Horse woman compatibility rare horoscopes. The best pair for a Horse woman. Union with the Dog

According to the Chinese horoscope, every person has a patron animal according to the year of his birth. The sign influences character and even fate: in addition, in addition to the personal horoscope, astrology can calculate the compatibility of signs with each other. What is the compatibility of a Horse woman with other representatives of the Chinese horoscope?

Description of the sign

Girls and women were born under the Horse star in 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002. Representatives of the sign are characterized by determination and purposefulness; they prefer common sense and practicality to the dictates of emotions. They strive to get a decent education and work in their specialty.

Character of the representative

This woman was not spared by truly “horse” stubbornness. Born to argue, the Horse will not calm down until it convinces its opponent that it is right. Beneath the outward ingenuousness lies a strong and straightforward character. The horse is alien to resourcefulness and secrecy.

She can easily express her opinion, even if her interlocutor obviously doesn’t like it, so she is often disliked for being too truthful. She is convinced that she is right and is able to go ahead towards her goal. Her independence from other people's opinions often borders on selfishness and ignoring others.

Married relationships

Once married, the Horse, a woman and mother, becomes caring and attentive. She will not turn out to be a keeper of the hearth; the woman is more inclined to build a career. If she plunges into the world of household chores for a longer period than necessary, it will break her. The woman will suffer because she is not in her place. Loves attending social events, exhibitions, theaters. This does not mean that a Horse will make a bad spouse. Noble and faithful, she will become a support for her husband and will be able to raise her children with dignity. The mother will be strict, but giving her children freedom of choice. The “lisping” method is not her characteristic.

Able to simultaneously write an article and stir soup with the other hand. It is important that the Horse builds relationships at a young age, otherwise by the age of forty her career will consume her headlong. By middle age, she may even become a feminist. This applies to a Horse born in 1978.

It is important for this girl to respect her man and be drawn to him. To attract a Horse, you need to have extraordinary intelligence. Having fallen in love, she becomes softer and more feminine. In her love, the Horse woman is ready to follow her chosen one through thick and thin. If she truly falls in love, she is capable of neglecting all her principles. But her feeling is often based on selfishness and the search for oneself in one’s attachment. Non-reciprocal love can greatly hurt and break a woman of this sign.

In a union of spouses, she will be the leader, so her husband must have a calm temperament. For a Horse (especially a Fire Horse) it is very important to take a leading position. What sign is destined for her to have a happy future and love, and who do the stars advise against getting involved with?

Union with the Rat

The characters of the representatives of the signs are not very similar, which is why their future together is in doubt. Whether opposites attract is up to them to decide. If these two are comfortable together, you can close your eyes to some difficulties.

The Rat man is rather inert and not particularly ambitious. But at the same time he thinks soberly and is quite practical, as well as reliable, which is what the Horse likes. Perhaps it is with him that she will find that quiet haven. It's all up to her - whether the girl wants to take this man into her hands.

Union with the Bull

The Ox guy is a chronic workaholic, for whom the idea of ​​an ideal vacation comes down to watching TV after work and eating delicious food. The wife, in his opinion, should be a quiet housewife, interested only in the process of cooking and caring for children.

The Noisy Horse, around which the cycle of events constantly takes place, does not like such “everyday life”. She, of course, is impressed by her partner’s determination, but the girl does not intend to become a submissive cook.

Alliance with the Tiger

Harmonious, creative union. Both are active and active people. The horse is endowed with a creative streak and excellent intuition, which it can direct in the right direction.

With such a woman, the Tiger, ready for eternal improvement, will reach unprecedented heights in his career. And she will only be happy to guide the person for whom she feels love.

Union with the Cat (Rabbit)

A stable union where both partners know how to respect each other’s personal space and do not interfere in work matters. Reminiscent of the relationship between business partners. It is better for them to keep some distance to avoid conflict situations.

The Cat is somewhat boring and can exhaust the Horse with his long conversations and critical remarks. Passionate love will not be enough in this relationship.

Union with the Dragon

Very high compatibility. Self-sufficient and strong-willed partners will walk hand in hand and on an equal footing. Both are impressed personal qualities another. They prefer active recreation, with benefits for health and intelligence.

The only problem is that both are leaders and avid debaters, and if there is a difference of opinion on a particular issue, neither will intend to concede to the other.

Union with the Snake

Not an easy combination and not the best. The young man is prudent by nature, weighs the pros and cons for a long time before making a final decision.

The horse is accustomed to acting headlong, ahead. Frequent conflicts are possible on this basis.

Union with the Horse

The union of two representatives of the same sign promises to be successful. Largely thanks to the ardent love of the spouse for his eccentric other half. Active himself, he will still be sensitive to his wife’s eternal hectic activity and will be jealous of her affairs.

But, having great love, he will close his eyes to everyone. A woman can sometimes ironically make fun of her simple-minded husband, but not maliciously, but thus expressing love.

Union with Goat (Sheep)

The dissimilar characters and worldviews of Horse women and Goat men may well complement each other. She appreciates him for his sharp mind and subtle sense of humor, he admires her efficiency and ability to make the necessary contacts.

In addition, their compatibility in bed is high. The Goat guesses the mood of its partner and knows how to adapt to her, while remaining in a dominant position.

Union with the Monkey

An excellent union, but rather in terms of work. The thoughtfulness and cunning of the Monkey is what was so lacking in the assertive, but not paying attention to detail

Horses are on their way to achieving their goal. Together, this couple will be able to organize a profitable and long-lasting business. Who knows, maybe we are talking about marriage.

Union with the Rooster

Very poor character compatibility between a Horse woman and a Rooster man. A gossip and lover of criticism, this guy will not miss an opportunity to choose the Horse as his object with its hot ardor, fussiness and loud behavior. A proud woman will be extremely hurt by such discussions.

In addition, she is completely dissatisfied with the Rooster’s position in life. He does not want to move forward and lives as he has to. A purposeful young lady, most likely, will not even consider a person of this sign as a potential spouse.

Union with the Dog

An example of an ideal, stable relationship, where partners respect and complement each other. An honest and understanding, prudent husband respects the virtues and accepts all the shortcomings of a hardworking, but sometimes inattentive wife. She, in turn, does the same.

Alliance with the Pig

Good couple. A charming Pig will be able to charm a girl with the softness of his character and smooth out some of her rudeness and harshness. She, with her innate sense of beauty, will enlighten young man spiritually, introducing to the love of reading, to art.

  1. Ideal partners for marriage: Tiger, Dragon, Dog, Cat (Rabbit).
  2. Good compatibility: Rat, Pig, Horse, Goat (Sheep), Monkey.
  3. Relationships are not recommended to start: Rooster, Bull, Snake.

When it comes to love, the stars can only advise who is right for you and who is not. Listen to your heart - it alone knows the exact answer!

Representatives of this sign love to be in a state of love. In fact, Horse people may be more caught up in the idea of ​​what they love than actually having true feelings for their partner. Horses are the type of people who fall in love at first sight. Once falling in love, they will direct all their energy to seducing their chosen one. As a partner, the Horse appears to be an exciting but rather difficult person. As a rule, they are capricious people who love freedom and need moral support from others. They are extremely romantic and love to be in the grip of their emotions. For the sake of love, Horses will change a lot: they will change jobs, move, or even migrate to another country. But despite this, the Horse in love is often superficial and fickle: sometimes, she stops loving as quickly as she falls in love. To keep a Horse man close to him, the partner must ignore him: in this case, the Horse’s interest in the object of his love will be more stable. Any long-term relationship with a Horse is often associated with numerous crises and incidents. Strange enough: in order to continue a relationship with her, you need to interest her - she truly blossoms only in dramatic situations.

Compatibility of Horses in love and relationships with other signs

Compatibility of Horse and Rat

It is certainly better for these two zodiac egoists not to enter into any contact with each other. Together the Horse and Rat will go in the wrong direction. Sudden emotional outbursts of the Horse will greatly irritate the naturally patient Rat. The Rat's excessive materialism can cause dissatisfaction with the Horse, which has broader views.

Compatibility of Horse and Ox

There is no proper mutual understanding in the relationship between these signs. Therefore, this union will most likely be unhappy and short-lived. The life-loving Horse will not receive the emotional excitement it needs from the Ox; The Ox is not able to give the Horse that portion of flattery that it craves so much for. Among other things, the Horse loves freedom too much and cannot stand being dependent on someone; it simply cannot tolerate the authoritarianism of the Ox for long.

Compatibility of Horse and Tiger

The compatibility of the Tiger and the Horse is ideal according to many criteria. Strong feelings of love can flare up between these signs. The patient Horse will enjoy the company of the energetic Tiger. Admiring his decisive “tiger” disposition, she will see in him a partner worthy of her person, with whom together she can conquer any social heights. This couple can compete with each other, argue and even quarrel, but in the end, they will always find consensus and admire each other’s achievements. Together they are ready to sweep away and overcome any obstacles on the path to their happiness.

Compatibility of Horse and Rabbit

Problematic relationships. The Horse may distrust the Rabbit, expect deception from him, and the latter, “putting his ears back,” will be afraid of outbursts of the “horse’s” anger. The capricious Horse often becomes the Rabbit's hot-tempered partner, which he is unable to tolerate for a long time. If passionate and strong love is not involved in their relationship, then nothing will hold the integrity of this union and it will fall apart.

Compatibility of Horse and Dragon

In this combination, harmonious relationships are not visible. The enormous pride and ambition inherent in representatives of these signs will give rise to a constant struggle for dominance in relationships and will not allow them to coexist peacefully. The Horse and the Dragon can get along together if they show flexibility and exceptional tolerance towards each other, while the first one can pay enough attention to the Dragon, and he will not interfere in her life. Another factor uniting these people may be a common idea or goal.

Compatibility of Horse and Snake

The prospect of forming a reliable alliance between them is negligible. At first, in the relationship between the outgoing and incoming Horse and the restrained Snake, there will be a mutual attraction to each other. However, the Horse will soon get tired of the brooding Snake. The Smart Snake, in turn, sensing the mood of its partner, will try to extract some benefit for itself from the situation in their relationship, or will simply quietly leave the Horse, while minimizing its possible moral and material damage.

Compatibility of Horse and Horse

The Horse Man is full of ambition and very selfish. Therefore, it is not easy for two people of this sign to get along together: struggle and resistance between them will occur until one of the Horses subjugates the weaker partner. Potentially, the union of two Horses can be positive, but it is unlikely to be lasting. The reason for the short duration of their relationship is their mutual similarity according to various criteria (they are more attracted to those who are different from them) and the inherent inconstancy of feelings in both.

Compatibility of Horse and Goat

A difficult combination to predict. The relationship between Horse and Goat is ambiguous. Representatives of these signs are irresponsible and fickle people who have similar social attitudes and hate routine and regulations, which to some extent brings them together. At the same time, the Goat will feel safe with the Horse. However, despite the factors that unite the Goat and the Horse, by temperament they are too different people, because of which, a harmonious relationship in this union is unlikely.

Compatibility of Horse and Monkey

For any relationship, the combination of Horse and Monkey is unfavorable. On the part of the Horse, there will not be the necessary trust in the cunning Monkey, and the latter will consider his partner a fool and will show extreme dissatisfaction with the dictatorial horse ways. Lack of proper understanding between them will not lead to good things. At some point in their relationship, they may cross the line of acceptable confrontation and start a real war without rules.

Compatibility of Horse and Rooster

The Rooster and the Horse are a very compatible pair. The union of representatives of these signs is very positive and fruitful. The situation may be especially favorable in business relationships in which the Horse will be the initiator and manager of joint projects, and the Rooster will be assigned the function of an executor, to which he will not object. The Horse and Rooster are very sensitive to the opinions of other people, and they themselves, as a rule, behave completely tactlessly, which can cause problems in their relationships.

Compatibility of Horse and Dog

Despite the fact that in this union two opposites are united, the Horse and the Dog are a wonderful couple. Each of them will discover in their partner the qualities they lack in themselves. The Horse will be fascinated by the Dog’s fidelity and loyalty, and its ability to determine the true value of things. In turn, the Dog will receive from the life-loving Horse the necessary charge of vivacity and positive energy, which he has in abundance.

Compatibility of Horse and Boar

Let's start from the beginning: representatives of these signs can live alone anyway. The Pig will be charmed by the Horse's cheerfulness, and she, in turn, will enjoy his kind and loving nature. Ultimately, the selfish Horse will constantly test the Pig’s patience or simply die of boredom in his company. Both signs see each other as a partner that is far from ideal, and therefore their union is unlikely.

Compatibility with other signs of the Horse woman is quite complex. The lady has a restless character, she constantly strives to find new adventures and is passionate. When meeting a young man, she first of all pays attention to his appearance. At first, she doesn’t care whether they have the same interests and characters.

The horse simply needs new impressions; it does not tolerate monotony.

The influence of the elements on character

It is very important to pay attention to what element the Horse woman is born under in order to understand how compatible she is with a particular sign:

  1. Fire Horses born in 1906 or 1966 have a strong character.
  2. Metal ladies born in 1930 or 1990 are characterized by intelligence and determination.
  3. An earthy girl, born in 1918 or 1978, is thorough, carefully weighs the pros and cons before making a final decision.
  4. A Water woman, born in 1942 or 2002, has a sharp mind, she is eloquent and insightful. Work related to creativity suits her.
  5. Wood Horses born in 1954 or 2014 have stability and unhurried determination.

Compatibility with the Rat

Union between these signs of the Chinese horoscope is impossible. The Rat man, captivated by the beauty and sexuality of a woman, tries in every possible way to make her fall in love with him, showing love and affection through care. This appeals to the woman, but there will never be happiness in marriage and bed: the Horse will not be able to be faithful to her husband.

Compatibility with Ox

There will never be happiness between signs. It's all about the character of these people: the Horse wants freedom for itself, and the Ox is the owner. The couple will constantly have quarrels due to jealousy.

Sex will also not be without problems: everyone will try to please themselves, not their partner.

The only acceptable union in this situation is a friendly one.

Compatibility with Tiger

Relationships between the Tiger and the Horse are possible, because both are natures who want to experience constant passion. Like any other couple, there will be a lot of quarrels and misunderstandings, but the partners will be able to survive this and find the right way out from the current situation.

Both can decide to cheat, but are able to forgive each other.

Rabbit Compatibility

There is simply a perfect union between these symbols. Partners complement each other perfectly. The Rabbit pays attention to the beauty of his partner and constantly compliments her, which the Horse really likes.

Representatives of the signs quickly mature for serious relationships and decide to marry.

A woman born in the year of the Horse will have more material income compared to her man, but this will in no way affect their relationship.

Compatibility with Dragon

This is an unfortunate couple: rivalry often arises between them, each trying to show superiority. The Dragon craves attention and adoration from its partner, the Horse expects the same, so the struggle for leadership begins.

The Horse woman is quite demanding in love. She wants a man to constantly bow down to her and give her positive emotions. At the same time, she can commit treason, wanting to prove to a man that she is popular with the opposite sex. It is important for her that the guy is loving, understanding and faithful. Only with such a young man is she able to start a family and enjoy sex.

Compatibility with Snake

The passion between these signs flares up quickly and quickly goes out. Both partners are selfish; neither wants to give up their own principles and work for the good of the relationship. This leads to problems in love, marriage and sex.

Compatibility with Horse

The alignment in which both partners are Horses is controversial. On the one hand, it is easy for a couple to achieve mutual understanding due to the same outlook on life. No one controls anyone, giving complete freedom of behavior.

This is not without difficulties: the guy and the girl are in their own world, trying to do everything just to spend as little time at home as possible. In a marriage relationship, there will be no one to take care of the house.

Compatibility with Goat

There is good compatibility between Horse and Goat, according to the Chinese horoscope. A guy can give a woman what she wants, a girl will be happy to provide her partner with comfort and pleasure in sex. Another positive fact is that under the leadership of the Horse, the Goat becomes more flexible.

A good tandem will not work at work.

Compatibility with Monkey

Such people rarely find a common language. Relationships are accompanied by constant quarrels and discontent. The horse will constantly accuse his man of failure, which will cause him a storm of negative emotions. When quarrels arise, the Monkey does not feel guilty.

Compatibility with Rooster

Harmony between signs is possible only when creating free relationships. If they want to get closer, they will immediately begin to quarrel and decide who will be in charge in the family. Every day will be full of quarrels and misunderstandings, and after a few months the relationship will completely collapse.

A major scandal can cause a separation.

You will be able to achieve good results in your work.

Compatibility with Dog

Relationships have the right to exist only if the Dog puts effort into it. The main problem with all Horse relationships is that each sign tries to tame it.

💘Compatibility of Zodiac Signs by year of birth💘

Compatibility by year of birth and zodiac sign. Compatibility of signs by year

Aries born in the year of the Horse

If the Dog stops re-educating his partner and shows her his love, the marriage and friendship will last for many years.

Compatibility with Pig

These symbols will never be able to achieve complete harmony. All relationships will be built on constant quarrels and reproaches. A woman born in the year of the Horse will try to get everything from life and plunge into adventure. The guy will have to answer for the consequences of rash actions. Sooner or later he will get tired and end his love relationship.

Compatibility Horoscope for Horse Man

Strong, strong-willed, but at the same time humane and vulnerable - these are the main qualities of a man born in the year of the Horse.

According to the compatibility horoscope, the Horse man is gentle and attentive towards his beloved, but sometimes he can present surprises. This is an incorrigible heartthrob. His amorousness and impatience prevent him from choosing his one and only life partner. As a rule, he has a large number of fans, and he often finds it difficult to decide which one to choose, since each one is good and unique for him.

In everyday life, the Horse man, most often, descends into artistic disorder, and the objects around him have a practical rather than an aesthetic purpose. He can be content with an old apartment in a non-prestigious area and does everything to ensure that people come to visit him as little as possible.

In the family, the Horse man is the dictator and consumer. He is the unconditional leader and head of the family, but it is quite possible to find an approach to him. If, of course, you act gently and femininely, avoiding pressure and noisy scenes. A man born to a gentle companion who can caress and support him in difficult moments. Strong Amazon women will be as uncomfortable around him as he is around them. He would be much more happy to arrange his life with a homely and cozy woman than with an emancipated career lover. He needs a woman who does not have the makings of a leader and who agrees to become his faithful assistant in all his affairs. This man does not like and recognize equality in marriage. His vote should be decisive. And if everything in the family is as he wants, then he will gladly indulge the whims of his beloved woman.

The Horse man is a wonderful choice for a woman who wants to have a businesslike and practical husband. He is a wonderful family man in the traditional sense: he will be happy to do everything with his own hands, and will teach his children everything he knows. However, he is not entirely familiar with romance, so you are unlikely to expect a romantic dinner by candlelight and walks under the moon from him.

Horse Man – Ox Woman

Compatibility between a Horse man and an Ox woman is quite difficult due to the difference in temperaments and goals. The Horse man is very freedom-loving, selfish and independent, which naturally does not please the domineering, stubborn and too correct in her beliefs the Ox woman. These relationships can be replete with a variety of emotions, and not always positive. The development of relationships and family happiness will depend only on the desire of both spouses to be together. It is worth noting that especially much depends on the Ox woman, who will need to understand herself and learn to understand and accept her husband...>>

Horse Man – Tiger Woman

The family union of a Horse man and a Tiger woman can rightfully be considered one of the best in the entire Eastern horoscope. In this case, the spouses are united by a single spirit of common aspirations. Both have the same optimistic and emotional outlook on the world. Both set high goals and are able to direct all efforts to achieve them, which further unites their interests. A common mentality and the same goals often allow these partners to achieve complete harmony in life. family life. There may be minor disagreements regarding the organization of everyday life. A Tiger woman, accustomed to freedom, will have to manage not only to make a career, but also to equip her home...>>

Horse Man – Cat Woman (Rabbit)

The family union of a Horse man and a Cat (Rabbit) woman can be either completely happy or, with the same probability, it can bring disappointment to both spouses in family life. It will be quite stable if each spouse tries to give the other maximum freedom and internal independence. If the Cat (Rabbit) woman focuses all her attention on creating comfort in the family, household chores and caring for others, and the Horse man focuses on his career and achieving his goals, then the spouses will be able to live happily ever after. What if they try to change each other's characters?...>>

Horse Man – Dragon Woman

Horse Man and Dragon WomanI can be good friends and great business partners. The resourcefulness and versatility of the Horse man allows the Dragon woman to enthusiastically get involved in new activities and projects. However, when both partners lead an active and wandering life, it is very difficult to create a strong, stable family. Also, both spouses are capricious and impetuous, which immediately affects family relationships, giving a wide variety of results. One thing is for sure - they will never be bored together...>>

Horse Man – Snake Woman

The family union of a Horse man and a Snake woman is quite complex with difficult to predict consequences. The spouses have a big difference in their views on life and family relationships. The Snake woman is constantly offended by the rashness of actions, decisions and selfishness in the actions of the Horse man. And his active nature and freedom-loving character do not allow him to live differently. In addition, it is difficult to combine with the violent temperament of the Horse man the refined taste and desire for beauty of the Snake woman. Also, the activity and, in full swing, energy of the Horse man does not quite combine with the slowness, caution and delicacy of the Snake woman...>>

Horse Man – Horse Woman

According to the compatibility horoscope of a Horse man and a Horse woman, great feelings and equally great shocks await this married couple. To maintain the relationship, both spouses will have to make many mutual sacrifices and concessions. Despite the fact that they understand each other perfectly, conflicts between them are inevitable. They can be confronted by the egocentrism inherent in both, and the man’s strict authoritarianism will drive the woman into temporary depression.

Mutual assistance and cooperation are possible between them, but long-term partnership is very problematic...>>

Horse Man – Goat (Sheep) Woman

The family union of a man-Horse and a woman-Goat (Sheep) has every chance of becoming happy. In this partnership, spouses balance each other's shortcomings and enhance positive traits. So, for example, the activity and rudeness of a Horse man is compensated by the sensitivity and kindness of a Goat (Sheep) woman. He becomes more flexible and gentle. A compassionate Goat (Sheep) woman turns a blind eye to her husband’s selfishness and rude manners...>>

Horse Man – Monkey Woman

The family union of a man-Horse and a woman-Monkey is quite complex, since against the backdrop of possible adaptation to changing situations and the active intelligence of both partners, there is a difference in views on how to overcome obstacles or build a life strategy. The Horse man is often more practical and revolutionary in his actions, while the Monkey woman is versatile, dexterous and unscrupulous in the means of achieving goals....>>

Horse Man – Rooster Woman

A difficult, often absurd union, which, nevertheless, often occurs in life. The bright and energetic nature of the Horse man will protest against any attempts at subordination and administration on the part of the Rooster woman. The lack of intuition and sensitivity in both, as well as the desire to pursue their line of behavior and achieve their goals without any compromise, can become the causes of conflicts and mutual suppression. This union can form very quickly and fall apart just as quickly....>>

Horse Man – Dog Woman

According to the eastern horoscope, the family union of a Horse man and a Dog woman is harmonious and promising. Relationships in a couple are strong and productive, and joint enthusiasm, unity of worldviews and principles allow them to achieve new heights in life. If the Dog woman professes honesty and loyalty, as well as a willingness to follow the ideas of the Horse man, then they will go through the entire life path and meet old age together...>>

Horse Man – Pig Woman (Boar)

The family union of a Horse man and a Pig (Boar) woman is very complex. In it, the Pig (Boar) woman will have to restrain her emotional impulses and yield to the desires of the wayward and selfish Horse man. If the couple has common views and hobbies, and at the same time the Pig (Boar) woman, with her kind-heartedness, homeliness and sociability, can provide the Horse man with a reliable support, then their marriage will be long-lasting...>>

Those born in the year of Horses are one of the most reliable people in friendship and partnership. Horses are sociable and can carry on a conversation. She is cute, chatty and cheerful.

general characteristics

The horse is a good organizer, he can freely control the crowd, his mind easily grasps the thoughts of other people before they have time to express them. The horse is talented, it is capable of mental work, but also physical labor it is not alien to her. The horse is hot-tempered; when it is angry, it is scary. She does not tolerate injustice, she will not remain silent when she notices injustice, especially if it concerns her or her loved ones. She is very independent, does not listen to other people's advice, does as she sees fit. Sometimes he makes mistakes and admits his mistakes. Parental care puts a lot of pressure on the young Horse, so she tries to leave the family as early as possible.

The Horse is an individualist and a hard worker, she easily manages finances, so she may well be a financial worker. The Horse’s character is obstinate, it looks at what is happening only with its own eyes, draws conclusions using only its point of view. He learns from his mistakes, tries not to repeat them, analyzing his own actions. When starting a task, he gets excited about it, but also quickly gets tired of it, then, returning to it with new strength, successfully completes it.

Having created his own family, the Horse devotes himself entirely to building it and preserving the hearth, and, if necessary, selflessly rushes to its defense. If a Horse falls in love, he plunges headlong into this feeling, forgetting about everything. People born in the year of the Horse adore animals, love nature, such people cannot be false and mean, they are open-hearted.

There are two types of people born in the year of the Horse - the closed type and the social type. The closed type is a lover of loneliness, interesting unreal stories, and new information. The social type is a lover of sports, crowded holidays, concerts, and performances.

People born in the year of the Horse may have compatibility with different signs zodiac and people born in different years. Fire Horse are people born in 1906, 1966, 2026, etc. every sixty years. These people are vibrant, active, temperamental and talented. Among the negative qualities, they are characterized by short temper, anxiety, selfishness, etc.

The life of people of the year of the Horse is divided into two parts, the first is two-thirds of the whole life, great activity, mobility, temperament. The second part is a calm, peaceful life. The horse loves an environment that suits its condition and does not tolerate irritating factors.

Man - Horse, compatibility with women of different signs and years, is distributed by astrologers approximately like this:

    Woman - Rat - are not particularly compatible, they are not emotionally suitable for each other, the couple will certainly break up.

    Woman - Ox - are incompatible, since the Ox is power-hungry, the Horse is independent and freedom-loving, and will not withstand the pressure of the bull.

    Woman - Tiger - an alliance is possible, provided that everyone minds their own business without interfering with each other.

    Woman - Cat is a wonderful union; the Cat, surrounded by the attention of the Horse, will be happy with everything.

    Woman - Dragon is a bad union, the Dragon requires a lot of attention, the Horse will not be able to devote all his time to her, due to the selfishness inherent in the Horse.

    Woman - Snake - a union is possible if the couple makes concessions to each other.

    Woman - Horse compatibility complete, two temperaments, understanding each other, living in perfect harmony.

    Woman - Goat - the union will be successful, they will not have to be bored together.

    The Monkey Woman is a bad choice; misunderstanding will destroy this union.

    Rooster Woman - incompatible, unlucky for the Rooster.

    The Dog Woman - she will not take away her independence from the Horse, she has a lot of her own things to do.

    Pig Woman - The Horse is not a match for the Pig, she is too selfish, the union will be unhappy.

A Horse woman, compatibility with the male half of the zodiac signs, looks like this:

    Male - Rat - incompatibility will appear after some time, after burning passion.

    The Ox man is an unhappy couple, complete incompatibility, the Horse’s fear of the bull’s stubbornness and aggression will destroy the relationship.

    The Tiger man is a good couple, the passionate Tiger is completely satisfied with the Horse’s love, both are happy.

    Man - Cat pairing is possible if the Cat does not tire the Horse with his boundless love.

    Dragon Man - the couple will take place if both have enough patience.

    The Snake man is an unsuccessful couple, the Horse will suffer from the Snake’s infidelity.

    The Horse man is the most successful couple, they complement each other and live happily.

    Goat Man - The union is unsuccessful, if the Horse has no funds, if he is rich, then everything will be fine.

    Man - Monkey - an unsuccessful union, the Horse does not accept the cunning and resourcefulness of the Monkey.

    The Rooster man - his frivolity will not suit the serious Horse.

    Man - Dog - they will understand each other, but they will always live poorly, since both are not selfish.

    Man - Pig - The Pig will be unlucky, since the Horse will not be satisfied with the Pig's love.

Description of Horse by zodiac sign:

    Aries is a temperamental, stubborn and harsh Horse; its temper is cause for concern.

    Taurus - the soft nature of this Horse will allow her to find a common language with many signs.

    Gemini - changeable, selfish, in love only with herself.

    Cancer is a romantic, obedient, faithful, flexible Horse.

    Leo is a wild, selfish Horse, a fickle egoist.

    Virgo is a practical, independent and changeable nature.

    Libra - The horse is on his own mind. He will listen to what they say, but do everything his own way.

    Scorpio - passionate, loving, real fire.

    Sagittarius is stubborn, hardworking, always achieving her goal.

    Capricorn is responsible, practical, serious, hardworking, but willful.

    Aquarius is a selfish person who takes care of herself and is obedient to her master.

    Pisces is thoughtful, good at listening, and dreams of more than she has.

Horse - compatibility with other signs

The Horse is a noble and wise animal, and therefore the Year of the Horse is considered the year of wisdom. Many Russian proverbs and sayings are associated with this kind and intelligent animal. The Year of the Horse, oddly enough, is good for almost all zodiac signs, except for the horse itself. How should all zodiac signs feel in the year of the Horse?

    The Rat should be wary, since it is not friends with the Horse; its cunning and the Horse’s honesty are incompatible. The Year of the Horse is not very successful for the Rat.

    The Ox feels great this year, everything is going well for him, all his business can go uphill, since he is as hardworking as the Horse itself.

    The Tiger may not be afraid of anything, he is stronger than the Horse, which means he is not in danger of anything. He should be lucky this year.

    The Cat is also friends with the Horse. He can calmly go about his business, the Horse will not harm him.

    The Dragon. He may also be lucky this year; if he is careful in his actions, he may receive a promotion.

    Snake. The year will pass quietly for her.

    The horse must be very careful this year, danger may await it, especially in a dangerous year fire horse.

    The Goat doesn’t have to worry, he and the Horse are from the same stall, the Horse doesn’t touch his own. This year will bring only good things to her.

    Monkey. She knows how to adapt to any conditions, the Horse also has no complaints about the monkey, the Monkey can advance at work or find a more advantageous place.

    The Rooster in the year of the Horse will prosper and be happy. Favorable changes may await him.

    Dog. Lucky years for the Horse's closest friend. She will be lucky in all matters, both in love and in work.