Thai training. Thai boxing: basic principles of training from a professional. Group B. Gain Deadly Power


At the present stage, Muay Thai (Thai boxing) is one of the most popular and rapidly developing types of martial arts not only in Belarus, but throughout the world. Having gained wide recognition in Europe and America in the late 70s, this sport was quite successfully assimilated and had a significant influence on other martial arts: for example, kickboxing. As a result of the symbiosis, Muay Thai itself underwent some changes and was enriched by karate, Savate and, above all, boxing. Based on training methods existing in various regions of the world, many national Muay Thai schools have emerged, the leading of which are schools in Holland, France, England, Finland, Morocco, Australia, Brazil, Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. Despite the fierce competition, Thailand has retained its undisputed priority and has not lost its original training methodology that has evolved over centuries. In the literary sources known to us, it is described only in the most general terms. The purpose of this article was to provide more detailed coverage and analysis of the current Muay Thai training methodology in Thailand.

The following methods were used during the research:

As a result of the study, 12 coaches from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine and France, 14 leading athletes from Belarus who observed and participated in the training process of various Muay Thai schools in Thailand were interviewed. During the conversation, we were interested in the organization of the Muay Thai training process in Thailand, the structure of the training session, the methods used and their features.

2. Research of documentary film materials

In order to clarify issues of interest, Muay Thai training sessions filmed using a video camera in various schools in Thailand were viewed and analyzed.

3. Literature analysis

Literature and Internet sources covering the methods of training Muay Thai in Thailand were analyzed. Let’s make a reservation right away that despite its long history (about 2000 years), Muay Thai does not have proper scientific and methodological justification. The sources available to us describe the issues that interest us only in the most general terms. At best, the content of individual training techniques is given.


Muay Thai training is carried out in so-called Muay Thai schools. They are settlements like a sports village (sports camp), fenced off from the outside world. The school exists at the expense of the teacher (master). Students live right in the school, several people per room. Each person has their own trestle bed, blanket, pillow, and a minimum set of personal items. The furnishings in the rooms are very modest, the conditions are spartan. Students do not pay for study and accommodation at school. The teacher provides them with shelter, food, training and all the basic necessities, including medical care. The school's economy is based on receiving fees for professional fights in which students participate. The more successful a school’s students perform, the higher its authority, the more offers it receives from promoters, the better its financial support, the more popular it is.

The way of life and the structure of the training process in all Muay Thai camps in Thailand are approximately the same, but have their own differences. We will look at them using the example of the fairly popular Muay Thai school “Jocky Jim”.

Get up at school at 5.00. The day begins with burning incense and breakfast. Then the school is cleaned. The youngest students do the dirtiest work. The first training takes place from 6.00 to 9.00 am. It starts with 30 minutes of aerobic work. This is usually either jogging or jumping rope at a low pace. Jump ropes are used both regular and weighted. There is no specially organized warm-up. After the run, there is 15 minutes of shadowboxing. A free fight is simulated. Knees and elbows are predominantly used. Attention is paid to deflection protection and movement.

Then comes work on the bags. The apparatus is used for 5 rounds of 3 minutes each. Bags in Muay Thai schools are usually short, very heavy, hard, and made of rough leather. They put projectile gloves on their hands. The bags swing and hit towards. Much attention is paid to the explosive nature of impacts, i.e. The setting is for maximum speed and strength. The emphasis is on repetition. The blows are applied both single and combined in 2- or 3-hit series. Between rounds, the boxers take a sip of water. Priority is given (up to 50%) to practicing side kicks.

20 minutes work in pairs without gloves. The training takes place in the form of a game. It could be 5x3 or 1x20. There is no special training of techniques and technical actions. The work is carried out in the form of a conditional fight with limited contact. The blows are delivered very easily, almost without touching. The impact speed is high. Of course, training under such conditions requires a certain level of skill. This kind of conditional battle is very democratic. You can use all Muay Thai techniques. Often adult athletes are paired with children. There is always a place for a smile and a joke in work, which makes the training process highly emotional and significantly reduces nervous tension. The peculiarity of the strikes is that they have a pronounced, explosive acceleration at the beginning and braking at the end. This allows you to feel the real speed of technical combat operations and control their timeliness and accuracy. Exceptionally develops a sense of distance. This kind of conditional battle is called “light contact”. It includes many repeated striking actions and counterattacks. During the training, the teacher and assistants can approach the students and give instructions and correct mistakes.

