Training for beginner adult fencers. Historical fencing Fencing for beginners

A form of ancient martial arts with edged weapons, which are recreated based on historical sources - texts, images and oral traditions. In other words, historical fencing is an attempt to revive martial arts, the traditions of which have not been preserved to this day. Basically, the term "historical fencing" refers to the types of edged weapons that existed before the rise of the three classical sporting blades - the rapier, épée and saber. IN last years, as a result of the enormous interest in martial arts and historical heritage, many individuals and organizations are trying to recreate ancient martial arts.

Historical fencing in Paladin.

Our hall is named after the famous fencing club “Paladin”, which has existed for more than 10 years. At the beginning of 2002, a number of fighters separated from him and organized their own club called “Bayard”, which soon became generally recognized the best club Russia, Europe and the CIS on the tournament component of historical fencing. From year to year, the fighters of this club win almost all the tournaments in which they participate. Moreover, almost all Bayard participants work as trainers at FFC Paladin. Thus, FFC Paladin has the strongest coaching school in this sport in the world, which we are very proud of.

Classes are held in the hall

Coach - Ivan Vasiliev

Experience in historical fencing - since 1999. Multiple winner and prize-winner of various regional, Russian and international tournaments in HMB (both in duels and in group battles). Two-time winner of the Battle of the Nations tournament. One of the authors of the concept of professional full-contact medieval battles (“professional fights”) - one of the most spectacular and tough types of historical fencing. Won many victories professional ring. One of the founders of the Bayard Club. Has an official higher education diploma sports education. Coaching experience in historical fencing - since 2003.

Coach - Mikhail Babynin

An excellent fighter and coach, he knows more about the theory of fencing than others, the author of the “two strikes” concept, a participant in the “Battle of the Nations” and various tournaments, writes a bestseller about historical fencing. Sports background – sports fencing.

It is also necessary to keep in mind that training twice a week (beginner adults do it very rarely) does not allow one to master fencing techniques and tactics in a professional manner. In addition, 40–50 individual lessons of short duration during the annual season, as well as poor load tolerance, do not give the desired effect in mastering martial arts due to the low volume of multiple repetitions. In addition, the vast majority of training for beginner adult fencers is not carried out using a group method. Consequently, pair exercises, as a link between an individual lesson and training battles, are carried out extremely irregularly, which significantly reduces the effects of mastering fencing techniques. When teaching adult beginners, it makes sense to take a closer look at their individual morpho-functional, psychomotor and motor characteristics in order to equip them with adequate martial arts tools, taking into account the length of the body and limbs, coordination and sensory abilities. A standard lunge length should not be achieved unless the 40-year-old beginner fencer has the proper level of flexibility. Adapt motor qualities such athletes to competitive activity follows due to correct technique. The speed of the attack in this case can be achieved with the help of an adequate distance to the fight and spatial accuracy of the weapon’s actions, as well as sending the tip to the thrust ahead of the body.

The peculiarities of motor response should be managed in a similar way, forming, for example, a “late parade” in an athlete who quickly and accurately differentiates stimuli and has good endurance. And also by equipping with deliberate actions someone who is good at predicting the enemy’s likely intentions and has a short simple motor reaction time. In a similar way, one should use the athlete’s advantages in anticipation reactions by teaching him martial arts and tactical skills based on a good sense of distance.

As practice shows, beginning adults who have already formed a minimum set of actions are distinguished by a mature understanding of the essence of martial arts with weapons, they more easily master tactical knowledge and skills and then apply them in competitive fights. At the same time, finding the moment for active actions during combat and their implementation largely ensures the level of proficiency in attack and maneuvering techniques. It is this part of the preparedness of beginning adult fencers that represents a problematic link. In an effort to increase the interest of students in fencing through personal communication during an individual lesson, most trainers ignore the process of mastering movement techniques. All this is aggravated by the fact that they practically drop out of training group exercises in movement, used in classes with beginners. Thus, when working with such a contingent, it is necessary to set up a trainer for 15-20 minutes of independent work on attack and maneuvering techniques, performed on each training session, including also exercises with a target.

general information:

  • The Blade and Vine club teaches historical fencing - fencing with bladed weapons that have analogues in the past. Training is divided into several areas: fitness fencing, historical fencing (including the history of costume), cutting targets.
  • Our club unites areas of comprehensive reconstruction, which means full immersion in the era (VII-XII and XVII centuries). As a bonus - training in horse riding, archery and maritime affairs on field trips (participants choose their own region).
  • Since 2018, we began studying the traditions of historical European martial arts (HEMA).
  • We are members of the Sports Sword Federation. We conduct classes for children using soft weapons.
  • Clothes for training in the gym - sportswear. At club trips - according to the era for which the trip is organized.
We train in areas:
  • Classic fencing with one weapon.
  • Sword and daga.
  • Sword and shield.
  • Ax and shield.
  • Spear/brodex.
  • Sword/saber.
  • Long sword.
  • Dueling fencing.
  • Teamwork (threes, fives).

Club City: Moscow.

Year of foundation: 2010.

Supervisor: Pavlyukova Ekaterina Dmitrievna.

Instructional staff: Alexey Pavlyukov (since 2009), Alexander Kamshilin (since 2008), Ekaterina Pavlyukova (since 2009).

Tournaments and events held:
  • Annual festival of historical reconstruction of the early Middle Ages “Varangian Sails”: boat battles, maritime training, participation in the reconstruction of the Baltic rite “Creation of the World” (2015−2018).
  • Annual inter-epoch festival of historical reconstruction “Helga”: combat program, organization of throwing ranges and trade, judging (2014−2018).
  • Historical fencing tournaments “Holmgang” (2016).
  • Tournaments for cutting on replicas of bladed weapons “Singing Blade” (2016−2017).
  • Annual festival of historical reconstruction of the early Middle Ages “Bogatyr Power”: judging, organization of a tournament within the framework of the festival (2013, 2015−2016).
  • Annual festival of historical reconstruction “Gnezdovo”: organization of throwing ranges, organization and conduct of master classes, judging (2013−2016).
  • Annual festival of historical reconstruction “Primordial Rus'”: organization and holding of a tournament within the framework of the festival, judging (2016).
  • Annual festival of historical reconstruction “Epic Coast”: demonstration performances and cutting master classes, organization of throwing ranges (knives, axes, poles), judging, boat team (2015−2016).
  • Annual festival of historical reconstruction "Rusborg": demonstration performances with an equestrian program (2016).
  • International exhibition “Blade - traditions and modernity”, “Blade on the Neva”, knife exhibitions in Moscow and St. Petersburg: demonstration performances in fencing and chopping, cutting master classes, (2016−2019).
  • Annual international exhibition “Equestrian Russia” in the sports complex “Bitsa”: demonstration equestrian program (2016).
  • Closed Cavalry competitions of the KSK “Atamanets” (2015).

Don't go on the attack! Don't go back! Don't take protection! Don't do a counterattack! Don't fail! Don't put your hand straight!
- What should we do?
- Fencing!

Additional Information

  • The former name of the club: SKIR "Khoroyar".
  • For fencing, we use large-sized (not sharpened) copies of historical weapons. Fencing techniques are reconstructed from historical manuscripts and fencing records. Fencing takes place in analogues of historical costumes with mandatory compliance with the fencer’s weapon.
  • Our club took part in the filming of fencing scenes for videos of music groups: Imperial Age (participation), Rarog “Trouble” (participation and production), Kalevala “Arrived” (participation and production of fencing scenes).
  • Club workshop and interview with candidates: st. Olkhovskaya, 14, building 4, room 13 M (metro station Baumanskaya / m. Krasnoselskaya).
  • Training room address: st. Nizhnyaya Krasnoselskaya, 35, building K (metro station Baumanskaya / m. Krasnoselskaya).
  • To sign up for your first training session, fill out the form in the VKontakte group: “