Floor-mounted kick training machine. Category not found! Everlast Ali Canvas Heavy Bag - a hanging heavy bag for practicing power strikes

Punch training simulators occupy a special place among the mandatory equipment used during boxing training. It is thanks to such devices that the athlete has the opportunity to develop an accurate, accentuated strike, without the need to involve a sparring partner in the training. Let's look at what simulators for practicing strikes are available to martial arts fans today.

Punching bag

The basic, most common device for practicing punches is a hanging punching bag. The price of such equipment, depending on the weight, material of manufacture, filler and class, ranges from 800 to several tens of thousands of rubles.

Punching bags, which are suspended from the ceiling with special fasteners, are actively used not only in gyms, but can also be installed at home. Such tools are compact, easy to use, and suitable for practicing the strength and frequency of blows.

However, the standard one does not involve introducing much variety into the training process. In addition, such equipment allows you to practice only direct and side impacts.

Pear on stretch marks

It is a compact lemon-shaped exercise machine. The main advantage of the boxing apparatus is the rapid return to the original position after striking. To repeatedly, accurately hit the device, extraordinary dexterity, good speed and reaction are required. All this is worked out in the process of regular training using a projectile.

How much does a punching bag like this cost? The price of models intended for beginner athletes starts at about 2,000 rubles on the domestic market.

Pear with roller

A standard punching bag allows you to work only straight punches, but is absolutely not suitable for working in the upward direction. The ball with a roller contains a thickening, the position of which can be adjusted by the athlete along the entire length of the projectile. This symbiosis of an ordinary hanging bag and a specialized attachment in the form of a roller opens up the possibility of practicing uppercuts and striking in any direction.

Impact dummy

The device in the form of a mannequin imitates the human body, which becomes extremely convenient when it is necessary to practice accentuated strikes in specific areas. Typically, fairly pliable polyurethane foam is used as a filler. The most rigid models are filled with water.

Shooting simulators of this category have the ability to adjust the vertical stand in height. This, in turn, allows the athlete to place the projectile in the most comfortable position, based on the height of the intended opponent.

Punch training simulator “Herman”

Structurally, it consists of a realistic mannequin and a stable base. The base of the projectile is filled with bulk substances or water. This simulator is equipped with numerous fastenings that allow you to fix the position of the mannequin in various positions. When a powerful blow is applied, the device oscillates to the sides. Therefore, it is much more difficult to hit it than a heavy, static pear.

The main advantage of the simulator is the exact repetition of the relief of the human body. This makes it possible to carry out targeted work on the body, targeting blows to the most vulnerable areas.

Sparring dummies

Contain elements that imitate human limbs. Such simulators are suitable for practicing strikes, as well as performing various types of grips. They are actively used by athletes who practice. The main advantage of the projectile is its versatility.

Demix trainer

Presented in the form of a stable base and a vertical stand with a small-sized spherical punching bag in the upper part. The projectile is mounted on the floor and does not require additional fastening. The base of the machine is filled with water. The pear can be adjusted in height from 120 to 160 cm, depending on the height of the athlete.

During operation, the pear quickly moves to the sides and returns to its previous position. Therefore, the Demix punching machine is ideal for athletes who focus on improving the speed of their punches and improving their reactions.

Hydropneumatic simulator

The lower support part is presented in the form of a soft cone. This feature not only adds stability to the device, but also opens up the possibility of working with legs at a lower level. Elements simulating hands are fixed in a raised, protective stance. This allows the athlete to hone his technique while finding gaps in his opponent's defense.


The variety of simulators for practicing strikes facilitates the choice of exactly the device that best suits the needs of the athlete and allows the development of individual techniques. The use of non-standard options makes it possible to diversify training and conduct individual classes at a high emotional level.

Most of the above solutions do not require a significant amount of free space and are suitable for use in ordinary city apartments.

One of the most popular types of martial arts is boxing. Every representative of the strong half of humanity knows how to box to one degree or another. And ladies, when practicing self-defense skills, they successfully use several techniques. Special boxing simulators help you learn this type of martial arts. Today they can not only be seen in gyms, but also purchased for home use.


All boxing machines are divided into two large categories – suspended and floor-mounted. It is clear from the name that the first ones are suspended from the ceiling using special mounts. They are preferable in cramped conditions, since, if necessary, they can be lifted up or fixed near the wall.