The next stage is working on the paws with a 5x3 trainer. The school has approximately 25-30 students. Coaches work with them, and there can be 8-12 people. The trainers are former professionals with extensive fighting experience. Each coach has 2-3 students, his main task is to work with them on their feet. Considering that he works with each student 5x3, the total time allotted to work with the trainer is 60 minutes. When working with a trainer on the paws, a high tempo and many repeated actions are maintained. The emphasis is on an accented blow. They try to put the weight of the whole body into the movement. A characteristic feature of paw work in Muay Thai in Thailand is a pronounced, striking movement of the paw towards the blow. As the training progresses, the trainer periodically checks the student's ability to defend himself by striking with his paw. In addition, the coach is equipped with a guard on his right leg and sometimes throws a side kick. The student must always be prepared to defend himself with a shin pad or deflection. At a certain level of skill, the mutual understanding between the coach and the student is so great that when working on the mitts, the athlete is often tasked with attacking with any blows of his choice. Students free from work with a trainer, depending on the assigned tasks, can perform the following tasks.

1. Practice techniques in pairs. The techniques learned with the trainer on the paws are improved: counter and counterattacks.

2. Conditional close combat using knees and elbows, wrestling techniques - 40 minutes.

3.Improving techniques learned with a trainer on apparatus.

4. Exercises to develop strength.

5. Jumping on a car tire.

At the end of the main part of the workout, 20–30 minutes are devoted to the following:

1. Work on the bag. Improvement against the background of fatigue of specific technical actions: a single blow or a series.

2. Jumping on a car tire.

3. Exercises with weights. Barbells, weights, dumbbells, medicine balls are used. Exercises to develop the muscles of the forearms and neck are performed at least once a day. To train the neck muscles, a projectile is used, which is a weight with a device for fastening on the head, or with a rope that ends with a knot for fastening in the teeth.

Then follows mandatory training of the trunk muscles: primarily the abdominal muscles. These exercises last 30 minutes and may include:

A variety of floor exercises with your own body weight

Exercises on an inclined bench or a special machine

Torso flexion exercises with weights

At the Jocky Jim school, exercises for developing the abdominal muscles can be included in any part of the training session, for example, immediately after a run, or after working in pairs.

The final part of the workout takes 10 minutes. It includes gymnastic exercises to develop flexibility - alone or in pairs.

In total, the training session lasts 180 minutes. The second training is held from 15.00 to 18.00. In its structure and content, it does not differ significantly from the morning one. In Thailand, training means and methods do not have much variety. The main emphasis is on high volume training with varying intensity.

In addition to two three-hour training sessions, students enthusiastically play volleyball with their feet throughout the day. The game is played two by two or three by three with a hard wicker ball. During the game, boxers demonstrate masterly dexterity. The game is always played “for fun”, i.e. monetary bets are made. The game, with its high emotionality, relieves nervous tension and is a unique means of developing speed and dexterity.

As a result of such an organization of the training process, the athlete’s body receives not only the most versatile physical development, but also an enormous load. In Muay Thai schools in Thailand, with the exception of massage, we did not find any rehabilitation measures. But over its long history, Muay Thai has developed in its students the ability to rationally distribute forces in the training process and find the optimal operating mode. Needless to say, students in boxing schools train with maximum dedication. For most of them, success in professional sports is the only chance to escape poverty and gain respect and position in society. If necessary, athletes can train at the highest, ‘frantic’ pace. But on the other hand, if a boxer feels an urgent need, he can change the rhythm of training, take an imperceptible pause: for example, breaking the distance with a partner, going away to drink water or spit, etc. Thus, an irreplaceable skill is developed for self-regulation, self-control, the ability “ listen” to yourself, “survive” in battle, be very “flexible” in choosing tactical decisions.

Muay Thai training is held several times a week. You can work out an individual visit plan with your trainer.

Among other sections, schools and clubs in Moscow for Thai boxing, we are ready to offer:

  • selecting a group based on age, skills and physical fitness;
  • training without “water” and theory;
  • assistance in selecting equipment (mouthguard, gloves, bondage);
  • participation in prestigious competitions.

Children's section of Muay Thai:

You can take up Thai boxing from the age of 8. Boys and girls at Club 18 will learn to be independent and stand up for themselves. Martial arts training develops character and helps you cope with difficult situations in life.

Adult section:

The sports achievements of the club's students are regularly confirmed at city, national and international Muay Thai tournaments. Friends and like-minded people will always help with advice and support during training and performances.

What does Thai boxing give:

  • get into decent physical shape.
  • increase self-esteem and self-confidence;
  • develop the reaction and tactical thinking of a fighter;
  • master breathing techniques and practice combinations of strikes.

