Gun skiing sport title. Skiing. Competitions are held in formats

Skiing on snowy terrain has been present in people's lives even before the advent of world sporting events. Skiing began in Norway back in 1924, when the world's first competitive skiing competitions took place. In the same year, the International Federation included skiing in the Olympic Games. Thus, these races have earned their popularity and become world famous. In this article we will look at the characteristics of skiing in the modern world.


Several types of skiing competitions are included in the Olympic Games program. Their classification is quite extensive.

Types of skiing at the Olympic Games:

  1. Ski racing is a competition to cover certain distances at speed.
  2. Alpine skiing is one of the most extreme winter sports. An athlete slides down a slope at high speed.
  3. Biathlon is racing combined with shooting. The athlete overcomes the path for a while and shoots at a target from a distance of 50 meters.
  4. Snowboarding is a ski competition on a snowboard. It is considered a dangerous sport.
  5. Ski jumping is one of the most dangerous types. The skier flies through the air and lands, observing the correct technique for performing all elements.
  6. Freestyle is one of the most fascinating sports. A competition participant performs acrobatic stunts while descending a mountain slope.


Cross-country skiing is a winter sport that requires high professionalism in the use of techniques. Competitive speed races within certain distances are held between one age and gender category. They have 2 modes of movement: classic and free (skating).

In the first case, the athlete walks a distance along a prepared ski track, pushing off with poles. With freestyle, the athlete is allowed to choose his own method of movement.

Skiing has several types of competitions:

  1. Individual sprint - participants who made it to the finals after a separate start run after each other for up to 1 minute, 30 or 15 seconds in the required sequence.
  2. Team sprint is cross-country skiing over short distances. Quite an impressive sight. The rules are such that as soon as one team runs the required distance, it is immediately replaced by another. The teams alternate several times.
  3. Relay races. As a rule, 4 teams run the relay race. The participant, running the distance, passes the baton to the next one. At the same time, all skiers run in a different style of movement.
  4. General start. All athletes go to the start line at once. The results are recorded by the time it took the skier to cover the distance.

Among the Olympic sports, cross-country skiing is considered the most popular.


An integral part of the Olympic Games is alpine skiing. It includes the following disciplines:

  1. Slalom is a descent with obstacles that the athlete must carefully navigate between at high speed. The path consists of two different tracks.
  2. Super-G slalom. Unlike simple slalom, the height difference reaches 250 meters or more, and the length of the route must be at least 1000 meters.
  3. Downhill. The length of the descent can reach more than 3 kilometers. A participant descends a mountain slope performing jumps. The track is prepared in advance, there is an ice cover to develop the athlete’s speed.


Quite an unusual type of Olympic skiing. The essence of the competition is that the athlete covers a distance at speed and at the end of the journey shoots at a target with a bow or rifle. In biathlon there are several types of race, for example: relay, sprint or pursuit. The race can also be team or individual. The type of race determines the rules of the competition. Depending on them, shooting can be done from a lying or standing position. Misses may add a penalty or an extra lap of the course.

Ski jumping

Ski jumping competitions from specially equipped springboards are held in summer and winter. The judges evaluate the flight phase and landing. The technique, distance, speed, wind direction and flight altitude are taken into account. Competitions can be held as an individual performance or a team of 4 athletes. The execution technique consists of 4 elements: acceleration, leaving the springboard, flight, landing.


It is considered the most dangerous Olympic skiing sport. Statistics show that its injury rate exceeds that of other sports. The main difference is the board, which is used instead of skis. Varieties:

  1. Racing cross - overcoming a descent with obstacles on a snowboard. The obstacles can be springboards, turns, rollers, etc. The rules of the competition state that at the end of the distance the athlete must reach maximum speed. Up to 5 athletes can participate in the downhill at the same time. The participant with the best qualifications wins. Several people with the strongest results end up in the finals, and the fight continues.
  2. Big air - ski jump on a snowboard. An interesting trick is performed in a long jump. As a result, the skill of execution and the clarity of the landing are assessed.
  3. Slope style is a competitive race on a slope with obstacles and performing tricks.
  4. Half pipe - performing tricks with acrobatic elements in a semicircular structure for extreme sports.
  5. Slalom.


