A way to gain weight for skinny men. How to eat to gain weight for a thin man: the right diet. Dietary supplements and sports nutrition for weight gain for men

The common standard of beauty for all men is a strong and beautiful body. A beautiful body and thinness - are these concepts compatible? The answer suggests itself. A beautiful body requires muscle mass, to achieve this you need to start somewhere.

Where to start

You should give up many bad habits - alcohol, cigarettes and tune in to the long process of improving your body.

Medical examination

To begin with, the most correct decision would be to go to the doctors. It is necessary to determine whether increased physical activity will harm your health. The state of the body at the moment is also important. Therefore it is necessary:

  1. Blood test results
  2. Ultrasound of internal organs

It is necessary to visit a cardiologist, surgeon, urologist, dentist, vascular surgeon, nutritionist, neurologist and ophthalmologist. But the very first doctor should be a local therapist.

Sport equipment

You will need:

  • Dumbbells;
  • Jump rope;
  • Horizontal bar.

Basic set of exercises


You need to perform push-ups 5-6 times in 5-6 approaches. Increase the number of push-ups per approach gradually. Raising the body from the floor is done while exhaling, lowering – while inhaling.


It is a combination of three exercises. They follow one after another without rest. Develops endurance and burns fat. 5 - 10 repetitions in 2-4 sets. Rest between sets 60 seconds.

  1. Squat. When the hands touch the floor, a push-up position is assumed.
  2. One push-up. Then the “squat” position is assumed.
  3. Performed from a squat jump up, with clapping hands above your head.

Classic lunges

Muscles involved:

  • Femoral
  • Knees
  • Gluteal

In the “Standing” position, hands are on your hips. A step is taken forward, while squatting, and then returning to the starting position back. Start the movement ten times with your right foot, then 10 times with your left. Keep your back straight. To make it more difficult, dumbbells are used.

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar

This exercise works the muscles very well:

  • Backs
  • Press
  • Shoulder joint


Muscles working:

  1. Backs
  2. Press

10 squats are done. The number of approaches is 4-5. Weights are used - dumbbells.

Jump rope

Excellent cardiovascular training, builds endurance and uses all muscles.

The number of jumps is 10-15. Number of approaches 2-3

In order to gain muscle mass, it is necessary to build a diet. Must always be present

  1. Breakfast- porridge and fruit.
  2. Dinner– meat with side dish and soup.
  3. Dinner- meat dishes and salad.
  4. Snack- yogurt or chocolate.

The building material of our body is protein, which is also a source of energy. When absorbed by the body, they break down into amino acids and are invaluable aids in building muscle mass. Protein-rich foods include:

  • Nuts
  • Marine fish species
  • Rabbit meat
  • Buckwheat
  • Various types of cheese
  1. Simple- fruits, sweets and milk.
  2. Complex- cereals, corn, potatoes and animal cells.

When there are not enough carbohydrates, nutrients are taken from muscle tissue. What is unacceptable when building muscle mass.

As for fats, you can consume them without health problems:

  1. Seeds,
  2. Vegetable oils,
  3. Eggs,
  4. Fatty fish.

An example of a daily diet would be this menu:


  • Milk pearl barley porridge – 200 grams;
  • Milk – 200 ml;
  • Fried egg from 1 egg and whites from 2 eggs;
  • Bread toast;
  • Oil - 1 tsp;


  • Pear -1;
  • Nuts - 300 grams;
  • Marshmallow or marmalade - 100 grams;


  • Barley porridge – 100 grams;
  • Goulash – 200 grams;
  • Vegetable salad - 150 grams;
  • Rye bread - 1 piece.


  • Pearl barley porridge - 150 grams;
  • Beef goulash - 200 grams;
  • Vegetable salad - 150 grams;


  • Half a chicken breast;
  • Canned vegetables - 100 grams;
  • Rice – 180 grams;


  • Ryazhenka – 400 ml.

Caloric content of the diet

A man's weight gain, with appropriate nutrition, occurs due to a gradual increase in calories. It is generally accepted that to gain weight you need 40 calories per kg of weight.

When solving a simple arithmetic problem: 70x40 = 2800, where 70 is the man’s current weight, 2800 is the number of calories needed. But in order for body weight to grow, an increase in calories is necessary. This issue needs to be discussed with specialists so as not to harm your health. You can calculate the number of calories consumed per day yourself by reading the information from the labels of each product.

  1. Recipe 1- 270 ml. milk is mixed with 100 g. cottage cheese and a spoonful of raspberry jam. After thorough mixing, drink.
  2. Recipe 2- to 350 ml. Add 1.5 bananas, 1 raw egg, and a spoonful of sugar to milk. Shakes it thoroughly and drinks it.

There are special protein powders that are mixed with milk to form a protein shake. These cocktails should be consumed 1 hour before the start of training.

Weight gain drugs

It is important to remember that medications used for weight gain may have side effects. An increased content of vitamins in the body is no less dangerous than their deficiency.

Gainers contain large amounts of pure protein and carbohydrates to give you the energy to train. Recommended for use before and after training. During non-training days, half a serving will suffice.

Hormonal pills

Hormonal drugs are pills that contain the male hormone testosterone, for example:

  • Andriol;
  • Glutamic acid;
  • Peritol;

The drugs are dispensed according to a doctor's prescription.

Naturopathic drugs

Available in the form of tablets or granules. They help to increase well.

These are drugs that contain a large amount of vitamins and other biological active substances. Their production is established in China.

The most famous pills are Ginseng Kianpi Pill. One such bottle contains 60 granules, the use of which helps increase body weight by 2 - 7 kg.

Brewer's yeast

They are a safe and harmless drug that has a beneficial effect on the body. The drug helps increase body weight thanks to B vitamins and a high content of beneficial microelements. It has a pronounced cosmetic effect - skin and hair improve. No doctor's prescription needed.

Daily regime

Based on the above article, we will formulate the main provisions that will be your guide to adhering to the regime, both in everyday life and in nutrition and training.

How do you know if the training was successful?

  1. Psychological joy from the fact that you were able to complete the task!
  2. A feeling of muscle “joy” in the form of pain. There is no need to be afraid of this muscle condition. Once you get involved in training, and believe me, in 2-3 weeks you will hear how your muscles will ask you for more load.


  1. Water consumption. The more active our lifestyle, the more we need to replenish water loss. You need to drink constantly throughout the day in even small portions.
  2. Diet. Gradually increase your calorie intake.

Should you eat before and after training?

  1. Before training, we need to give a certain amount of energy to our body so that there is something to spend - then the training will go well. In this case, we are talking about carbohydrates.
  2. After training, you must close the so-called protein-carbohydrate “window”. Within 2 hours after training, give the body nutrients so that the body goes into repair and tissue building mode as quickly as possible.


You need to sleep at least 7-8 hours. During sleep, the body recovers and muscle mass is formed.

Training time. The training should be within 1-1.5 hours. Ectomorph muscles do not have the proper endurance and long-term training will lead to weight loss.
Number of workouts per week. Depends on what you do outside the gym. If you are resting and not doing physical labor, then it is quite possible to do 4-5 workouts a week. If you have additional physical activity outside the gym, you should limit yourself to three classes per week.
One muscle group is trained no more than once a week. An ectomorph needs a lot of time to recover.
The number of approaches is no more than 3-4. This rule is. An ectomorph should not engage in multi-approach training, as this will lead to catabolism (breakdown) of muscle fibers.
The number of repetitions is 6-8 for large muscle groups, 8-10 for small ones. Low-repetition training is also an unshakable rule for training an ectomorph. Anything more than 10 is bad (exception: calf and trapezius muscles, they require more repetitions).
Rest between sets from one to two and a half minutes (when performing particularly heavy approaches, for example, squats, a little more can be done)

There is no need to rush during training, it is important to recover between sets.
You need to build your training only on heavy basic exercises and use isolated exercises to a minimum.
Number of exercises per muscle group: 3 for large, 2 for small. The exception is a split in which only one muscle group is worked out in one workout.
2 muscle groups per workout

Fits perfectly into a three-day split.

To summarize what has been said: you should do short, low-rep training with good rest between sets.

Making adjustments to the diet

Particular attention should be paid to diet. If earlier you ate on the go and a couple of times a day, now you should eat measuredly and in small portions, at least four times a day

Don't ignore snacks.

The basis of your diet for weight gain should be carbohydrates. Firstly, they are considered a source of energy, and secondly, thanks to them, the feeling of fullness is maintained for a long time.

Avoid empty carbohydrates found in fast foods and sweets. Give preference to complex carbohydrate compounds. Enrich your diet with cereals and pasta.

Don't forget that your body needs protein every day. Their share should be approximately 30%. Protein is considered the building block for building muscle mass and maintaining it in good shape.

To replenish your protein supply, include the following foods in your diet:

  • fish fillet;
  • meat;
  • chicken eggs;
  • fermented milk products;
  • poultry meat.

As for fats, it is advisable to reduce their consumption to a minimum. Otherwise, weight will increase, but due to subcutaneous fat. In this case, you can forget about relief.

To ensure proper metabolism, you need clean water. Maintain drinking regime. Approximately 30 ml of water per kg of weight. Thus, you can calculate the rate of filtered liquid individually

Don’t forget that during this period it is important to get a good night’s sleep and be outdoors often.

If you wish, you can consult with your doctor or nutritionist about taking supplements and sports nutrition products.

Pay attention to gainers and protein shakes. Don’t forget about replenishing your vitamin reserves.

You will probably need to take a multivitamin.

  • Diet for weight gain: recommendations and special menu for girls
  • Raw food diet: all the pros and cons
  • Diet for weight loss for nursing mothers

In pursuit of an ideal figure and a toned body, do not forget about your health. Go towards your goal gradually, step by step. Remember to be in harmony with yourself, relax, do what you love. Don't let the desire to gain weight become an obsession and a way of life. Be healthy!

Attention, TODAY only!

Ectomorph training split for 3 days

1. Chest, Triceps, Abs

  • Bench press 3 sets of 6-8 reps
  • Incline bench press 3 sets of 6-8 reps
  • Lying dumbbell flyes 3 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Dips 3 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Close grip bench press 4 sets of 6-8 reps
  • French bench press 3 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Triceps on the block 3 sets of 10-12 reps
  • Raising the body on the bench 4-5 approaches to the maximum

2. Back, Biceps

  • Seated lat pulldown 3 sets of 8 reps
  • Bent-over barbell rows 3 sets of 6 reps
  • One-arm dumbbell rows 3 sets of 6-8 reps
  • Deadlift 3 sets of 6 reps
  • Barbell curls for biceps 4 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Dumbbell curls with supination 3 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Barbell curls for biceps with an overhand grip, 3 sets of 8-10 reps

3. Shoulders, Legs, Abs

  • Standing barbell chest press 3 sets of 8 reps
  • Seated dumbbell press 3 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Dumbbell swings to the sides 3 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Shrugs with a barbell 4 sets of 12-15 reps
  • Barbell squats 3 sets of 6-8 reps
  • Leg press 3 sets of 8 reps
  • Calf raises in the machine 4 sets of 12-15 reps
  • Lying leg raises 4 sets to the maximum

Training program for ectomorph - strength cycle

As an example, let's take the classic 3-day split. The number of approaches in each exercise should not exceed three (do 2 warm-up), and repetitions should not exceed four. Use as much weight as possible (the same in all working approaches)! When performing pullovers, you need to choose a weight with which we will do 8-10 repetitions. A considerable amount of time is allocated for rest between approaches, namely 3-4 minutes.


  • Bench press
  • Dumbbell bench press at an angle of 45° up
  • Pullovers
  • Dips
  • French bench press


  • Deadlift
  • Pull-ups
  • Bent-over dumbbell row
  • Barbell curls
  • Alternating arm curls with dumbbells


  • Squats
  • Leg press in the simulator
  • Lunges
  • Seated dumbbell press
  • Barbell row vertical to chest

Training program for ectomorph - mass cycle

Day 1 - Chest/Triceps
Dips (alternate these exercises*) Bench press3 12, 10, 8
4 12, 10, 8, 8
Dumbbell bench press at an angle of 30° up4 8-10
Extension of arms on a block4 12, 10, 10, 8
French bench press3 8-10
Day 2 - Back/Biceps
Deadlift4 10, 10, 8, 8
Wide-grip pull-down4 12, 10, 8, 8
Bent-over barbell row4 12, 10, 8, 8
Biceps curls (alternating dumbbells and barbell**)4 12, 10, 8, 8
Concentrated biceps curls4 8-10
Day 3 – Legs/Shoulders
Squats4 12, 10, 10, 8
Lunges with dumbbells4 8-10
Calf raises4 12-20
Seated press (alternating dumbbells and barbell**)5 8-10
Lifting dumbbells through the sides in an incline position (can be done in the simulator)4 8-10

*One week we do “dip-ups”, the next week we replace it with “bench press”, etc.

**One week we use dumbbells, the next a barbell, etc.

We will use the same classic 3-day split. This time, the number of approaches in each exercise will vary from 3 to 4, and repetitions from 8 to 12. About 90-120 seconds are allotted for rest between approaches. It is enough to pump the abs once a week, preferably on the day when you are strongest.

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How to gain weight at home general aspects

Men who are looking to increase their body weight by building muscle tissue should understand that this can have a significant impact on their health. Sometimes grueling physical activity has a negative impact.

The first priority is to decide what you want for yourself. You don't need to look up to your friends, peers or famous athletes. Each person is individual.

Start your journey to transforming your figure by drawing up a detailed plan. Reflect in it the following points:

  • set a goal and a specific task, there is no need for abstraction;
  • determine the exact body weight you want to gain;
  • plan your day;
  • create a detailed training schedule;
  • choose the optimal sport according to your physical abilities;
  • create a detailed menu for every day.

The army method of how to gain weight efficiently

However, keeping in mind that nothing happens quickly, and quality is more important than quantity, we advise you to rely on the following, almost old-fashioned method of weight gain. It is not for nothing that many fathers say to their modern, sometimes far from strong sons: “The army will make a man out of you.” And the point here is not only about strengthening the spirit, but rather about the right approach to two things: regimen and training. And for those who still think that they feed poorly in the army and that training will not increase their body weight, we advise you to discard unnecessary prejudices and look at the essence of the method presented below.

Yes, such simple ones as regime and sports, but at the same time key things that need to be taken into account if you want to gain weight. And in order to increase your mass using this method, it is not necessary to go to serve and join the ranks of young soldiers. The only rule is full compliance with the framework, close to the Charter that our modern army uses.

  1. It’s better to get up earlier - at 6, or even 5 in the morning. Afterwards, immediately charge, which lasts a total of 40 minutes. During this time, you need to jog at least three kilometers long, preferably with weights. Yes, this is difficult for an unprepared body, so it is better to choose the first day of the new regime as a weekend, so that it does not come as a surprise to you that the training took so much time and you were already late for work a long time ago. In addition to jogging, do not forget about other types of physical activity, such as push-ups, pull-ups and other physical training techniques, making do only with available means, as well as those buildings that are usually not uncommon on playgrounds;
  2. Next is breakfast. On it, eat some porridge with meat, as well as scrambled eggs or eggs in any form, butter, cheese and tea (or coffee);
  3. Lunch, like breakfast, is strictly on schedule. It is advisable to choose a time for this after 12 noon. For the second course - pasta, potatoes or porridge. A little vegetable salad to maintain vitamin tone. Bread butter;
  4. Next - a short workout at your discretion;
  5. Dinner - around 19. For dinner - porridge, rice or pasta with boiled or fried fish, seasoned with oil. Naturally, with bread.
  6. Lights out exactly at 22.00. By this time, you need to do all your business and go to bed with a calm soul.

As you can see, such a daily routine already includes all the rules that were announced earlier. The only thing is that physical exercises in the field can be replaced with exercises in the gym (although it cannot be said that their intensity and benefits will not change), and the diet can be more varied, supplemented at your discretion with other products of taste, but similar in usefulness.

It is also worth saying that weight gain is not a separate event that will end when the desired number on the scales is obtained. Now this should become your way of life, which, of course, with some adjustments, will accompany you throughout your life. Therefore, after receiving a positive result, we advise you to begin developing a longer-term nutrition and exercise program that will succinctly fit into your lifestyle.

Nutrition for men with an ectomorphic body type.

Why nutrition? It is the main component for proper weight gain. Some eat little, some eat a lot and the result remains unchanged, and here it’s worth creating your own menu correctly, choosing the right products and diet.

At the very beginning, it is worth mentioning the ectomorph mode - it should be abundant, while eating costs a lot, but at the same time in small portions and quite often. The main components and components of the diet should be complex, slowly digesting carbohydrates and protein products. So, the most pleasant thing for men with a thin physique is the absence of a ban on the unlimited consumption of sweets, flour, and fatty foods, and in the presence of physical activity this will have the most positive effect on the figure.

Speaking about specific figures, the number of carbohydrates consumed should be calculated based on the proportionality of 4 grams per kilo of body weight, but protein is calculated in a ratio of 2 to 1. Calorie intake per day should be about 3,000 - 3,500, adding 300 to the amount if necessary and up to 500 kcal.

At the very beginning, it may seem that such volumes of products and food, but this is quite realistic and necessary - you should eat at intervals of three hours and as a result, the number of meals per day will be 5-7 times. At the beginning, such a diet will be a little unusual - frequent and small portions, but gradually you and your body will get used to it and a positive result will be visible on the scale.

What weight should you aim for?

How much should you gain to stop looking thin? A simple rule: take your height in centimeters, subtract 100, and you will get your ideal weight. If it is lower, you will look thin.

The table below shows the minimum and maximum normal weight that skinny guys should strive for.

For example, Ruslan has a thin build, with narrow wrists and long limbs. He weighed 56 kg with a height of 173 cm, now his weight is around 77 kg. Ruslan is not a big guy, but people he knows have started to notice that he is swaying.

1 Improved appetite

To gain at least a few kilograms, you need to eat more. And this requires appetite. Here are some popular tips on how to increase your appetite:

  1. 1. Vitamins help increase appetite. They are found in vegetables and fruits. Therefore, to improve your appetite, you need to eat as many fresh vegetables, fruits and berries as possible.
  2. 2. Before you start gaining weight, you should buy more lemons and oranges. When consumed, gastric juice is released in greater quantities, food is digested faster, which means appetite improves.
  3. 3. Sour grape varieties are tonic and have a beneficial effect on the stomach.
  4. 4. Traditional medicine recommends eating more apples. Thanks to them, pepsin is produced in the stomach. And the more pepsin, the more active the processes of digestion and metabolism are. Regular consumption of apples will help a man gain weight quickly.
  5. 5. Garlic promotes the production of gastric juice. It is a choleretic agent. As a result of adding garlic to dishes, you can gain several kilograms.
  6. 6. Cleansing the digestive system is another piece of traditional medicine advice. Procedures, including taking laxatives and cleansing enemas, will help get rid of harmful substances accumulated in the body, cleanse it, and then eat only healthy and wholesome foods.
  7. 7. When preparing ordinary dishes, you should season them with spices and aromatic herbs - this also helps to increase your appetite.

Choosing the right products

Quite often, people who are prone to thinness confuse each other or simply do not take into account such aspects as the quality indicators of food consumed and its quantity. Many people strive to gain weight due to large food consumption - by eating a double or triple portion, many think that they will gain weight faster this way, regardless of its calorie content. But here it is worth understanding that one product can be many times higher in calorie content than another - for example, a vegetable salad can contain no more than 90-100 kcal, while a serving of buckwheat porridge is about 430 kcal. If you simply can’t stand porridge or any dishes made from grain cereals and that’s what you were overfed as a child, turn to their alternative and replacement, namely pasta.

Pasta is very tasty and cooks quite quickly, while its price is low and it can be perfectly combined with meat sauces, cheeses and pastas. Another product that should not be neglected in the diet and which must be present in the diet is whole milk. Because of this, it is worth making it a rule and drinking a liter of milk every day. preferably homemade, not store-bought, and within a month you can feel the visible result. Be sure to include other fermented milk products, such as cottage cheese and sour cream, yogurt and fermented baked milk with a high percentage of fat content.

A real godsend for those who want to gain weight is nuts and dried fruits, and they are optimal for those who have an accelerated metabolism. So, 100 grams of peanuts and almonds contain 500 kcal, and by eating a bag of these goodies, you immediately receive 5 of the required daily calories. Dried apricots and figs, raisins and dates are also very nutritious and high in calories, which is why they must be present in the diet.

How to exercise properly for a skinny guy

When visiting the gym, you should not immediately rush to each and every exercise machine - the entire set of exercises should consist of basic exercises. Of all the exercise machines, it’s worth using only the leg press and rows on the upper blocks. It is the base, only the hard core - all this should become the basis for the next couple of years if you strive to become truly irresistible and big. But more on that later.

What are basic exercises, many will ask - these are complex measures in which several large muscle groups are worked. This allows you to pump up several muscles at once in one workout, increasing body weight, and all this together works more effectively than when performing training on specific muscle groups through isolation exercises. As a rule, from the entire set of exercises.

Aimed at gaining muscle mass, there is a barbell bench press, squats with a barbell, also deadlifts and bent over rows, and a standing barbell bench press from the chest. It is these 5 presented exercises, together over time, that can turn a skinny guy into a real athlete.

The weights for each of the selected exercises should be selected individually, but at the same time adhere to the principle that 7-8 repetitions should be performed in one approach, but the approaches themselves should not be more than 10 and at least 4.

Regarding rest between exercises, it is a personal matter for each individual due to endurance and preparedness, but it is worth remembering that the entire workout, in general, should not exceed more than an hour in time. All this is due to this. What if you train for more than this time - the level of destructive effects of catabolic hormones, in particular, cartisol, will exceed the levels of anabolic hormones - testosterones and all this will negatively affect weight gain.

3 Herbal tea to gain weight

Recipes for losing weight are found at every turn, but ways to gain weight are quite rare. Folk remedies for weight gain include several herbal medicine recipes.

  1. 1. Cornflower helps increase appetite. An infusion of cornflower in combination with a balanced diet will allow you to gain several kilograms. You will need dry cornflower. 10 g of it is poured with boiling water and left for an hour. Cool, drink 3 times a day. The drink will be bitter. To improve the taste, you can mix it with sugar or honey.
  2. 2. An infusion of mint leaves helps speed up the digestion process, improve appetite and ultimately gain the required amount of missing kilograms. Pour 30 g of leaves into 1 liter of hot water. Leave to infuse for 2 hours. To increase appetite, drink the drink before meals. To improve digestion, drink it after meals.
  3. 3. Gentian roots are an excellent remedy for accelerating digestive processes, increasing the amount of gastric juice and more efficiently digesting food. Drinking an infusion from the roots of this herb and at the same time eating properly will increase your weight by several kilograms. 30 g of crushed roots are poured into 1 liter of white wine. Leave for 2-3 days. Drink 100 g before meals.
  4. 4. Rosehip has a number of properties that are beneficial to the human body. One of them is the ability to calm the nervous system and normalize metabolism. Tea is prepared from rose hips. For this, 1 tbsp. l. fresh or dry rose hips pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and simmer covered for 10 minutes. Leave for 24 hours and drink 1-2 tbsp per day. It is useful to eat fresh rose hips.
  5. 5. Pour 20 g of dry thyme herb into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours, strain and drink 100 g before meals.
  6. 6. 1 tbsp. l. dandelion leaves pour 1 tbsp. water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for an hour. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

It's yeast, not beer. They contain a huge amount of different vitamins and minerals. As a result, brewer's yeast can improve digestion processes, liver function, and speed up metabolism. They are typically consumed by men who are looking to increase their weight by building muscle mass through strength training. Drinking brewer's yeast drink, strength training and proper nutrition will help you add pounds. Brewer's yeast increases appetite, which should be taken into account when developing your menu. Otherwise, you can increase not the muscles, but the fat layer.

To prepare the drink you will need 50 g of brewer's yeast, 15 g of black bread and water. Cut the bread into strips, lightly dry it in the oven or microwave, and soak in 300 ml of boiling water. Let it stand for about 3 hours. Then strain the liquid, add 45 g of yeast and put on low heat. When it reaches approximately 70ºC, remove from heat and leave to cool completely. Then add the rest of the yeast, close the lid, and wrap warmly. Let it steep for another 8 hours. Then the drink can be consumed. If it seems too tasteless, add a little honey.

There are many traditional methods for gaining weight. But before you start gaining weight with them, it would be a good idea to consult a doctor. Some herbs and products can cause allergic reactions and should not be used for a number of diseases. Therefore, consultation with a doctor is necessary to ensure that the use of traditional medicine does not cause harm, but helps to achieve the desired goal - to gain the required number of kilograms.

Track your progress

Be sure to record your results by weighing yourself every week. Do this at the same time and day, ideally after waking up, after you pee.

Aim to gain 0.5 kg per week. Skinny guys who previously ate poorly often gain more in the first weeks. But this is mainly due to the contents of the intestines/stomach and additional water. Remember that on average you can gain no more than 0.2 kg of muscle mass per week.

If your weight increases, continue to consume the same amount of calories. If your weight remains the same for two weeks even though you are consuming the same amount of calories each day, increase your calorie intake. Add another 500 kcal/day and see what happens. Repeat until the mass begins to increase.

If you gain the first 10 kg with a certain caloric intake, this does not mean that with the same diet you will gain the next 10 kg. Lean men with smaller muscles require less dietary energy than big, strong guys because they burn fewer calories at rest.

The optimal training regimen for an ectomorph and recovery after it

At the initial stage, which takes a couple of years in terms of time, the training principle should apply - the whole body in one trip to the gym. After this, you can conditionally break it into parts - in one training session you can train the top, in the second visit - the bottom. So, for example, you can train your shoulders, chest or abs at one time, and legs, buttocks, and so on a second time.

When gaining and increasing body weight, not only a person with a thin body structure and constitution, but also an ordinary person should understand that proper rest is the key to not only health, but also a magnificent figure. It is during moments of rest and sleep that the body itself not only rests, but also gains weight.

Speaking specifically about a guy with an ectomorph body type, it’s worth remembering this more than ever - high-quality, and most importantly, adequate sleep is very important for him. Healthy sleep directly determines the amount and volume of muscle mass on your skeleton, and therefore the optimal duration of nightly rest is 8-10 hours of sleep.

Over what period of time and how much weight can you gain in the gym?

At the very beginning, it is worth noting that sports training must be correctly and competently selected, taking into account the desired result and goals. Agree - just a nutritious diet without physical activity and training will lead to you just gaining fat, without building muscle mass in your body.

All sets of physical exercises can be divided into groups such as aerobic and strength. Using the first group of exercises, a person’s heart rate and sweating increase due to fast movements, such as running or riding a bicycle or exercise bike, playing football or volleyball. Such activity does not greatly increase muscle mass, and therefore it is worth resorting to the second category of exercises that help shape the relief.

If you want to build muscle mass and definition, you should focus on strength exercises with bench presses, squats with a barbell and kettlebells, using dumbbells, and so on. Speaking about how long it takes to see a visible result - with a nutritious, balanced diet and a set of exercises correctly selected by the trainer, we can talk about a period of 3 - 4 months

Skinny guys with long arms and legs have a hard time gaining weight. What should they do to gain weight? What should be the training program for an ectomorph? Let's look into this painful issue.

Some aspects of gaining weight

There are quite a lot of secrets to gaining weight for skinny guys. This is both the right training program for gaining muscle mass, and biological rhythms, and a way of life.

Remember, it’s not so easy for a skinny guy to gain weight, but it’s possible. Some people grow muscles faster, others slower. It’s difficult to put everyone on the same level here. See for yourself how many nuances there are in this matter.

Weight and doping

A common reason for refusing to work in the gym is lack of results. Guys come to the gym for the sake of muscles, they train for a month, two, three. Every day they look at themselves in the mirror, strain their muscles, but everything is in vain. As a result, willpower fails and the guys give up training.

And it's not just about body structure. Bodybuilding is a slow thing, muscles grow by leaps and bounds in one case - if you take doping. In this case, of course, you will get the result only for the duration of the course, after which everything will return back (the so-called rollback). Well, you will cause harm to the body, this is a fact - after all, you use medications without prescription.

No matter what the agitators of the steroid world say, this topic is absolutely unnecessary for those who do not intend to become the next bodybuilding champion. You probably know that professional sports and health are incompatible concepts.

We take into account genetics

So, back to how to gain weight for a skinny guy. And here we are faced with interesting nuances. It turns out that not every skinny guy has a hard time gaining weight. Sometimes, if you improve your diet and exercise regularly, progress goes quite well. But basically, of course, a person, as a whole, was thin and remains so, it’s just that the muscles acquire relief and the proportions improve.

The nature and speed of metabolism are programmed at the gene level. If the metabolism is fast, then all the calories received from food are burned and do not go into the mass. A significant part of the population lives with this. But most of this part are quite happy with their appearance, since fat does not interfere with the appearance of a sporty figure. Ectomorphs have just such a metabolism.

Others have a slower metabolism. They go on diets and still gain extra pounds. Perhaps endomorphs sometimes even envy thin people. The status of the endocrine system is important. If there are malfunctions in it, a person can gain fat very quickly.

Age and rate of weight gain

Another factor that affects body weight is age. In the end, it all comes down to metabolism again, because it has different speeds in different age groups.

For example: you didn’t restrict yourself in diet and didn’t gain weight until you were 30, and then you notice that fat begins to accumulate around your lower back. You cut yourself a little on calories, but the fat continues to haunt you. As a result, you have to limit yourself greatly in order to stop gaining weight. This is a typical example of metabolism slowing down with age. For girls, this slowdown occurs after 25 years, for men - after 30 (on average, of course, no one has canceled the individual criterion).

So you may not have to show off your beautiful figure for a long time. The years will take their toll. Even ectomorphs after 30 years notice the appearance of fat deposits. They still have thin arms, legs, narrow shoulders, but their stomach risks turning into a small ball.

What should ectomorphs do?

To gain weight as an ectomorph, you need to be patient. This is the main thing you will need. In addition, you should remember the basic postulates for gaining weight for thin people:

  1. You won't get the same mass as Arnie.
  2. You will have to train for a long time, perhaps more than one year, to increase your weight even by 10 kg. Your assertiveness is important.
  3. Food. Since your metabolism is very fast, you will need to create an individual nutrition program. This is the number one priority for gaining weight.
  4. To gain weight, you need to exercise properly. The emphasis should be on power loads. Cardio – to a minimum. Next we will tell you exactly how all this is done and planned.
  5. Dream. It is important to sleep at least 8 hours a day. While you sleep, your body burns few calories. Take advantage of this. But don’t sleep your whole life, you can miss a lot of interesting things in it.
  6. Forget about pumping. Gaining weight for an ectomorph and pumping are incompatible.

Why you won't have an Arnold figure

It's stupid to be disappointed if you can't create the same figure as your idol. Each organism is individual. Genetics decides a lot, as well as perseverance, technique, coaching and the desire to become bigger and stronger.

Taken together, all this provides an incredible incentive for progress. Just “I want to be like him,” believe me, is not enough. So be happy with any results from your workouts in the gym. After all, these are your individual achievements. Not someone else's, but yours!

Duration of training

If you pay attention to the biographies of athletes who got into excellent shape without chemicals, you will notice that people spent more than one year to reach such volumes (and they are far from the dimensions of steroid lovers). Let's say more - more than a dozen years.

Painstakingly, step by step, kilogram by kilogram, they walked towards their goal, breaking themselves, training their spirit and body. And they came. Be patient! If you're an ectomorph, you have a long way to go. It will be easier for mesomorphs and endomorphs.


To build muscle mass you need. Ectomorphs need to eat often. Protein in your diet should be 1.5–2 grams for every kilogram of your body.

Increase portions of carbohydrates and fats. Moreover, you should conduct an experiment: first increase the amount of carbohydrates (we are talking about slow carbohydrates, not fast ones). Watch for a month. If there are no changes, try increasing the daily amount of fat.

The diet should include eggs, cottage cheese with at least 5% fat content, milk, kefir, fish and poultry, beef, lots of vegetables, and cereal porridge. Pasta and other fast-carbohydrate foods can be eaten before dinner. It is not recommended for dinner, since if the mass grows, everything may go into abdominal fat.

Be sure to get a gainer. There's no point in drinking protein. You need a portion of quality carbohydrates in addition to protein. You can use pre-workout supplements. Gainer can be drunk no more than twice a day. It is better not to use it at night.

Find flaxseed oil, or even better, camelina oil. Flaxseed oil quickly acidifies in the light, as a result, its benefits are reduced to zero (so pay attention to the darkness of the bottles with it). But camelina is just right.

Start the day with a hearty breakfast, after an hour and a half there should be a light breakfast. Then a hearty lunch, a light lunch and the same with dinner. It is advisable to limit late evening meals to kefir or milk with cottage cheese.

It is believed that ectomorphs are not particularly hungry, so they may not want to eat. And remember, without training, such nutrition can harm you, as the body will receive excess fat.

So, now let’s look at how to gain muscle mass for a thin person through training.

Workouts for an ectomorph

Training programs for ectomorphs to gain muscle mass should be presented in a two-day version. That is, exercises are done twice a week.

How often to exercise

So, a two-day training is suitable for ectomorphs. Three times a week may be too often. The exercises should be selected exclusively heavy, no additions for the first time. We produce testosterone with heavy weights.

Focus on basic exercises

The first classes for ectomorphs cannot begin with maximum load. Firstly, you don’t yet know which weights are difficult for you to work with and which ones are not. Secondly, you have not yet developed the correct technique.

So you will have to spend a couple of months mastering the technique of basic exercises and a smooth approach to your “failure” weights.

In each approach you need to do 4-6 repetitions. The more repetitions you do, the more calories you burn. Forget about light exercise. Only the base!


Mass gain training programs for men, even ectomorphs, should include cardio. Lack of cardio is very bad.

But spend 5-7 minutes running or cycling. You can interval 1 time maximum to accelerate your heart rate. Then just stretch your joints. Approach working weights smoothly, gradually, through intermediate weights.

You do basic exercises for 4-6 repetitions. It is logical that the weights will be those with which you will struggle to do the last reps. These are big weights, believe me.

If you reach a so-called plateau, be patient. Just practice to the best of your ability. Over time, you will be able to lift more, or your external results will change in some way. A good way to get out of a plateau is to add one repetition to each set, doing 3 reps with a little more weight than your working ones. If this does not help, increase the amount of protein in your diet, try special supplements (BCAA, creatine).

A plateau does not occur in the first months of training, keep this in mind. If your results improve in the second or third month, just give your body a rest. If your weight has stopped growing for several months, reconsider your diet and physical activity.


Gaining muscle mass is impossible without proper sleep. Putting on the pounds means getting consistent, long-term sleep. Sleep at least 8 hours.

It is optimal to follow a sleep schedule from 23:00 to 7:00. If you are a skinny morning person, this regime will be just right for you. Owls either need to adapt to going to bed earlier, or slightly shift the schedule in their own way.

If an ectomorph does not sleep normally, no training program will help him.

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How to gain weight for a man at home? Many modern adult men are overweight, but there are those who want to gain it, but there is no way to increase body weight. They eat all kinds of food, eat any amount of it, but they don’t gain weight. This may be related to health, but rapid metabolism in the human body is also not excluded.

An important role here is played by the calorie content of the menu, fortification of consumed foods, the use of special supplements, physical activity, rest and sleep.

Why can't we gain weight?

Let's figure out why a person is thin, what prevents him from becoming thin. Many research sources report that the following indicators are important issues in this issue:

You should always understand that gaining weight is easy, you just need to know with confidence that thinness is not some serious illness. First, be sure to consult a specialist, undergo all the necessary tests, get treatment, and then learn how to correctly gain body weight.

Where to begin

When starting to build up fat cells, in order to achieve the desired result, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Nutrition – balance, simplicity. The food is quite high in calories;
  • Physical exercise. You always need to know which exercises are suitable in order to gain weight. You need to train regularly, two or three times a week for one hour daily;
  • Proper rest. Sleep lasts eight or nine hours. Stress is unacceptable;
  • To drink a lot of water. The body is a liquid and to get better, you need to drink a lot of it every day, especially milk. It has high calorie and nutritional value.

The main thing for nutrition when increasing the male body is a gradual increase. This cannot be done quickly because then the stomach will be rebooted. It is recommended to consume at least forty calories per kilogram of weight. People who have great difficulty adding pounds should see an increase in calories up to sixty. How do you know how many calories to consume daily? It all depends on the man’s mass.

If he weighs 60 kg, daily calories consumed are 2400. 60 multiplied by 40 equals 2400. More is possible. Overestimation of nutrition occurs very often. The information on the label should always be read. When counting the number of calories, you should definitely consult with a specialist. It is important to remember: doing heavy physical work will require much more calories.

What to eat to gain weight

What food should you eat to gain weight quickly? First, you definitely need to clearly build a food intake regimen, distribute everything, taking into account the products.

In just three main meals, adults should consume up to four hundred grams of food, distributing porridge, fruits in the morning, lunch - meat soups, side dish, dinner - side dish, meat dish, salad. Snack on yogurt, chocolate, cottage cheese, jam. Rule: smaller snack volume - same calorie content.

An important place when gaining kilograms is nutrition planning: food is light, a large number of products is a bad decision. The best option for preparing food is before each meal, because fresh food is always healthier. Allowed to cook for the whole day. There should always be food available to snack on. While putting on the pounds, you should never feel hungry.

Food is balanced when the right amount of calories is taken. Protein proteins contain amino acids. They also play a big role in building male muscles. As you gain weight, you need to eat meat. The meat of poultry, rabbit, and calves is consumed. It is recommended to eat about two hundred grams of such fresh meat daily. Protein is contained in dairy products - most of all, eggs, fish, peas, beans, and other legumes. Seafood (shrimp, fish, crabs) has a lot of it.

Carbohydrates carry out all metabolic processes of the human body. The norm for daily consumption is three grams per kilogram. If there are not enough of them, the body takes the necessary substances from muscle tissue; this is unacceptable when human weight increases.

Sixty percent of the food you eat every day should come from carbohydrates. What products should they be taken from? Such excellent products include pasta of different varieties, unprocessed rice, oatmeal, wheat, buckwheat porridge, fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grain bread.

Many people believe that fats are very harmful to the adult body. No it is not true. There are lipid compounds of fats, which are the main ones in the release of testosterone, which is responsible for synthesis. There should be about fifteen percent of such fats. They contain seeds, nuts, vegetable oil, eggs, and fatty fish.

The proposed diet is good for men who do not understand how to add pounds to their body. For those who like to eat, it is also very good, because the diet includes what you want, and the quantity of products is large. The main factor is not to overeat too much. Proper sports physical activity with such a diet is always required. The desired kilograms will quickly increase, and the body will be attractive.

To gain 5 kg in a month, use an excellent homemade cocktail recipe. It should be used when the body cannot be given physical activity.

Compound: two cups of milk powder, 140 grams of protein, two liters of regular milk. It is possible to add ice cream for taste. Mix all the proposed components with a mixer, then put in the refrigerator.

Protein is added if you need to increase muscle specifically, but if you just want to gain weight, you can do without it. Drink between meals a day, you can drink it two days in advance.

Menu examples for the day

You need to create your own menu, taking into account the examples below. The most important thing is the norm of proteins, carbohydrates, fats. Be sure to follow the calorie count. You can't overeat. The last dose - casein only - contains cottage cheese, which helps nourish the muscles while you sleep. Below is a list of three thousand kilocalories.

Example 1


  1. Milk oat flakes – 100 grams
  2. Dairy product – 200 ml
  3. Boiled eggs - 3 whole, 4 whites
  4. Cereal bread - one piece.


  1. Poppy seed bun, apple – 2 pcs each.


  1. White rice, vegetable puree – 150g each
  2. Half a chicken breast
  3. One piece of bread.


  1. Vegetable stew - 150 gr
  2. Half a breast.
  1. Fish – 200
  2. Potatoes and vegetables – 150g each.

Snack before bed:

  1. Low-fat cottage cheese - 250.

Example 2


  1. Buckwheat – 150
  2. Omelette of 3 eggs and 4 whites
  3. Dairy products – 200 ml
  4. Bread - one piece
  5. Hard cheese – 30.


  1. Banana – 1
  2. Prunes - 100.


  1. Barley porridge, vinaigrette – 150g each
  2. Turkey fillet – 200
  3. Cereal bread - 1 piece.


  1. Vinaigrette, wheat porridge – 150g each
  2. Turkey fillet – 200.


  1. Hake – 200
  2. Beans – 100
  3. Vegetables, fresh – 150.

Snack before bed:

  1. Cottage cheese – 300.

Example 3


  1. Milk pearl barley porridge – 200
  2. Milk – 200 ml
  3. Fried egg made from 1 egg and 2 whites
  4. Bread toast
  5. Oil – 1 tsp.


  1. Pear -1
  2. Nuts – 30
  3. Marshmallow or marmalade - 100.


  1. Barley porridge – 100
  2. Goulash – 200
  3. Vegetable salad – 150
  4. Rye bread - 1 piece.


  1. Barley porridge – 150
  2. Beef goulash – 200
  3. Vegetable salad – 150.


  1. Half a chicken breast
  2. Canned vegetables – 100.
  3. Rice – 180.


  1. Ryazhenka – 2 glasses.

How to get results quickly

Will you gain 10 kg of body weight at home in a month? Yes, a quick option is always possible, but everything must be done very carefully. To do this, you need to follow important rules so that only healthy calories come in.

It is imperative: after lunch, avoid physical activity, rest for up to fifteen minutes; do street walks in the air; when eating, the portions are small; drink plenty of water; take a walk before bed; food – fortified; do a physical set of exercises.

Men who want to quickly get pumped up should exercise. Barbells and dumbbells are especially suitable. They give the best effect and get results quickly. You have to do everything correctly, the mass will gradually increase. Desired exercises: squats, push-ups, pull-ups, abdominal crunches, dumbbell swings. A good addition to everything is cycling and swimming.

It is always necessary to have a good rest, because weight is added not during physical activity, but when a person is calm and sleeping. Therefore, three or four workouts weekly are enough. Sleep - eight or nine hours a day. If you follow these recommendations, men can quickly gain weight and build large muscles.

What supplements can you use?

How can a man gain weight at home using special supplements? First you need to know which ones you can use and which ones you can’t. There are natural preparations, protein supplements. Brewer's yeast belongs to the first type, it helps to gain kilograms, because its component contains vitamin B and beneficial microelements.

If you take this yeast correctly, your metabolism is normalized, your appetite and skin condition improve. If you follow all the rules of use, you will get better during the first month, but you must always take into account the rate of use.

Protein supplements are analogous to natural substances, but they are concentrated and absorbed much faster. Ingredients: high-quality protein that promotes muscle growth. In order for important muscles to grow, you need to consume a lot of it every day.

It is quite difficult to eat this amount with regular foods. Protein powder is taken up to five times daily between meals. The serving size is up to thirty grams plus two hundred milligrams of milk. The same applies to proteins.

Read other blog articles.

A beautiful, toned body will never go out of style. In recent decades, more and more attention has been paid to appearance; many are beginning to understand that a “beer belly” and flabby muscles do not make anyone look good. In this regard, all information resources are filled with references to diets, exercises and other ways to lose weight and build muscle.

However, many men have another problem - they are underweight. Usually these are tall people with a thin build and a normal or even low weight for their height. In order to become the owners of a beautiful body, they need to gain weight, and doing this, it turns out, is often even more difficult than losing extra pounds.

Of course, it is very easy to gain weight, or rather “earn” obesity and many other diseases; to do this, you just need to lie on the couch and eat fast food and other carbohydrate and fatty foods. But the conversation, of course, will not be about this, but about how a man can build muscle (not fat) mass. Moreover, you can do this yourself at home, the main thing is to have the desire and be patient. Only proper nutrition and adequate physical activity will help you gain weight and make your body beautiful.

The calorie content of the diet is calculated very simply; you need to consume at least 40 kcal per kilogram of weight daily. If after a month of proper nutrition and training the mass does not increase, then this figure should be increased to 50-60 kcal, and sometimes even to 70 kcal. In this case, you need to increase the calorie content of your diet gradually until stable weight gain begins based on the results of monthly measurements.

It is often recommended to immediately calculate calorie content, based not on the weight at a given time, but on the desired one. For example, if you now weigh 65 kg, and the desired result is 70 kg, then the calorie content of the diet should be at least 2800 kcal per day.

You also need to take into account the person’s physical activity. People engaged in heavy physical labor should immediately “take” 50-60 kcal per 1 kg of their weight. Gaining muscle mass will only occur if the body receives more calories than it expends.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU)

Not only the calorie content of the diet is important, but also its balance. Simple carbohydrates can provide the body with a large amount of calories and will help increase body fat, but not muscle mass. Muscle tissue requires protein, so per 1 kg of body weight you need to consume at least 2 g of protein (40% animal and 60% plant). There should be at least 2 times more carbohydrates than protein, that is, 4-5 g per 1 kg of weight, and the rest can already be fat. In a healthy diet, we are always talking about vegetable fats, not animal fats. Moreover, when we talk about carbohydrates, we will mean complex (“slow”), and not easily digestible sugars.

Diet for gaining muscle mass

The diet should be enriched with protein and high in calories.

So, the calorie content and balance of BZHU have been calculated, now you can move on to creating a diet. Fans of fast food, sweets, flour, fatty and fried foods will have to completely abandon their previous habits and move to a completely new food system. At first, it is better to write a list of products that should make up your diet. After all, it’s not so easy to remember in the store which ones are rich in protein and low in fat. Below is an approximate list of products that are necessary for a man to gain weight.

Sources of animal protein:

  • lean meat (chicken and turkey breast, lean pork and beef);
  • fish (salmon, flounder, cod, hake, pollock and other types of fish containing less than 4% fat);
  • low-fat dairy products (no fillers 1%, cottage cheese up to 5%);
  • chicken and quail eggs.

Vegetable protein sources:

  • legumes (soybeans, beans, lentils, chickpeas and peanuts);
  • Brown rice;
  • vegetables (Brussels sprouts and white cabbage, and fruits (papaya, cherries, etc.).

The list contains foods that contain the highest amount of protein among plant foods. All vegetables and fruits contain protein to one degree or another.

Carbohydrates must be present in a man’s diet; their function is to provide the body with energy not only for vital processes, but also for training, without which it is impossible to build muscle mass. An approximate list of foods rich in slowly digestible carbohydrates:

  • cereals, with the exception of ;
  • whole grain wheat pasta;
  • black bread made from wholemeal flour;
  • legumes;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits with a low (up to 40) glycemic index (bananas, kiwi, pears, citrus fruits, plums, etc.);
  • berries.

There is no need to worry about saturating your body with vitamins and minerals; with this diet you will receive the required amount of nutrients.

But you shouldn’t pay special attention to fats and “fast” carbohydrates; they are present in most of the products listed above, so the body will still receive them. Additionally, you should not “feed” it with sugar and sweets.

Protein shakes

You can make your own protein shake at home.

The volume of the cocktail should not be more than 300 ml, and its temperature should be 36-37 degrees, that is, the products from which it will be prepared must be removed from the refrigerator in advance. You should not heat the finished cocktail; it is better to add hot milk to it during the preparation process.

You should drink a protein shake immediately after your workout. This will help the body regain strength faster. In addition, the protein it contains will “go” to the muscles, since after exercise the metabolism in the tissues accelerates.

Cooking Rules

It is important not only to eat healthy foods, but also to prepare them correctly. Now you have to forget about fried food. Meat and fish should be boiled, cooked in a double boiler or in the oven. Cooking in the oven also has its own nuances; it is preferable to use baking bags or foil. When cooking in open dishes, a baked crust appears on the food, which is not desirable.

During heat treatment of products, vegetable oils and animal fats are not used. Eggs need to be soft-boiled or made into omelettes. It is preferable to make salads from vegetables, seasoning them with a small amount of unrefined vegetable oil, so you can eat several types of vegetables at once in one meal.

Daily and nutritional regimen

To gain muscle mass, not only diet is important, but also diet. If you need to gain weight, you will have to switch to fractional meals up to 6-8 times a day, and each meal should contain protein and complex carbohydrates. For example, breakfast may consist of oatmeal, an omelet and a glass of kefir. For lunch you can eat a piece of boiled beef with rice and salad. Dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, milk), nuts and fruits can serve as “snacks”.

Over time, you will be able to choose a diet that will be convenient for your rhythm of life.

Physical exercise

For gaining weight, the training and rest regime is no less important. The duration of sleep plays an important role; you need to sleep at least 8 hours at night.

Physical activity should be adequate to your condition, training should not last more than an hour, and you need to rest once or twice a week. To gain muscle mass, strength training aimed at different groups of large muscles is recommended. It is important to understand that muscle mass grows during rest, and not during the training itself, so between classes the body must have time to fully recover.

Professional advice on proper nutrition to gain muscle mass:
