Formation and development of sports tourism. What is sports tourism (ST)? Sports tourism and its development

Sports tourism is considered not only as a sport, but also as a form of human activity in various life conditions - from active recreation to the professional sphere.

Keywords: type of sport, sports tourism, route, refereeing.

Sports tourism was previously considered as fashion hobby youth, then sports tourism was positioned in the market of health services as an area of ​​active recreation for the population. Recently, sports tourism has become increasingly important in the professional sphere.

Goal: to consider sports tourism not only as a sport, but also as a form of human activity in various life conditions - from active recreation to the professional sphere.

Problem: lack of sufficient information and promotion of this sport. There is a need among young people to engage in this sport. A program with a clear mechanism for implementing this sport is needed. The participation of beginners and professionals are completely different things. Those who want to engage in this type of tourism do not know where to start and do not have a sufficient level physical training which is necessary specifically for this sport.

Moreover, for a certain part of the population this sport should be positioned as a form of professional and active recreation activity.

Sports tourism is a sport based on competitions on routes that include overcoming obstacles in the natural environment categorized by difficulty (roads and trails with various surfaces and off-road, crossings, passes, peaks, rapids, canyons, caves, etc.), on distances laid in the natural environment and on artificial terrain. A route is specified, a route to follow, with certain places.

This is the preparation and conduct of sports trips with the aim of overcoming an extended expanse of wild nature on skis (ski tourism), using rafting means (water tourism) or on foot in the mountains ( mountain tourism).

There are two types sports tourism: active and passive. At active form Tourism is based on the need to engage in some kind of sport. When passive, it is interest in the sport, observation.

Sports tourism is a traditional form of activity. New forms of sports tourism have significantly revitalized it recently.

This is a sport whose main purpose is to cover a certain distance in a certain time with a certain set of obstacles in natural conditions with a high degree of autonomy. Sports tourism includes the following types of tourism: hiking, mountain tourism, cycling tourism, water tourism, ski tourism, horseback riding, auto tourism, caving tourism.

Sports hikes are divided into categories of difficulty: from 1st - the easiest (you need to walk 100 km in at least 6 days in hiking) up to the 6th category - the most difficult. If the 1st and 2nd categories of complexity are suitable for people with normal physical fitness, then for 3rd and higher you already need to be in excellent condition sports uniform, have good endurance, knowledge and high moral character. Not everyone can withstand daily hard physical labor at the limit of their capabilities in a close team and when every drop of comfort is obtained through labor, while maintaining a positive attitude and first of all thinking about each other. In sports tourism, sports categories are assigned up to master of sports.

In sports tourism there are specialized professional titles associated with the right to carry out professional or teaching activities in the field of sports tourism: guide, instructor (senior instructor, international class instructor) of sports tourism. As in other official sports, in sports tourism there is organized and professional refereeing, the activities of which are regulated by relevant regulatory documents. By gaining experience in judging and undergoing the necessary professional training (schools, seminars), judges acquire the corresponding judicial titles up to the All-Russian category judge. At the same time, a certain feature of refereeing in sports tourism is that the remuneration of sports judges is small or refereeing is carried out on a voluntary basis. Many of the judges are tourists themselves - athletes with extensive experience and significant sporting achievements. Sports judges in sports tourism, without exaggeration, are respected, honorable representatives of the sports community.

It should be noted that many tourists also engage in related sports: orienteering and multisport, rock climbing, mountaineering, rafting, mountain biking, alpine skiing, yachting and other types of active recreation and sports. Tourists are a reserve for training rescuers in the natural environment.

Sports tourism - primarily sports trips - is in a commanding manner a sport in which traditions of mutual assistance and mutual assistance, sports discipline, self-improvement and mutual transfer of knowledge and experience are strong. The passion for sports tourism allows you to get acquainted with the culture and way of life of different countries and peoples, with wonderful and often even unique corners of nature, interesting sights, enjoy communication, and acquire reliable comrades.

Participation in sports hikes of initial categories of complexity and in competitions over distances, as a rule, does not require significant financial expenses, at the same time it allows you to gain the necessary basic skills and enjoyment of participating in hikes and competitions. Sports tourism as complex view sports carried out in a complex natural and social environment, of course, carries certain risks and requires the athlete to have versatile knowledge, skills, experience and good physical, technical and psychological preparation.

