Spinal stretching machine. How to make a back exercise machine with your own hands? Thoracic and lumbar region

A spinal trainer is a device that can relax your back and reduce pain in the spine. A well-groomed, toned body is a great way to maintain health and live for many years. If you care about your health, then you should purchase a spinal stretching machine today. With the help of a hood, he will help get rid of all back problems and forget about pain in the spine. Unlike medications that provide short-term results, spinal trainers will not get rid of the symptoms, but the cause of the disease once and for all.

The exercise machines allow the spine to always be in good shape and create beautiful posture by stretching the vertebrae and partially relaxing the back muscles. In addition, they relieve fatigue, keep the back straight and prevent a person from slouching, taking the load off the back and giving support to the lower back.

Advantages of simulators

The advantages of spinal traction machines include ease of use, small size and weight. Usually there are no contraindications for exercise. It is advisable to exercise on the simulator for at least 5 minutes a day so that the result becomes visible. Stretching perfectly trains the muscles in the spine area, lightens the load on it, increases flexibility and straightens posture.
The simulator helps to evenly achieve physiological traction of the spine. Thus, the distance from one vertebra to another increases, which relieves stress and reduces swelling. The traction force is individual, as it directly depends on the patient’s body weight.
Traction (extension) is an effective way to combat spinal diseases such as osteochondrosis. The simulator for getting rid of osteochondrosis NT – 01 will save you from the following diseases:

  1. Intervertebral disc herniation.
  2. Scoliosis.
  3. Fatigue of the back muscles.
  4. Osteochondrosis.
  5. Overvoltage.
  6. Radiculitis.

Traction machines using the traction method will help get rid of a herniated disc. Intervertebral hernia is a dangerous disease accompanied by severe pain. In this disease, the disc can bind the spinal cord, resulting in paralysis of the limbs. The traction method helps to do without surgical treatment of a hernia, which is good news.

Benefits of a seat trainer

The spinal trainer seat is designed for people who do not lead an active lifestyle. Perfect for anyone who works for a long time while sitting still, or whose work involves a computer. The results of this lifestyle are:

  1. Haemorrhoids.
  2. Osteochondrosis.
  3. Prostatitis.
  4. Intervertebral disc herniation.
  5. Phlebeurysm.
  6. Inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system.

The listed sores appear due to lack of movement. Stagnation begins, blood circulation is disrupted, cells lack oxygen and nutrients.
If you are unable to exercise after work, an exercise seat will help you solve the problem. It's lightweight and easy to use - just place it on your chair. This exercise machine can be in three positions, which will force the person sitting on it to bring their body into a state of balance. This will engage the muscles near the vertebrae and turn on the vestibular apparatus. Good blood circulation will prevent the development of hemorrhoids.
The exercise seat can be compared in terms of its action to hippotherapy. This is the name for treatment through horseback riding. Vladimir Tolstunov is the inventor of this simulator. When creating it, he imitated the movements that a person makes as a rider. This allowed us to protect our health without investing much money or wasting time. This exercise machine has become a real salvation for the back.
At the same time, the seat removes stagnation of blood from the pelvic organs, saving women from inflammation of the uterine appendages (adnexitis), and men from prostatitis.

The correct position of the spine is the secret of excellent mental abilities. The position of the spine regulates cerebral circulation. Often, difficulties with the cervical spine create constant headaches combined with eternal fatigue, the ability to think logically decreases, and memory begins to fail. Sometimes just straight posture can get rid of all the listed problems at once.
The seat is suitable for elderly people suffering from decreased tone and leading an inactive lifestyle. For drivers and taxi drivers, this exercise machine will relieve constant back tension at home.
To improve your workout results, plan to use the seat systematically. It is recommended to practice on it daily for at least two months. At first, the back muscles will noticeably get tired, but then as they become stronger, the fatigue will disappear. The seat is used by people weighing up to 100 kg.

How to build your own spinal traction apparatus

Extension using a spinal trainer is not suitable for everyone. Thus, people of retirement age, whose arms have weakened over the years, are unlikely to hang on the horizontal bar for even a few seconds. In addition, exercises on the horizontal bar have a strong effect, which is why they are not suitable for every patient. Many are much more willing to exercise on a device for treating the spine on an inclined surface. To make this exercise machine at home on your own, you will need a board of decent width with a smooth surface. The top of the board is securely fastened at a height of approximately 1 m 30 cm above the floor surface. It is fixed on the window sill or wall in such a way that the angle formed between the floor and the board is approximately 45 degrees. At the top of the board, two fairly wide straps, each 40 cm long, are sewn onto the edge.

