Tips that will tell you how to remove fat from the inner thigh. Saying goodbye to fat: reducing the volume of the thighs How to reduce the volume of the thighs from the inside

Ideal figure requires a lot of effort. Diet helps you lose weight, but you need to work on problem areas. Specially designed classes, wraps, massage will help make the body more perfect. The inner thighs require special attention, and in order to tighten them, it is necessary to approach the problem in a comprehensive manner.

Exercises for the inner thigh

Exhausting diets help you lose those hated pounds, but some areas of the body are very reluctant to lose weight. Hips, buttocks, waist - these areas require increased attention, and measures must be comprehensive. The trainers developed special exercises for the inner thigh, which help quickly get rid of fat deposits. In the morning, you should do a few exercises that won’t take much time - just 5-7 minutes. First, a light warm-up:

  1. Take several deep breaths while raising your arms up. At the exit, bend forward, lowering your hands to the floor.
  2. Run in place, raising your knees high (1 minute). This will help warm up the muscles.

Jumping in place (1 minute):

  1. Stand up straight, feet together.
  2. Jump with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  3. Jump up to the starting position (feet together).

Leg swings:

  1. Stand up and lean on the back of a chair or table.
  2. Perform swings alternately with each leg 15 times. Try not to bend your leg.

Another exercise option:

  1. Get into the same position.
  2. Perform swings (15 times) bent leg.
  3. Repeat jumping in place (1 minute).

To quickly pump up your thighs, you should work out in gym. By using sports equipment You can perform plie squats, sumo squats, which help pump up the muscles of the buttocks, upper and lower legs. If not personal trainer, it’s better to watch videos of such classes. Even simple squats a frog will make your legs and hips perfect. It is recommended to perform such exercises regularly, 4-5 repetitions, in order to pump up the muscles well.

Exercises for the inner thighs at home

In the evenings and weekends you can perform complex exercises for the inner thigh at home. Before class, you should do a warm-up, just like in the morning, to properly stretch and warm up your muscles. Lay out the mat and continue training:

  1. Sit on the mat, lean on your straightened arms, leaning back a little.
  2. Raise your legs straight and do horizontal scissors 20 times.

The following activities are also effective:

  1. Lie on your right side, leaning on your elbow.
  2. Bending upper leg, rest on the floor (in front of the second leg).
  3. With the second leg, swing as high as possible, lifting it 20 times.

Lunges to the side help remove fat in the thigh area. Before learning how to perform them correctly, you can hold onto the back of the chair with your hands:

  1. Stand up, heels together, toes apart.
  2. Bend your right leg and raise it high, as if stepping over an obstacle. Lunge to the side at a slow pace, shifting your weight to your right leg and squat deeply.
  3. Return to starting position. Repeat the lunge with your left leg (20 times).

At the end of the workout, do a cool down to restore your breathing and stretch your muscles. Together with morning complex evening workout will help pump up the muscles of the thighs, legs, buttocks, and reduce volume.

Exercises for the inner thighs on machines

The list of recommendations on how to remove fat from inside hips, it is worth paying attention to training with exercise machines. A popular exercise machine for the inner thigh, as well as other areas, is a fitball. You can simply perform springy jumps while sitting on the ball (focus on your legs spread wide). The following training is also effective:

  1. Lie on your back, hold the ball between your feet (legs straight).
  2. Roll, leaning on your left thigh and left forearm. With your right hand, lean behind you, trying to hold the ball.
  3. Squeezing the fitball, raise your legs as high as possible. Stay in this position and return to the starting position.
  4. After doing the exercise 15 times, repeat the same movements, turning to the other side.

It is convenient to exercise at home and with an isotonic ring - the exercise machine takes up little space and is easy to use. Systematic training will help strengthen the thigh muscles and remove excess fat:

  1. Sit on the edge of a chair so that your legs are bent at a right angle.
  2. Place an isotonic ring between your knees.
  3. Perform movements to bring the knees together and spread them with a ring sandwiched between them, overcoming the resistance of the simulator.

How to tighten your inner thighs at home

To quickly pull up inner part hips at home, the principle of diversity must be observed. Exercises need to be alternated, the training program should be reviewed every 2-3 months. The load should vary in order to pump all muscle groups. Not only classes are important, but also proper sleep, diet, it’s worth including massage treatments and body wraps. The first results will be visible within 3 weeks if you are not lazy.

