Full body workout for advanced. Uniform pumping of all muscle groups in one session is a full body workout! Big muscles are not a threat

Fullbody for women is the principle of building a training program, which we will talk about today on the weight loss portal “Lose Weight Without Problems.”


This principle involves working the entire body every workout. Linear strength progression is used. Let's talk more about what all this means.

If we translate the expression full body, from which the term fullbody is derived, we get “whole body”. That is, this training complex designed for working out all basic muscle groups.

Fullbody training for girls involves sequential training, each of which is selected for certain muscles.

Let's understand the term "strength progression". This is a periodic lifting of working weights.

Let's look at the simplest examples. Let's say you need to deadlift vertical block to the chest. What are we doing? For the first time, we perform 3 sets of ten repetitions (and the weight, for example, is 20 kilograms). The next training day the weight remains the same, but we do 12 reps. And increasing the weight is done at the time of decreasing the number of repetitions.

Many fitness experts say that the fullbody is the best choice for beginner women. After all, when a person first comes to practice, he begins to master certain exercises. And it’s better to do this comprehensively in order to get acquainted with correct technique performing all approaches to each muscle group.

B. Shenefield conducted his own research, in which athletes, albeit men, aged from 23 to 25 years (a total of 20 volunteers) participated. The first group did full body three times a week, and the second group did each muscle group once every 7 days. The volume of muscle mass increased more in those who trained three times. In the same time strength indicators were at the same level.

The portal site wants to emphasize that there is no point in drawing global conclusions here. Still, the sample is extremely small, there is a huge risk of error. And in general, you need to look at what kind of exercises there were, how many approaches, what the load was. Because fullbody for women 3 times a week and for men, and also taking into account different trainers, can be very different.

The benefits of working out all muscles

If you practice this system at least a couple of times in 7 days, each muscle group is loaded exactly the same amount. And there is such a pattern that The more often we load the muscles, the better they grow.

Much more energy is spent on training, because many muscles are involved. So this training system is excellent for those who are focused on...

The stronger the muscle exhaustion, the more powerful the supercompensation becomes. When a person has worked out well, the body is literally exhausted. And these are more than perfect conditions for taking in the nutritional components needed for the recovery process.

When training using the “whole body” system, testosterone concentration increases. And this gives a stronger anabolic response.

Fullbody for beginners, girls and women: training program

First training:

  • squat;
  • pose;
  • do a push-up;
  • pull yourself up using the so-called Australian method (parallel hang to a low bar);
  • do push-ups using parallel bars - or alternatively, you can do push-ups on a bench ( reverse technique, with emphasis on the triceps).

Second training option:

  • lean forward, while outstretched arms there was a barbell;
  • do a static lunge (scissor squat);
  • do pull-ups with bands to compensate - or do deadlifts upper block;
  • in the classic way - dumbbell press;
  • raise your legs - do it while hanging on the horizontal bar.

Such training should be alternated every other day (1 day – rest). Gradually, after these techniques are mastered, you can move on to weight training.

Fullbody training for girls who already have strength training

If you have already gone to the gym before, but gave up training for some period, or before you started exercising in the gym, you attended dancing, aerobics, did shaping at home, simply led a sporty lifestyle, swam in the pool, then a similar program that described below will suit you.

This full body workout for women is built on the principle of working the entire body in one training session. A linear strength progression is taken, but in comparison with the previously described program, super series.

Super series are exercises in which there is no rest between sets. For example, after you have done a dumbbell press from a lying position (angle 35 degrees), immediately begin to do horizontal block rows to the press. After - vertical thrust behind the head or to the chest. Only after completing this series can you rest for 1 minute or one and a half.

Then - again a repeat of the super series.

What you should always remember

Fullbody training for girls does not provide any guarantees for an improvement in figure or fast burning excess fat, If:

  • you train poorly - then there will definitely be no result, and the point here is not that this is a fullbody, and not, for example, split training;
  • the training plan is drawn up according to a universal scheme, and not taking into account specific features;
  • A properly prepared training plan is not 100% implemented.

There is also a point of view according to which our muscles are created as a single “mechanism”, and therefore they must move as a single whole. If you isolate certain muscle groups and load them, but not others, you may encounter general weakness throughout your body, even if everything is fine in some other places.

Fullbody for girls is a win-win option, even if you have never worked out. The general level of physical fitness will improve, and it is not at all necessary to immediately load yourself. And if you follow the training plan with consistency, then progress will go faster.

Greetings to all lovers of a healthy lifestyle and sports!

Before your first visit gym it is difficult for beginners to decide on the program training process, according to which they can begin to study. To make your choice easier, I suggest you familiarize yourself with an uncomplicated, simple fullbody workout.
If you are just starting to learn the basics of bodybuilding, strength fitness. To become physically healthy and strong, pay attention to motivating goals.

