Diet pills Turboslim day. Turboslim for weight loss: description of drugs from complex programs. Does Turboslim help you lose weight?

Today, under the Turboslim brand, a whole range of different products and preparations are produced to help people who want to get rid of excess body weight. These dietary supplements have been present on the pharmacological market for many years now and have managed to become a very recognizable brand.

However, opinions about Turboslim among specialists and people who have taken these drugs are very ambiguous, since they did not help everyone lose weight. This article will allow everyone to understand the available range and evaluate the degree of its effectiveness.


Marina: “Before the vacation, I urgently needed to lose weight, so I purchased a package of Turboslim Express Weight Loss, since the manufacturer promises to get rid of 3 kilograms in the same number of days. However, I felt absolutely no effect, there was not even a cleansing of the body, although the composition contains some laxative herbs.”

Evgeniy: “I am a practicing nutritionist, and this is not the first time my patients have asked about the “Calorie Blocker.” I had to study this drug and the principle of its action in detail, it is indeed safe, but of all the ingredients listed in the composition, only white bean extract can promote weight loss. However, this component will not be enough to provide the result promised by the manufacturer, so the effectiveness of the product is exaggerated.”

Julia: “After giving birth, I gained almost 30kg excess weight, it took a very long time to get into shape. An almost year-long course of day and night capsules from Turboslim, combined with home exercise, helped me. I was able to eliminate virtually all the weight I had gained.”

Christina: “I recently discovered protein bars from Turboslim; they are simply an excellent remedy for combating overweight. The bar is very tasty and at the same time satisfying, with its help you can give up unnecessary snacks or replace your evening meal with it. In this case, weight loss occurs naturally, so I am completely calm about my health.”

Alexey: “I suffer from excess weight and at the same time I really love coffee, so I decided to buy a coffee drink from Turboslim.” Thought it was easy way get rid of obesity, but it gave me terrible diarrhea and dysbiosis. I was dissatisfied with the product, after it I can’t even look at regular coffee.”

Elizaveta: “I drank slimming tea from Turboslim to get rid of excess weight. The principle of action of the drink is clear; it works in the same way as regular green teas, that is, it has a diuretic effect and eliminates excess fluid. It's not particularly effective on its own, but it's a good addition to diets or exercise."

Georgy: “I am a nutritionist with quite a lot of experience, and patients very often ask me about various weight loss products, their effectiveness and safety. I have never advised anyone to take the Turboslim complex to control appetite. The mechanism of its work is based on the effect on the body, it really gives results.

However, chromium is present in the composition, so this product must be taken with extreme caution; the slightest deviation from the permissible dosages can lead to negative consequences and development of serious side effects».

Lyudmila: “With age, it has become much more difficult for me to resist excess weight, so I decided to use the Turboslim Drainage product, which is designed specifically for women over 45 years old. I heard a lot of negative opinions about it, but the drug helped me well, no side effects were observed. I can’t say that it completely solved my problem, but this remedy perfectly eliminates swelling and is very effective when taking other weight loss measures in parallel.”


Below are all the basic tools that can be purchased today:

  1. Express weight loss pills contain a complex of plant components that promote accelerated combustion fat deposits, removal of excess fluid and suppression of appetite. The drug is designed to quickly obtain results; the first positive changes can be noticed after 3 days. You need to drink 6 capsules per day, which have different colors and are intended for morning, afternoon or evening use; The duration of the course is no more than three days. The cost is 400 rubles.
  2. Calorie blocker tablets have special composition and an impact formula that inhibits the process of assimilation of carbohydrates obtained from food. For this reason, this drug is recommended primarily for people who have difficulty switching to a new diet. The cost of packaging is 300 rubles.
  3. Day capsules are a drug that promotes active daytime weight loss. This product has a complex effect on the body, allowing you to suppress the feeling of appetite, speed up metabolism, stimulate the process of burning fat deposits and removing residual products. Admission is carried out only once a day: during breakfast you need to take two capsules. To obtain a positive result, you must complete a full month course. The cost is 400 rubles.
  4. Night capsules are an analogue of the previous drug, but taking into account nocturnal biological rhythms, it allows you to lose weight during sleep. Taking this remedy will not allow fat deposits to be deposited during night sleep, and in the morning it will contribute to a comprehensive cleansing of the body. To obtain a similar result, you need to take 1-2 capsules during dinner, the course duration is at least a month. The cost is 400 rubles.
  5. Diet bar is designed to perform a number of functions, including supplying the body with the necessary amount of protein, suppressing the feeling of hunger, normalizing the chemical composition of the blood and reducing blood sugar levels, stimulating the process of burning fat deposits and providing a stimulating effect. You are allowed to consume only one bar per day; it is best to eat it between breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner. The cost is 85 rubles.
  6. Diet shake is a protein drink with a pleasant strawberry taste, while flavoring additives, preservatives, dyes, sugar and other undesirable ingredients are completely excluded from its composition. Taking this cocktail can significantly reduce your daily calorie intake without feeling any discomfort. To do this, it is enough to drink just one glass of drink a day; you can do this instead of dinner. The cost is 450 rubles.
  7. Slimming coffee is a regular drink to which vitamin PP has been added, as well as various plant extracts obtained from senna, burdock, horsetail and turmeric. Coffee has a diuretic effect, which allows you to quickly remove waste and toxins from the body, as well as excess fluid. After drinking the drink, the craving for food decreases, thereby reducing the amount of portions consumed. One sachet of dry basic dissolves in 150 ml of water, after which one portion of the drink is ready; no more than two doses per day are allowed. The cost is 200 rubles.
  8. Slimming Tea is a regular green drink that has been further enriched with various plant components. The mechanism of action is based on stimulation of natural metabolism and comprehensive cleansing of the body. You are allowed to drink no more than one glass of this tea every day; the procedure must be combined with food. The cost is 200 rubles.
  9. A complex of substances for appetite control is available in the form of tablets that contain only safe ingredients, including hoodia gordinia extract, natural dietary fiber, L-carnitine and chromium. You need to take one tablet daily before each meal. The cost of packaging is 220 rubles.
  10. Drink "Turboslim drainage" allows you to reduce body weight by removing excess fluid and reducing swelling. To date, the product has been released in different forms, including for women over 45 years of age and men. To prepare the drink, 10 ml of the additive will need to be diluted in a liter of water and consumed throughout the day. Depending on the chosen variety, the cost ranges from 250 to 350 rubles.


Based on the research and experience of people who took various drugs from Turboslim, the following conclusions can be drawn about the degree of their effectiveness:

  1. The drug "Turboslim Calorie Blocker" is not only the most effective, but also the safest product in the entire series. On average, a five-day course allows you to get rid of 3-5 kg ​​of weight, while weight loss occurs naturally.
  2. Drinks, especially tea and coffee, did not confirm the effectiveness that was promised by the manufacturer, and moreover, side effects associated with dysfunction digestive system. This was caused by a disruption of the natural intestinal microflora, which led to dysbacteriosis.
  3. The remaining drugs cannot be independent means for losing weight; they must be combined with active sports or adherence, only in this case they provide a positive result.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the main advantages of drugs produced under the Turboslim brand, the following features can be highlighted:

  1. Natural composition, absence of synthetic and potentially dangerous substances.
  2. Receipt positive effect when taking a set of measures for weight loss.
  3. A wide range of products allows each person to choose the most suitable option.
  4. Losing excess weight naturally, in most cases it occurs due to stimulation metabolic processes.
  5. Carrying out a comprehensive cleansing of the digestive system, which allows you to get rid of accumulated waste and toxins.

The main disadvantage is the low degree of effectiveness of certain types of drugs coupled with the risk of side effects.

The issue of losing weight does not leave any woman alone. In the modern world, there are many ways to lose weight, but losing weight is not always effective. In addition, not all women can eliminate foods that they are so accustomed to, and sports exercises are not always possible to do regularly. Diets do not bring permanent results, the kilograms soon return, so special drugs have been developed for weight control.

The most popular is Turboslim for weight loss, whose brand products are considered the most effective to date. Turboslim tablets can be found even in a regular grocery store, since the company has been a leader among a variety of drugs for effective weight loss for many years. This drug is effective assistance in improving metabolic processes. But there are several types of Turboslim, which differ in their spectrum of action, composition and effect. Which of these Turboslim drugs is most effective in a particular case will be discussed below.

Turboslim is a drug from the manufacturer Evalar, which is considered a dietary supplement to food. The company states that other dietary supplements are not as effective in losing weight. Many people are interested in how to drink Turboslim correctly to lose weight and whether the drug gives any results.

Please note: One of the problems that arises is choosing the right Turboslim, since the range of products is quite diverse and each turboslim has certain properties.

For example, some are intended for people with increased appetite, which is the cause of excess weight, some are for weight loss excess liquid from the body, some to speed up metabolism and others. In addition, each person needs an individual approach, since each body reacts differently. Now even many show business stars use Turboslim capsules for effective weight loss.

Types of the drug Turboslim

Turboslim Day

This drug Turboslim is distinguished by its content of effective active substances that trigger metabolic processes. The drug is also an effective assistant in cleansing harmful waste and toxins, the presence of which impairs the functionality of organs and also slows down the process of fat burning. This type must be taken for a month, strictly following the instructions for use. You should definitely take a break of at least 30 days. It is impossible to say for sure whether “Day” is the most effective supplement, but it undoubtedly improves the breakdown of fat deposits and reduces weight.

Turboslim Night

This Turboslim works at night, accelerating fat burning during sleep. It is necessary to use “Night” only before bedtime, which will ensure effective relief from extra pounds and a positive mood in the morning.

Important! This supplement is not used separately, but only in combination with “Day”.

Reviews of Turboslim Day and Night say that, thanks to lemon balm, hay and garcinia, which are part of the drug, they strengthen the body and have a sedative effect, which is not only necessary for losing weight, but also for normalizing sleep and getting rid of stress.

Turboslim Tea

This Turboslim cleanses harmful waste and toxins, and also normalizes intestinal function. This drug is not very effective in terms of weight loss, but it is necessary to cleanse the body. This, in turn, speeds up metabolic processes.

Turboslim Coffee

“Coffee” can be drunk throughout the day without restrictions, replacing regular coffee with it. When used regularly, the components of Turboslim help improve the absorption of nutrients. Of course, the drink will not get rid of a lot of excess weight, but it will perfectly reduce your appetite before eating, which will soon help you lose weight.

Turboslim cream

This is one of the newest products from the manufacturer, which has an effect at the site of application. The cream contains ingredients that help increase the elasticity of the skin. Vitamin E improves blood circulation throughout the body, which enhances the absorption of nutrients, thereby speeding up metabolism. The product is not the most effective, since it does not act comprehensively on the body. If the drug gives results, it will not be long-term.

Turboslim Express weight loss

The drug is the most popular among women. "Express weight loss" helps to achieve visible results in a short time. Consumption helps to get rid of 3 kg of excess weight 3 cm around the waist in just 3 days. Although the tablets are effective, the result is short-lived, since weight loss occurs due to maximum cleansing of the body with the help of a laxative and diuretic effect.

Important! When you stop using Turboslim, the kilograms quickly return to their places.

Turboslim Calorie Blocker

The ingredients of the product are completely natural. They help quickly break down food, absorb it and remove it from the body. Consumption of the product allows you to prevent the absorption of carbohydrates and fats into the walls of the stomach, which prevents them from being deposited. This allows you to lose weight. You should take 1 tablet. before each meal. Quick loss there will be no weight, but proper nutrition And sports exercises you can achieve effective weight loss.

Turboslim bars

For those who suffer from eliminating sugary foods from their diet while on a diet, you can breathe a sigh of relief. After all, Turboslim bars can be consumed during dietary restrictions and at the same time get rid of extra pounds. The ingredients of the bars are natural, including cereals, nuts, and honey. These ingredients are quite nourishing and tasty, so they also contain fat burners that help break down body fat. Turboslim bars should be eaten between main meals.

Their use has the following effect:

  • Long-term feeling of fullness and dulling of hunger;
  • Breakdown of fat deposits;
  • Appetite suppression;
  • Giving energy.

One bar contains about 110 kilocalories, so it is recommended to eat no more than two throughout the day.

Turboslim Lose weight in a week

There is even a full-fledged weight loss program from the manufacturer Evalar, which includes a variety of diets.

Among them are:

  • Meat menu;
  • Mediterranean menu;
  • Vegetarian menu.

Each menu includes special bags of dry food, which should be diluted with boiling water before consumption. The diet includes breakfast, lunch and dinner. Also, each diet has separate instructions, if the rules are fully followed, it is possible to lose extra pounds.

For maximum results, 3 steps should be followed:

  • Cleansing;
  • Weight loss;
  • Consolidation.

The first stage is characterized by cleansing the body of waste and toxins, normalizing the functionality of the intestinal tract, and accelerating metabolism. The second stage of taking the powder helps to get rid of the bulk of excess weight. But the third stage consolidates the results obtained and the transition to the usual diet occurs.

Of course, it is quite difficult to eat powders alone, especially for a long time, so the brand has created a menu in which you can additionally eat about 1,500 kilocalories, and the lower the weight of the person losing weight, the lower the calorie content of the food should be. This Turboslim is one of the most effective way weight loss among all the company's products, so it is recommended to choose this option.

Prices for Turboslim products

In the table below we provide approximate prices for Turboslim products, more detailed information you can find it on the official website of the company


The composition of Turboslim contains dietary supplements that do not have the best effect on the human condition.

Among the contraindications for taking the drug:

  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Allergic reactions to the components of Turboslim;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Jades;
  • Stones in the kidneys;
  • Heart diseases;
  • Cystitis.

Turboslim is also prohibited for people suffering from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as there is a risk of exacerbation.

Side effects

Turboslim also has many side effects. Many people report severe pain in the lower abdomen when using the pills for the first time. This is due to effective impact ingredients on the intestinal tract, which leads to softening of the stool and then excretion from the body. It may also be accompanied by bloating and colic.

Please note: Since the drug has a laxative effect, this can provoke the appearance of hemorrhoids, so it is not recommended to take products with this effect for weight loss, as there is a risk of problems and diseases in the body.

Often the intake is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. If such side effects exist, you should immediately stop using Turboslim.

The following symptoms appear no less often:

  • Anxiety;
  • Sleep problems;
  • Depression;
  • Stress and nervousness.

These side effects appear due to the presence of components in Turboslim that affect the functioning of the central nervous system. We must not forget that the drug is a supplement that does not allow you to lose weight, but only help with it. Under normal conditions unhealthy diet and lack sports loads, effective weight loss is impossible to achieve.

The company offers “Turboslim for weight loss” in a variety of release forms:

  • capsules,
  • pills,
  • bags,
  • bars,
  • liquid,
  • cream,
  • protein powder,
  • concentrates.

According to the annotation, various agents are effectively combined with each other, so their combinations bring maximum benefit.


Names of turboslim for weight loss:

  • capsules No. 30 – for the day, for the night;
  • bags No. 20 – tea, coffee;
  • express weight loss;
  • bar;
  • alpha;
  • concentrate;
  • cream active weight loss;
  • protein shake;
  • calorie blocker;
  • appetite control;
  • fitness.

Turboslim express weight loss in 3 days

Complex turboslim express weight loss in 3 days:

  • designed for urgent burning of lipids, suppressing the feeling of hunger, removing harmful substances and excess fluid, and bowel movements;
  • contains multi-colored tablets - for use during breakfast, lunch and dinner separately, as well as a sachet for a drink;
  • the composition of the tablets is extracts of guarana, fucus, garcinia, corn silk, red algae, hay, etc.
  • The sachet recipe contains lemon juice, green tea, fennel, oligofructose, prickly pear and artichoke flower extracts.

This composition of dietary supplements promotes very rapid breakdown and removal of lipids, eliminates swelling, effectively cleanses the gastrointestinal tract, accelerates metabolic processes, activates cellular metabolism, and suppresses hunger.

The scheme for losing excess weight using turboslim express weight loss in 3 days is as follows:

  • In the morning, take two white capsules. Soon you will feel cheerfulness and a frequent desire to go to the bathroom.
  • During the lunch break, they swallow pink capsules, also two of each. The result is that a feeling of fullness will appear much faster than usual, from a small portion of food.
  • Blue “evening” capsules will continue to influence the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and the breakdown of fats, and lemon balm will help you fall asleep faster, preventing possible attempts to spoil the day’s results with a late, heavy dinner.
  • Between taking the three types of capsules, you should drink a sachet. This is a herbal tea from a bag, the task of which is to act on the principle of drainage on the lymphatic system and kidneys. The bag is dissolved in a liter of water. The valuable ingredient in the sachet is oligofructose, which contains soluble dietary fiber. They are indispensable for intestinal activity and restoration of beneficial microflora.

The manufacturer assures that the program has undergone clinical trials, which have yielded extremely positive results: at the end of three days, a person gets rid of three or more kilograms of weight; During this time, the waist decreases by at least 3 - 3.8 cm.

You should know that the program is super fast weight loss recommended for healthy men and women, but contraindicated for children and patients with chronic diseases internal organs, as well as pregnant and nursing mothers and people prone to allergies to components of dietary supplements.

Turboslim day and night

Turboslim day and night formulas contain a variety of plant extracts, microelements and vitamins. Components of the daily product:

  • guarana extract – activates metabolism;
  • red algae extract – enhances interstitial microcirculation, accelerates the removal of toxins;
  • papaya extract – protects against tissue obesity;
  • citrus bioflavonoids – accelerate the breakdown of fats;
  • vitamins C and B3 – promote the process of weight loss, improve immunity, the condition of the skin and nervous system.

Turboslim night is based on the ability of the human body to lose calories during sleep. It turns out that you can easily lose about 400 calories during a night's rest. The dietary supplement components further stimulate this process.

Night capsules also consist of herbal ingredients:

  • lemon balm extract normalizes nerves and sleep;
  • Garcinia extract reduces lipid accumulations, has disinfecting properties, improves the skin;
  • hay extract stimulates the intestines;
  • microelements and vitamins increase immune strength, have a positive effect on the nervous system, regulate digestion and cholesterol levels.

Composition of turboslim

The dietary supplement recipe uses natural plant substances obtained by extraction. Turboslim in various forms of release contains such a variety of extracts from flowers, stems, leaves that impresses even knowledgeable people.

Combined beneficial features both local and exotic plants: grape leaves and corn stigmas, prickly pear and artichoke, fennel and lemon balm, burdock and horsetail, garcinia and fucus, hay and cherry stalks, turmeric and algae.

The tea is based on green tea, with the addition of beneficial components of cherry stalks, Alexandria leaves and corn silks.

Coffee is produced according to a recipe that combines ground Arabica beans with extracts of garcinia, turmeric, burdock root, and horsetail.

CJSC Evalar is the largest Russian concern for the production of dietary supplements, and it was in its secret laboratories that a weight loss product was developed, which became a bestseller and is still at the top of the relevant ratings.

Subjected to numerous tests and studies, Turboslim day-night capsules showed good results, but several side effects and disadvantages were identified. However, any method of combating excess weight has them.

The product is based on an enhanced formula, thanks to which the “smart” drug is able to take into account the biological rhythms of the human body in the process of getting rid of unnecessary kilograms. Is that possible?


In Turboslim capsules, the composition is not the same day and night, taking into account the fact that they must be taken at different times of the day. It is thanks to such a well-developed, enhanced formula that weight loss becomes several times more effective than using conventional drugs.


The following herbal ingredients can be found in Turboslim Day capsules:

  • L-carnitine tartrate (246 mg), including pure L-carnitine (150 mg);
  • guarana extract (198 mg), including caffeine (18 mg);
  • cherry stem extract (96 mg);
  • chromium picolinate (1.2 mg), including chromium (140 mcg);
  • inulin (44.8 mg);

They have a predominantly anti-edematous and drainage effect on the body.


In Turboslim night capsules, the composition is different, as it is aimed primarily at accelerating metabolic processes and removing harmful substances from the body.

Ingredients listed here include:

  • garcinia extract (230 mg), including hydroxycitric acid (100 mg);
  • senna (200 mg), including chrysophanic acid (10 mg);
  • chitosan 100 mg;
  • fennel (40 mg);
  • lemon balm extract (20 mg);
  • vegetable calcium stearate (small amount);
  • silicon dioxide (small amount).

Each of the components of Turboslim capsules performs specific functions day and night, influencing the different systems. Together, there is a rapid and effective weight loss, especially if you take the drugs not separately from each other, but as a single system for high-quality cleansing of the body.

It is interesting to find out exactly how, as a result of their interaction, getting rid of extra pounds occurs.

Note! Turboslim night capsules contain chitosan - a unique and very beneficial substance for the body, which is extracted from chitin. This is a component of the shells of sea crabs, shrimp, lobsters, lobsters, crayfish, etc.

Mechanism of action

The composition is truly impressive, but will it all work in a single system? What do scientific studies say? What can the reviews of those who have already struggled with excess weight in this way tell? Let's try to find out whether Turboslim helps you lose weight day and night, through the mechanism of action of its main ingredients.


Here, for example, is how Turboslim Day works, according to the manufacturers:

  • has an anti-edematous effect;
  • has drainage properties;
  • activates metabolism, all kinds of metabolic processes in cells;
  • burns fat;
  • reduces appetite;
  • reduces craving for sweets;
  • invigorates thanks to caffeine.

Thus, the action of Turboslim Day is aimed at natural weight loss without exhausting diets and heavy physical activity during daylight hours, while we work, rest, and move. Night capsules behave differently.


Now is the time to find out how Turboslim night works:

  • accelerates natural processes losing weight at night;
  • cleanses the body;
  • reduces evening appetite, so at night you don’t want to run to the refrigerator every now and then;
  • promotes increased calorie consumption to obtain the necessary energy;
  • binds fats;
  • prevents their deposition.

As you can see, the effect of Turboslim night is, first of all, the activation of metabolic processes that occur in the body in the dark. When a person sleeps, energy is not spent on anything and turns into deposits on the sides, waist, hips and other parts of the body. These clever, fortified capsules prevent you from burning through your daily calories.

That is, the weight loss effect is achieved due to the fact that the natural biorhythms of the human body are taken into account and a complex effect occurs on the main causes of excess weight.

It's hard to say which is better: Turboslim night or day - since ideally they should work together. That is, if you want to lose weight quickly and effectively, you need to take capsules both in the morning and in the evening. If you think that this will be too serious a shock for your body, consider the indications for their separate use.

According to scientific data. Clinical studies were conducted on the effectiveness of Turboslim capsules day and night. 35 people with varying degrees of obesity were selected. During the experiment, which lasted exactly a month, 60% of the subjects managed to lose weight, and 40%... gained weight!


Capsules Day:

  • swelling after the night;
  • metabolic disease;
  • increased appetite during the day;
  • strong craving for sweets;
  • weakness and lethargy throughout the day.

Capsules Night:

  • increased appetite in the evening;
  • fat deposits;
  • stomach problems at night.

If we talk about complex use, Turboslim tablets are recommended to be used day and night by anyone who has increased body weight, fat deposits and excessive, uncontrollable appetite throughout 24 hours a day.

If you cannot withstand grueling diets, and going to the gym is an unaffordable luxury for you, this weight loss system from the Evalar company is a good way out of the situation. But only if you have no contraindications for its use.

This is interesting! The drug Turboslim Day contains caffeine, which, according to nutritionists, also has the ability to suppress appetite. However, recent studies by Canadian scientists have partially refuted this fact. Caffeine reduces hunger only in men. It has no effect on women!


Both drugs Turboslim day and night have the following contraindications, which are listed in the instructions:

  • individual intolerance;
  • lactation;
  • pregnancy.

However, as practice shows, this list should be significantly expanded due to the powerful laxative effect that these miracle weight loss capsules have.

  • diabetes;
  • increased body temperature;
  • children (up to 18 years old) and elderly (after 55) age;
  • severe chronic diseases;
  • regular use of any medications;
  • hypertension;
  • problems with the nervous system;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • diseases of the excretory system;
  • stones.

Much will also depend on which method of using Turboslim weight loss capsules you choose. If it is only day or only night, some relaxations in terms of contraindications are possible. Cleansing the body will not be as intense, and the laxative effect of the tablets will be half as pronounced. Accordingly, the chance of undesirable consequences becomes much lower.