How to eat right for weight loss

When planning how to remove the inner thigh, it is worth remembering that proper nutrition for weight loss will not only help you lose weight, but also reduce cellulite. It is necessary to reconsider your diet, leaving only foods with low calories. During physical activity, fats will be burned, rather than the calories obtained through nutrition, which promotes weight loss. It is important to drink plenty of quality water. Fatty, sweet foods should be completely excluded from the diet. Only allowed complex carbohydrates(different cereals), protein products, vegetables and unsweetened fruits.

Inner thigh massage

It is not enough to simply pump up your muscles to make your thighs look slender and toned. Women in search of the ideal remedy to remove the inner thighs practice different ways, including massage. Effective massager for the inner thigh, if it does not replace procedures in an expensive salon, it will help remove excess, tighten the skin, and make it more elastic. Vacuum leg massage is especially popular not only for weight loss, but also for improving metabolism and eliminating cellulite. It is advisable to perform the procedure after a shower using anti-cellulite gel.

Wraps to reduce hip volume

In the fight for beautiful figure, in addition to diet, physical activity, which will help pump up muscles, and massage, good result give wraps for losing weight in the inner thigh. In the evening, after a bath or shower, apply a healing mixture of honey and mustard (1:1) to the steamed skin. Fixed on top cling film and wear tight shorts or leggings. In the morning, after washing everything off hot water, apply moisturizer to the skin. After just a month of such procedures, you can admire elastic and beautiful hips.

Video: how to lose weight in the inner thigh

How to remove fat from the inner thighs? Who among us does not ask this question! Unfortunately, there is no magic way to lose body fat in a couple of days. But we can improve our figure. For this we offer you comprehensive program action!

Why is the problem of how to remove fat from thighs, thighs and buttocks so relevant for women? Recently, Russian scientists gave the exact answer. The peculiarity of our body is that in the butt area and the entire surface of the thighs there are very “greedy” fat cells. So how to reduce the inner thigh?

Why do we gain weight on our hips?

They actively store fat if the amount of calories in the body exceeds the daily requirement. And they are extremely reluctant to give it away. This “reluctance” is represented in a ratio of 1:6. That is, if you managed to lose as much as 7 kilos (a lot!), then 6 of them will leave the upper body: your chest will become thinner, your arms will lose weight, your stomach will become thinner. And only 1 kilogram will be given by the hips. And vice versa, if you gain those 7 kg again, then the lion’s share of the volume will again be taken up by your hips and butt.

Such natural injustice has an extremely negative impact on the figure of women who are inconsistent in their program on how to make their legs thin and slender. By following a diet and exercise, they lose weight, but when they give up and gain weight again, they acquire completely new volumes in the lower part of the body.

How to fight fat

The best advice on how to remove fat from the thighs and thighs from the inside is - don’t gain weight! Eat as much as you need based on your lifestyle. If he's sedentary, don't indulge in muffins and candy bars. If it is active and includes regular visits to the gym, you can eat whatever you want.

But if the problem already exists, and the question of how to reduce hip size is extremely exciting, act! There is a simple algorithm for working on yourself for this.

Involve cosmetology! Removing cellulite

Modern cosmetic procedures will improve skin metabolism and eliminate cellulite on the thighs and buttocks. Volumes will decrease only because the skin will lose unnecessary excess moisture accumulated in its structure.

Excellent products for hip correction

  • Anticellulite massage. You can perform it in the salon or at home. Take anti-cellite gel with a warming effect and in a circular motion rub into the skin of your thighs. Spend at least 5 minutes on each leg. It is preferable to massage after a shower, when the skin is warm.
  • Wraps. Honey and mustard-honey wraps are suitable. They are also easy to do at home. You can apply honey to skin steamed after a shower, wrap it with film, and put on tight leggings. Go to bed with this “mask” and wash it off with warm water in the morning. Mustard-honey wraps cannot be made for such a long time. 40 minutes with mustard-honey composition on the skin is enough to activate metabolic processes in the skin to the maximum.

Use all means to correct your hips. And you will definitely achieve the desired slimness of your legs!

Summer is just around the corner, and you know what that means - swimming season.

If you're thinking about how to lose fat from your inner thighs and it just seems impossible, try these 7 best exercises for the hips. They will tone you up and make your body fit, and will also help you get rid of excess fat. problem area. Yes, it is quite possible to get the legs you dreamed of!

Ballerina exercises for slender legs

Exercises for losing weight in the inner thighs

If you do all these inner thigh fat loss exercises three times a week, you will definitely see results. Just remember this every time you feel like your muscles are burning!

5 Best Inner Thigh Exercises

Exercises for the inner thigh - video | Let's put away the breeches!

1. Pilates: Leg Raises for Inner Thighs

Pilates is a serious core workout, and the inner thighs are key to stabilizing the muscles in many exercises. In fact, you may feel your inner thighs working even harder than your abs. This simple exercise is easy to do and is one of the best for those who want to slim their legs.

How to do it:

Lie on your side, straighten up lower leg, and place the top one so that your foot or knee is on the floor. Lean on your forearm, or support your head with your hand.

Inhale, and as you exhale, lift your lower leg without bending it, tightening your core muscles. Inhale as you lower your leg.

Do 10-15 repetitions, then switch sides.

2. Frog Squat

This seemingly funny movement is actually a calorie burner, so get ready to get your heart rate up and every muscle in your body working at once!

How to do it:

Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Tightening your stomach, bend your knees and push your buttocks back, while spreading your knees, and try to reach the floor with your hands.

Bend as far as possible, but don't forget to hold top part body raised.

In a quick movement, straighten your legs and hips, push off with your legs and jump, legs together as you jump, arms above your head.

Before landing, spread your legs and return to the squat position.

Repeat 10-15 times, then take a break and catch your breath - you deserve it!

Lunges are great exercises for the hips themselves, but side lunges are aimed specifically at internal muscles hips.

How to do it:

Feet together. You can grab a pair of dumbbells if you want to make the exercise more difficult. Extend your right leg far and bend your knee. Try to keep left leg as straight as possible, do not tilt your upper body, and keep your right knee bent so that your knee does not extend beyond your toes.

With emphasis on your right foot, return to the starting position. Repeat the movement on your left leg to complete the repetition. Do 10 repetitions for each leg.

4. Plie squat

When people ask how women can get rid of thigh fat, it's worth taking a closer look at the ladies with the most enviable legs. For example, to ballerinas. The plie squat is what makes dancers' legs look long and slender. This exercise will easily fit into your regular fitness routine.

How to do it:

Spread your legs wide, toes turned out to the sides at a 45-degree angle, and chest out. You can also use dumbbells like the model in the photo to make the workout more challenging.

Bend your knees and tighten your glutes, core, and inner thighs. Keep your hips behind your little toes as you squat, and your hips will be at a 90-degree angle to the floor.

Focusing on your heels, straighten your legs to complete the rep. Do 10-15 repetitions.

Fitball is one of the integral parts of equipment for training. It can work wonders in shaping the shape of your inner thighs. We can say that this is the answer to the question “How to remove fat from the inner thigh.”

How to do it:

Lie on your back. Bend your knees, feet on the floor. Hold a well-inflated exercise ball between your knees.

Arms at your sides, core tense. Now squeeze your knees, thinking that you are trying to flatten the exercise ball. It's a small movement, but it's your goal.

Squeeze as hard as you can, then relax while still squeezing the ball. Repeat 20-25 times to complete the set.

The bridge is a yoga pose that has a lot of benefits on how to lose fat from your inner thighs.

How to do it:

Lie on your back, knees bent, feet on the floor, arms at your sides. Inhale, and as you exhale, lift your hips toward the ceiling, lifting them off the floor and trying to make a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Keep your thighs parallel to each other, squeezing your inner thighs. Don't let your knees spread out to the sides.

Hold the position for 30 seconds to a minute, just remember to breathe. Relax and repeat 2-3 times.

7. Most Important: Do Cardio

One of key points The trick to losing inner thigh fat is to speed up your calorie burn with cardio, which will get you working up a sweat and get your heart rate up. Cardio exercise burns tons of calories and also helps the body process stored fat, revealing lean and toned muscles. Even better, there is no longer a need to spend the whole day in the gym. Opt for exercises that burn more calories, such as running, jumping rope, climbing stairs or cycling, so you never have to worry about how to lose fat between your legs again.