They should be such that you can free your hands from them without anyone's help. To ensure that the simulator is completely ready for use, it is necessary to cover it with dense material, possibly in several layers. This will prevent unnecessary slipping from the machine during exercise. The effect of the simulator is colossal. This simulator is useful for the following:

  • stretches your back;
  • eliminates hunching, keeps the back straight;
  • reliably prevents radiculitis, scoliosis, osteochondrosis;
  • supplies the bone and cartilage tissue of the spine;
  • accelerates blood circulation in the pelvis and spine;
  • helps cerebral circulation;
  • trains memory, intellectual capabilities and logic;
  • replaces physical activity;
  • prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system;
  • Excellent relief from prostatitis and hemorrhoids.

The simulator will give you:

  1. Strengthening and training muscle mass, spinal ligaments, which will accelerate blood circulation in the vessels.
  2. Getting rid of intervertebral hernia.
  3. It will cure neuralgia, sciatica, protrusion, scoliosis and radiculitis.
  4. Will make the distance from vertebra to vertebra greater.
  5. , will correct your posture.

An excellent remedy for treating the back is a spinal traction bed. It is a traction table for two methods of traction – horizontal and vertical.
You must always remember that movement is life! While working, still try not to limit yourself to one computer and a chair in the office. Walk to work. If your place of work is located far from home, then instead of using public transport, walk at least a few stops before work. Move more. Install a seat trainer at your workplace or at home, or purchase any other spinal trainer.
Physical inactivity (insufficient amount of movement) can easily be called a disease of the 21st century. Modern technologies make some professions 90 percent sedentary!

A spinal trainer is a wonderful unit that will cure your tired back or prevent many diseases of the back and spine.

Buy it at the store or build it yourself. Don’t be lazy, and your back will tell you – thank you very much!

Back pain, radiating to the lumbar region and cervical region, is an extremely common problem for which specialists seek help. Due to a sedentary lifestyle, problems of this nature can occur in people of all ages. However, it is always better to prevent diseases. To do this, you should use special simulators for stretching the spine.

Why perform vertical

Spinal stretching is an effective therapeutic method for a wide variety of spinal pathologies. This solution is aimed at unloading not only cartilage, but also muscle tissue, which is stagnant when leading a sedentary lifestyle.

As a rule, spinal stretching machines are used for therapy on an outpatient basis, reviews of which indicate an extremely positive effect from use. However, if you wish, you can limit yourself to using a homemade device for stretching your back.

What effect do spinal stretching machines have?

Specialized therapeutic devices for influencing the vertebrae and undeveloped back muscles have a well-thought-out design. Regular training on simulators can significantly increase the elasticity and flexibility of tissues in problem areas. All this contributes to:

  • achieving relaxation of the spinal muscles and vertebrae;
  • rapid recovery of the nervous system;
  • accelerating the removal of metabolic products from stagnant tissues;
  • general improvement of blood circulation;
  • eliminating discomfort in the back area.

Spinal stretching machines have not only a therapeutic effect. They are used by numerous athletes who need to get full loads on unused ones. Using devices of this plan, during sports you can significantly increase coordination of movements, improve posture, and lengthen your legs within several months.

People who do not feel energetic after rest are also recommended to use a spinal stretching machine at home. Exercising on such devices allows you to wake up faster. Thanks to the activation of increased blood circulation, headaches and muscle spasms, which are often felt after sleep, are eliminated.

Spinal stretching machines are ideal for older people. Due to the delicate effect on internal organs, metabolic processes in the body are activated, which increases the body's ability to regenerate and improves overall well-being.

Exercises on the horizontal bar

The simplest option for people on limited means is to install a regular metal pipe located in the doorway. An affordable solution is to buy a horizontal bar that is mounted on the wall.

FlexyBack Trainer

Such a simulator, the photo of which can be seen in this material, is one of the most affordable specialized devices for therapeutic effects on the back area. The device is made in the form of a curved roller with elastic padding made of hypoallergenic fiber. The interior contains a durable steel frame.