In large cities of Russia there are many physical education organizations sports tourism and amateur tourism clubs, which, among other things, conduct tourism training schools. Studying in such schools is desirable, although not mandatory for tourism. That is why sports tourism is divided into different types: cycling, mountain, water, walking and others. Combinations of these types are possible. But in any form, the main thing is the competitive component.

There are more and more people wanting to engage in sports tourism. Moreover, this desire does not depend on social status, age and occupation. Sports tourism is the most democratic sport, balancing physical needs with material capabilities.

Many people who want to join this sport do not know where to start so as not to cause harm to their health.

Krasnodar has developed areas of sports tourism - mountain, hiking, speleo, water, and skiing is gaining popularity. Mountaineering and rock climbing exist in small professional groups.

Conclusion. It should be noted that some types of sports tourism are not only traumatic, but also dangerous to human life as a whole. Therefore, these types of tourism should be carried out with specialists and in special equipment. Moreover, certain areas can be pursued by professionals to perform vital tasks and improve professional skills.


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3. Grineva, T. I. Assessment of the level of preparedness of boys 10-12 years old under the influence of sports tourism / T. I. Grineva, L. N. Taran // Pedagogy, psychology and medical and biological problems of physical science. education and sports. - 2012. - No. 1. - P. 49-52.
4. Dolgopolov, L.P. Methodology of rock training on artificial terrain (climbing walls) in sports mountain tourism at the stage initial training/ L. P. Dolgopolov, A. I. Kuznetsov // Resorts. Service. Tourism. — 2013. — No. 1 (18). — P. 80-83.
5. Ivanov, V. D. Sports law: concept, subject, sources, problems and development prospects / V. D. Ivanov, A. A. Orekhova, M. M. Rakitin // Education and science in modern times. conditions. - 2016. - No. 4 (9). — P. 257-261.
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7. Ovchinnikov, Yu. D. Biomechanics of sports in the system of movements / Yu. D. Ovchinnikov // Prospects for the development of science and education: collection. scientific tr. based on materials from the International scientific-practical conf. - M., 2014. - P. 127-129.
8. Ovchinnikov, Yu. D. Academic subject and its structural and functional orientation / Yu. D. Ovchinnikov // Materials of the scientific and scientific-methodological conference of the teaching staff of the Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism. - Krasnodar, 2016. - T. 1. - P. 156-158.
9. Roleder, L. N. Features of sports tourism at a university / L. N. Roleder // Young scientist. - 2016. - No. 5 (109). - pp. 772-774.
10. Smorchkov, V. Yu. Basic components and criteria of psychophysical preparedness of a person in sports tourism / V. Yu. Smorchkov, G. N. Golubeva // Sovrem. scientific technologies. - 2016. - No. 10-1. — pp. 190-194.
11. Chernavina, S. A. Development of coordination abilities in schoolchildren involved in sports tourism / S. A. Chernavina, N. A. Evshel // Fiz. culture in school - 2012. - No. 4. - P. 56-60.

For citation: Ovchinnikov, Yu. D. Sports tourism as a sport and form of activity / Yu. D. Ovchinnikov, S. N. Talyzov // Physical Culture. Sport. Tourism. Motor recreation. - 2017. - T. 2, No. 2. - P. 117-120.

Sports tourism

Sports tourism- a sport based on competitions on routes, including overcoming obstacles categorized by difficulty in the natural environment (roads and trails with various surfaces and off-road, crossings, passes, peaks, rapids, canyons, caves, etc.), and at distances , laid in the natural environment and on artificial terrain.

Group of tourists

Sports tourism (ST) in Russia and a number of neighboring countries is a sport with long-standing traditions. It includes not only a sports component, but also a special spiritual sphere, and the lifestyle of the travel lovers themselves. The centers for the development of sports tourism are still non-profit tourist clubs (tour clubs), although many tourists engage in it on their own. The sport “Sports Tourism” is included in the All-Russian Register of Sports under number 0840005411YA (2006-2009).

Currently, the titles of MSMK and ZMS in sports tourism are not awarded; the remaining qualifying sports categories and titles up to MS are awarded on the territory of Russia.