Try combining them with intense interval training, where you work up a sweat for a minute and then recover for another minute. The total is 20-30 minutes three times a week. After this, you will be able to smile at the reflection of your own slender and toned legs in the mirror.

Video - exercises for the inner thighs

Based on materials:

The hips, along with the stomach, bear the main load excess weight after pregnancy. Under the influence of female hormones, the riding breeches area grows, the inner part fills with fat, the buttocks become wider and lose their shape.

There are only two ways to combat this: combine physical exercise and proper nutrition.

Basic principles of losing weight in the thighs

Fat deposits in the pelvic area are the most persistent. They begin to accumulate during puberty, if girls prefer a chair near the computer to walks, and healthy eating- chips and cola.

Cellulite in such conditions is simply inevitable; it loves inaction. When asking how to quickly reduce hips and legs, you need to think about how much body fat accumulated. This often happens for years, so you shouldn’t expect complete relief from cellulite in 1-2 months.

On the path to slimness you will need to perform three main tasks:

  • strengthen the leg muscles, as they build a framework for the skin, help burn calories, nourish connective tissues and “tighten” cellulite;
  • cut down on fats, sweets, all purchased products and preservatives - they are the ones who like to settle on the thighs and spoil the curves;
  • move a lot in a moderate rhythm: walk, dance, ride a bike - cardio training burns fat.

Rules for training for weight loss

When asked how to make your hips smaller, the answer you often hear is: squatting. But many girls noticed that after a month in the gym, their legs, on the contrary, become larger as the muscles grow. The fact is that you need the right proportion of loads: strength and aerobic.

The ideal condition for burning fat would be a combination strength exercises with dumbbells and jumping. You will have to do a lot of repetitions and force your heart to speed up to 160-170 beats per minute, this is when the fat begins to burn.

A training set may look like in the following way:

  • Air squats. These are regular squats without dumbbells. fast pace. At correct technique the first movement is performed by the pelvis - it is pulled back, as if there is an invisible chair behind it, and the knee joints also bend. This is how you can ensure that your knees do not “peek” beyond the line drawn by your toes. Perform 15-30 repetitions depending on your level of training. Squats make your whole body lose weight and strengthen the front of your thighs.
  • Side lunges with jump. From a standing position, you need to make a wide lunge to the left and transfer your weight to your left leg in a squat, moving your pelvis back. At the same time, the body leans forward. To maintain the accuracy of the technique, you can touch right hand toe of the left foot. Return to the starting position, repeat 15-20 times for each leg.
  • Stepping onto a chair. Stand in front of a chair or other elevated platform, step onto it with your left foot, and lower yourself to the floor. Repeat 20 times, alternating legs.
  • Gluteal bridge. For this exercise you will need a dumbbell or a 5 liter water bottle. You need to lie on the floor, bend your knees. Place the weight on the pelvic bones, perform slow pelvic lifts and hold for 1-2 seconds at the top point. Do 20 reps. This exercise works well on the buttocks and gets rid of cellulite. back surface hips.

Removing cellulite

Many girls believe that swinging their legs while standing or lying down helps in losing weight.

To reduce the inner thigh, like any other part of the body, three conditions must be met:

  • choose exercises that work several muscles;
  • do them at a fast pace or combine them with jumping rope;
  • alternate load intensity: squats with dumbbells and jumping.

Diagonal lunges are aimed at the inner thigh. From a standing position, you need to take a wide step with your left foot forward and slightly to the left, transfer your body weight to the walking leg and squat down. Return to starting position.

After 10-15 lunges, you should run in place for a minute, do jumping jacks with your legs spread to the sides, and then repeat this combination of exercises 2-3 more times.

You can often see skinny girl with massive thighs. Insidious cellulite, when it reaches the fourth stage, causes fibrosis - the proliferation of connective tissues in which fat molecules are literally entangled, forming a dense mass.

Girls begin to reduce the front surfaces of their thighs, as expected, with squats and lunges, but continue to eat a lot, and their legs become visually thicker due to muscle mass. Then they give up training, starting to squeeze balls with their feet, doing swings, and, of course, do not see the result.

Cellulite and fibrosis in particular cannot be overcome without muscle growth. It is the quadriceps muscle that will ensure normal blood supply to the skin and connective tissues, because cellulite appears only due to stagnation of blood and fluid in the lesion.

Training should be structured as follows: squat, do lunges with a light weight (5-8 kg dumbbells) 20 times in 3-4 approaches, and then go on the treadmill for 20 minutes.

But the main condition for losing weight is nutrition, in which you can eat:

  • chicken meat without skin, boiled or steamed fish;
  • vegetables in salads or stewed;
  • dairy products, except sweet yoghurts, with 1% fat content;
  • soups with vegetable broth;
  • porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley) only in the first half of the day;
  • drink about 2 liters of water a day, give up alcohol and soda.

The first person to suffer from flabbiness and prolonged sitting is rear end hips, like buttocks, there is no point in reducing them without muscle training. If you run, the skin will simply sag, which will lead to the well-known “skinny fat” condition, when the jelly-like mass shakes when walking.

You need to act in a complex way: squat with dumbbells 20 times, and then tone the target zones:

  • Back lunge with a kick. Take a wide step back with your left foot, squat down, return to the starting position, lifting your left leg and sharply throwing it forward. Try to push the air;
  • Bend forward on one leg. Bend over until your toes touch the floor, while moving your other leg back.

Perform twenty times for each leg, then repeat all three exercises again.

Features of losing weight in the hips after childbirth

Many women begin to think about how to reduce hip size while continuing to breastfeed. At the insistence of mothers and grandmothers, they eat fatty dairy foods (sour cream, condensed milk) to increase the fat content of the milk.

In fact, the percentage of fat is determined by the characteristics of the body, and not at all by nutrition. So you can safely choose low-fat milk and kefir and start improving your figure.

Women's hormonal levels can be unstable, especially after childbirth. Therefore, reducing hips, as well as losing weight in general, becomes difficult while it continues. breast-feeding. But from the first days after pregnancy, you need to strive for movement: walk with a stroller longer, dance at home with headphones while the baby sleeps, carry him in your arms - this is a great workout!

My respects, gentlemen, and especially ladies! Today we are waiting for another note from the series - at the request of workers. Let me remind you that this is when readers (i.e. you) send various burning and most exciting topics to the project’s email to which you would like to receive answers. This time the young ladies are lucky :), because we will consider issues of correcting their figure, namely how to reduce the volume of the hips. After reading, each of you will have a clear idea and plan of action to change the lower part of your body.

So, everyone pricked up their ears, let's begin.

All about how to reduce hip size

We will start, as usual, from afar, with a short introduction.

As you remember, in my previous articles I already talked about the generic trait of all women - to please as many men as possible. In this regard, the question arises - how to do this and who are the representatives of the stronger half of humanity most likely to fall for? The answer, I think, will surprise many women, but they (we) are best caught by fertile representatives who have far from model forms. In particular, if we talk about, then this is an hourglass and especially, as recent studies have revealed, a pear. For those ladies who don’t know, a pear is when Bottom part(hips, buttocks) expanded. Those. the girl has a powerful ship frame :). It is the steep hips and the expanded shape of the pelvis that turn on deep reflexes in the man’s brain, which tell him that this is a fertile female, and she can give good offspring.

That's what I mean.

Figures in the oval are considered by men primarily when looking for a partner for procreation.

From this we can conclude - if you decide to reduce the volume of your hips, think about whether you need it? After all, you can lose a huge army of gentlemen - lovers of these body types. This is just food for thought, and not a reason to leave everything as it is, especially if you really don’t like it “is”.

Actually, let's get closer to the point.


The further narrative will be divided into subchapters for better assimilation of information.

How to reduce thigh volume: reasons for the accumulation of fat deposits

The hip area is the most problematic area for the fair sex. (You, my dears). It is there that everything excess eaten is first deposited, increasing fat deposits and expanding the pelvis to indecent sizes.

Also, it would be useful for any young lady to know that before menopause, many female organs store their excess fat mainly in the hips, creating a “pear-shaped” body shape. The accumulation of fat in these areas (hips, waist) greatly helped cave women survive during drought and famine. Those who could easily retain fat in the thigh area tended to be able to give birth and nurse a child during the drought. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the body needs more than 1,000 extra calories per day, which come from thigh fat.

This is one of the reasons why it is so difficult to get rid of extra pounds in this area - Mother Nature took care of everything.


Lipoprotein lipase is an enzyme responsible for fat storage. Women have more of this enzyme in the hip area.

Among other things, two hormones in a woman’s body - estrogen and progesterone, play an important role in maintaining thin waist and the accumulation of adipose tissue in problem areas, in particular in the hips. When their fragile balance is disturbed, a woman’s figure undergoes shaped changes. According to scientists, estrogen works against the action of insulin, and progesterone works against cortisol. When both are produced uncontrollably and in excess, it leads to the accumulation of fat around the belly. Estrogen is the main hormone responsible for the increase in fat around the thighs. Progesterone works against it to stop it.

When a woman is in a state of stress, high emotional tension, her levels jump, which, in turn, suppresses the activity of progesterone. The solution to this situation is to relieve stress (just not chocolate :)) and raising overall progesterone levels.

In addition to the above factors, hip volume reduction may be necessary for women who are naturally anatomically wide. hip bone. Another group of dissatisfied people can be called young mothers, whose lower body was also transformed and became much wider as a result of the birth of a child. Coupled with excess fat deposits, a not entirely pleasant picture emerges. So, if you are looking for an answer to the question of how to reduce hip size, stop worrying.

However, everything can be fixed, and that’s what we’ll talk about next.

So, let's take a look at the original working material, or how I see the answer to the question - how to reduce the volume of the hips?

First, it must be said that this work is complex and consists of the following stages:

  • reduction of fat deposits in the thighs.
  • laying the form - strengthening and tightening muscles.

The first stage is carried out through the mode, aerobic species activity and diet. The second is through specialized exercises.

Let's go through each stage and start with...

How to reduce thigh volume due to fat deposits

To determine the scope of work to get rid of surplus, it is necessary to make some measurements. To do this, tense your buttocks and pull out the resulting fold of skin with two fingers. What is between the fingers is fat, and we will get rid of it. If you want to measure yourself more radically and determine the total percentage of body fat, then the following article will help you.


Burning fat on your thighs is much more difficult than burning fat on your belly.

Before you tackle weight loss issues, you need to clearly understand that it is impossible to lose weight locally, i.e. only the left buttock or the right. However, using a complex of various measures (diet, targeted exercises, etc.), you can improve the appearance of any part of the body.

So, let's start by looking at the question...

I. Adjustment of the nutrition process

As for reducing fat deposits in the thighs, they can be achieved by reducing overall weight. The latter occurs when a negative caloric balance is maintained - more is consumed than consumed. Here are the steps you need to take to do this.

Step #1. Start a food journal.

This could be an ordinary notebook in which you will enter information on changing your diet.

Step #2. Reduce your calorie intake by 10-20%.

Gradually reduce the number of calories you consume. This will signal the body to start using stored fat in the thighs and abdomen. To lose weight safely, you need to create a daily deficit of 500 before 800 calories. Use the portion rule – more in the morning, less in the evening.

Step #3. Don't skip breakfast.

Make sure you consume 400-600 calories in the first 90 minutes after waking up. Don't go to work until you've had a hearty breakfast.

Step #4. Eat 5-6 times a day.

This is the number of times that most effectively affects the transformation of a person’s figure. Have healthy snacks every 2-3 hours.

Step #5. Low carbohydrate diet 2 times a week.

Recent studies have shown that you can lose significant weight by sometimes limiting your carbohydrate intake.

Step #6. Eliminate refined carbohydrates (including sugar).

Carbohydrates should be from whole grains and complex (with low and medium): brown rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, coarse wheat pasta, etc.

Step #7. Eat more fruits and vegetables.

These products (vegetables - broccoli, asparagus, spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers; fruits - grapefruits, pomelo, green apples) Help digestive processes and protein absorption. In addition, dietary fiber promotes weight loss.

Step #8. Drink more water.

Its optimal amount should be your weight divided by 30 . For example, with weight 45 kg is 1,5 liters

Step #9. Dietary protein.

Step #10. Eliminate unhealthy fats.

Avoid saturated and trans fats, consume healthy PUFAs instead (polyunsaturated fatty acid) , which are contained in fish oil, e, various nuts (e.g. almonds, pistachios).

Now let's get down to it...

II. Cardiovascular activity

In order for the kilograms to start falling off effectively, you need to include them in your daily routine. different kinds aerobic activity.

Use the following types of cardio activities.

No. 1. Walking.

Regular walking is the easiest and most valuable activity to begin with for reducing hip weight and size. Walk to work (or leave early at 1 stop), walk up the stairs to your apartment on your own, walk with your pets in the parks. Buy a pedometer and go through the day of order 12 thousand steps (25-30 minutes of movement). Behind 1 hour brisk walking you can burn 300 calories. All these unobtrusive types of aerobic activity will soon give their results.

No. 2. Run.

Errands are the best and quick way say goodbye to unnecessary fat. It actively leaves the buttocks, hips and waist. Start with 5-7 minute runs at an easy pace, gradually increasing the duration of running to 40-45 minutes. Behind 45 minutes of jogging a woman can burn 475 calories. 2-3 Jogging a week is quite enough.

No. 3. Swimming.

Another efficient look activity that will help you burn fat. It has been proven that 30 minutes of regular swimming can lead to better thigh shape and slimmer legs.

No. 4. A ride on the bicycle.

The pedal torsion is high - great way parting with extra pounds. Behind 45 minutes a woman of average build can burn about 335 calories. In summer, this type of activity is simply irreplaceable.

No. 5. Interval training.

Use stair steppers Treadmills, elliptical and exercise bikes programmed for high intensity workouts. HIIT is an activity with a sudden change in resistance or speed from moderate to fast.

№6. Group classes aerobics, yoga.

They are also designed to speed up your metabolism and speed up the burning of excess fat.

So, we’ve sorted out the reduction of body fat, now let’s get into shape and strengthen the “sciatic” muscles :).

III. Exercises to reduce hip size

Correcting the shape of your hips and buttocks will visually (and actually) reduce your “lower arse.” Do the following exercises.

No. 1. Squats (including against the wall)

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, clasp your hands and place them behind your head. Distribute the body weight on your heels. Lower yourself down as if you were sitting on a chair. As your thighs become parallel to the floor, slowly, with emphasis on your heels, rise up. You can use dumbbells as weights. Execute 10-15 repetitions in 2 -x approaches.

Wall squats are a more progressive option. It differs from the classics in that you press your back tightly against the wall and squat, maintaining (in lowest point) angle in knee joint 90 degrees.

No. 2. Lunges with dumbbells

An excellent “butt-shaping” exercise that works a large number of muscles at once. Step-by-step technique execution is described here. Execute 2-3 set in quantity 10-12 reps for each leg.

No. 3. Side entry onto the platform (bench)

Step exercises help tighten gluteal muscles and thereby reduce fat deposits in the thighs. Stand sideways to the step platform. Move your right foot onto the platform, keeping your body straight. Concentrate on the leg that is on the platform, placing all your weight on it. As you exhale, lift your right leg (press the weight with your heel). As you inhale, slowly return to the starting position by stepping back with your left foot and lowering yourself from the platform. All lifting work should be done by the elevated leg. You can use dumbbells as weights. Execute 2-3 approach to 12-15 repetitions for each leg.

No. 4. Dumbbell row standing on one leg

Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Stand on your left leg (leaning lightly on the toe), move your right one back a little. Keep your back straight, lean forward towards the floor and at the same time move your right leg back and up, squeezing the buttocks of your left leg. Execute 2 approach to 10-15 repetitions on each leg.

No. 5. Raises with dumbbells lying on a ball

This exercise works great on your hips, as well as your lower back and hamstrings. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and lie on the exercise ball, resting your neck, head and shoulders against it. Bend your knees slightly. Contract your hips towards the floor (lower your body down). The ball must remain motionless. Lift your hips up (to form a straight line) and squeeze your buttocks at the top. Execute 3 approach to 12-15 repetitions.


To enhance the effect of the exercises, you can exercise in special modeling clothing, in particular, in corrective shorts that keep your hips and buttocks firm.

Well, we have looked at a set of measures aimed at reducing the volume of the hips. I would like to note that this is precisely a set of measures, and if they are applied separately (cardio, training, nutrition), then the effect will be minimal.


Today was Women's Day and we went to the bathhouse and answered the question - how to reduce hip size. I am sure that now you can easily get rid of the excessive fluffiness of your lower forms, and the tightest jeans will fit you perfectly!

That's all, I was glad to write for you, success, my dears)!

PS. Every comment is a minus 1 centimeter in the volume of the hips, so let’s describe it!

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it as your status social network- plus 100 points for karma, guaranteed :) .

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.