It is not for nothing that it is considered the most beautiful type of skiing and rightfully deserves a place in the Olympic Games. Directions:

  1. Mogul - descent down an uneven slope on mogul skis. The freestyler goes through a bumpy path with jumps, showing the best tricks and ability to overcome obstacles with technical turns, jumps and landings. The track is prepared in such a way that it consists of inclines of different drops.
  2. Ski cross. A race with various descents, ascents, slopes and obstacles. One of the most spectacular types of skiing competitions. Participants can reach speeds of up to 60 km/h. In the first stage, athletes travel the route alone, in the second part of the competition they ride in groups of 4 people. The one who reaches the finish line first wins.
  3. Ski acrobatics is a basic freestyle discipline where a series of jumps are performed on a springboard. Springboards may vary in height and slope. Freestylers demonstrate impressive tricks: somersaults, flips, spins, acrobatic figures. The jury's score is based on points for technique, artistry and landing.

Preparation for competitions

Types of skiing have their own characteristics and require enormous physical training. His success depends on the athlete’s preparation and physical condition. Participating in serious tournaments requires years of preparation and perseverance.

When preparing for skiing, special attention is paid to equipment, since the athlete’s safety depends on it. Preparing skis is a very important moment, and you will need good experience here. Experienced athletes use a lot of different products to treat the sliding surface. In most cases, this is done by real professionals who understand exactly how skis should be treated depending on weather conditions. To prepare the surface before competitions, various accelerators, fluorocarbon powders, emulsions, etc. are applied.

For the race, it is customary to wear thermal underwear and racing overalls so that the body does not overheat during the race. Warm clothes are left in the locker room.

Before the start, the athlete is recommended to be in excellent shape, well-rested and alert. Nervous tension before a performance can significantly worsen a participant’s condition, so you should take care of your health the day before. It is necessary to carry out preparatory training.

Cross-country skiing track

Certain conditions are created for skiing. If the trail will be used for skiing or preparatory training, you can use a snowmobile with attachments. This is a budget option for creating a ski center.

The competition course must meet the homologation requirements of the International Ski Federation. This means that different disciplines have certain parameters that must be followed.

First, the width of the route is determined depending on its operation, and all other work is carried out in accordance with this. It is not recommended to roll the track close to trees.

The finish of the ski run should be located on the south side so that the sun does not interfere with photographers. It is necessary to plan the location of spectators, preparation areas, warm-up and ski testing. All these are necessary conditions that the organizers must create.

The presence of ascents, descents, and elevation gain for different disciplines is also observed. The route kilometers are arranged in distances of different lengths.

To ensure a smooth snow surface, the route is leveled transversely during the snow-free period. Turns should be smooth and safe.

For a hard and dry snow surface, backfill is made. This helps dry the surface faster after rain. They are sprinkled with a special mixture of sawdust and sand. This also causes less greenery to grow along the route. Wet areas can make it difficult for athletes to move around.

Skiing on snowy terrain has been present in people's lives even before the advent of world sporting events. Skiing began in Norway back in 1924, when the world's first competitive skiing competitions took place. In the same year, the International Federation included skiing in the Olympic Games. Thus, these races have earned their popularity and become world famous. In this article we will look at the characteristics of skiing in the modern world.


Several types of skiing competitions are included in the Olympic Games program. Their classification is quite extensive.

Types of skiing at the Olympic Games:

  1. Ski racing is a competition to cover certain distances at speed.
  2. Alpine skiing is one of the most extreme winter sports. An athlete slides down a slope at high speed.
  3. Biathlon is racing combined with shooting. The athlete overcomes the path for a while and shoots at a target from a distance of 50 meters.
  4. Snowboarding is a ski competition on a snowboard. It is considered a dangerous sport.
  5. Ski jumping is one of the most dangerous types. The skier flies through the air and lands, observing the correct technique for performing all elements.
  6. Freestyle is one of the most fascinating sports. A competition participant performs acrobatic stunts while descending a mountain slope.


Cross-country skiing is a winter sport that requires high professionalism in the use of techniques. Competitive speed races within certain distances are held between one age and gender category. They have 2 modes of movement: classic and free (skating).

In the first case, the athlete walks a distance along a prepared ski track, pushing off with poles. With freestyle, the athlete is allowed to choose his own method of movement.

Skiing has several types of competitions:

  1. Individual sprint - participants who made it to the finals after a separate start run after each other for up to 1 minute, 30 or 15 seconds in the required sequence.
  2. Team sprint is cross-country skiing over short distances. Quite an impressive sight. The rules are such that as soon as one team runs the required distance, it is immediately replaced by another. The teams alternate several times.
  3. Relay races. As a rule, 4 teams run the relay race. The participant, running the distance, passes the baton to the next one. At the same time, all skiers run in a different style of movement.
  4. General start. All athletes go to the start line at once. The results are recorded by the time it took the skier to cover the distance.

Among the Olympic sports, cross-country skiing is considered the most popular.


An integral part of the Olympic Games is alpine skiing. It includes the following disciplines:

  1. Slalom is a descent with obstacles that the athlete must carefully navigate between at high speed. The path consists of two different tracks.
  2. Super-G slalom. Unlike simple slalom, the height difference reaches 250 meters or more, and the length of the route must be at least 1000 meters.
  3. Downhill. The length of the descent can reach more than 3 kilometers. A participant descends a mountain slope performing jumps. The track is prepared in advance, there is an ice cover to develop the athlete’s speed.


Quite an unusual type of Olympic skiing. The essence of the competition is that the athlete covers a distance at speed and at the end of the journey shoots at a target with a bow or rifle. In biathlon there are several types of race, for example: relay, sprint or pursuit. The race can also be team or individual. The type of race determines the rules of the competition. Depending on them, shooting can be done from a lying or standing position. Misses may add a penalty or an extra lap of the course.

Ski jumping competitions from specially equipped springboards are held in summer and winter. The judges evaluate the flight phase and landing. The technique, distance, speed, wind direction and flight altitude are taken into account. Competitions can be held as an individual performance or a team of 4 athletes. The execution technique consists of 4 elements: acceleration, leaving the springboard, flight, landing.


It is considered the most dangerous Olympic skiing sport. Statistics show that its injury rate exceeds that of other sports. The main difference is the board, which is used instead of skis. Varieties:

  1. Racing cross - overcoming a descent with obstacles on a snowboard. The obstacles can be springboards, turns, rollers, etc. The rules of the competition state that at the end of the distance the athlete must reach maximum speed. Up to 5 athletes can participate in the downhill at the same time. The participant with the best qualifications wins. Several people with the strongest results end up in the finals, and the fight continues.
  2. Big air - ski jump on a snowboard. An interesting trick is performed in a long jump. As a result, the skill of execution and the clarity of the landing are assessed.
  3. Slope style is a competitive race on a slope with obstacles and performing tricks.
  4. Half pipe - performing tricks with acrobatic elements in a semicircular structure for extreme sports.
  5. Slalom.


It is not for nothing that it is considered the most beautiful type of skiing and rightfully deserves a place in the Olympic Games. Directions:

Preparation for competitions

Types of skiing have their own characteristics and require enormous physical training. His success depends on the athlete’s preparation and physical condition. Participating in serious tournaments requires years of preparation and perseverance.

When preparing for skiing, special attention is paid to equipment, since the athlete’s safety depends on it. Preparing skis is a very important moment, and you will need good experience here. Experienced athletes use a lot of different products to treat the sliding surface. In most cases, this is done by real professionals who understand exactly how skis should be treated depending on weather conditions. To prepare the surface before competitions, various accelerators, fluorocarbon powders, emulsions, etc. are applied.

For the race, it is customary to wear thermal underwear and racing overalls so that the body does not overheat during the race. Warm clothes are left in the locker room.

Before the start, the athlete is recommended to be in excellent shape, well-rested and alert. Nervous tension before a performance can significantly worsen a participant’s condition, so you should take care of your health the day before. It is necessary to carry out preparatory training.

Cross-country skiing track

Certain conditions are created for skiing. If the trail will be used for skiing or preparatory training, you can use a snowmobile with attachments. This is a budget option for creating a ski center.

The competition course must meet the homologation requirements of the International Ski Federation. This means that different disciplines have certain parameters that must be followed.

First, the width of the route is determined depending on its operation, and all other work is carried out in accordance with this. It is not recommended to roll the track close to trees.

The finish of the ski run should be located on the south side so that the sun does not interfere with photographers. It is necessary to plan the location of spectators, preparation areas, warm-up and ski testing. All these are necessary conditions that the organizers must create.

The presence of ascents, descents, and elevation gain for different disciplines is also observed. The route kilometers are arranged in distances of different lengths.

To ensure a smooth snow surface, the route is leveled transversely during the snow-free period. Turns should be smooth and safe.

For a hard and dry snow surface, backfill is made. This helps dry the surface faster after rain. They are sprinkled with a special mixture of sawdust and sand. This also causes less greenery to grow along the route. Wet areas can make it difficult for athletes to move around.

Skis- This is a device for moving a person through the snow. They are two long (150-220 centimeters) wooden or plastic strips with pointed and curved toes.

Skis are attached to the feet using bindings; nowadays, special ski boots are required to use skis in most cases. Skis move using their ability to glide over snow.

The exact date, place, name of the inventor of the device on legs for fighting snow has not been established. The first devices that people used to move more easily through deep snow were undoubtedly snowshoes or walking skis.


The history of skiing goes back several thousand years, as confirmed by rock paintings in caves in Norway made about 7,000 years ago. It all started from the moment when a man discovered that by tying two pieces of wood of a special shape to his feet, he could move faster through snow-covered fields and forests while hunting. Many centuries later, approximately in the middle of the 16th century, skis began to be used by the armies of the Scandinavian countries, and a little later the military were put on skis in Russia.

The appearance of skis in ancient Rus' before the beginning of our era is evidenced by studies of rock carvings off the shores of Lake Onega and the White Sea. On the rocks located near the village of Zalavruga near the Fortieth Bay of the White Sea, where Porop Cherny is located on the Vyg River, primitive man left carved inscriptions and drawings that have survived to this day. Among the many rock carvings discovered by the expeditions of A.M. Linevsky (1926) and V.I. Ravdonikas (1936), some have also been found that provide indisputable evidence of the invention of skis by primitive man of the Neolithic era many thousands of years BC. Moreover, even then they were sliding skis.

Over the entire period of evolution of ski equipment, which is several thousand years, there have been very different versions of skis, boots and poles. The first devices for moving on snow, naturally, were more similar to modern snowshoes, but over time they transformed, became longer and narrower to increase speed, they could already glide on the snow and their appearance resembled the skis we are used to.

The first ski shoes did not have a rigid sole and were simply tied to the skis, since there were no special fastenings. This was the case until the 30s of the 20th century, when welt boots appeared, which were actively used by skiers until the 70s.

Sticks also have an interesting history. It turns out that until the end of the 19th century, skiers used only one pole. This is due to the fact that skis were used mainly for hunting and in the army. The first sticks were wooden or bamboo, approximately the height of a person. Only in our time have poles become a high-tech product, made from lightweight aluminum or composite materials.

Later, skis began to be used, covered underneath with the skin of elk, deer or seal with a short pile located back, which made it possible to avoid slipping when climbing uphill. There is evidence that northern and eastern peoples glued skins to skis using glue made from the antlers, bones and blood of elk, deer or fish scales.

In order for the skier's weight to be evenly distributed along the entire length of the skis, they were given a smooth curvature, called the weight deflection. In order for the skis to keep their tracks better and maintain direction, a depression was made in the sliding surface - a groove.

For greater strength and flexibility, skis began to be made from several layers of wood of different species: birch, ash, beech, hickory. So that the sliding surface does not wear out so quickly, does not become “round” and has better traction with snow, it began to be edged with especially strong wood, and over time - with metal edges.

Russian pre-revolutionary historians repeatedly mentioned in their works that, in addition to hunting, skis in Rus' were often used during holidays and winter folk entertainment, where strength, agility, and endurance were demonstrated in “race” running and in descents from the slopes. Along with other entertainment and exercises (fist fighting, horse riding, various games and fun), skiing played an important role in the physical development of the Russian people. Swedish diplomat Palm, who visited the 17th century. in Rus', testified to the widespread use of skiing in the Moscow state. He described in detail the skis used by the locals and the ability of the Russians to move quickly on them.

The most ancient skis are in the Ski Museum in Oslo: their length is 110 cm, width 20 cm. Hunters had skis of approximately the same size for many centuries: such skis are still used by hunters and trappers in Greenland, Alaska, residents of the North, Siberia, and the Far East.

At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, skiing appeared - a type of leisure activity that involved skiing at speed or for pleasure. Skis with different proportions appeared, more suitable for high-speed running - 170-220 cm long and 5-8 cm wide. The same skis began to be used in the army. Around the same time, ski poles appeared, significantly facilitating and speeding up skiing.

According to historians, the first ski competitions took place in 1844 in the Norwegian city of Tremsey. At the dawn of skiing, flat skis were not much different from mountain skis, and competitions often, in addition to running on the plain, included skiing from the slopes of the surrounding mountains and ski jumping.

Today ski disciplines are very diverse. These include races of 5, 15, 20, 30 and even 50 kilometers (ski marathon). Running is carried out in both classic and free style.

In addition, skiing sports also include various competitions related to movement in the mountains - slalom, downhill, ski jumping, freestyle.

Most ski disciplines are included in the program of competitions such as the World Cup and the Olympic Games.

The modern history of Russian skiing began in 1992, when the Russian Ski Racing Federation was approved. The Federation is a member of the Russian Olympic Committee and is recognized by it as the only public organization that has exclusive rights to guide the development of cross-country skiing in the Russian Federation, as well as the right to represent this sport on behalf of the Russian Federation in the international sports and Olympic movement.

In which the participating athletes need to overcome a competitive distance on skis, while overtaking their rivals.

The first competitions in speed running among skiers took place back in 1767 in Norway. Then, the Finns and Swedes followed the example of the Norwegians, but this was just the beginning. Already at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, the passion for cross-country skiing spread throughout the world, and in 1924 the FIS was created - the International Ski Federation, which by 2000 included 98 national federations.

Ski racing technique

Proper skiing technique represents a system of movements with which an athlete can achieve maximum efficiency of his actions. It also helps to fully realize the possibilities for achieving the desired result. The main indicators of the quality of technology are efficiency, naturalness and efficiency.

If we talk about the actions that a skier performs, then it is worth noting three main ones:

* repulsion with sticks;
* pushing off with skis;
* slip.

There are two main styles of skiing - skating (free) and classic.

Skating (free) style

This style of movement implies that the skier can independently choose the method by which he will move along the distance. It is worth noting that the classic move is significantly inferior in speed to the free move.

Since 1981, skating methods of transportation have been actively used by skiers. At that time, Pauli Siitonen, a skier from Finland who had already crossed the 40-year-old mark, used it for the first time in competition, in a 55-kilometer race and won.

Among the free moves, the most common these days are:

* two-step simultaneous (used on climbs of medium and low steepness, as well as flat areas);
* one-step simultaneous (on flat sections, gentle climbs, plains, as well as during the starting climb).

Classic style

This style includes types of movement during which the skier covers almost the entire intended distance along a pre-prepared ski track, which consists of two tracks located parallel to each other.

“Classical” ski moves are divided into simultaneous and alternating, according to the method of pushing off with poles. Based on the number of steps performed in one cycle, they are divided into alternately two-step, simultaneously one-step, and also stepless.

The most common of them, however, is considered to be a two-step alternating stroke, which is most often used on gentle slopes and uphill sections, as well as on moderately steep climbs (but only with very good glide). But the one-step simultaneous move is used only on gentle slopes (with free gliding), on flat areas or on slopes, with relatively good gliding.

It is worth talking separately about the main types of cross-country skiing.

Types of ski racing

* relay race;
* time trial competitions;
* individual sprint;
* pursuit races;
* team sprint;
*competitions with general start.

Relay race

During the relay race, teams that consist of four (sometimes -3) athletes compete. Relay races can be held in one or two styles. In the first case, all participants run their stage in the free or classic style, and in the second, the first and second stages are run in the “classic” style, and the next two in the skating style.

The beginning of the relay is a mass start, and in order to distribute the most advantageous places, a draw is held between the participants, or they are given to the teams that scored the most points and received high results in previous competitions in this sport.

The transfer of the relay between athletes from the same team is carried out by touching the palm of any part of the body of the starting participant, and only at the moment when both athletes are in a specially designated relay transfer zone.

The team's result is calculated using the basic formula "arrival time of the last team member" minus "starting time of the first member", which is usually zero.

