss/drying.It best develops the functional indicators of aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis in muscle tissue.

    Tabata in crossfit

    is a direction that has absorbed the best from different areas of fitness, but few people know that the Tabata protocol played a decisive role in the formation of CrossFit as a sport.

    It's all about the principles of CrossFit and Tabata, which have a lot in common:

    1. High intensity interval training.
    2. Priority over the aerobic component. Many CrossFit complexes, although performed with more rest than in Tabata, still involve working on maximum speed with minimal rest.
    3. Variety of exercises.
    4. Using light exercises to work out as many muscle groups as possible. A typical example is burpees. This exercise works almost the entire body in a few repetitions.
    5. Lack of narrow specialization. Both Tabata and CrossFit have exercises of different types, ranging from easy calisthenics to more complex workout elements.

    In CrossFit, entire workouts are often used according to the Tabata protocol, for example, working with a balance board in this mode or performing heavy basic exercises no scaling.


    Finally, a few words about time. The Tabata protocol is an ideal solution for people who spend most of the day at work and cannot, for some reason, go to the gym or devote enough time to training. With this method, you can easily reduce your workout time from one hour to several minutes and can do it during your lunch break or in the morning instead of traditional exercise.

    We can say that the Tabata protocol is a real paradise for “lazy people”. The only problem is that in these 5-20 minutes you get a really huge load, which you risk not being able to cope with without prior preparation.

    But remember: you won’t build huge muscles using this approach to training exclusively, but you will perfectly prepare your body for the upcoming trip to the gym and restore muscle tone after long break and lose a few kilograms.

Tabata is one of many directions group classes, which are actively promoted by clubs among their other services. Despite the fact that, by and large, this type physical activity It is not originally intended for either men or women; it is still more popular among the latter. Despite this, Tabata can be practiced by anyone, of any gender, at almost any age. This and much more will be discussed below.

In 1996 and 1997, Japanese-born Dr. Izumi Tabata became Dean high school sports training, together with his research group, showed the world two science articles in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports, in which he presented a protocol describing the effectiveness of high-intensity interval training with maximum oxygen consumption, as well as the metabolic profile of high-intensity interval exercise. As a coach of the Japanese speed skating team, he and his research group previously tested this protocol on their players. The high effectiveness of training according to this protocol has led to the fact that these articles by Dr. Izumi have been cited in various publications around the world more than 600 times, including in the Japanese journal “ Physical development and sports medicine", American magazine " Applied psychology", European journal "Clinical Dietetics" and more. Since then, this training method has been called the “Tabata protocol”, or simply Tabata.

What is tabata

If you try to describe the training system according to the Tabata protocol in a nutshell, then you could say this - a lot various movements in a very short period of time. The Tabata system involves constantly changing short intervals of intense physical exercise with three-minute rest breaks. Both aerobic (running, rowing, swimming) and anaerobic exercises (with kettlebells, barbells, dumbbells and more) can be integrated into the training system.

One of the benefits of training using the Tabata protocol is strengthening muscle corset. Various diets tend to help reduce muscle tissue. Tabata, in turn, allows you to load the muscles so that the body perceives training as a signal to build them up. This leads to the fact that the growth of muscle tissue is accompanied by a decrease in fat, and numerous variations of exercises aimed at maximizing the involvement of muscles in work allow you to significantly increase them where you especially need it.

The effectiveness of Tabata

Systematic training according to the Tabata protocol can significantly increase both aerobic and anaerobic endurance of the body. In other words, they help increase the maximum amount of oxygen that the body consumes during exercise. Increased aerobic capacity also helps to increase the energy that can be obtained by the body in case of oxygen deficiency. Aerobic energy is produced by burning carbohydrates when the oxygen concentration in the blood is low.

Numerous studies by Dr. Izumi have shown that Tabata training, performed five days a week for six weeks, can increase the body's aerobic endurance by 14% and its anaerobic power by 28%. Both the first and second indicators lead to a significant increase in the overall endurance of the body.

Tabata Research

The Tabata protocol was used by a group of researchers to create a 20-minute training program without the use of additional equipment. The program included exercises such as push-ups, squats, jumping jacks, jumping rope, burpees and many others. The results of the study revealed that the average HR (heart rate) among athletes in the control group was 86% (84-88%), and VO2max was 74% (67-81%). Both of these indicators exceeded the fitness industry's recommended values ​​for cardiovascular training. If we take into account energy consumption, then 16 subjects spent from 240 to 360 kcal during training, which is an average of 15 kcal per minute. And again, Tabata reached the recommended levels in terms of energy expenditure, improved health and weight loss.

On average, the control group rated the Tabata protocol training as quite difficult. In addition, the average blood lactate concentration during exercise was 12.1 mmol/L, indicating that the athletes were working outside the lactate threshold. These data led the researchers to conclude that due to the high intensity of training in this system, ordinary, untrained people with Tabata need to be careful. According to the experts who conducted the experiment, “Training so hard is potentially dangerous. An ordinary person, before starting training according to the Tabata protocol, needs to form a serious foundation for his physical training».

Tabata exercises

Tabata is primarily an approach to training, which means it can be carried out both with and without the use of equipment. In the first case, exercises can be performed with various athletic (barbells, dumbbells), gymnastics (expander, rings), and other equipment. In the second case, you can train with your own body weight, literally anywhere - from specialized premises, to a playground in a park, or even a room at home. In fact, you can use any form of exercise that will allow you to train at the intervals prescribed by the Tabata system.

Tabata protocol training is usually performed in the following way: 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest is one set that is repeated 8 times for a total of 4 minutes. Between these 4 minute intervals there is a break of 1 minute. The number and variations of exercises that need to be completed during this time may vary depending on your goals, but in general, they must meet the following three requirements.

  • They should involve the maximum number of muscles and muscle fibers;
  • They should be simple so as not to lose control over the technique of their implementation;
  • They should tire you out, meaning they should be fairly hard for 10 reps in 20 seconds;

Most often, training according to the Tabata protocol is based on movements such as squats in various variations, numerous types of push-ups, plank variations, as well as an exercise from the category functional training- burpee. High intensity training requires you to never hold your breath. You need to breathe intensively, this way you ensure a complete supply of blood, muscles and the whole body with oxygen. The more oxygen enters the body, the more active the oxidation of fat tissue occurs.

Training according to the Tabata protocol should always begin with a warm-up lasting 5-10 minutes. After completing the main part of the workout, you need to do a cool-down in the form of the same 5-10 minutes of walking and straight stretching. The first steps in training according to this system usually begin with 3 exercises. To begin with, you need to try to hold out for 4 minutes in each. Over time, your fitness level will increase, and you can add several more 4-minute cycles to your workout. The total training time can usually be up to 30 minutes.

The main criterion of Tabata

One of the researchers of the effectiveness of training according to the Tabata protocol, Porcari Embert, claims that the advantage of this training system is its short duration (no more than 20 minutes) and the involvement of almost all muscles of the body. In fact, if you work hard enough, even for four minutes, you can actually improve your cardiovascular fitness. By performing a classic 20-minute workout, you can achieve significant results in working on your own body. As Porcari says, “It is likely that Dr. Tabata wanted to prove with his research that if you train hard enough at a high intensity, you can definitely improve your performance.” physical fitness in a relatively short period of time. On the other hand, if your fitness is at an advanced level, training using the Tabata protocol will help you maintain it and stay toned. This is, by and large, another training system that can be used both to increase fitness and for general fitness purposes.”

As mentioned above, this training system also has a downside. High intensity, which is prerequisite training according to this system can have a negative impact on an unprepared body. Thus, it is recommended to train according to the Tabata protocol no more than two to three times a week with breaks between training from 48 (2 days) to 72 hours (3 days). As Porcari Embert states, “You need to understand that to get in shape and get results from your workouts, intensity is paramount, not just four minutes of moderate work.”

How to track your progress

Tracking your progress in Tabata training is quite simple. For this purpose, the so-called Tabata count is used. If you perform the same exercise over the course of one 4-minute cycle, record the number of repetitions performed in each set. Usually it looks like this: exercise - squats; number of repetitions – 15-12-12-10-10-8-8-7. If the sum of these numbers increases over time, it means progress is being made in training. Progress is even more noticeable if the latest numbers are growing. This means that over time, you can get more work done in the same amount of time.


Before you start training according to the Tabata protocol, it is advisable to visit a doctor to make sure there are no excess weight and check the health of the cardiovascular system. If you have already been to the doctor and know that everything is fine with your health, you can easily begin endurance training and improve your physical fitness, athletic parameters and level of functional fitness.


You might be surprised that twenty minutes of exercise can make any difference to your fitness, but based on numerous studies, short-term, high-intensity training is indeed highly effective. In addition to research, the effectiveness of Tabata protocol training has been proven by thousands of clients around the world who have achieved the desired results with its help. Efficiency and growing interest from clients are encouraging fitness clubs to widely introduce Tabata protocol training into their list of services.

These days, any supporter active image life can find a fitness system or sports program that suits him.

History of the method

The program was developed in the 80s of the last century by Japanese physiologist Izumi Tabata. He was the coach of a speed skating team, so he thought about a way to improve its results. Classes with students and analysis of the results obtained led the scientist to a revolutionary discovery. Tabata training burns fat, improves blood circulation and significantly increases endurance. The result is visible visually on the body, while at the same time an increase in the athlete’s level of functionality is felt.

This type of training is effective not only for beginners, but also for experienced athletes.

The essence of the method was presented to the public in 1996 in a sports magazine. Tabata, together with Tokyo scientists from the Institute of Fitness and Sports, clearly illustrated the advantages of interval training. Athletes training using this method increased their aerobic power by 28% and their ability to consume oxygen by 14%.

Four Minute Workout Tabata systems for fat burning will easily give you a head start on long-term cardio training. Therefore, fitness enthusiasts should study this method, especially if there is a need to get rid of excess fat in the shortest possible time.

As practice shows, in the matter of losing weight aerobic exercise not the best effective tool. Interval training that combines alternating aerobic and power load, turned out to be more effective. According to the most conservative estimates, at least 1 kilogram per week is lost during exercise.

This type of training can be called circular. A workout using the Tabata protocol takes four minutes.

It may seem that during this time it is difficult to load yourself to the maximum and get the desired effect, but practice says otherwise. For four minutes, the student must be under intense and explosive load for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds, and again 20 seconds of load and 10 rest. Such the cycle must be completed 8 times.

These 4 minutes can be considered one circle, there can be 3 or 4 such circles, and the rest between them can be 1-2 minutes. Then the workout will take approximately 20 minutes. Only trained and resilient people can withstand such a load, since one of the key principles of the program is that you need to give it your all, and the selected exercises must use at least 50% of the muscles.

Lesson structure

Interval training Tabata can go something like this:

  • 10-minute warm-up from head to feet;
  • 8 repetitions of sets consisting of a 20-second load and 10 seconds of rest;
  • 1-2 minutes of rest and repeating the four-minute cycle;
  • After completing several similar rounds, it feels like a cool-down is taking place, which can be completed in 3-5 minutes.

The most effective training regimen- 3 lessons per week. Daily exercise at such a rhythm will negatively affect the central nervous system.

Breathing should be intense and without delay, because in this way the body is filled with oxygen as much as possible, fatty tissues fall under the oxidation process, and the body is filled with energy.

The exercises are selected as simple as possible and activate at least half the muscles of the body. In 20 seconds you need to complete as many repetitions of the exercise as possible. An indicator that the exercise has been chosen correctly is fatigue and burning in the muscles. The most common and effective option is when one exercise is performed for all four minutes. But to maintain interest and variety, you can work in the following modes:

  • alternate two exercises (12121212);
  • alternate two exercises in pairs (11221122);
  • four approaches of the first exercise and four of the second (11112222);
  • alternating four exercises (12341234);
  • eight approaches from different exercises (12345678).

For greater results, change the exercises and their order, as the body adapts to the same type of program and the effect of the exercises decreases.

The exercises themselves can be almost anything, except for exercises with heavy weights. Tabata goes well with CrossFit exercises.

Advantages of the method

Despite the fact that such training seems frivolous compared to the usual ones, they have many advantages.

  • Fitness according to the Tabata protocol allows you to burn fat as quickly as possible while maintaining muscle tissue.
  • Tabata training does not take much time from the practitioner, and the effectiveness is not inferior to long hour-long training sessions.
  • At the same time, aerobic and anaerobic performance improves.
  • Regardless of where you train, you can train at home, on the street, in the gym, and so on.
  • There is no need for special equipment.
  • The respiratory and cardiovascular systems receive a good load.
  • The risk of developing diabetes is reduced.
  • Tabata is an excellent remedy for combating depression.
  • The structure of the training is simple and clear.
  • Metabolism accelerates.

Contraindications to classes

Unfortunately, training using the Tabata method is not for everyone. For a number of diseases and conditions, they are strictly prohibited. These conditions include:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • poor physical fitness, lack of training experience, low endurance;
  • being overweight;
  • following a low-carb or mono diet.

Examples of workouts

Workout #1

You can take standard jumping rope and turn it into a Tabata workout. To do this, just place a timer in front of your eyes or turn it on on your phone or computer, and then jump rope intensively for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds. In 4 minutes you should get 8 cycles.

Workout #2

The second option is more interesting, especially for those who do not like monotony, since here different exercises are used in each approach.

The first twenty-second interval consists of squats. After a ten-second rest, push-ups follow. After 20 seconds of intense work, rest for ten seconds and devote the next 20 seconds to the press (lying on your back, lift top part body and legs). Another 10 second break. 20 seconds - push-ups right hand. Rest. And 20 seconds - push-ups on the left hand. Rest. Seventh exercise - running in place

The stomach, sides, buttocks are the most problem areas accumulation of fatty deposits. They become the main obstacle to the formation of an ideal silhouette, hiding the curves of the body underneath. Get rid of the hated fat to find a truly beautiful and fit figure, Tabata allows.

This principle of training for a month and a half helps not only to lose weight, but also to be fully prepared for the upcoming holiday season, especially for those who are going to the beach. Along with the quick effect, Tabata does not require much time. The technology is ideal for busy people who do not have the opportunity to find a window in their schedule for a full hour-long workout.

Tabata exercises not only burn you body fat, but also improve overall physical fitness. Therefore, they are often included in the training programs of professional athletes and the military. Not all practicing fitness trainers take technique seriously. They are of the opinion that what to do similar exercises should be under the supervision of a specialist.

This position of the instructors is quite understandable. Independently training and mastering effective complex exercises at home, a person simply no longer needs to visit the gym.

This is a high-impact interval training program. It is performed with alternating loads and rest. Each individual approach takes about four minutes. It is recommended to conduct classes every other day.

Exercising allows you not only to get rid of fat accumulation, but also to stimulate muscle growth. As a result, the body becomes not only slim, but also acquires a beautiful relief. The effect of exercise is much higher than that of regular aerobic exercise.

More about the system

Tabata is a complete replacement for visiting gym or group fitness classes. Performing exercises within the system is subject to the following fundamental principles:

  • intense loads for 20 seconds;
  • rest pause for about 10 seconds;
  • repetitions of at least 8.

Each individual approach is about four minutes. The optimal number of approaches, guaranteeing high returns from training, is five. If your level of training allows, this number can be increased. Be sure to take a minute rest break after each approach. They train every other day. The main goal should be high-speed execution of exercises without loss of technique.

Tabata does not require the use of any special equipment. The free area required to perform the exercise is no more than two square meters. This led to the system being often called “prison training.” Another feature of the technique is the inability to hold your breath.

Intense loads dramatically increase the amount of air required. Breathing becomes more frequent. This has a direct impact on weight loss. The tissues are intensively enriched with oxygen, resulting in subcutaneous fat layer begins to oxidize and, therefore, decrease.

Nutrition of muscle tissue is carried out due to the energy released. They are actively involved in their work. The blood is intensively saturated with oxygen, which increases the rate of metabolism, and, therefore, the process of losing weight starts.

Purpose of the Tabata complex

Athletes were the first to try the system. The research carried out was aimed at establishing whether the degree of oxygen saturation of muscle tissue changes and whether overall endurance increases.

Along with confirmation of the listed factors, it was also revealed that the fat layer becomes much smaller. The use of similar sports supplements can increase the achieved effect.

What are the contraindications?

The system is not suitable for beginners. If the level of physical fitness is practically zero, then the body will not be able to immediately adapt to high loads. It is better to first practice on a less intensive basis, and after some time begin this training.

Another obstacle to training is the exacerbation of cardiovascular pathologies. This is due to the fact that already in the first minute of classes, beginners note the feeling of their heart jumping out of their chest.

Contraindications include varicose veins. Women in an interesting position should refuse intensive training. Experts recommend abstaining from exercise during the menstrual cycle.

Tabata training program

It is necessary to start training exclusively with a warm-up, regardless of the duration of the lesson. Bends, squats, rotations and lunges allow you to warm up your muscles. To develop a heart, you should jump for a few seconds. You can work any muscles, but experts recommend choosing a program in which the load goes either from bottom to top or from top to bottom.

Beginners should choose exercises that work different muscle groups. These include: bent squats, lunges, jumps. It is best to build training experimentally, that is, individually. The main thing is that at least 8 repetitions are performed in 20 seconds.

Exercises with which you should start the complex:

Push ups

It is not necessary to take a lying position. Support can be on your knees or on a sofa or fitball.


Correct execution technique requires that knee joints remain behind the toes, and the pelvis moves backward. The leg muscles are kept in good shape during the squat. There is no need to straighten your legs completely. Jumping rather than lifting allows you to increase intensity.


Do it on each leg. In other words, do 8 reps on each side, not 4 reps. They stand up straight, take the widest possible step forward, bending the leg being worked on at the knee 90 degrees. It is necessary to ensure that the leg that remains in place also bends and practically touches the floor with the knee. The back should remain straight, the torso should be perpendicular to the floor surface or slightly tilted forward. Alternating legs in a jump, rather than rearranging, allows you to complicate the task.


Take a lying position. The legs are raised 45 degrees up and quickly crossed. For beginners, the task can be made easier by placing your hands under your buttocks or raising your legs to a greater angle.

Knee Raises

They stand up straight. The arms are bent in elbow joints. The right elbow is connected to the left elbow, and then the sides are changed. You need to do this as quickly as possible to get some kind of bouncing.

Running from a prone position

Take a position with emphasis on your palms. The pelvis cannot be lowered or raised. Alternately, pull your knees towards you, trying to reach your chest. An alternative variation involves spreading and closing the legs while jumping.

Raising the pelvis

They lie down. Bend spaced apart shoulder girdle knees. Buttocks squeeze. The pelvis is raised as high as possible. The elbows and shoulders remain on the floor and straightened.


You need to lie on the floor and stretch your legs. To maintain balance, rest on your palms or elbows. The legs are lifted off the floor, bent at the knees, and pulled towards the chest.

This list of exercises is not definitive. There are many ways to structure training. The main thing is to do your best in 4 minutes.

Prepared people can begin heavier loads. They can do burpees with push-ups. It is done from a standing position. Lean forward sharply. They lean on their hands. They take it out by jumping, legs back and doing push-ups. Returning to the starting position is done in the same way, but in the extreme position they jump and clap their hands.

Important Rules

The Tabata system requires strict adherence to several points:

  1. No self-pity. To achieve desired result, you must perform at least 8 repetitions for each exercise. Otherwise there will be no effect.
  2. A complex consisting of 5-8 approaches allows you to quickly gain a slender silhouette if you have excess mass. Weights and increased repetitions allow you to increase the load.
  3. To make it easier to control time, timers operating in the 20-10 mode are used. They notify you of the completion of each stage with a characteristic sound signal.
  4. It is necessary to exercise exclusively in a ventilated area, since the body needs a large amount of oxygen.
  5. Before each training session, be sure to do a warm-up. When the session is completed, do some stretching.
  6. To restore your breathing, you need to take a break for about 10 seconds, but do not talk during this time. You should not stand in one place, it is better to walk slowly.

Get maximum effect Already a few weeks after training, compliance with the above recommendations allows. It is especially important to control your diet. You cannot lose weight if you consume more than 3000 kilocalories per day.

It is quite difficult for an unprepared body to last for 7-8 rounds; you should start with 4 or 5 repetitions. The number is gradually increased. You can train according to one of the following schemes:

  • perform each exercise 8 times without stopping, pumping in approaches different groups muscles;
  • all 8 rounds should be done various exercises, which are repeated after a minute pause;
  • do everything in pairs, for example, jumping in rounds 1 and 2, and then squats in rounds 3 and 4, and repeat everything again from the next round.

When you decide to train using the Tabata system, you must do the following:

  1. Be sure to make sure that there are no problems with the heart muscle and blood vessels.
  2. Before training, you always need to first hone your technique, and then do a full-fledged lesson.
  3. Use a timer to keep the interval at 20-10.
  4. The load must be increased gradually either by increasing the number of repetitions or using weights.

It's interesting to know

Tabata was developed in Japan and named after its creator, Dr. Izumi Tabata, who worked on the system together with the institute’s fitness and sports staff. In 1996, during a month and a half experiment, they proved the effectiveness of the technique when athletes:

  • Stamina increased by 28%;
  • the ability to absorb oxygen by tissues increased by 15%;
  • The layer of subcutaneous fat has significantly decreased.

    The indicators were compared with similar data from athletes training on simulators.

Tabata is a weight loss system for active fat burning. It attracts many because it saves time: it takes only 4 minutes a day to do the exercises. Fitness trainers are skeptical about it, arguing that you need to train exclusively under the supervision of specialists.

On the one hand, they are right, since this is stress for the body, which can be fraught with serious consequences for health. On the other hand, such classes allow you to correct your figure to an ideal state even at home.

From the history of creation

This weight loss system was developed by the Japanese doctor Izumi Tabata, who previously conducted research with his colleagues at the National Institute of Fitness and Sports (Tokyo).

He first described the lesson plan in one of the popular science magazines in 1996. There he argued that interval training for weight loss is much more more effective than exercise on the simulators.

The experimental group, which included professional athletes, studied for 6 weeks, showing the following results:

  • increase in anaerobic strength - by 28%;
  • increase in oxygen absorption (aerobic exercise) - by 14%.

Since then, the technique has gained enormous popularity. Despite criticism and negative reviews(there are few of them), many people have coped with the problem of excess weight, precisely thanks to it. One of the proofs of its effectiveness is the fact that in some countries the Tabata system has been actively used for training athletes and military personnel for almost 20 years.


The main concept of the system is the Tabata protocol. This is the basic idea of ​​the technique, from which you cannot deviate:

  • all exercises should involve the maximum number of muscles;
  • The exercise is performed for 20 seconds;
  • 10 seconds - rest;
  • 8 approaches (intervals) are carried out;
  • duration - 4 minutes.

Only exercises can be changed in the protocol, and their choice should not be random: the effectiveness of weight loss will depend on its literacy.


  • acceleration of metabolism by 5 times;
  • intensive fat burning;
  • strengthening the heart muscle, activating blood flow;
  • increased endurance;
  • formation of muscle relief;
  • getting rid of excess fluid, eliminating lymph stagnation, treating cellulite;
  • weight loss up to 5 kg per month;
  • in 4 minutes of training, 54 kcal are burned, and they continue to be consumed throughout the day;
  • In terms of effectiveness, 4 minutes of Tabata exercises are equivalent to 40 minutes of cardio training.

It turns out that the system is simply magical: it gives amazing weight loss results, takes little time, and improves health. And yet, don’t be in a hurry to delude yourself: with insufficient preparation, the body may not be able to withstand such severe stress, and then there is a risk of sore throat, emotional and physical burnout.

To ensure that weight loss exercises do not harm your health, you must adhere to a number of rules.

If you no longer remember when last time If you have been doing sports, you should not immediately take up the Tabata system. First, prepare your body: work out your abs for 2 weeks, run in the morning, do morning exercises.

Do not immediately include in the selected complex strength exercises: add them in 2 weeks. The first ones should be simple jumps and squats.

For the first two weeks, do it every other day. If you feel well and achieve a certain result, you can increase the number of workouts.

Don't forget about warm-up and cool-down. They are not included in these 4 minutes, but are still required.

Do not do such training in the morning: the body, which has not yet woken up, simply cannot cope with the load.

If you want maximum results, do cardio exercises three times a week, and at the end of the workout, do 4 minutes of interval training using the Tabata method.

A great addition to this comprehensive weight loss It will be an easy, not too strict, but still a diet. Give preference.

Alternate sets of exercises daily. Try not to repeat the same one twice in a week. This will provide the body with constant stress, in order to get out of which it will intensively burn fat reserves.

Do all exercises as quickly as possible, to the limit of your capabilities, correctly and efficiently.

