Title page for the computer science classroom passport. The head of the classroom must

1. General Provisions.
To be filled out in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia:

2. Sanitary and hygienic condition of the premises

Total classroom area
Number of workplaces
Window orientation
Coloring Floor
Window frames
Coating and finishing materials Finishing
Availability of curtains on the windows (size and color)
Ventilation (special, natural)
Noise level
Vibration level
Air ionization level

3. Safety precautions

4. Fire safety

5. Access mode to the computer science room

6. Characteristics of workplaces

7. Operating mode of the computer science classroom

" ______ " __________________ 200__

Appendix 2

A set of exercises for the visual organs

The exercises are performed sitting or standing, turning away from the screen (monitor).

  1. Close your eyes, straining very hard eye muscles on the count of 1-4, open your eyes, relax the eye muscles, look into the distance on the count of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.
  2. Look at the bridge of your nose and hold your gaze for the count of 1-4, close and open your eyes, look into the distance for the count of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.
  3. Without turning your head, look to the right and fix your gaze on the count 1-4, look straight at the count 1-6. Perform the exercise also to the left, up, down.

Move your gaze to the right, up, left, down, straight on the count 1-6, left, up, right, down and into the distance on the count 1-6.

Appendix 3

A set of exercises for physical education breaks

Physical education break filled special exercises, increases motor activity, stimulates nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular systems, relieves general fatigue, increases mental performance.

  1. Walking in place for 20-30 seconds, average pace.
  2. Starting position (i.p.) - main stance (o.s.), arms forward, palms down, arms to the sides, palms up, stand on your nose), arms up, bend over, etc. n. Repeat 4-6 times.
  3. I. p. - legs apart, slightly wider than shoulders. Place your hands behind your back and tilt your body. Repeat 6-8 times.
  4. I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart. Hands behind your head, turn your body to the right and left. Arms to the sides, bend forward. Repeat 6 times.
  5. I. p. - arms extended forward, palms down. Squats with arms raised to the sides. The pace is average. Repeat 6 times.
  6. I. p. - legs apart slightly wider than shoulders, hands on the waist. Circular movements of the body. Repeat 4 times.
  7. I. p. - legs apart shoulder width apart, hands on the waist. Circular movements of the head in different directions. The pace is average. Repeat 4 times.
  8. I. p. - arms in different directions at shoulder level. Circular movements with your hands clockwise and vice versa. Simultaneously clench and unclench your fingers. Repeat 4 times.
  9. Walk in place slowly and even out your breathing.




city ​​(district)

Year ___________

Annex 1

last name, first name, patronymic of teachers working in the office, category, length of service


date of organization of the office


for which classes is the classroom equipped?


how many rooms are occupied as an office, laboratory with a total area of ​​sq. m

What institutions and organizations have relationships been established with to carry out preventive maintenance of computer equipment?

Electrical lighting diagram____________________

General information about the computer science classroom

office location _________________________________

interior decoration _____________________________________

illumination __________________________________________

furniture equipment _________________________________

arrangement of workplaces _______________________________

fire fighting equipment ____________________________

connection to the Internet ____________________________

  • additional telephone line ________

    modem ______________

  • UPS_________________

    printer _____________

    scanner ______________

    local network _______

8. Thematic card index for teaching materials and computer science software

Appendix 2

Certificate of readiness of office No. __ for the school year



Cabinet passport

Analysis of office work

Office work plan

Long-term plan for the development of the office

Student safety briefing log

Log of machine failures and their repairs

Inventory book

Informatics classroom schedule

List of software

Thematic card index for didactic materials in computer science.

Internet usage log

Journal of lessons in other disciplines

Educational and methodological support

2017-2018 academic year

2018-2019 academic year

1. Completeness:

educational equipment

methodological literature

2. Availability of sets of handouts:

instruction cards


Office decoration

1. optimal organization of space

teacher positions

student places (according to the instructional and methodological letter)

2. Availability of permanent and replaceable educational and information stands

on the rules of conduct and safety precautions in the computer science classroom

on organizing homework

on preparation for workshops, seminars, testing, tests

performance screen

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards in the office

1. Safety rules:

evacuation plan

first aid kit

fire-fighting equipment

2. Sanitary and hygienic standards:


condition of the furniture

general condition of the office

Assessment of the classroom based on the results of checking readiness for the academic year

Academic year


Analysis of the work of the computer science classroom

The analysis of the work of the office can include:

The main areas of work of the computer science classroom last year.

Cabinet tasks set and implemented last year.

For the work of which classes, for which subjects, the office and the materials in it were used

Achieved results in improving the quality of teaching computer science and other academic disciplines.

Preservation and replenishment of the material and technical base of the office.

Office design and renovation.

Purchasing software.

Replenishment of educational and methodological support of the office according to the standard of education and educational program schools (developed, acquired).

Participation in school, city, regional events.

Cabinet problems. Tasks for the new academic year.

Appendix 4

Office occupancy schedule No.___ for ____ academic year

Total hours training sessions

Total hours of extracurricular activities

Total hours of Internet use by students

Total Internet hours


Total hours per day

The schedule of occupancy of the computer science classroom must reflect: academic and extracurricular activities (indicating the class and surname of the teacher), Internet work of students by class and subject teachers.

Appendix 5

Inventory list and characteristics

set of educational computer equipment

number of computers


processor type

year of delivery

source of financing


technical condition

Inventory sheet

using existing technical means

teaching computer science classroom


Year of purchase

Inventory number

Technical condition

Head of office ____________________

Appendix 6

Log of personal computer use at each workplace

Appendix 7

computer accounting

Appendix 8

instructing students on safety precautions when organizing classes in the computer science classroom and conducting extracurricular activities

Appendix 9

Name of medical devices and medicines


Individual dressing antiseptic bags

For applying bandages

For applying bandages

Cotton wool in bags

For applying bandages

Tourniquet to stop bleeding

To stop bleeding

Tincture of iodine

For lubricating the wound circumference, fresh abrasions, scratches on the skin, etc.


Use for fainting by dripping onto a cotton swab and bringing it to the victim’s nose.

2-4% boric acid solution

For washing eyes, for eye lotions for burns

1% alcohol solution of brilliant green

For lubricating wounds, scratches, abrasions on the skin


To stimulate the central nervous system, cardiac and respiratory activity (25 drops - 1 teaspoon - per dose)

Latex gloves

Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate)

To lubricate damaged skin surfaces

1 package

Sticky patch

1 package

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Kamenskaya School"





Andreev A.V.