In addition, the ST has specialized professional titles associated with the right to carry out professional commercial or teaching activities in the field of sports tourism: guide, instructor (senior instructor, international class instructor) of sports tourism.

As in other official sports, in sports tourism there is organized and professional refereeing, the activities of which are regulated by relevant regulatory documents. By gaining refereeing experience and undergoing appropriate professional training (schools, seminars), judges acquire the corresponding judicial titles. At the same time, a certain feature of refereeing in ST is that the remuneration of sports judges is small, or refereeing is carried out on a voluntary basis. Many of the judges are themselves sports tourists with extensive experience and significant sporting achievements. Sports judges in ST, without exaggeration, are respected, honorable representatives of the ST sports community.

Many sports tourists also engage in related sports: orienteering (running and cycling), multisport, rock climbing, mountaineering, rafting, mountain biking (amateur cross-country), skiing (marathons), yachting, etc. Sports tourists are, including a reserve for training rescuers in the natural environment.

Sports tourism, primarily sports trips, is a team sport in which the traditions of mutual assistance and mutual assistance, sports discipline, self-improvement and mutual transfer of knowledge and experience are strong.

The passion for sports tourism allows you to get acquainted with the culture and way of life of different countries and peoples, with wonderful and often even unique corners of nature, interesting sights, enjoy communication, and acquire reliable comrades.

Participation in sports hikes of initial categories of complexity and in competitions over distances, as a rule, does not require significant financial expenses, at the same time it allows you to gain the necessary basic skills and enjoyment of participating in hikes and competitions.

Engaging in sports tourism, as a complex sport carried out in a complex natural and social environment, of course, carries certain risks and requires the athlete to have versatile knowledge, skills, experience and good physical, technical and psychological preparation.

In large cities of Russia there are many physical education organizations of sports tourism and amateur tourism clubs, which, among other things, conduct schools for training tourism personnel (initial, basic, specialized and top level(the latter are intended for sports tourism instructors)). Studying in such schools is desirable, although not mandatory for tourism.

Among the main functional positions in a sports trip, in addition to the official position of the leader of the tourist group, one can list the deputy leader of the group (can be appointed if necessary), the leader (captain) of the rafting vehicle or sports vessel, the medic, the navigator, the manager of the household (the supply manager), the manager of the equipment ( manager), mechanic (repairman), meteorologist, treasurer, timekeeper, chronicler, photographer, etc. At the same time, the division into positions is, with the exception of the manager, and to a certain extent the physician (if the physician is a professional medical worker), it is sufficient flexible, because all tourists in the group must possess, to one degree or another, various basic skills and provide mutual assistance whenever necessary. In small groups, one person combines various positions.

Equipment in sports tourism depends on its type and includes special clothes and footwear (storm jackets and trousers, wind trousers, insulated trousers, self-release trousers, etc., thermal underwear, gloves, trekking, ski, mountain or trekking-cycling shoes, shoe covers, cycling uniforms, wet and dry wetsuits, neoprene shoes or socks, safety glasses various types, etc.), helmets or hard hats, ropes, carbines and other technical means of belaying and working with ropes, flashlights with batteries, tents, awnings, alpine tools and devices (alpine poles, ice axes, crampons, walking poles, snowshoes, etc. .), campfire accessories and camping utensils, multi-fuel burners, navigation and communication equipment, as well as technical equipment and equipment by type (catamarans and other rafting equipment, skis, bicycles, cars, backpacks of various types, life jackets, cargo mini-sleighs and etc.).

The main skills of a tourist include: providing first aid, organizing and carrying out the evacuation of victims, skills in choosing a place and setting up a camp and temporary parking, working with ropes and technical means for crossing, belaying, etc., movement techniques and overcoming obstacles of various types. , organizing the order of movement and other actions in the group, survival in extreme conditions (for example, spending the night in the snow, working with insufficient nutrition, actions in extreme weather conditions, actions in case of loss of contact with the group, self-help, using improvised means as equipment and etc.), creating a menu and planning meals on a sports trip, starting and maintaining a fire, cooking, repairing equipment, orienteering and navigation, psychological work and conflict resolution, management of various works and actions in extreme situations. Additional useful skills include knowledge of the language of the hiking area or a common language, skills in related types of tourism and sports, skills in hunting and fishing, handling animals and various techniques, useful knowledge in the field of geography, flora and fauna, skills of a negotiator, storyteller, general engineering ingenuity, etc.

Types of sports tourism

Sports tourism differs by type:

  • pedestrian tourism - movement along the route is carried out mainly on foot;
  • ski tourism - movement along the route is carried out mainly on skis;
  • mountain tourism - hiking in high mountains;
  • water tourism - river rafting depending on the category, rivers are usually mountainous;
  • caving tourism - traveling through underground cavities;
  • sailing tourism - traveling on ships under sail on the sea or in the waters of large lakes;
  • on means of transportation - a section that includes bicycle, horseback and auto-motorcycle travel;
  • combined tourism - travel that combines elements of various types of tourism;

By age-social Based on this, sports tourism is divided into:

  • children's tourism;
  • youth tourism;
  • adult tourism;
  • family tourism;

IN last years The following have been actively developed sports tourism destinations:

  • travel (including solo travel);
  • distance discipline;
  • Distance discipline indoors on artificial terrain;
  • short routes in the sport hiking class.

Route classification

Depending on the difficulty of the obstacles to be overcome, the area of ​​the hike, autonomy, novelty, length of the route and a number of other factors characteristic of different types of sports tourism, hikes are divided into: according to increasing complexity:

  • weekend hikes;
  • hikes of 1 - 3 degrees of difficulty - in children's and youth tourism;
  • sports category hikes. IN different types tourism, the number of complexity categories is different: in hiking, mountain, water, skiing, cycling and caving tourism - six categories of complexity (c.s.); in automoto and sailing tourism - five; in equestrian - three.

This division is given in more detail in the “Unified All-Russian sports classification tourist routes" (EVSKTM). Route qualification commissions are public expert (certification) bodies that make conclusions on categorizing routes, confirming the compliance of the qualifications of participants and the leader with the declared category of route difficulty.

Categories and titles in sports tourism

The category of a tourist-athlete allows us to judge his sports qualification, expressed in the ability to pass routes of certain categories of difficulty.

For getting sports category for tourism, before completing a route, a group is required to register it and obtain permission from the Route Qualification Commission (RQC). After completing the hike, a report is submitted to the ICC, on the basis of which the materials are reviewed, and in case of a positive decision, ranks are assigned to the participants and the leader.

According to " Bit requirements on sports tourism for 2001-2004." categories can be assigned (in increasing order of sportsmanship):

Tourist and sports competitions

Tourist sports competition- is the movement of a person alone or as part of a group in the natural environment on any technical means and without them. “TCS” is carried out in two groups of disciplines: 1. “Routes” - directly hiking and sports tours (in accordance with the category of difficulty); 2. “Distances” - former “ tourist all-around» - depending on the complexity of the stages, they are divided into classes from 1 to 6. The distance class conditionally corresponds to the difficulty category of the corresponding hike.

Competitions are usually held separately for each type of tourism. Competitions at combined distances are allowed.

By social and age competition factors are divided into:

  • family;
  • children's;
  • youthful;
  • student,
  • youth;
  • adults;
  • among the elderly;
  • among veterans;
  • different ages;
  • among boys and/or girls;
  • among men and/or women;
  • among the disabled.

Organizational structure

The amateur movement of tourists pursuing sports goals is organizationally represented by tourist groups (teams) and tourist clubs at their place of residence, sports tourism sections - at the first and second levels of self-organization. At the federal level, the main self-government body for tourist athletes is the Tourist and Sports Union of Russia, located in Moscow.

History of sports tourism

  • B is included in the Unified All-Union Sports Classification.
  • For the first time, competitions for the best hiking trip were organized.

Sociology of tourism

Thanks to its accessibility, sports and health tourism is enjoyed by children, as well as all segments of the population, including youth, students, intellectuals, teachers, doctors, businessmen, government and municipal employees.

see also



  • Tourism: adventure and sports in the Open Directory Project link directory (dmoz).

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


Sports Tourism is a type of sport - competitions in various types of tourism (skiing, water, mountain, caving, etc.).

