A product for treating pool walls before filling. Filling the pool at the beginning of the season. Treatment of water with chemicals

(optimal filtration mode is ensured, cleaning, adding chemicals and backwashing of the filter are carried out in a timely manner), it is not necessary to change the water every year. If the pool is very dirty after wintering, it must be emptied and thoroughly cleaned. When performing the pool cleaning procedure, necessary Wear protective clothing, rubber gloves, a rubber apron and safety glasses! removal of the skimmer and pool protective cover . Before emptying and cleaning the pool, the skimmer and pool cover should be cleaned as they can be breeding grounds for germs. The skimmer can be mechanically cleaned; the wet protective coating is treated with a “universal cleaning agent FL” to remove fat deposits and an acid preparation “pH minus” (see section 2) to remove limescale. These drugs should never be used simultaneously! Emptying the pool . Using a brush and a hand-held bottom cleaner, remove dirt from the walls and sediment from the bottom. Empty the pool. Thorough pool cleaning . Apply an acidic product to remove limescale or an alkaline product to remove dark stains of organic origin, leave the product to act, then rinse. Do not apply acidic and alkaline preparations at the same time! An acidic preparation can only be used after the alkaline has been completely removed from the surface, and vice versa! Do not use household chemicals containing ammonia or phosphates to clean the pool! Treatment of the pool bowl against algae . Treat the sides and bottom of the pool with a 1% algaecide solution and allow to dry before filling the pool with water. This can prevent the formation of algae colonies or inactivate their spores. Checking the condition of water circulation equipment . Check the condition of the filter unit, the quantity and quality of the filter material (sand) after winter storage and pour sand into the filter. Replace sand if necessary. (With proper care of the pool water and filtration system, the sand should be changed after 2-3 years for continuous use of the pool, and after 3-5 years for seasonal use). Checking the presence and condition of chemicals. Check the availability and expiration date of chemicals and purchase the missing ones, first of all, a pH adjusting agent, which at first will be needed more than usual. The amount of instant chlorinating preparation “Chloriclar” necessary for shock chlorination should also be available. Checking the presence and condition of preparations for water analysis . Check the availability and expiration date of indicator tablets and/or test strips. If their color changes, you should purchase new medications. Filling the pool with water . Water used to fill and top up private swimming pool, must correspond hygienic requirements requirements for drinking water. The water entering the pool from the city water supply network is most often transparent, colorless, pleasant to the taste and does not contain harmful chemical compounds and microorganisms. When filling a pool from a self-contained underground or surface source, the water should be tested to check if it is suitable for the pool. For example, if the source water contains high levels of hardness salts, iron or manganese, preliminary water treatment is recommended. Initial treatment of water with chemicals . When dosing, you must follow instructions for the use of appropriate preparations in case of pool filling. After the pool is filled with water, bring the pH value to 7.2 - 7.4 using drugs pH or pH-minus carry out shock chlorination with the instant preparation “Chlorifix”, regardless of what will be used to disinfect the pool water afterwards - chlorine or a chlorine-free preparation of active oxygen. If necessary (if the water is cloudy), carry out coagulation with Aquatix coagulant. Then turn the filter unit into continuous filtration mode for 2-3 days. Now you can use the pool and switch to the usual regime for its care. Do not forget to check the pH value and the level of residual free chlorine daily at first.


For some time now you are the happy owner of a swimming pool.

And if you have the possibility of unlimited access to clean water, and the same unlimited drainage, you are a doubly happy owner of a swimming pool, since the problem of water purification will not affect you.

But what to do if the dacha is only 5 acres, the pool is already several cubes of flowering chacha, and on a hot day the water from the pipes flows in a thin, slightly rusty stream, and even the evil neighbors do not allow dirty water from the pool to be drained onto their property?

The answer suggests itself: it’s time to start cleaning the water. Surely, you have already purchased a filter, cartridges for it, a skimmer, a vacuum cleaner for the bottom and other useful devices from the manufacturer of your pool, but physical processing does not bring the desired result. The water blooms, mucus forms on the walls of the pool, and small particles of sand are not retained by either a vacuum cleaner or a filter.

Don't rush to complain! All these wonderful devices will give excellent results subject to complex (physical and chemical) water treatment.

Try to take the problem of chemical water treatment seriously. Don't make common mistakes and harm your health!

Enjoy your holiday!

How to avoid the most common mistakes in chemical water treatment:

1. Do not wait for algae to appear in the pool; start treating the water immediately after filling the pool with water. Be sure to treat the pool walls immediately before filling.

2. Do not rush to make a choice in favor of any complex drug. Firstly, it is much more expensive than, say, a set of several highly specialized preparations, and secondly, any complex preparation is a mixture of several substances, it is not a fact that they are needed at your water pH level in exactly this ratio, and therefore The effectiveness of such treatment is questionable.

3. Take the time to measure the pH level of the water in sunny weather, and then measure it after rain. Remember: when the pH of the water is abnormal, the effectiveness of the drugs changes greatly; for example, at a high pH, ​​the effectiveness of chlorine drops by 20 times!

4. Do not try to use disinfectants (C l, Br) fight against algae! You will not save anything financially and will harm your health!

5. Remember: removing sand, rust, etc. small mechanical particles cease to be a problem provided that coagulants are used.

Strictly follow the dosage and method of administration of drugs!!!

Don't forget to read the "Memo to Pool Owners".

For consultations and product purchases, please contact e- mail:

Memo to pool owners

If your pool water is well maintained, most large dirt particles will be retained by the filter. In general, we recommend running the pump so that the water in the pool is recirculated at least 2-3 times a day. As a rule, this corresponds to operating the filter for 6-8 hours a day.

Filters (cartridges) must be cleaned regularly, and at least 3% of the water must be replaced with fresh water weekly.

Foreign bodies that, despite the procedures described above, are in the water should be removed manually using a net and a water vacuum cleaner.

Chemical water treatment consists of 4 steps:

1. pH regulation

2. Water disinfection

3. Prevent algae


To disinfect water, there are 3 different care programs, one of which the pool owner can choose at will:

- water disinfection using active oxygen

- water disinfection using chlorine

- water disinfection using bromine

Any size pool needs to be cleaned. Moreover, there is such a pattern: the warmer the water, the more actively microorganisms multiply and the more time and money is spent on cleaning. Some of the large dirt floating on the surface can be caught with a net, and some of the plaque on the bottom and walls can be removed with a brush. However, microscopic algae, fungi, grease and other contaminants measuring several tens of microns in size cannot be removed with any nets, scrapers, brushes or other similar devices.

Pool care - daily work

For these purposes there are more modern means: vacuum cleaners, pumps and filters from which a whole system is developed: . But even the most modern means of mechanical cleaning do not guarantee the complete absence of microorganisms in water. Complete biological and hygienic safety of water is ensured by chemical or electrophysical purification methods.

The largest particles from the pool can be caught with a net or cleaned off with a brush. You can do this yourself, with your own hands, or you can buy an automatic machine or a robot.

Even if you have a filter, plaque forms on the walls and bottom that needs to be cleaned off. Small pools can be cleaned with brushes. They have a wide variety of shapes: round, triangular, oval, rectangular, straight and curved. So that you can reach the middle “from the shore”, there is a telescopic handle. All this stuff is available in the form of a pool cleaning kit, or separately. A set is a pen with a whole arsenal of a wide variety of attachments.

A hand mop for cleaning a pool is, of course, a good thing, but it will take a lot of time and effort to clean even a medium-sized pool with it. And if the pool has large area— cleaning the walls and bottom by hand every day is not the greatest pleasure in life. To speed up the process, they came up with special vacuum cleaners for cleaning the pool. They can be manual: the unit is located near the pool, you have a rod in your hands, to which the bell of the vacuum cleaner is attached.

You move this rod along the walls and bottom, collecting plaque. Somewhat easier, but still takes a lot of time and effort. There are robotic vacuum cleaners for fully automated cleaning of the bottom and walls of the pool. They are absolutely sealed, so they are completely immersed in the pool, connected to the filter inlet and work independently (automatic or robotic) or under your control (semi-automatic).

For those who like to make all sorts of devices with their own hands, watch the video that shows how to make a vacuum cleaner for cleaning a pool yourself.

But even if you removed the plaque from the walls, it partially dissolved in the water. If the particles that formed it are not removed, the plaque will very soon end up on the walls and bottom again. Therefore, the water needs to be filtered. Moreover, this should be done not only during cleaning, but also periodically throughout the day. Every day as long as there is water in the pool.

Filters are used for high-quality water purification. In them pump Water is supplied from the pool, passed through a filter, it is cleaned, and discharged back. Eat different ways water selection and supply. And all this equipment together is called . But even with a good filter, achieving 100% purity is unrealistic: the smallest particles (fungi, bacteria and microscopic algae) remain in the water. They can only be neutralized using pool chemicals. The second option is a complete change of water, with thorough washing and disinfection of the bowl. And such a change should be carried out at least once a week, or even more often: it depends on the water temperature.

Pool cleaning chemicals

It is simply impossible to do without the periodic use of special water treatment products. But different drugs are used for different purposes. There are chemicals for:

  • Destruction of algae.
  • Disinfection.
  • The formation of larger formations from microscopic particles, which are then easily removed by filters.

There are also drugs that perform several functions. They are one of the most popular. After all, it is very convenient to add one drug, get rid of bacteria, algae and fungi, and get clear water. They are called "combined".

Any preparation for purifying pool water is available in several forms: in the form of bulk formulations, liquids, some may be in a gaseous state, but tablets for pool cleaning are more in demand. They are more convenient to use and dosage, which is why they are in demand.

Pool cleaning products

Despite the variety of drugs produced, there are not so many active substances for disinfection. This is the well-known chlorine, less known but no less effective bromine, as well as active oxygen preparations. Some installations use silver, ozone or ultraviolet radiation (this method can only be classified as chemical only conditionally).

Chlorine and chlorides

The advantages and disadvantages of chlorine are known to everyone, but sometimes it is the only option that guarantees complete purification of water. Treatment with chlorine is necessary if the water temperature exceeds 28 ° C for a long time. In this case, only it can cope with the whole mass of problems and multiplied bacteria.

Chlorine affects not only the water, but also the walls, and also has an “after-effect period”: after treatment, the water remains safe for some time. But there are also significant disadvantages: it is an allergen, increases water hardness, and the smell is not the most pleasant. In addition, it is necessary to remove chlorine reaction products from the water (filters can handle this), and after some time, microorganisms become accustomed to the drug. But this is the cheapest and at the same time the most effective method.

More secure and correct use It is non-toxic to clean your pool with sodium hypochlorite. To treat water in swimming pools, use a 0.1-0.2% solution of grade A hypochlorite. For effective disinfection, it is advisable to carry out treatment at a Ph level of 7.0 - 7.4. Dosages and features of use are available on the packages. These recommendations must be followed very precisely.

How to use

Acidity is checked before each use of chemical cleaning products. The fact is that they are effective only at a certain acidity. Therefore, the state of the water is first adjusted, then reagents are added. These are drugs that have the words “plus” or “minus” in their names. Accordingly, they increase or decrease acidity.

Tablets for correcting pool water acidity have the words “plus” and “minus” in their names.

To maintain a seasonal pool (inflatable or frame, as well as stationary), you need an acidity tester and a chlorine content indicator. To maintain the normal state of water, the free chlorine content must be at least 1 mg/l. This concentration must be maintained. Since the rate of chlorine decomposition strongly depends on the temperature of the water, the frequency of adding drugs can be different: with cool water - once a week, with warm water - once every two to three days.

Chlorine generators

There are special installations that “extract” chlorine from table salt dissolved in water. They work very efficiently. Even after several years of use without changing the water, it remains clean, transparent and odorless.

Na(+) + Cl(–) + H2O = Na(+) + Cl(–) + H(+) + OH(–)

You need to add salt once, when starting the system or changing the water. That's all. How much salt you need is written in the instructions. The water does not taste salty - the concentration is several times lower than in sea water.

“Theorists” say that if replacement is necessary, water cannot be poured onto the site: the salt will destroy all the plants. In reality, it turns out that they will receive good nutrition and will feel very good.

From the experience of operating such stations: the owners are very satisfied. Only they adapt the work a little, trying to save money. The fact is that after rain a “shock” dose of chlorine is required. To do this, you just need to press the appropriate button, but the point is that the equipment works four times more efficiently, copper plates are connected. Since all this consumes a lot of electricity, a little chlorine is added to the water in the preparation or the pool is closed when it rains. The second method seems easier, but only if you have an airtight shelter (and if you knew it was going to rain).


Bromine is odorless, does not change the pH of water, does not irritate mucous membranes and skin and is not an allergen. When added to water, it effectively fights biological contaminants (microbes and algae), removes organic contaminants by oxidizing them (like chlorine). It does not create dangerous compounds and does not cause allergies. But it won’t cope with large volumes. And this is one of its main shortcomings. Therefore, it mainly works “in tandem” with chlorine.

A significant disadvantage of using bromine for pool disinfection is its high cost. Therefore, despite the best characteristics, it is little used, although it works effectively in small private pools.

Pool cleaning with active oxygen

Active oxygen for swimming pool cleaning is produced from hydrogen peroxide. After adding the preparations, the water becomes cleaner, but its properties do not change. But long-term use of this method of disinfection leads to an increase in concentration chemical substances, which is not very good for the skin. It should be taken into account that the efficiency of treatment drops significantly if the water temperature exceeds 28 ° C.

Moreover, everything is not so simple: active oxygen is classified as a second class of dangerous substances (which, in addition to a number of other substances, also includes arsenic, formaldehyde, chlorine and hydrochloric acid). Therefore, if you use it for disinfection, then strictly adhere to the standards. According to GOST, the concentration of active oxygen in water should not exceed 0.1 g/l. But for complete disinfection of pool water, this concentration is not enough; it must be exceeded. If you add active oxygen preparations in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendations, then its concentration in water is several times higher than the permissible limit. The solution is to add chlorine-containing preparations or connect additional disinfection units with silver or quartz lamps. Using active oxygen preparations alone is either ineffective or dangerous. However, combined methods are quite effective.

Concentrated hydrogen peroxide is a dangerous substance

This drug is available in tablet, powder, and liquid form. The tablets and powder are added directly to the water. The dosage is prescribed on the package. There should be no people in the pool during treatment. That’s why most often they don’t do it at night. You can also add liquid concentrate manually. Pour 500 ml of 35% peroxide per 1000 liters of water.

Processing can be automated. There are special dispensers for this. They can work in automatic and semi-automatic mode.

Cleaning water with hydrogen peroxide: video

This experiment was carried out at the dacha: a container with water bloomed and turned green. To clean it, the owner added peroxide. Look what happened.

While water purification with hydrogen peroxide can still be accepted, cleaning the pool with copper sulfate is strictly contraindicated. Yes, the water remains clean and transparent for a long time, yes, algae and microorganisms do not multiply in it, but all this is because copper sulfate is one of the most powerful poisons. So you definitely can’t use it to purify drinking water (namely, drinking water is in the pool).

Pool cleaning with silver ions

The bactericidal and antiseptic properties of silver are known to everyone today. Purification of pool water with silver ions occurs using a special installation. A current of a certain strength and frequency is supplied through the plates containing silver. As a result, silver ions are released into the water.

The entire process, as well as monitoring the level of silver in the water, occurs using electronics, which cannot but affect the cost of the installation. After all, silver belongs to heavy metals (the same 2nd class of hazardous substances with arsenic, chlorine and hydrochloric acid in one company), therefore its content in water is regulated by GOSTs and requires strict compliance. The disadvantages of water purification with silver include the fact that not all microorganisms die; many of them continue to develop further. So even with this method of disinfecting a pool, you cannot do without adding chlorine (or bromine).


Ozone is a very active oxidizing agent that destroys everything. It is obtained from ordinary water by passing electricity. As a result, ozone is formed in the water, which oxidizes all bacteria and microorganisms. This reaction binds all chemical elements, most of which can subsequently be filtered out. To return oxygen to its normal state, water is passed through sand filter s. Remaining pollutants settle in them, and ozone is also destroyed.

The output of the ozonizer is clean water, without any odors. There is only a slight smell of freshness, like after a thunderstorm. The disadvantage of this method of disinfection is the high cost of installation. Therefore, they are used mainly for large pools; for private use this method is rare.

The second disadvantage of this disinfection method is that the oxidation reaction occurs only in the installation, and this leads to insufficient safety of the water in the bowl. To obtain the aftereffect, chlorine is added. It is required several times less, and due to the processing there is no smell.

Algae control

Almost all of the above methods, except ozonation, do not affect the proliferation of microscopic algae. As a result, the water turns green, or as they say, “blooms.” This phenomenon must be dealt with separately. There are preparations and installations for this.

Among the installations, the first is ozone treatment, the second is ultraviolet treatment. But ultraviolet only works well in clear water. If it becomes cloudy, you will have to use chemicals and then remove the algae.

Green water needs to be dealt with with special means: albucides. Other measures include drugs with active oxygen, in particular perhydrol. But be careful: the concentration cannot be exceeded

There are also special medications. They are called algaecides. Every manufacturer has water disinfection products, but they are called differently. Just keep in mind that when starting up the pool, before adding water, you need to thoroughly treat the bottom and walls of the bowl with these algaecides. Then the flooded water does not turn green or become cloudy for two to three weeks. So the next portion of chemicals will not need to be added soon.

conclusions. It is best when cleaning the water in the pool consists of several stages: first by mechanical means (nets, hand mops, vacuum cleaners, filters) and sometimes periodically cleaning using ultraviolet light, ozone, silver with the addition of chlorine-containing preparations. Moreover, when treated with ultraviolet light, you need to add 10 times less chlorine-containing preparations, and when treated with ozone, by 80%.

Beautiful and clear water is the desire of any pool owner. You must remember that water is a living organism that requires care and... Beautiful and clear water is the desire of any pool owner. You must remember that water is a living organism that requires care and “nutrition”, and each pool is individual and therefore requires an individual approach.

Before using chemicals, you must read these instructions and the instructions for each drug used.

At the beginning of the swimming season, a thorough spring cleaning of the pool is necessary. To do this, we suggest using the following tools sequentially:

1.Remedy for cleaning the pool and removing hardened limescale and dirt.

2.Remedy for cleaning the edges of the pool from oil and grease contaminants.

3. Algaecide– before filling the pool, it is necessary to treat the walls and bottom with a solution of 250 ml per 10 cubic meters. and let dry. After these operations, you can begin direct water treatment. This is done in three stages:

Stage 1: – the most important – pH regulation
. The pH value shows the “character” of your water. Too much great importance pH makes water aggressive to the skin of the body and reduces the effectiveness of other water care products. In this case, the water is said to be “alkaline.” Too low a pH value causes an “acidic” reaction of the water and leads to the destruction of the pool film. The ideal pH value lies between 7.2-7.6, i.e. causes the water to be slightly alkaline.

To regulate the pH value, means are used pH +(increasing) and pH –(lowering).

Stage 2: destruction of algae.

Algae serve as a breeding ground for bacteria. That is why it is necessary to ensure that there are no algae either in the water or on the walls of the pool.

Used to kill algae Algaecide

Stage 3: water disinfection.

Water disinfection will allow you and your guests to swim without the risk of infection or illness.

Shock treatment is carried out using unstabilized “Chlorine granules.” High quality “Chlorine tablets” When used regularly, it will allow you to simply and effectively protect your water from bacteria, fungi and other pathogens.

For problem-free, long-term disinfection for pools up to 20 cubic meters. m. – can be used Mini tablets of stabilized chlorine20 g, for pools over 20 cubic meters. m. must be used slowly dissolving chlorine tablets 200 and250 g

The cleaning system contains 2 more basic means. So, if the water is cloudy and the filter cannot remove this contamination, then use Flocculant, converting contaminants into flakes that the filter unit can handle.

When preserving the pool for winter period means used Uberwinterungsmittel, which prevents the formation of lime deposits, the growth of algae and greatly facilitates spring cleaning of the pool.

What to do, if…:

Even with proper care External causes can deteriorate water quality. In this case, it is useful for you to know the following:

1. Cloudy water or mucus on the walls.

Cause: poor filter performance or weather influences, such as thunderstorms. What to do: Determine the pH value and adjust it to 7.2-7.6 using pH plus or pH minus. Perform shock chlorination of water using "Chlorine granules". For sand filters add to water Liquid flocculant (coagulant)

Turn on the filter for a long time and rinse thoroughly (backwash). If these actions do not lead to desired result After 3 days, repeat shock chlorination.

2. Brown water.

Reason: “brown color” is due to the presence of iron in the water. What to do; adjust the pH value to 7.2-7.6, perform shock chlorination, add to water Liquid flocculant (coagulant) directly next to the skimmer.

Turn on the filter for a long time and rinse thoroughly (backwash).

3. Unpleasant chlorine smell.

Cause: The odor is due to the formation of chloramines and is caused by overloading the pool when the chlorine reacts with contaminants. Chloramine does not have disinfecting properties and, on the contrary, causes changes in pH and inflammation of the eyes. What to do: carry out shock chlorination. Chloramines will disappear and active chlorine will form again.

4. Eye and skin irritation

Cause: incorrect pH value: determine and adjust the pH value to 7.2-7.6 .