Kamenki village, 2016
Table of contents
Section 1. Study room documentation
1.1. Regulations on the computer science classroom in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards LLC

1.2. Job description of the office manager

1.3. Regulations for working with the Internet and e-mail.

1.4. Sanitary hygienic requirements to the office

1.5. Study room schedule

1.6. Inventory list of office equipment

1.7. Office work plan for the academic year

1.8. Analysis of the work of the office for the past academic year

1.9. Long-term plan for the development of the office

1.10. Health and safety instructions for students
Section 2. Placement and storage of educational equipment

and educational materials
2.1. Cabinet characteristics

2.2. Characteristics of students' workplaces

2.3. List of teaching materials

2.4. List of permanent and replaceable stands

2.5. List of methodological literature

2.6. List of reference encyclopedic literature

2.7. Handout

2.8. KIMs for students

2.9. Demo material

2.10. ESM database

2.11. List of the best design, research, creative works (their presence in the office)

2.12. List of technical means necessary for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, indicating the model

2.13. List of medications in the first aid kit

2.14. Applications

2.14.1. Requirements for equipping the educational process in accordance with the content of educational subjects of the federal component of the state standard of general education.

2.14.2.Criteria and standards for assessing knowledge, skills and abilities of students


at the pedagogical council by order of the director

protocol No. dated __.__.20_3 MBOU "Kamenskaya school"

Serednevoy M.E.

No. dated 10.09. 2013 No. 268
Regulations on the computer science and ICT classroom

in accordance with the requirements of Federal State Educational Standards LLC

  1. General provisions

    1. This provision has been developed in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in Russian Federation", Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897), Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 No. 189 "On approval of SanPiN "Sanitary -epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions" (points V,VI,VII), by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 4, 2010 No. 986 "On approval of federal requirements for educational institutions in terms of minimum equipment educational process and equipment for classrooms."

    2. The computer science and ICT classroom is a special developmental environment that allows you to realize the goals, values ​​and principles of a person-centered and system-activity approach. This developmental environment helps to reveal the individuality of each student, his creative self-realization, encourages him to develop initiative and independence, and creates opportunities for students to learn based on their personal activity.

    3. The developing environment in the computer science and ICT classroom contributes to:
- transition from reproductive forms educational activities to independent, search and research types of work;

Formation of skills to work with various types information and its sources;

Formation of a communicative culture of students;

Formation of a system of universal educational activities;

Development of abilities for self-control, self-esteem, self-analysis;

Raising a highly organized personality.

    1. Classes and extracurricular activities are held in the classroom.
2. Requirements for educational and methodological support of the classroom

2.1. The computer science and ICT classroom is equipped with a full set of educational equipment in accordance with the current federal lists of textbooks recommended (approved) for use in the educational process in educational institutions, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

2.2. The computer science and ICT classroom must have regulatory documents regulating the activities for the implementation of the basic educational program of basic general education:

Federal State Standard for Basic Curriculum Subjects (hereinafter referred to as BUP);

Educational programs in PUP subjects;

Curriculums in the subjects of PUP;

Planned learning outcomes in BUP subjects;

Schedule of training sessions for the compulsory program, including hours of extracurricular activities;

A set of materials for diagnosing the quality of education in PUP subjects;

Materials for carrying out starting, current, milestone, annual diagnostic work, including in electronic form;

Monitoring materials for the level of development of students’ subject and meta-subject skills.

2.3. List of technical equipment, software, educational and methodological materials (educational and methodological tools):

Annotated lists of digital educational resources on PUP subjects;

Annotated lists of audio recordings, presentation slides, videos on the content of PUP subjects;

Catalog of electronic educational resources hosted on federal educational portals, including electronic textbooks on computer science, distance courses that can be recommended to students for independent study;

2.4. Equipping the office with technical equipment:

12-15 student workstations and a teacher’s computer with a standard set: system unit, LCD monitor, devices for entering text information and manipulating screen objects (keyboard and mouse), a drive for reading and writing CDs, audio/video inputs/outputs, located in the local management network, with an Internet connection with a speed of at least 2 Mbit/s;

Free software,

Audio input/output devices – microphone, headphones for students’ computers;

Audio output/output devices – microphone, speakers connected to the teacher’s computer;

Multimedia projector with ceiling mount;

Interactive whiteboard or wall screen;

Mobile device for storing information;

Devices for recording (entering) visual information;

Copier, printer, scanner or MFP.

2.5. The office must have an office passport listing the available equipment and devices, indicating their inventory number.

2.6. To master the basic content of the academic subject “Informatics and ICT”, you must have the following software:

  • operating system;

  • file manager (as part of the operating system or others);

  • mail client (as part of operating systems or others);

  • browser (as part of operating systems or others);

  • multimedia player (as part of the operating system or others);

  • archiver program;

  • translator program;

  • interactive communication program;

  • keyboard trainer;

  • integrated office application, including a text editor, presentation development program, database management system, spreadsheets;

  • raster and vector graphic editors;

  • sound editor;

  • computer-aided design system;

  • programming system;

  • Web page editor.
3. Management of the training room

The head of the educational office must:

3.1. Take measures aimed at providing the office with the necessary equipment and instruments in accordance with the second generation Federal State Educational Standard.

3.3. Provide the classroom with various educational and methodological documentation: catalogs, reference books, instructions.

3.4. Ensure proper care of office property.

3.5. Ensure timely write-off in accordance with the established procedure of equipment, instruments and other property that has become unusable.

3.6. Organize extracurricular activities in subjects and reflect them in the office work schedule.

3.7. Ensure compliance with safety regulations, the presence of rules of conduct in the classroom, conduct appropriate briefings with students with a note in the briefing log.

3.8. Maintain an office passport.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements

to the computer science room

( SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions", Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 N 189, Moscow "On approval of SanPiN "Sanitary -epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions"") The premises of the IVT office must have natural and artificial lighting in accordance with SanPiN The main flow of natural light should be on the left. The orientation of window openings should be north or northeast. Directing the main luminous flux of natural light from behind and in front of a person working on a PC is not allowed. With double-sided lighting and a room depth of more than 6 m, it is necessary to install right-side lighting, the height of which must be at least 2.2 m from the floor. In the lighting installations of the IVT office, a general lighting system should be used, made of ceiling or pendant fluorescent lamps, evenly placed along the ceiling in rows in the form of solid lines on both sides of the desktop with a PC or VDT. Lamps, as well as window light openings, should not be reflected on PC or VDT screens. The illumination of the surface of student tables under artificial lighting should be in the range of 300-500 lux. Lamps must have light-diffusing fittings. For classrooms with PCs and VDTs, LP036 series lamps with high-frequency ballasts (HFDC) should be used. It is possible to allow the use of luminaires without high frequency control gear in the "oblique light" modification. In rooms with PCs, due to air pollution by anthropogenic organic substances and carbon dioxide, it is recommended to have supply and exhaust ventilation that provides optimal temperature and humidity conditions for all climatic zones. In the absence of supply and exhaust ventilation, air conditioning can be arranged using household air conditioners.

The calculation of air conditioners must be carried out by a ventilation engineer depending on their performance, the amount of excess heat from cars, people, solar radiation and sources of artificial lighting. The IVT office must be equipped with a washbasin with hot and cold water supply. The power supply to the office must be in accordance with the requirements of GOST 28139-89 and PUE. The electrical supply to the tables of students and teachers must be stationary and hidden. The location of the electrical panel and the Residual Current Device should allow the teacher to instantly turn off the power supply system. Recommended placement is to the left or right of the chalkboard. To ensure fire safety, the MVT room must be equipped with 2 carbon dioxide fire extinguishers (type OU-2). To paint walls and panels, light colors of paint should be used (p = 0.5-0.6). The composition of the paints must prevent the formation of lime dust. The surfaces of the enclosing structures of the office, chalkboard, and work tables should be matte. The floor surface must be smooth, without potholes, non-slip, easy to clean and wet, and have antistatic properties. The content of harmful chemicals in indoor air using video display terminals (VDTs) and personal electronic computers (PCs) should not exceed the average daily concentrations for atmospheric air. For interior decoration of premises with PCs and VDTs, it is not permitted to use synthetic materials that emit harmful pollutants into the air. chemical substances and connections. These include particle boards, laminated paper plastic, washable wallpaper, roll synthetic coatings, etc. The noise level at the workplace in all classrooms with VDTs and PCs should not exceed 50 dBA. (Sanitary standards for permissible noise in residential and public buildings and in residential areas N 3077-84, clause 7.2).

2.10.2. Requirements for IVT office premises The office of information science and computer technology (ICT) is organized as an educational unit of a secondary general education and vocational school, educational and production plant, equipped with a set of educational computer technology (ECT), educational visual aids, educational equipment, furniture, office equipment and devices for conducting theoretical and practical, classroom, extracurricular activities in the course “Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Science” (Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Science) (Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Science) both basic and specialized. In addition, KIVT can be used in teaching various educational subjects and labor training. The area of ​​the premises of the IVT office is determined in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory document "Educational and material base of an educational institution of general secondary education" Part I. "Norms and requirements for educational buildings and school sites", as well as SanPiN Placing CIVT in all educational institutions in basements and basements is not allowed. The minimum area per PC must be at least 6 sq.m., and the volume must be at least 24.0 cubic meters. with a height of at least 4 m. With a lower height of the classroom, it is recommended to increase the area by one workplace.

2.10. 2. 5. A laboratory area of ​​at least 18 sq.m. must be organized at the IVT office. The laboratory room must have two exits: to the training room and to the landing or to recreation. The area of ​​the office should allow furniture to be placed in it in compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards. The front wall of the KIVT is equipped with a chalkboard for markers, a screen, and a cabinet for storing educational visual aids and information media. At the entrance to the IVT office, built-in or wall cabinets (shelves) for briefcases should be provided. To the left of the board, in the teacher’s work area, an electrical distribution board with a remote control for controlling the power supply to the teacher’s and student’s workplaces should be mounted on the wall. Boxes for tables are installed under the board or separately under the stands. Holders (or a strip with holders) are attached to the top edge of the board for hanging tables. On the wall opposite the windows there are exhibition boards with permanent and temporary information. Along the back wall it is possible to install a sectional cabinet for storing educational equipment and storage media, depending on the area of ​​the office. Top part The back wall of the office should be designed to display aids necessary for studying individual topics of the program.

2.10.3. Requirements for a set of furniture in a classroom The office and laboratory premises must be equipped with a certain set of specialized furniture that meets the requirements of GOST 22046-89, has a certificate of conformity with technical documentation and a hygienic certificate.

The office must have furniture for:

Organization of the teacher's workplace;

Organization of student workplaces;

For rational placement and storage of teaching aids;

To organize the use of equipment. The laboratory room must have the following furniture: radio editing table, office table; racks for storing tools and a safe. Furniture for organizing a teacher’s workplace should include a table with space for equipment (graphic projector) and a computer, a stand for a printer, a chair, and a blackboard. Furniture for organizing student workplaces includes single-seat student computer desks (GOST 11015-93) with chairs of different height groups No. 4,5,6) color-coded with lift-and-swivel chairs. Furniture for rational placement and storage of educational equipment should consist of a combined cabinet in accordance with GOST 18666-95.

2.10.4. Requirements for the organization, teacher and student workplaces The teacher's workplace is located on the podium and is equipped with a table equipped with equipment in accordance with the "Lists", two stands (for a printer and a graphic projector), a blackboard, a screen and an electrical distribution board with a control panel. The teacher's desk must be supplied with power to connect a PC, printer, or graphic projector. Dimensions of the teacher's desk: cover length - at least 1300 mm, mm, width - at least 700 mm. The cabinets should have 1-2 drawers measuring 350x500x100 mm for accessories, magnetic media and banners based on the current day of classes. Students' workstations equipped with personal computers (PCs) should consist of a single table and a lift-and-swivel chair.

Additionally, the computer science classroom is equipped with double student desks (GOST 11015-93) in accordance with the number of student workstations when working on a PC or VDT. Student tables are located in the center and are intended for theoretical classes. Tables and chairs must be of different height groups with color indication. The modular dimensions of the working surface of the table for VDT and PC, on the basis of which the design dimensions should be calculated, should be considered: width - 800, 1000, 1200, 1400 mm, depth - 800 and 1000 mm with an unregulated height of 725 mm. The student's desk must be connected to power and a local network cable. The table must be secured to the floor. The placement of students' workplaces in KIVT should ensure free access for students and teachers to the workplace during the lesson. To ensure the safety of students and teachers, electrical safety and the creation of constant levels of illumination during work, a perimeter arrangement of desktops with a PC is recommended (a row arrangement of student tables with a PC or VDT is not recommended. When arranging workplaces perimeter-wise, the following distances must be observed:

a) along the width of the cabinet:

The distance between the wall with window openings and tables must be at least 0.8 m;

The distance between the wall opposite the window openings and the PC tables should be about 0.1 m, and in some cases, depending on the video monitors used, the tables can be installed directly against the wall;

b) along the length of the CIVT, tables with PCs can be placed without a break and with a distance between them. When tables with PCs are arranged in rows, each table must have a protective screen on the back of the video monitor. The screen is attached to the table at a distance of 3-5 cm; its area should be sufficient to protect the power wires. The number of jobs for students can be 9, 12, 15 depending on the class size.

2.10.5. Requirements for equipping the office with equipment and
devices. The number of student PCs required to equip an IVT room should be based on one machine per student, taking into account the division of the class into two groups. The IVT classroom must include one machine for the teacher with appropriate peripheral equipment. The IVT room must be equipped with a graphic projector, a video recorder, a TV (diagonal of at least 61 cm), an overhead projector and a screen. The demo TV is installed at a height of 1.5 m from the floor on a bracket to the left of the chalkboard. The graphic projector should be located on a stand next to the teacher’s desk. When demonstrating filmstrips and transparencies (with a screen width of 1.2-1.4 m), the distance from the screen to the first tables of students (for theoretical classes) should be at least 2.7 m, and to the last tables no more than 8.6 m.

The height of the lower edge of the screen above the podium is at least 0.8 m.

The optimal area for watching TV shows and videos is located at a distance of at least 2.7 m from the TV screen to the first double tables of students (during theoretical classes).

2.10.6. Requirements for equipping the classroom with educational equipment and necessary documentation. The composition of educational equipment in the MVT classroom is determined by the “Lists of computer technology, educational equipment, basic and applied software for computer science classrooms, classes with VDT and PCs in educational institutions of the general secondary education system.” The IVT office must be equipped with:

Software for educational purposes in the course “Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Science”, both basic and specialized;

Tasks for implementing an individual approach to learning, organizing independent work and exercises for students on computers;

A set of popular science, reference and methodological literature;

Journal of introductory and periodic safety briefings for students (recommended);

A log of the use of a set of educational computer equipment at each workplace;

Log of machine failures and repairs;

Holders for displaying tables and stands for displaying student work;

An inventory book for recording the educational equipment available in the classroom, annual plans for the additional equipment of KIVT, approved by the school director;

Pharmacy first aid;

Fire extinguishing agents. The IVT office should have a file cabinet of educational equipment indicating storage locations.

2.10.7. Requirements for placement and storage of equipment Training equipment and manuals should be placed and stored in a sectional cabinet located in the laboratory room and having adjustable shelves and half-shelves, according to sections of the program. Demonstration aids and equipment for independent work should be stored separately. Disks with software should be stored in special small boxes, protected from dust and light, according to classes and sections of the program; The drawers are placed in the cabinet, and the places for storing disks in it are marked with inscriptions. Tables should be stored in boxes under the board or in special compartments for sections of the program and classes, taking into account their dimensions. Audiovisual aids should be stored on cabinet shelves, filmstrips and transparencies - in stacks with recesses for boxes. Cells and boxes must be labeled. Reference, educational, methodological and popular science literature should be stored on cabinet shelves.

2.10.8. Requirements for interior design of an informatics and computer science classroom The manuals necessary for studying individual topics and sections of the course should be displayed on the wall of the office opposite the blackboard. For the exhibition of books and materials, the office must be equipped with removable stands. On the wall opposite the windows there are boards with reference tables permanently located in the office, introducing students to safety rules, main computer components and their functions. On one of the walls, along with the stands, there should be a table “Rules for students working on PCs and VDTs.” Different fonts can be used in the design of stands: printed and handwritten, Arabic and Gothic. Headings and subheadings should be in the same style.

safety measures when conducting classes in the computer science classroom
I. General provisions

1. Scheduled training sessions in the computer science classroom are conducted under the control and direct guidance of a computer science teacher.

2. Turning on and off computers (system unit and monitor) is carried out only with the permission of the computer science teacher.

3. It is not allowed to enter the computer science classroom without the permission of the teacher.

4. Each student studies only at his own workplace.

5. The office should be kept clean and tidy.

6. During recess, all students must go out into the corridor.
II. Basic rules for students

1. It is not allowed to enter the computer science classroom in outerwear, or to bring seeds, sweets, various food and drinks into the classroom. It is strictly forbidden to come to the computer science classroom with chewing gum.

2. It is not allowed to place bags, briefcases, gloves and other foreign objects on tables.

4. During classes, you are allowed to work only with those programs that are provided for in the course of study. It is strictly forbidden to play computer games during classes.

5. It is prohibited to copy, move, rename or delete other people’s folders and files, or change the configuration and settings of the computer and individual work programs.

6. You can use your own floppy disks and CDs only with the permission of the teacher after mandatory scanning with anti-virus programs.

7. Hands must be clean and dry before working on the computer.
III. Safety measures during classes

1. Make sure the computer and electrical equipment are in good working order. The system unit and monitor must be closed with covers. The cables must be docked and not sticking out. Switching boxes must be covered with lids. The housings and covers of switches and sockets must not have cracks, chips, or contacts.

2. If any malfunction occurs while working on the computer, immediately stop all activities and report the malfunction to the teacher. Perform further actions only with permission and under the supervision of the teacher.

3. It is strictly forbidden to remove the top casing from the system unit or monitor, disassemble individual computer units and work on the computer with the top casing removed from the system unit or monitor.

5. Do not touch electrical sockets, plugs, connectors and switches, press the RESET button, or turn off and restart the computer yourself.

6. Accurately follow the teacher’s instructions while working at the computer.
Without a commitment to comply with these rules and safety measures, students cannot be admitted to the computer science classroom.

Basis and goals of requirements development. These requirements are developed on the basis of the federal component of the state educational standard of general education (for basic secondary school, basic and specialized levels of complete secondary school).

The requirements represent recommendations for optimal material and technical support for the educational process, presented in the context of the introduction of a state standard in computer science and information technology. They contain lists of computer and information and communication technologies (including computers, operating systems and other digital resources), printed materials (library collection), demonstration printed aids and demonstration resources in digital presentation format, technical means. The requirements for material and technical support take into account the integrative possibilities of using information technologies in the learning process and assume the possibility of teaching in the information technology classroom not only the subject “Informatics and information Technology", but also a number of other subjects in lessons that involve the active use of information technology as well as the use of information and communication technologies in various areas of the school (subject classrooms, library, room for independent studies students, etc.) and outside of school (in search activities).

The novelty of the developed requirements. The state standard in computer science presupposes the priority of an activity-based approach to the learning process, the development in students of a wide range of general educational and subject skills, and mastery of methods of activity that form cognitive, informational, and communicative competence. The material and technical support of the educational process must be sufficient to effectively solve these problems. In contrast to the previously existing lists of teaching aids and educational equipment in computer science, these requirements are focused on the possibility of studying information technologies and developing communication competence, including through their use in the study of various subjects. The requirements include not only elements currently produced and supplied to schools, but also future ones, the presence of which is necessary to ensure the introduction of the standard.

Principles of selection of objects and means of material and technical support. The lists of material and technical support included in these requirements do not present specific names and characteristics, but a general nomenclature of objects and digital resources, a description of their properties and educational tasks to be solved. The description provides only indicative minimum recommended technical characteristics of information and communication technologies. This is due to their rapid development at the present stage, as well as a decrease in cost against the backdrop of an increase in the cost of traditional educational equipment. The introduction of the standard will also require the creation of new textbooks and teaching aids that comply with the standard. Substantial part educational materials, included in these requirements, including texts, sets of illustrations, diagrams, tables, diagrams, can be presented not on printed, but on digital (electronic) media. The use of digital educational resources increases the effectiveness of educational materials, primarily through the use of interactivity and the capabilities of the activity approach. The widespread use of digital resources reduces the cost of reproduction and delivery costs due to the low cost of copying and the use of the Internet for distribution.

Implementation of the principle of variability; continuity at different levels of education. These requirements serve as a guideline in the creation of an integral subject-development environment necessary for the implementation of the requirements for the level of training of graduates at each level of education established by the standard. They are based on the objectives of the integrated use of material and technical means of education, the transition from reproductive forms of educational activity to independent, search and research types of work, shifting the emphasis to the analytical component of educational activities, the formation of a communicative culture of students and the development of skills in working with various types information and its sources.

Calculation of quantitative indicators. The amount of educational equipment is given in the recommendations per classroom. In schools with more than one class in each parallel, it is desirable to have more than one classroom. At the same time, the use of a significant part of these technical means is associated with the implementation of not only intra-subject, but also general educational tasks. Equipping with these technical means is considered as an element of the general material and technical equipment of an educational institution.

The specific number of specified means and logistics facilities takes into account the average calculation of the class size, taking into account the fact that classes using information and communication technologies are conducted in subgroups (12-15 students). To reflect quantitative indicators in the requirements, the following symbolic notation system is used:

D– demonstration copy (1 copy, except in specially specified cases), the letter D also denotes all equipment required in a single copy;
TO– a complete set (based on the actual class size), for schools with a class size of more than 25 people, when equipping the classroom with ICT tools, it is recommended to proceed from 15 student workplaces;
F– a set for frontal work (about half as much as a full set, that is, at least 1 copy for two students),
P– a set necessary for practical work in groups of several students (5-7 copies).

Characteristics of the classroom. The premises of the computer science and information technology room must meet the requirements of the current Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Standards (SanPiN 2.4.2. 178-02). The room must be equipped with standard equipment, including technical training aids specified in these requirements, as well as specialized educational furniture.

The main equipment of the classroom is computer equipment, which can be presented both in a stationary version and in the form of portable computers. Computer equipment can use various operating systems (including Windows, Mac OS, Linux families). It is also possible to implement a computer class using a server and a “thin client”. All computers must be connected to a single network with Internet access. It is possible to use sections of a wireless network. To control access to Internet resources and optimize traffic, special software must be used. Both desktop, laptop and pocket computers can be used. Specifications, given in the requirements in some cases, are indicative and may change in the course of technical development.

To ensure the convenience of working with digital resources and student work, both in the computer science classroom and in the school as a whole, it is recommended to use a file server, which is part of the logistics of the entire educational institution.

All software installed on computers in the computer science and information technology classroom, as well as on other computers installed in an educational institution, must be licensed for use throughout the school or at the required number of workplaces.

The equipment of the classroom should allow for its wide use not only for conducting computer science lessons, but also for teaching other subjects. The classroom should provide the opportunity to conduct classes in various subjects, aimed primarily at searching and processing information, preparing and demonstrating multimedia presentations.

Names of objects and means of logistical support Required amount Notes
Basic school High school
basic profile
1.1. D D D Computer Science Standard,
sample programs,
original work programs
are included in the mandatory
programmatic and methodological
provision of computer science classroom.
1.2. Standard of secondary (complete) general education in computer science (basic level) D D D
1.3. Standard of secondary (complete) general education in computer science (profile level) D D D
1.4. Sample program of basic general education in computer science D D D
1.5. Approximate program of secondary (complete) general education at a basic level in computer science D D D
1.6. Approximate program of secondary (complete) general education at the profile level in computer science D D D
1.7. Author's work programs in computer science D D D
1.8. Methodological manuals for teachers (recommendations for conducting lessons) D D D
1.9. Textbook on computer science for primary school D D D The library collection includes sets of textbooks,
recommended or approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
When completing the library collection
complete sets of textbooks
it is advisable to include
printed products,
available in the computer science classroom, not only the teaching materials used in this school,
but also several copies of textbooks from other educational institutions.
These textbooks can be used by students
to perform practical work,
and also a teacher
as part of the methodological support of the office.
1.10. Standard of basic general education in computer science TO
1.11. Basic Training Textbook TO
1.12. Textbook for specialized training TO
1.13. Textbooks for basic education taking into account the profile (humanities, natural sciences, technology) TO TO It is advisable to include workbooks in the library collection that correspond to the sets of textbooks used.
1.14. Scientific, popular science literature, periodicals P P P Necessary for the preparation of reports and messages; Scientific, popular science and artistic publications necessary for the preparation of reports, messages, abstracts and creative works must be contained in the school library collections
1.15. Reference books (encyclopedias, etc.) P P P
1.16. Didactic materials for all courses F F F Collections of educational and developmental tasks, as well as test and measurement materials on individual topics and courses.
Posters Tables, diagrams, diagrams and graphs must be presented in the form of a demonstration (wall-mounted), printed publication and in digital form (for example, as a set of multimedia presentation slides).
2.1. Workplace organization and safety D D D
2.2. Computer architecture D D D
2.3. Computer network architecture D D D
2.4. Types of professional information activity of a person and the tools used (technical means and information resources) D D D
2.5. Keyboard layout used for keyboard writing D D D
2.6. History of computer science D D D
2.7. Graphical user interface D
2.8. Information, arithmetic of information processes D D D
2.9. Types of information resources D D D
2.10. Types of information processes D D D
2.11. Information representation (sampling) D D D
2.12. Modeling, formalization, algorithmization D D D
2.13. Main stages of program development D D D
2.14. Number systems D D D
2.15. Logical operations D D D
2.16. Block diagrams D
2.17. Algorithmic designs D D D
2.18. Database structures D
2.19. Web resource structures D D
2.20. School informatization program D D D
3.1. operating system TO TO TO
3.2. File manager (as part of the operating system or others). TO TO TO
3.3. Mail client (included in operating systems, etc.). TO TO TO
3.4. A program for organizing communication and group work using computer networks. TO TO TO
3.5. A software shell for organizing a unified school information space, including the ability to post student work and work with digital resources
3.6. Software for organizing managed collective and secure access to the Internet. Firewall and HTTP proxy server. TO TO TO
3.7. Antivirus program TO TO TO All software must be licensed for use throughout the school or the required number of workstations.
3.8. Archiver program TO TO TO
3.9. Optical text recognition system for Russian, national and foreign languages ​​being studied TO TO TO
3.10. Program for burning CD and DVD discs TO TO TO
3.11. A set of commonly used programs, including: a text editor, a presentation development program, spreadsheets. TO TO TO
3.12. Sound editor. TO TO TO
3.13. Program for organizing audio archives TO TO TO
3.14. Vector and raster graphics editors. TO TO TO
3.15. A program for viewing static images. TO TO TO
3.16. Multimedia player TO TO TO
3.17. A program for video editing and video file compression P P P
3.18. Web page editor. TO TO TO
3.19. Browser TO TO TO Included in operating systems or other
3.20. A database management system that provides the necessary requirements. TO TO TO
3.21. A geographic information system that allows you to implement the requirements of the standard for subjects using cartographic material. TO TO TO
3.22. Computer-aided design system. TO TO TO
3.23. Virtual computer laboratories for the main sections of mathematics and natural sciences courses. TO TO TO
3.24. Integrated creative environments. TO TO TO
3.25. Translator program, multilingual electronic dictionary. TO TO TO
3.26. Programming system. TO TO TO
3.27. Keyboard trainer. TO TO TO
3.28. Software for digital measurement laboratory operation, statistical processing and data visualization. TO TO TO
3.29. Software for running a digital design and robotics laboratory TO TO TO To receive and process data, transfer results to a desktop computer
3.30. Software for operating a digital microscope TO TO TO Allows you to edit images, save photos and videos in standard formats
3.31. Collections of digital educational resources in various academic subjects TO TO TO Designed to implement an integrative approach that allows you to study information technologies while solving problems in various subjects, for example, mastering geographic information systems while using them in a geography course
4.1. Sets of presentation slides for all sections of courses D D D These kits should develop and complement the kits described in the “Printed Manuals” section.
5.1. Screen (on a tripod or wall) D D D Minimum size 1.25 x 1.25 m
5.2. Multimedia projector D D D Included: power cable, cables for connecting to a computer, video and audio sources
5.3. Personal computer – teacher’s workplace D D D Basic technical requirements: operating system with a graphical interface, a drive for reading and writing CDs, audio-video inputs/outputs, the ability to connect to a local network and access the Internet; included: keyboard, scrolling mouse, mouse pad; equipped with acoustic systems, microphone and headphones; can be stationary or portable.
5.4. Personal computer – student’s workplace TO TO TO Basic technical requirements: operating system with a graphical interface, CD drive, audio-video inputs/outputs, ability to connect to a local network and access the Internet; included: keyboard, scrolling mouse, mouse pad; equipped with a microphone and headphones; can be stationary or portable.
5.5. Laser printer P P P A4 format Speed ​​no lower than 15 ppm, resolution no lower than 600 x 600 dpi
5.6. Color printer P P P A4 format B&W printing: 10 ppm. (A4), color printing: 6 ppm.
5.7. Network laser printer P P P A4 format Speed ​​no lower than 25 ppm, resolution no lower than 600x600 dpi; is part of the logistics of the entire educational institution
5.8. Server P P P Provides the technical component of the formation of a unified information space for the school. Organization of access to Internet resources. Must have disk space sufficient to accommodate digital educational resources necessary for the implementation of educational standards in all subjects, as well as placement of student work. Included in the logistics support of the entire educational institution
5.9. Uninterruptable power source P P P Ensures operation in conditions of short-term power failure. In all educational institutions, it ensures the operation of the server; in areas with unstable power supply, it is necessary to provide uninterrupted power to all devices.
5.10. Network equipment set P P P Must ensure the connection of all computers installed in the school into a single network with the allocation of separate groups, with a connection to the server and access to the Internet.
5.11. A set of equipment for connecting to the Internet P P P Selected depending on the selected connection method for a particular school. The optimal transmission speed is 2.4 Mbit/s.
5.12. Special modifications of devices for manually entering text information and manipulating screen objects - keyboard and mouse (and various devices for similar purposes F F F Special modifications of these devices play a special role for students with motor problems, for example, with cerebral palsy
5.13. Copy machine D D D It is part of the logistics support of the entire educational institution.
Devices for recording (inputting) visual and audio information
5.14. Devices for creating graphic information (graphics tablet) F F F Working area – no less than A6 format; pressure sensitivity; pen without batteries.
5.15. Scanner D D D Optical resolution no less than 1200x2400 dpi
5.16. Digital camera D D D It is recommended to use cameras with a photosensitive element of at least 1 megapixel
5.17. Device for reading information from a memory card (card reader) D D D
5.18. Digital video camera D D D With IEEE 1394 interface; tripod for working with a video camera
5.19. Web camera D/F D/F D/F
5.20. Audio input/output devices – microphone, headphones F F F Included with each workstation
5.21. Audio output/output devices – microphone, speakers and headphones D D D Included with the teacher's workstation
5.22. Devices for creating musical information (musical keyboards) P P P At least 4 octaves
5.23. External storage device D D D Capacity of at least 120 GB
5.24. Mobile device for storing information (flash memory) D D D USB interface; capacity of at least 128 MB
5.25. Paper The amount of consumables should be determined by the requests of the educational institution and depends on the number of classes and should fully meet the needs of the educational process
5.26. Laser printer cartridges
5.27. Cartridges for inkjet color printer
5.28. Copier cartridges
5.29. Floppy disks
5.30. Burnable disc (CD-R or CD-RW)
5.31. Alcohol for wiping equipment Approximately - based on 20 g per device per year
6.1. Constructor for studying logical circuits P P P
6.2. A set of equipment for a digital measuring natural science laboratory based on desktop and/or pocket computers P P P Includes a set of several (but not less than 7) digital sensors (distance, temperature, illumination, humidity, pressure, current, voltage, magnetic induction, etc.), providing the ability to measure methodologically determined complexes physical parameters with the required accuracy, a device for recording, collecting and storing data, a pocket and desktop computer, software for graphical presentation of measurement results, their mathematical processing and analysis, collection and recording of work by the teacher.
6.3. Set of equipment for the laboratory of design and robotics P P P The kit includes a set of structural elements for creating software-controlled models, a programmable microprocessor unit, a set of sensors (light, temperature, rotation angle, etc.) that record information about the environment and provide feedback, software for controlling the created models.*
*computer required
6.4. A digital microscope or a device for connecting a conventional microscope and a digital camera. D/F D/F D/F A microscope connected to a computer that provides variable magnification; upper and lower illumination of the object stage; the accompanying software must provide the ability to save static and dynamic images in standard formats with a resolution sufficient for the educational process.
7.1. Personal computer device D/F D/F D/F Models can be presented in digital format for display on a computer
7.2. Converting information in a computer D/F D/F D/F
7.3. Information networks and information transfer D/F D/F D/F
7.4. Models of basic ICT devices D/F D/F D/F
8.1. As natural objects, it is assumed that ICT tools will be used, described in sections “ Technical means training" and "Educational and practical equipment"
8.2. Microspecimens for study using a digital microscope P P
9.1. Computer desk D/F D/F D/F
9.2. Classroom board for writing with a felt-tip pen with a magnetic surface D D D
9.3. CD storage racks, lockable D D D
9.4. Lockable equipment storage cabinets D D D

State secondary school No. 1 AKTOBE

Responsible teacher for the classroom:

2013/14 academic year

Characteristics of the computer science classroom

The computer science room of State Secondary School No. 1 is located on the second floor of a typical school building.

The office has three windows and one door.

There is an interactive whiteboard in the center of the office, a projector above it, a first aid kit on the left, a school magnetic board on the right, fire extinguisher.

Upon entering the office with right side there is a switch; On the left it is planned to place cabinet stands, shelves for textbooks and documents.

Total office area: 56 m 2 .

Area per workplace 5 m2

Inventory of property located in the office:






Inv No. for school

Year of purchase

Technical condition

Double desks

15 pcs

№1 - 237003000951


№13 - 237003000963


Student chairs

30 pcs

№1 - 237003000964


№ 30 - 237003000993



56 m2


Educational wall board


1 PC


interactive board


1 PC




Interactive projector

1 PC




Samsung LS20B300NS

15 pcs

№1 - 236009000220


№15 - 236009000234



System unit


model IREZH61

15 pcs

№1 - 236009000220


№15 - 236009000234




Standard Russian/English/Kaz


15 pcs

№1 - 236009000220


№15 - 236009000234




15 pcs

№1 - 236009000220


№15 - 236009000234



Network filter

12 pcs

№1 - 236009000220


№15 - 236009000234



Uninterruptible power supply device

SVC V-800-F

15 pcs

№1 - 236009000220


№15 - 236009000234



Headphones with microphone

Genius NS-04S

16 pcs

№1 - 236009000220


№15 - 236009000234




24 ports

1 PC




Terms of use

computer science classroom for students

  • The office must be open 15 minutes before the start of classes.
  • Students are in the office only wearing removable shoes.
  • Students should only be in the classroom in the presence of a teacher
  • The office must be ventilated every break.
  • The teacher must organize the cleaning of the office at the end of classes.

Informatics classroom schedule

2nd half of the year, 2013-2014 academic year

TOTAL: 15 hours per week, 253 hours in the 2nd half of the year

Inventory sheet for technical

computer science classroom teaching aids






Inv No. for school

Year of purchase

Technical condition

interactive board


1 PC





1 PC



PC, consisting of:

15 pcs

№1 - 236009000220


№15 - 236009000234




Samsung LS20B300NS

15 pcs

№1 - 236009000220


№15 - 236009000234



System unit


model IREZH61

15 pcs

№1 - 236009000220


№15 - 236009000234




Standard Russian/English/Kaz Genius

15 pcs

№1 - 236009000220


№15 - 236009000234




Optical 2-button Genius USB/PA Kaz/BB

15 pcs

№1 - 236009000220


№15 - 236009000234



System filter

6 output sockets, network cord - 3m

12 pcs

№1 - 236009000220


№15 - 236009000234



Uninterruptable power source

SVC V-800-F

15 pcs

№1 - 236009000220


№15 - 236009000234




Genius NS-04S

16 pcs

№1 - 236009000220


№15 - 236009000234



Teacher responsible for the classroom:_________________/ /

Laboratory assistant:_________________/ /


We, the undersigned, the director of secondary school No. 1, the deputy director for household affairs, the medical worker, the chairman of the PC, during the inspection of the computer science room No. 208, we established that the office has the following:

  1. PC - 15 pcs, including (monitor, system unit, keyboard, mouse, uninterruptible power supply, headphones);
  2. interactive board;
  3. projector;
  4. seats for 30 people that comply with labor safety standards and age requirements;
  5. first aid kit;
  6. fire extinguisher.

Director of secondary school No. 1:__________________________/

Deputy Director for

economic part:_______________________/

Medical worker:_______________________________________/


Chairman of the PC__________________________/

Methodist of GorOO__________________________/






academic year


academic year


academic year

Cabinet passport

Safety regulations

Cabinet layout

Inventory sheet

Office work plan

Office occupancy schedule





academic year


academic year


academic year


1) educational and methodological complex;

2) educational equipment;

3) a set of training aids (TSO)

availability of the kit:

Didactic material;

Typical tasks;


Test papers;







academic year


academic year


academic year

Optimal organization of space:

Teacher places;

Student places

Availability of replaceable information stands:

On the implementation of the skills development program;

Organizing and completing homework;

In preparation for workshops;

To prepare for testing;

In preparation for tests and exams




academic year


academic year


academic year

Safety regulations

are observed

Sanitary and hygienic standards


Furniture condition

Condition of the office as a whole (floor, walls, windows)








2013/2014 academic year

2014/2015 academic year

2015/2016 academic year

Safety instructions and

rules of work in the computer science classroom

  • Handle computer equipment with care.
  • Enter the office calmly, without touching the tables, take the place allocated to you, without touching anything on the tables.