Sports tourism is a sport based on competitions on routes that include overcoming categorized obstacles in the natural environment (passes, peaks (in mountain tourism), rapids (in water tourism), canyons, caves, etc.), and on distances laid in the natural environment and on artificial terrain.

Sports tourism is a sport that involves covering a long stretch of the earth's surface, called a route. At the same time, by “earth surface” we mean not only the rocky surface of the Earth, but also the water surface and those located under the day surface (caves). During the route, various specific natural obstacles are overcome. For example, mountain peaks and passes (in mountain tourism) or river rapids (in river rafting).

Sports tourism in Russia is national species sport, which has centuries-old historical traditions, and includes not only a sports component, but also a special spiritual sphere and the way of life of the travel lovers themselves. The centers for the development of sports tourism are still non-profit tourist clubs (“tour clubs”), although many tourists engage in it on their own.

Sports tourism is the preparation and conduct of sports travel with the aim of overcoming an extended expanse of wild nature on skis (ski tourism), by means of rafting (water tourism) or on foot in the mountains (mountain tourism). The sports trip is carried out by an autonomous group of 6-10 people. It happens that travelers do not encounter any traces of civilization for a month. To complete the route you need to be not only strong, dexterous, courageous and persistent, but also have a wide range of special knowledge from the technique of overcoming obstacles to human physiology in extreme conditions.

Unlike a regular trip, a sports trip includes a set of natural obstacles classified by difficulty. As a rule, in mountain and ski tourism such obstacles are mountain peaks and passes, and in water tourism - river rapids.

The sports tourism system created over decades minimally limits the initiative of travelers. Currently, a sports trip can be arranged to any point in the world, and anyone can become a group leader, as long as he has experience participating in a trip of the same category of complexity and experience leading a trip that is one category easier. The remaining team members must have experience participating in a simpler (one category) trip. In addition to this basic principle, the Rules provide exceptions to more fully take into account the actual experience of travelers (for example, mountaineering experience or experience in other types of sports tourism). The master level in sports tourism is associated with leadership in travel of the highest categories of complexity. Therefore, making two trips a year, a gifted athlete reaches this level in 5 - 6 years. Sports tourism is not only sports. It allows you to get acquainted with the culture of the peoples living in the travel area, enjoy the contemplation of amazing landscapes, and experience the thrill of a pioneer explorer. Of course, in the era of total aerial photography, it is impossible to make a geographical discovery, but you can still visit places where no human has gone before. Finally, sports tourism is a school of wisdom. This is an accurate calculation of forces, the ability to foresee events and predict the course of the processes generated by them.

Sports tourism is a combination of relaxation and physical activity; such events are chosen by people who prefer leisure, love nature and close company and cannot sit in one place. This type of travel involves organizing and conducting group events related to skiing, rafting and hiking, including in the mountains. The main task of tourists is to overcome natural obstacles and fight the elements.

Ski tourism develops in the territory of the former CIS countries, since it is in these areas that snow lies for a long time. What is special about this type of sports travel? A group of people gathers and is equipped with all the necessary equipment, which includes hiking skis, thermal underwear, a tent, a sleeping bag, and a portable stove. Shoe covers are put on boots to protect them from snow, and woolen socks are a must. This excursion takes place in the mountains, natural obstacles are conquered, the group climbs up and down slopes, tourists can be on the move in frost reaching -40°C. This type of travel refers to ecological holidays. Of course, such tours across Russia are the most common - in the Urals, Siberia, Altai, on the Kola Peninsula.

Walking sports tourism, or trekking, is one of the most popular types ecological recreation in the world. The route is determined in advance, which can be of varying length and complexity. Moreover, in order to participate in a hike of high difficulty, a tourist must pass tests of lower difficulty categories. Trekking tours can be organized at almost any resort. This is a great opportunity to get acquainted with the history and culture of the country and have fun. Such trips take place both during the peak tourist season in the country, and during the low season and even during the rainy season. You can do trekking on site Russia and during holidays in other countries - , Nepal, in and etc.

Water tourism- This is, first of all, rafting, that is, rafting down the river on boats or rafts. The main task of the participants in such a journey is to overcome the rapids of the river and cope with the current. Professionals of this sport can take part in rafting, but resorts often organize rafting trips for beginners. In this case, all necessary safety equipment is provided - helmets and a life jacket, beginners are instructed, and throughout the trip, rafting professionals accompany the beginners and provide assistance to them. You can engage in this type of sports tourism in Turkey, Russia (Karelia, Altai, etc.), Bali, Greece, Crimea etc.

Special variety - mountain sports tourism. It is reminiscent of trekking in that a group of people gathers and moves along a certain route, but in this case the road chosen is through mountainous terrain. When overcoming obstacles, travel participants use rock climbing techniques, but the main thing for a climber is to conquer the peak, which is why they climb very high mountains. In this situation, the main thing is to overcome a natural obstacle: go through a pass, climb a mountain, etc.

This type of sports tourism is common in Russia (Altai, Ural, etc.), Switzerland and etc.

There is no single generally accepted classification of sports tourism. In the scientific literature there are classifications and groupings of types of tourism based on a variety of criteria. The most common is the classification according to the main type of activity. According to it, they distinguish different kinds sports tourism: sports and recreational, event sports, sports (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Classification scheme for sports tourism

Event sports tourism can be classified according to various criteria, the most important of which are:

Depending on what type of sport the tourist attends: football, hockey, tennis, complex (events where many sports are presented).

Depending on the level of events held, regional, republican, and international are distinguished.

Sports and sports and health tourism can be classified:

depending on the degree of organization: organized and amateur.

depending on the level of training of the participants: professional (sports); amateur (amateur).

depending on the type of obstacles overcome on the routes: mountain; water, etc.

The most diverse classification is the division of sports tourism by type of travel.

Automototourism is a journey using automobile transport along the main part of the route.

Cycling tourism is travel using bicycle transport, which has many varieties: from small walks and excursions to complex bicycle trips.

Water tourism, which includes various types water sports. Rafting is rafting down rapids rivers on inflatable boats. Diving is one of the most difficult and dangerous species sports and tourism, which involves diving under water in a special suit.

Equestrian tourism- tourism carried out in the form of equestrian routes passing through nature reserves or national parks, or other places.

Ski tourism - this also includes weekend health tours, skiing on flat and rough terrain, making short or multi-day treks.

Ski tourism is one of the traditional and very popular types of tourism all over the world. According to the degree of difficulty, descents to alpine skiing are divided into several categories. Each skier can choose the section of the route that corresponds to his class and experience.

Hiking - (trekking): virtually no hiking required special training and equipment. This is the most common type of tourism in Belarus.

Mountain tourism involves walking routes through mountainous terrain, overcoming passes above 3000-3500 m, passing through rocky areas, steep slopes, glaciers, snowfields, mountain rivers. It is not developing in Belarus.

Speleotourism - the exploration of caves, mines, faults or abysses - is one of the most dangerous and difficult activities. Speleotourism can be very different in orientation. Excursion and educational tours are conducted in caves specially equipped for excursion display. In Belarus it can develop in depleted salt mines.

Mountaineering is a type of tourism that involves climbing mountain peaks or overcoming mountain obstacles. Today, mountaineering is an entire industry that is gradually developing and popularizing. As a rule, it is customary to choose summer for climbing, when the weather allows you to reach the intended peak with minimal losses. Due to the flat type of relief, the development of this species natural objects Belarus is impossible, but climbing walls and similar structures are actively developing.

There is also a classification of sports tourism according to age and social criteria, according to which the following are distinguished:

Children's tourism;

Youth tourism;

Adult tourism;

Family tourism;

Tourism for people with disabilities.

In recent years, the following areas of sports tourism have received active development:

Travel (including solo travel);

Extreme tourism;

Distance discipline;

Distance discipline indoors on artificial terrain;

Short routes in the sport hiking class.

Depending on the difficulty of overcoming obstacles in the hiking area, autonomy, novelty, length of the route and a number of its other features characteristic of different types of sports tourism, hikes are divided into: according to increasing complexity:

Weekend hikes (non-category hikes);

Hikes 1 - 3 degrees of difficulty - in children's and youth tourism;

In different types of tourism, the number of difficulty categories is different: in hiking, mountain, water, skiing, cycling and caving tourism - six categories of difficulty; in automoto and sailing tourism - five.