Vertical press machine. Seated press in a simulator: correct exercise technique Insufficient joint flexibility

A professional free weights machine is designed to develop the deltoid muscles. The vertical press exercise is performed in a sitting position along a strictly specified trajectory. The necessary adjustments allow athletes of different heights to train.

The machine is loaded with ordinary barbell discs, which are available in any gym. The drive rods and load bars are oriented to a mounting diameter of 51 mm.

Those. peculiarities

  • The high-strength steel base is designed for intensive non-stop work. The bending of the round frame is carried out by three-dimensional pipe bending technology.
  • Metal elements are painted with high-tech non-contact powder coating. The smallest electrostatically charged paint particles penetrate into the most inaccessible places. High temperature sinteres two layers of paint, forming a solid, reliable protection against corrosion and other factors.
  • Ball bearings in closed rotating units do not require maintenance.
  • Movable and rubbing parts are chemically galvanized and chrome plated with the addition of nickel.
  • Soft products are covered with high-strength elastic PVC leather with nylon threads and filled with dense secondary foam PVC. These artificial materials have excellent strength characteristics for deformation, tearing and wear.
  • Four supports provide sufficient stability of the structure (if necessary, the legs can be attached to the floor). The kit includes anti-vibration rubber plugs.

Describes the correct execution of the seated press up in the simulator, other exercises on the front, for maximum pumping of the deltoid muscles with important points + training video.

Exercise technique

The seated upward press in the simulator is a good example for replacing the standing barbell press (military press), this significantly removes the load from the lumbar region. Perform this exercise at the end of a front delt workout to finish off an already tired delt and give it maximum pumping.

Basic Rules

1. At the top point, the weight must be squeezed out to the end; at the bottom, only when you feel a good stretch in the muscle, lift the weight up again without a pause.

2. Use a weight that will allow you to do 8 clean reps; if you can’t do them, then reduce the kilograms you set.

3. When performing the exercise, the back is pressed tightly against the back of the exercise machine, the chest is slightly moved forward, the pelvis sits firmly on the bench, and the legs rest firmly on the floor.

4. Don’t deceive yourself, completely lower and raise the weight, the greater the amplitude, the better the muscle stretches and the better the load is felt, but do not lower the handles of the machine much lower than your shoulders, otherwise you will injure the deltoid muscle.

5. Remember, this is not a basic exercise, do not perform it at the beginning of training the front deltoid, only at the end.

6. Breathe correctly, when lowering the weight, take a deep breath, when lifting, exhale completely, breathe deeply without holding your breath.

In almost every gym, the free weights area is a mass gathering place for athletes. Here they patiently wait their turn to do the bench press, and strive to get a bar to pump up their shoulders in the standing press. Sometimes in such situations it is possible, without wasting time waiting, to perform a seated bench press in a special machine.

Seated press in a simulator: training features

Pressing exercises with free weights are the best for upper body development. They can be supplemented or replaced (if for some reason you can’t exercise with a barbell or dumbbells) with similar movements in special simulators. Gyms offer a variety of modifications of such devices that allow you to perform presses at different angles and shift the working emphasis to certain muscle groups.

Muscle activation in the seated press

Compared to basic presses, the exercise in question works the target muscles more concentratedly, since stabilizers are not involved in the work.

When performing a pressing movement in a machine, an athlete loads the following muscle groups:

  • pectoral muscles;
  • anterior bundles of the deltoid muscle;
  • arm muscles (mostly triceps), receiving auxiliary load.

Depending on which simulator and at what angle the exercise is performed, the working emphasis will shift to the pectoral or deltoid muscles.

Benefits of Exercise

The press performed in the simulator is ideal for those who, for various reasons, cannot or do not want to do this exercise with free weight (girls, beginner athletes, athletes recovering from injuries).

In the exercise under consideration, the athlete does not need to be distracted by the work of the stabilizer muscles, so it will be easier to concentrate on contracting the target muscles and “hone” the ideal technique.

The press in this version is more gentle on the back and shoulder joints, which are very susceptible to injury. If there are problems in this area, it is advisable to train the upper body in this way.

An important advantage of bench presses in simulators is optimal load distribution. When working with free weights, the athlete's arms undergo natural, from an anatomical point of view, vibrations, and this can lead to incorrect load distribution and muscle asymmetry. The design of bench press machines provides for movement along a fixed trajectory, so the work emphasis will be distributed evenly.

Even beginners can perform this press without the help of a partner. There is no risk that the projectile will fall on the chest or head.

Varieties of seated press: correct technique and significant nuances

In gyms there are various modifications of devices for performing pressing movements. They can be either load-bearing or loadable. You can train in them at an angle, as well as do horizontal and vertical bench presses: it all depends on the design of the particular simulator.

All such simulators are characterized by a common algorithm of actions.

Before starting the class, you should warm up your upper body, paying special attention to your shoulder joints. Before the first approach, install a small weight: this will be a warm-up set.

Bench press in a special machine

Many gyms have press machines that allow you to move upward at an angle, as well as horizontal presses. They are used in complex training of the upper body.

Almost all such devices provide the ability to adjust the seat - you need to use it by adjusting the height to suit your height. Having settled down while sitting, press your body tightly against the back, straighten your shoulders and slightly lean your chest forward. Legs spread apart rest firmly on the floor.

Holding the handles with a comfortable grip, remove the weight and hold it with your hands (if there is a special pedal for bringing the weight to the starting position, this will make the task much easier). The shoulder blades are in a flattened state, the elbows are apart.

  1. Exhaling, with a powerful effort, squeeze the weight in front of you until your arms straighten, maintaining a slight bend in the elbow joints (“soft elbows”).
  2. They are fixed in this position for a couple of seconds: the target muscles are statically tense.
  3. As you inhale, maintaining tension in the muscles, slowly return the handles to their original position.

Do 12 times in 3-4 sets.

Video: Technique for performing seated bench presses in a machine

Hammer Seated Press

For performing the seated press, an ideal machine is called a “Hammer” in the sports community, after the manufacturer of such devices.

This lever type machine is simple and efficient, being operated by pushing out a lever to which a weight is attached. It was originally created to reduce the load on athletes’ joints during pressing movements.

The halls feature a variety of modifications of Hummers, allowing you to shift the working emphasis in the presses:

  • A vertical press device that simulates similar movements with free weights. The deltoids receive the main load here.
  • Angle press machine. It activates the pectoral muscles with an emphasis on its upper zone.

Before starting the lesson, the selected device must be adjusted to suit your height. The seat is installed so that the handles are placed at mid-chest level or slightly lower. The optimal weight is placed on the machine.

Having settled down on the seat, you need to press your back tightly against its back: there should not be a large distance between the exercise machine and your lower back. Feet rest on the floor.

Holding the handles of the Hummer, squeeze your shoulder blades together, spread your elbows to the sides and take a deep breath. With an optimal grip width, the forearm at the lowest point will be perpendicular to the body.

  1. With a powerful muscular effort, while exhaling, squeeze the weight in front of you, straightening your arms (the elbows remain “soft”, without “snapping” in the joints). Shoulders are pressed against the back, elbows pointing to the sides.
  2. At the top point you need to fixate for 1-2 seconds, focusing on the static contraction of the target muscles.
  3. While inhaling, slowly and smoothly lower the handles to their original position.

Do 12–15 repetitions in 3–4 approaches.

When practicing the Hummer, during the positive phase of the movement, you need to learn to resist the instinctive arching of your back. This is important, since with this technique the back muscles will take on a significant part of the load, and the spine will be subject to undesirable effects.

The lowering of the handles lasts longer than the pressing movement. Here you need to avoid sharply “throwing” your arms down, moving them under control and maintaining tension in the muscles.

The correct biomechanics of movement in this device implies a contracted position of the shoulder blades and a protruding chest at all points of the trajectory. There is no need to concentrate on pushing the weight out (similar to a barbell bench press). What is important here is a smooth and leisurely straightening of the arms; you should seem to be moving the weight, not pushing it.

Video: How to properly perform a bench press in a Hummer

Smith machine press to work the pectoral muscles

You can specifically work the target muscles without spending additional effort on the work of the stabilizer muscles in a Smith machine. As with other bench press machines, the Smith uses the same movements as in free weight training, but in a more focused manner. This is due to the fact that the bar here goes strictly along the guides, the trajectory of its movement is set initially.

Press sitting in front of you at an angle in the Smith machine

First you need to set the desired angle of the bench and place it directly under the bar. It is advisable to determine the exact placement on an individual basis by performing several trial repetitions without weight. After this, the optimal weight is set.