The ergonomic design of the exercise machine is implemented in accordance with the anatomical curvature of the spine. Thanks to its small dimensions, FlexyBack is an extremely mobile device.

It is convenient to use the simulator not only at home, but also in the car and at the workplace. To prevent back pain, eliminate slouching and discomfort in the intervertebral disc area, it is enough to lean the device against the back of a chair, car seat or home chair.

If it is necessary to treat spinal diseases, the simulator is placed on the floor. Performing leisurely rolls on the surface of the device makes it possible to put the vertebrae in place and completely relax a tight back.

Bestec Air Nobius spinal stretching machine

The functioning of the device is aimed at exerting a tensile effect on the cartilage tissue of the vertebrae. Horizontal stretching with the help of a simulator makes it possible to relieve the load from the sacral and lumbar region and relieve tired legs. All this helps eliminate pain in the back and allows you to reveal the body's capabilities.

The Air Nobius spinal stretching machine has a system of regulators that allows you to fine-tune the parameters according to the individual needs of the user. This feature makes it possible to evenly distribute the effect of the device on different parts of the spine.

How effective is the Air Nobius spinal stretch machine? Reviews from users who regularly engage in therapy with the device indicate straightening of posture, easier gait, strengthening of muscles, and improvement of skin elasticity.

Inversion boots

The exercise machine is presented in the form of fastenings that are fixed on the ankles of the legs. The latter are fixed on the horizontal bar. Sitting on the bar in a suspended position, the user has the opportunity to align the vertebrae and remove excessive stress from the back.

Operation allows you to obtain the following results:

  • stretching the muscles and cartilage tissue of the spine, which helps to enhance body growth;
  • restoration of the previous position of previously displaced internal organs;
  • prevention of varicose veins;
  • oxygen saturation of the brain;
  • getting rid of stressful conditions;
  • strengthening ligaments.

Gravity table

Simulators of this type are made in the form of an inclined plane on which the user is placed in a lying position. The principle of operation is to rotate the body at different angles. To create the effect of stretching the spine, the user assumes a head-down position.

Currently, there are the following types of gravity tables:

  1. Mechanical - traction of the vertebrae is carried out under the influence of natural gravity. They are distinguished by a reliable and extremely simple design. Operation does not require access to power.
  2. Electric - stretching occurs due to the movement of structural elements under the influence of an electric drive. They are used for rehabilitation after injuries and for organizing training for people with disabilities.


Despite the effectiveness of back stretching machines, before you start using them, you should once again consult with a specialist. Inept use of certain devices is fraught with the most negative consequences. Therefore, the most reasonable option for eliminating chronic manifestations is therapy on an outpatient basis under the supervision of a physician.

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Spinal traction device - medical equipment

Painful sensations in the lower back, between the shoulder blades and in the shoulder area can be caused by completely natural actions or postures. The load on the back above 100% is recorded:

  • In a standing position in a level position or with the torso shifted forward.
  • In a sitting position without or with a tilt of the upper body.

If you do not take any healing actions in relation to the spine, serious complications may arise, the solution of which will require a lot of money and time.

  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Scoliosis;
  • Hernia;
  • Violations of the functional activity of internal organs, etc.

The spine stretching procedure is considered one of the most effective healing methods and has been popular among the population for several decades. The main means of the procedure is a spinal traction machine, which can be selected and purchased on our company’s website.

Operation process

The spine stretching machine is a vertical rotating table, which changes the body position from normal to upside down.

  • First, the body of the simulator is prepared for the procedure by adjusting the table to the user’s height.
  • The user then fixes the legs at the bottom apparatus and lies on the device.
  • When everything is ready, the person stretches along the entire back of the device, twists the body into a horizontal position, then into a vertical position at an angle of up to 90 degrees.
  • In order for the spine to begin to stretch, the arms are lowered down and the whole body is relaxed.

Impact on the body

Buy spine trainer It is recommended not only for treatment, but also as a prevention of pathologies of the whole body. Technology improves:

  • Circulation;
  • Metabolic processes;
  • Condition of the vascular system.

If you use the simulator regularly, you can avoid cerebral hypoxia, varicose veins and thrombosis.

Hood contraindications

If you have frequent back pain, you should not rush to conclusions and run out to buy equipment. It is better to buy a simulator for treating the spine after visiting a doctor, because the presence of certain diseases can only aggravate the condition. It is prohibited to use the equipment:

  • during pregnancy;
  • if there is a tumor on the spine;
  • with inflammation of internal organs and tissues;
  • people with epilepsy, kidney stones and a weak heart.

Safety on the simulator

You cannot start training until the user is fully familiar with the instructions for use and safety precautions.

  • The spinal straightening machine must be installed on a flat floor, where there are no foreign objects within a radius of 0.5 meters.
  • The spinal traction machine must not be used with a body weight exceeding the lifting capacity of the device.
  • It is advisable to conduct the first classes in the presence of a medical professional.

Since ancient times, when a person had back pathologies associated with changes in the structure and functioning of the spine, chiropractors corrected the position by traction. The stretching technique has been known for many centuries and has been used in medicine in all countries. Thanks to it, it is possible to naturally expand the inter-disk distance. The result of this is a decompression process of the nerves, which not only reduces pain, but also helps restore the spinal structure even with displaced fractures. Today, traction is carried out using a hardware method in a clinical setting. But there is a way to achieve the effect of stretching the spine without leaving home. To do this, you need to regularly and correctly perform strictly defined exercises.

Stretching the vertebrae is not a panacea for all back diseases. You need to clearly understand that in some cases stretching is useful and necessary, and in others it is contraindicated. Based on this, you should not engage in stretching exercises without the approval of a doctor or his recommendation.

In the clinic, traction is performed in the following cases, each with a number of reservations.

Important! For any pathology of any spinal zone, it is necessary to control the degree of traction, since each spinal segment has its own stretch limit, exceeding which will provoke a spinal injury.

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Any physical action to stretch areas of the spine has certain contraindications. They should not be ignored, because otherwise you can not only aggravate existing diseases, but also acquire new ones.

Advice. When doing exercises, you don’t need to overexert yourself or do something through force. If the spine “does not bend,” do the exercise to a comfortable permissible angle of deflection, gradually increasing it. If you experience any discomfort or weakness, stop exercising.

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Spinal stretching at home

The spinal column consists of various zones, the most problematic of which are the lumbar and cervicothoracic. Thanks to their stretching, it is possible to improve blood circulation and normalize metabolic processes. Skeletal flexibility also significantly improves and the intervertebral distance increases. Muscle tension is relieved, pressure in the cavities is reduced.

There are several different approaches to self-stretching that can be done at home.

Training apparatus

The first and most expensive is a special simulator. The stretching procedure is painless and even pleasant. It is used for both medicinal and preventive purposes. It has different modes and personal settings.


  • cure and correct the muscle corset;
  • relieve muscle tension;
  • raise tone;
  • relax the lumbar and cervicothoracic areas;
  • relieve pressure on nerve endings;
  • restore blood circulation;
  • restore intervertebral discs;
  • relieve pain and fatigue;
  • form posture;
  • grow a few centimeters.

Back stretching machine

other methods


And the most common, easily accessible and absolutely free way to stretch the spine at home is to perform gymnastic exercises. They are divided into groups and complexes, depending on the disease of the spine and its location. But there are three sets of general preventive and supportive stretching exercises that are recommended for almost everyone (with the exception of the above contraindications). This is a complex of lumbar, thoracic and cervical spine stretches.

Lumbar stretch

  1. From a standing position with your legs placed side by side so that you can fit one foot between them - tilt towards your feet. First, touch your feet with your hands, then the floor on the outside of your feet, then place your palms on the floor. Approach 25 counts. Do not bend your knees.

  2. From a kneeling position, lower yourself onto your heels. Bring your body forward with your arms outstretched as far as possible. The knees are apart. Heels together. Palms completely on the floor. Approach 25 counts.

  3. From a standing position, bend over and place your hands on the floor. The body forms a triangle. Arms, neck and back in a straight line. Feet with palms touch the floor. Legs under the knees are straightened. Approach 25 counts.

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  4. Spread your legs wider than your shoulders, spread your arms to the sides. The left knee and foot “look” inward. Bend your back and place your left hand on the floor on the outside of your right foot. Extend your right hand up and look at it. The pelvis and head are parallel to the floor. Approach 15 seconds, repeat in the other direction.

  5. Take a chair pose. Half squat, knees pointing towards toes. The arms are clasped and extended above the head. Keep 30 accounts.

  6. From a position lying on the floor on your back, lateral twists are performed. The body lies straight, the shoulder blades are pressed to the floor. One leg is brought wide in front of the other so that its knee tends to touch the floor. You can help with your hand, applying gentle pressure to the knee. 15 counts in both directions.

  7. While sitting on the floor, slightly (not wide) spread your legs, bend your body at the waist and touch your head to the floor between your ankles. Hands grab your heels, elbows on the floor on the outside of your thighs. Do not bend your legs, do not raise your head. Feet towards you perpendicular to the floor. For 30 accounts.

  8. Sit on your heels apart, bringing your big toes together. Arch your back, tilt your head slightly, and stretch your arms forward. Approach 30 counts.

  9. While sitting, spread your legs wide apart and stretch to the side. One hand inside. The second stretches along with the head as far as possible to the side. Both sides have 15 counts.

  10. Lying on your back, stretch your arms as far as possible behind your head, pull your legs with your toes towards you and at the same time bend your lower back up to maximum amplitude. Approach 30 counts.

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Chest stretch

  1. While standing, widen your legs to the shoulder line, relax your torso. Smoothly raise your arms until you reach the shoulder line, bend your elbows slightly. Move forward until your thumbs join. Return to original position. Take it back. Performed smoothly, the upper body and neck are relaxed. Repeat eight times.
  2. In the same position, turn your palms up. Bring your little fingers together in front until your little fingers touch. Go back, move your arms back. All attention is on the palms. Keep your body relaxed. Repeat eight times. Then turn your palms down and slowly lower your arms.

Video - Warm-up

  1. Lie down. Legs spread. The arms are bent at the elbows. The upper body rests on the arms. The shoulders are pulled back and directed downwards. Pressure should be felt in the area of ​​the shoulder line, throughout the thoracic region and between the shoulder blades. The neck also stretches, the head stretches upward. Move your head left and right.

  2. In the same position, one arm is extended forward. Buttocks are tight. Pull your shoulder forward, stretching the intercostal spaces.

  3. From this position with your arm and shoulder extended forward, move your other arm back and pull your other shoulder back.

  4. Spread your arms to the sides and stretch the shoulder line to the sides, moving your shoulders back. Lower yourself to the floor and relax for a few seconds.

  5. Elbows under shoulders, exercise position 3. Repeat exercises 4 and 5 with the second arm. Then again, arms to the sides, exercise 6.

  6. Sit from a kneeling position on your heels. Stretch your arms forward. The back is round. The line of the spine and neck forms a strongly convex arc. The shoulder blades and shoulders extend towards the back of the head.

  7. From a supine position, place your arms forward, lean on the floor and tense your shoulders. Turn your head left and right. The neck is extended, shoulders forward and to the floor.

  8. From the previous position, bring one arm back and stretch this shoulder to the floor and back. The second hand remains in place, but the shoulder is pulled forward and to the floor. Repeat, changing hands.

  9. From the position of exercise 9, pull your shoulders to the back of your head and down. Then, alternately lifting the right and left shoulder.

  10. From the same position, rotate your shoulders back. Elbows straighten when rotating forward, bending when rotating backward. Repeat the rotation, but forward.

  11. Pull your shoulders down again, first with your arms outstretched, then with your hands on your elbows.
  12. Bring one elbow forward, leave the second under the shoulder. From this position, pull your shoulders down. Then to the back of the head. Change hand position and repeat.

  13. Get on your knees, lean your hands on the floor, bend your lower back in an arc, move your pelvis left and right. Approach your knees with your hands, transferring the pressure to the thoracic region. Pull your lumbar belt up.

Neck stretch

  1. Sitting, relaxing your back, raise your head up and throw it back. Return it back. Turn left. Return. Turn right. Do it slowly.
  2. Use your neck muscles to draw your head in a semicircle upward to the right, then upward to the left. Tilt your head down towards your chest.
  3. Move your head in a semicircle down to the left, then down to the right. Repeat all three exercises for five sets.
  4. Starting from the fifth time, increase the amplitude of movements, and repeat the exercises with maximum amplitude for another five approaches.

Video - Stretching the cervical spine

At all times, medicine has considered the spine to be the most important organ, the concentration of power, the foundation of the body and the keeper of human energy. It is a person’s direct responsibility to give it the attention it deserves. This is why it is important for everyone to do stretching exercises regularly. Then they will be beneficial and give you health.

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Increasingly, people are turning to specialists for professional help due to severe pain in the spine. In addition, back pain can sometimes go beyond its limits, or, to put it simply, not only the back can hurt, but also the neck, lumbar region and other adjacent anatomical formations. Such unpleasant sensations can occur in a person at any age, as a result of which he completely loses his ability to work and the opportunity to fully relax. But today there is a spinal stretching machine that helps to significantly alleviate the patient’s condition.

Acute pain in the back in some cases can be a symptom of a variety of diseases of the internal organs, and contacting a professional when such a symptom occurs is simply necessary. You should not endure pain and self-medicate, which can cause even more harm. You should only use methods recommended by your doctor. First of all, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient, and only based on its results, the doctor will be able to prescribe a comprehensive set of procedures aimed at treating the identified disease.

News line ✆

If during the examination pathologies of the spine were identified, the specialist may prescribe spinal stretching. This technique is aimed at giving the spine the correct shape. Usually this procedure is performed using specialized medical equipment, that is, a back exercise machine. However, you can create such a spinal stretching machine with your own hands. On the Internet you can now easily find a huge number of schemes for creating devices that promote stretching of the spinal column and all its segments.

There are only two main ways to stretch your back:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal.

The easiest way to achieve these goals is to hang a crossbar in your apartment. It can be installed in any doorway. You just need to make sure that the crossbar can withstand heavy loads, that is, the weight of the patient with a sufficient margin of safety. It is best made from durable alloys. Doctors recommend hanging on home horizontal bars several times a day for 20 seconds. This technique is quite simple to perform, but very effective if done consistently.

In some situations, while performing such exercises, back pain does not subside, and sometimes even begins to progress, and then you should immediately visit your doctor. This exercise can be complicated, for example, by turning your legs in different directions or making smooth movements in a circle. In this case, the spine will not only be stretched, but the entire lumbar region will be significantly strengthened.

Spinal stretch machine on an inclined surface

Not everyone can use a simulator designed to stretch the spinal column. For example, the hands of older people are too weak, and this does not allow them to hang on the horizontal bar for the recommended time. In addition, this exercise promotes fairly strong traction, which is not recommended for all patients. In such cases, it is recommended to use special equipment designed to stretch the back on an inclined surface.

To make such equipment yourself, you will need a board with a perfectly smooth surface. The width of the board should be sufficient for you to sit comfortably on it. Its upper edge is securely fixed at an angle approximately 1 m 30 cm from the horizontal surface of the floor. The board must be attached to the surface of the wall or window sill so that the angle formed between the board and the floor surface is about 45 degrees. Several wide straps, each 40 cm long, are attached to the upper edge of the board.

It should be borne in mind that later you could pull your arms out of the straps completely freely and did not need the help of strangers. For greater convenience, you can wrap the board several times with any durable non-slip fabric. Thanks to this, the patient’s body will be better positioned on the machine during exercise. After this, the device is completely ready for use.

To stretch the spinal column with the help of such equipment, you need to lie on a prepared board, on your back or on your stomach, while putting your hands into the corresponding straps located on top. When everything is ready, you need to try to completely relax. To make it easier to relax your back muscles, you can place a small pillow under your shins or knee joints (depending on whether you are lying on your stomach or on your back).

The above listed simulators help to significantly improve the well-being and increase the flexibility of the patient’s spine. In addition, such simulators help:

  • cure osteochondrosis;
  • get rid of intervertebral hernia;
  • correct posture;
  • cure scoliosis and radiculitis;
  • relax your back muscles;
  • relieve fatigue.


Of course, all the treatment methods listed above can be used for your own treatment only after consultation with an experienced professional. This is due to the fact that if you use such simulators inappropriately, you can provoke very negative consequences for the sick body. It is best to contact a specialized clinic if you experience any discomfort in the back area. Such institutions are equipped with a variety of factory-made simulators. In addition, such classes are conducted there under the mandatory supervision of qualified doctors, which eliminates even minimal risks.

However, if the patient still wants to practice independently at home, he in any case needs to consult with an experienced specialist. The most valuable in this case will be consultations with doctors such as an orthopedic traumatologist, a vertebrologist or a sports medicine doctor. These specialists will tell the patient what training method is necessary in his case, and how he should exercise. If you do the exercises incorrectly or do not follow doctors’ recommendations at all, you can cause serious harm to your own health.