  • touch the connectors of the connecting cables;
  • touch wires and grounding devices, the screen and the back of the monitor;
  • turn equipment on and off without instructions from the teacher, work in wet clothes (for example, after rain);
  • leave the computer turned on without supervision.


  • at a distance of 60-70 cm from the display screen, do not lean over the monitor.
  • Students who have glasses to wear constantly must work at the display while wearing glasses.

Remember well where the fire extinguisher is located in the office. Under the guidance of a teacher, become familiar with the rules for using a fire extinguisher.



  • make sure there is no visible damage to the workplace;
  • sit so that your line of sight is in the center of the screen in order to perceive information from the monitor screen without distortion;
  • place a notebook or study guide on the table so that they do not interfere with work on the computer;
  • listen carefully to the teacher’s explanations and try to understand the purpose and sequence of actions on the computer, if necessary, contact the teacher;
  • start work only when instructed by the teacher: “Get to work.”

Working on a computer requires a lot of attention.



While working, strictly follow all the above rules, as well as the instructions of the teacher.

Monitor the serviceability of the equipment and stop working immediately if an unusual sound appears or the equipment turns off spontaneously.

Do not hit the keyboard hard or sharply, do not use it when the power is not connected, and operate with clean, dry hands.



  • avoid accidents,
  • successfully master the knowledge and skills of working with computers. You are responsible for the condition of the workplace and the safety of the equipment placed on it.


Gymnastics for the eyes in computer science lessons

The exercises are performed standing or sitting, turning away from the screen with rhythmic breathing, with the maximum amplitude of eye movement.

Option 1.

  1. Close your eyes, strongly straining your eye muscles, on a count of 1-4, then open your eyes, relaxing your eye muscles, looking into the distance on a count of 1-6.

Repeat 4-5 times.

  1. Look at the bridge of your nose and hold your gaze for the count of 1-4. You should not let your eyes get tired. Then open your eyes, look into the distance at the score 1-6. Repeat 3-4 times.

Option 2.

1. Close your eyes without straining your eye muscles on a count of 1-4, wide
open your eyes and look into the distance for a count of 1-6 Repeat 4-5 times.

2. Look at the tip of your nose for the count of 1-4, and then look into the distance for the count of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

3 . Without turning your head (head straight), make slow circular movements with your eyes up-right-down-left and in the opposite direction: up-left-down-right. Then look into the distance at the score 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

Option 3.

1 . Blink without straining your eye muscles for a count of 10-15.

2. Without turning your head (head straight) with your eyes closed
look right at the count 1-4, then left at the count 1-4 and straight ahead at the count 1-4.

3. Raise your eyes up to the count of 1-4, lower your eyes to the count of 1-4 and move your gaze straight to the count of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. Look at the index finger, distant from the eyes at a distance of 25-30 cm, for a count of 1-4, then look into the distance for a count of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

5. At an average pace, do 3-4 circular motion in the first direction, the same amount to the left side and, relaxing the eye muscles, look into the distance at the count of 1-6. Repeat 1-2 times.

Inventory of medicines in the first aid kit

first aid

  1. paracetamol – antipyretic 1 piece
  1. activated carbon - anti-poisoning, stomach upset 1 pc.
  1. sodium sulfacyl - eye drops 1 piece
  1. motherwort tincture - sedative 1 pc.
  1. non-sterile medical bandage - means for dressing 1 piece
  1. analgin - pain reliever 1 piece
  1. medical plaster - a means for treating minor wounds 1 pc.
  1. potassium permanganate - a means for washing wounds 1 pc.
  1. non-sterile medical cotton wool - for applying bandages 1 pc.
  1. finger pads – means for protecting wounds 2 pcs.
  1. brilliant green solution - wound treatment 1 pc.
  1. measuring cup - for taking medications 1 pc.

Informatics classroom layout

the year of publishing


Program for general education institutions.

Computer science grades 5-11


Computer science. 5th grade

E.A. Vyushkova, N.V. Paraskun. - Astana: Arman-PV, 2013

Computer science. 7th grade

Ermekov N., Stifutina N. - Almaty: Atamura, 2013

Computer science. 8th grade

Shevchuk E.V., Kolyeva N.S. - Almaty: Mektep, 2012

Computer science. 9th grade

B. Buribaev, B. Nakysbekov, G. Madyarova. - Almaty:

Mektep, 2013

Computer science. Grade 10

Computer science. Grade 11

E.A. Vyushkova, N.V. Paraskun. - Astana: Arman-PV, 2010

Didactic material



Folders with practical work on "Microsoft Office Word"

Folders with practical work on "Microsoft Office Excel"

Folders with practical work on "Microsoft Office Access"

Folders with practical work on "Turbo-Paskal"

Folders with practical work "Internet"

Practical work "Calculator"

Practical work "Notepad"

Practical work "Web programming"

Practical work on HTML

Cards with tasks for "Microsoft Office Word"

Cards with tasks for Microsoft Office Excel"

Cards with tasks for "Microsoft Office Access"

Cards with tasks for "Turbo-Paskal"

Cards with tasks for "Lazarus"

All kinds of tests and handouts

Work plan for the computer science classroom

Analysis of the work of the office in the 2013-2014 academic year

The computer science classroom was received at the end of 2013, fully assembled and used for computer science lessons in grades 5-11. In grades 5, 9, 10, 11, the teaching load is 1 hour per week; in grades 6, 7, 8 - 1.5 hours per week.

Also, the computer science room is used to conduct electives on technology in grades 10-11 for boys (clerical work).

In the computer science classroom, they are preparing to participate in various competitions: middle and high school students print essays, abstracts, and their own creative works.

I affirm:

Head teacher: ____________

Work plan for the computer science classroom

2013/2014 academic year


What's planned


Performance marks

Collection of methodological and software for the educational process.


Analysis and adaptation of computer programs thematic plan educational programs.


Improving the teaching of computer science in a continuous course from grades 5 to 11


Updating educational, methodological and didactic material


Preservation of the material and technical base of the office


Preparation and participation in school, city and regional Olympiads in computer science


Participation in competitions and presentations


IT-teacher: /

Laboratory assistant: /