After sitting down on a bench (the bar is in front), you need to fix the position of the body: your feet rest on the floor, your pelvis and back are pressed against the seat). The bar is taken with a straight closed grip with a wide stance of the hands, by turning it, remove it from the stoppers and lower it to approximately the level of the chin.

  1. As you exhale, squeeze the bar above yourself. The arms are not fully straightened, leaving a slight angle at the elbow joints.
  2. At the top point, pause for a second, concentrating on peak muscle contraction.
  3. As you inhale, lower the bar under control to its original position. There is no need to put it on your chest.

Perform 10–12 times in 3–4 approaches.

During movements, you should not arch your lower back - this will overload the spine and change the emphasis of the load.

Video: Press sitting in a Smith machine in front of you - pumping up the chest muscles and shoulders

Smith machine overhead press

Before you begin this exercise, you need to thoroughly warm up your shoulder joints, since they have serious work ahead of them: the overhead press is more dangerous than other similar movements.

In the Smith machine, the bar is placed in the top position, so that it can be comfortably grasped with straightened arms. A weight is placed on it. A bench with a vertical backrest is placed under the bar (if it is not available, a regular gymnastics bench will do). You should position yourself on it so that the bar is positioned exactly above your head. The abdominal muscles are statically tense, the feet rest firmly on the floor. Raising your hands, grab the bar with a grip wider than your shoulders and remove it from the stoppers.

  1. Inhaling, in a controlled movement, bring the barbell behind your head to approximately the middle of your head or slightly lower. In the lower position, an angle of 90 degrees should form between the joints of the shoulder and elbow. This is an average indicator; the level of lowering of the bar is determined by the flexibility of the athlete’s joints. It's important not to overdo it here.
  2. There is a second pause at the bottom.
  3. As you exhale, push the bar up with a powerful movement, avoiding “snapping” in the elbow joints.

Do 8-10 times in 3 sets.

To make launching the projectile more comfortable, it is permissible to tilt your head forward slightly, without allowing your back to lift off the back of the bench. The bar must move strictly along a vertical trajectory without deviation to the sides.

Video: Correct technique for performing seated overhead presses in a Smith machine

Seated presses are the ideal finishing movement for an upper body workout day. It is advisable to include it in the lesson plan after basic exercises on the chest and shoulders and perform it in a multi-repetition mode: this way the target muscles will receive high-quality development. This is especially true for experienced athletes who have already built up muscle mass. In addition, here you can work to failure without fear of being crushed by the barbell.

The design of such simulators allows you to do presses with one and the other hand alternately. This may be relevant if there is pronounced muscle asymmetry and correction of the load is required in relation to one of the arms.

Presses in simulators allow you to change the emphasis by changing the grip. For example, when training the pectoral muscles, a wide grip more actively engages its outer area, while a narrower grip activates the inner part of the pectorals and triceps.

If an athlete has an injured shoulder joint, it is not recommended for him to do a full-amplitude bench press: in the lower position, the elbows should not extend beyond the plane of the body. In such situations, it is advisable to train in devices with a special lever for applying weight.

Seated presses in simulators will complement the training program for the development of the upper body: performed in combination with basic exercises, they will significantly increase the effectiveness of the training. Pressing movements in special devices can become the basis of a training program if the athlete does not plan to gain muscle mass or is recovering from a shoulder girdle injury.

The exercise is designed to train the shoulder muscles. Works the anterior and middle deltoids, triceps and forearms. The upper part of the trapezius muscles works to a lesser extent.

Target muscles in exercise – anterior delta of shoulders.

Standing overhead dumbbell press

Dumbbell press- one of the main exercises aimed at pumping up the shoulders with an emphasis on the anterior deltoid muscles. It can be performed sitting or standing, depending on your preparation. If your goal is to gain shoulder muscle mass, then the standing dumbbell press is a great addition to your workout. You will find everything about the correct technique for performing the exercise and the muscles that are involved in the dumbbell press in the article below.

Video exercises

What muscles work: load on a 10-point scale

Application of the standing dumbbell press exercise

To whom. Everyone from beginner to master. For men and women.

When. At the beginning of the shoulder workout. Can be done first in a super set. Second, do dumbbell raises in front of you.

How many. 15 repetitions of 3 sets with a rest interval of 60 seconds.

Standing dumbbell press: technique

  1. Starting position: standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. We hold the dumbbells with an overhand grip at eye level. Palms facing forward.
  2. Raise the dumbbells up along the triangle path. We straighten our arms almost completely (at the top point the elbows are always slightly bent). Exhale.
  3. Lower the dumbbells to the starting position while inhaling.

Main mistakes when performing the exercise:

  • Full straightening of the arms at the elbows. Not allowed! Joints can be damaged as the muscles completely relax.
  • Dumbbell flyes and raises. Try to do the press along the triangle trajectory. At the lowest point of the movement, keep your forearm vertical to the floor.
  • Turn your palms (dumbbells) in different directions. In the initial and final positions, keep your palms facing forward.
  • Dumbbell press at an angle forward. In the top position, the dumbbells should be vertical to the body above your head.
  • Incorrect amplitude of execution - jerks, swings. All movements are performed smoothly. It is recommended to lift quickly and lower twice as slowly.

Execution options

A similar exercise, the only difference is the position of the wrists.

A good coordination exercise. The peak load falls even more on the anterior deltoids of the shoulders.


  • Starting position: We hold our arms and elbows in front of us on our chest. Palms are turned towards the face at shoulder level.
  • The range of movement is performed with synchronized rotation of the wrists. In the upper position, the palms face forward.
  • When lifting, do not spread your elbows. Individually. Depends on the flexibility of the joints.

Strive to keep your elbows as forward as possible throughout the entire range of execution.

Pros and cons of standing dumbbell press


  1. There are advantages over the bench press. The spine is in a safer and physiologically correct position. This reduces the risk of spinal injury under heavy load.
  2. Can be done at home.
  3. There are many variations: seated, incline, narrow press, etc.


  1. Slightly loads the spine.
  2. Complex technique for beginners.
What exercises should you use for your workout?

Article by Dmitry Smirnov, fitness editor of the Russian publication "Mens Health".

A simple diagram shows which exercises are most important for training and health. It is advisable that the training includes exercises from each group.

Horizontal presses and rows.
- Vertical presses and rows.
- Knee-dominant exercises.
- Pelvic-dominant exercises.
- VPN - exercises.
- Exercises for the core.

1. Horizontal presses.
This is any movement that involves flexion of the shoulder and is similar to a bench press.

The exercises themselves:
- pushups;
- dumbbell bench press;
- push-ups on parallel bars;
- bench press;
- bench press of one dumbbell;
- bench press while standing with one hand forward.

2. Vertical presses.
Exercises that involve shoulder abduction.

The exercises themselves:
- corner push-ups, feet on a bench;
- seated dumbbell press;
- high row with a barbell from the knees;
- Shvung press;
- Shvung of one dumbbell while standing.

3. Horizontal thrusts.
Movements that are the opposite of horizontal presses. Such exercises train the main area responsible for normal posture of the thoracic spine and stability of the shoulder joints. The main thing is to always concentrate on clearly bringing your shoulder blades together!

The exercises themselves:
- pull-ups on a low bar;
- dumbbell rows while lying on an incline bench;
- pulling the block to the stomach with a narrow grip while sitting;
- bent over barbell row;
- bent over dumbbell row without support.

4. Vertical rods.
Movements reverse to vertical presses.

The exercises themselves:
- vertical row of a block to the chest with a wide grip;
- simplified pull-ups;
- wide grip pull-ups to the chest;
- pull-ups with a medium reverse grip;
- pull of a vertical block with one hand.

5. Knee-dominant exercises:
The main movement in exercises of this type is straightening the leg at the knee, and the knee joint. Its amplitude is always greater compared to the hip joint, which is also often involved in most movements of this type.

The exercises themselves:
- Bulgarian split squats;
- Zercher squats;
- front squats;
- squats with a low stick (bar);
- squats on one leg.

6. Pelvic-dominant exercises:
Unlike knee-dominant ones, they create a load on the back of the thigh. This type of exercise is THE MOST IMPORTANT for health. All strength, potency, longevity and even safety lie in your own buttocks! A person who leads a sedentary lifestyle typical of modern society often has very big problems with the strength of his rear. And if the buttocks and hamstring muscles are weak, problems with the back and knees are almost guaranteed. But strong hip extensors can reduce the load on the vulnerable and often injured cruciate ligament of the knee and provide stability to the lumbar spine.

The exercises themselves:
- gluteal bridge with one leg;
- Romanian deadlift;
- the same on one leg;
- deadlift;
- the same on one leg.

7. VPN - exercises (rotating the shoulder outward):
When we do vertical and horizontal presses and rows, we heavily load the pectoralis major, anterior deltoid and latissimus muscles. If you do not balance such a load with VPN exercises, you can disrupt the natural geometry of the unfortunate shoulder joints - the muscles that penetrate the shoulder, which have become much stronger, chronically rotate the humerus inward. The result is the same as from squats, bringing your knees together, or deadlifts, rounding your back - injuries and chronic pain. Anatomically, VPN exercises contain such a rare movement in training as shoulder supination, that’s all. Their task is to BALANCE all that huge number of exercises that rotate the shoulder inward.

The exercises themselves:
- L-leads standing with shock absorber;
- lifting dumbbells to the chest while sitting;
- lifting one dumbbell to the chest while standing;
- lifting the barbell to the chest from the bench;
- jerk with a barbell from the bench;
- jerking one dumbbell from the floor.

8. Exercises that train the core.

Front core:
- crunches on a fitball;
- front plank with elbows resting on a fitball, feet on a bench;
- rollouts on fitball.

Back core:
- hyperextension on a fitball;
- gluteal bridge on a fitball;

The exercises listed below, as a practicing coach and active athlete, I consider harmful. Unfortunately, their harm is not noticeable to everyone, not suddenly and not immediately. I don’t know how interested you are in such arguments, but along with the increased risk of injury, these exercises simply steal our time. I sincerely recommend that you spend your priceless
Kunda of your own life, spent in the gym, wisely and never resort to the help of such nonsense!

1. Sisyphus squats.

These “squats” are called squats in vain. "Sissy squat" - "squat for weaklings" - is a single-joint exercise, usually performed with your own weight, although there are kamikazes who also load a couple of barbell plates onto their chests. Have you ever heard that squats are bad for your knees? So, if we are talking about Sisyphus squats, this is not a myth! Thanks to the very strong movement of the knees forward, the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee experiences such terrible overloads that the moment may come when the real Zeus with a scalpel in his hands will no longer help you. The funny thing is that these squats are used to “bulge” the quadriceps when viewed from the side. I don’t know why Sisyphus lovers didn’t like the Bulgarian split squats, which do the same thing with the shape of the hip, but without the slightest traumatic load on the knees.

2. Leg press.

The leg press, although sometimes useful, is not used in modern fitness for its intended purpose. The leg press machine came to us from sports, where with its help athletes were able to train the endurance of their thigh muscles without putting unnecessary strain on the lower back. The example of Eric Heiden, Olympic champion in speed skating, who did several hundred repetitions of leg presses in his training, is very strong evidence of this. But in our time, the leg press is used to set very conditionally “strength” records. But in vain - when performing a power-style leg press, your blood pressure can easily exceed 400 units. With that kind of pressure, a stroke is just around the corner. In addition, due to the very small amplitude and rigid fixation of the back, the “heavy” leg press greatly overloads the knees, hip joints and often the lower back. If you still decide to subject yourself to this test, at least press one leg - you can reduce the negative effects on your health by at least half.

3. Standing chin rows.

When performing such rows, the humerus is rotated inward as much as possible, which over time inevitably leads to chronic injuries to the shoulder joint. Try to replace it with power cleans or snatches as often as possible - you won’t regret it!

4. French bench press (and especially sitting).

Do you want sore elbows by the age of 30-35? Then train your triceps more often and start with these exercises. If you don't want to, work on horizontal presses and be happy!

5. Hack machine.

Do you know what the “drawer effect” is? This is a traumatic syndrome of the knee joint, in which the patient’s femur tends to protrude forward relative to the shin bones, like a drawer. This is exactly the load you put on your knees when training your hips with the help of a hack machine. By the way, all of the above practically does not apply to hack squats with a barbell, especially if you do them with your entire foot on the floor and do not place bars, disks and other accessories that kill your own knees under your heels.

6. Concentrated biceps curls.

This is the most useless exercise you can do in the gym. It doesn’t develop any “peak” biceps, especially if you don’t have biceps yet.

7. Lying dumbbell flyes.

From my own experience, I know that convincing a committed bodybuilder not to do lifts is more difficult than convincing an ossified bachelor to wash the dishes immediately after eating. Any arguments, such as excessive load on the shoulder joint and the uselessness of single-joint exercises in developing strength, do not work on these guys. I really hope that you are not one of those stubborn people.