If everything is done carefully, according to the instructions, no problems with losing weight should arise.

Keep in mind. Competent manufacturers of Turboslim day and night, who have extensive experience in developing weight loss products, make a very important note in the instructions for the drug in the “Contraindications” column: before use, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor. Do not neglect this valuable advice - and then weight loss will give excellent results without complications.


Although the dietary supplement is not a drug, before using it for weight loss, you need to carefully study the capsule dosage regimen. For this purpose there is an instruction manual, which contains detailed description How to take Turboslim day and night correctly. Each time of day has its own weight loss system.


Let's see how to drink Turboslim day, according to the instructions.

  1. Take 2 capsules at once.
  2. Take in the morning, during breakfast.
  3. Weight loss course - 1 month. If desired, it can be extended. In a shorter period of time, you may not achieve the desired result.

The regimen is simple and does not require any serious effort.


Turboslim night has a similar weight loss scheme.

  1. Drink 1-2 capsules. That is, there is still a difference with daily capsules. If there is not much excess weight, 1 tablet will be enough. If this is obesity, which you will have to work with for more than one month, it is better to start immediately with 2 capsules.
  2. Take in the evening, during dinner.
  3. The weight loss course lasts 1 month, but it can be extended if desired.

If you need an urgent and stunning result, the simultaneous use of these two drugs is recommended.

For quick weight loss, the Evalar company also has effective remedy, which we recommend taking a closer look at in the article: “”.

Day Night

If you want to see impressive numbers on the scale, you can start taking both Turboslim drugs day and night. But at the same time, it is advisable to be aware that the cleansing of the body will occur several times more intense. Accordingly, the load on the excretory systems will increase. Will they stand this test? Will it be comfortable for you to constantly run to the toilet during the day - interrupting the work process, and at night - disrupting your sleep? Think about it.

The double capsule regimen is a convenient combination of the previous two.

  1. In the morning, during breakfast, - 2 red capsules Turboslim day.
  2. In the evening, during dinner, - 1 or 2 blue capsules Turboslim night.
  3. The weight loss course remains the same - 1 month.

Women want to take care of themselves and control their weight constantly. But in the fight for slim figure Without body fat, a lot of time is wasted, since a large part of life is spent sleeping. But most of the drugs offered on the market are designed only for daily shedding of extra pounds.

The Turboslim biocomplex takes into account the chronobiology of weight loss, allowing you to lose weight both day and night. You can achieve good results, but only if side effects do not begin to manifest themselves.

Helpful advice. And yet, losing weight will be more rapid if you supplement Turboslim day and night with at least minor exercise (well, at least force yourself to walk in the evenings) and follow the basic principles of proper nutrition.

Side effects

Well, now, perhaps, the most important thing, which is why many are afraid to use this biocomplex, are the side effects of Turboslim day and night, about which there are a lot of not very positive feedback online. What makes them possible?

Someone did not calculate their strength and chose a double blow to the extra pounds - the body could not stand it. Some people ignore the list of contraindications. There are also those who believe: the more the better, but as a result it turns out that the kilograms have not gone away, and even health problems have arisen.

What should you be wary of after intensive weight loss with Turboslim day and night? Among the most common side effects are:

  • the laxative effect of senna lasts throughout the day and has the unfortunate tendency to intensify every day;
  • discomfort from frequent, repeated bowel movements;
  • Constantly loose stools provoke heaviness in the stomach;
  • intestinal inflammation;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • if there is a lack of water, dehydration can begin, so it is advisable to drink about 2 liters of liquid per day when losing weight;
  • weakness, dizziness, fainting, confusion;
  • guarana in Turboslim day capsules increases the level of adrenaline, which whets the appetite, so in some cases the opposite effect is observed - not weight loss, but weight gain;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • inexplicable feeling of anxiety;
  • aggression and irritability.
  • vasodilation: facial hyperemia and a feeling of heat are possible.

As you can see, the picture of losing weight with the help of Turboslim tablets day and night is far from idyllic and easy to obtain the desired results. Efficiency on average is up to 3 kg (also not exactly impressive figures).

Are you ready to endure the laxative effect of the drug for all this? But in parallel with this, you need to go to work, do household chores + it is recommended to conduct active image life, while also eating right. There are a lot of conditions, the results are guaranteed, but minimal. Decide for yourself if it's worth it.

This drug works best in combination with a diet, for those who have trouble with willpower, this is just what you need) I’ve used it not for the first time, in a month if you take care of yourself you can easily lose 5 kg, if you have trouble with night gobblers (I get this condition... This drug works best in combination with a diet, for those who have trouble with willpower, this is just what you need) I’ve used it not for the first time, in a month if you take care of yourself you can easily lose 5 kg, if you have trouble with night gorges (for me this condition appears with the onset of cold weather in autumn/winter) I buy turboslim night with these tablets, the result is also good, although I drink them often I don’t notice any side effects, during the entire period of use I lost more than 15 kg for sure, from this company also periodically I buy myself tea and coffee, but they are more suitable for those who need to cleanse the intestines and remove toxins from the body.


For those who expect a quick result, I’ll immediately disappoint you, the weight loss from the pills is very slow, but thanks to them, for the first time in my life, I was able to completely stick to the diet without breakdowns, although the burst of energy promised by the manufacturer from the pills was so I didn’t feel it, but overall... For those who expect a quick result, I’ll immediately disappoint you, the weight loss from the pills is very slow, but thanks to them, for the first time in my life, I was able to completely stick to the diet without breakdowns, although the burst of energy promised by the manufacturer from the pills was so and didn’t feel it, but overall I managed to lose weight, I lost three kg and I’m grateful for that), the weight didn’t return after stopping the drug, I didn’t find any negative changes in my health either, on the contrary, I got an incentive to lose weight further, signed up for the gym and bought myself an alpha complex, I hope this way you can start your metabolism.


The course went without side effects, although I was very afraid of diarrhea. There was a laxative effect, but it was small, it didn’t cause me any discomfort, I’m even glad that the intestines were finally cleaned out. Regarding weight loss, I am very pleased, I lost 3 kilos and this despite the fact that all my activity was walking to work and going up/down stairs.... The course went without side effects, although I was very afraid of diarrhea. There was a laxative effect, but it was small, it didn’t cause me any discomfort, I’m even glad that the intestines were finally cleaned out. Regarding weight loss, I am very pleased, I lost 3 kilos and this despite the fact that all my activity was walking to work and going up/down stairs. But by the way, I actually began to eat less with him. So Turboslim enhanced formula works for the day!

As soon as I feel that I have eaten too much I run after them, they always help out) they contain guarana extract (suppresses the feeling of hunger, energizes), carnitine (helps speed up fat burning processes), cherry extract (has a laxative and diuretic effect) I always take them monthly course, two tablets every day. Depending on my fat level... As soon as I feel like I've eaten too much, I always run after them.
help out) they contain guarana extract (suppresses hunger, energizes), carnitine (helps speed up fat burning processes), cherry extract (has a laxative and diuretic effect) I always take them in a monthly course, two tablets every day. Depending on the degree of my fat content, the result manifests itself differently, sometimes you can lose 5 kg easily, but if excess fat less, then the result is usually 2-3 kg, then you have to add physical exercise. No matter how much you lose, the result remains stable for a long time.


I really wanted to lose weight by the summer, but because of problems with my back it was not possible to play sports, I was completely hopeless, my last hope was to try diet pills and even though everyone at home tried to dissuade me, citing bad reviews and side effects, I took a risk and didn’t do it one bit. I regretted it. I managed to lose 3 kg without any... I really wanted to lose weight by the summer, but because of problems with my back it was not possible to play sports, I was completely hopeless, my last hope was to try diet pills and even though everyone at home tried to dissuade me, citing bad reviews and side effects, I took a risk and didn’t do it one bit. I regretted it. I managed to lose 3 kg without any diets or sports, and despite the bad prophecies of relatives, there were no allergic reactions, so I can confidently recommend it. The weight did not return, on the contrary, thanks to the pills, my appetite decreased within a month. After stopping taking the pills, my stomach was already accustomed to receiving a smaller portion at a time, so I continue to lose weight a little and continue without the drug. There was an incentive to try something else and move on.

I used these pills in combination with nighttime weight loss, I really liked the fact that they gave me energy, decreased appetite and some kind of resistance to stress or something, I wasn’t so irritated at the sight of cookies and sweets, the nighttime gluttons stopped bothering me completely. Within a month, intestinal function returned to normal and I managed to lose 3 kg, my stomach disappeared, my volume melted... I used these pills in combination with nighttime weight loss, I really liked the fact that they gave me energy, decreased appetite and some kind of resistance to stress or something, I wasn’t so irritated at the sight of cookies and sweets, the nighttime gluttons stopped bothering me completely. In a month, intestinal function returned to normal and I managed to lose 3 kg, my belly disappeared, my volume melted, and this despite the fact that there was no sports at all, and the diet was not particularly followed. A little later I want to try this complex again, but also include some additional physical activity. I highly recommend it to those who have not yet decided to try it; I personally have not experienced any side effects.

Volodina Raya

I started losing weight on Turboslim 3 months ago and thought that after a month on the drug the weight would come back and that’s it, I’d have to look for a new way to lose weight, but so far I’m losing weight and that’s good)) The weight is coming off at a steady rate of 4 kg per month, it’s not that fast , as I expected, but not... I started losing weight on Turboslim 3 months ago and thought that after a month on the drug the weight would come back and that’s it, I’d have to look for a new way to lose weight, but so far I’m losing weight and that’s good)) The weight is coming off at a steady rate of 4 kg per month, it’s not that fast , as I expected, but no stretch marks appear. In general, I have such a figure that fat accumulates on my stomach and now it has become almost flat, of course there is a little bit of fat sticking out, but it looks aesthetically pleasing)

Depending on my mood and the occasion, I choose what suits me best. If you’ve eaten a lot and need to really unload, I take a day/night complex; if you just want to have fasting and cleansing days, I buy Turboslim tea/coffee; if I have a photo shoot, I buy express weight loss in three days). Any drug in this series cleanses the intestines well, removes excess... Depending on my mood and the occasion, I choose what suits me best. If you’ve eaten a lot and need to really unload, I take a day/night complex; if you just want to have fasting and cleansing days, I buy Turboslim tea/coffee; if I have a photo shoot, I buy express weight loss in three days). Any drug in this series cleanses the intestines well, removes excess water due to which the body is well toned. A HUGE PLUS to the drugs is that they suppress the feeling of hunger and stop the temptation to chew something before going to bed).

I recommend trying day and night together. I decided to take it on the recommendation of a friend, she praised Turboslim too much. I ordered both supplements on the herbal market website for two courses at once (I drank with a break of 10 days between courses) with a good discount, I took them strictly according to the instructions. By the way, don’t forget that you need... I recommend trying day and night together. I decided to take it on the recommendation of a friend, she praised Turboslim too much. I ordered both supplements on the herbal market website for two courses at once (I drank with a break of 10 days between courses) with a good discount, I took them strictly according to the instructions. By the way, do not forget that you need to drink about 2 liters of water per day. In two and a half months I became 12kg lighter, and this is an excellent result for me.
I recommend

I once used other diet pills, but they didn’t help me, but I really enjoyed the day. When I took them, I had little appetite and I didn’t want to overeat, because of this it was very easy to lose weight and I didn’t take the drug for a month there was not a single breakdown, although I am a human being, one might say... I once used other diet pills, but they didn’t help me, but I really enjoyed the day. When I took them, I had little appetite and I didn’t want to overeat, because of this it was very easy to lose weight and I didn’t take the drug for a month there was not a single breakdown, although I am a person, one might say, without willpower and it is common for me to constantly have breakdowns)

When I took the drug, there was no heaviness in the stomach, diarrhea, pain, the pills didn’t really affect anything except weight loss and didn’t even weaken me, and this is a huge plus for me!
If you lose weight on them, then get ready for the fact that you may have to reduce the portions to which you are accustomed, you should not be afraid of this, this is a normal phenomenon when you drink a drug based on L-carnitine, guarana and chromium picolinate... And you will lose weight quickly , I lost 5 kg in a month.


I’ve lost weight on many dietary supplements, but so far for me the easiest and most optimal weight loss remains weight loss on turbo slims. I drink them separately, it’s more convenient for me and doesn’t cost me. Daily capsules are an ideal option for those who eat all the time))) When I take them, it’s for food... I’ve lost weight on many dietary supplements, but so far for me the easiest and most optimal weight loss remains weight loss on turbo slims. I drink them separately, it’s more convenient for me and doesn’t cost me.
Daily capsules are an ideal option for those who eat all the time))) When I take them, I don’t feel like eating at all, I start to feel hungry exactly when I’m really hungry and my stomach is already starting to digest itself. Thanks to the fact that I eat little, I lose weight quickly. And L-carnitine additionally enhances fat burning, turning fat into energy, so I eat little, but I feel good and even more cheerful than when I overeat everything.
With these tablets, normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is still restored. since he is not overloaded with food and can work calmly.
It seems to me that every overweight girl should try this product, it’s impossible not to lose weight with it! Well, if you don’t like it, you won’t buy it again (although I’m sure that after drinking and losing weight on this dietary supplement once, you will return to it again and again... well, everyone just judges for themselves))))


I like the entire line of Turboslim weight loss products, I don’t use them often, but I lose a lot, as it accumulates over a year or two. I used the complexes day and night 3 times and I think that they should be combined, since they complement each other) Now I want to talk about day capsules, since, it seems to me, they perform... I like the entire line of Turboslim weight loss products, I don’t use them often, but I lose a lot, as it accumulates over a year or two. I used the day and night complexes 3 times and I think that they should be combined, since they complement each other)
Now I want to talk about daily capsules, since it seems to me that they do the main job. Thanks to them, I eat less during the day, and not because I want to, but because they contain certain natural substances that reduce hunger and do not allow the brain to send false signals about hunger, for example, when you are nervous... and it also decreases craving for sweets thanks to chromium picolinate (by the way, this supplement can be purchased separately, but it will cost... In Turboslim, picolinate is combined with other components and works even better.
There is no nausea, diarrhea or bloating from daily capsules, they essentially have no effect at all except reducing appetite and accelerating fat burning…. In the first place in the composition there is guarana, which is supposed to “invigorate”, but I did not notice such an effect, at least if there is one, it is not pronounced.
In general, it’s better to drink complexes day and night together, since I believe that if you’re going to lose weight, then lose weight thoroughly)) With a day complex you can lose 3-4 kg, but if you add Night, then I lost up to 9 kg, and in general 6-7 stable.