Floor-mounted ones are installed on the floor. They have a special stand. The disadvantage is that they are inappropriate in a small room, as they require a fairly large free area. The advantages over hanging ones are that floor-mounted fixtures are more realistic, and they can be installed anywhere.

The most common boxing machine is the punching bag. Now there are a large number of types of pears that have different shapes and differ from each other in weight. One option for a pear is a bag. It can be suspended or installed on a special platform. The most realistic simulators are mannequins. They imitate the torso of a person with a head and allow you to hone the accuracy of your strikes.

Pears and bags

Practicing strikes using martial arts equipment is an integral part of training. They produce several types of projectiles, which differ from each other in shape, weight and installation method.


These devices look like cylindrical bags filled with sawdust or rubber (plastic) crumbs. The cover is made of canvas, leather or its substitutes. The mass of such projectiles can vary from 60 to 110 kg. The main function of such a device is to practice powerful strikes and techniques. At the same time, many develop killer combinations.

Since the bag weighs a lot, it is practically impossible to swing, and therefore is considered optimal for training heavy and super heavyweight boxers. In some types of martial arts, these projectiles are used to practice kicks.


This is the most popular type of these shells. It is used for exercises in the gym or at home. The most popular boxing machines are drop-shaped, resembling a pear. By the way, that is why they were given such a name. The materials used are tarpaulin, leather or its substitutes. Sawdust is most often used as a filler, but they can be replaced with rags or crumbs. The weight of the projectile varies from 30 to 60 kg.

Due to its fairly light weight, the projectile is mobile, and therefore should not be hit while moving towards the athlete. The exercise machine can be used at home, but due to the large swing amplitude it requires a lot of free space.


This simulator is designed to hone sharpness and accuracy. Its weight does not exceed 30 kg. Lightweight boxing trainers are most often made from leather substitutes, and pieces of fabric are used as fillers.

Uppercut bag

This projectile is convenient for practicing uppercut strikes. Its peculiarity is that it is located horizontally. The weight of the bag can be 25 - 50 kg. Manufacturing materials are similar to heavy projectiles.

Pneumatic bulbs

These are the lightest boxing machines. They are a chamber made of latex or rubber, filled with air. Pneumatic bags are suspended on a special spring, which allows you to hone fast and sharp blows. They can be applied in any movement. Shells also allow you to hone your agility by dodging oncoming blows. Working with this type of projectile requires special attention and excellent reaction, since due to its light weight and method of attachment, it is able to quickly return to its original position.


These are boxing simulators that have a realistic look. They are made of two parts. The top one is an imitation of a human torso. Made from polymers. The base has a round shape. Water is poured into it, and therefore such mannequins are called water-filled. In some cases, water is replaced with bulk material, but such projectiles have greater rigidity. In addition, bulk substances are difficult to remove. The water can be drained, which makes it easier to carry and store equipment.

The dummies are height adjustable, so athletes of any height and age can exercise on them. Working with mannequins has its own specifics.

When practicing, the following rules should be observed:
  • If the simulator is not intended for practicing power strikes, then it is not recommended to apply them.
  • When working with a dummy, you cannot use third-party objects - knives, bats and other devices.
  • Before starting training, you should adjust the height of the apparatus and fill the base with sand or water.
  • An exercise machine with a base filled with water cannot be left outside or in an unheated room during the cold season. The water may freeze, causing the container to rupture.
Boxing dummies are produced in two variations:
  • With seamless one-piece back. Designed for practicing power strikes. These are not afraid of powerful loads.
  • With a back that has seams. Designed for practicing targeted strikes. A strong load can lead to rupture of the seams.
The top layer of mannequins is made from plastisol, which has a number of advantages:
  • Shock absorption.
  • Softness, which simulates working with a real sparring partner.
Working with a dummy has many advantages compared to conventional punching bags:
  • Compactness. In addition, they do not require fastening to the wall or floor. Stability is ensured by a heavy base filled with water or sand.
  • Silence.
  • Height adjustment.
  • Convenience, which is provided by the round base, allowing you to easily move around the mannequin.

Rules for working with the simulator

Before you start exercising, you need to do a warm-up, the type of which depends on your training program.

During classes, you need to monitor the position of your hands. In this case, the fist is clenched last, literally before contact with the projectile. After the blow, the hand sharply returns to its original position. The blows are delivered sharply and with great force. When working with a projectile, you need to constantly move to the sides, forward and backward.