How to get there: the Thai boxing section (children and adults) is located in the South-East Administrative District (Moscow) near the Kolomenskaya and Nagatinskaya metro stations. The center has its own parking, cafe and car wash. We are waiting for you at the classes at the Thai boxing club CLUB 18!

Hello athlete! In this article I want to touch on the topic of overtraining, which is very relevant for any martial arts and of course Muay Thai training not an exception!

Overtraining! Muay Thai motivation.

Overtraining is a very serious thing that many fighters forget about during their Muay Thai training! Of course you think that the more often and more you train (as they say in the movies), the stronger and better a fighter you will become! But your body probably doesn’t think so!

Many beginners in Muay Thai, having read how professionals train and how they do it in Thailand, they try to repeat their training, but the whole point is that you are not a professional and not a Thai! Copying the training of professional fighters in any video sport is harmful and dangerous to your health! You must understand that these are people who live and earn their living through sports! Their whole life is built around this - nutrition, pharmacological support, rest, personal trainers and nutritionists, massage therapists, etc. - you don’t have all this, and the desire itself is not enough for the body to function normally!

What is overtraining and my experience?

First of all, I want to reassure you - I’m not trying to intimidate you and dissuade you from going to training or deprive you Muay Thai motivation! If you exercise for yourself 3-5 times a week, then you are most likely in no danger!

But if you train 8-12 times a week for 2 hours each, then you need to be pretty careful and not overtrain! I'll tell you what it is and how it happened for me. First of all, I want to say that this is complete crap! Complete lack of desire and motivation to Muay Thai training, withdrawal in the whole body, a constant feeling of fatigue, a state as if you had spent 10 rounds of a fight and lost them all, apathy towards everything around you, irritability and hatred towards everyone around you, there were even thoughts of quitting all these trainings! In general everything was very bad(

Tips on how to avoid overtraining!

If you are going to perform at Muay Thai competitions and you carry out serious training, you will probably experience overtraining at least once in your life! I want to give you tips on how to reduce this amount and prevent it from happening.

The very first and most important advice is to listen to your body and mind! Of course, doing this is much harder than saying it, but you need to practice it and learn to listen to your body in the process. Muay Thai training. There is also a rather subtle moment between the fact that the body wants to recover from heavy loads and rest and the fact that the brink of serious fatigue is approaching!

The second important tip is to rest according to plan! Always set aside rest days and rest on these days, even if you think you can work out more or go for a run, the main thing is not to sit at home!

Rest and recovery are no less important processes than the body itself. Also, after several months of preparation, you need to take a week’s rest, all professional athletes do this, and you will need it doubly!

The third tip is healthy eating and pharmacological support for the body! Eating healthy not only helps you exercise better, but also helps you recover faster! By pharmacological support, I mean natural drugs from sports nutrition or pharmacies that help muscles recover faster after serious exercise! Here are some of them in order of importance - multivitamins, BCAAs, amino acid complexes, heart medications, protein, etc.

Conclusion and advice!

To avoid overtraining, first of all you need to overcome your pride and not think what a weakling you are if you can’t train 2 times a day for 3 hours for 6 days a week)

Listen and feel your body! Many professionals train only once a day, but do a very serious workout, and as an addition they can do a light jog in the second half (or first) of the day. There is a saying that all the best people agree with. Muay Thai fighters- “The main thing is not the quantity, but the quality of training.” Therefore, proceed from this first of all! Good luck with your training!

Muay Thai sounds unfamiliar! What about Muay Thai? This martial art of Thailand is known all over the world! The name Muay Thai comes from ancient times, because this martial art has existed for a very long time. Today, Thai boxing (Muay Thai) allows for a wide variety of movements - strikes with fists, shins, knees, feet, elbows. It is sometimes called the “fight of eight limbs.” It does not have the formal complexes that are inherent in karate; here, combinations of 2-3 blows are taken as the basis.

Muay Thai technique: a little history

Muay Thai in Thailand gained popularity back in the 16th century, but remained a national art for four centuries, until in the 20th century it turned out that Thai wrestlers were able to defeat many other national martial artists. Since then, Thai boxing has become widespread, which, however, has not stopped it from remaining a cult sport in Thailand to this day. It is also interesting that Muay Thai never made it onto the list of Olympic sports, but competitions at various levels in this art are held in many countries around the world.

If karate became widespread due to its exoticism, then Thai boxing became popular rather because it is truly the most effective way to defeat an opponent. Of course, the entertainment value of this also played an important role.