Time trial competitions

In this type of cross-country skiing, athletes leave the start at a predetermined interval, in a clearly regulated sequence. Most often, this interval is thirty seconds, much less often - one minute or 15 seconds.

The starting sequence of the athletes is determined by drawing lots, or by the position of the participants in the ranking (the strongest enter the track last). Sometimes a separate pair start is held.

To calculate the final result of an athlete, the formula “finish time” minus “start time” is used.

Individual Sprint

The competition begins with qualifying, organized in a time trial format, and after this, the athletes who have been selected compete with each other in the finals, held in the form of races with a mass start of 4 people.

Pursuit racing

Pursuit races are combined competitions that are held in several stages. At the same time, the starting order of athletes at all stages, except the first, is established depending on the results of previous competitions.

This type of cross-country skiing is divided into two types:

* GP without interruption;
* GP with a break.

Team sprint

It is held in a relay race format with teams consisting of two athletes taking turns replacing each other after each has completed three to six laps of the track. If the number of teams entered into the competition is too large, 2 semi-finals are held, from which an equal number of teams with the best results are selected for the final.

The final result of the team sprint is calculated according to the same rules as the relay race.

Competitions with general start

In a mass start, all competitors enter the track at the same time. At the same time, the best places go to athletes who have a higher rating. The final result is the athlete's finishing time.


Skiing - a set of different types of winter sports in which athletes use skis in competitions. Includes cross-country skiing over various distances, ski jumping, Nordic combined (cross-country skiing and ski jumping), alpine skiing and others. Originated in Norway in the 18th century. The International Federation - FIS (FIS; founded in 1924) - consists of about 60 states (1991). Skiing has been part of the Winter Olympics program since the very beginning of the Winter Olympics (since 1924). World Championships have been held since 1925 (officially since 1937). In Russia, skiing is developed by the Russian Ski Sports Association (RSA - Russian Ski Association), which is the only official representative in the FIS.

Skiing can be divided into 4 broad categories:

Nordic events, or cross-country skiing, ski orienteering, ski jumping, Nordic combined (or Nordic combination) - ski jumping followed by a cross-country ski race.

Alpine sports, or almost all types of alpine skiing: downhill, giant slalom, super-giant slalom, slalom, alpine skiing combination, where the champion is determined by the sum of two events - downhill and slalom, as well as team competitions.

Freestyle (skiing), or skiing down a slope with elements of acrobatic jumps and ballet (mogul, ski acrobatics).

Snowboarding, or competitions in which athletes compete on a special board - a snowboard.

There are sports (both Olympic and non-Olympic) that include elements of skiing:

biathlon - ski racing with rifle shooting, a very popular separate sport in many countries, is included in the Olympic Games program, like skiing;

archery biathlon - a ski race with archery (sometimes called sky arch);

Ski touring is elements of alpine skiing combined with short trips on skis (a type of sports tourism).

History of skiing

The Norwegians showed the greatest interest in skiing as a sport. Back in the early 18th century, Norway trained its troops in skiing. By the end of the same century, competitions began to be held in various types of skiing, reminiscent of modern biathlon, downhill, slalom and racing.

There, at the beginning of the 19th century, the world's first sports ski community was created. After this, a ski club was opened in Finland. Later, similar ski clubs began to appear in many countries in Europe, America and Asia.

By the end of the 19th century, skiing competitions began to be held in almost all countries of the world. At the beginning of the 20th century, an organization such as the International Ski Commission was created, later renamed the International Ski Federation.

History of the development of skiing

In Russia, the organized ski movement developed in the second half of the 19th century. In 1895, the country's first ski club was opened - the Moscow Ski Club. This event took place on December 29, which later became the birthday of skiing in Russia.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, cross-country skiing competitions have been regularly held in our country. Already in 1909-1910. A record number of competitions were held at that time. The first cross-country skiing competition for women was held in 1921.

In 1913, Russian ski racers took part in international competitions in Sweden for the first time. And although their performance was unsuccessful, they learned many useful lessons from this experience, especially in ski equipment, ski wax and ski equipment, and most importantly, ski technique.

Since 1918, skiing in Russia has been included in the number of academic disciplines of higher professional physical education. For the period from 1910 to 1955. A total of 76 national championships were held. Men competed at distances of 10 and 70 km, and women – 3 and 50 km.