An article on the topic of why an athlete needs education. Professional sports and studies: is it possible to combine them? Professional sports and studies

Higher sports education stands somewhat apart from others. Because, in addition to teachers physical culture and coaches, nurtures athletes - the pride of any nation.

In addition, it should be understood that in universities of physical education and sports they teach not only how to run, swim or shoot (or how to subsequently teach this to their students). The most important subjects for a future teacher or coach are psychology, management, pedagogy, anatomy, sociology, jurisprudence and others related not so much physical development how many people are there? psychological mood. Because not a single sporting achievement - even the most insignificant - can be achieved without the appropriate attitude. And this is precisely the purpose of the future physical education teacher, coach or specialists developing the scientific foundations of physical education, sports, sports tourism and even rehabilitation of people with physical disabilities.

Sports specialties

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, there are, by and large, not many sports specialties - there are (enlarged) only 3 of them - teachers (coaches), educational psychologists and physical education and sports managers. In this regard, it would be more correct to compile the popularity rating according to sports professions that a higher sports education can provide, and in this case the TOP 5 would look something like this:

  • manager in the system of Olympic and professional sports (graduated from the faculty of the same name);
  • coach-teacher (in the same system) - especially in such rating and high-budget sports as football, hockey, tennis and some others;
  • valeology specialist;
  • manager in the field of sports tourism;
  • doctor in the field of physical rehabilitation.

Where to get it

Today in Russian Federation there are 25 tourism and tourism (f.k.i.s.) - including branches:

In addition, there are also dozens of separate faculties at pedagogical and military universities - such as, for example, the Faculty of Physical Sciences at the Siberian State Aerospace Institute.

According to the new Federal State Educational Standard, the curricula of sports universities include:

  • humanitarian-social-economic cycle (of course, with a basic and variable part), including hours in history, philosophy, economic theory, political science, psychology, foreign language, etc.);
  • natural science cycle (with training in computer science, natural science fundamentals of physical science and science, sports metrology, etc.);
  • professional cycle (anatomy, human biochemistry, pedagogy and management of f.c.i.s., methodology and theory of the chosen sport, physiotherapy and massage, etc.);
  • and, finally, practical classes in several sports chosen by the student).

Forms of training

Education in sports universities, in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Science and Sports, is carried out both on a budgetary and paid basis. As for full-time, part-time, evening and distance learning, everything depends on the specifics of the university and the chosen specialty.

Second higher

Restrictions for obtaining a second higher education sports education(and in sports this is a very common phenomenon) does not exist - the only difference from receiving the first one is the absence of a free basis.

– Where do athletes learn?
– We say, “they are preparing.” In sports schools, as well as sports schools Olympic reserve. This is a multi-year step-by-step training system. Recruitment and selection takes place in three levels, one might say, according to the principle “I want, I can, I must.” For those who just want to play sports - additional general education programs. These are “sports and recreational groups.” Those who can already withstand the load are given the opportunity to try their hand on a competitive basis in additional pre-professional programs. Well, of course, we select the most promising volunteers for the programs sports training. Children who showed top scores, study at state expense. However, children who do not pass the competitive selection are also accepted into the sports school. True, they already take classes there, as a rule, on a paid basis.

– At what age should children start playing sports?
– There are different opinions on this matter. Some people think that you can start at three years old. I believe that best age- 6–12 years. It is during this period that children develop an interest in sports in general. And over time, the child will be able to understand on his own or with the help of a coach what exactly he is interested in and what he can achieve success in. By the way, sports and pedagogical navigation is one of the areas of work of the experimental site, which the Bagira consulting and analytical center conducts jointly with the Sport-Nova company. We have a simple set of tests that allows you to understand whether a child is ready to play sports, or whether he is still too young for this. Then we observe the child, invite him to try himself in those sports that he might like, and finally choose the most suitable one.

I think it is very important to help undecided children find themselves in sports. With gifted children (of which about 20%) they lead active work. The same applies to children with special needs. But few people study for the majority of children who do not have a pronounced talent.

– At what age do children enter sports schools?
– Depends on the sport. IN rhythmic gymnastics, for example, they often go as early as 6 years old. But as a rule - at 8–10 years. In swimming, by the age of 15, a person can become an international master of sports. But there are also activities where learning begins much later - at the age of 14–16. For example, such a threshold in rowing. Rowers must have developed muscles and a large lung capacity, which a child does not have. The last to come to bobsleigh is that people can only take it from the age of 18. Although in Germany, people start bobsleighing at the age of 12–14.

On average optimal age to determine the sports talent of a child - 12–14 years old. It is during this period that a person develops the qualities necessary for an athlete.

– How do athletes prepare?
- Preparation sports reserve- this is a multi-year process. After we helped the children choose a sport, the children begin to pass intensive programs training. The entire sports training system is built in such a way that a person can then become an adult. sports life and become a member sports team, defend the honor of the country in competitions or go into professional sports.

In addition, the task of the sports reserve is to help the child stay in sports as a profession. They work not only with children whom the coach considers promising. We do not deprive any of the students of attention, we simply take into account that some will not become athletes, but will then be focused on something else.