Now that the USA, Europe, and Japan all practice Muay Thai, it is already different from its first national version. Now Muay Thai is divided into two branches - amateur and professional. Amateur Thai boxing has adopted all the safety rules accepted in the civilized world, but the professional form has retained all the historical cruelty and danger.

Muay Thai training

Today, both girls and boys can practice Muay Thai. Any school will offer you different classes, depending on your level of preparation. If you are interested, take a few classes for beginners - not only can this become an interesting hobby, but it will also allow you to never be afraid of anyone.

Like any sports activity, the Muay Thai training program assumes that you will not immediately move on to fights and complex movements - to begin with, you will be offered exercises that develop the necessary qualities and allow you to warm up. A typical lesson goes like this:

  1. Warm up.
  2. A set of exercises with a skipping rope.
  3. A fight with a shadow.
  4. Fighting with shells.
  5. Paw fight.
  6. Practicing fighting techniques with a coach or partner.
  7. Athletic training – a set of exercises for the strength of the arms, legs, abs, as well as stretching.
  8. Mandatory half-hour cross-country.

Of course, this is a very rough training plan, and depending on what stage you are at, the load will be stronger or weaker. However, be prepared for the fact that the load in this case will be quite strong, without this it is impossible to form a military spirit.

A good trainer will never forget that the body needs a gradual approach. That is why you will be offered serious preparatory work, which will allow you to feel the necessary strength within yourself, and only after that will the technique be repeatedly practiced. First, simpler and then more complex options will be considered.

Do not forget that if you take up Thai boxing, you will need to attend training constantly, otherwise you will not notice any positive results. Only constant effort will bring you into excellent shape and allow you to comprehend this ancient art.

Thai boxing: program for higher educational institutions in Thai boxing Tsinis A. V.


Structure of a training session

Don't count the small things in your training. Even if you become a master, start your training with boxing basics, even if you have mastered them thoroughly. Famous maestros in the music world begin each rehearsal by playing the elementary scales and passages that they learned in first grade. This is what gives mastery great ease and freedom.

There are three main groups of exercises in boxing training:

1. General developmental: warm-up, work on the road, exercises with weights, sports games, etc.

2. Special preparatory exercises: exercises with equipment (paws, bags, pears, etc.).

3. Special: sparring, conditional fights, exercises to improve the technical and tactical arsenal with a partner.

Let's look at the basic means of a training session.


Warm-up is where any workout begins. This is a very important part of the workout, since poor warm-up can lead to injury. Warm-up also serves to condition the body under conditions of increased stress.

Warm-up should not be long, 10-15 minutes is enough, and should contain exercises for all muscle groups, ligaments and joints.

Exercises with a jump rope

Exercises with a jump rope improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and coordination. These exercises can be used during the warm-up or in the final part of the workout. In Thailand, training begins with this and jumping rope takes 15 minutes.

Jumping rope should be easy and economical. The knees should bend slightly in order to absorb the contact of the feet with the floor. You shouldn't jump too high. The initial goal is to establish a consistent rhythm and maintain it throughout the round. Once the initial steps are mastered, you can move on to more complex exercises - on one leg, with alternating legs, in motion, double jumps (when the rope makes two revolutions in one jump).

A fight with a shadow

Shadow boxing is the next stage of the training session. It usually lasts 2-3 rounds.

Shadow boxing is performed in two ways:

- by repeatedly repeating the same blow or technique, achieving the correct form of movement;

– imagining an imaginary opponent and fighting with him.

It is always necessary to have a mental picture of your opponent, to see his imaginary strikes, movements and defenses. Shadowboxing should have a specific purpose.


Sparring and other types of training fights are one of the most important parts of training. A boxer cannot succeed in competition without improving his skills in training fights. It is advisable to devote 15–20 rounds per week to sparring. Boxers should conduct training bouts wearing well-fitting masks, 12-16 ounce gloves, shin pads, and vests if necessary. However, in Thailand, boxers most often sparr with only punches. They believe that sparring with kicks will cause unnecessary injury. It is advisable to lubricate your face with Vaseline to avoid cuts.

You can't spar just for the sake of fighting. It is always necessary to set some specific task. It is advisable to select sparring partners who are similar in style to the future opponent. Sparring must be carried out at full strength, otherwise the blow will be lost.

Sometimes it is very useful to sparr with boxers who have just put on gloves, what does this give? A boxer familiar with the Thai boxing technique hits with well-known blows, described many times, and a beginner waves haphazardly, it’s easy to attack him, but some ridiculous blows can be very unexpected and take him by surprise.

Paw exercises

Exercises on the paws are used to practice defensive techniques, mobility, accuracy and technique of strikes, combinations, as well as to solve individual tactical problems. The companies “RAMTL” and “TWINS”, which produce boxing equipment, produce a large assortment of different types of paws: regular paws for hands, paws-gloves, elongated paws for hands, paws for legs, shields for practicing strikes on the legs and torso. We also produce protective vests for trainers or protective belts for practicing body blows, and shin pads for kicking by trainers.

For paw exercises, three to six rounds are allotted daily.

When working with the paws, the coach should imitate blows, and the boxer, performing various defenses, should move on to counterattacking actions. Each technique, blow or combination must be carefully worked out. You cannot strike randomly, without a specific goal. It is necessary to constantly create a situation close to combat.

Bag exercises

The bag is the best projectile for delivering a correct, strong and fast strike. Bag exercises usually take 2-4 rounds.

The principles of working on a bag are the same as when shadowboxing. First, each blow is trained on the form of execution, and then on acquiring striking force and speed through repeated repetition. After mastering single strikes, you can move on to practicing combinations.

It is necessary to constantly be in motion in front of the bag, not to linger in the same position for a second. You should not push the bag instead of hitting it. It must also be remembered that the blow should not be applied to the surface of the bag, but through the bag.

One of the specific bag exercises used in Thailand is kicking, kneeing and punching a swinging bag.

Exercises on a pneumatic bag

The pneumatic bag promotes good muscle coordination, improving the feeling of striking, differentiated light and strong, and accuracy of striking. 1-3 rounds are allotted for working with a pear.

Pears are available in four sizes. You need to start with the largest, slower one, and only after consolidating the skills of working on it can you move on to smaller, faster pears. You can slow down the movement of the pear by deflating the air from it. The standard exercise is as follows: the boxer strikes with the front of his fist, the bag hits the back of the platform, the front and back again and moves towards the next blow with the same fist, but with its edge. This is followed by a change of hand. Hands must be raised. First you need to maintain a consistent rhythm throughout the round. Once this exercise is mastered, you can move on to striking with different strengths and changing the rhythm of the strikes.

Stretching ball exercises

Exercises with the ball on stretches serve to improve the distance and accuracy of defensive strikes with slopes, blocks, and withdrawals. The balls are also available in four sizes.

First you need to start with simple exercises on the largest ball - a straight punch with your fist without a step and as soon as the ball goes back after the impact, take a slope or step back. Then move on to more complex exercises - with strikes after defenses, with series of two-three-four strikes, with steps, on a smaller ball.

Free work in pairs

More often, when working in pairs, only kicks that are not protected by protectors are used. The essence of such a fight is to practice proper defense and counterattack. The more variety and improvisation, the better. The blows are applied lightly and softly, so as not to injure yourself and your partner. Sometimes boxers wear gloves and throw punches as well as kicks. Usually 2 rounds are allotted for working in pairs.

Clinch exercises

This type of work in pairs serves to practice grips, ways out of them, and techniques for unbalancing the opponent. Exercises in the clinch, or they also say “wrestling”, are given 2-4 rounds daily.

This part of the training should not be turned into a fight; knee strikes should be delivered with good amplitude, but should not be strong, and a lot of effort should not be applied. More attention should be paid to striking precisely at the moment when the partner is unbalanced and not ready to defend himself.

Abdominal and neck strengthening exercise

These are very important strength exercises necessary in order to withstand an opponent's blow well. These exercises end the training.

Structure of a training session

No. 1 Training – tactical and technical;

No. 2 Training – technical and tactical;

No. 3 Circular training – specially physical;

No. 4 Open ring;

No. 5 Competition – refereeing and instruction (for 4–5 goals of training).

Workout #1


General developmental exercises;

Special physical exercises.

Main part:

Simulated battle without an opponent;

Simulated battle with the enemy;

Working in protective equipment;

Conditionally free fights.

Final part:

Work on projectiles;

Workout #2


Running exercises;


Exercises to develop flexibility.

Main part:

Muay Thai School;

Imitation fight in front of a mirror with and without weights;

Working with heavy bags;

Working with medicine balls.

Final part:

Jump rope;

Summing up, homework.

Workout #3


General developmental exercises;

Sport games.

Main part:

Circuit training using equipment and weights.

Final part:

Exercises to develop flexibility;

Summing up, homework.

Workout #4


General developmental exercises;

Main part:

Conditionally free fights;

Free fights.

Final part:

Analysis of the matches, summing up the results.

Workout #5



Main part:

Refereeing as a side judge, timekeeper, and participant judge.

Preparation for the performance of novice athletes and timing at entry-level tournaments.

Final part:

Summing up, analyzing the results.

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