Soviet sports bike satellite. Bicycles KhVZ: tested by time and consumers. What distance should be between groups of cyclists moving in a column

With all the level of development of modern technology and its material availability, there are many lovers, for example, of old film cameras and modern optics - a similar phenomenon exists among cyclists. Moreover, these people are not necessarily collectors of bicycle rarities - many really ride their Soviet bikes, such as, say, the Sputnik bicycle, sometimes overcoming quite significant distances, enthusiastically discussing them with like-minded people on forums, repairing and upgrading.

Kharkov Bicycle Plant then and now

Having begun its work in the mid-20s of the twentieth century, the Kharkov Bicycle Plant quickly became a leader in the USSR in the production of this type of equipment. The enterprise mastered the production various types bicycles - from children's tricycles and teenage options to track and road, focused on athletes professional level.

The most famous series of HVZ bicycles:

  • "Ukraine", perhaps the most famous Soviet bicycle and, moreover, the oldest nomenclature line of the plant: these bikes began to be produced there literally from the moment the enterprise was launched; universally passable both male and female versions of the frame.
  • "Satellite"- a bicycle for a wide range of amateurs, a real "companion" of a tourist with a soft seat, a strong frame and reliable mechanics;
  • "Tourist"- another universal bike, but, unlike the "Ukraine", with a hand brake;
  • "Start Highway"- sports and highway line; distinctive characteristics - a lightweight frame and as many as seven gears.

The heyday of the enterprise fell on the 60s - 80s; here, of course, the preparation for the 1980 Olympics played a significant role, for which the factory specially developed and produced two models of bicycles in a "small edition": the trekking "Record" and the road "Champion Highway", due to their rarity, they are now very highly valued by collectors .

Currently, KhVZ continues to produce inexpensive bicycles under the brand name "VODAN" - the current catalog of the enterprise includes over 50 models, from mountain bikes to children's.

Series "Sputnik" and its features

A series of bicycles "Sputnik", which consisted of six models of sports and tourism purposes, aimed at adults, was produced at the Kharkov Bicycle Plant (KhVZ) in the 60s - 80s of the last century. Despite the fact that the plant relatively safely survived the collapse of the state and operates to this day, Sputnik did not step into capitalism, and remained entirely and completely an attribute of the USSR.

Here are the models of bicycles of this series, which KhVZ produced on a large scale due to their popularity among the target audience - a wide range of tourists and just amateurs healthy lifestyle life, including active cycling.

B-34 "Sputnik"- a light road bicycle for sports and tourism, produced in 1961-64. Sports steering wheel, hand brakes, three gears, standard equipment - a frame bag with tools and a bicycle pump.

B-37 "Sputnik"- produced from 1964 to 1968, unlike its predecessor, it had an improved brake system and an updated saddle, as well as a ratchet on the rear hub. It was possible to put a sports steering wheel on it and contact pedals in order to use in the mode of enhanced training. The manufacturer attached to it, in addition to the pump and bag, also a bell, electrical equipment and spare parts for the ratchet.

B-39 "Sputnik" (1968-1973)- An updated version of the B-37, generally characterized in the same way.

B-301 "Sputnik"- produced in 1973-75, the appointment is indicated as "sports-touring bike for business, tourist and pleasure trips." Four gears, padded saddle, pedals with toe clips, standard and advanced equipment. In the first case, a mandatory bag and pump, as well as reflectors for the rear fender, bell and rear trunk; in addition, it was possible to order and supply the front, as well as a rear-view mirror, an electric generator and a headlight.

KhVZ 153-414 "Sputnik"(1976-1977) - another classic model for amateur sports and tourism with a hard saddle, stomp pedals and a variable rear hub (for 3 or 4 stars). The complete set is provided by the factory and expanded, and in general and in general differs from its predecessor only in the presence of an oiler.

KhVZ 153-424 "Sputnik"- a 1978-82 model for cycling, and if you install a rear rack, then for tourist trips. This bike differed from its predecessors in a thin-walled frame and, accordingly, less weight, which was also facilitated by a lightweight plastic saddle. Of the design innovations, it can be noted that the number of gears has increased to eight.

"Satellites" and modernity

Bicycles "Sputnik" have long been discontinued, but thanks to the post-Soviet man's craving for nostalgia and his desire to improve and bring to mind what fell into his hands, many of these "iron horses" in our time have received a completely full second life.

Modernizing Soviet bicycles is a very common hobby, judging by the abundance and length of discussions on specialized forums. Their users especially praise the quality of the "satellite" frames, which, after so many years, still remain strong and reliable and even do not always require cosmetic repairs. Experimenters transfer modern handlebars and saddles to these frames, try to equip old bikes with modern "Schiman" attachments and enthusiastically share stories about the results of these attempts with each other.

The restoration of such rarities is another original approach to the legacy of the Soviet machine building industry: you can’t just take and put everything ready on the frame of an old bicycle - no, you need to find the most modern sources, and preferably completely authentic spare parts, which is a sport in itself.

Standing apart is such a phenomenon as a total alteration of these bikes. Some enthusiasts even try - with varying success - to turn an ordinary Sputnik bike into a motor bike, meticulously selecting and combining the necessary parts for these purposes. Collecting their Frankensteins, they most likely enjoy not so much the result, which does not always go, but the process, which can be called truly creative.

Refurbished and converted bicycles are used not only as props for photo shoots of pretty girls against the backdrop of rural and urban landscapes, although this too. They continue to ride, developing decent speeds and winding up a considerable mileage. Despite the fact that today the richest choice of bikes is available for the Russian cyclist, even from Europe and America, even from Australia, many still choose the Soviet sports "non-road bike" for themselves.

And, of course, Sputnik bikes, although they are not particularly rare, are always present in the collection of every self-respecting retrobike collector as a bright sign of a certain era in the history of domestic cycling.

And to this day, the Kharkov cycling day does not “fall into the mud face”, but only improves its performance. 25% of rovers in all CIS countries are still assembled at this plant. In the pre-war and post-war period, the Kharkov Bicycle Plant was engaged exclusively in the production of bicycles and nothing else. Of course, for the duration of the war, it was necessary to retrain for a short time, but the activity was quickly reoriented back.

Women's, children's, sports and city bikes - this factory is capable of everything.

"Ukraine": how it all began

One of the most popular models ever since Soviet Union. A bike that could boast not only its excellent technical qualities but also at a great price. It can rightly be considered a universal SUV. On "Ukraine" it was possible to drive everywhere:

  • Asphalt;
  • Primer;
  • gravel;
  • Forest road, etc.

The Ukrasinaya bicycle from the KhVZ plant in Kharkov was popular not only with the city dudes, but also with fastidious rural residents. For almost a century of history, this model has been various options modifications, both for male and female models.

Steel frame, 26" wheels, chainring guard, and a choice of color palettes. Is this not joy? As it should be for all practical bicycle models, "Ukraine" is equipped with fenders and a trunk.

In addition, there is a luxury equipment for this model. Kharkov Bicycle Plant has added aluminum rims, high-strength frames, an excellent connecting rod and a unique bottom bracket assembly to the luxury package, a reliable brake system is a bonus.

As the name implies, this bike can be attributed to the tourist class. A lightweight version that allows you to cover long distances with less effort. This model was equipped with a gearshift mechanism. And this is already an application for success. Narrow tyres, 4 speeds and hand brakes. This is the distinguishing feature of "Tourist" from "Ukraine".

The current model is more advanced, is multi-speed, and the frame is made of steel. V-brake system brakes provide improved braking.

"Start Highway"

Well, how can you do without sports? And without cycling, even more so. If the above models were for the most part suitable for most end-users, then the Start Highway model had a narrower focus. A lightweight frame, weighing only 2.2 kilograms, could give a head start to any foreign manufacturer, significantly inferior to them in price. 7 gears, 2 of which were in the back of the bike, caliper brakes and additional reinforcement of the pedals greatly facilitated cycling for both athletes and amateurs.

Model "Sport"

The beginning of the production of this model dates back to the 70s of the last millennium. A steel fork was installed in front, it gave a special style to this model. A strong frame and a rigid saddle are the secret to the success of a sports bike.

Track model, with its own character. The favorite of Soviet cyclists. The lightest model of the entire range. Her weight is only 8.6 kilograms. Can be lifted with one little finger. Naturally hard seat, alloy steel frame. The main objective of the developers of this model was to keep a light weight, but at the same time increase the performance of the bike. This was achieved through lightweight rims and frame, as well as with the help of an aluminum handlebar.


It was not in vain that the names for the models of bicycles of the Kharkov Bicycle Plant were chosen. All of them directly reflected their purpose. "Sputnik" in this case perfectly served as an assistant for the tourist. Comfortable and relatively light. Padded seat, hand brakes and impact resistant frame and wheels. Everything that a tourist needed to be confident in his rover and rush aimlessly.

Today, the Kharkov Bicycle Plant continues to produce bicycles together with the Usi company. Prices are still attractive, and the range has only expanded.

Sport: bike satellite hvz Ukrainian production

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xvz bikes specifications

Just as paintings become especially valuable after the artist's death, so the sports bikes of the Kharkov Bicycle Plant - Tourist, Satellite, Start Highway became dear to their owners after the cessation of production. It turned out that these machines have nothing to replace. We are approached by the first owners of Startons, their children and grandchildren, and enthusiasts who bought a used KhVZ bike. Replacing worn, lost, obsolete parts, we inhale new life into this miracle of Soviet technology.

The most demanded components were also in short supply in Soviet times. High seatpost 25 mm, stem 100, clincher wheels, aluminum square system, bottom bracket on industrial bearings - these words still warm the soul of every crocodile breeder.

Delivery to Moscow carried out by the transport company SDEK: spare parts for KhVZ bicycles that you buy in the online store will be received at the pick-up point in Moscow the very next day.

For residents of the republic Crimea we opened a point of issue of orders in the city Sevastopol. This allowed to significantly reduce the cost and delivery time of spare parts for KhVZ bicycles purchased on the site.

I have long been attracted to the aesthetics of sports bikes that were produced 30-50 years ago. They look thin, clean and neat. For this reason, I was very happy when I found out that my mother-in-law had a “Sputnik” that no one needed in the basement. Here it is, my chance to get what I want for free! Almost.

Exhumation 💀

So, Lisa (wife) and I went down to the city cellar, dug specifically for storing pickles and old bicycles.

On the top shelf (how could it be otherwise?) we found not one, but one and a half Sputniks! The second didn't have some important details. For example, the rear wheel.

Having lowered the bike down, I realized that it had begun to rain outside, and that the initial work would have to be carried out right there, in the basement. What kind of work? I removed the fenders and the trunk: as already mentioned, the bike is interesting to me only because it has a beautiful steel frame and a narrow ram handlebar. In order to ride, not ride, I have a modern and reliable Trek. Thirty-year-old KhVZ trash is not exactly what I would like to drive on business, and not at all something that can be exploited almost without thinking.

So, I removed the fenders and trunk, slowly becoming aware of the amount of rust and work to be done. It was very damp in the basement, and this could not but affect the condition of the bike. It quickly became clear that the wheels were in a deplorable state: not only rubber, but also the spokes had become unusable over the years. The rims are also bent, but this in itself is not a problem. In the falling apart handbag there were “family” keys and a bicycle first-aid kit. The saddle initially evoked a feeling akin to hope. But, probably, in fact, I just rumbled in my stomach - I ruthlessly put aside a couple of days later.

The next task was to deliver the bike to Moscow from Kolomna. Fortunately, rear wheel more or less spinning, so that the bike could be rolled, putting it on the butt. This is how it looked:

Sunlight mercilessly revealed more and more signs of old age, multiplied by careless storage:


For the next two weeks, I was overwhelmed by the work on my future new old bike (that's right). The steering wheel was wrapped with mysteriously crumbling asbestos-containing electrical tape:

Rusty little things were soaked in vinegar. With a frame, such a trick will not work - it's too big. Therefore, it was cleared in two stages. At the first, she was smeared with porridge from baking soda and water and left for an hour or two. After wiping dry, the frame was diligently treated with foil. Aluminum does not scratch steel or even paint, but rust is willing. This is what we need!

After cleaning, all exposed paint spots were smeared with clear nail polish to prevent re-corrosion, or at least delay it. I also wiped off all other rusty parts with foil, simultaneously washing some of them from age-old grease. Gradually the bike began to look like something normal. Many black details turned out to be gray 🙂

A lot of useful information gleaned from the community KhVZ Club Yekaterinburg” and on the forums. I dismantled almost all the nodes and reassembled them, mentally lubricating them. The exception is the steering column (could not unscrew) and rear hub(more precisely, her least interesting inner part). Fortunately, these connections worked well. But the capricious ratchet with its seventy balls was reassembled, although it caused me some ... irritation.

An important step was the assembly of wheels on new spokes. This complex case went surprisingly easily. The main thing is to be careful and not try to do everything in one sitting. Sheldon Brown has a good assembly instruction, there is a translation into Russian.

Naturally, some parts had to be replaced with new ones: rubber, cables and shirts, a saddle and a rare 25.0 mm seatpost, various little things and tools. As a result, about six thousand rubles were spent. Not so free! After pulling the cables, adjusting the brakes and derailleur, and some more fiddling, I suddenly got something beautiful:

Visually, this is practically the bike of my dreams. There were some problems securing the pedals with wedges and getting the tire to sit in place. And I have not yet got used to the speed switch located on the frame. It does not have “divisions”, the transmission must be groped by ear and by sensation. A very interesting experience that makes you appreciate modern technologies more.

In general, to be honest, the KhVZ of 1981, taken out of a damp basement, is rusty rubbish. Many nodes on it are morally obsolete a long time ago. But after all, people used to go somehow! And there were hikes, and races, and just skated. Makes you think about how things that improve our lives and seem optional at first, cunningly become necessary. Whether it's plumbing, internet, or indexed steering wheel shifters.

One way or another, the pleasure of acquiring a Sputnik is through the roof. The feeling when you come to work on such a handsome man to the sounds of psychedelic rock, while everyone around has boring mountain bikes, is indescribable. I love this bike!

After riding for some time in this form and finally hammering the wedges so that they no longer fly out, I was faced with reality.

  1. The rainy season was about to start, and I no longer want to take the subway to work: it is both harder and longer: 45 minutes door-to-door instead of 25 on a bike.
  2. My travel trek has wings for bad weather, but daily commuting means daily wash - brrr! - only to hide it at home for the night. I will never leave something valuable in the stairwell! Guf died from this garbage so the last bike was stolen from me.

The decision was obvious and inevitable, like the release of the next unfunny season of The Big Bang Theory: you just need to put wings on the HVZ, a normal lock - and you don’t have to bring it home! Who would think of stealing a wheel from a rusty Sputnik? Complete illiquid for a thief. So I bought a U-lock, brought iron from Kolomna - et voilà!

I started to leave the bike on the street, which immediately provided +100500 to the convenience of its use. I know that the decision is controversial, but the difference in practicality unambiguously blocked all the risks. Akin to how the additional risk of falling off a bicycle is 20 times less (p. 24) than the health benefits of daily riding it.

Sometimes it is not easy to share the road with cars, especially when the dirt flies not only from below, but also side:

After this, you want to get drunk and never go out into the snow again. When the weather is really bad, that's what I do - no, I don't get drunk - I ride the tram and read a book. It's even longer than the subway, but without the fuss.

But when there is no precipitation, some things become much easier. And no stuffy metro! (Did I mention that I don't like taking the subway?)

Yes, it's a multicooker. No, not for me. She has the Master Chief feature (sic!).

And I recently rode it to a winter bike parade. Cold and cool. I still love this bike!