Tactical training of an athlete. Sports and tactical training Rank the components of the tactical level

Systematic physical exercises with the aim of achieving individual maximum results in these exercises are associated with the concept of “sport” and “sports training”.

Many students engage in a particular sport and achieve high results. A high athletic result is always a huge amount of work, a strong will in a person, and a reasonable organization of lifestyle.

In addition, the athlete must have a good understanding of all the complex processes that arise in the body under the influence of training loads and other environmental factors. The main forms of training are: training lesson (training), competitions, additional classes (exercises, independent training, rehabilitation measures, etc.).

  • ? physical training;
  • ? technical training;
  • ? tactical training;
  • ? psychological preparation;
  • ? theoretical (integral) training.

Each section has its own objectives, certain means and methods are used, which are determined by the type of sport, the level of preparedness of the athlete, age, calendar of sports competitions, and conditions. At the same time, the content of sports training (sections) also has a number of general provisions that are valid for all sports and any contingent. Let's briefly look at these provisions.

Technical training

The main task of technical training is to master motor skills in the chosen specialization, bringing them to a high degree of stability and rational variability. What is the technique for performing this or that exercise? This is the most rational way to achieve the best result. Technical execution of the exercise is the most economical, aesthetic and effective movement.

In the technique of any motor action, one can distinguish: the basis of the technique, the main link (or links) in the base and the details of the technique. For example, a running long jump using the scissors method. The technique of this jump consists of a run-up, take-off, flight phase and landing - this is the basis of the technique. The main link is repulsion; the details of the technique are the individual characteristics of performing the basics. One athlete develops his own run-up rhythm, another has a difference in the flight phase, etc.

Technical training also distinguishes between general technical training - mastery of a variety of motor skills and abilities that generalize the motor arsenal that contributes to the development of coordination, and special technical training - all motor actions that make up the chosen sport, mastery of these skills, improving them taking into account the individual characteristics of each athlete . The more complex the sport is in coordination, the greater the importance of technical training at all stages of the training process.

Tactical training

The content of sports training includes such a section as tactics (a method of conducting sports combat). In tactical training, there are theoretical and practical parts. By studying ways to achieve victories or the reasons for defeat not only of our own performances, but also of leading athletes and our rivals, we develop so-called “tactical thinking.” A high level of tactical thinking allows the athlete to take into account two types of factors in a timely manner:

  • ? conditions of specific competitions;
  • ? the strengths and weaknesses of your opponent and your own.

Based on the theoretical conclusions obtained, a

tactical plan for a specific competition. Thus, in tactical training, we can conditionally distinguish general tactical training (most often theoretical) and special tactical training - a plan for performing for each specific competition and even in one competition, a plan for fighting a specific opponent.

  • 1) improvement in the distribution of forces during competitions (uniform, uneven, starting acceleration, finishing acceleration, etc.);
  • 2) improvement in the flexible use of technical techniques: have in stock a technique that is unexpected for the opponent, a “crown” element or number;
  • 3) improvement in interactions with partners on the team (game sports), playing technical techniques, combinations, combinations specific for specific players, unexpected replacement of players, etc.;
  • 4) improvement in expedient switching, most often associated with the ability to impose one’s tactics on the opponent, unexpectedly moving from defensive actions to attack or active defense.

By nature, tactical combat can be aimed, as indicated above, at organizing defense, attack, or active defense. There are also individual, group and team tactical wrestling.

The role of tactical training in different sports is not the same. Tactical training plays a leading role in game and team competitions. The closer the contact with the opponent, the more complex and important the tactical training, and all other sections of training are subordinated to it.

Psychological preparation

All other things being equal, in modern sports, the winner is the one who has a stronger character, knows how to tune in to the fight, does not succumb to the bitterness of failures, or, conversely, is able to avoid getting “star fever.” All these features are associated with the psychological preparation of the athlete.

To perform successfully in competitions, you must be able to achieve an optimal fighting state. It consists of three components:

  • 1) physical condition (physical fitness), which is mainly achieved by warming up;
  • 2) emotional state (psychological readiness for competitions, achieving readiness to go to the start line, start techniques, etc.);
  • 3) mental (the result of ideomotor training).

To achieve an optimal combat state (OBS), three tuning formulas are recommended (but to A.V. Alekseev):

  • 1. “Any difficulties or obstacles mobilize me.”
  • 2. “To be able to add at the end is to finish.” (At maximum effort, approximately 70% of physical reserves are used and only 5% of mental reserves are used.)
  • 3. “Competitions are a holiday for me.”

The ability to mobilize as much as possible and relax as much as possible (self-regulation) is the key to successful performance in any competition.

