Tests to determine the development of flexibility. Tests to determine the level of physical development of preschool children. Gluteal stretch test

The main criterion for assessing flexibility is the greatest range of motion that the subject is able to achieve. It is measured in angular degrees or linear measures using special equipment or pedagogical tests.

The main instrumental measurement methods are:

· mechanical (using a goniometer);

· mechanoelectric (using an electrogoniometer);

· optical;

· radiographic.

If necessary, the utmost precise measurements joint mobility, electrogoniometric, optical or radiographic methods are used. Electrogoniometers make it possible to monitor changes in joint angles in various phases of movement on a graphic image. Optical methods involve the use of photo, film and video equipment. When using the radiographic method, the theoretically permissible range of motion is determined, which is calculated by X-ray analysis of the structure of the joint.

In sports, the most common method, due to its accessibility, is to measure flexibility using a mechanical goniometer - a protractor to one of the legs of which is attached. The legs of the goniometer are attached to the longitudinal axes of the joint segments, which makes it possible to determine the angle of flexion, extension or rotation between the axes of the joint segments.

The most popular pedagogical tests for monitoring the mobility of various joints are:

Mobility in the shoulder joint

In sports practice, the following variations are most widespread:

a) The athlete, holding a gymnastic stick, twists his arms straight back. About the degree of mobility shoulder joint judged by the distance between the hands when twisting: the smaller it is, the higher the flexibility of a given joint, and vice versa. In addition, the resulting indicator is compared with the width shoulder girdle subject, on the basis of which the final result is derived.

b) The subject takes the position of the main stance, clenches his fingers into fists, while thumbs are inside the fists. The athlete performs maximum possible adduction and rotation right hand inward, bending it at the elbow joint as much as possible; and at the same time, the maximum possible abduction and rotation of the left arm outward, bending it as much as possible at the elbow joint. Thus, both fists should be located behind the subject's back.

The researcher measures the distance between the two fists.

After completing the first attempt, the exercise is repeated with the position of the hands changed to the opposite.

c) Another way to control mobility in the shoulder joint is to actively abduct straight arms with a gymnastic stick upward from a position lying on the chest, arms straightened above the head. The distance from the floor to gymnastic stick. The larger it is, the higher the flexibility.

Spinal column mobility

In sports practice, several methods are used to assess the mobility of the spinal column:

a) One of them involves bending the torso forward while standing on a bench, without bending your knees. The flexibility of the spine is determined using a ruler or measuring tape based on the distance from the zero mark to the third finger of the hand. In cases where the fingers do not reach the zero mark, the recorded distance is indicated with a minus sign (-), when they fall below the zero mark, with a plus sign (+).

b) The second type of this test is the so-called “Sit and reach test”, which is used when testing NHL players.

During its execution, the subject, sitting on the floor without shoes, leans forward to the limit, without bending his knees. The subject must fix this position for 2 seconds. The flexibility of the spine is assessed using a ruler or tape based on the distance in centimeters from the zero mark to the third finger of the hand. To avoid negative marks, a mark of 25.4 cm is set instead of zero. Therefore, the test subject, going beyond the toes, gets a result above 25.4 cm.

c) "Bridge". During this test, the subject is tasked with adopting a “bridge” position, while placing his arms and legs as close to each other as possible. The distance from the heels to the fingertips of the subject is recorded. The smaller it is, the higher the flexibility, and vice versa.

Mobility in hip joint

When performing this control exercise, the subject’s task is to spread his legs as wide as possible: 1) to the sides and 2) back and forth with support on his hands. The level of mobility in a given joint is judged by the distance from the floor to the tailbone: the smaller it is, the higher the flexibility, and vice versa.

You can also perform leg extensions while lying against a wall with a scale drawn on it.

Mobility in the knee joints

The subject is given the task of performing a squat with his arms extended forward or with his arms placed behind his head. Using a goniometer, the angle of flexion in the knee joints is measured, which serves as a quantitative assessment of mobility.

Mobility in ankle joints

The subject takes a sitting position, then performs flexion ("dorsial flexion") and extension (the term "plantar flexion" is also found in the literature) in the ankle joints. The distance from the tips of the toes to the heels is recorded. Quantitative assessment of flexibility is carried out using a goniometer.

Passive flexibility is determined in the same control exercises and according to the same methodological instructions, only using external influences. The measurement is stopped when the subject begins to feel pain.

The difference between the values ​​of active and passive flexibility, the so-called “active flexibility deficit,” is considered an informative indicator of the condition of the subject’s joint and muscular system.

When measuring joint flexibility, the test standardization conditions should be especially carefully observed, since failure to comply with them can significantly affect the final result:

· identical warm-up;

· identical initial positions of body links;

· repeated flexibility measurements are carried out at the same time.

Regardless of the type of flexibility being measured, it is prohibited to use springy (ballistic) movements when performing control exercises. For an attempt to be counted, the pose must be held for several seconds.


Khripkova L. T. Age physiology. M. Education, 1988

Gymnastics. Training program. M. Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics, 1991

M. J. Atler The Science of Flexibility. – Publishing house “Olympic Literature” 2001

Matveev, L.P. Theory and methodology of physical culture (general fundamentals of theory and methodology physical education; theoretical and methodological aspects of sports and professionally applied forms of physical culture): Textbook, for the Institute of Physics. culture / L.P. Matveev. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1991. - 543 p., ill.

Solodkov, A.S. Physiology of sports: Textbook / A.S. Solodkov, E.B. Sologub. - SPbGAFK im. P. F. Lesgaft. St. Petersburg, 1999. -231 p.

The main criterion for assessing flexibility is the greatest range of motion that can be achieved by the subject. The amplitude of movements is measured in angular degrees or in linear measures, using equipment or pedagogical tests. Hardware measurement methods are : 1) mechanical (using a goniometer); 2) mechanoelectric (using an electrogoniometer); 3) optical; 4) radiographic.

For particularly accurate measurements of joint mobility, electrogoniometric, optical and radiographic methods are used. Electrogoniometers provide a graphical representation of flexibility and monitor changes in joint angles in various phases of movement. Optical methods for assessing flexibility are based on the use of photographic, film and video equipment. The X-ray method allows you to determine the theoretically permissible range of motion, which is calculated based on an X-ray analysis of the structure of the joint.

In physical education, the most accessible and widespread method of measuring flexibility is using a mechanical goniometer - a goniometer, to one of the legs of which a protractor is attached. The legs of the goniometer are attached to the longitudinal axes of the segments that make up a particular joint. When performing flexion, extension or rotation, the angle between the axes of the joint segments is determined (Fig. 15, 9).

