Deadlift what muscles. The sumo deadlift is the correct technique. Technique for performing the classic version

For those who have decided to get serious about shaping their body, there is no better exercise than the deadlift. It is included in the mandatory program by both professional bodybuilders and novice amateur weightlifters.

When performed correctly, the exercise involves a large number of muscles, which is an excellent basis for developing strength and building muscle mass.

Beginning athletes need to choose comfortable clothes and shoes. The uniform should be comfortable, breathable, and not restrict movement. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of shoes.

Exercises with a barbell are best performed in special weightlifting shoes with a measured flat sole, which will fit snugly to the leg and provide maximum comfort during exercise.

There should be no heel, and the ideal thickness of the sole in the heel area should not exceed one centimeter. It is better not to wear such shoes all the time, but to use them only for training, otherwise the sole may become deformed, which will lead to incorrect position of the feet while working with the barbell and reduced stability.

This position can cause injury to the lower back.

You should not neglect such an important part of your workout as warming up. It must be performed efficiently so that all muscle groups warm up and become more elastic. This will prevent unnecessary injuries, sprains and tears.

Any set of basic exercises, for example, from a school physical education lesson, is suitable for warming up. To begin with, you can perform several approaches with minimal load, gradually increasing it.

The next important step is choosing the correct grip during the exercise. It is better to give preference to a straight one, although many professionals use a different grip. This arm position allows you to lift and hold more weight, but there is a risk of torque in the spine, which increases the risk of injury.

If your hands are weak, your fingers are short and it’s hard to hold the required weight, then you can try a special grip technique – “lock”. In this case, you need to ensure that the phalanges of the thumbs during the grip are located strictly under the other phalanges.

At the initial stage of playing sports, the body is just beginning to get used to the loads, and the hands are still very weak, which does not allow the exercise to be carried out for a long enough time.

Then it is recommended to use special wrist straps and hooks to secure the barbell. This way it will be possible to increase the number of approaches, but this will not allow you to train grip and hand strength.

You should not train yourself to put anything under the barbell (for example, rubber platforms). Of course, this greatly facilitates the training process by reducing the amplitude, but the body gets used to performing the exercise incorrectly, which can play a cruel joke in the future if there is a desire to participate in competitions.

Types and technique of execution

There are several most common types of performing this exercise:

  • sumo;
  • classic style;
  • using a trap bar;
  • Romanian style;
  • deadlift using dumbbells.

Any of the listed techniques requires the presence of a barbell, trap bar or dumbbells. In this case, the legs are slightly bent, the body is tilted forward, the back is flat, there is a natural deflection in the lumbar region, the barbell must be held with straight arms, lowered down.

In this position, the athlete extends his knees, rising and straightening. In this case, almost all the muscles of the legs and back are included in the work, developing both at the moment of lifting the weight and when returning to the starting position.

It is very important not to start your training immediately with heavy weights. This will lead to injuries, rapid fatigue and will not give the desired result.

Technique for performing classic deadlifts:

  1. Mentally find the center of the barbell and place your feet opposite it so that your shins almost touch the metal.
  2. Feet are straight or slightly turned outward, feet shoulder-width apart, a little narrower is allowed.
  3. The grip of the bar is made slightly wider than your shoulders, your hands should be at an equal distance from the left and right plates.
  4. Without bending your elbows, you need to sit down, while your back remains perfectly flat with a deflection in the lumbar region.
  5. It is unacceptable to tilt your head down; it should look straight, your shoulders should be pulled back, bringing your shoulder blades together.
  6. During the exercise, the feet should be pressed tightly to the surface of the floor; neither the toes nor the heels should be torn off.
  7. From this position, you perform a half-squat lift; you need to keep your back straight and move the barbell along your legs.
  8. At the final stage of lifting, you need to move your pelvis forward a little and fix the body in this position for a few seconds, and then lower the load.
  9. The process of lowering the weight should repeat the lifting technique in reverse order.

Performing deadlifts using the sumo method largely replicates the classical method. This method received this name because of its similarity to the position of a sumo wrestler before the start of a fight.

The legs are placed as wide as possible, but one should not forget about stability. Ideally, the feet are turned outward and located a few centimeters from the plates. This position of the legs must be maintained throughout the entire exercise.

Grip in the center of the bar, shoulder-width apart, with your back as straight as possible. This technique of execution relieves the back well, but makes the legs and even the deepest gluteal muscles work. When working with heavy weights, it is more advisable to use a different grip.

Another variation of the classic technique can be considered deadlifts with a trap bar. This is a special type of bar, shaped like a diamond, hexagon or oval with crossbars for gripping at the base (from the side of the plates). The athlete enters the diamond, grabs the handrails and performs the exercise.

This form of the bar can significantly reduce injuries, puts less stress on the back and allows you to bend your legs more than with a straight bar.

In this case, the traction is made more correct and more convenient, since the arms are not located in front, which implies “collapsing” of the body, but on the sides, along the body. This equipment is perfect for training and makes training easier.

Another name for the Romanian deadlift is on straight legs, although this is not true. To perform it correctly, you need to bend your legs at the knees. Well pumps the gluteal muscles and the back of the thigh. Step-by-step technique for performing Romanian deadlifts:

  1. The barbell is taken in the center with a regular grip, slightly wider than the shoulders, the back is straight, the torso is slightly tilted forward, the legs are slightly bent at the knees, and the arms are at the elbows, the feet are parallel.
  2. The projectile is lifted with a straight back until the body is completely straightened. The pelvis moves slightly forward.
  3. It is necessary to lower the bar down parallel to your legs, without tilting to the sides, while moving your pelvis back, leaving your arms and knees bent. There is no need to bend your legs more than they are. A sign that the exercise is being performed correctly is a pulling sensation in the buttocks and back of the thigh. If your legs begin to tremble, do not worry, this is normal.

The feet remain pressed to the floor throughout the entire complex, and neither the toes nor the heels come off it, then the back will not get tired. In any technique, you can replace the barbell with dumbbells. The main thing is to ensure that your back remains straight and not to round your spine.

Muscle work

Among weightlifters, the deadlift is considered a unique exercise, the analogue of which simply does not exist.

If the exercise is performed correctly, what muscles work?

It turns out that 75% of all muscles are involved in the process.