Goals of fullbody training for beginners (men, women)

- acquiring a muscular, inflated figure is the goal of the stronger half; for girls, they are characterized by slimness, a beautiful figure, without fat deposits in problem areas. In short, guys gain muscle mass, girls burn fat.
- By maintaining your initial enthusiasm, you will achieve excellent success. Don’t expect results right away; let’s move towards our cherished goal, observing regularity and the correct technique when practicing.
- thanks to this training, we improve performance strength endurance
- accustoming the body to physical activity

The full body program is a set of exercises for pumping up the whole body. Its very simplicity and accessibility allows you to pump up all muscle groups in a single session. This way, throughout the week, the muscle groups will be in constant stress tone. A distinctive feature is to perform a small amount of work (with weights) on the body, this will prevent injury. Prepare untrained, unprepared muscles for subsequent loads.

Initial stage: 1 week, we train with light weights, honing the technique until it becomes automatic. In the second week we select the optimal working weight, the third we devote to a minimal increase in the weight of the weights. It is impossible not to note the time for breaks between approaches. Everything here is individual, depends on physical training. Average value 2 minutes. If you have time to recover, reduce your rest time or increase the weight. Otherwise, reduce the number of plates and the weight of dumbbells. The duration of the fullbody training program is 40-60 minutes. This time does not include a five-minute warm-up on cardio equipment.

Remember in the first month of your classes, no maximum weights.

An important point that cannot be ignored is proper nutrition. The combination of exercises in a full body training program and a balanced diet is the key to success. Adequate rest and 8 hours of sleep are a must.
As I described above, there is no simpler program like this. The basis is made up of multi-joint movements for large muscle groups, have you guessed which ones? Basic exercises involving less energy-intensive exercises - isolated . Every day perform 3-8 exercises with 8-10-20 repetitions. In total - Three days of work per week with three rests between working days. At the initial stage, it is better to limit yourself to 2 approaches, with a subsequent increase to four.

Let's move directly to the complexes. Depending on your experience, choose a program. Although basically such a complex is associated with new gym visitors. For experienced athletes, a fullbody will help them recover from injury and remember the load after a long break.

Fullbody training program for beginners


Bench press4 x 8-12
Pull-up on the bar3 x 6-10
Extension lower limbs in the simulator3 x 8-12
Raising dumbbells through the sides to shoulder level3 x 8-12
Extend your arms from the upper block3 x8-12
Curling your arms with a barbell to work your biceps3 x 6-10
Abdominal crunch from a lying position3 x 10-20



Do this for 6 months and you can start training on other programs.

Full body training for girls is different from the men's complex. Fullbody is best suited for the metabolic process of losing weight. With high-frequency repetitions with light weights, it is suitable for the fair half of humanity. Girls will need more time to work than men (60-90 minutes) with breaks between exercises of 40-50 seconds. I will offer girls a two-day set of exercises that you can perform at home with a minimum set of fitness accessories (barbells, dumbbells) with some additions and changes.

Fullbody workout for women

First day

Second day

Let's move smoothly

a set of exercises for advanced athletes using the fullbody system

For convenience, we will also distribute the load over three days. A kind of full body for a straight man. The highlight of this option is to restore muscle memory, and, if desired, diversify your boring complexes. You have 12 months of experience in the gym, but there was a period when you were unable to fully train, then do these exercises for a month and you can safely switch to split programs.

  1. Squats with a barbell on your shoulders (3 sets x 8 reps)
  2. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar (3 x 8-10 reps)
  3. Barbell chest press, lying (3 to 8-10)
  4. Classic deadlift (3 to 8-10)
  5. Curling arms with a barbell for biceps (3 to 8-10)
  6. Twisting on incline bench on the press (3 to 12-15)

Now you have a complete understanding of full body training. As you can see, it’s not complicated, but the efficiency is very high. For a beginner this is First stage entering the world strength training. For girls, intensity with minimal load. For advanced bodybuilders, a variety of new stressful situations for muscle growth. Improve your sports performance with , share with friends, encourage leaders healthy image life. Until next time. Best regards, Sergei.

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Greetings, sports fans!

Full body programs are one of the simplest and at the same time effective programs for beginner sports fans. If we compare them with split programs, fullbadi involves working out the entire body in one session in the gym.

As a rule, such a workout consists of 4-8 exercises and this makes it possible to use each muscle group up to 3 times a week. What is optimal at the initial stage of training, as well as for athletes who have taken a long break from training.

For whom is fullbadi better than split?

There are two parameters that characterize the severity of training: volume and intensity. Training volume is expressed in the number of workouts per week, the number of exercises, the number of approaches and repetitions. Intensity is the ratio of the working weight to the maximum weight in a given exercise.

As athletes become more trained, the volume and intensity of training increases. The body's recovery capabilities also increase, but they still have certain limits. To further increase the load on the muscles, athletes use division of muscle groups into different days– splits. This allows you to perform a larger volume of load on each muscle group with larger weights and not fall off during or after such a workout. Afterwards there is usually a week of rest for the pumped muscles, and in other classes other muscles are trained.

That is, splits are necessary for athletes who already have certain experience, who have increased muscle mass and can do enormous amounts of work with heavy weights on each muscle group.

A person who has just begun to master fitness and bodybuilding is not yet able to perform a huge amount of work for each muscle group. The body (muscles, ligaments, nervous system) is not yet prepared for this. That is, a beginner is able to perform only a small amount of work for each muscle group. Therefore, during each session in the gym, he trains a lot of muscles a little bit.

At first, you need to work with low weights and learn the correct technique for doing the exercises. After such activities there is no need for a lot of time to rest. Thus, working out all muscle groups in one workout is an ideal option for a beginner athlete!

Fullbody training can be based on two principles:
— the same exercises are performed at each training session;
- are being carried out different exercises, but the same muscle groups are worked out in each workout.

The benefits of fullbody training

— in each workout, each muscle group is worked, which in turn “tones the body” and builds muscle mass;

— you can visit the gym from 1 to 3 times a week, your working weights will depend on how much rest you have, but in any case, each workout will bear fruit;

- you can periodically change exercises, while maintaining the load on the target muscle group, which will introduce an element of novelty into the exercises and respond to new muscle growth.


All workouts must begin with a general warm-up - walking along the path, pedaling, etc. And only then begin to perform exercises with a load. Specialized warm-up - the weight of the first approaches should be light. This allows the nervous system and muscles to start working smoothly, and protects you from injury.

For the first 2-3 weeks of classes, focus on mastering correct technique each exercise - your goal is to learn technique, not to lift heavy weights.

In the first week you learn the exercises. On the second, carefully select the load. On the third week you try a little increase working weights in exercises. But you shouldn’t increase them so much that you reach “failure.” The first month of training in the “failure” gym is undesirable.

“Failure” is when you can no longer perform a single repetition and only then stop doing the exercise.

Rest between sets depends on your level of general fitness. One person needs more than 3 minutes to restore strength and breathe, while another needs just a minute. Focus on restoring your pulse and breathing. Select loads in such a way that you have time to catch your breath in 1-3 minutes. If you need more time, then reduce the working weights.

It is advisable to fit the entire workout into 40-60 minutes.

Schwarzenegger's Golden Six exercises

1. Squats 4 x 10
2. Bench press wide grip 3 x 10
3. Pull-ups 3 x maximum
4. Army press 4 x 10
5. Barbell curl for biceps 3 x 10
6. Crunches (press) 3 x to failure

This one, at first glance simple program, very useful. As with many fullbody programs, Schwarzenegger advised working on this program up to 3 times a week, resting every other day, and not lifting weights at all on recovery days.

Thanks to the small volume this program suitable for beginners. For the first couple of weeks of training, I recommend doing only 2 sets of each exercise. And from the third week, smoothly switch to 3-4 approaches per exercise.

The whole body works in every lesson, but thanks to various exercises they give a multi-effect - good stimulation of muscle growth, nervous system, strengthening and development of ligaments and tendons, hormonal surge (provided primarily by squats!).

Fullbody program for girls

Fulbadi for the fair sex is an excellent option even if you have never been to the gym and have not played any sport before. Your level of physical fitness will noticeably improve, and there is no need to immediately load yourself heavy scales. Just choose the minimum working weights for yourself.

In addition, if you approach the program responsibly and practice constantly, you will be able to see progress and noticeable improvements in your figure and overall health very soon.

The Fullbody training program is well suited for beginners. Fullbody involves working out the entire body in one session. This allows you to pump one muscle group 2-3 times a week.

This program is not very suitable for professionals because... the muscles do not have time to recover, but for beginners this is just right. A beginner does not have large muscles, so the body of beginners copes with stress and develops.


  • Bench press horizontal bench 4 sets 12-10-8-6 reps
  • Pull-ups 3 sets 10-8-6 reps
  • Leg extensions in the simulator 3 sets 12-10-8 reps
  • Dumbbell swings to the sides 3 sets 12-10-8 reps
  • Cable arm extensions 3 sets 12-10-8 reps
  • Barbell Curls 3 sets 10-8-6 reps
  • Incline Crunches 3 sets 20-15-10 reps


  • Deadlift 4 sets 12-10-8-6 reps
  • Incline Dumbbell Press 3 sets 10-8-6 reps
  • Leg curls in the simulator 3 sets 12-10-8 reps
  • Bent-over dumbbell swings 3 sets 12-10-8 reps
  • Bench press narrow grip 3 sets 10-8-6 reps
  • Scott Bench Curls 3 sets 12-10-8 reps
  • Hanging leg raises 3 sets to failure

Notes: If you have problems with your spine, perform bent-over barbell rows instead of deadlifts.

  • Barbell squats 4 sets 12-10-8-6 reps
  • Dips 3 sets 10-8-6 reps
  • Lat Pulldown 3 sets 10-8-6 reps
  • Seated barbell or dumbbell press 3 sets 10-8-6 reps
  • Standing French Press 3 sets 12-10-8 reps
  • Barbell curl reverse grip 3 sets 12-10-8 reps
  • Seated or standing calf raises 3 sets 20-15-10 reps

Basic option for beginners

Mon, Wed, Fri

  • Barbell squats 2-3 sets 8-12 reps
  • Bench press 2-3 sets 8-12 reps
  • Pull-ups on the bar 2-3 sets 8-15 reps
  • Dips 2-3 sets 8-15 reps
  • Crunches 3 sets 20-25 reps

Notes: If you have back problems, do leg presses instead of barbell squats. You can also replace pull-ups with lat pull-downs if you can't do the required number of reps on the bar. Dips can be replaced with barbell presses with a narrow grip.

Mon, Wed, Fri

  • Barbell squats 3-4 sets 8-10 reps
  • Bench press 3-4 sets 8-10 reps
  • Deadlift 3 sets 8-10 reps
  • Bent-over barbell rows 3 sets 8-10 reps
  • Standing barbell press 3-4 sets 8-10 reps
  • Barbell curls 3 sets 8-12 reps
  • French press 3 sets 8-10 reps

Notes: Number of workouts per week (Mon, Wed, Fri), depending on the body’s recovery capabilities. If you decide to exercise 2 times a week (Mon and Fri), then both workouts should be hard. If 3 times a week, then on Wednesday there should be a light workout.

Select the weights so that you do the last repetitions with all your strength.

The following benefits of training can be highlighted:

  • The training is suitable for beginners and is correct for an unprepared body, as well as for regaining shape after a long rest and subsequently rehabilitation after injuries.
  • The workout is suitable for both men and girls.
  • Fulbadi is also suitable in the off-season for maintaining shape after competitions.
  • The perfect workout for women of all ages.
  • Thanks to adequate load, each muscle is trained properly, but is not unnecessarily injured, having time to recover by next training session.
  • The risk of developing a strong inflammatory process in the muscles the next day is also reduced.
  • Better for beginners than a split system.
  • Allows you to strengthen muscles and also get rid of excess fat.
  • A safer method for strengthening ligaments and muscles.


  • Although this is not a disadvantage, this method is still not suitable and ineffective for experienced gym goers who require complex split training to progress.
  • Despite the fact that the training is designed for beginners, it is still not worth doing it in the first month, since complex basic exercises are difficult to perform. unprepared people undesirable.

Fullbody program for men

Perform 3-4 sets of each exercise, 15,12,10, 8 reps, rest for two minutes between sets. During the period of performing the first two exercises of the complex, you can rest until complete recovery.

Day 1

  1. Leg bending in the simulator.

  1. Horizontal press rods.

  1. Pull a horizontal block to the belt.

  1. Standing dumbbell press.

  1. Shin sitting.

  1. Press – any two exercises.

Day 2

  1. Sumo squats.

  1. Romanian cravings.

  1. Wide grip pull-ups to the bar.

  1. Row of one dumbbell to the belt in support.

  1. Dumbbell press at a 45 degree angle.

  1. Dumbbell raises to the side.

  1. Medium grip barbell curl.

  1. Press.

Day 3

  1. Front squats.

  1. Deadlift.

  1. Close grip barbell press.

  1. Pull a vertical block in front of you.

  1. Wide grip horizontal block row – rear deltoid.

  1. Smith press in front of you with a medium grip.

  1. Curling arms with dumbbells in supination.

  1. Press.

Fulbadi program for girls

Perform 2-3 sets of each exercise for 15-20 repetitions with light weight.

Day 1

  1. Smith machine squats.

  1. Scissor lunges.

  1. Dumbbell bench press.

  1. Pull-ups on a low bar.

  1. Lying crunches.

  1. Lying leg raises.

Day 2

  1. Smith machine press at a 45 degree angle.

  1. Pull the upper block in front of you.


Fulbadi training will be appropriate for beginners who have already slightly adapted their muscles to basic exercises. For professional bodybuilders, such training is appropriate during the recovery period after competitions in the off-season. This method provides a kind of rest for the exhausted body and makes it possible to recover without damage to the body. sports uniform. So, the fullbody technique has many advantages for absolutely everyone, both professionals and amateurs, both men and women.

Fulbadi training in video format