The main pedagogical tests for assessing the mobility of various joints are the simplest control exercises (Fig. 15).

1. Mobility in the shoulder joint. Subject taking up the matter
ts of a gymnastic pack (rope), twists straight arms
back (Fig. 15, /). Mobility of the shoulder joint is assessed by race
standing between the hands when twisting: the smaller the distance,
the higher the flexibility of this joint, and vice versa (Fig. 15, 2). Besides,
the smallest distance between the hands is compared with the width
noah of the subject's shoulder girdle. Active abduction of straight arms
up from a lying position on your chest, arms forward. The most
greater distance from the floor to the fingertips (Fig. 15, 5).

2. Mobility of the spinal column. Determined by degree
tilting the body forward (Fig. 15, 3, 4, 6). Subject in position
while standing on a bench (or sitting on the floor) leans forward until
limit without bending your knees. Rate the flexibility of the spine
measure using a ruler or tape at centimeter distances
range from the zero mark to the third finger of the hand. If at the same time
fingers do not reach the zero mark, then the measured distance
is indicated by a minus sign (-), and if they go below
zero mark - with a plus sign (+).

“Bridge” (Fig. 15, 7). The result (in cm) is measured from the heels to the fingertips of the subject. The shorter the distance, the higher the level of flexibility, and vice versa.

3. Mobility in the hip joint. Subject
tries to spread his legs as wide as possible: 1) to the sides and 2) forward
back with support on your hands (Fig. 15, 8). Level of mobility in dan
The joint is assessed by the distance from the floor to the pelvis (tailbone):
the shorter the distance, the higher the level of flexibility, and vice versa.

4. Mobility in the knee joints. The subject performs
squatting with arms or hands extended forward behind head
(Fig. 15, 10, I). Evidence of high mobility in these joints*
indicates a full squat. h

5. Mobility in the ankle joints(Fig. 15, 12, 13). Ie"
different parameters of movements in the joints should be measured, ref*]
to comply with standard testing conditions: 1) same
the initial positions of the body links; 2) the same (stay|
dartnaya) warm-up; 3) Repeated measurements of wire flexibility

at the same time, since these conditions somehow affect mobility in the joints.

Rice. 15. Test exercises(tests) to assess the level of development


Passive flexibility is determined by the greatest amplitude that can be achieved due to external influences. It is determined by the greatest amplitude that can be achieved due to an external force, the magnitude of which must be the same for all measurements, otherwise the object cannot be obtained.

tive clothing of passive flexibility. The measurement of passive flexibility is suspended when the external force causes pain.

An informative indicator of the state of the joint and muscular system of the subject (in centimeters or angular degrees) is the difference between the values ​​of active and passive flexibility. This difference is called active flexibility deficit.

7.6. Motor-coordination abilities and the basics of their education

In modern conditions, the volume of activities carried out in probabilistic and unexpected situations has increased significantly, which requires the manifestation of resourcefulness, speed of reaction, the ability to concentrate and switch attention, spatial, temporal, dynamic accuracy of movements and their biomechanical rationality. All these qualities or abilities in the theory of physical education are associated with the concept dexterity- a person’s ability to quickly, efficiently, expediently, i.e. most rationally, master new motor actions, successfully solve motor tasks in changing conditions. Agility - complex complex motor quality, the level of development of which is determined by many factors. Highest value have highly developed muscle sense and the so-called plasticity of cortical nervous processes. The degree of manifestation of the latter determines the urgency of the formation of coordination connections and the speed of transition from one set of attitudes and reactions to another. The basis of agility is coordination abilities.

Motor-coordination abilities are understood as the ability to quickly, accurately, expediently, economically and resourcefully, i.e. most perfectly, solve motor problems (especially complex ones and those that arise unexpectedly).

Combining a whole range of abilities related to the coordination of movements, they can to a certain extent be divided into three groups.

First group. Ability to accurately measure and regulate spatial, temporal and dynamic parameters of movements.

Second group. Ability to maintain static (posture) and dynamic balance.

Third group. Ability to perform motor actions without excessive muscle tension(stiffness).

Coordination abilities classified in the first group depend, in particular, on the “sense of space”, “sense of time*; neither* nor “muscular feeling”, i.e. feelings of effort*,

Coordination abilities belonging to the second group depend on the ability to maintain a stable body position, i.e. balance, which consists in the stability of the posture in static positions and its balancing during movements. Coordination abilities, which belong to the third group, can be divided into the management of tonic tension and coordination tension. The first is characterized by excessive tension in the muscles that maintain the posture. The second is expressed in stiffness, enslavement of movements associated with excessive activity muscle contractions, excessive inclusion of various muscle groups, in particular antagonistic muscles, by incomplete release of muscles from the contraction phase into the relaxation phase, which prevents the formation of perfect technique.

The manifestation of coordination abilities depends on a number of factors, namely: 1) a person’s ability to accurately analyze movements; 2) the activity of analyzers and especially motor ones; 3) the complexity of the motor task; 4) the level of development of other physical abilities (speed abilities, dynamic strength, flexibility, etc.); 5) courage and determination; 6) age; 7) general preparedness of students (i.e., a stock of various, mainly variable motor skills), etc.

Coordination abilities, which are characterized by precision control of force, spatial and temporal parameters and are ensured by the complex interaction of central and peripheral motor units based on reverse afferentation (transmission of impulses from working centers to nerve centers), have pronounced age-related characteristics.

Thus, children 4-6 years old have a low level of coordination development and unstable coordination of symmetrical movements. Their motor skills are formed against the background of an excess of indicative, unnecessary motor reactions, and the ability to differentiate efforts is low.

At the age of 7-8 years, motor coordination is characterized by instability of speed parameters and rhythm.

From period II to 13-14 years, the accuracy of differentiation of muscle efforts increases, and the ability to reproduce a given tempo of movements improves. Adolescents aged 13-14 years are distinguished by a high ability to master complex motor coordination, which is due to the completion of the formation of a functional sensorimotor system, the achievement of the maximum level in the interaction of all analyzer systems and the completion of the formation of the basic mechanisms of voluntary movements.

At the age of 14-15 years, there is a slight decrease in spatial analysis and coordination of movements. In the period of 16-17 years, the improvement of motor coordination continues.

dynamics to the level of adults, and differentiation of muscle muscles. liya reaches the optimal level.

In the ontogenetic development of motor coordination, the child’s ability to develop new motor programs reaches its maximum at 11–12 years of age. This age period is defined by many authors as particularly amenable to targeted sports training. It has been noted that boys have a higher level of development of coordination abilities with age than girls.

