Testing a child's sports abilities: what is needed, how to pass, help for parents. Choosing a sport for a child - testing children's abilities Testing children by sport

The dataset contains detailed information about testing centers as part of the project “Helping parents choose a sport for their children”

In Moscow, since 2016, the program “Helping parents in choosing a sport for children” has been launched, within the framework of which testing centers equipped with the most modern equipment operate. Testing of children is carried out by specialists with highest qualification and extensive experience in conducting similar tests.

Main areas of testing:

psychophysiological testing;

anthropometric study;

sports testing.

To develop testing standards, more than 400 Moskomsport coaches were involved in the types of port, as well as specialists from leading sports universities.

The decision to create testing centers was made after a vote was held on the Moscow Government portal “Active Citizen”.

The goal of the project is to help parents choose a sport for their children.

Testing one child takes no more than 1 hour 30 minutes. Each center can accommodate about 25 people per day. Testing is carried out for children aged 6 to 12 years inclusive; the centers are open daily from 9.00 to 18.00, except holidays.

You can sign up for testing on the official Moskomsport website sport.mos.ru.

For testing, your child must have with him:

sports uniform;

sneakers (not spikes, not ballet flats);

warm sweater.

To the parent:

passport or other identification document;

child's birth certificate;

medical certificate from a pediatrician confirming the child’s admission to classes physical culture.

At the first stage of testing, the compliance of the child’s development level with the average for the city of Moscow is assessed; at the second stage, the level of development in the context of a particular sport is compared with children involved in sports schools of Moskomsport. A child’s predisposition to a sport is revealed if he shows a result exceeding the upper limit of the level of development of children involved in this sport at Moskomsport sports schools.

The testing report displays the physiological norm for the specified gender and age, as well as the results shown by the future athlete.

By filling out the questionnaire before testing, legal representatives sign the following information consents and notices:

for automated, as well as without the use of automation tools, processing and use of personal data of the person being tested for the purpose of organizing and conducting “Testing to determine predisposition to engage in sports”;

about the absence of health restrictions, diseases, painful conditions, contraindications to the test subject physical activity and others that impede the conduct of “Testing to determine predisposition to engage in sports”;

about awareness that this testing is not an entrance test sports school, and is intended to determine children’s predisposition to sports. The final decision on enrolling a child in a sports school is made by the methodological council and the admissions committee of the sports school.

The testing protocol and the list determining predisposition to sports are not documents obliging the child to be admitted to a sports school and are solely advisory in nature for coaches and representatives of novice athletes.

Questions about the testing procedure and complaints about unlawful actions of employees can be directed to [email protected].

Sports schools of Moskomsport

Moskomsport sports schools develop more than 80 sports. Athletes are trained on the basis of sports training programs for sports developed in accordance with federal standards of sports training. These standards provide for each sport its own age for the initial stage of preparation, as well as minimum requirements for entrance tests. Each school has the right to add its own to the minimum mandatory requirements, in accordance with its training programs. Classes at the stage initial training– free.

In a number of schools, in addition to the initial stage of preparation, where the age for starting classes is determined federal standard, there are paid physical education and sports groups in which children engage in physical education and get acquainted with the elements of a sport in a more early age, thereby preparing for admission to a sports school at the initial training stage.

Select the qualities that most accurately describe the child’s character:

A Friendly, but not overly confident.

B Calm, patient, thoughtful.

IN Energetic, cheerful, inquisitive.

G Active, quick-tempered, loves to be the center of attention.

How can you describe his relationships with his peers?

A He's in the same good relations with all my classmates.

B It is difficult for him to find a common language with his peers.

IN He has one best friend/girlfriend.

G He has a lot of friends, he is the life of the party.

You are playing board game, the child loses and...

A He agrees to play again, but only after persuasion.

B Gets upset, offended, refuses to continue.

IN He will continue to play with pleasure: it’s interesting!

G Angry, crying.

On a walk, the child prefers:

A Play a common game with other children.

B He gets along quite well without company and invents games for himself.

IN Climb trees, shells.

G Run like you should.

If you suddenly shout to him “Catch!” and throw the ball, he:

A It's unlikely he'll catch it.

B He will ask: “Why is this?”

IN Most likely he will catch it.

G Catch and throw back: great game!

How does the child do his homework?

A It takes a long time to get ready, takes a long time to do, and often asks for help.

B I don't know, that's his area of ​​responsibility.

IN Concentrated, trying to finish early.

G Quick, but sloppy, often distracted.

Test results


More answers A

The main thing for your heir is participation in the process: he feels great both in the foreground and on the bench. He is not very confident in himself, but he gets along well with people. pay attention to team events sports: football, basketball, hockey. And remind them often that any team game is not only a task to act harmoniously, but also a chance to stand out.

More answers B

Your reserved child feels best one-on-one with an opponent and prefers to take responsibility for the outcome of the competition. Choose a sport where the strategy of the fight, its abstract component, and ethical code of conduct are important. Chess, fencing and martial arts(karate, sambo, judo).

More answers B

Your child is lucky with his character - he is positive, loves to be the center of attention, and feels at ease in a new environment. His abilities will best be revealed in sports where you can show individuality, combine movement technique with artistry: acrobatics, figure skating, as well as unusual disciplines - golf or curling

More answers G

It seems that there is a real “energizer” growing up in your family: it is difficult for him to sit still, his mood and interests are constantly changing. He will be able to realize his abilities in team sports, where a quick reaction is important, there is an opportunity for a constant change of pace, and for the work of intuition - tennis, squash. It is important to teach your child to relax and concentrate.