Sports roller for abdominals. Gymnastic wheel with handles - exercise machine for the abs and more. Additional emergency shutdown buttons

A pass-through roller press is designed for one-sided lining of layers of board materials (chipboard, fibreboard, MDF), including pre-profiled ones, with various films and plastics with pre-applied glue for subsequent gluing of the overhang to the profile edge using the postforming method and the edge material using the softforming method. Ideal for use in enterprises and workshops for medium and large-scale production of office and kitchen furniture, furniture facades and countertops. Used in conjunction with postforming machines mod. T-PF 190 and softforming mod. T-SF 151.

Options, descriptions



Workpiece feed rollers.

The workpieces are fed using the lower drive and upper pressing rollers with rubber coating. The feed speed is adjusted from the inverter control panel. Continuous and uniform feed is ensured, and slippage of workpieces and damage to the surface during processing is eliminated.

Adjusting the roller to the thickness of the workpiece

The roller is adjusted to the thickness of the workpiece being processed using a screw pair by turning the handle at the end of the press. The size is measured using the indicator scale. When setting, the upper pressing roller should be in its highest position.

Upper press roller

Designed to create sufficient pressing force for gluing the facing material onto the face of the workpiece during continuous feeding of the workpiece. The pressing force is provided by pneumatic cylinders. Allows for high-quality gluing of facing materials.


The upper heating elements preheat the facing material with applied glue for secondary activation for the purpose of high-quality gluing. The heating temperature is adjusted on the control panel display. A reflective protective screen is installed in the front part of the press.

Additional emergency shutdown buttons.

Additional emergency shutdown buttons for the press are installed in the upper part of the guard at the outlet of the press and provide increased operational safety.

Press control panel.

The control panel is located on the front plane of the frame and provides convenient control of the press.

Designed for one-sided cladding of panel materials (chipboard, fibreboard, MDF), including pre-profiled ones, with various films and plastics with pre-applied glue. Pneumatic pressing, as well as the use of rubber-coated rollers, make it possible to obtain a clean adhesive connection with thin materials. The press is equipped with a feed speed control device, which allows you to obtain high quality connections.

The machine is compact, easy to use, and energy efficient. Ideal for use in factories and workshops for medium and large-scale production of office and kitchen furniture, furniture fronts and countertops. Used in conjunction with postforming machines mod. T-PF 190 and softforming mod. T-SF 151.

Supply of workpieces carried out using lower drive and upper rubber-coated pressing rollers.

Adjusting the thickness of the workpiece is performed using a flywheel and a digital counter located on the left side of the press.
During the process of setting the thickness of the workpiece, the pinch rollers
must be in the highest position.

Feed rate adjustable from the inverter control panel. Continuous and uniform feed is ensured, and workpiece slippage and surface damage during processing are eliminated
The feed speed is adjusted depending on the type of material of the workpiece being processed.

Upper press roller designed to create sufficient pressing force for gluing the facing material onto the face of the workpiece with continuous feeding of the workpiece. The pressing force is provided by pneumatic cylinders.
Allows for high-quality gluing of facing materials. The upper heating elements preheat the facing material with applied glue. You can fix the heating value using a thermostat. When working with various types Laminate flooring requires the use of different heating modes. The choice of one heating mode or another depends on the types of laminate and glue used.

Press control panel located on the front side of the frame and provides ease of control of the press.

Emergency stop buttons located on the control panel of the press, as well as on the control panel of electrical devices. Additional buttons are installed on the top of the frame at the exit of the workpiece from the press.

Low bow, my dears! Summer is in full swing, but we still can’t calm down and stuff you with notes. Probably already tired of it? :) And yet, today we are waiting for another technical note about the abdominal roller exercise. After reading the article, you will become familiar with its advantages, as well as the technique of implementation. In addition, we will reveal its effectiveness for creating a steel press.

So, make yourself comfortable, I'm giving the third call.

Ab roller exercise. What, why and why?

Believe it or not, it is also possible to shape your figure at home. Of course, there is no need to talk about the pain of muscles, but creating some general elasticity and making the muscles fit is a completely feasible task. Various types of home sports equipment can help with this. We’ll talk about one such fitness device, the ab roller, next.

The first time I met this rolling machine was in a physics lesson when I was still a schoolboy. As usual, the curious Protasov, a student of the 7th grade, went where he shouldn’t have gone, namely, into the physical education teacher’s back room. After rummaging through various rubbish, I found a wheel with handles, which seemed very unusual to me. I had no idea how to use it, so I just rolled it around and then ran after it across the floor. It soon became clear that the principle of operation of the rolling wheel is somewhat different, and it is called an ab roller, designed to strengthen muscles abdominals. Our next meeting with the video took place in a different, more familiar environment, namely in the fitness room of a local club. Both of them were interesting, memorable, and therefore it was decided to dedicate a note to this fitness equipment.

Actually, let's move on to the theoretical and substantive part, let's go.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscle atlas

The ab roller is an inexpensive fitness equipment that is designed to strengthen the core and abdominal muscles. Despite the simplicity of the exercise technique, rolling a roller causes a lot of difficulties due to the weakness of the entire abdominal region of the abdominal muscles, as well as the back areas. The rectus abdominis and obliques actually contract isometrically with slight flexion at the waist under resistance. In the absence of waist flexion, the rectus abdominis and external obliques act as pelvic and waist stabilizers during hip flexion.

The complete muscle ensemble is the following set of muscles:

  • target region – iliopsoas muscle;
  • synergists – tensor fascia lata, sartorius, pectineus, adductor long/short, latissimus muscle back, large round, large (sternal section)/small chest, rear delta, diamond-shaped;
  • stabilizers – rectus abdominis, obliques, triceps, pectoralis major (clavicular region), wrist flexors;
  • dynamic stabilizers – rectus femoris muscle;
  • antagonist-stabilizers – erector spinae muscles.

In the picture version, the muscle atlas looks like this:


By doing the ab roller exercise, you will get the following benefits:

  • development of abdominal muscle strength;
  • creating a lasting muscle corset– strengthening the core muscles;
  • involving a large number of people in the work at once (up to 20 ) muscles;
  • greater activity of the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles compared to crunches;
  • increased endurance;
  • improved posture;
  • reduction of back pain, prevention of injuries;
  • increasing working weights in squats;
  • improved muscle coordination;
  • increase muscle mass, increasing basal metabolic rate (improved ability to burn calories during periods of inactivity).

Execution technique

The abdominal roller exercise is not without its subtleties and nuances, and therefore it is important to know how to perform it correctly. To figure this out, let's go step by step through the technique of doing it.

Step #0.

Take the roller in your hands and take a position on the floor, standing on all fours. Place the roller on outstretched arms strictly under the shoulders, lock in this position. This is your starting position.

Step #1.

Inhaling, slowly begin to roll the roller forward in a straight line, pulling your body along with it and stretching it. Continue moving forward as far as you can without your body touching the floor. After a pause in the stretched position, pull yourself back to the starting position, exhaling to contract (closer). Repeat the specified number of times.

In the picture version, the exercise with a roller looks like this:

In motion like this...

Subtleties and secrets

To get the most out of the exercise, follow these tips:

  • roll the roller back and forth slowly and under control;
  • keep your abdominal muscles tense throughout the entire movement path;
  • stay for 1-2 accounts in an extended position;
  • perform the exercise with your knees on the mat;
  • to develop the strength of the abdominal muscles and create a strong girdle corset, include the exercise along with the plank in your abdominal workout;
  • As you progress, also use diagonal roller rolls;
  • do not perform the exercise if you have pain in the lower back and hernias;
  • recommended number of approaches - 2-3 , reps 8-12 .


Besides classic version roller rental (which, by the way, is a rather advanced and complex version of the exercise) note the variations:

  • on fitball;
  • reverse roller ("penknife");
  • rental of barbells with pancakes.

Actually, we’re done with the theoretical part, now let’s look at the practical calculations.

The best exercises for the upper/lower abs, what are they?

In an experiment at the University of Massachusetts Exercise Physiology and Exercise Science, measurements were taken of the electrical activity of the upper and lower abdominal muscles while performing exercises. various exercises. It was found that renting a video in comparison with 5 the most popular abdominal exercises, showed the highest EMG values ​​for two areas - 80% for the top and 85% for bottom, against 70% And 80% , from the nearest pursuer, raise your knees while hanging on the horizontal bar.

Conclusion – one of the best complex exercises on the press is a rolling roller.

Ab roller VS crunches. What's better?

When performing crunches while lying on your back (), the torso is lifted off the floor, the rectus abdominis muscle contracts and the distance between the ribs and hips decreases. When rolling a roller, the rectus abdominis muscle performs isometric, static reduction throughout the entire range of motion. When the wheel approaches, p.m.f. contracts, reducing the distance between the ribs and hips.

Most effective exercises on the press are those in which during movement the use of third-party muscles (hip flexors) minimal. Thus, involving the hip flexors in abdominal exercises reduces their effectiveness. When performing back crunches, the hip flexors remain in place. (because the knees are bent and do not move). When performing the ab roller exercise, the angle at the hips increases and decreases, so the abs receive help from the flexors.

Conclusion. Crunches are a more isolated abdominal exercise, while rollers are more complex. They cannot be compared with each other, because... they solve slightly different problems, the first is targeted development of the midsection, the second is the development of strength and the creation of a muscular corset that encircles the waist. Most effective strategy abdominal workout is the use of crunches (and it’s better on a fitball) and a video on one program day.

Ab roller VS plank. Who will win?

No one no one :) ... these exercises have the same “principle of action”, in which the abdominal muscles contract isometrically, which, in turn, means that the muscles work to keep the spine in static position. When a person stands/sits, his abdominal muscles work isometrically to maintain an even posture. The development of isometric strength is important for a person and allows you to keep the spine in correct position for a longer time. In addition, isometrics are important when performing work with a barbell, such as squats.

Conclusion - to build not only the shape of the abs (a.k.a. cubes), but also to develop the strength of the abdominal muscles, use exercises of different “principles of action.”

This was the last information that I would like to convey, now let's summarize.


Today we got acquainted with the abdominal roller exercise, which means that you are one step closer to building the body of your dreams.

So, let’s finish reading the theory and head to the gym for practice, good luck!

PS. And you are skating, how are you doing?

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it as your status social network- plus 100 points for karma, guaranteed :).

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Many people dream about athletic figure and abs on the stomach. There is an opinion that in such physical fitness You can improve yourself only by going to the gym and giving a lot of money to professional trainers. But at home it is quite possible to achieve what you want. slim body. You won’t be able to develop a mountain of muscles, but you can create elasticity and fit at home.

Must be purchased Sports Equipment. An effective exercise machine for developing the abs is a regular roller. Perhaps many have seen such a device in the classroom physical culture at school or university. It is intended to strengthen the abdominal muscles.

Ab rollers

This is a cheap exercise equipment that strengthens muscles, not just the abdomen. The design is simple, the exercises are effective. Many people have difficulty using the device due to the fact that their abdominal and back muscles are poorly developed. The rectus and oblique muscles contract isometrically, slightly bending the waist under resistance. If waist flexion is absent, the rectus and external oblique muscles will act as stabilizers of the pelvis and waist during hip flexion.

Muscle atlas

Let's look at the muscles that are used when using this video:

At correct use simulator data muscle groups are used during training. This is a lot of muscle for such a simulator.

Pros of using a roller

The simulator will do for burning subcutaneous fat . It is useful when used correctly and following a diet. Let's consider what benefits the buyer of this simple device will receive.

  1. Strengthens the abdominals. By strengthening the core muscles, a strong muscle corset is created.
  2. Get involved in the work approximately 20 muscles.
  3. Actively involved rectus and oblique abdominal muscles– this cannot be achieved with ordinary crunches when training the abs.
  4. Much endurance increases, posture improves, back pain goes away, an increase in working weights is achieved when squatting with a barbell.
  5. And develops muscle coordination , calorie burning increases during the period without training.

Ab roller: doing exercises

Exercise technique

There are nuances when performing exercises with an ab roller. It is important to know how to perform all manipulations with the simulator correctly. To figure this out, you need to learn the technique of performing the exercise:


To achieve maximum effect, you must follow the rules:

  1. you need to roll the simulator slowly, controlling the process forward and backward;
  2. the abdominal muscles should be tense;
  3. in the stretched position you need to stay for 1-2 seconds, and then return to the starting position;
  4. It is better to perform exercises on a mat - this way your knees will not be injured;
  5. to develop the strength of the abdominal muscles and create a strong girdle corset, it is necessary to combine this exercise with the “plank”;
  6. when the technique is fully mastered, diagonal rolling can be used;
  7. If you have pain in the lower back or a hernia, you should not engage in this type of training. The ideal number of approaches is 2-3, repetitions should be performed from 8 to 12.

Variations of the exercise

There are other variations using equipment. You can use a fitness ball, reverse roller or barbell for training.

It is preferable to purchase a roller, since the exercise is easier with it. Some physical scientists have conducted experiments and compared the use of a roller with other abdominal exercises.

The study showed that the video shows the most good results: it uses 80% of the upper muscles of a person and 85% of the lower ones. If you use other training methods, you will be involved upper muscles by 70%, lower ones - by 80%. The application of the ab roller is the best option to work out the body and reduce fat layers.

Ab roller: reviews

Many people have tried this type of simulator and share their impressions through reviews:

I would like to note right away that if you are new to training, it is better to start with simple exercises without a roller, since the load is significant. It is because of this that the video is perfect for those who want to add extra stress to themselves during training. I would like to note that when training with a roller, not only the abdominal muscles are involved, but also the legs, forearms and back. After the first workout, everything will hurt, but there’s no getting around it. Oh, by the way, be careful the first time, because it is quite possible to hit your nose on the floor.

I bought an Adidas video. It is very convenient to train, the material is of high quality, the load on the body is felt immediately during the first lesson.

Reviews speak of the effectiveness of the simulator.

Comparison of the video with other types of training

Many people use straight body crunches for the abs, but when performing this exercise, the torso lifts off the floor, contracting the rectus abdominis muscle and reducing the distance between the hips and ribs.

If you use a roller, then this muscle contracts statically, isometrically, which occurs throughout the entire range of motion. As the wheel gets closer, the rectus abdominis muscles will contract, which will lead to a decrease in the distance between the ribs and hips.

The most effective training for working out the abs are those that involve minimally third-party muscles. Engaging the hip flexors reduces the effectiveness of the exercise. When performing a straight back crunch, the hip flexors remain in the same position and are engaged because the knee is bent.

When ab roller exercises are performed, the angle at the hip increases and decreases, the abs get additional help from the flexors. Crunches are isolated exercise, and the video is complex. These types of exercises solve different problems. Lifting the torso is a targeted exercise of the abdominal muscles, and the simulator develops and creates a muscular corset. But the most effective option is to combine these types of exercises.

Ab roller and plank

These exercises are similar because the abs are contracted isometrically. The muscles work to maintain the spine in a static position. When a person sits and stands, they tense isometrically to support straight posture. This is why it is important to train isometric strength, as it is beneficial for the spine, which will remain in the correct position much longer with training.

Isometric exercises are important for barbell work (such as squats), so these muscles should be trained to prevent strain on the spine.

To develop abdominal muscles, and not just gain cubes on it, you need to use a plank and a roller.

Bottom line

The ab roller is simple and effective trainer, which will help build perfect body. No need to spend a lot of money and time to visit gym– just purchase the right equipment, learn how to use it, and the results will come soon. In addition, it costs little, even the products of the famous company Adidas, and you can buy an excellent sports unit.

Good luck with your training.