The median muscles of the neck are the geniohyoid. Median muscles of the neck. sagittal incisal angle

Geniohyoid muscle.

The middle group of neck muscles (suprahyoid and subhyoid).

a) Suprahyoid muscles- there are four of these muscles:

1. Digastric muscle- has two bellies - anterior and posterior, which are connected by a tendon bridge.

Beginning: anterior abdomen - from the lower jaw (mandibular fossa), posterior - from the mastoid notch of the temporal bone.

Attachment: both bellies pass into the tendon, which is attached to the body of the hyoid bone.

Function: lowers the lower jaw, pulls it back, when the lower jaw is fixed, raises the hyoid bone.

2. Stylohyoid muscle- thin, spindle-shaped muscle.

Origin: from the styloid process of the temporal bone.

Function: pulls the hyoid bone upward, backward and outward.

3. Mylohyoid muscle– flat in shape. It connects with the muscle of the same name on the opposite side and forms the floor of the mouth (oral diaphragm).

Beginning: mylohyoid line of the lower jaw.

Attachment: to the anterior surface of the hyoid bone.

Function: raises the hyoid bone upward; when the hyoid bone is fixed, lowers the lower jaw.

Origin: mental spine of the lower jaw.

Insertion: anterior surface of the body of the hyoid bone.

Function: pulls the hyoid bone up and forward. With a fixed hyoid bone, the lower jaw lowers.

b) Sublingual muscles– there are four of these muscles.

1. Sternohyoid muscle– thin, flat shape.

Origin: posterior surface of the clavicle, manubrium of the sternum.

Insertion: lower edge of the body of the hyoid bone.

Function: pulls the hyoid bone downwards.

2. Omohyoid muscle– long, thin. It has two abdomens (upper and lower), connected by an intermediate tendon.

Beginning: the upper belly is the lower edge of the body of the hyoid bone, the lower belly is the upper edge of the scapula.

Attachment: both bellies are connected to each other by a tendon bridge.

Function: pulls the hyoid bone down, expands the lumen of the deep veins of the neck.

3. Sternothyroid muscle– flat, located behind the sternohyoid muscle.

Origin: posterior surface of the manubrium of the sternum, cartilage of the 1st rib.

Attachment: to the thyroid cartilage of the larynx.

Function: pulls the larynx downward.

4. Thyrohyoid muscle is a continuation of the previous muscle.

Origin: from the oblique line of the thyroid cartilage.

Attachment: to the body of the hyoid bone.

Function: with a fixed hyoid bone – raises the larynx; brings the hyoid bone and larynx together.

The subhyoid muscles are of great importance in fixing the hyoid bone, without which lowering of the lower jaw is impossible.

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The middle group of muscles starting from the hyoid bone is divided into muscles lying above the hyoid bone, i.e. suprahyoid muscles (t. suprahyoidei) forming the diaphragm of the mouth, and the muscles located below the hyoid bone - sublingual muscles (pcs. infrahyoidei)(Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Neck muscles, right view (superficial muscles removed):

1 - mylohyoid muscle; 2 - anterior belly of the digastric muscle; 3—hyoglossus muscle; 4—hyoid bone; 5—thyrohyoid muscle; 6—lower pharyngeal constrictor; 7—upper belly of the omohyoid muscle; 8 - sternohyoid muscle; 9 - sternothyroid muscle; 10—thyroid gland; 11—tendon jumper; 12—esophagus; 13— trachea; 14—clavicle (sawed off); 15—first rib; 16—anterior scalene muscle; 17—middle scalene muscle; 18—posterior scalene muscle; 19 - lower belly of the omohyoid muscle; 20 - muscle that lifts the scapula; 21 - longus colli muscle; 22 - long muscle of the head; 23 - semispinalis capitis muscle; 24 - longissimus capitis muscle; 25 - splenius capitis muscle; 26 - sternocleidomastoid muscle (cut off); 27 - posterior belly of the digastric muscle; 28 - stylohyoid muscle; 29 - chewing muscle

Suprahyoid muscles(Fig. 2)

1. Digastric(t. digastricus) has two abdomens. The posterior abdomen (venter posterior) begins from the mastoid notch of the temporal bone, the anterior (venter anterior) - from the digastric fossa of the lower jaw. The intermediate tendon passes over the hyoid bone and is attached to its body by a strong fibrous plate.

Function: with a fixed hyoid bone, the anterior abdomen lowers the lower jaw, with a fixed lower jaw, the posterior abdomen pulls the hyoid bone up and back.

Innervation: anterior belly - trigeminal nerve, posterior - facial nerve.

2. Mylohyoid muscle(i.e. mylohyoideus) is located between the body of the lower jaw and the hyoid bone, forming the diaphragm of the mouth.

3. Geniohyoid muscle(i.e. geniohyoideus) lies above the mylohyoid muscle.

4. Stylohyoid muscle(t. stylohyoideus) starts from the styloid process of the temporal bone; attaches to the body of the hyoid bone (Fig. 3).

Function: raises the hyoid bone and pulls it back.

Innervation: facial nerve.

Rice. 2. Suprahyoid muscles:

1 - articular tubercle; 2 - mandibular fossa of the temporal bone; 3 - head of the lower jaw; 4 - mastoid process of the temporal bone; 5 - styloid process of the temporal bone; 6 - posterior belly of the digastric muscle; 7 - stylohyoid muscle; 8 - large horn of the hyoid bone; 9 - thyrohyoid muscle; 10—thyroid cartilage; 11 - body of the hyoid bone; 12—tendon loop; 13—tendon suture; 14—anterior belly of the digastric muscle; 15—mylohyoid muscle; 16—hyoglossus muscle

Sublingual muscles

1. Omohyoid muscle(t. omohyoideus) consists of two bellies connected by an intermediate tendon (see Fig. 1). The upper abdomen (venter superior) begins from the body of the hyoid bone, the lower (venter inferior) originates from the upper edge of the scapula. The lower belly passes under the sternocleidomastoid muscle, fused with its fascial sheath.

Function: when contracting, it stretches the cervical fascia and lowers the hyoid bone.

Innervation: cervical loop, C I - C II.

Rice. 3. Places of origin and insertion of muscles on the hyoid bone:

1 - greater horn of the hyoid bone; 2 - stylohyoid ligament; 3 - small horn of the hyoid bone; 4 - geniohyoid muscle; 5 - body of the hyoid bone; 6 - mylohyoid muscle; 7—sterno-hypoglossus muscle; 8 - omohyoid muscle; 9 - fibrous plate of the vubdominal muscle; 10— stylohyoid muscle; 11 - thyrohyoid muscle; 13 - middle pharyngeal constrictor; 14—cartilaginous muscle.

2. Sternohyoid muscle(i.e. sternohyoideus) starts from the inner surface of the manubrium of the sternum, the sternal end of the clavicle, goes upward; attaches to the lower edge of the body of the hyoid bone (see Fig. 1).

Function: lowers the hyoid bone.

3. Sternothyroid muscle(i.e. sternothyroideus) starts from the inner surface of the manubrium of the sternum and the cartilage of the first rib; attaches to the plate of the thyroid cartilage (see Fig. 1).

Function: pulls the thyroid cartilage, and with it the entire larynx, down.

Innervation: cervical loop, C I - C III.

4. Thyrohyoid muscle(t. thyrohyoideus) starts from the plate of the thyroid cartilage; attaches to the hyoid bone (see Fig. 1).

Function: lowers the hyoid bone; with a fixed hyoid bone, raises the larynx.

Innervation: cervical loop, C I - C III.

Human anatomy S.S. Mikhailov, A.V. Chukbar, A.G. Tsybulkin

Of the muscles located above the hyoid bone, the geniohyoid muscle (geniohyoideus) belongs to the group of its own. It goes from the mental spine of the lower jaw to the hyoid bone, which it pulls upward during its contraction.

Digastric(t. digastricus) the posterior belly starts from the mastoid process, and the anterior one is attached to the side of the mental spine of the lower jaw. The intermediate tendon between the two bellies is attracted by a fibrous loop to the hyoid bone.

Mylohyoid muscle

The mylohyoid muscle (mylohyoideus) serves as the floor of the oral cavity and lies below the geniohyoid muscle. It starts from the line of the same name on the inner surface of the body of the lower jaw; the medial edges of the paired muscles form a suture along the midline, which is attached to the body of the hyoid bone at the back.

Stylohyoid muscle

The stylohyoideus muscle extends from the base of the styloid process of the temporal bone to the hyoid bone.

All these muscles pull the hyoid bone, and with it the larynx, up and forward, and when the hyoid bone is fixed, they contribute to the lowering of the lower jaw.

The muscles of the hyoid bone located above and below it, while simultaneously contracting, fix the bone, which facilitates the movements of the larynx. Thus, they take part in the articulation of speech, singing, i.e. actions that are aimed at producing sounds that arise in the larynx.

Subcutaneous muscle of the neck

The subcutaneous muscle of the neck (i.e. platysma) is well developed in some animals (hedgehog, horse) and extends under the skin of the entire body. In humans, this muscle is rudimentary and looks like a very thin muscle plate. It starts from the fascia of the pectoralis major and deltoid muscles, stretches upward along the lateral surface of the neck, attaches to the fascia of the masticatory muscle itself (see below), to the edge of the lower jaw and is partially woven into the facial muscles. By tightening, the subcutaneous muscle tightens the skin of the neck and protects the saphenous veins from compression. It develops together with the facial muscles of facial expression from the mesoderm of the hyoid arch.

Sterocleidomastoid muscle

The sternocleidomastoid muscle (i.e. sternodeidomastoideus) is located superficially on the neck and significantly affects its relief. Starting from the upper edge of the sternum and the sternal end of the clavicle, the muscle stretches obliquely upward and attaches to the mastoid process of the temporal bone. With bilateral contraction, the muscle pulls the head back, with unilateral contraction, it turns the head in the opposite direction and the face upward.

42Blood supply to the heart

The walls of the heart receive blood through the coronary arteries, which arise from the aorta immediately above its valves.

The right coronary artery in the initial section is covered by the right ear and passes between it and the arterial cone of the left ventricle. Branches extend from it to the walls of the pulmonary trunk and aorta, auricle, and conus arteriosus. Then it reaches the right edge of the heart, lies in the groove of the same name and envelops the heart in a semicircle from behind. On the diaphragmatic surface, the artery passes into the posterior interventricular branch and descends to the apex of the heart, supplying the posterior part of the interventricular septum and the posterior walls of the right and left ventricles and the left atrium.

The left coronary artery passes between the pulmonary trunk and the left auricle to the coronary sulcus and divides into two branches. One of them runs along the coronary groove to the left edge of the heart, gives off a large branch to the anterior and posterior walls of the left ventricle, and then passes to its diaphragmatic surface. The second, anterior interventricular branch descends to the apex of the heart and supplies the anterior walls of the left atrium and ventricle and the anterior part of the interventricular septum, and then passes to the posterior surface of the heart. Before reaching the posterior interventricular branch, it plunges into the myocardium.

In the walls of the heart, the course of the arteries follows the course of the muscle bundles. The branches of both arteries abundantly anastomose with each other, which ensures uniform blood supply to all three membranes of the heart, the walls of the aorta, the pulmonary trunk and the vena cava. The edges of the heart are supplied with blood only by the corresponding arteries that do not form anastomoses. In children, there are fewer anastomoses, but they are relatively larger than in adults.

The veins of the heart are numerous. Small veins drain mainly into the right atrium, while larger veins flow into the coronary sinus. The latter is about 5 cm long, lies in the posterior part of the coronary sulcus and opens into the right atrium. The great vein of the heart flows into the sinus, which rises along the anterior interventricular groove, lies in the anterior coronary groove and pours into the sinus; the middle vein of the heart, running along the posterior interventricular groove, the small vein of the heart, the veins of the atria and other veins of the heart. In addition, small veins open with independent openings directly into the atria or ventricles.

The lymphatic vessels of the heart carry lymph to nodes located near the aortic arch.

Innervation of the heart

Sensory and motor nerve fibers pass to the heart as part of the vagus (parasympathetic) and sympathetic nerves. The upper cardiac branches come from the cervical region of the vagus nerve, and the lower cardiac branches come from its thoracic region.

The sympathetic superior, middle and inferior cardiac nerves arise from the cervical ganglia of the sympathetic trunk.

All these nerves form two cardiac plexuses:

superficial, lying between the aortic arch and the pulmonary artery, and

more powerful deep, located behind the aorta.

Nerves extend from the plexuses to the walls of the heart, and primarily to its conduction system.

Based on the nature of the impulses conducted by these nerves to the heart, I.P. Pavlov distinguished fibers in them as slowing and weakening (in the vagus nerve), accelerating and strengthening (in the sympathetic nerve).

43.Blood groups designated by the presence or absence of a certain type of “gluing” factor (agglutinogen, aglutinin):

AB (IV) – a and b

The Rh factor is an antigen (protein) found in red blood cells. Approximately 80-85% of people have it and are therefore Rh positive. Those who do not have it are Rh negative. Also taken into account for blood transfusions

Blood composition. Plasma.

Blood comp. From plasma and formed elements. Plasma is the liquid part of the blood; it contains formed elements.

In an adult, the formed elements of blood make up about 40-50%, and plasma - 50-60%. Formed elements of blood are presented red blood cells, platelets And leukocytes:

· Red blood cells ( red blood cells) - the most numerous of the formed elements. Mature red blood cells do not contain a nucleus and have the shape of biconcave discs. They circulate for 120 days and are destroyed in the liver and spleen. Red blood cells contain iron-containing protein - hemoglobin. It provides the main function of red blood cells - transport of gases, primarily oxygen. It is hemoglobin that gives blood its red color. In the lungs, hemoglobin binds oxygen, turning into oxyhemoglobin, which has a light red color. In the tissues, oxyhemoglobin releases oxygen, again forming hemoglobin, and the blood darkens. In addition to oxygen, hemoglobin in the form of carbohemoglobin transfers carbon dioxide from tissues to the lungs.

Live, unstained human blood, immediately after collection. Biconcave red blood cells and translucent white blood cells are visible under a microscope, phase contrast

Platelets ( blood platelets) are fragments of the cytoplasm of giant bone marrow cells (megakaryocytes) bounded by a cell membrane. Together with blood plasma proteins (for example, fibrinogen), they ensure the coagulation of blood flowing from a damaged vessel, stopping bleeding and thereby protecting the body from blood loss.

Leukocytes ( white blood cells) are part of the body's immune system. They are capable of exiting the bloodstream into the tissue. The main function of leukocytes is protection against foreign bodies and compounds. They participate in immune reactions, releasing T-cells that recognize viruses and all kinds of harmful substances; B cells that produce antibodies, macrophages that destroy these substances. Normally, there are much fewer leukocytes in the blood than other formed elements.

Erythrocyte- a red blood cell formed in the red bone marrow, which contains hemoglobin; without a core. carries out the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and the transfer of carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs. The body of a healthy person contains approximately 2.3 x 10 13 red blood cells. The lifespan of an erythrocyte is, on average, 120 days.

Leukocytes are white blood cells. Have a core

Platelets are blood platelets that do not have nuclei.

Blood plasma is the liquid part of the blood in which formed elements (blood cells) are suspended. Plasma is a viscous protein liquid of a slightly yellowish color. Plasma contains 90-94% water and 7-10% organic and inorganic substances. Blood plasma interacts with the tissue fluid of the body: all substances necessary for life pass from plasma to tissues, and metabolic products return back.

45Gall bladder ,

is a reservoir in which bile accumulates. It is located in the fossa of the gallbladder on the visceral surface of the liver and is pear-shaped.

The gallbladder has a blind extended end - the bottom of the gallbladder, fundus vesicaefelleae, which emerges from under the lower edge of the liver at the level of the junction of the cartilages of the VIII and IX right ribs. The narrower end of the bladder, directed towards the gate of the liver, is called the neck of the gallbladder, collumvesicaefelleae. Between the bottom and the neck is the body of the gallbladder, corpus vesicaefelleae. The neck of the bladder continues into the cystic duct, ductus cysticus, which merges with the common hepatic duct. The volume of the gallbladder ranges from 30 to 50 cm3, its length is 8-12 cm, and its width is 4-5 cm.

Bile is yellow, brown or greenish, bitter in taste, has a specific odor, secreted by the liver and accumulated in the gallbladder.

Bile consists of three fractions. Two of them are formed by hepatocytes, the third by epithelial cells of the bile ducts. Of the total volume of bile in humans, the first two fractions account for 75%, the third - 25%. The formation of the first fraction is associated, but the second is not directly related to the formation of bile acids. The formation of the third fraction of bile is determined by the ability of the epithelial cells of the ducts to secrete fluid with a sufficiently high content of bicarbonates and chlorine, to reabsorb water and electrolytes from the tubular bile.

Functions of bile The role of bile in digestion is varied. Bile emulsifies fats, increasing the surface area on which they are hydrolyzed by lipase; dissolves lipid hydrolysis products, promotes their absorption and resynthesis of triglycerides in enterocytes; increases the activity of pancreatic and intestinal enzymes, especially lipase. When bile is excluded from digestion, the process of digestion and absorption of fats and other lipid substances is disrupted. Bile enhances the hydrolysis and absorption of proteins and carbohydrates. Bile also plays a regulatory role, being a stimulator of bile formation, bile excretion, motor and secretory activity of the small intestine. Bile is able to stop the action of gastric juice, not only by reducing the acidity of gastric contents entering the duodenum, but also by inactivating pepsin. Bile has bacteriostatic properties.

Geniohyoid muscle(m. geniohyoideus) lies above m. mylohyoideus, starting from the mental spine of the lower jaw. Attachment - hyoid bone. Function: pulls the hyoid bone forward and upward; with a stationary hyoid bone, lowers the lower jaw.

Facial muscles

Facial muscles are located mainly near the natural openings of the face and with their fibers are woven into the muscles surrounding the cavities (nasal, eye, oral cavity). The facial muscles reach especially great development around the opening of the mouth. These muscles are also auxiliary with the chewing function; in addition, they determine the configuration of the lips, nostrils, nasolabial fold, interlabial groove, skin folds, etc. On the skeleton they are attached to the outer surface of the lower jaw (m. triangularis oris), to the zygomatic bone (m. zygomaticus), to the alveolar edge ( m. mentalis, m. incisivi). Among these muscles is located m. orbicularis oris around the opening of the mouth. Their fibers go into the upper and lower lips and narrow or widen the oral cavity.

Articulation and occlusion. Types of occlusions. Characteristics of central occlusion.

Occlusion - (from the Latin Occlusus - closed) - closure of the dentition or individual groups of teeth - antagonists. Articulation - (from Latin Articulatio - connection) - all possible positions and movements of the lower jaw in relation to the upper, which is carried out with the help of the masticatory muscles. Articulation is also a chain of successive occlusions.

five main types of occlusion:



Lateral (right or left);

Central occlusion is a closure of the dentition in which there is a maximum number of interdental contacts. The head of the lower jaw is located at the base of the slope of the articular tubercle, and the muscles that close the lower dentition with the upper (temporal, chewing, medial pterygoid) are simultaneously and uniformly contracted. From this position, lateral shifts of the lower jaw are still possible.

Signs of central occlusion

Muscle signs: muscles that lift the lower jaw (masseter, temporal, medial pterygoid) contract simultaneously and evenly;

Joint signs: the articular heads are located at the base of the slope of the articular tubercle, in the depths of the articular fossa;

Dental signs:

1) between the teeth of the upper and lower jaw there is the most dense fissure-tubercle contact;

2) each upper and lower tooth closes with two antagonists: the upper one with the same and behind the lower one; the lower one - with the same name and the one in front of the upper one. The exceptions are the upper third molars and lower central incisors;

3) the midlines between the upper and central lower incisors lie in the same sagittal plane;

4) the upper teeth overlap the lower teeth in the frontal region by no more than ⅓ of the length of the crown;

5) the cutting edge of the lower incisors is in contact with the palatal tubercles of the upper incisors;

6) the upper first molar meets the two lower molars and covers ⅔ of the first molar and ⅓ of the second. The medial buccal cusp of the upper first molar fits into the transverse intercuspal fissure of the lower first molar;

7) in the transverse direction, the buccal cusps of the lower teeth overlap the buccal cusps of the upper teeth, and the palatal cusps of the upper teeth are located in the longitudinal fissure between the buccal and lingual cusps of the lower teeth.

9. Central occlusion. Characteristic. The concept of the functional state of central occlusion according to Ponomareva V.A., the central relationship of the jaws. Methods for determining the height of the lower part of the face in a state of central occlusion and the central relationship of the jaws.

See No. 8 (central occl)

Central occlusion– this is the maximum intertubercular closure of the teeth. That is, when as many teeth as possible for this person come into contact with each other. (Personally, I have 24).

If the patient has no teeth, then there is no central (or any) occlusion. But there is centric relation.

Ratio- This is the location of one object in relation to another. When we talk about jaw relationship, we are talking about how the mandible relates to the skull.

Central ratio- the most posterior position of the lower jaw, when the head of the joint is correctly located in the glenoid fossa. (Extreme anterosuperior and midsagittal position). There may be no occlusion in the centric relation.

In the centric relation, the joint occupies the most superior-posterior position

Unlike all types of occlusion, the centric relation does not change throughout life. If there were no diseases or injuries to the joint. Therefore, if it is impossible to determine the central occlusion (the patient has no teeth), the doctor recreates it, focusing on the central relationship of the jaws.


1. infratemporal surface and infratemporal crest of the main bone;

2. walls of the pterygoid fossa of the main bone;

3. digastric fossa of the mandible;

4. zygomatic arch;

Temporal surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone.

Option 3


1. anterior belly of the digastric muscle;

2. mylohyoid muscle;

3. anterior pterygoid muscle;

4. temporal muscle;

Geniohyoid muscle.


1. covering mucosa;

2. moving zone;

3. stationary zone;

4. transitional mucosa;

Neutral zone.


1. sagittal articular path;

2. transversal articular path;

3. direct articular path;

4. horizontal articular path;

There is no right answer.


1. transitional fold;

2. neutral zone;

3. pterygomaxillary fold;

4. incisive papilla;



1. vertical;

2. horizontal;

3. sagittal;

4. transversal;



1. capturing food, holding it in the vestibule of the oral cavity;

2. equilibrium functions;

3. warming the air;

4. digestion of food;

There is no right answer.


1. balance;

2. articulation and swallowing;

3. breathing and planning conscious muscle movements;

4. sense of smell;

There is no right answer.


1. to the anterior intracapsular part;

2. on the anterior extrapyramidal part;

3. to the medial intracapsular part;

4. on the posterior extrapyramidal part;

There is no right answer.


1. Gizi angle;

2. Gothic corner;

3. Bennett's angle;

4. sagittal incisal angle;

Transversal angle.


1. in phase 1 of movements of the lower jaw;

2. in phase 2 of movements of the lower jaw;

3. in the 3rd phase of movements of the lower jaw;

4. in the 4th phase of movements of the lower jaw;

In phase 5 of movements of the lower jaw.

Situational tasks :

When performing chewing movements, muscles are involved in lowering the lower jaw down.

When chewing food, the lower jaw undergoes a cycle of movements. Gysi presented these movements in the form of a diagram. The initial moment of movement is the position of the central occlusion. Describe the further pattern of jaw movements.

Vertical movements of the lower jaw correspond to the opening and closing of the mouth. The lowering of the lower jaw is carried out due to the gravity of the jaw itself and with active bilateral contraction of the muscles running from the lower jaw to the hyoid. When lowering, the lower jaw lowers slightly, then significantly and to the maximum. This corresponds to the movement of the articular heads. What movements do the articular heads make when lowering the jaw?

Name the muscles involved in the movement of the lower jaw

Name the muscles involved in the formation of emotions on the face.

When working with scientific literature, the student is given the opportunity to choose the optimal way to obtain the necessary information, which allows for the best possible implementation of the cognitive process. Completing research work consolidates theoretical knowledge acquired in lectures and practical classes.

NIRS consists of the following sections:

a) introduction - justification for the choice of topic, general description of the purpose of the study, statistical data;

b) the main content of the work

c) a list of used literature, including at least 5-6 sources (2-3 of them no later than the last 3 years of publication), links to the Internet.


The structure of the temporomandibular joint.

The structure of the ligamentous apparatus of the temporomandibular joint.

Basic and additional literature:

No. Name, type of publication Author(s), compiler(s), editor(s) Place of publication, publisher, year In library At the department
Orthopedic dentistry. Applied materials science: textbook V. N. Trezubov, L. M. Mishnev, E. N. Zhulev [and others] M.: Medpress-inform, 2011.
Propaedeutic dentistry: textbook. for honey universities ed. E. A. Bazikyan, O. O. Yanushevich M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2012.
Denture technology: textbook ed. M. M. Rasulov, T. I. Ibragimov, I. Yu. Lebedenko M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2010.
Dental materials science: textbook V. A. Popkov, O. V. Nesterova, V. Yu. Reshetnyak [and others] M.: Medpress-inform, 2009.
Therapeutic dentistry: hands. to practice classes: textbook. allowance Yu. M. Maksimovsky, A. V. Mitronin M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2011.
Phantom course of therapeutic dentistry: textbook A. I. Nikolaev, L. M. Tsepov M.: Medpress-inform, 2009.



Form of organization of the educational process: practical lesson.

Importance of studying the topic: The manufacture of any orthopedic medical device is a complex and intensive process, which, of course, requires a highly qualified doctor-specialist and clear and correct implementation of one or another treatment stage. The theoretical knowledge of the doctor is also important. Understanding of all the mechanisms of functioning of the masticatory apparatus. One of the most important and complex mechanisms is the study of the biomechanics of the masticatory apparatus.

Learning Objectives:

1. Common goal:

Formation of general cultural and professional competencies in students:

ability and readiness for logical and reasoned analysis, for public speech, conducting discussions and polemics, for editing texts of professional content, for carrying out educational and pedagogical activities, for cooperation and conflict resolution, for tolerance (OK-5);

the ability and willingness to carry out their activities taking into account moral and legal standards accepted in society, to comply with the rules of medical ethics, laws and regulatory legal aspects for working with confidential information, to maintain medical confidentiality (OK-8);

the ability and readiness to form a systematic approach to the analysis of medical information, based on the comprehensive principles of evidence-based medicine, based on finding solutions using theoretical knowledge and practical skills in order to improve professional activities (PC-3);

the ability and willingness to analyze the results of one’s own activities to prevent medical errors, while being aware of disciplinary, administrative, civil, legal, and criminal liability (PC-4);

Ability and readiness to work with medical and technical equipment used in working with patients, master computer technology, obtain information from various sources, work with information in global computer networks; apply the capabilities of new modern information technologies to solve professional problems (PC-9).

2. Learning objective:

- know the basics of biomechanics of the masticatory apparatus;

- be able to characterize all possible movements of the lower jaw relative to the upper;

- master the algorithm for performing chewing movements.

Topic study plan: