Sports nutrition Anna Nova Nutrition. Review: Anna Nova BCAA amino acids - nasty tasting, effective, relatively inexpensive

Sports supplements Anna Nova Nutrition is German quality products at Russian prices. Why was this possible? Because Anna Nova Nutrition sports nutrition is created at the best pharmacological factories in Russia from foreign raw materials from world-famous manufacturing plants Lactoprot and Wirud.

In addition to high-quality raw materials, Anna Nova Nutrition boasts the latest technological manufacturing methods with which the company’s supplements are made. In applied developments the best trends in efficient production are taken into account sports nutrition that brings visible results.

All Anna Nova Nutrition finished products undergo microbiological, physico-chemical, and radiological control before appearing on the store counter. Each batch of sports nutrition under the Anna Nova Nutrition brand is subjected to these procedures.

In addition, Anna Nova Nutrition products have undergone clinical examination and are registered as biologically active food supplements and specialized nutritional products for athletes in the Federal Service for Surveillance of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare of the Russian Federation.

Anna Nova Nutrition products include:

  • Ewheylution whey concentrate and Proevolution multi-component protein containing whey protein, calcium caseinate and soy isolate. Both protein supplements are additionally enriched with magnesium and iron - the main minerals for an athlete. Fast protein Ewheylution and multicomponent Proevolution with correct use will restore muscle tissue and protect it from destruction, promote weight gain and accelerate protein synthesis.
  • Anabolic amino acids with branched side chains in the form BCAA powder and BCAA Tabs. This complex of essential amino acids from leucine, valine and isoleucine has a formula with improved absorption, and is also enhanced with vitamins B6 and C. Ideal restoration and activation of several protein synthesis processes at once is why athletes love BCAA so much.
  • Helping convert fat into energy, improve performance and immunity, L-carnitine in the form of L-Carnitine Caps, containing exclusively L-carnitine tartrate and nothing else, and L-Carnitine 2000 - a convenient 0.5 liter sports drink with raspberry leaf extract, natural flavorings and sweetener aspasvit ultra.
  • Creation is a powdered 100% creatine monohydrate without any other fillers, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed by both many years of experience among athletes and a number of independent studies. Effective replenishment of ATP reserves, increased muscle strength, endurance and volume are the main reasons for purchasing Creation from Anna Nova Nutrition.
  • Glution 100% L-Glutamine is one of the most versatile amino acids available in powder form. The fact is that glutamine can support a huge number of body functions, and more than half of it consists of muscle tissue. Taking Glution will lead to increased protein synthesis and growth hormone production, increased muscle mass and acceleration of post-training recovery.

Anna Nova Nutrition food supplements, produced in Russia from raw materials from the best factories in Germany, have become a high-quality, but widely accessible domestic sports nutrition.

Hello, dear readers of my review!
In my writing I will try to outline my experience of using bcaa amino acids bcaa from the Russian company Anna Nova. The Anna Nova company's products are created from imported raw materials, at the best pharmaceutical factories in the country, as the manufacturer assures.
In general, if you look at the market, I buy this company, and quite well. High demand is primarily due to low cost and positive reviews athletes.
Personally, I don’t like these amino acids. Maybe they help, but I don’t feel the effect on myself. Maybe, if only you add a little energy during training. Or maybe it's self-hypnosis.
But I feel their nasty taste every time I drink them before, during and after training. Initially, I tried mixing it with water, but it was just a plague! It’s easier to drink a glass of vodka in one gulp than this miracle mixture. Then I began to mix it with juice (orange, pineapple, etc.) this somehow improved the taste of the drink.

As I already said, I practically don’t notice the effect from them. Maybe they are like the work of a military signalman; if there is a connection, the signalman is not reproached; if there is no connection, he is scolded. It’s the same here, maybe without using them, my results and recovery would have taken much longer. In general, try it and find out.

If we talk about the composition, here it is

I checked the originality of the raw materials. I poured 5 grams of amino acids into a glass of water. A film characteristic of bcaa has formed on the surface of the glass, which indicates the quality of the product. These drinks are based on 3 essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, valine. Also vitamins C and B6. It also contains gelatin.

On the Internet they write that it is a working product. I don’t know, maybe it works on me too, I just don’t notice it.

By the way, I would like to note that there is no measuring spoon in the jar. This is a little annoying, you have to scoop the usual one at random (2 teaspoons per drink)

They last for a very long time (about 2 months to be exact).

In general, to summarize, I would like to list the pros and cons:
Attracts the price, composition, prevalence and reviews.
Repels the taste. The rest seems to be fine.

Thank you for your attention! Happy training everyone!

Description by manufacturer

Anna Nova Nutrition– these are German quality products at Russian prices. Anna Nova Nutrition is created at the best pharmacological factories in Russia from foreign raw materials from world-famous manufacturing plants Lactoprot and Wirud.

In addition to high-quality raw materials, Anna Nova Nutrition boasts the latest technological manufacturing methods with which the company’s supplements are made. The applied developments take into account the best trends in the production of effective sports nutrition that brings visible results.

All Anna Nova Nutrition finished products undergo microbiological, physico-chemical, and radiological control before appearing on the store counter. Each batch of sports nutrition under the Anna Nova Nutrition brand is subjected to these procedures.

In addition, Anna Nova Nutrition products have undergone clinical examination and are registered as biologically active food supplements and specialized nutritional products for athletes in the Federal Service for Surveillance of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare of the Russian Federation.


  • Ewheylution And Proevolution, containing whey protein, calcium caseinate and soy isolate. Both protein supplements are additionally enriched with magnesium and iron - the main minerals for an athlete.
  • Anabolic in the form of powder and tablets BCAA Tabs.
  • Promoting the conversion of fat into energy, increasing efficiency and immunity in the form L-Carnitine Caps containing exclusively L-carnitine tartrate and nothing else, and L-Carnitine 2000– a convenient sports drink with a volume of 0.5 liters.
  • Creation– 100% powder and without any other fillers.
  • 100% Glution– one of the most versatile amino acids in powder form.

Anna Nova Nutrition food supplements, produced in Russia from raw materials from the best factories in Germany, have become a high-quality, but widely accessible domestic sports nutrition.