Working with a medium pear occurs in the same way as with a heavy one. The training is complicated by the fact that medium-weight boxing machines are mobile, and therefore great attention should be paid to defensive technique and agility.

There are two ways to work with a pneumatic projectile. The first is to deliver multidirectional strikes, as a result of which the projectile begins to move in a chaotic manner. After this, they try to strike accurately.

In the second case, the impacts are direct and accurate, in which the projectile begins to move along one axis. This technique allows you to hone the clarity and correctness of hand placement.

How to choose boxing equipment

The main criterion for choosing shells is its weight. When choosing a punching bag, it is believed that its optimal weight is equal to the weight of the athlete. But here it is important to understand that a teenager weighing 40 kg will not be able to train with a bag weighing the same.

Therefore, when choosing the weight of the projectile, the technique in which the boxer works matters. Knockout fighters will benefit from the largest and heaviest boxing machines, as their technique is based on the strength and power of their punches.

For boxers who prefer speed and accuracy (infighters and spoilers), mobile medium or light simulators are suitable.

The type of projectile is also of great importance. In general, for productive work, professional boxers always have several equipment - a bag, medium or heavy; pneumatic projectile and dummy. A minimum set of training equipment will allow you to practice punches and help you succeed in the difficult path of a boxer.

Before writing the description, the question arose whether a punching bag (floor or hanging) could be compared to a rubber sparring partner.

The WWII dummy has many differences from classic boxing bags. It completely imitates the torso and head of a very stern giant. And all athletes and boxing fans have already fallen in love with this practically living opponent. Of course, he is the one who looks like an annoying boss, with whom you so want and pine to have a blast after a hard day at work.

Its close neighbor was the DFC TLS-M02B dummy. This “guy” is also designed for practicing various strikes, including kicks, but differs from BOB in height, color and composition. This mannequin costs a little less, you can call it a budget option, or a mannequin for beginners, because professionals use more advanced versions.

The price of almost 30 thousand rubles seems almost unaffordable for the common population and novice athlete. The question arises, what to do now, forget about the dream? We decided to analyze whether it is worth such finances? Is it possible to find a high-quality alternative replacement for him? After our review-investigation, you will be able to determine for sure whether a bulky BOB is suitable for you or whether you should prefer an alternative replacement in the form of a shapeless classic bag or a suspended punching bag.

3 best pears instead of the Century BOB mannequin

Bob in itself is not universal, especially when it comes to all-inclusive training at a high level. As a result, different equipment is needed to practice different techniques.

If you are looking for a simulator for practicing power strikes, then take a heavier punching bag! If you need to perform clear, technical and coordinated actions, then take either a floor bag or a mannequin.

We have chosen 3 candidates for Bob, who will undoubtedly help in training and practicing certain techniques. Even if you purchase all three options, it turns out that they are all much more profitable than the rubber opponent. But it is not quantity that matters, but quality. The famous Rocky Balboa trained not on pears at all, but on frozen carcasses. Read on, compare and choose!

Everlast Ali Canvas Heavy Bag - a hanging heavy bag for practicing power strikes

This is the most common, classic hanging bag filled with sand. Manufacturer: Everlast, a well-known sporting goods company. The main advantage of this model for a beginner is the presence of several gloves and bandages included with the punching bag. You kind of get an unusual package for the start, the so-called entry into the real world of heavy sports. The bag is made of a good hard coating (fiber). This contributes to the absence of all kinds of cracks on the body after prolonged use. They occur much more often on glossy surfaces. The pear is universal and suitable for practicing any power strikes: both in the hand and in the foot. While working on the punching bag, there is no opportunity to train your reaction speed. On the contrary, bouncing bags allow you to practice with a reaction. Remember - compared to other floor equipment, this bag can swing well in space, but it is not suitable for practicing some techniques. Everlasts are ideal for beginner fighters and those looking to relieve stress. It is important to conduct classes under the supervision of a trainer to avoid unexpected injuries. You can hang such a device both at home and in the gym, but count on the availability of free space around a 30-kilogram projectile.

Everlast Omniflex Fitness - the best floor punch for practicing technique, accuracy and speed from Everlast

Another pear from the manufacturer Everlast is one of the best in its series. It will be an ideal option for those who like to exercise on figures like Bob. Of course, someone may consider the absence of any human relief on the body of the pear as a disadvantage. In this regard, it is completely inconvenient to calculate and practice specific techniques for certain parts of the body, namely shoulders, forearms, head, etc. The pear has a classic bag-like structure. It is installed on a stand that is hollow from the inside. Height is adjustable from 165 to 182 centimeters. The model is not much inferior to Bob himself. It is recommended to cover the base of the pear with sand or fill it with water. But it is best to use sand; if the installation unexpectedly falls, it can be easily collected.

Users note high realism during the training process. But the bag is still a little springy and is much inferior to the suspended version. You can just fight with the bag and leave stress on it after a working day, but it will be difficult to train professionally without additional equipment. The model is considered an ideal option for practicing technical strikes and conducting cardio training. Suitable not only for experienced athletes, but also for beginners. Footwork is possible, but the emphasis should be on the technical component, not on power.

Century Wavemaster Pro Punching Bag

A water-filled boxing bag, 160 cm high and weighing 123 kg, is perfect for practicing punches. It can be used to practice punches not only for boxing beginners, but also for fans of this sport right at home. In an effort to direct a mountain of the strongest blows to this bag, you can simply ruin it. The pear is very simple and suitable for young guys. You can practice with it by weighting your own arms and legs, or simply train the trajectory of the blows. If you can hit a punching bag not only with your feet, but also with your hands, jump up and train a headbutt, then this cannot be done with Bob, since he will simply fall to the ground and you will end up next to him. Bob is an individual figure for practicing the technical component, delivering light blows (without force).

The most famous products for boxers with initial or regular non-professional training are the Century Bob Body Opponent Training Bag and the DFC TLS-M02B boxing dummy.

The assembled BOB kit is a unique training item. It is easy to install and is quite ergonomic in terms of space. If you are willing to pay that price for Bob, then feel free to purchase such a wonderful mannequin for your own use. If you are just starting to pave the way to a career as a professional wrestler, then you may need Bob as an addition to your daily practice. Only a competent mentor, and not a rubber figure, can teach all the subtleties of wrestling. If you decide to just train as an amateur, it is best to purchase a punching bag for yourself.

Century BOB Body Opponent Training Bag

  • Height levels are adjustable - 7 different options.
  • 1 year warranty.
  • The base is filled with sand or water, and when filled it weighs about 120 kilograms.
  • It does not rotate around its own axis and does not move in space.
  • Made in America.


  • The boxing dummy has natural dimensions for a person and can be adjusted to suit your own height.
  • The base is also filled with water.
  • 3 controlled heights.
  • The country of origin of boxing dummies is America.

Century Bob Body: The base of this boxing dummy is made of plastic, and the head and body itself are a thick mixture of hardened rubber and plastic. As users say: “The material is quite light, but training without gloves is impossible. Many people prefer to wear specialized wrist bands.” In addition, customers notice that the mannequin is quite resistant to impacts. Of course, you should never pierce your multi-trainer with sharp objects.

It can be filled with sand or water, preferably only wet sand, thus making the base more stable. If you accidentally damage the Bob Body Opponent, you will not be able to avoid a flood in your apartment.

DFC TLS-M02B: This Bob can be filled with sand or water. Users repentantly report the negative properties of the DFC TLS-M02B. Bob's parts are made strictly of plastic, this is reflected in the impacts, and is completely inconvenient to work with. Plastic is very malleable and can break.

Comparison table of boxing machines


Main characteristics


Everlast Ali Canvas Heavy Bag

Weight - 32 kg, dimensions - 33x100 cm, type - hanging, material - leather. substitute.

Everlast Omniflex Fitness

Weight - 2 kg, dimensions - 150x40x40 cm, type - floor, filler - water.

Century Wavemaster Pro

Weight - 22 kg, type - floor-standing, filler - high-density foam, height - 170 cm.

Century BOB Body Opponent

Weight - 12 kg, type - floor, filler - water or sand, material - high-strength plastisol, height 150-200 cm.


Weight - 19 kg, height - 185 cm, filler - water, material - high-strength polymer coating.

Why is the BOB practice dummy so popular?

"Body opponent bag" or simply BOB is the most popular model, a special dummy for boxing sparring (for training purposes). Some users purchase a punching bag, others prefer a training machine. Both are asking the eternal question of whether it is worth the money. Is it more convenient to develop your skills and abilities in the field of martial arts, while using a mannequin for practice? A rubber opponent costs a lot of money. Some recommend using funds to pay for classes with a professional coach who can coach you before competitions and help with practical advice.

Let's take another look at what's so special about this simulator: The design imitates the human body, this allows even a non-professional athlete, using instructions from the Internet, to try to master the basics of throwing punches (the perfect jab or low kick). The key is the attempt itself. The simulator will not tell or show in practice how to strike.

There is an interesting XL version, where the torso has received an addition in the form of shorts. They allow you to switch not only to the upper torso, but also to try practicing kicks and knees. Of course, the changes also affected the cost of the simulator. On the Internet, avid users solved this problem and released practical tips recorded on video, that is, a life hack. You just need to wrap the mat around the base of an inexpensive Bob model, and you will get a similar model, but with a mat. Why do you need those shorts from the manufacturer, if you can already practice all the necessary blows, just by adding ingenuity.

This is where all the advantages and so-called coolness end. Further only the disadvantages will follow.

Despite its fierce look and power, it requires careful handling.

The outer covering of the simulator is made of plastic and rubber, it is quite durable, but in practice it can be easily damaged. If you think of non-large gyms with exercise equipment, you immediately imagine broken bulk bags covered with tape. This is not a universal punching bag and you cannot use nunchucks at full strength with it, and you should not forget about unexpected falls of the simulator. Regardless of all Bob's stated durability and strength, he is absolutely not suitable for power strikes. For practicing technique, accuracy and speed are definitely not there, but from powerful blows the doll begins to rattle and crawl on the floor. Any professional athlete will definitely refuse to do strength exercises with Bob. Why? Almost all buyers note that Bob's predisposition to falls is his main disadvantage. This actually does not particularly inspire the target audience of buyers.

BOB does not stand in space and does not fly through the air. In the literal meaning of the word. Even after pouring 100 kg of sand into the stand, you will be faced with constant rattling and sliding of the figure on the floor. And the heavier it becomes in terms of weight, the louder the noise this whole colossus will emit. By the way, there is not a single punching bag or boxing dummy on the market that does not move on the floor at all. Based on this alone, we can conclude that Bob is not suitable as a perfect partner for everyday drumming. And the advertising company significantly exaggerated all its advantages. To practice the technique of strikes, when the wrestler strikes with the least force, he must also be distracted by the movement of the figure.

For practicing what kind of blows, what exactly is a BOB suitable for, and is it possible to exchange it for a punching bag? Views and reviews from athletes and sports fans.

People who are far from various martial arts, and sports in general, when they see Bob’s outline, his figure, immediately say something like: “This is not something similar to a shapeless bag of sand, but on the contrary, a prototype of a living person with whom You can exercise." But an experienced person familiar with sports will be absolutely right in saying something else. “This is not a practical dummy; any punching bag, bag or human figure will never replace exercises under the guidance of a trainer.” As for the DFC TLS-M02B or Bob himself, without the support and recommendations of a coach, there is little that can suit a real super fighter.

The administrator of the forum, which is dedicated to martial arts and martial arts, told us the following facts. In terms of the practicality of the Bob and how it compares to classic punching bags, the Bob is really good for practicing palm, elbow, chop, heel strikes, etc. But regarding the blows that are delivered with the legs, it is not very convenient; it is better to take a heavy bag of human height. Many professional athletes hold similar opinions. Answering the question of what is ideal for complex training and power practice of striking, only a heavy punching bag was identified. It will be an excellent addition for all owners of a mannequin simulator.

Sometimes Bob is acquired for targeted training and practicing various methods of self-defense, which, based on the coaching presentation, is considered an art in itself. One of these is Sammy Franco, the creator of more than 10 hundred books on progressive self-defense. He is familiar with some of the most effective methods of self-defense and recommends only systematic exercises for practical experience. According to his texts, Bob is perfect for practicing the first blows, for hitting with a stick, for improving the methods of applying some new methods of fighting. A street battle expert notes the ineffectiveness of practicing strong blows on Bob.

Next question: is it possible to change the BOB to a pear?

Based on all of the above, an absolutely logical conclusion emerges: yes, Bob can be easily replaced with any floor pear. With it you can always practice and try out any technique. In practicing power blows, Bob is inferior to a mounted bag, just like the floor prototype. If you intend to get involved in sports training and get down to business seriously, the presence of a heavy hanging bag is simply necessary, even if you have an extremely expensive Bob model.

Are you purchasing a figure for your own use and not to obtain a championship belt? If you don't mind the money, buy Bob and don't doubt your choice. It will bring significantly more positive emotions than an ordinary pear. Here's a phenomenon for you - you seem to be overpaying, but who else can you work on some super-exclusive suffocating technique on if not on a rubber dummy? But the range of these positive factors is so small that you don’t want to pay a lot of money, which is why analogues were studied.

Adjusting the height of mannequins for starting boxing

Century Bob Body: 6 height levels are easily available to you from 152 cm all the way up to 198 cm.

DFC TLS-M02B: This device contains only 7 intermediate positions, and allows you to adjust the height from 155 to 185 cm.

Ease of use of boxing dummies

Both products: Users report increased noise levels when using such machines. Despite their heavy weight, these impact bags glide during training and vibrate as they deflect and return to their original position. In general, users believe that it is better to train with such a thing either in a large, free room (good if you live in your own home) or with quiet neighbors who will not be annoyed by the noise.

Pros of the Century Bob Box mannequin

The optimal size of this mannequin: “The upper part of this design really suits my height, and the parameters resemble an adult man. A complete sense of reality is guaranteed 100%.”

This is an excellent stress reliever. As one user says: “Have anger problems? Buy Bob. Worried about problems at work? Buy Bob. Is something really eating you up inside? Buy Bob.” Users also report sleeping better, feeling more confident, and being more composed at work and in everyday life.

Bob will be useful not only for boxers. Many people who are looking for a kickboxing machine or a karate machine often prefer this product.

Cons of Century Bob Body

Customers who tested the Bob mannequin noted that it must be handled with care and used only for its intended purpose. The large round nuts that connect the tripod to the base of the body can easily become loose if used incorrectly.

Thus, training with a ripped Bob becomes not the quietest activity.

How to use Century Bob correctly?

  1. Tip number 1 - fill the mannequin with sand, use only a specially designated funnel and protect it with thick paper or cardboard. In total you will need about 100 kg.
  2. The second tip is that it is not recommended to use Century bob in rooms with a large daily flow of clients, as it will quickly wear out. Ideal for personal training.
  3. To reduce or completely eliminate slipping, a hard mat is best.
  4. You don’t have to limit yourself in training with Bob Body Oponent, feel free to take nunchucks or wooden sticks, swords and use everything for its intended purpose. We advise you not to use maximum force so as not to damage the outer shell. And under no circumstances use sharp bladed weapons. Well, welcome the boy.

Experience shows that for beginners who still have weak hands and bones, it is best to start working with boxing gloves or other protection. But, there are other adherents with a different opinion, they also say that you should train immediately with bare hands or with a thin bandage. If you are attacked on the street, neither you nor the robber will have boxing gloves on their hands. So think about this in advance.

Advantages DFC TLS-M02В

Working with such a mannequin brings a lot of pleasure and excellent practice. Recommended DFC TLS-M02 to anyone looking for an effective outlet for negativity and anger. In other words, to relieve stress. Plus, it's a lot of fun, even funny, and improves your physical and mental health.

The dummy copes very well with blows and takes everything on itself, but does not retaliate. This is great for simple training, but not for those preparing for serious sparring with a live person.

Cons of DFC TLS-M02B

The dummy does have its downsides, as mentioned earlier, it does make a noticeable noise. By the way, this is very annoying. He is slightly lower than the previous mannequin, and his starting height is 155 cm, unlike Century Bob, where the starting height is 152 cm, the difference is not great, but noticeable.

As in the case of Century Bob, to work with DFC TLS-M02B you will need boxing gloves, but this only applies to beginners, since the hands are not yet accustomed to such blows, and if you apply rather strong and fast blows, you can not only damage the bone on hand, but also the hand. That is, we can conclude that the mannequin is not so soft.

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The order is paid in cash to the delivery courier upon receipt. Also, when you receive an order by mail, you have the opportunity to receive the parcel and pay by cash on delivery.

Favorable conditions for prepayment of the order:

When paying on a Sberbank card or through the Yandex Money / QIWI Wallet service, you receive a 50% discount on delivery by Russian Post or a 25% discount on EMS and SDEK delivery, and no cash on delivery commission is charged (if full prepayment is made).

Your advantages with 100% advance payment for the goods:

- Don't overpay 3% of the amount (cash on delivery) upon receipt of the parcel at the post office;

You are getting 50% discount for delivery by Russian Post and 25% discount for delivery by EMS and Pony Express.