Psychological preparation is closely related to intellectual (theoretical) preparation. The relationship between physical and mental state was mentioned above. It is only necessary to especially emphasize the enormous importance of self-education in the preparation of an athlete.

Self-education is the activity of an object aimed at improving one’s personality in three areas: intellectual, emotional and physical.

One of the ways of self-education is an individual’s assessment of his capabilities, qualities, and place among other people (self-esteem).

Self-esteem is a regulator of individual behavior; it is associated with the level of aspirations, i.e. the degree of difficulty of the goals that the individual sets for himself. The discrepancy between aspirations and a person’s real capabilities leads to inappropriate behavior, hence emotional breakdowns, the appearance of increased anxiety and uncertainty.

In addition to self-assessment, such techniques as self-commitment, self-report, self-control, and reflection on one’s own activities and behavior are used.

Self-education and self-education are necessary components of a creative personality. A high sports result is always a search, always creativity, always hard, long-term work.

Questions and tasks for self-control

  • 1. What is the health value of general physical fitness?
  • 2. Why is general physical fitness basic for playing sports?
  • 3. What types of preparation does the sports training process include?
  • 4. Expand the concept of self-esteem as a regulator of the behavior of athletes and athletes.

Tactical Preparation The athlete is aimed at mastering sports tactics and achieving tactical mastery in the chosen sport. Tactics is a set of forms and methods of wrestling in competition conditions.

There are individual, group and team tactics. Tactics can also be passive, active and combined (mixed).

Passive tactics - This is a predetermined provision of initiative to the enemy in order to take active action at the right moment. For example, a finishing “throw” from behind in running, cycling, counterattack in boxing, fencing, football, etc.

Active tactics - This is imposing on an opponent actions that are beneficial to oneself. For example, running at an irregularly changing speed, the so-called jerky running, sudden transitions from an active offensive fight in boxing to a slow one. Frequent changes of techniques and combinations in football, handball; achieving a high result immediately in the first attempt, race, swim - in long and high jumps, throwing, cycling, swimming, etc.

Mixed tactics includes active and passive forms of competitive struggle.

An athlete’s tactics in competitions are determined, first of all, by the task that is set before him. All the variety of such tasks can ultimately be reduced to four:

  • 1. Show the maximum, record result.
  • 2. Defeat your opponent no matter what the result is.
  • 3. Win competitions and at the same time show the highest results.
  • 4. Show a result sufficient to advance to the next round of competition - quarterfinals, semifinals and finals.

The solution to any one of these tasks in the competition will determine what tactics the athlete or team will choose. There are 4 tactical forms of competitive struggle:

1. Tactics records. In cyclic sports, the tactics of leading during the competition are most often used. The athlete takes on the role of leader long before the finish line and tries to maintain the advantage until the end of the competition. This tactic can unbalance the main competitors, make them nervous, and change their tactical plans.

There are two options for leadership tactics:

leading at a uniform speed when covering a distance - in running, swimming, rowing;

leading with changes in speed and pace over the distance.

Most world records in endurance sports are set over even distances. This is explained by the fact that, from a physiological point of view, an uneven operating mode, compared to a uniform one, causes increased energy consumption. Therefore, it is used only by fairly well-trained athletes.

2. Tactics winning competitions regardless from shown result. This tactic is usually used in final competitions, as well as when the sporting result shown cannot affect the final distribution of places between the main competitors. Any of the tactical techniques must be carefully prepared during the training process.

When solving this complex problem, as a rule, the athlete:

  • 1. strives to achieve maximum performance and break away from opponents at the beginning of the competition (“breakaway tactics”) - develop maximum speed in the first half of the distance; jump to the maximum length or height in the first qualifying attempt; perform well the most difficult exercise in the first part of compulsory or free programs in gymnastics;
  • 2. saves strength for the decisive finishing spurt (“finishing spurt tactics”). After the start, he immediately takes a place behind the leader and closely monitors all competitors or stays in the leading group, preparing to make a maneuver at any moment;
  • 3. deliberately changes the speed, tempo of movements, individual tactical techniques and their combinations during the competition (“tactics of wearing down the opponent” - sharply changes the speed over a distance in running, swimming, skiing, carries out multiple episodic explosive attacks in boxing, fencing) , often changes technical techniques, thereby putting the opponent in a difficult position.
  • 3. Tactics winning competitions With high result. This is a fairly rare tactic. It occurs when places in competitions are determined without finals, i.e. according to the results shown in various races, attempts, swims - in speed skating, weightlifting, swimming.

When solving this problem, two situations are possible:

  • 1. when the main competitors have already started and the athlete knows their result;
  • 2. when the main competitors start in subsequent races and swims.

In the first case, the athlete must show a result higher than that of his main opponent (“tactics of beating the opponent’s result”):

  • a) go the distance according to the opponents’ schedule with a small margin - in running, swimming, rowing, etc.;
  • b) lift a barbell that weighs more than a competitor;
  • c) throw a projectile over a greater distance;
  • d) score more goals, score more points - in football, handball, wrestling, etc.

In the second case, the athlete strives to show high results in the first attempts (“first strike tactics”, “breakaway tactics”).

  • 4. Tactics exit V another tour competitions. Some athletes show high results in preliminary competitions, spending a lot of effort, and in the finals, without having time to rest, they significantly reduce their achievements and lose. Other athletes save too much energy in the preliminary part of the competition and ultimately do not make it to the finals. To avoid these mistakes, you must:
  • 1. Know how many athletes (teams) make it to the finals.
  • 2. Have an idea of ​​the strength of your opponents.
  • 3. Be able to show a result sufficient to reach the semi-finals and finals.

In the practice of sports, when solving this tactical problem, the athlete (team) strives to:

  • 1. Show a result sufficient to advance to the next stage of the competition (“tactics of rational distribution of forces during the competition”).
  • 2. Show high results at each stage of the competition (“tactics of maintaining psychological advantage and invincibility”).

Types, tasks and means of tactical training for an athlete

General tactical Preparation is aimed at teaching the athlete a variety of tactical techniques. Special tactical Preparation is aimed at mastering and improving sports tactics in the chosen sport.

In the process of tactical training, the following main tasks are solved:

  • 1. The athlete’s acquisition of knowledge on sports tactics (about its effective forms, development trends in the chosen and related sports).
  • 2. Collecting information about competitors, the conditions of upcoming competitions, the competition regime, the socio-psychological atmosphere in this country and developing a tactical plan for the athlete’s performance at the competition.
  • 3. Mastering and improving tactical techniques for conducting competitive struggle.
  • 4. Formation of tactical thinking and abilities directly related to it - observation, quick wits, creative initiative, anticipation of the enemy’s tactical plans, the results of his and his actions, the speed of switching from one tactical action to another, depending on the specific situation of the competition and the enemy’s actions.

Mastering techniques of psychological influence on an opponent and masking one’s own intentions.

Specific means of tactical training are physical exercises, i.e. motor actions used to solve certain tactical problems.

There are three main phases in tactical actions:

  • 1. perception and analysis of the competitive situation;
  • 2. mental solution of a tactical problem;
  • 3. motor solution of a tactical problem.

They can model individual tactical techniques or holistic forms of competitive tactics. Depending on the stage of preparation, these exercises are used:

  • a) in easier conditions;
  • b) in difficult conditions;
  • c) in conditions as close as possible to competitions.

Knowledge of tactics is the basis of creative thinking when solving individual and collective problems.

The athlete must know:

  • · competition rules, features of their judging and conduct; conditions of the competition and your opponents;
  • · the fundamentals of tactical actions in sports, their dependence on physical, technical and volitional readiness; the main features of the tactics of your sport, etc.

All means, methods and forms of conducting competitive struggle are set out in tactical terms.

Tactical plan - This is a program of basic actions for individual athletes or a team. It is compiled in the process of preparation for the competition and is finalized by the time the competition begins.

The tactical plan has the following sections:

  • 1. The main task that is set for the athlete or team in these competitions.
  • 2. The general form of tactical combat is active, passive, combined.
  • 3. Distribution of forces throughout the competition, taking into account the competition mode.
  • 4. Distribution of forces during each performance (graph of the speed of the distance, tempo of the game, battle, duration and nature of the warm-up).
  • 5. Possible switching from one type of tactics to another, directly during the competition due to possible changes in tasks.
  • 6. Ways to disguise one’s own intentions (actions).
  • 7. Data about opponents, strengths and weaknesses in their preparation.
  • 8. Information about competition venues, weather, refereeing of upcoming competitions and spectators.

The tactical plan has main sections: a) main task; b) the general form of tactical fighting (offensive, active-defensive, defensive) and its variant in relation to the conditions of these competitions. In sports games, in addition, it is necessary to provide for a game system, combinations, and private techniques in the interaction of players. In other sports - the possibility of using group tactics and individual combinations and techniques; c) distribution of forces taking into account the intensity, duration and nature of loads and rest - competition mode; d) distribution of forces during each individual performance (speed graph, conditional graph, tempo of the game, duration and nature of the warm-up); e) possible switching from one tactic (or system) to another tactic (system) during the competition due to possible changes in the tasks and situation of tactical combat; f) ways and methods of masking one’s own intentions; g) data about the enemy, weaknesses and strengths in his preparation (physical, tactical, technical and volitional) and corresponding methods of attack (individual and group) and counteraction (active-defensive and defensive); h) data on competition venues, weather, judging, spectators.

In sports games, in addition to the general tactical game plan of the team, a tactical plan can also be drawn up for individual players. Such a plan can be based on an analysis of the balance of forces of a combative pair (attack and defense).

The plan for the upcoming competition is drawn up by the athlete and the coach jointly, since the growth of the athlete’s tactical skill is impossible without his active participation in the preparation of tactical plans for the competition.

Tactical preparedness is the ability of an athlete to competently structure the course of a fight, taking into account the characteristics of the sport, his individual characteristics, the capabilities of his opponents and the existing external conditions.

The level of tactical preparedness of an athlete depends on the degree of his mastery of the means, forms and types of tactics of the sport.

Means of tactics are all tactical techniques and methods of their implementation.

The form of tactics is:

Individual (performance of tactical techniques by one athlete);

Tactics of individual groups of athletes (group tactics);

Team tactics (performed by all athletes of one team).

Types of tactics:

Offensive (seizing the initiative from the opponent);

Defensive (by giving the initiative to the opponent, private tactical problems are solved);

Counter-attack (the opponent’s mistakes are used to seize the initiative at the most important moment in the sport).

Depending on the specifics of the sport, the qualifications of the athlete, the situation arising in competitions, tactics in their content can be:

Algorithmic tactics (based on pre-planned actions and their deliberate implementation);

Probabilistic tactics (involves a deliberate, impromptu action in which only a certain beginning is planned);

Heuristic tactics (based on the athletes’ impromptu response depending on the situation, without preparing in advance).

The choice of tactics depends on the following factors:

1. From the specifics of the sport.

2. Individual characteristics of the athlete.

3. On the level and significance of the competition.

4. Possibilities of rivals.

5. Impact of external conditions.

6. Unforeseen situations.

The quality of tactical training is of great importance. To improve it you need:

a) have a sufficient level of knowledge about competitive tactics and the amount of skills and abilities mastered by the athlete;

b) the ability to foresee (predict) possible options for tactical combat in competitions.

c) the psychological stability of an athlete when solving tactical problems.

d) prompt correction of tactics during competitions;

e) sufficient motivation (interest) of the athlete and his volitional capabilities in achieving the goal;

f) correct analysis of the competition results for further improvement of tactical preparedness.

Improving tactical readiness involves solving the following tasks:

1. Expand knowledge about competitive tactics in your chosen sport.

2. Increase the volume of skills and abilities mastered by the athlete in competitive wrestling.

3. To build the psychological stability of an athlete when solving tactical problems.

4. Develop the ability to quickly correct tactics during the competition.

5. Improve the level of motivation (interest) of the athlete in achieving sports results.

6. Formation of the ability to analyze the results of the competition.

To solve task 1 “Expand knowledge about competitive tactics in a chosen sport, the following actions are necessary:

Analysis of the competitive activity of outstanding athletes;

Studying scientific literature and information materials about competitive activity;

Expanding knowledge about the rules of the competition, the tactical actions of opponents and the conditions for holding the main competitions.

When solving task 2 “Increase the volume of competitive wrestling skills and abilities mastered by an athlete, it is necessary to use 4 groups of tactical training means:

Training without an opponent is used to master basic technical and tactical actions;

Training with a simulated enemy involves the use of auxiliary equipment and devices (dummies, models of the enemy with a pre-developed action program, training devices);

Training with a teammate creates conditions closer to the competition;

Training with an unknown enemy allows you to improve tactics in conditions of information and time shortages.

To solve problems 3 and 4, “To form the psychological stability of an athlete when solving tactical problems,” and “To develop the ability to quickly correct tactics during the competition,” the following methodological techniques are used:

Creating easier conditions for performing technical and tactical actions (leading and information about the quality of the actions performed (data on speed, tempo, effort developed, etc.);

Creation of complicated conditions for performing technical and tactical actions;

Creating contrasting conditions with a sharp change in the situation when performing technical and tactical actions;

Implementation of the studied technical and tactical actions in a competitive setting.

Solution 5 of task “Improve the level of motivation (interest) of an athlete in achieving a sports result” assumes:

Identification of individual characteristics of the athlete’s psyche;

Determining the motives for playing sports that are important for an athlete;

Creating a precise “set” for the result;

Achieve maintaining a high level of motivation during the competition.

Solving task 6 “Developing the ability to analyze the results of a competition” requires the following approaches:

Collect the necessary amount of information about past competitions.

Evaluate the actions of the athlete and his opponents;

Develop new technical and tactical actions taking into account the analysis of the information received.


Lecture outline:

1. Characteristics of tactical training

2. The concept of types, tasks, forms and nature of tactics

3. Tactical training methodology

4. Tactical plan, its content and method of preparation

Literature: 1. Platonov, in OS; 2. Kuramshin, Yu. F. TiMFK; 3. Kholodov, Zh. K., Kuznetsov, V. S. TiMFViS; 4. Volkov, I. P. OTiMST; 6. Matveev, TS

Sports tactics- methods of combining and implementing motor actions that ensure effective competitive activity, leading to the achievement of the set goal in a specific start, series of starts, competition.

Tactical training - This is a process aimed at mastering rational methods of wrestling in specific competitive activities.

Tactical training comes down to the rational distribution of an athlete’s forces during competitions and the appropriate use of technology to solve specific sports problems, to increasing efficiency in interactions with teammates or to quickly switching from one system of tactical actions to another. Tactical training involves the preliminary development of one’s actions and their subsequent implementation in competition conditions. Tactical training is formed based on the athlete’s functional capabilities, technical excellence, mental readiness, and level of competition.

High tactical skill of an athlete is based on a good level of technical, physical, and mental preparedness. The basis of sports and tactical mastery is tactical knowledge, abilities, skills and the quality of tactical thinking.

The basis of tactical skill is the following concepts:

Tactical knowledge – a set of ideas about the means, principles, types and forms of sports tactics and the features of their application in the training and competitive activities of the chosen sport.

Tactical skills – a form of manifestation of the athlete’s consciousness, reflecting his actions based on tactical knowledge. The ability to unravel an opponent’s plans, foresee the course of development of competitive struggle, modify one’s own tactics, etc. can be highlighted.

Tactical Skills – these are learned tactical actions, combinations of individual and collective actions.

Tactical Thinking - this is the thinking of an athlete in the process of sports activity under conditions of time shortage and mental stress, directly aimed at solving specific tactical problems.

Tactical knowledge finds practical application in the form of tactical skills and abilities. In unity with the formation of tactical knowledge, skills and abilities, tactical thinking develops. It is characterized by the athlete’s ability to quickly perceive, evaluate, isolate and process information essential for solving tactical problems in competition, to anticipate the actions of an opponent and the outcome of competitive situations, and most importantly, to find in the shortest way among several possible solutions the one that would most likely lead to success.

Factors that determine the content of tactics:

1) specifics of the sport

in cyclic sports– preliminary drawing up of a schedule – the speed of overcoming distance segments, taking into account one’s own condition, the composition of opponents, meteorological conditions and the objectives of the competition; athletics throwing, jumping, weightlifting– the desire to technically perform exercises perfectly, to perform a certain part more intensively – the results shown during the struggle in attempts; sports/art gymnastics, acrobatics, figure skating, water– tactics comes down to changing technical techniques, elements of a sports exercise, and finding means of greater expressiveness of movements; martial arts and sports games- thoughtful and unexpected tactics for the opponent - attack (attack) and defense, reconnaissance, maneuvering, various deceptive movements (feints); all-around – tactics change depending on the results achieved by the athlete and his opponents in certain types of all-around.

2) tasks assigned to the athlete or team;

3) level of preparedness - the state of preparedness of the athlete himself, his physical data, level of development of physical fitness;

4) the number of mastered skills and abilities in tactical warfare;

5) knowledge of their correct use in various situations;

6) psychological stability when performing tactical techniques under the influence of disruptive factors;

7) the ability to quickly assess an emerging situation;

8) the quality of technical execution of tactical actions, coordination of their actions with partners;

9) the peculiarity of the actions of opponents (height and weight data, behavioral characteristics, which are most affected in sports such as martial arts, sports games (for example, the actions of a boxer will depend on whether the opponent is fighting in a left-sided or right-sided stance), from his height, arm length.


General tactical training is aimed at teaching the athlete a variety of tactical techniques, i.e. mastering the knowledge and tactical skills necessary for success in sports competitions in the chosen sport.

Special tactical training is aimed at mastering knowledge and tactical actions, their improvement, necessary for successful performance in specific competitions and against a specific opponent. In this case, all aspects of the athlete’s preparedness, his “sports form” should be taken into account, which is the basis for solving the assigned tactical task, namely: using the current situation of wrestling, external factors, fan activity, stress conditions, etc.

In the process of tactical training, the following are decided: MAIN GOALS:

1. Acquisition by an athlete of knowledge on sports tactics;

2. Creating a holistic idea of ​​the competition (the conditions of the upcoming competition, the competition regime, the socio-psychological atmosphere in this country);

3. Studying the main rivals, the strengths and weaknesses of their preparation. Gathering information about opponents;

4. Development of a plan for an athlete’s performance at a competition, individual tactics, based on readiness, including all aspects of readiness (functional, technical, mental, physical);

5. Mastering and improving tactical techniques of competitive struggle;

6. Formation of tactical thinking and abilities directly related to it - observation, quick wits, creative initiative, foreseeing the enemy’s tactical plans, the results of his and his actions, the speed of switching from one tactical action to another depending on the specific situation of the competition and the enemy’s actions;

7. Maximum use of your advantages and opponent’s weaknesses;

8. Mastering techniques of psychological influence on an opponent and masking one’s own intentions.


- Offensive(attack);

- Defensive(protective);

- Counterattack(a combination of defensive and attacking actions taking into account the emerging situation).

- Active tactics - this is imposing on an opponent actions that are beneficial to oneself. For example, running at an irregularly changing speed, the so-called jerky running, sudden transitions from an active offensive fight in boxing to a slow one. Frequent changes of techniques and combinations in football, handball; achieving a high result immediately in the first attempt, race, swim - in long and high jumps, throwing, cycling, swimming, etc.

- Passive tactics - this is a predetermined provision of initiative to the opponent in order to take active action at the right time. For example, a finishing “throw” from behind in running, cycling, counterattack in boxing, fencing, football, etc.

- Mixed tactics – includes active and passive forms of competitive struggle.

By the nature of the tactics:

- Individual(used by one athlete);

- Group(using several groups of athletes with different actions);

- Team(with the participation of several athletes).

Varieties of tactical schemes:

ü algorithmic (prepared in advance and strictly executed regardless of the situation);

ü variation (the athlete uses several tactical schemes);

ü heuristic (without special development of tactical schemes taking into account one’s own experience - new);

ü impromptu tactics (according to the current situation).

The tactics of athletes in competitions is determined, first of all, by the task that is set before them. The solution to any one of the tasks in the competition will determine what tactics the athlete or team will choose.

Forms of competitive struggle:

- Record tactics. The main task: to show the maximum, record result. The athlete takes on the role of leader long before the finish line and tries to maintain the advantage until the end of the competition. This tactic can unbalance the main competitors, force them

get nervous, change your tactical plans.

- Tactics for winning competitions. Main task: defeat your opponent. Usually used in final competitions : "breakaway tactics" , “finishing spurt tactics” saving strength for the final throw , “tactics to wear down an athlete.”

- Tactics for winning competitions with high results. The main task: to win the competition and at the same time show the highest result.

- Tactics for entering the next round of competitions. The main task: to show a result sufficient to advance to the next round of competition - quarterfinals, semifinals and finals.

By specific means Tactical training consists of tactical methods of performing specially preparatory and competitive exercises, the so-called tactical exercises used to solve certain tactical problems.

Depending on the stages of preparation, tactical exercises are used:

a) in easier conditions;

c) in swing conditions close to competitive ones;

b) in difficult conditions.

To master action tactics, the entire range of verbal, visual and practical means and methods of preparation can be used.

In cyclic sports- repeated execution of exercises in accordance with the tactical scheme and with constant monitoring of the effectiveness of motor actions. This takes into account the speed and time of passing segments and distances; pace of movement, distance,

the nature and magnitude of the efforts being developed.
In sports games and martial arts- the basis of practical methods of tactical training is the principle of modeling the activity of an athlete in competitions.

These include:

Ä Training method without an opponent

Ä Method of training with a fictitious opponent (auxiliary equipment and devices are used: training devices, dummies, etc.)

Ä The method of training with a partner is the main one for mastering action tactics.

Ä Method of training with an opponent - developing the ability to use one’s capabilities in various tactical situations created by an opponent in conditions of information and time deficit, rapidly changing situations.

The largest volume of means and methods of tactical training in the macrocycle occurs at the end of the preparatory and competitive periods. At the first stage of the preparatory period, only individual components of tactics are improved. Tactical training occupies an important place at the stage of immediate preparation for the main competitions. The level of technical skill, physical and mental preparedness formed at this stage allows us to move on to working out tactics in its closest approximation to the conditions of the upcoming competitive activity.

All means, methods and forms of wrestling are outlined in tactical terms.

Tactical plan is a program of basic actions for individual athletes or a team.

It is compiled in the process of preparation for the competition and is finalized by the time the competition begins.

The tactical plan has the following sections:

1. The main task that is set for the athlete or team in these competitions;

2. The general form of tactical combat is active, passive, combined;

3. Distribution of forces throughout the competition, taking into account the competition mode;

4. Distribution of forces during each performance (graph of the speed of the distance, tempo of the game, battle, duration and nature of the warm-up);

5. Possible switching from one type of tactics to another directly during the competition due to possible changes in the tasks and situation of tactical combat;

6. Ways to disguise one’s own intentions (actions);

7. Data about opponents, weaknesses and strengths in their preparation;

8. Information about competition venues, weather, refereeing of upcoming competitions and spectators.

In sports games, in addition to the general tactical game plan of the team, a tactical plan can also be drawn up for individual players. Such a plan can be based on an analysis of the balance of forces of a combative pair (attack and defense).

The plan for the upcoming competition is drawn up by the athlete and the coach jointly, since the growth of the athlete’s tactical skill is impossible without his active participation in the preparation of tactical plans for the competition.

Tactical training The athlete is aimed at mastering sports tactics and achieving tactical mastery in the chosen sport. Tactics is a set of forms and methods of wrestling in competition conditions.

There are individual, group and team tactics. Tactics can also be passive, active and combined (mixed).

Passive tactics -- This is a predetermined provision of initiative to the enemy in order to take active action at the right moment. For example, a finishing “throw” from behind in running, cycling, counterattack in boxing, fencing, football, etc.

Active tactics -- This is imposing on an opponent actions that are beneficial to oneself. For example, running at an irregularly changing speed, the so-called jerky running, sudden transitions from an active offensive fight in boxing to a slow one. Frequent changes of techniques and combinations in football, handball; achieving a high result immediately in the first attempt, race, swim - in long and high jumps, throwing, cycling, swimming, etc.

Mixed tactics includes active and passive forms of competitive struggle.

An athlete’s tactics in competitions are determined, first of all, by the task that is set before him. All the variety of such tasks can ultimately be reduced to four:

Show the maximum, record result.

Defeat your opponent no matter what the result is.

Win competitions and at the same time show the highest results.

Show a result sufficient to advance to the next round of competition - quarterfinals, semifinals and finals.

The solution to any one of these tasks in the competition will determine what tactics the athlete or team will choose. There are 4 tactical forms of competitive struggle:

1. Record tactics. In cyclic sports, the tactics of leading during the competition are most often used. The athlete takes on the role of leader long before the finish line and tries to maintain the advantage until the end of the competition. This tactic can unbalance the main competitors, make them nervous, and change their tactical plans.

There are two options for leadership tactics:

Leading at a uniform speed when covering a distance - in running, swimming, rowing;

Leading with changes in speed and pace over the course. The tactics of breaking records with a uniform pace were successfully demonstrated by such famous long-distance runners as P. Bolotnikov, N. Sviridov (USSR), R. Clark (Australia). A brilliant example of the use of “ragged running” tactics are the victories of the remarkable runner V. Kutz at the 1956 Olympic Games over such famous finishing masters as the Englishmen G. Pirie and K. Chataway.

Most world records in endurance sports are set over even distances. This is explained by the fact that, from a physiological point of view, an uneven operating mode, compared to a uniform one, causes increased energy consumption. Therefore, it is used only by fairly well-trained athletes.

2. Tactics for winning competitions regardless of the results shown. This tactic is usually used in final competitions, as well as when the sporting result shown cannot affect the final distribution of places between the main competitors. Any of the tactical techniques must be carefully prepared during the training process.

When solving this complex problem, as a rule, the athlete:

strives to achieve maximum performance and break away from opponents at the beginning of the competition (“breakaway tactics”) - develop maximum speed in the first half of the distance; jump to the maximum length or height in the first qualifying attempt; perform well the most difficult exercise in the first part of compulsory or free programs in gymnastics;

saves strength for the decisive finishing spurt (“finishing spurt tactics”). After the start, he immediately takes a place behind the leader and closely monitors all competitors or stays in the leading group, preparing to make a maneuver at any moment;

deliberately changes the speed, tempo of movements, individual tactical techniques and their combinations during the competition (“tactics of wearing down the opponent” - sharply changes the speed over a distance in running, swimming, skiing, carries out multiple episodic explosive attacks in boxing, fencing), often changes technical techniques, thereby putting the opponent in a difficult position, etc.

3. Tactics for winning competitions with high results. This is a fairly rare tactic. It occurs when places in competitions are determined without finals, i.e. according to the results shown in various races, attempts, swims - in speed skating, weightlifting, swimming.

When solving this problem, two situations are possible:

when the main competitors have already started and the athlete knows their result;

when the main competitors start in subsequent races and swims.

In the first case, the athlete must show a result higher than that of his main opponent (“tactics of beating the opponent’s result”):

a) go the distance according to the opponents’ schedule with a small margin - in running, swimming, rowing, etc.;

b) lift a barbell that weighs more than a competitor;

c) throw a projectile over a greater distance;

d) score more goals, score more points - in football, handball, wrestling, etc.

In the second case, the athlete strives to show high results in the first attempts (“first strike tactics”, “breakaway tactics”).

4. Tactics for entering the next round of competitions. Some athletes show high results in preliminary competitions, spending a lot of effort, and in the finals, without having time to rest, they significantly reduce their achievements and lose. Other athletes save too much energy in the preliminary part of the competition and ultimately do not make it to the finals. To avoid these mistakes, you must:

Know how many athletes (teams) make it to the finals.

Have an idea of ​​the strength of your opponents.

Be able to show results sufficient to reach the semi-finals and finals.

In the practice of sports, when solving this tactical problem, the athlete (team) strives to:

Show a result sufficient to advance to the next stage of the competition (“tactics of rational distribution of forces during the competition”).

Show high results at every stage of the competition (“tactics of maintaining psychological advantage and invincibility”).

Types, tasks and means of tactical training for an athlete

General tactical training is aimed at teaching the athlete a variety of tactical techniques. Special tactical training is aimed at mastering and improving sports tactics in the chosen sport.

In the process of tactical training, the following main tasks are solved:

Acquisition by an athlete of knowledge on sports tactics (about its effective forms, development trends in selected and related sports).

Collecting information about opponents, the conditions of upcoming competitions, the competition regime, the socio-psychological atmosphere in this country and developing a tactical plan for the athlete’s performance at the competition.

Mastering and improving tactical techniques of competitive struggle.

Formation of tactical thinking and abilities directly related to it - observation, quick wits, creative initiative, anticipation of the enemy’s tactical plans, the results of his and his actions, the speed of switching from one tactical action to another depending on the specific situation of the competition and the enemy’s actions.

Mastering techniques of psychological influence on an opponent and masking one’s own intentions.

Specific means of tactical training are physical exercises, i.e. motor actions used to solve certain tactical problems.

There are three main phases in tactical actions:

perception and analysis of the competitive situation;

mental solution of a tactical problem;

motor solution of a tactical problem.

They can model individual tactical techniques or holistic forms of competitive tactics. Depending on the stage of preparation, these exercises are used:

a) in easier conditions;

b) in difficult conditions;

c) in conditions as close as possible to competitions.

Knowledge of tactics is the basis of creative thinking when solving individual and collective problems.

The athlete must know:

competition rules, features of their judging and conduct; conditions of the competition and your opponents;

the basics of tactical actions in sports, their dependence on physical, technical and volitional readiness; the main features of the tactics of your sport, etc.

All means, methods and forms of conducting competitive struggle are set out in tactical terms.

Tactical plan -- this is a program of basic actions for individual athletes or a team. It is compiled in the process of preparation for the competition and is finalized by the time the competition begins.

The tactical plan has the following sections:

The main task that is set for an athlete or team in these competitions.

The general form of tactical combat is active, passive, combined.

Distribution of forces throughout the competition, taking into account the competition mode.

Distribution of forces during each performance (graph of the speed of passing the distance, tempo of the game, battle, duration and nature of the warm-up).

Possible switching from one type of tactics to another, directly during the competition due to possible changes in tasks.

Ways to disguise your own intentions (actions).

Data about opponents, strengths and weaknesses in their preparation.

Data on competition locations, weather, refereeing of upcoming competitions and spectators.

The tactical plan has main sections: a) main task; b) the general form of tactical fighting (offensive, active-defensive, defensive) and its variant in relation to the conditions of these competitions. In sports games, in addition, it is necessary to provide for a game system, combinations, and private techniques in the interaction of players. In other sports - the possibility of using group tactics and individual combinations and techniques; c) distribution of forces taking into account the intensity, duration and nature of loads and rest - competition mode; d) distribution of forces during each individual performance (speed graph, conditional graph, tempo of the game, duration and nature of the warm-up); e) possible switching from one tactic (or system) to another tactic (system) during the competition due to possible changes in the tasks and situation of tactical combat; f) ways and methods of masking one’s own intentions; g) data about the enemy, weaknesses and strengths in his preparation (physical, tactical, technical and volitional) and corresponding methods of attack (individual and group) and counteraction (active-defensive and defensive); h) information about competition venues, weather, judging, spectators, etc.

In sports games, in addition to the general tactical game plan of the team, a tactical plan can also be drawn up for individual players. Such a plan can be based on an analysis of the balance of forces of a combative pair (attack and defense).

The plan for the upcoming competition is drawn up by the athlete and the coach jointly, since the growth of the athlete’s tactical skill is impossible without his active participation in the preparation of tactical plans for the competition.