Among the muscles located directly on the torso, the following work:

  • round large;
  • trapezoidal;
  • latissimus dorsi;
  • diamond-shaped

In the area of ​​the press and lumbar region they work:

  • extensor muscles;
  • external oblique muscles on the abdomen, responsible for balance;
  • rectus abdominis muscle.
  • soleus and gastrocnemius (static load);
  • deep muscles of the legs (skeletal);
  • quadriceps;
  • hamstrings;
  • large muscles of the buttocks;
  • small muscles of the legs (included in the work after the biceps and quadriceps).

During the training process, the hands and forearms, which are responsible for holding the projectile, are loaded, but significantly less than other muscle groups. This exercise gives a good workout and allows you to instantly build muscle mass.

Let's consider step by step which muscles work. In the initial stage, the muscles of the buttocks are actively involved. In the process of straightening the body and straightening the legs at the knees, the quadriceps and hamstrings are activated. During the weight bearing and flexion phase, the load falls on the back of the thigh.

The back muscles, which include the trapezius, rhomboids and spinal erectors, do not lengthen, although they are in constant tension. They fix the spine in the desired position, being a kind of stabilizers.

The rhomboids and trapezius prevent the back from rounding, and the greatest load falls on the extensor muscles.

The muscles located on the back of the thigh are responsible for bending the knees and extending the pelvis. These are the semitendinosus, semimembranosus muscles, hamstrings and of course the buttocks.

When extending the legs and flexing the hip joint, the muscles of the anterior femoral surface work - rectus, intermedius, lateral and medial.

The deadlift has gained fame not only among professional weightlifters, but also among the fairer sex, as it is an excellent way to correct the figure.

Contraindications to training

Any load on the body has a number of contraindications, and deadlifting is no exception. With minor scoliosis, you can perform the exercise only after a good warm-up in a special belt, using light weight.

For people with other musculoskeletal disorders (severe scoliosis, protrusion, hernia, compression), this exercise is prohibited due to the strong axial load.

This type of training is not recommended for those who suffer from pathologies of the joints of the hands, varicose veins, injuries to the knees and spine. It is highly undesirable for hypertensive patients and people with vascular and heart diseases to perform it, like any other strength exercise.

The deadlift is considered one of the most traumatic exercises, so before you start doing it, you need to become thoroughly familiar with the technique.

At first, it is better to practice under the guidance of a qualified trainer, so the risk of undesirable consequences and common mistakes is minimized, and training begins to bring positive results faster.

When performing deadlifts, special attention must be paid to the technical side of the training process. Thus, inattention to execution details and mistakes will inevitably lead to injuries. It is very important to ensure that your back does not round when pulling and remains perfectly straight.

It will be useful to control your breathing. So, while lowering or lifting the weight, you need to hold your breath, which will increase muscle strength and keep your back straight. In addition, only a correctly performed exercise guarantees full load and growth of the entire muscle complex involved in the process.

Most often in the gym they suggest starting classes with deadlifts. This is a set of exercises aimed at strengthening all muscle groups, especially the load falls on the calf muscles and abs.

People who have begun to engage in strength sports should start with power lifting, since when performing this exercise, the entire muscular system is warmed up and strengthened. Only some small muscles do not participate in the load.

Women are especially interested in these exercises, as they have the opportunity to tighten their hips, buttocks, calves, and abdomen.

When starting to deadlift, you need to set goals for yourself. So, for example, for women this will be strengthening the muscles of the shoulder region and biceps, the extensor system of the back, the quadriceps and biceps muscles of the thighs, the latissimus dorsi, the gluteal region, and the trapezius.

Reasons why deadlifting is included in fitness:

  1. Weight loss.
  2. The body acquires a relief base.

Muscle classification

Any physical exercise, including deadlift, must be performed according to certain rules, and, first of all, it is necessary to follow the technique - then the body will receive maximum benefit. Otherwise, the exercise will not only be useless, but also dangerous.

The load mainly affects the following muscle sections:

Gluteal region and leg area:

  1. Large gluteals.
  2. Quadriceps.
  3. Hamstring biceps.
  4. Calf muscle complex.
  5. Soleus muscles.
  6. Small leg muscle sections.
  7. Skeletal.

Lumbar and abdominal area:

  1. Extensor part of the back.
  2. Lower abdominal muscles.
  3. Oblique muscle sections of the outer abdomen.

Main body:

  1. Latissimus dorsi muscles.
  2. Large rounded.
  3. Trapezoidal.
  4. Diamond-shaped.

But these groups are not the only ones involved in deadlifting. The arm muscles will definitely work, as they are forced to lift and hold the weight.

Expert opinion

Igor Bondarev

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You don't have to worry about your hands becoming ugly and rough - they just get a little load and a slight stretch, thanks to which the muscles in this part are strengthened.

What muscle groups work in different types of exercise?

With different types of exercises, different muscle parts will be involved:

  1. At the beginning of the deadlift, the gluteal muscles are included in the activity.
  2. By straightening the body and bending the knees, the quadriceps and hamstrings are trained.
  3. The posterior thigh muscles are involved in flexion and weight bearing.
  4. The back muscles are constantly tense, but not extended. Adjacent to them are the trapezius and rhomboid regions, as well as the muscles in the area of ​​flexion of the spinal column. They are able to fix the spine in a standard position, acting as a kind of stabilizer. Due to the work of the rhomboid and trapezius muscles, the back does not bend in the form of an arc, and the entire load falls on the extensor area.
  5. At the moment of extensor movements of the pelvic region, the muscles of the posterior thigh region - the semitendinosus, semimembranosus, parts and gluteal region - take part in the deadlift.
  6. The muscles of the anterior thighs are activated during leg extension and hip flexion. These are the broad muscles - the rectus, intermediate, lateral and medial muscle systems.

Classic deadlift

Feet are set at shoulder width distance. This exercise is perfect for people who want to get a ripped figure. All the muscles that are involved in the classic deadlift are worked out, and they gradually increase in volume.

Those involved in bodybuilding and fitness include these classes as part of the training for the back muscles.


The initial stance for a sumo deadlift is a wide spread of legs, with the knees turned in different directions. The shin touches the bar slightly.

The inner part of the thigh muscles and biceps are used to the maximum during the sumo exercise.


Knees straight or slightly bent. This leg position produces better results than the classic stance, and lifting weights improves it by making the exercise more focused.

Basically, the posterior thigh area is worked out, while the load on the elongated back muscles is reduced.

Expert opinion

Master of Sports in Powerlifting

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This kind of deadlift in bodybuilding is called “dead”; it is included in training sessions for working the hamstrings.

But the Romanian deadlift is not included in heavy lifting and powerlifting exercises, since lifting maximum weight is impossible with straight or bent knees.

Using a trap neck

This exercise uses a trap bar with a bar in the form of a hexagonal frame, on which holders are located in parallel. This barbell is an ideal device for bodybuilding or fitness.

A trap bar is considered a safer tool than a barbell with a straight bar. Exercises with a trap bar can replace classic squats with a standard instrument on the shoulders, for example, when this is impossible due to injury.

But the “siloviki” do not use this type of barbell, considering it inappropriate. At competitions, weightlifters with a straight bar.

Deadlift with dumbbells

Such exercises are recommended for beginners. You need to stand in a classic pose, lower your arms with dumbbells down. The back is straight and tense. The pelvis is positioned back and raised upward, the body rises. Weights slide over your thighs.

By using dumbbells, you can strengthen the same muscles as with a classic deadlift.

Deadlift technique

The basis is the technique of performing exercises according to the classical standard:

  1. Approximately you need to determine the center of the barbell and place your feet opposite it so that your shins almost touch the metal.
  2. The feet are straight or slightly turned outward. The feet are either shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower.
  3. The bar is grasped at a level slightly wider than shoulder width. Hands are an equal distance from both pancakes.
  4. Squat in front of the barbell without bending your elbows. The body is flat, a deflection in the lumbar region is acceptable.
  5. The head is positioned straight, the shoulders are pulled back.
  6. When the barbell rises, the feet should be pressed firmly to the floor; lifting the heels or toes off the floor is unacceptable.
  7. The person is in a half-crouched state, while the barbell is being lifted, the back is straight, the barbell is guided along the legs.
  8. At the end of the workout, the pelvis protrudes slightly forward, and the body is fixed in this position. After a few seconds the weight is lowered.
  9. Lowering a weight down is carried out in the same way as lifting it, but in the reverse order.

Warming up and warming up muscles

Before moving on to the main deadlift exercises, you need to warm up your muscles well. To do this, a warm-up is done, which should not be neglected. This way all muscle groups will warm up and become more elastic. This will allow the athlete to avoid injuries, sprains and other damage. You can use any basic loads as a basis, even those that you remember from physical education classes.

At the end of classes, stretching is mandatory for the main muscle groups.

Precautionary measures

To ensure that deadlift classes go smoothly and without incident, you need to remember the following safety measures:

  1. Rounding your back while doing deadlifts is unacceptable.
  2. Sudden movements that can only cause harm are prohibited.

The back should be straight, if the correct weight is chosen, when rounding it, it is necessary to reduce the load.

Expert opinion

Igor Bondarev

Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports

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Young and inexperienced boys and girls should start deadlifting with dumbbells rather than a barbell, since the weight of the dumbbells is small and the center of gravity is distributed equally between the two hands.


Equipment and shoes for training should be as comfortable as possible. The uniform should be comfortable, not restrict movement, and made from hygroscopic fabric. It is worth choosing your shoes especially carefully. You can purchase special weightlifting weights at a sports store. They have measured flat soles that fit snugly to the foot, which allows the athlete to feel comfortable.

Women should be immediately warned that there should not be any heels, even small ones. Ideally, the sole in the heel area should not be higher than 1 cm. Such shoes should be intended only for training. It is not suitable for every day, since if you wear it constantly, the sole will become deformed, and the position of the feet during lifting weights will become uneven.

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Deadlift: execution technique, varieties

Perhaps no other exercise builds strength and muscle mass as much as the deadlift. When performing it, the most terrible faces are made. Overcome your fear and do a deadlift in front of the mirror.

For powerlifting, the deadlift is the main impetus for increasing strength and testosterone production. Deadlift is traumatic and requires technically correct movements and manipulations by athletes. The exercise heavily engages the back muscles and stabilizers. Depending on the goals of athletes, it is customary to divide deadlifts into 4 types: deadlift, classic, sumo and trap bar deadlift.

Classic deadlift

Before performing the exercise, you need to stand near the bar, placing your feet at a small distance from each other, but close to the bar. It is allowed to lightly touch it with the front part. This type of deadlift will be easy for bodybuilders with undeveloped legs and short arms. The physical ability to achieve results and lift maximum weights in an exercise like the deadlift depends on the anatomy of the body and its characteristics.

The variation in the technique of performing the exercise depends on the height of the bodybuilder, the length of his arms and legs. If you have a weak grip, then you need to use additional bodybuilding accessories like belts, which is not allowed in competitions.

Deadlift: execution technique

When performing the exercise, place your feet shoulder-width apart or in a parallel plane. You need to grab the barbell with a straight grip, preferably slightly wider than shoulder-width. You need to raise your head and look up. The shoulders are pulled back, the pelvis is lowered, and a deflection appears in the lower back.

If the pelvis is positioned at a low point, then when you jerk from a standstill, the load will fall on the quadriceps. If the pelvis is high, then the entire load will fall on the lower back. When you pull the barbell, you need to press the floor with your heels. There is no need to focus on lifting the weight up, watch your heels.

The barbell must be held close to the legs, as close to them as possible. The knees extend when the bar is halfway through and near the mid-thigh. The torso must be straightened, while moving the shoulders back and fixing the weight.

The bar lowers slowly, without hitting the bar on the floor, avoiding injury. You need to touch the floor lightly with the pancakes, then pull straight up. It is always necessary to monitor and control all phases of lifting. When performing deadlifts, be sure to use a belt.

Trap bar deadlift

This type of deadlift is not very different from the classic version of the exercise. However, pulling with a trap bar is safer because it makes it easier to lower the bar down. The main muscles involved are the buttocks and thighs, the entire upper back and the lats.


The straight-legged deadlift, or deadlift as it is commonly called, is performed without bending the knees. The back must be arched in the lumbar region, and the legs must not bend. Deadlifts are not listed as competitive lifts.

The weight that is lifted is far from the maximum; it is easy to get injured. The most effective effect is felt by all back muscles.

Sumo deadlift

This exercise is performed with a wide stance. The toes should almost reach the plates and remain level throughout the entire range of movement of the barbell. The load is mainly placed on the hips.

Risks and injuries

A very traumatic and technically difficult exercise. If performed incorrectly, the risk of injury is quite high. Often these are spinal hernias or other sprains and disorders of the back and nerves.

When the back is not arched, but straight, there is a huge load on the intervertebral discs. In order to do deadlifts, you must first strengthen your lower back and holders with hyperextension. Be sure to use a belt and do not pull the barbell if you have a weak spine or a hernia.

The harder the exercise, the more beneficial! No questions asked here. What happens? Will the heaviest exercise be better than others to increase mass? Exactly! Feel free to choose a deadlift!

When bodybuilders are professionals When asked to name the most effective exercise, everyone unanimously names a “foreign” movement from the arsenal of powerlifters: the deadlift. If you go further, squats and bench press will be added to the deadlift. And yet, the deadlift will remain the queen of the holiday. It is noted that this exercise grows not only the working muscles of the legs and back, but also the entire musculature as a whole. That's why Roni Coleman and Jay Cutler deadlift so passionately. All exercises in bodybuilding have a replacement. The same squats can be replaced with a leg press, and the bench press can be replaced with a dumbbell press. It’s just that there’s nothing to replace the dead weight with. There is no other exercise that simultaneously pumps the legs and back - the main muscle groups of the human body, and equally effectively. However, what's the point of calling for deadlifts? In the wrong hands, a barbell will do more harm than good. And all because the deadlift is truly a foreign exercise for us bodybuilders. However, everyone who has mastered it says that they were born again in our sport...


Deadlifts must be performed according to the rules. This will make the exercise truly effective and protect you from injury.

WARM UP. Start with a serious warm-up on the cardio equipment for 10 minutes, then do some simple exercises to “warm up” the main working joints, ankle, knee and hip. Increase the weights gradually, doing at least 5 warm-up sets. Athletes with extensive training experience can limit this warm-up to 3 sets.

POWER BELT. When you deadlift for 6-8 reps, you don't need to wear a weightlifting belt. Contrary to popular belief, the belt does not insure against injury, but only facilitates the work of the lower back muscles, removing part of the load from them. More precisely, it redistributes the load, shifting it to the press. Such an imbalance only causes harm. The lower back and abdominal muscles should naturally share the weight of the barbell. In the process of performing the deadlift, coordination between them increases. As a result, you get a powerful muscular waist corset.

Brush strength. The first warm-up sets will tire your wrists, so you may not be able to hold the critical weight barbell. Nevertheless, we must try. Try covering your palms with chalk. And only if sitting down did not help, put on gymnastic belts.

BARBELL. Always put locks on the ends of the bar! One of the extreme pancakes may well “move away” from its fellows by a couple of centimeters. According to the law of leverage, this will mean increasing the weight at one end of the bar, i.e. risk of injury.

MANAGEMENT. To master the correct deadlift technique, hire an experienced instructor as your teacher. An outside perspective is always more useful than paper instructions.


LARGE GUTTEUS MUSCLES straighten the hip joints when rising from a squat

LARGE ROUND MUSCLES help the latissimus muscles stabilize the position of the arms during lifting

LATISM MUSCLES stabilize the position of the arms, bringing them to the body at the end point of the lift

BICEPS straighten the knee joints, helping to rise or squat

TOP TRAPEZIUS Helps stabilize the head and shoulder girdle

MIDDLE OF TRAPEZIOS helps stabilize the shoulder girdle, participates in the rotation of the shoulder blades

RHOMBID MUSCLES assist the trapezius and stabilize the shoulder girdle, participate in the rotation of the shoulder blades

MUSCLES - RECTIFIERS OF THE SPINE straighten the torso in the final phase of lifting

LATERAL WIDE MUSCLES assist in knee extension


SEMIMEMBRANOSUS MUSCLES help the hamstrings straighten the knee joints

The deadlift has never been held in high esteem by amateurs. This is too difficult and traumatic exercise. In addition, the deadlift acts mainly on the legs and back, but the priority of amateurs has always been the biceps and chest. And no one will explain to the guys that without a strong back and legs, you can’t have big biceps. In fact, you can’t pump up your biceps with funny exercises like machine lifts. You need a heavy base like standing biceps curls. Well, what kind of standing ups are there when the legs and back have no strength? At the very middle of the amplitude, the bar moves as far as possible from the center of gravity of the body. In short, it’s like with a crane that has a heavy load at the end of the boom. This load would have overturned the crane long ago, but there is no counterweight at the base of the crane. If you have thick, swinging legs and a powerful layer of muscles on your back, then you have acquired a worthy counterweight. Even a 70 kg barbell won’t knock you over. But if you haven’t gained the fundamental mass, so to speak, haven’t built the foundation, then you won’t even be able to maintain 30 kg. Moreover, naive beginners imagine that their biceps lack strength, but in reality they simply cannot maintain balance. Agree, it’s a completely different matter when the legs and body are a powerful, stable column. In this case, it’s not only easy to pump up your biceps, but also your triceps and deltoids. After all, most exercises have to be done in a standing position. As for the sitting position, powerful legs and a strong back are trump cards here too. Because it would be better to stabilize the body. If anyone thinks that the synonym for “stabilization” is the word “immobility,” then they are mistaken. It's not just immobility that matters. The main thing is that a swung back becomes a strong support for the shoulder girdle, or more correctly, the shoulder joints. Therefore, the muscles “tied” to these joints can demonstrate a purer and more powerful effort. The legs have the same function. They rest against the floor so as not to squirm on the bench while sitting and lying down. In this sense, without a powerful back and the same legs, there will be no champion pecs. The bench press, like no other exercise, requires rigid stabilization of the shoulder girdle and the entire body on the bench. Yes, and the laws of physics matter. If you yourself weigh less than 100 kg, then 150 kg in the bench press will never be possible for you. Well, which muscles accumulate the majority of body weight? Right! Legs and back!

Deadlift- this is just that unique exercise that pumps both legs and back in one fell swoop. There are no other exercises like this in the world. So, deadlifting directly leads the bodybuilder to the main goal - a large mass of fundamental muscle groups.

When scientists began to study deadlifts, they were greatly surprised. The increase in total body weight under the influence of this exercise did not fit into the law of simple addition of the growth of two muscle groups. Studies have shown that deadlifting causes an unprecedentedly large release of anabolic hormones - testosterone and growth hormone. This seems to be the main miracle of this unique exercise. It turns out that deadlifting grows not only your back and legs, but also your entire muscles!


For the sake of truth, it is necessary to clarify that deadlifts load not only the legs and back. If we describe it in terms of kinesiology, it turns out that a bodybuilder, performing a deadlift, simultaneously does 8 exercises at once! Here's the list: leg presses, back extensions, leg curls, abdominal crunches, wrist curls, calf raises, straight-arm rows, and shrugs!

The deadlift seems to be a more difficult exercise than the squat and bench press. And not at all because it loads a gigantic array of muscles. According to scientists, the matter is completely different. When you bench press a barbell or come up from a deep squat, your pecs and quads are pre-stretched. According to the laws of physiology, such stretching at the start helps the muscles contract more strongly. As for the deadlift, preliminary stretching of the working muscles is impossible. Physiology no longer helps, and you lift the barbell only by the strength of your character!


Strength professionals consider squats to be the most difficult exercise. After all, nothing helps the legs here. The back helps the legs in the deadlift. This means the exercise is easier. For bodybuilders the opposite is true. Deadlifts, unlike squats, require coordinated muscle coordination. But bodybuilders are not trained in this. Most bodybuilding exercises target one muscle or muscle group. By definition, no coordination is required. This is what lets us down. Mastering the deadlift makes it doubly difficult for bodybuilders.

An outstanding powerlifter and record holder with a scientific degree, David Sandler today teaches physical education at one of the major American universities. He says that it is most difficult to teach lifting to students who already have pumping experience behind them: “Many have no coordination skills at all. They extend their legs as they rise from a squat, but still keep their torso inclined. Having fully straightened their legs, they begin to straighten their torso. Meanwhile, both movements must be done simultaneously. Another common mistake is different speed of joint extension. The student straightens the hip joints too quickly, but slowly straightens the knee joints. I never tire of repeating that extension of all joints, hip, knee and ankle, should occur synchronously at the same pace. The simultaneous straightening of the joints means that the leg extensor muscles also act in concert. As a result, the simultaneous contraction of different muscles merges into one powerful effort. If the muscles contract unevenly, then the total effort, of course, becomes less. It's like a tug of war. To win, all team members must pull the rope at the same time. The same thing with simultaneous straightening of the legs and straightening of the back. The contractile impulse of the strongest muscles of the body must be summed up. As a result, the total force applied to the bar becomes incredibly large. That’s why the deadlift records are so great.”

Sandler advises bodybuilders to learn deadlifts in the same way as complex steps are learned in ballet, i.e. method of endless repetition. And only after the correct technique has become an automatic skill can you begin to add weight. Moreover, this needs to be done wisely. If the bar is overloaded, the athlete loses control of the technique.


If you have had a lower back injury, you should not do deadlifts. And none of the deadlift options will be an exception. Any deadlift overloads the lower back. All beginners should listen to this. You should not grab the deadlift from the first day of training. Most beginners have a weak lower back. First, strengthen it with hyperextensions and torso bends, and only then encroach on deadlifts.

All exercise options require the fulfillment of fundamental conditions. First: straight back. Second: the barbell needs to be “rolled” over your own legs. The closer the bar is to the body, the lower the risk of injury. Sliding the bar along your shins is painful. Sandler advises doing like powerlifters. Wear high wool socks or bandage your shins and knees.

The deadlift is the best tool for pumping up total body mass. The exercise is included in the training programs of all professionals without exception. Are you doing deadlifts? The answer to this question is a true indicator of your motivation. If yes, then you are not a random person in our sport. If not, then you may simply not understand the significance of this exercise. Well, now that the question is clear, go do the deadlift. Right now!


The main condition for a record in the deadlift is this: you must take the correct starting position. This means that each of the working muscles will be in a convenient anatomical position that will allow it to exert the most powerful contractile force.

FOOT POSITION Place your feet slightly narrower than your shoulders. The socks can be turned outward a little. If, for good reasons, you place your feet wider (to strengthen your stance), you will only harm yourself. The rise from a squat is done with the strength of the quadriceps. These muscles exert maximum force when the feet are close together. You won’t be able to place them very tightly, otherwise your balance will suffer. A stance narrower than the shoulders is a compromise between stability and an “advantageous” foot position. Next you need to roll the barbell close to you. The bar should be above the instep of your feet and almost touching your ankles.

BODY POSITION Before starting, you need to lower yourself into a deep squat position with your knee joints bent at an angle of 45 degrees. The chest should be filled with a deep breath, and the shoulders should be turned back. The press should be statically tense.

GRAB The grip should be extremely symmetrical relative to the center of the bar. You need to grab the bar with a shoulder-width grip, not narrower. Otherwise, when rising from a squat, your arms will interfere with your legs and vice versa. As for the type of grip, you should use a different grip. This means that one hand grabs the bar with an overhand grip, the other with a reverse grip. A different grip enhances the power of the body's muscular effort. One hand is stronger than the other. So, a strong hand should take the bar with a reverse grip. You can also try the “powerlifter’s grip”. You grab the bar with an overhand grip, place your thumb under the bar, and then wrap your palms around it from above, or rather, squeeze it tightly. A kind of “lock” is formed, which replaces wrist straps for powerlifters. A similar technique is used for the reverse grip.

STRAIGHT BACK Before starting the deadlift, take a deep breath and square your shoulders. This will help you keep your back straight. Why can’t you round your back when doing deadlifts? The fact is that the spine is a chain of cylindrical vertebrae. When it bends, the cylinders bring their edges closer together. There is no big problem in this, but when you have a 100-kilogram barbell in your hands, the edges of the vertebrae rest against each other with enormous force and therefore crack, crumble and can even squeeze out the intervertebral “lining” - the cartilage disc. To prevent this from happening, keep your back absolutely straight, then the vertebrae will line up in a safe straight line.

CONCENTRATION Deadlifts require extreme concentration. After all, the exercise has a complex technique. Compliance with technical rules guarantees a high strength result; deviation from them threatens injury. Concentrate extremely hard on each repetition. Do not play in public under any circumstances! You will think about the reactions of others and completely forget about the technique. Everything could end in tragedy.

HEAD Keep your head in line with your spine. This will help keep your back straight. If you rest your chin on your chest, your trapezius will stretch. They will lose strength and will not be able to stabilize the shoulder girdle.



Just before you start lifting the barbell, take a deep breath. The rib cage of the chest will straighten out, gain rigidity and become a reliable support for the spine. Skeletal strength guarantees maximum muscle contraction power.


At the start and during the movement you need to keep the bar as close to the body as possible. In other words, your barbell should actually slide over your shins and then over your thighs. This will mean that the bar moves as close as possible to the center of gravity of the body. This trajectory is most “beneficial” for our muscles.


This is the most difficult phase of the exercise, and here are the typical mistakes: 1) The athlete starts the movement with his back. First, he jerks his body back, and only then begins to straighten his legs; 2) The athlete first makes a jerking movement with the pelvis, and only then begins to straighten the body. Which is correct? Imagine that someone took your head and smoothly pulled you up. This movement will result in simultaneous extension of the hip, knee and ankle joints. Did you understand? I start the upward movement of the head and pelvis at the same time! In this case, all joints of the legs, including the hip joints, are simultaneously straightened.


As soon as you feel a violation of the technique, immediately lower the barbell back to the floor. For example, the head and pelvis have gone up, but the knees are lagging behind, the quadriceps are tired and do not provide a powerful extension force. Don't try to fix anything. Throwing the barbell? Fear crooked technology like fire. You may suffer an injury from which you will not recover for the rest of your life.


Tighten your back statically and do not “let go” for a second. Your health depends on it! Many athletes, having lifted the barbell above their knees, psychologically relax and forget about their back. She loses tone and the straight athlete freezes with the barbell, slouching heavily. Without thinking about proper technique, he lowers the barbell with a round back.


You need to learn the movement with light weight. When you bring the correct deadlift technique to automaticity, start adding weight. This requires outside control. The muscles are unevenly developed, so the new weight may be too much for some of them, and the technique will be impaired again. When you get to a solid weight, rise out of the squat with a powerful, dynamic movement.


As soon as you lower the barbell to the floor, begin to breathe intensely.


Stand straight, but do not lock your knees. Keep them slightly bent. Do not tilt your body backwards under any circumstances! This is a surefire path to lower back injury! Keeping your shoulders turned and your back straight, take 1-3 quick breaths, hold your breath and lower the barbell to the floor.


Again, the hip, knee and ankle joints should bend simultaneously. If one of the joints is late, the others will take on the weight of the barbell. This is exactly how illiterate athletes ruin their knees with deadlifts.


You cannot allow yourself to submit to the barbell on the way back and let it carry you along with its weight. The technique of lowering the barbell should copy its lifting with mirror precision, but only in the reverse order. Resist gravity as hard as you can. Lower the bar slowly and under control!


Lift the barbell in a vertical plane that passes through the middle of your feet. In this case, the weight of the bar will press your feet to the floor with the entire surface. If you move the bar forward, your heels will lift off the floor and your toes will take the entire load. To stand up, you will have to lean your body forward more. This will fundamentally change the kinesiology of the exercise and weaken many of the working muscles.


Return the bar to the floor, but do not remove your hands from the bar. Double-check the correctness of the starting position and start a new repetition.



This type of deadlift puts more stress on the muscles of the back of the thigh and buttocks than the classic deadlift. Moreover, the glutes work even more here than in straight-legged deadlifts!

DO IT RIGHT! There is no need to sit in a deep squat here. Lowering the bar is carried out by moving the pelvis back and simultaneously bending the body. So, inhale powerfully and slowly bend over, keeping the barbell as close to your legs as possible. Move your pelvis back as you bend your body. Stop when the bar is in the middle of your shins and your body is almost parallel to the floor. Straighten up, pushing your pelvis forward, and exhale.

NOTES Stop when you feel your back begin to round. Usually this is the height of the middle of the shins. If you try to lower the bar by bending your knees, the load will leave the hamstrings.

When performing the Romanian deadlift, you need to keep your back extremely straight.

In the lower position, do not hold the barbell suspended,

let it sit firmly on the floor.


This device is present in all serious clubs. If a regular barbell requires good balance, learning the correct technique and tears the skin on your shins to blood, then the frame is free from all these shortcomings. Moreover, it is indispensable for those who have injured their lower back in the past. The frame significantly reduces the load on your back. The frame is much more effective than the barbell, since it allows you to demonstrate animal-like muscular effort, forgetting about balance and the subtleties of technique. The frame has no competition in pumping up strength and mass in the legs.

DO IT RIGHT! The frame itself sets you up for the correct technique. The reason is that the frame, unlike the barbell, already at the start provides ideal weight distribution. All that remains is to straighten up, taking care of a straight back.

NOTES Instead of 25 kg pancakes, use 15 or even 10 kg pancakes. This will allow you to go lower into your squat.

STANDING UP without photo

This type of deadlift is performed in a power rack with supports. The repetitions are partial because they cover only the upper third or half of the movement. The supports are placed just below the middle of the thighs or at the height of the knees. This option does not require a squat rise and only includes the finishing phase when the athlete pulls the barbell with the strength of his back. Since the amplitude is limited, the working weight increases many times over. As a result, the power of the core muscles grows rapidly.

DO IT RIGHT! Since the goal of the exercise is maximum strength results, only a different grip is used here. The weight is huge, so don’t forget about your back - keep it straight. Do not try to tilt your body back in the top position!

NOTES Make the exercise work for your legs too. At the top point, feel the most powerful static contraction of the buttocks and hamstrings. Try to contract the muscles even more!


This exotic type of traction has great advantages. It targets the inner thigh muscles in a way that no other form of deadlift does. In addition, the sumo deadlift forces the deep muscles of the posterior thigh, semitendinosus and semimembranosus, to work. Even squats can't give them a decent workout! At the same time, the buttocks and lower back muscles work perfectly.

DO IT RIGHT! You need to spread your legs at an angle of 30-40 degrees and sit in a squat. Grab the bar with a different grip exactly shoulder width apart. Keeping your back straight, straighten up.

NOTES If you have knee pain, replace squats with sumo deadlifts on leg day. The effect is almost the same.

In this version, deadlifts do not set strength records, so periodically change the order of different grips. Despite the fact that one hand is stronger, regularly make the other hand lead (reverse grip). This will help you equalize the strength of both hands


This type of traction is designed to specifically develop the muscles of the back of the thighs and buttocks. Since the legs are straight, the quadriceps are practically inactive. You pull the barbell up with the strength of your back muscles, and at the same time they are powerfully assisted by the muscles of the back of your legs.

DO IT RIGHT! Begin the row by holding the barbell near the middle of your shins. Remember, the deeper the slope, the more you will have to round your back. Don't even try to do the exercise from the floor. Some athletes place a barbell in front of them on the end of a gymnastics bench. After each repetition, they return the barbell to the bench and take a breath. The barbell does not need to be suspended and this, they say, allows you to add weight. However, no one needs records here. The more the barbell weighs in this type of deadlift, the higher the risk of injury, that’s all.

NOTES The exercise requires special care. At the first sign of discomfort, drop the barbell to the floor.

MUSCLE & FITNESS â„–5 2008

The deadlift is one of the three main basic exercises, the implementation of which leads to a comprehensive increase in strength and muscle mass. Without this exercise, it is very difficult to make significant progress in muscle development. In this article we will look in detail at all aspects of performing deadlifts, analyze its technique, types and main mistakes.

Why do deadlifts

This exercise has a lot of advantages. Here are some of them:

  1. This is a basic exercise for any bodybuilder. It develops several large muscle groups at once (back, legs, buttocks) as well as many small ones. The work of the muscles will be described in detail below.
  2. Deadlifts can significantly increase your strength. The increase in strength in this exercise will be accompanied by an increase in your muscle mass.
  3. In some cases, with a sore back, this is an excellent opportunity to forget about pain in the spine forever.

When performing a deadlift, about 70% of the muscles of the entire body are involved in the work. This is a powerful, energy-consuming exercise that also has a functional basis. After all, this is actually lifting a heavy object from the ground. And every person faces this task more than once in his life.

What muscles work

When performing a classic deadlift, the load on the muscles is distributed as follows:

Main working groups:

  • Back muscles. The main load falls on the extensors of the spine, especially their lumbar part. Also, part of the work goes to the latissimus dorsi muscles.
  • Legs and buttocks. The exercise makes the hamstrings, gluteus maximus and quadriceps muscles actively work. It’s worth saying here that the classic style of deadlifting puts less stress on the buttocks and the back of the thighs, so it is more suitable for men, but, for example, the Romanian deadlift and straight-legged deadlift are traditionally considered a more suitable option for women.

Additional load is received by:

  • Forearms and hands. Holding a heavy barbell is not the easiest task for your hands.
  • Trapezius muscles.
  • Abdominal muscles (rectus and obliques). They stabilize your core, helping you maintain proper, safe posture.
  • Calf muscles, inner thighs.

Muscle work during the exercise.

As you can see, almost the entire body is involved in this exercise.

Types of deadlifts

The classic way to perform deadlifts was mentioned above. But there are many variations of this exercise.

We list the main ones:

  • Classic deadlift performed with a barbell.
  • Deadlift of dumbbells on straight legs.
  • Deadlift with a barbell.
  • Sumo barbell row.
  • Short deadlift.

In addition, variations of the barbell exercise can be performed both in Smith and with a free apparatus. The bar can be in a power rack, or simply stand on the floor.

We won't go into depth and tell you about exotic deadlift variations here, because there's no point in that. The exercises given in this article are ideal for all cases.

Deadlifting in different sports

Unlike powerlifting, the deadlift in bodybuilding is not a 100% mandatory exercise. But it allows you to develop your muscles well, making your body stronger and more respectable. Very famous athletes such as Arnold Schwarzenegger did it regularly. Among lifters, this is the basics.
Craving performed by Arnold Schwarzenegger.

  • Deadlifts with a barbell are included in powerlifting triathlons.
  • For weightlifting, the deadlift is the basic element of lifting weights off the floor.
  • For wrestlers, this is an important part of training to lift your opponent off the floor.
  • This is one of the training elements in rowing.

Mainly, in all sports, this exercise is used to maximally strengthen the lower back.

Doing a classic deadlift

Before we tell you how to do a deadlift correctly, let's talk about how to hold a barbell. That is, let's talk about grip.

Grip nuances

The grip can be direct, reverse and mixed (mixed grip).

It is more correct to hold on to the bar so that your hands are turned with your palms facing your belt.

If the weight of the barbell is too heavy, athletes use a type of grip in which one hand is turned as described above, and the other with the palm facing away from you. The so-called mismatch. This really helps keep more weight off. But there are also unpleasant moments in this:

  • The symmetry of the body is disrupted; over time, one side may become lower or higher than the other. The difference will be measured in mm, visually you may not notice it. However, this is a curvature of the spine.
  • With such a grip (mixed), a torque occurs. The barbell seems to turn in one direction. This moment is transmitted to the spine, loading it.
  • You are not training your grip strength because you are using a lighter version.

Correct deadlift technique means that your hands need to be positioned with your knuckles facing outward. If the weight does not allow you to do this, that is, your hands unclench, train your grip strength. There are special exercises for this. Choose a barbell weight that you can hold for 6-8 reps. Slowly increase the load over time.

Exercise technique

The most common option is the classic bent-leg deadlift.
Storyboard of the exercise.

It can be done either in Smith, in a power rack or from the floor. The deadlift is a foundation, so it needs to be done at the beginning of your workout. Warm up well. Stretch your lower back and legs.

  1. Take an empty bar (usually its weight is 20 kg), stand in front of it, placing your feet slightly narrower than your shoulders. The feet should be parallel to each other.
  2. Straighten your back, push your pelvis back (natural arch in the lower back). The back cannot be round. The neck is an extension of the back; there is no need to raise or lower your head.
  3. From this position, we tilt the body forward, moving the pelvis back. With this tilt, the shoulders should extend slightly forward beyond the line of the shins. At the same time, the knees will begin to bend (by 10-15 degrees) - this is normal.
  4. The tilt of the body should be 40-45 degrees.
  5. Lower your arms down. If you are bending over correctly, your hands should be in line with the front of your shins.
  6. There should be very little left to the neck. Crouch down to pick it up. At the same time, do not lean your body forward or backward. Your main task is to ensure that your shoulders move along a strictly vertical axis.
  7. We take the bar with the correct grip (palms facing us).
  8. Smoothly straighten your legs, and only then straighten your back. When you hang weights on the bar, you won't have to go as low to grab the barbell. Therefore, you just need to approach it so that the bar rests on your shin. From this position it will need to be raised.
  9. When you are straight, squeeze your shoulder blades together.
  10. Then start lowering - first your back bends to about 45 degrees (make sure your shoulders are exactly above the bar), then your legs.

Do 10-15 warm-up reps, then hang the plates and work with weights for 6-8 reps for 3-4 sets. If the working weight is heavy, approach it gradually. You should not immediately take, for example, 150 kg.

The bar should slide along your legs all the time - first along the shin, through the knee. Next, try not to move it far from the thigh, but also do not press it there with muscle force.

The position of the body, arms and legs during movement.

There is also such a thing as a classic short deadlift. This is when the barbell stands on plates, or is located in a power frame at a certain height from the floor. This option is used to practice This is deadlift training in the upper phase, when we do not lower the weight to the floor. This option is also suitable for people with limited mobility of the hip joints. It is performed in exactly the same way as the regular classic version, the weight is simply set to a higher place. Can be done in Smith.

Notes on technique

There are a number of technical points that should be observed no matter what type of deadlift you are doing. These are the moments:

  1. Heels should not be lifted off the floor. Do not wear shoes with soft or springy soles. Heavy weights will push them into the floor. It is best to wear shoes with thin, uniform soles (sneakers, for example).
  2. Despite the fact that when describing the classic deadlift technique, we suggested placing your feet slightly narrower than your shoulders, you need to find your own version. You can place your feet shoulder-width apart, or next to each other. Find the most convenient option for yourself. This will allow you to make the technique most correct for you and your body type.
  3. Don't load one part of your body more than another during a deadlift. Distribute the load evenly. This is achieved through the correct position of the pelvis. If your back or legs work more, pay attention to your pelvis.
  4. Take care that the barbell does not roll on the floor. When you lower it during the approach, it should not slide, roll away, etc. In this regard, doing deadlifts in a frame or machine is much more convenient.
  5. Toes should be on the same line, no leg should protrude beyond this line. Or not reach it. Asymmetry is unacceptable!
  6. The technique needs to be honed on light weights.
  7. In Smith, it is more convenient to stand on such a side that when removing the barbell, you can rotate the bar away from you (you are standing in the machine, not in front of it). But, again, do what is most convenient for you.
  8. To avoid chafing your knees, use bandages. Or do deadlifts in your pants. The wounds take a long time to heal and interfere with training.
  9. Wear an athletic belt.

Smith makes deadlift training a lot easier.

  • Firstly, the weight can be taken from different levels.
  • Secondly, you can fix it at any point if it suddenly becomes difficult or painful.
  • Thirdly, it goes strictly up and down, so you cannot lift it any other way, to the side.

Agree - there are a number of advantages. Perfect for people with back pain.

How to deadlift in Smith - exactly the same as outside the machine. However, do not forget that you should not do deadlifts in Smith all the time. You should try to gradually switch to free weights.

In the Smith machine.

A healthy person does not have to start mastering deadlifts with Smith. If preparation allows, it is better to immediately take the barbell. It is better to use the simulator for those who have any problems with the spine. More on this a little further.

Deadlift and sumo

Let's briefly go over the differences between these types of deadlifts and the classic ones. You can read in detail about the technique and features of each exercise in the relevant articles on our website.

Straight-legged row or deadlift

You can perform this exercise with dumbbells or a barbell. Here you will need a good stretch in the lower back and hamstrings. Take care of this in advance. Deadlifts on straight legs are better suited for girls, as they perfectly work the buttocks, back of the thigh and lower back without affecting the quadriceps.
On straight legs.

How to do deadlifts on straight legs - read a separate article on our website.

This is a lighter version of the deadlift, so you can do 10-12 repetitions in 3-4 sets.

If you take dumbbells, you need to hold them on the outside of your thigh. Their necks are parallel to your feet. And the feet are parallel to each other.

If your stretching is not enough to perform this exercise correctly, it is recommended to take a closer look at the Romanian deadlift. When performing it, the pelvis is also moved back, but the legs remain slightly bent at the knees. The bar of the bar drops to the middle of the shin.
Romanian version with slightly bent legs.

Sumo deadlift

This is a lifting type of exercise in which the legs are placed significantly wider than the shoulders and the arms are placed between them.
The wide leg deadlift is used in powerlifting.

In general, the technique is similar to the classic version, but there are a number of differences, which are also described in detail in the corresponding article.

If your back hurts

Whether to do deadlifts with a sore back is a controversial issue. Most often, the correct load on the lower back strengthens it, and a person forgets about pain and begins to live a full life. There are many such examples. But this is only with the correct technique and proper selection of scales.

When unqualified trainers get down to business, everything ends badly - a hernia, serious injury, surgery. And then you can’t force a person into the gym.

It is best to consult a sports physician about back pain. Because each case is individual!

You should always focus on your own well-being. There shouldn't be any pain. If your back hurts after every workout (do not confuse muscle and joint pain), try performing partial rows (short rows), or always wear an orthopedic belt with stiffeners. If this does not help, postpone classes until you consult a specialist.

If you have a sore back, the safest option is to use a Smith machine. Work in it for the first month to strengthen the ligaments and muscles of the back.

And remember, an ordinary doctor - neurologist or traumatologist will most often prohibit you from heavy exercise. A sports doctor is a sports doctor to help you continue playing sports. Therefore, if life without a gym is unbearable for you, try looking for such a specialist in your city.

Main mistakes and difficulties


Poor stretching is always a problem for a bodybuilder. Because of this, your deadlift technique can be severely affected. Moreover, this problem applies to any traction option.
Stretch the back of the thighs.

First you need to stretch your lower back, leg flexors, and calves. We use classic techniques for this:

  • We reach the floor with our hands on straight legs. The lower you can go without rounding your back, the better. If you reach for floors with a round back, wean yourself off it. Firstly, this is harmful to the spine, and secondly, the technique of the exercise we are considering requires arching in the lower back.
  • We stretch our hands to our feet while sitting on a fitness mat.
  • We do stretches for the legs - splits, “reach the floor with your knees” and others.

It may take you a month to stretch enough for the lift.

Libra progress

You notice that the weight becomes light and add more. Progress seems to be going quickly. But for some reason the arch in the lower back disappears, and the back begins to round. You lift 150 kg, but in the upper phase you bring the barbell to the final point by straightening the thoracic spine. And the next day you have a strange pain in your chest. Congratulations - you have developed thoracic osteochondrosis.

More often than not, people do not feel pain and continue to gain weight. This is how serious injuries occur. What's the problem? In quickly hanging pancakes. You need to increase the weights slowly, carefully ensuring that the technique does not suffer.

If it’s easy for you, add 10 kg each workout. When it gets heavier, increase the weight by 2.5 kg. It's long, but effective. The most important thing is the right technique! When deadlifts are performed correctly, you will not get injured and you will gain strength and muscle mass.

Thrust frequency

The optimal training regimen for a bodybuilder is 1 deadlift per week. You can do 2 rows if one of them is with dumbbells, for example, on straight legs. And the second one is classic. If you work with heavy weights, it is better to leave the frequency at 1 time per week. This is because the load on the lower back is very large, both joints and ligaments are loaded. They need time to recover.

If you really want to pump up your back faster, do hyperextension 2 times a week.
Hyperextension for back training.

Breathing and smooth movement

You are not going for world records (by the way, it is very dangerous to do this here), so do everything without jerking. Smoothly raise, smoothly lower. Let the muscles work, not tear. A sudden movement will ruin your technique and health.

Lifting the weight begins as you exhale. As you inhale, lower it back down. You cannot hold your breath.