Tasks of developing coordination abilities. At In the education of coordination abilities, two groups of tasks are solved: a) in terms of diversification and b) specifically aimed at their development.

The first group of these problems is predominantly solved Vpreschool age and basic physical education of students. The general level of development of coordination abilities achieved here creates broad prerequisites for subsequent improvement. V motor activity.

A particularly important role in this is given to physical education in secondary schools. School program provides for the provision of a wide fund of new motor abilities and skills and, on this basis, the development of coordination abilities in students, manifested in cyclic and acyclic locomotion, gymnastic exercises, throwing movements with a focus on range and accuracy, mobile, sports games.

Tasks to ensure further and special development of coordination abilities are solved in the process sports training and professional applied physical training. In the first case, the requirements for them are determined by the specifics of the chosen sport, in the second - by the chosen profession.

In sports where the subject of competition is the movement technique itself (sports and gymnastics, figure skating, diving, etc.), of paramount importance are the abilities to form new, increasingly complex forms of movements, as well as differentiate the amplitude and timing of movements by different parts of the body, muscle tension by different muscle groups.

The ability to quickly and expediently transform movements and forms of action during competitions is most required in sports games and martial arts, as well as in sports such as downhill skiing, mountain and water slalom, where obstacles are deliberately introduced into the action environment, which forced to instantly modify movements or switch from one precisely coordinated action to another.

In these sports, they strive to bring coordination abilities that meet the specifics of sports specialization to the highest possible degree of perfection.

The development of coordination abilities is of a strictly specialized nature in professional-applied physical training (PPPGT)

Many existing and newly emerging types of practical professional activity in connection with scientific and technological progress do not require significant expenditure of muscular effort, but place increased demands on the human central nervous system, especially on the mechanisms of movement coordination, the functions of the motor, visual and other analyzers.

Inclusion of a person in complex system“man-machine” sets the necessary condition for rapid perception of the situation, processing of received information in a short period of time and very precise actions in terms of spatial, temporal and power parameters with a general lack of time. Based on this, the following tasks of the PPPP for the development of coordination abilities have been identified:

1) improving the ability to coordinate different movements
mi parts of the body (mostly asymmetrical and similar to
labor movements in professional activities);

2) development of coordination of movements of the non-dominant limb;

3) development of abilities to proportion movements in space
natural, time and power parameters.

Solving the problems of physical education for the targeted development of coordination abilities, primarily in classes with children (from school age), with schoolchildren and with other students leads to the fact that they:

Much faster and at a higher quality level
master various motor actions;

Constantly replenish their motor experience, which
then helps to cope more successfully with mastery tasks
more complex motor coordination
skills (sports, labor, etc.);

Acquire the ability to use their energy economically
physical resources in the process of motor activity;

Experience psychological feelings of joy
and satisfaction from mastering in perfect forms new and
various movements.

In order for the body to move easily and effectively, pumped up muscles are not enough.

Flexible joints allow a person to perform almost any movement smoothly and without injury.

Marina Makarova, head of the exercise therapy department at the Center for Restorative Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Treatment and Rehabilitation Center of the Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development, talks about how to check how flexible your joints are.

Test No. 1

First, determine how mobile the joints of the spine are. The test is performed in a standing position. Reach the floor with your fingers without bending your knees.

If you succeed, then the flexibility of the spine can be considered physiologically normal. The upper limit of normal flexibility is the ability to place your palms on the floor. If you manage to bend even lower, the joints of your spine are hypermobile, too mobile. This means they are easier to injure.

Test No. 2

In a standing position, extend your arms along your torso, place your hands on your hips. Lean to the sides so that your palms slide along your legs, being careful not to turn your torso or lean forward or backward.

The normal amount of such lateral movement is when the fingers reach approximately the middle of the knee joint. It is also worth paying attention to how symmetrical the slopes are in both directions.

Test No. 3

Place both palms on the back of your lower back, fingers pointing down. Bend back, sliding your fingers along back surface pelvis

If your fingers reach the popliteal fossa, the flexibility of the spine is sufficient.

Test No. 4

And now - a test for hand flexibility. “This exercise is familiar to most of us since childhood,” says Makarova. Bend your hand at the wrist joint and use your other hand to pull thumb hands to forearm.

Normally, the first finger touches the forearm or does not reach it by more than half a centimeter, or touches it.

Test No. 5

The next test is finger extension. Extend the fingers of the other hand back with one hand.

Normally, the fingers bend back, but at an angle much less than 90 degrees.

Test No. 6

Now - check the elbow joint. Extend your arm forward, palm up, and extend your elbow joint as much as possible.

If you managed to make the arm completely straight from the shoulder to the wrist, the flexibility of the joint is normal. If the joint is hyperextended by more than 10 degrees, this indicates its hypermobility.

Test No. 7

Shoulder joint test. Raise your arm vertically, bend it at the elbow and place it behind your head. With your other hand, grab your elbow joint from above and try to move it behind your head.

Normally, the hand is slightly placed behind the head. All excess movements indicate hypermobility.

Test No. 8

Sit on a chair. Extend your leg forward and pull your foot towards you.

The leg should be straight knee joint, without bending up or down.

The same test can be performed while standing.

Test No. 9

Stand in front of the mirror sideways without bending your knees. Follow the line of your legs in the area of ​​your knees. If your knee is slightly bent backward (as the kids say, “knees back”), the joint is hypermobile. If bent forward, its flexibility is insufficient. If the line of the leg is absolutely straight, everything is normal.

Bend the torso forward. The child stands in the basic position on the bench. With knees straight top part body leans forward. It is necessary to lean forward as far as possible beyond your toes. The extreme position should be held for 2 s.

A measuring scale in centimeter divisions is mounted vertically on the front edge of the bench. The zero mark - the level in a standing position - is at the level of the legs.

The maximum amount of inclination for the child is measured. If the child leaned over the zero mark, then the result (in cm) is given with a “+” sign; if the child did not reach the zero mark on the bench, then the result (in cm) is given with a “-” sign.

Required equipment: gymnastic bench, vertical measuring scale. The test is intended for children from 3 to 7 years old.

Test to determine the increase in indicators of psychophysical qualities

To assess the growth rate of indicators of psychophysical qualities, we propose to use the formula proposed by V.I. Usachev:

Thus, the presented tests and diagnostic methods allow: 1) to assess various aspects of the psychomotor development of children; 2) see the dynamics of physical and motor development, the formation of coordination mechanisms and processes of their control; 3) widely use these tasks in the practical activities of preschool institutions.


There are several ways to determine the functional maturity of neural processes. Let's consider one of the most accessible - tapping test.

A sheet of paper is divided into 6 identical squares, which are numbered in the following way:

The movement is carried out in accordance with the specified numbering. The essence of the task is that children must place dots in each of the squares at the maximum pace (“pour grains to the birds”). The beginning and transition from square to square are carried out at the command of the teacher. The duration of marking points in a square is 10 s. The results of this task allow us to judge the maturity of nervous system(strength, endurance, performance). The greater the number of points indicated in the first square, the higher the levels of maturity of the nervous system.

Cessa; The longer the initially set pace is maintained (1 square), the stronger the nervous processes, the more resilient the nervous system. If a child not only maintains a given pace, but also increases it, this indicates the strength of the maturity of the nervous system. To identify the mobility of nervous processes, you can use another version of this task (“the bird pecks the grains”). At the same time, in the 1st, 3rd and 5th squares the maximum tempo is set, and in the 2nd, 4th and 6th squares - a comfortable, optimal tempo. The greater the difference, the higher the ability to switch nervous processes.

Thus, the results of the tapping test speak not only about the level of development of the nervous system, but also indicate the typological characteristics of the child. A weak type of nervous system is characterized by a significant decrease in the number of points in the last squares and the presence of some peaks. The strong type of nervous system includes children whose tempo remains stable or increases.

The level of maturation of the nervous structures of the brain, the maturity of nervous processes determines the ability to control voluntary actions. Therefore, it is no coincidence that already in the 30s of the 20th century, attempts were made to determine the level of psychomotor development of children using voluntary movements. The most informative, from our point of view, were the methods proposed by N. Ozeretsky and M. Gurevich.

Tasks for children 4 years old

Estimation of the equilibrium function

AND. p.: - the heel of the right (left) foot is adjacent to the toe of the left (right) foot; The feet are positioned in a straight line, the arms are along the body, this position must be maintained for 15 seconds with eyes closed. Shifting the legs from the original position, getting out of place, balancing are regarded as a minus.

Motor coordination assessment(“Finger and nose say hello”) After the preliminary demonstration, invite the child to close his eyes and touch with the index finger of his right hand: a) the tip of the nose, b) the left earlobe. The task is repeated in the same sequence for the other hand. If a child makes inaccuracies or mistakes (touches the middle or upper part of the nose or ear), this indicates the immaturity of coordination mechanisms and non-compliance with the age norm of development.

Assessment of fine motor skills of the hands(“Put the coins in the box”) A cardboard box measuring 10x10 cm is placed on the table, in front of which 20 coins (2 cm in diameter) are laid out in a disorderly manner at a distance of 5 cm. At the teacher’s signal, the child must put all the coins, one by one, into the box as quickly as possible. The task is performed alternately with the left and right hands. Execution time for the leading hand is 15 s, for the second hand - 20 s.

Finger motor assessment(“Draw circles with your fingers”) For 10 minutes, with the index fingers of your hands horizontally extended forward, describe circles in the air of any size, but the same for

both hands. The task is not completed if the child rotates in one direction at the same time or makes circles of different sizes.

Assessment of mechanisms for automating the movements of the leading hand("Let's say hello")

Invite the child to shake hands one by one - right, left, and then with both hands. In this case, it should be noted the presence of unnecessary movements (squeezing the opposite hand, raising the shoulders, reducing the size of the facial muscles, opening the mouth, etc., which indicate a low level of control of voluntary action).

Tasks for children 5 years old

Estimation of the equilibrium function

Fine motor assessment("Roll the balls")

Invite the child to roll tissue paper balls measuring 5x5 cm. The arm is extended forward, there is no help from the other hand. For the leading hand the norm is 15 s, for the second - 20 s.

Assessment of spatial motor automatisms and balance function

Invite the child to cover a distance of 5 m by jumping on one leg (the other leg is bent at the knee), maintaining straightness of movement. Deviations from a straight line should not exceed 50 cm.

Hand motor assessment("Wind up a ball")

Invite the child to wind a thread (2 m) onto a spool. For the leading hand the norm is 15 s, for the second - 20 s.

Assessment of fine motor skills of the fingers

There are 2 matchboxes on the table and 10 matches next to them. At the teacher’s signal, you must quickly place matches in each box with both hands at the same time. The task completion time is limited to 20 s.

Tasks for children 6 years old

For 10 seconds, ask the child to stand on one leg, the other leg bent, with the foot placed on the knee and abducted at an angle of 90°. After 30 seconds of rest, repeat the same with support on the opposite leg.

Assessment of accuracy and coordination of movement

Invite the child to hit a 25x25 cm target with a ball with a diameter of 8 cm from a distance of 1.5 m.

Assessment of fine motor skills of the hands

Offer the child 36 cards, which must be divided into 4 piles. The norm for the leading hand is 35 s, for the second - 45 s.

Tasks for children 7 years old

Static balance assessment

Dynamic Equilibrium Assessment

Invite the child to jump on one leg to cover a distance of 5 m, pushing a box of matches in front of him. The deviation from the straight line should not exceed 50 cm.

Assessment of the general level of psychomotor development

Invite the child to run 5 m, take 4 matches from a matchbox, lay them out into a square on the table, fold a sheet of paper in half and return back to the starting position.

The task completion time is 15 s.

Thus, the selected test tasks make it possible to collect fairly accurate and versatile information about the state and level of maturity of the central mechanisms of the organization of psychomotor skills in children at different age stages.

Tapping method

I. The child sits down at the table; in front of him lies a sheet of white unlined
no paper; into the right hand, lying completely freely on the table
(leans on his elbow), he takes a pencil with a dull one, I don’t see much
melting graphite. At the sound signal, the subject begins with the highest
tap the pencil on the paper faster, without placing it
this next point to the previous tapping location. In a relationship
method of placing dots, the test subject is given complete freedom
action, make sure only that one point does not fall on
the place is different and so that when striking, the whole arm does not act, but only the hand.
After 15 seconds, a sound signal is heard indicating that operation has stopped.
After the 30th break, the same is done with the left hand. For under
account of research results, it is best to draw a series of lines to
divide the surface of the sheet into separate segments in which it is more convenient
count the dots.

The test is considered completed if the child makes less than 90 taps (dots) with the right hand and less than 75 with the left within 15 seconds. For left-handed people the numbers are reversed. If the task is completed for only one hand, the test as a whole is considered failed and is assessed as a minus. The protocol must indicate for which hand the task was completed.

II. The child is asked to wrinkle his forehead. Make sure there is no
excessive accompanying movements (oscillations of the wings of the nose, grinning
teeth, opening the mouth, squinting the eyes, etc.), if present
which the test is considered failed.

The child is asked to close his right eye without closing his left eye; after a 5-second break, they suggest doing the same for the other eye. Make sure that when closing one eye, the other does not close, and that there are no unnecessary accompanying movements (squinting of the eyes, twisting of the face, lowering the corners of the mouth, opening the mouth, etc.), in the presence of which the test is considered failed. If the subject is able to close one eye, but when closing the other, excessive accompanying movements are noted, the test as a whole is regarded as failed.

III. They suggest stretching both arms forward as far as possible, facing them
palms down, after which the right hand is clenched into a fist. By sound
signal, the child must unclench his right hand and at the same time squeeze his
fist left hand and further, without waiting for other words of the command,
must, within 10 seconds, perform simultaneously as quickly as possible
alternate clenching and unclenching of the right and left hands.
Make sure that there are no unnecessary accompanying muscle movements
persons in whose presence the test is considered failed.

The test is also considered failed if the subject simultaneously clenches or unclenches both hands into a fist, or if during this manipulation he bends one or both hands into a fist. elbow joints- “rows with his hands.” If unsuccessful, the test may be repeated, but no more than three times.

IV. The child is asked to extend both arms as much as possible, facing them
palms up, left hand clenched into a fist, right hand,
remaining open, bends at the wrist joint and turns to the
finger tips to the little finger of the left hand. By sound signal child
at the same time he must move his left hand to the position of his right (unclench

" fist and bend the hand at the wrist joint, turning its tips \ fingers to the little finger of the right hand).

V. Determination of motor maturity:

Test for dynamic praxis “fist-edge-palm”(A.R. Luria). The child is asked to reproduce a series of nine movements based on the model, consisting of a three-time repeating series of the three above-mentioned movements. If the child fails to complete the task, the sample is shown again up to five times. It is assessed by the number of presentations required for correct reproduction. The task is accessible to most healthy children 6 years of age and older. According to observations and literature, selective difficulties in this task (they take long pauses between movements, confuse the sequence of movements or skip some of them) are typical for children with specific difficulties; in mastering school skills (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia). Presumably, difficulties in this task can be associated with left hemisphere insufficiency.

Praxis is ideational and ideomotor. Actions with real objects. The subject is asked to comb his hair; unbutton and fasten buttons, take off and put on a jacket, etc. Actions with imaginary objects: show how to brush teeth, saw wood, stir sugar in a cup, etc. Performing symbolic actions: saying goodbye, silently calling someone, giving a military salute, etc.

Oral praxis. Simple movements of the lips and tongue, for example, sticking out the tongue; puff out your cheeks; place the tongue between the teeth and lower lip, etc.

Actions without objects, for example, showing how to blow out a burning match, depicting a kiss, spitting.


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6. Plato. Collected works: In 4 volumes - T. 1. - M., 1968.

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8. Komenshy Ya.A.// Anthology of humane pedagogy. - M., 1971.

9. Desami T. Community Code. - M., 1956.

10. Kabe E. Travel to Ikaria. - M.; L., 1948.

11. Fourier Sh. Essays. - M., 1954.

12. Owen R. Essays. - M.; L., 1950.

13. Muller I. My system for children. - M., 1991.

14. Lomonosov M. V. Works: In 6 volumes - M., 1952. - T. 6.

15. Betskoy I. I. Privilege and charter of the Imperial Academy of the three most noble arts: painting, sculpture and architecture. - St. Petersburg, 1767.

16. Maksimovich-Ambodik N.M. The art of weaving, or the science of womanizing: At 5 o'clock - St. Petersburg, 1786. - Part V.

17. Lesgaft P. F. Guide to the physical education of school-age children: In 2 volumes - T. 1 - M., 1951; T. 2 - M, 1952.

18. Sechenov I.M. Selected philosophical and psychological works. - M, 1947.

19. Arshavsky I.A. Your child may not be sick. - M., 1990.

20. Badalyan L. O. Nervous system // Preschool education. - 1975. - No. 5.

21. “Origins”: Basic program for the development of a preschool child. - M, 1997.

22. Keneman A.V. Theory and methods of physical education of preschool children. - M, 1985.

23. Matveev L.P. Theory and methodology of physical culture. - M., 1991.

24. Pavlov I. P. Complete works: In 4 vols. - M., 1951. - T. 3. - Book. 12.

25. Anokhin P.K. Selected works: Philosophical aspects of the theory of functional systems. - M., 1978.

26. Bernstein N.A. About dexterity and its development. - M., 1991.

27. Bernstein I.A. Physiology of movements and activity. - M, 1990.

28. Krasnogorsky I. I. Works on the study of higher nervous activity. - M, 1964.

29. Zatsiorsky V.M. Physical qualities of an athlete. - M., 1970.

30. Motylyanskaya R. E. Ways to study the problem of endurance development in young athletes. Endurance in young athletes / Ed. R. E. Motylyanskoy. - M., 1969.

", 31. Terekhova I. T. Performance and fatigue of preschool children in classes kindergarten// Mental and physical performance preschool children. - M, 1977.

32. Kornienko I.A. Age-related changes in energy metabolism and thermoregulation. - M., 1979.

33. Danko Yu.I. Fundamentals of age-related physiology of muscle activity // Children's sports medicine / Ed. S.B. Tikhvinsky, S.V. Khrushchev. - M., 1980.

34. Yurko G. P. Functional capabilities and physical performance of preschool children // Mental and physical performance of preschool children. - M., 1977.

35. Matveev L. P., Novikov A. D. Theory and methods of physical education. - M., 1982.

36. Farfel V.S. Method for determining the symmetry tone of the trunk muscles. - M., 1960.

37. Hannah T. The art of not growing old: How to regain flexibility and health. - St. Petersburg, 1997.

38. Doman G., Doman D., Hagi B. How to make a child physically perfect. - M., 1998.

39. Koltsova M.M. Motor activity and development of child brain functions. - M., 1973.

40. Sechenov I. M. Selected philosophical and psychological works. - M., 1947.

\ 41. Golubeva L.P. Gymnastics and massage for the little ones. - M., 1996.

42. Dubrovsky V.I. All types of massage. - M., 1992.

43. Turner R., Nanayakkara. Massage for children: A practical guide to massage at home. - M., 1998.

44. Galperin P. Ya. On the question of human instincts // Questions of psychology. - 1976. - No. 1.

45. Arkin E.A. Preschool age. - M., 1927.

46. Lesgaft P.F. Selected pedagogical works: In 2 vols. - M., 1951. - T. 1.

47. Bykova A. I. Basic means and methods of physical education of preschool children in the light of the principle of comprehensiveness: Dis... cand. ped. Sciences - M., 1949.

48. Physical education at school: Lesson methods in grades I-III. - M., 1971.

49. Ivanitsky M. F. Movements of the human body // Anatomical essays. - M., 1938.

50. Gonikman E.I. Taoist healing gestures. - Minsk, 1999.

51. Rudestam K. Group psychotherapy. - M., 1990.

52. Turdzhiev G. Stop exercises // Science and religion. - 1989. - No. 9.

53. Krupskaya I.K. About preschool education. - M., 1967.

Adashkyavichene E.I. Basketball for preschoolers. - M., 1983.

Arkin E.A. Preschool age. - M., 1948.

Vavilova E.N. Develop agility, strength, and endurance in preschoolers. - M., 1981.

Vavilova E.N. Teach children to run, jump, climb, throw. - M., 1983.

Introduction to the theory of physical culture / Ed. L.P. Matveeva. - M., 1983.

Goloshchekina M.P. Skiing in kindergarten. - M., 1977.

Gryadkina T.S. Exercise equipment for preschoolers. - St. Petersburg, 1992.

Children's folk outdoor games / Comp. A. V. Keneman, T. I. Osokina. - M., 1995.

Zmanovsky Yu.F. Let's raise children healthy. - M., 1989.

“Origins” is a basic development program for a preschool child. - M., 1977.

History of physical culture and sports / Ed. V.V. Stolbova. - M., 1985.

Karmanova L.V. Classes on physical culture V senior group kindergarten. - Minsk, 1980.

Keneman A.V., Khukhlaeva D.V. Theory and methods of physical education of preschool children. - M., 1978.

Kilpio N.N. 80 games for kindergarten. - M., 1973.

Kistyakovskaya M. Yu. and others. Physical education of preschool children. - M., 1978.

Kistyakovskaya M.Yu. Development of movements in children of the first year of life. - M, 1970.

Laizane S.Ya. Physical education for kids. - M., 1978.

Leskova G. P., Butsinskaya I. I., Vasyukova V. I. General developmental exercises in kindergarten. - M., 1981.

Litvinova M. F. Folk games. - M., 1986.

Lysova V.Ya., Yakovleva T. S., Zatsepina M.B. Sports events and entertainment for preschoolers: Scenarios: Senior preschool age. - M., 1999.

Notkina N.A. Motor qualities and methods of their development in preschool children. - St. Petersburg, 1993.

Osokina T.I. Physical education in kindergarten. - M., 1978.

Osokina T.I. How to teach children to swim. - M., 1985.

Osokina T.I., Timofeeva E.A., Bogina T.L. Swimming lessons in kindergarten. - M., 1984.

Pedagogical practice of students in the course “Theory and Methods of Physical Education of Preschool Children” / Ed. A. V. Keneman, T. I. Osokinoy. - M., 1984.

Education and training program in kindergarten / Ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova. - M., 2005.

Runova M.A. Motor activity of a child in kindergarten. 5-7 years. - M., 2000.

Seminar, laboratory and practical classes in the course “Theory and methods of physical education of preschool children” / Comp. A.V.Keneman. - M., 1985.

Sister-teacher of the nursery and junior groups kindergartens / Ed. M.D. Kovrigina. - M., 1974.

Children's Guide physical therapy/ Ed. M. I. Fonareva. - L., 1983.

Theory and methodology of physical culture / Ed. L.P. Matveeva. - M., 1991.

Timofeeva E.A. Outdoor games with children of primary preschool age. - M., 1979.

Feldenkrais M. Awareness through movement. - M., 2000.

Physical training children 5-6 years old for school / Ed. A. V. Ke-neman, T. I. Osokina. - M., 1980.

Physical education of preschool children / Ed. M. Yu. Kistyakovskaya. - M., 1978.

Fonarev M.I., Fonareva T.A. Therapeutic physical culture for childhood diseases. - L., 1977.

Frolov V.G., Yurko T.P.Physical education classes outdoors with preschool children. - M., 1983.

Yurko G. P. Physical education of children of early and preschool age. - M., 1978.

Preface........................................................ ........................................................ ............ 3

Part one. General questions of the theory of physical education of a child... 5

Chapter 1. Theory and methods of physical education of a child.................. 5

1.1.1. The subject of the theory of physical education and its basic concepts 5

1.1.2. Relationship between theory and methods of physical education

with other sciences........................................................ .................. 8

1.1.3. On the unity of the organism and the environment................... 11

1.1.4. Research methods in the theory of physical education 14

Chapter 2. Development of the theory of physical education of a child.................. 17

1.2.1. Foreign systems of child physical education 17

1.2.2. Development of the theory of physical education

child in Tsarist Russia......................................................... ..... thirty

1.2.3. Child physical education system

during the Soviet period........................................................ ................. 36

Chapter 3. Objectives and means of physical education.................................... 39

1.3.1. The purpose and objectives of physical education.................................. 39

1.3.2. Means of physical education................................... 42

1.3.3. Physical exercises are the main means of physical education 43

Part two. Methods of physical education and child development.... 52

Chapter 1. Age characteristics child development

from birth to 7 years................................................... ........................... 52

2.1.1. Peculiarities of development of a young child...... 52

2.1.2. Peculiarities of development of a preschool child.................... 59

2.1.3. Characteristics of physical education programs 62

Chapter 2. Basics of learning and development of a child in the process

physical education........................................................ ................. 64

2.2.1. The unity of training, education and development of the child in the process of physical education 64

2.2.2. Principles of physical education................................... 66

2.2.3. Methods and techniques for teaching a child.................................... 72

2.2.4. Formation of motor skills

and education of psychophysical qualities ........................... 87

2.2.5. Patterns of formation of motor skills in a child during the learning process 96

2.2.6. Stages of learning motor skills.................................... 98

2.2.7. Methods of education of psychophysical qualities.... 102
Chapter 3. Physical education of a young child.................. 128

2.3.1. Physical education of the first child

years of life................................................... ........................... 128

2.3.2. Physical education of the second child

and third year of life......................................................... .......... 138

Chapter 4. Gymnastics for preschool children.................................. 142

2.4.1. Gymnastics as a means and method of physical education of a child 142

2.4.2. Types of gymnastics and their characteristics.................................. 143

2.4.3. Basic gymnastics in the system of physical education of preschool children 145

Chapter 5. Outdoor games as a means of harmonious development

child. Sport games................................................ .......... 188

2.5.1. Outdoor game, its definition and specifics........... 188

2.5.2. Outdoor play as a means and method of physical education 192

2.5.3. Theory of outdoor games........................................................ ....... 194

2.5.4. Classification of games................................................... ............. 201

2.5.5. Methods of conducting outdoor games.................................... 201

2.5.6. Russian folk outdoor games.................................... 210

2.5.7. Development of creativity in outdoor games.................................... 219

2.5.8. Developing expressiveness of movements

in outdoor games........................................................ ............... 227

2.5.9. Sports games for preschoolers.................................... 231

Chapter 6. Sports exercises for preschoolers.................................... 247

2.6.1. Characteristic sports exercises.................. 247"*

2.6.2. Learning to ski................................................................... 248

2.6.3. Ice skating training.................................................... 249

2.6.4. Roller skating.................................................... 253

2.6.5. Sledging............................................... ............... 254

2.6.6. Riding on rocking chairs, swings, carousels.................................. 254

2.6.7. Biking............................................... ....... 255

2.6.8. Swimming lessons................................................................ .......... 257

Chapter 7. Forms of organization of physical education

in preschool educational institutions................................... 262

2.7.1. Physical education activities for preschoolers.................................... 262

2.7.2. Morning exercises in kindergarten........................ 280

2.7.3. Physical education minute......................................................... ............... 285

2.7.4. Hardening activities in combination

With physical exercise......................................... 286

2.7.5. Outdoor games and physical exercises

on a walk................................................ ........................... 290

2.7.6. Organization of excursions and tourist walks......... 291

2.7.7. Individual work with a child.................................... 295

2.7.8. Organization of independent motor activity of a child 296

2.7.9. Leisure preschoolers............................................. 297

Chapter 8. Planning and organization of physical work

education in preschool institutions ................................... 302

2.8.1. Physical work planning

education of preschoolers......................................................... 302

2.8.2. Organization of work on physical education in preschool institutions 311

2.8.3. Medical and pedagogical control over the physical education of preschool children 315

2.8.4. Medical supervision.......................................................... 316

2.8.5. Medical and pedagogical observations in the process of physical education of preschool children 320

2.8.6. Control over sanitary and hygienic conditions and clothing of children 324

2.8.7. Sanitary education work................................... 325

2.8.8. Physical education of a child in the family.................................... 326

2.8.9. Equipment and supplies for physical exercise 328

Part three. Work of a methodologist in a preschool institution............................... 335

Chapter 1. Job responsibilities methodologist in physical

child's culture................................................... ............................ 335

3.1.1. Basic qualities of a physical education specialist 335

3.1.2. Design of the methodological room.................................... 336

3.1.3. Forms of work of a child physical education methodologist with teaching staff 337

Chapter 2. Teaching the course “Methods of physical education”

and Child Development" at the Pedagogical College................................. 339

3.2.1. The main tasks of professional training of specialists in preschool education 339

3.2.2. Methodology for conducting educational work............................. 342

Applications........................................................ ........................................................ .... 346

References................................................ ........................ 360

Educational edition

Stepanenkova Emma Yakovlevna

The main criterion for assessing flexibility is the greatest range of motion that can be achieved by the subject. The amplitude of movements is measured in angular degrees or in linear measures, using equipment or pedagogical tests. Hardware measurement methods are: 1) mechanical (using a goniometer); 2) mechanoelectric (using an electrogoniometer); 3) optical; 4) radiographic.

For particularly accurate measurements of joint mobility, electrogoniometric, optical and radiographic methods are used. Electrogoniometers provide a graphical representation of flexibility and monitor changes in joint angles in various phases of movement. Optical methods for assessing flexibility are based on the use of photographic, film and video equipment. The X-ray method allows you to determine the theoretically permissible range of motion, which is calculated based on an X-ray analysis of the structure of the joint.

In physical education, the most accessible and widespread method of measuring flexibility is using a mechanical goniometer - a goniometer, to one of the legs of which a protractor is attached. The legs of the goniometer are attached to the longitudinal axes of the segments that make up a particular joint. When performing flexion, extension or rotation, the angle between the axes of the joint segments is determined (Fig. 15, 9).

The main pedagogical tests for assessing the mobility of various joints are the simplest control exercises (Fig. 15).

    Mobility in the shoulder joint. The subject, holding the ends of a gymnastic stick (rope), twists his straight arms backwards (Fig. 15, G). The mobility of the shoulder joint is assessed by the distance between the hands when twisting: the smaller the distance, the higher the flexibility of this joint, and vice versa (Fig. 15.2). In addition, the smallest distance between the hands is compared with the width of the subject’s shoulder girdle. Active abduction of straight arms upward from a position lying on the chest, arms forward. The greatest distance from the floor to the fingertips is measured (Fig. 15, 5).

    Mobility of the spinal column. Determined by the degree of forward tilt of the body (Fig. 15, 3, 4, 6). The subject, standing on a bench (or sitting on the floor), leans forward to the limit without bending his knees. The flexibility of the spine is assessed using a ruler or tape based on the distance in centimeters from the zero mark to the third finger of the hand. If the fingers do not reach the zero mark, then the measured distance is indicated by a minus sign (-), and if they fall below the zero mark, by a plus sign (+).

"Bridge" (Fig. 15, 7). The result (in cm) is measured from the heels to the fingertips of the subject. The shorter the distance, the higher the level of flexibility, and vice versa.

    Mobility in the hip joint. The subject strives to spread his legs as wide as possible: 1) to the sides and 2) back and forth with support on his hands (Fig. 15, 8). The level of mobility in a given joint is assessed by the distance from the floor to the pelvis (tailbone): the shorter the distance, the higher the level of flexibility, and vice versa.

    Mobility in the knee joints. The subject performs a squat with his arms extended forward or his arms behind his head (Fig. 15, 10, 11). A full squat indicates high mobility in these joints.

    Mobility in the ankle joints(Fig. 15, 12, 13). Various parameters of movements in joints should be measured based on compliance with standard testing conditions: 1) identical initial positions of body links; 2) the same (standard) warm-up; 3) repeat flexibility measurements at the same time, since these conditions somehow affect mobility in the joints.

Passive flexibility is determined by the greatest amplitude that can be achieved due to external influences. It is determined by the greatest amplitude that can be achieved due to an external force, the magnitude of which must be the same for all measurements, otherwise the object cannot be obtained.

E J-K. Kholodov

tive assessment of passive flexibility. The measurement of passive flexibility is suspended when the external force causes pain.

An informative indicator of the state of the joint and muscular system of the subject (in centimeters or angular degrees) is the difference between the values ​​of active and passive flexibility. This difference is called active flexibility deficit.

7.6. Motor-coordinating abilities and the basics of their education

In modern conditions, the volume of activities carried out in probabilistic and unexpected situations has increased significantly, which requires the manifestation of resourcefulness, speed of reaction, the ability to concentrate and switch attention, spatial, temporal, dynamic accuracy of movements and their biomechanical rationality. All these qualities or abilities in the theory of physical education are associated with the concept eatl ductility- a person’s ability to quickly ^ sho!5at1no, expediently, i.e. most rationally, to master new motor actions, to successfully solve motor problems in changing conditions. Dexterity is a complex motor quality, the level of development of which is determined by many factors. The most important are highly developed muscle sense and the so-called plasticity of cortical nervous processes. The degree of manifestation of the latter determines the urgency of the formation of coordination connections and the speed of transition from one set of attitudes and reactions to another. The basis of agility is coordination abilities.

Under motor-coordinating abilities understood as the ability to quickly, accurately, expediently, economically and resourcefully, i.e. most perfectly, solve motor problems (especially complex ones and those that arise unexpectedly).

Combining a whole range of abilities related to the coordination of movements, they can to a certain extent be divided into three groups.

First group. Ability to accurately measure and regulate spatial, temporal and dynamic parameters of movements.

Second group. Ability to maintain static (posture) and dynamic balance.

Third group. Ability to perform motor actions without excessive muscle tension (stiffness).

Coordination abilities classified in the first group depend, in particular, on the “sense of space”, “sense of time” and “muscle sense”, i.e. feelings of effort.

Coordination abilities belonging to the second group depend on the ability to maintain a stable body position, i.e. balance, which consists in the stability of the posture in static positions and its balancing during movements. Coordination abilities, which belong to the third group, can be divided into the management of tonic tension and coordination tension. The first is characterized by excessive tension in the muscles that maintain the posture. The second is expressed in stiffness, confinement of movements associated with excessive activity of muscle contractions, excessive involvement of various muscle groups, in particular antagonist muscles, incomplete release of muscles from the contraction phase into the relaxation phase, which prevents the formation of perfect technique.

The manifestation of coordination abilities depends on a number of factors, namely: 1) a person’s ability to accurately analyze movements; 2) activity of analyzers and especially motor activity; 3) complexity of the motor task; 4) the level of development of other physical abilities (speed abilities, dynamic strength, flexibility, etc.); 5) courage and determination; 6) age; 7) general preparedness of students (i.e., a stock of various, mainly variable motor skills), etc.

Coordination abilities, which are characterized by precision control of force, spatial and temporal parameters and are ensured by the complex interaction of central and peripheral motor units based on reverse afferentation (transmission of impulses from working centers to nerve centers), have pronounced age-related characteristics.

Thus, children 4-6 years old have a low level of coordination development and unstable coordination of symmetrical movements. Their motor skills are formed against the background of an excess of indicative, unnecessary motor reactions, and the ability to differentiate efforts is low.

At the age of 7-8 years, motor coordination is characterized by instability of speed parameters and rhythm.

In the period from 11 to 13-14 years, the accuracy of differentiation of muscle efforts increases, and the ability to reproduce a given tempo of movements improves. Adolescents aged 13-14 years are distinguished by a high ability to master complex motor coordination, which is due to the completion of the formation of a functional sensorimotor system, the achievement of the maximum level in the interaction of all analyzer systems and the completion of the formation of the basic mechanisms of voluntary movements.

At the age of 14-15 years, there is a slight decrease in spatial analysis and coordination of movements. During 16-17 years, the improvement of motor coordination continues

dynamics to the level of adults, and the differentiation of muscle efforts reaches an optimal level.

In the ontogenetic development of motor coordination, the child’s ability to develop new motor programs reaches its maximum at 11-12 years of age. This age period is defined by many authors as particularly amenable to targeted sports training. It has been noted that boys have a higher level of development of coordination abilities with age than girls.

Tasks of developing coordination abilities. When cultivating coordination abilities, two groups of tasks are solved: a) in terms of diversification and b) specifically aimed at their development.

The first group of these tasks is mainly solved in preschool age and basic physical education of students. The general level of development of coordination abilities achieved here creates broad prerequisites for subsequent improvement in motor activity.

A particularly important role in this is given to physical education in secondary schools. The school program provides for the provision of a wide range of new motor skills and abilities and, on this basis, the development of coordination abilities in students, manifested in the cycle personal and acyclic locomotion, gymnastic exercises”, throwing movements with a focus on range and accuracy, outdoor sports games.

Tasks to ensure further and special development of coordination abilities are solved in the process of sports training and professional applied physical training. In the first case, the requirements for them are determined by the specifics of the chosen sport, in the second - by the chosen profession.

In sports where the subject of competition is the movement technique itself (artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating, diving, etc.), the ability to form new, increasingly complex forms of movements, as well as differentiate the amplitude and time of execution is of paramount importance movements in various parts of the body, muscle tension in various muscle groups, t^/ The ability to quickly and expediently transform movements and forms of action during competitions is most required in sports games and martial arts, as well as in sports such as downhill skiing, mountain and water slalom, where obstacles are deliberately introduced into the action environment, which force one to instantly modify movements or switch from one precisely coordinated action to another.

In these sports, they strive to bring coordination abilities that meet the specifics of sports specialization to the highest possible degree of perfection.

The development of coordination abilities is of a strictly specialized nature in professional-applied physical training (PPPT)

Many existing and newly emerging types of practical professional activity in connection with scientific and technological progress do not require significant expenditure of muscular effort, but place increased demands on the human central nervous system, especially on the mechanisms of movement coordination, the functions of the motor, visual and other analyzers.

The inclusion of a person in a complex “man-machine” system sets the necessary condition for rapid perception of the situation, processing of received information in a short period of time and very precise actions according to spatial, temporal and power parameters with a general lack of time. Based on this, the following tasks of the PPPP for the development of coordination abilities have been identified:

    improving the ability to coordinate movements of different parts of the body (mainly asymmetrical and similar to working movements in professional activities);

    development of coordination of movements of the non-dominant limb;

    development of abilities to proportion movements according to spatial, temporal and power parameters.

I ^Solving the tasks of physical education for the targeted development of coordination abilities, primarily in classes with children (starting from preschool age), with schoolchildren and with other students, leads to the fact that they:

They master various motor actions much faster and at a higher quality level;

    constantly replenish their motor experience, which then helps to more successfully cope with tasks of mastering motor skills that are more complex in terms of coordination (sports, labor, etc.);

    acquire the ability to economically use their energy resources in the process of motor activity;

    They experience psychologically feelings of joy and satisfaction from mastering new and varied movements in perfect forms.