– What sports are most popular in our country?
– Perhaps the most popular are football, basketball, swimming, Athletics And ski race. But hockey or handball are very popular in Russia, but they have never been widespread. After all, for example, you can’t play hockey so easily - you need special conditions and equipment. Our people are much more willing to look hockey matches than they play themselves.

– What school subjects should a person who wants to become an athlete pay attention to?
– Biology, particularly anatomy. An athlete needs to understand which muscle group hurts after exercise and why it does it, monitor his diet, and be able to organize the training process.

Understanding the laws of physics and mathematical logic will help avoid many injuries. And of course, you need to learn foreign languages. A novice athlete may not need them. However, in the future, ignorance of them can slow down your career. For example, a person may be offered to become an official representative of an international federation, but he will not be able to because he does not know English or German.

– Does an athlete need a higher education?
– Some stop at secondary vocational education. We have schools of Olympic reserve (for example, in the capital - Moscow Secondary Specialized School of Olympic Reserve No. 1 - approx. site), where athletes can not only develop their physical skills, but also obtain a coaching specialty.

However, many people prefer to get a higher education. At one time, we calculated that there are about 150 universities in our country that train specialists in the field of physical education and sports. Many athletes even have two higher educations - one related to physical education, and the other - economic, legal or even technical.

– What can a graduate become? sports school who decided not to become an athlete?
– Some can become coaches, others can become sports managers. You can be a sports journalist. We also need qualified sports lawyers, operators, and engineers. There is an interesting job for everyone in our industry.

By the way, interest in the profession of sports manager surged after the Olympics in Sochi. People realized that sport competitions can be spectacular and colorful.

– What higher education do you need to get to become a sports manager?
– A person can choose one of the universities that train specialists in the field of sports. In addition, a system of additional professional education is now developing - very interesting sports management programs are being actively launched with the support of Olympic Committee Russia. For example, I created my own program in sports administration.

Very interesting training programs in sports management are conducted at the Faculty of Economics.

– Should a sports manager be a former athlete himself?
– In my opinion, the time of managers who could manage it without understanding the process is coming to an end. A modern manager must understand what he is working with. Of course, no one will demand outstanding results from a manager, but, at a minimum, he should have been involved in sports as a child.

– Will athletes be in demand in the future? Will robots replace real players?
– I believe that robots will replace low-skilled specialists, and the athletes will be safe. With the development of technology, a person will move less and less, but in order to be healthy, he must maintain himself in good physical fitness, you need to do physical exercise. However, man is a rather lazy creature, so he needs a competitive spirit that will help him get up and go to training. Competitions with yourself, with a neighbor, with another team. Therefore, sports will undergo a technological revolution, and no robots will be able to replace athletes who will create a spectacle and encourage other people to play sports.

– Will the need for sports managers continue?
“I think it will even grow.” A colossal number of sports facilities are being built throughout the country. This happens both at the expense of the state and at the expense of various business structures, for example, as in the case of the Krasnaya Polyana complex. On the one hand, these objects are in demand, but on the other hand, there is a shortage of modern specialist organizers who can work not only in the accepted state system, but also create a new product.

– Can an athlete earn a living by playing only sports?
- Certainly. But we need to distinguish between professional sports and high performance sports. In sports highest achievements The athlete’s task is to withstand colossal competition at the right time and win competitions, for example, Olympic Games. While the athlete participates in major sporting events, his salary is paid by the state, because it is the state that authorizes him to represent the country in the competition. The state is interested in showing that we are strong through victories in the Olympics and World Championships, as well as increasing people’s interest in sports.

After a person stops taking part in the most important competitions, he can go into professional sports, the main task which is to make a colorful show. For example, this is exactly what the famous figure skater Evgeni Plushenko did. Having become a two-time Olympic winner, he retired from high-achievement sports and now performs in front of spectators.

– What can an athlete do if he leaves elite sport and decides to do something else?
– He can remain a professional athlete for a long time. For example, in sailing You can perform sports up to fifty. Many become coaches or sports managers, leaders in the sports field, or go into sports journalism. For example, Denis Pankratov from the channel is a two-time Olympic champion. I believe that from former athletes they turn out to be the best sports journalists, because in order to talk about something, you need to try it on yourself. Is it possible to talk about the taste of an apple without trying the apple?

– What would you recommend reading to a teenager who wants to become an athlete?
– There is a specialized publishing house “Sport”, which publishes a lot of popular literature - interesting books our athletes, team descriptions. Of course, there are more serious books related to training and psychology. A high school student can go to the publisher’s website and choose what will be interesting to him.

Essay on the topic: “The quality of education as a component of an athlete’s success.” Olympic athletes have always been a source of pride and the face of entire states. The younger generation looks up to them and is entrusted with great responsibility. Athletes also participate in world and European championships, sports competitions and many others. For a comfortable stay in one or another part of the world, knowledge of foreign languages ​​and culture of a given country and their laws is necessary. Also, do not forget that an athlete must know the culture and history of his country. In this regard, the athlete needs to receive a quality education.



