The elder scrolls online horse. Types of horses in TESO and how to get them. Where to buy horses

Management - v.1.1 upd 05/08/2014 09:00 MSK

In order to buy a mount, you need to find a stable in one of the major cities of your alliance. In Cyrodiil, the stables are located at two base camps. On the map the stable is marked with an image in the form of a horse’s head:

here is an example in Cyrodiil

You need to find a stablemaster in the stable and start trading with him:

The menu has three tabs: buy horse meat, sell horse meat and look into the stall. On the first tab, we actually purchase a horse. On this moment, there are six types of horses available. I offer them basic characteristics(for the first level, but they are sold All exactly the first level) and my subjective IMHO for each:

Draft Horse(Heavy)
Cost: 42,700 gold
Speed: 15%
Stamina: 10
Load capacity: 10
Color: bay-piebald
It is needed for those who like to loot everything non-stop, and then are too lazy to run to the bank. An ideal option for crafters and alts, but the money it costs, in my opinion, is better spent on something more useful. IMHO this horse is for the late game and for an alternative character.

Gaited Horse(Horse)
Cost: 42,700 gold
Speed: 15%
Stamina: 20
Load capacity: 0
Color: black
Controversial option. In my opinion, there will be such a horse excellent choice for PvP, but speed is also important there. At the moment, 20-25 stamina is the required maximum, so if you are thinking of buying a horse and immediately racing PvP, then it is better to take a black one (and increase its speed).

Light horse(light harness)
Cost: 42,700 gold
Speed: 25%
Stamina: 10
Load capacity: 0
Color: dun
Currently the best possible variant, because speed also saves a lot of nerves in PvE and, if you have the proper experience, makes a difference in PvP. If the emphasis is on PvP, then you can throw 5-10 points into stamina.

Common Horse(Regular old nag)
Cost: 17,200 gold
Speed: 15%
Stamina: 10
Load capacity: 0
Color: brown
There is a common opinion that the subject is a useless waste of gold. In principle, the mare can be pumped up quite well. By buying it you save 28,000 gold, but lose 10 pumping points (in terms of speed/endurance, this is significant). Think for yourself, decide for yourself whether to have it or not.

Imperial Horse(Imperial)
Cost: 1 gold
Speed: 15%
Stamina: 10
Load capacity: 0
Color: white-born
Costs 1 gold + 1200 rubles, because is exclusive digital content of the imperial publication TESO. The characteristics are the same as those of the old nag, but given that it costs 1 kopeck, the situation changes a little. The question "to buy or not to buy?" there is no need here - immediately, as soon as you leave the police station, run and buy it. Buy altam. For children. Buy it for the cat. Another question: to feed or not to feed? I fed from the day of launch, never missed pumping and was satisfied. But then, it’s still worth buying something cooler.

Palomino Horse(Donut horse)
Level limit: above 10
Cost: 1 gold
Speed: 15%
Stamina: 10
Load capacity: 0
Color: nightingale
Unique content The Elder Scrolls® Online store, costs 500 rubles and didn’t give up on anyone. I was thinking about buying the collections for the sake of it, but I changed my mind. Externally - nothing special. Stats suck (+ exclusive level cap). For reference, 500 rubles = 44,682 gold (in offices selling gold coins). What's the point in this horse meat? Collection? Is hunting better than captivity?

On the second tab, the mare can be sold. Sell ​​to a knacker for mere pennies. IMHO, it’s worth using when there are no more slots, but there is cheap, unpumped horse meat. Or don't use it at all.

The third tab is where the main work begins. Here you can change and upgrade your mounts.

The selected mount (select from the list below) can be renamed (icon next to the name). The level is indicated below (mounts can currently be level 1-50). Below are the characteristics of the horse:

Speed(Speed) - increases movement speed. As I understand it, it increases your speed by x%. The horse is affected by any buffs: speed potion, horse sign, abilities. Horses with high speed jump further and fly (with a bug).

Stamina(Endurance) - the horse can gallop longer. There's an interesting point here. Even when the supply runs out, the mount still gallops. Either a bug or a feature. Purely subjective - it seems that it jumps slower, but I conducted a series of tests (on different horses, 5 passes each) and it turned out that a “tired” horse covers the same distance in the same time as one with a reserve of strength. Also, the more stamina, the more difficult it is to rush you (as I understand, if the horse’s strength runs out and you are hit, you fall).

Capacity(Load capacity) - pumping up one point increases your maximum inventory capacity by one cell. It only works for the active mount (i.e. if you switch, then all the “horse” slots will become unavailable, I can’t say what will happen to the items in them).

Mount without pumping load capacity

Load capacity increased by 1

Below (let's return our thoughts to the "stall" tab - the "Diet" subsection) you can choose what to feed your Tamogchi today:

Apple(Apples) +1% speed permanently
Hay(Hay) +1 stamina permanently
Oats(Oats) +1 to carrying capacity permanently

You can feed once every 20 hours, up to level 50 of your mount. It is apparently impossible to somehow “overfeed”, “feed back”, “return everything as it was”. After feeding, the mount level will increase, and a timer will appear next to the “diet” until the next meal:

In general, as you may have noticed, a similar indication is present in the list of your mounts (below the “Diet” section). The clock means that the horse is full, and the outstretched hand means that the pony wants to eat. Oddly enough, a horse will not die if you don’t feed it at all.
In this list you can change the mount you are riding on (yes, by the way, to sit on it, you need to press the "H" key (by default)). This can only be done in the stable.

At the very bottom, in the middle of the screen, you can buy additional space in the stall.

By the way, in the character characteristics window, information about your selected mount is also displayed (if you hover over the name, the characteristics will be displayed; if you hover over the icon, the time until feeding):

Also, you may have noticed that horses of the same breed look a little different for some players than for others. The thing is that the appearance of mounts changes when leveling up (in theory, every 20 levels) and depends on what you feed it. When pumping up speed, a harness will appear:

First level horse, no leveling up


When pumping up endurance - armor:

Armor on Palomino Horse

And when pumping up the carrying capacity, bags and backpacks are added:

Pumped up heavyweight

Please note that the data provided may be biased and unreliable; they are based on in-game sources and personal observations. I am ready to accept criticism and comments, add to the guide and discuss pumping issues.

Thank you for attention.

Starting your journey through TESO, you will be interested in walking, exploring all the features and attractions of the game world. However, as time goes on, you will probably want to move faster. This issue can become especially acute in Cyrodiil, when you will urgently need to join your partners as quickly as possible to protect the area. You will not be able to use the teleport and the only thing that can help you in this situation is a horse. At the time of release, the only personal means of transportation available in the game is a horse, however, in the future, the developers promise to introduce significantly more types of mounts.

INThe Elder Scrolls Online has several types of horses available, you can only purchase them in special stables. It is easy to distinguish such buildings by the presence of a stall and a large number of horses inside. To buy a horse, simply go to the groom and talk to him.

The cheapest horse will cost you 17,200 gold. You can purchase a horse at absolutely any time in the game. It is worth saying that it is possible to purchase a horse for only one hundred gold, but only if you purchased the imperial edition of the game. The Imperial Horse is significantly different in appearance from a regular horse and is a kind of exclusive bonus for players with the Imperial Edition. It is important to know that if you purchased the standard edition, you can always upgrade it to the imperial edition and receive all the bonuses, including an exclusive horse.

Once you have purchased a horse, you will have the opportunity to summon it by pressing the “H” key. You can have as many different horses as you like, but you can only use one. If you need to change the type of your horse, you need to go to the stable and do it there. Unfortunately, there is no way to do this from the inventory.

Just like in real life, your horse needs regular feeding. There are three types of food for horses in the game: apples, hay and oats. Each of these products affects certain characteristics of the animal. Let's take a closer look:

  • Apples- significantly increase the base speed of the horse, allowing it to cover distances faster.
  • Hay- increases the horse’s endurance parameter, allowing it to ride for a longer period of time.
  • Oats. This type of feeding allows you to carry more items, expanding your inventory.

You can feed your horse at least 24 hours a day. The process of improving characteristics is similar to the process of leveling up a character. The horse will improve its basic characteristics gradually and, by combining food products, you can get a horse with unique characteristics. Highest level horses in the game are fiftieth.

Types of horses in TESO

  • Regular. This is the standard type of horse. Possesses average speed and endurance, load capacity is zero. The cost of such a horse is 17,200 gold coins.

  • Workhorse . This type of horse is more focused on carrying capacity. By default, a horse expands your inventory by ten units. Speed ​​and stamina stats are equivalent to the standard ones.

  • Hardy horse. This type has increased endurance.

  • Lightweight. This type of horse is fifteen percent faster than a standard one.

Is it possible to fight without getting off your horse? Unfortunately, such a possibility is The Elder Scrolls Online the developers did not foresee, however, if you attack an enemy sitting on a horse, he will need time to dismount. This can be your advantage in battle.

Certainly, to buy a horse in TESO gold is required, what if there is not enough of it? You can always contact our store for help in this matter. It’s so simple and all financial problems in the game will be solved!

You can't have an MMO without horse riding, and Elder Scrolls Online comes with a whole host of unique mechanics and features. TESO uses animals not only for travel, but to serve various food items that improve their stats such as running speed or stamina. Horses can also expand your inventory, allowing you to carry more items, so we'll take a closer look at them in this post.

Types of Horses

Transport in ESO is mainly horses and there are several main types:

  • Normal – 10% increased speed, 15 stamina, costs 17,200 gold
  • Easy – 25% speed, 10 stamina, costs 42,700 gold
  • Tough – 15 speed, 20 stamina, costs 42,700 gold
  • Working – 15% speed, 10 stamina and 10 load capacity, priced at 42,700 gold
  • Imperial – 15% speed, 10 stamina, cost 1 gold
  • The Imperial Horse can only be purchased by players who have pre-ordered the Imperial Edition of the game through the official website or through various retailers. Other modes of transport are quite expensive for new players, as even the 17,200 gold required for the cheapest common horse can take time to accumulate.

Mount Statistics

Speed: Increasing speed is self-explanatory: going faster on a horse means you get there faster. Many players recommend not buying common horse in general, since it only has 10% increased speed, so you might want to consider buying a Light Horse. Other mounts are unfortunately more expensive and will take you even longer to save, but it may be worth it in the end. Don't forget that feeding your horse costs gold (explained below), so it might be a smart decision to save enough gold to buy a light horse first.

Endurance: Stamina determines how long your horse can gallop (sprint) and how much damage you can take while riding it without dismounting.

Load capacity: Horses do not have their own inventory, instead their carrying capacity is simply added to your own characters inventory. Not only is it convenient, but the increased bag space is very useful when you're considering all the different materials and items you'll come across. You only get increased carrying capacity from your active horse.

All horses have a total of 49 points, which you can allocate to any of these three stats, which is added to their base stats. The point is, even if you feed your general horse apples to increase its speed, it can never be as fast as a light horse.


In stables, horses can be fed once every 20 hours with either apples, hay or oats. Feeding a horse costs 250 gold each time, but increases some of their stats depending on what type of food you feed them. Apples increase movement speed by 1%, hay increases stamina, and oats increase your horse's carrying capacity.

The most useful food is definitely apples, as movement speed is highly valued for everything, especially for players participating in Cyrodiil. To pump it up, you might consider feeding oats to your horse, at least occasionally. The increased throughput can be very useful when searching for some time, and even 5-10 extra inventory slots can ensure that you don't have to visit vendors often.

Advice. The Light Horse will always be the fastest of all horses if you only feed it apples for speed. For leveling and farming, use a cheap imperial horse and keep feeding it oats to increase your inventory. You can own multiple horses and switch your active to Light when you go to Cyrodiil.

It's important to note that each horse you own has its own separate feeding cooldown, and feeding bonuses do not transfer from one horse to another.

Where to buy horses?

All stables in the TESO world will sell you horses, and they can be found in almost every area of ​​the game. You can view all the areas you own when you are in the stable, set your active horse there, and rename and feed them.

If you can't find the stables, simply open your map and check the map icons in the nearest town or village. Stables are usually located on the outskirts of cities and are indicated on the map with an icon resembling a horse's head.


While The Elder Scrolls Online doesn't have much in the way of monsters, it would be helpful to mention some of their basics. If you pre-ordered the game and got access to Imperial Horse, you certainly won't regret it, as it will save you a lot of time on leveling up and more. If you don't have the Imperial Horse, the cheapest Light Horse will set you back the 17,200 gold you should have by the time you reach level 25.

Exploring Tamriel without transport is quite difficult. The only mode of transportation in TES Online that you will be able to use when the game releases is a horse.

This guide will help you find a mount (horse) and tell you everything you need about mounts.

When you first start playing ESO you should travel on foot. In the beginning, it's fun to take your time exploring and seeing the world, but sooner or later you'll come to the conclusion that you want to travel faster. Especially in Cyrodiil, when you need to help your army defend and hold what is under enemy attack. You will not be able to teleport to a particular location, but a vehicle can help you speed up this process.

When the game comes out, there will only be one type of vehicle - horses. Nevertheless, in later updates the developers plan to add other types of transport (mounts).

How can you get a horse?

You can buy a horse from a stable. Stables are not difficult to find; they are found in all major cities of Tamriel. The presence of a stall and horses inside will help you recognize such a building. Just talk to the groom and you will be able to see all the horses available for purchase.

Cost of the cheapest horse 17,200 gold By the way, you are not limited by the level of the game to be able to buy any horse. All you need is to have enough gold.

There is a way by which you can buy a horse for only 100 gold - if you buy the Imperial edition of the game. Imperial White horse is just one of many exclusive bonuses you get with this edition. The characteristics of the imperial horse are similar to the standard ones, but the cost is much lower. It is also possible to upgrade from the standard edition type to Imperial and get all the bonuses, including the horse.

Once you have purchased a horse, you can summon it by pressing the 'H' button. You can have as many horses as you like, but only one can be summoned and used at a time. If you want to change your horse, then you need to go to the stable and do it there. Unfortunately, you cannot control the horse from your inventory.

Feeding the horse

At first, the horse may not seem very helpful. But everything will change when you start feeding her. The feeding process allows you to change several characteristics of your horse. Below are 3 types of food that are suitable for feeding.

  • apples – increase the speed of the horse;
  • hay – increases endurance, allows the horse to run for a longer time;
  • oats - allows you to carry more items. The horse does not have its own equipment, but if you feed the horse oats, you will receive extra space inventory.

You can feed your horse every 24 hours, the process is very similar to leveling up. The benefits received are permanent and cumulative, this allows you to create your own (according to characteristics) original horse. By changing the types of food, you can improve your horse in any way you want. Maximum horse level – 50, and depending on how high their quality was at the beginning, they will differ in their attribute levels at the end.

List of mounts

Normal – Speed:+15%; Stamina:10; Load capacity:0; Cost: 17,200 gold

Imperial – Speed: +15%; Stamina:10; Load capacity:0; Cost: 1 gold

Heavy workhorse – Speed: +15%; Stamina:10; Load capacity:10; Cost: 42,700 gold

Enduring – Speed: +15%; Stamina:20; Load capacity:0; Cost: 42,700 gold

Light – Speed:+25%; Stamina:10; Load capacity:0; Cost: 42,700 gold

Is it possible to fight while sitting on a horse?

There is no such option in Elder Scrolls Online. You cannot sit on a horse and attack enemies. Who knows, perhaps this option will be added a little later. But you can always attack a player who is on a horse. He needs time to get off it, and this can be to your advantage.

Will the horse die if someone kills me while I'm riding it?

It is possible that you will be killed by a large group of players so quickly that you will not have time to get off your horse. This is actually almost impossible in PvE, but can happen in PvP. Your horse will not suffer from this and will remain alive. And you can call it after you are resurrected.

The guide will be updated as new mounts are added. I hope it helped :).