Don't hold your breath. Breathe intensely and deeply so that as much oxygen as possible reaches the tissues.

For motivation, track your progress.

There is no consensus on how many times the exercise should be repeated in 20 seconds. The intensity depends primarily on the physical fitness of the person losing weight. Some say that 8 times is enough, others offer a whole program:

The total is 70 repetitions.

As you can see, not everything is so simple with losing weight using the Tabata system: you will have to be patient and put in a lot of effort to achieve results.


It is quite difficult to choose a set of Tabata exercises for weight loss, since there are a lot of them scattered across the Internet. You can try one after another and monitor the body's reaction to identify the best option. The main thing is that they involve the full development of all muscles and a large amplitude of actions.


Universal Tabata exercises that suit everyone:

  • partial and deep squats with weights;
  • bending over (good for losing belly fat);
  • push ups;
  • jumping up;
  • forward lunges;

This is a lightweight version of the complex, but for all its apparent simplicity, after 4 minutes active training you will feel the load placed on the muscles.

For beginners

The Tabata system for beginners is a very complex simple exercises to work those muscles that are maximally developed. A mini-complex could be like this:

  • squats;
  • raising your arms to the sides (after a week you can do it with dumbbells);
  • raising straight legs in a lying position;
  • classic push-ups or on a fitball;
  • twisting;
  • hitting the punching bag;
  • "scissors";
  • raising the knees to the elbows.

For beginners, it is better not to include strength exercises with weights in your training for the first week. If you have doubts that something will not work out for you, you can conduct the following dress rehearsal:

  1. 20 seconds - intense jumping;
  2. 10 seconds - calm, measured walking in place.

Repeat this set 7 more times (the same 4 minutes).

Complex 1

To achieve maximum results, have 7 complexes in your arsenal for every day so that they are not repeated throughout the week. The more unexpected the load on the body, the more actively it will react to it by burning extra calories. Complex 1 will help you get started.

  1. Fast running in place with sharp lunges of the arms upward.
  2. Squats with legs wide apart and knees raised high - similar Tabata exercises for the legs make the buttocks elastic and the hips pumped up in a sporty way.
  3. Jumping in place with lunges of legs and arms to the sides.
  4. Squats with legs wide apart and simultaneous lunges of dumbbells (in both hands) upward.

The training involves 4 exercises (repeated twice in 4 minutes), which must be performed with maximum efficiency. They may seem simple, but many people fail to master them the first time because they lack stamina. But the result will be obvious within a month.

Video instructions for the remaining complexes for the week can be found on the Internet.

For women

The Tabata system is simply ideal for women, as it allows as soon as possible correct the most problematic areas of the figure. The complex must have them to make your waist thinner.

  • Climber

Take a lying position, legs and back extended in a straight line. Hands are wider than shoulders. Tighten your abs, pull your knees towards your hands one by one, do not touch the floor with your feet - keep them suspended. Then the leg returns to point-blank range.

  • Hostage

Squat down, hands behind your head. In this position, jump in place on your toes. Contraindicated for diseases of the joints, cartilage and kneecaps.

  • Butterfly

Feet together, stand straight. Do a deep squat with your back straight, without lifting your heels off the floor. Do not tilt your head, look straight. Like a spring, powerfully jump up. While jumping, spread all limbs in different directions.

  • Barrier

Lie on your side with your arm resting. Point your legs slightly back. Raise and lower your legs, trying not to touch the floor.

  • Attack

Lie on your back. Without lowering your legs, strike alternately with your legs in the air, as if at an invisible enemy.

  • Half bridge

Lie on your back. Place your feet on the floor, bend your knees, and straighten your arms along your body. Raise your back, squeezing your buttocks until it hurts, and go back. You cannot lift your shoulders off the floor.


Due to the intensity and enormous load on the body, weight loss training using the Tabata method has contraindications:

  • heart disease;
  • pressure;
  • pregnancy;
  • menstruation.

The technique is ideal for losing weight at home, as it takes a minimum of time and does not require complex equipment (the same exercise machines). If you perform the exercises regularly and conscientiously, following the protocol, within a week you can achieve, albeit insignificant, but still correcting your figure against the backdrop of a noticeable weight loss. In this case, there is no need for personal trainer, nor in gyms.