Essay on the topic of:

“The quality of education as a component of an athlete’s success.”

Completed by: Antipova Margarita Vladimirovna.

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for the whole day.

Teach him to fish and you will feed him for life.”

Lao Tzu.

Olympic athletes have always been a source of pride and the face of entire states. The younger generation looks up to them and is entrusted with great responsibility. Athletes also participate in world and European championships, sports competitions and many others. For a comfortable stay in one or another part of the world, knowledge of foreign languages ​​and culture of a given country and their laws is necessary. Also, do not forget that an athlete must know the culture and history of his country. In this regard, the athlete needs to receive a quality education.

But this is all in the future, and for now the students of the Olympic Reserve School No. 1 are just beginning this path. My main task, as a teacher, is to be as accessible as possible and in short time train young athletes. Give them a thorough knowledge of the subject and how it will be useful to them in life. It would seem that mathematics and sports are very far from each other, but now in the 21st century, victory is sometimes achieved with a difference of hundredths of a second. Knowing the results of their opponents helps athletes try to improve their performance. The subject of mathematics will help you correctly calculate your chances of winning and the algorithm for achieving these goals. Also, our athletes often “drive weight”; they need to make correct calculations on the number of calories they consumed during the day and how much they spent during training. Only correctly calculated and applied training plan does not harm their health and allows them to achieve significant sporting results. As you understand, it all comes down to numbers and algebraic algorithms. Without this knowledge, an athlete left alone for a certain period of time will not be able to calmly and independently control his training process.

As you know, the life of an athlete, unfortunately, is not long and sooner or later he has to leave the sport with age or, sadly, due to injuries. And what does he do now, what to do with that huge period of time that is formed if you remove sports from the life of an athlete. In order for an athlete to realize himself not only in sports, but also in life, he needs comprehensive development and quality education. It is important for a young athlete to know that he will be able to realize himself not only in sports, but also in other areas of activity. Many successful athletes open their own schools, protect the interests of athletes in the State Duma, help save lives by realizing their abilities in the ranks of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations and, of course, master coaching activities. All these professions today require higher education and sometimes even more than one.

Student athletes do not have any privileges and enter higher education institutions on a general basis. To do this, you need to pass exams not only in general subjects such as Russian language and mathematics, but also additional exams, for example: history, social studies or biology. It is quite difficult for students to combine academic and training activities. But I’ve been trying to broaden my horizons since elementary school, solving problems in statistics and probability theory with them, explaining to them where this or that problem can be useful in life. I clearly explain to them problems about calculating interest in a bank, a mortgage, and about winning the lottery. I try to solve mathematical problems related to various subjects such as physics, chemistry, biology and history. The ability to solve such problems develops resourcefulness and ingenuity. I also try to teach students to express their thoughts competently and coherently. Be able to clearly and competently answer questions posed in a task.

Relatively recently, at different periods of study, students entered the school who showed good results at competitions, but when answering at the board, they both called the unit “one”. The students did not notice anything contradictory in this, but as soon as I gave the example that if they were interviewed after winning the international competitions foreign journalists and they would answer that the “one” place is a source of pride for them and they would not be able to transfer, the students thought.

I believe that an educated person is strong man who will be able to realize himself in various fields of activity and easily move from one type of activity to another. Society is developing. New technologies and sports are emerging that combine mental and physical activity(such as chessboxing). If a person is educated, he is strong as a person. This means he is strong in spirit and capable of winning.

Educating athletes is not an easy task. On the one hand, it is necessary to carry out regular workouts, on the other hand, it is required to obtain a general education. However, for athletes this sometimes becomes a difficult task.

And it's not a matter of ability. It’s just that education is not an easy thing, especially when the general education system and the sports training system do not coincide. They exist on their own. The state can promote sports as much as it wants, but no one has canceled the general education of athletes.

And then problems arise with combining regular school and sports training, not to mention competitions and long training camps. In addition, there has long been an opinion that the education of athletes is a secondary thing. Like, the main thing is sports achivments, everything else comes later. But it is not so. Knowledge is necessary in any business, because no one has canceled the strategy and logic of actions during competitions. And for this you need a good education.

Today it is not difficult to combine study and sports. This is precisely why external studies or distance learning exist. What are the benefits of distance education for athletes?

  • It is easy to combine training and training;
  • There is no need to attend school;
  • No need to take time off from classes;
  • All educational materials stored on the server;
  • You can study abroad;
  • Intensive training allows you to finish school earlier;
  • The training schedule is adjusted depending on the sports plan, and not vice versa;

And there is one more significant addition: education for athletes is necessary if there is a desire to enter a university or continue a sports career as a manager. In this case, distance education will allow you to combine work and remote training. In addition, upon completion sports career The question of the education of athletes may arise again, since it may be advisable to change their profession.

Moreover, the external program will be convenient for both amateurs and professional athletes. Dance Sport, figure skating, football, hockey, swimming - whatever the child chooses, he needs a lot of time for this, and external studies, and even more so, distance education, can more than provide the much-needed time. And then education for athletes will turn into an interesting thing.

Read more about external training programs here: