Condition of Evgeny Giner. Evgeny Giner is the owner of CSKA. Evgeniy Giner lost his administrative resource

Giner Evgeniy Lennorovich

Giner Evgeniy Lennorovich- Russian entrepreneur, president of the Moscow football club CSKA, head of the financial committee of the RFU.


Giner Evgeniy Lennorovich, born May 26, 1960, native of Kharkov, Ukrainian SSR.

Relatives. Son: Giner Vadim Evgenievich, born October 23, 1981, entrepreneur. Currently, he permanently resides outside the Russian Federation (Grand Duchy of Luxembourg), where he is engaged in business in the field of organizing offshore companies.


He studied at the Kharkov Institute of Municipal Construction Engineers, but did not graduate.

Labor activity

  • Since the 1980s, he has been engaged in business (so-called cooperative activities), first in Kharkov, and since 1991 in Moscow. At the same time, he began with the resale of cars, including stolen ones.
  • In the 1990s, he actively tried to take control of a number of large clothing markets, primarily Luzhniki. He also had interests in the energy industry. Was also involved in the sale of counterfeit alcohol
  • In 2001, Giner became president of the CSKA football club. In this post he spent active work to strengthen the club, attracted new players from Russia and other countries, as well as coaches, and improved the club infrastructure. Under him, the club noticeably improved its financial position and strengthened its position in Russian football. The team's sponsors were such large companies as Sibneft, VTB, Aeroflot, Bashneft. Under Giner, CSKA won five championships and seven Russian Cups, as well as the UEFA Cup. In the 2009-2010 competition, the team reached the quarterfinals of the Champions League.
  • From 2004 to 2006, he served as president of the Russian Football Premier League.
  • Since 2013, he has been the head of the financial committee of the Russian Football Union.

Moved to Moscow.

He has been in private business since 1991.

Entrepreneurial activity

According to Giner’s own words, he is directly related to the energy and automotive business, however, according to several media reports, the entrepreneur is associated with a number of large clothing markets, including the former market on the territory of the Luzhniki sports complex.

The three of them headed the so-called “Luzhnikov” business group, controlling the above-mentioned market.

In the 2000s, their expansion began at the CSKA clothing fair, controlled by high-ranking employees of the Ministry of Defense and the Chechen diaspora, led by the well-known authority Shahrudi Dadakhanov, who, in addition to his market share, owned a controlling stake (98%) in the shares of the CSKA football club through the offshore company Army sports group LLC .

As a result of a series of raider attacks carried out to the accompaniment of the second Chechen campaign, the owners of the CSKA clothing fair were accused of financing Chechen militants and surrendered the territory to the Luzhniki group.

The latter also included the CSKA football club, over which they officially established control at the beginning of 2001.

Then CSKA carried out an additional issue of shares by private subscription, as a result of which the British company Bluecastle Enterprises Limited received 49%. Another 25% were purchased by AVO-Capital OJSC, owned by the same Bluecastle, which through indirect structures leads to the Dutch group of companies VS Energy - an organization that united the key assets of the Luzhniki team in Russia and Ukraine.

On February 8, 2005, at the intersection of the Rostov and Savinskaya embankments in Moscow, Evgeniy Giner’s car was fired upon: in the car were the son of a businessman, Vadim Giner, and his security guard, who were seriously injured.

President of CSKA

From the very beginning of his presidency at CSKA, Evgeny Giner began active work to strengthen the club, attracted new players and coaches from Russia and other countries, improved the club infrastructure, and attracted sponsors. Under him, the club noticeably strengthened its position in Russian football and began to play one of the leading roles in the national championship. It was Giner who invited the famous coach Valery Gazzaev to the club, who made Vladikavkaz Alania champion in 1995 and achieved great success with CSKA, including winning the UEFA Cup in 2005. In addition, Giner improved the financial position of the club, with him the team’s sponsors were such large companies as Conti, Sibneft (thanks to the friendly relations between Giner and Roman Abramovich, the former owner of Sibneft), VTB, Aeroflot, Bashneft " The successes achieved contributed to the growth of the club's popularity and increased attendance at the team's matches.

Giner acquired for the team a number of football players who became stars of the Russian championship - Ignashevich, Vagner Love, Carvalho, Krasic, Dzagoev, Honda, Doumbia, Olic, Jo and others. A distinctive feature of Giner’s selection policy is that preference is given to young and promising players from Russia, Eastern and Southern Europe, Brazil and Africa, who can be sold at a much higher price in the future. Under Giner, one of the coaches of the Brazilian national football team, Paulo Paixao, became the physical training coach for CSKA, and in 2009, Gazzaev, famous in the 1980s, became the head coach instead of Gazzaev. Brazilian footballer Zico. However, soon, due to the unsatisfactory results of the team, Zico was dismissed, and the famous Spanish specialist Juande Ramos was appointed in his place. But he didn’t last long in the team either. A month and a half later, Juande Ramos learned that he would be offered the position of coach of Real Madrid from the beginning of the next season. Having discussed this circumstance with Giner, Juande Ramos made a proposal that the club should be headed by a young Russian coach Leonid Slutsky is already at the end of this season, and not at the beginning of the next. What led the team to reach the quarterfinals of the Champions League (2009/2010). Despite the unsuccessful performances of CSKA and active and harsh criticism of Slutsky, Giner supported him and was rewarded for his patience with a victory in the 2012-2013 championship.

At the 11th General Assembly of the Association of European Clubs (ECA) in September 2013, Evgeniy Lennorovich Giner was elected vice-president of the ECA.

Under Giner, CSKA won:

  • four Russian championships ( , , , ),
  • seven


Management in team sports Master class on structure and management of professional football club

Job title

President of PFC CSKA


Kharkov Institute of Municipal Construction Engineers

Evgeniy Giner has been engaged in private business since 1991. He was appointed President of PFC CSKA in February 2001 and soon took direct part in the merger hockey clubs CSKA. In addition, in 2004 he signed the largest sponsorship contract in the history of the Russian Federation with Sibneft. club football. In 2004, he was appointed president of the Russian Professional football league. In 2005, PFC CSKA won the Russian Championship, Russian Cup and UEFA Cup, becoming the first Russian club, which won the European trophy.

From the very beginning of his presidency at CSKA, Evgeny Giner began active work to strengthen the club, attracted new players and coaches from Russia and other countries, improved the club infrastructure, and attracted sponsors. Under him, the club noticeably strengthened its position in Russian football and began to play one of the leading roles in the national championship. It was Giner who invited the famous coach Valery Gazzaev to the club, who made Vladikavkaz Alania champion in 1995 and achieved great success with CSKA, including winning the UEFA Cup in 2005. In addition, Giner improved the financial position of the club, with him the team’s sponsors were such large companies as Conti, Sibneft (thanks to the friendly relations between Giner and Roman Abramovich, the former owner of Sibneft), VTB, Aeroflot, Bashneft " The successes achieved contributed to the growth of the club's popularity and increased attendance at the team's matches. Giner acquired for the team a number of football players who became stars of the Russian championship - Ignashevich, Vagner Love, Carvalho, Krasic, Dzagoev, Honda, Doumbia, Olic, Jo and others. A distinctive feature of Ginere’s selection policy is that preference is given to young and promising players from Russia, Eastern and Southern Europe, Brazil and Africa, who can be sold at a much higher price in the future. Under Giner, one of the coaches of the Brazilian national football team, Paulo Paixao, became the physical training coach for CSKA, and in 2009, the Brazilian football player Zico, famous in the 1970s-1980s, became the head coach instead of Gazzaev. However, soon, due to the unsatisfactory results of the team, Zico was dismissed, and the famous Spanish specialist Juande Ramos was appointed in his place. But he didn’t last long on the team and was fired after just a month and a half for the same reason. The club was headed by a young Russian coach, Leonid Slutsky. Despite the unsuccessful performances of CSKA and active and harsh criticism of Slutsky, Giner supported him and was rewarded for his patience with a victory in the 2012-2013 championship.

Under Giner, CSKA won: four Russian championships (2003, 2005, 2006, 2013); seven Russian Cups (2002, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013); four Russian Super Cups (2004, 2006, 2007, 2009) and the UEFA Cup (2005); reached the 1/4 stage of the Champions League (2009/2010).

Also under Giner, construction of a new stadium for CSKA began. CSKA fans generally approve of Giner’s activities as president of the club. Evgeniy Lennorovich is considered an authoritative person in the highest football circles Russia, as well as abroad. The jury of the Russian Football Championship-20th Anniversary competition recognized Giner as the best club leader Russian championships 1992-2012.

Head of the Financial Committee of the RFU.


In his own words, he grew up without a father or mother and was raised by the street.

He studied at the Kharkov Institute of Municipal Construction Engineers, but did not graduate.

Ukrainian media reported that in 1986, the Frunzensky District Department of Internal Affairs of the Kharkov Region brought charges against Evgeniy Giner under Art. 86-1 of the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR (theft of state or collective property on an especially large scale), for which he received a suspended sentence. In 1990, the same Frunzensky District Department of Internal Affairs opened a new criminal case under the same article of the Criminal Code, which is why the businessman moved to Moscow.

From 2004 to 2006 he served as president of the Russian Football Premier League. Since April 5, 2013 he has held the post of head of the financial committee of the RFU.

Entrepreneurial activity

In the mid-1990s. Giner was called one of the co-owners of Russia's largest clothing fair "Luzhniki" along with businessman Mikhail Voevodin (also known under the nickname Misha Luzhnetsky), and politician Alexander Babakov.

Together with Russian politician Alexander Babakov and Mikhail Voevodin, he is a co-owner of the company VS Energy, which has shares in Kirovograd (78.8%), Southern Generating Company (35.66%) and Chernivtsioblenergo (47.55%). Giner and his partners controlled the Crimean hotels Slavutich and Rus, as well as the Premier Palace hotel chain, the flagship of which is the famous Oreanda in Yalta; after the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation, the hotels did not change owners. The total revenue of the group's energy business in 2014 exceeded UAH 13 billion, which is about a third of the country's local power transmission market. Ukrainian Forbes estimated VS Energy's turnover in 2015 at UAH 6.1 billion (less than $235 million). The nominal owners of the company on a parity basis are the general director of the company Valts Vigants, Vilis Dambins, Oleg Sizerman, Arturs Altberst and Marina Yaroslavskaya, according to the Panama Archives Vigants and Dambins represented the interests of Giner and his family, Voevodin and Babakov.

On February 8, 2005, at the intersection of the Rostov and Savvinskaya embankments of Moscow, Evgeny Giner’s car was fired upon: in the car were the son of a businessman, Vadim Giner, and his security guard, who were seriously injured.

Evgeny Giner, together with his partners, built the shopping center “New Luzhniki” (“Lawn”) with an area of ​​250,000 m² in the south of Moscow outside the Moscow Ring Road, financing was based on a loan from Alfa Bank in the amount of $104 million. On June 15, 2015, the Meshchansky Court of Moscow decided to recover the above amount from him , which the entrepreneur’s structures were unable to pay to the bank on time.

After the closure of the clothing market in Luzhniki in 2011, the Giner Structures on Leningradsky Prospect received the Aeropolis Hotel with an area of ​​10,000 square meters from the CSKA company. m, as well as a small shopping center “Palladium” of 8000 sq. m. The cost of these objects, according to IFC Markets analyst Dmitry Lukashev, was about $120 million.

Giner heads the board of directors of TOK Group (which was associated with Kaitov’s IDGC of the North Caucasus), and is one of the directors on the board of Techprominvest (a Rostec structure that will build power plants in Crimea). In the spring of 2016, he headed the working group to create a joint venture between Rostec and Rosseti - the “Technical Customer Center”, which is engaged in the selection of contractors and suppliers for Rosseti investment projects through competitions. Giner's candidacy was proposed by Rostec.

In the summer of 2016, the construction of the CSKA football stadium was completed, which lasted 10 years, while most of this time was occupied by litigation with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to determine the owner of the territory. Along with the arena for 30,000 spectators, commercial premises were also built, occupying more than a third of the stadium's total area of ​​171,000 m². Near the stadium there will be three office buildings, including a 38-story tower in the shape of the UEFA Cup that CSKA won in 2005, and a 48-room hotel, JLL said. The construction budget was estimated by Giner at no less than $400 million, of which 70% was provided by a loan from VEB Bank.


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An excerpt characterizing Giner, Evgeniy Lennorovich

- Que diable! [Damn it!] - said the voice of a man who bumped into something.
Prince Andrei, looking out of the barn, saw Pierre approaching him, who tripped on a lying pole and almost fell. It was generally unpleasant for Prince Andrei to see people from his world, especially Pierre, who reminded him of all those difficult moments that he experienced on his last visit to Moscow.
- That's how! - he said. - What destinies? I didn't wait.
While he was saying this, in his eyes and the expression of his whole face there was more than dryness - there was hostility, which Pierre immediately noticed. He approached the barn in the most animated state of mind, but when he saw the expression on Prince Andrei’s face, he felt constrained and awkward.
“I arrived... so... you know... I arrived... I’m interested,” said Pierre, who had already senselessly repeated this word “interesting” so many times that day. “I wanted to see the battle.”
- Yes, yes, what do the Masonic brothers say about the war? How to prevent it? - said Prince Andrei mockingly. - Well, what about Moscow? What are mine? Have you finally arrived in Moscow? – he asked seriously.
- We've arrived. Julie Drubetskaya told me. I went to see them and didn’t find them. They left for the Moscow region.

The officers wanted to take their leave, but Prince Andrei, as if not wanting to remain face to face with his friend, invited them to sit and drink tea. Benches and tea were served. The officers, not without surprise, looked at the thick, huge figure of Pierre and listened to his stories about Moscow and the disposition of our troops, which he managed to travel around. Prince Andrei was silent, and his face was so unpleasant that Pierre addressed himself more to the good-natured battalion commander Timokhin than to Bolkonsky.
- So, did you understand the entire disposition of the troops? - Prince Andrei interrupted him.
- Yes, that is, how? - said Pierre. – As a non-military person, I cannot say that I fully understood the general arrangement.
“Eh bien, vous etes plus avance que qui cela soit, [Well, you know more than anyone else.],” said Prince Andrei.
- A! - Pierre said in bewilderment, looking through his glasses at Prince Andrei. - Well, what do you say about the appointment of Kutuzov? - he said.
“I was very happy about this appointment, that’s all I know,” said Prince Andrei.
- Well, tell me, what is your opinion about Barclay de Tolly? In Moscow, God knows what they said about him. How do you judge him?
“Ask them,” said Prince Andrei, pointing to the officers.
Pierre looked at him with a condescendingly questioning smile, with which everyone involuntarily turned to Timokhin.
“They saw the light, your Excellency, as your Serene Highness did,” Timokhin said, timidly and constantly looking back at his regimental commander.
- Why is this so? asked Pierre.
- Yes, at least about firewood or feed, I’ll report to you. After all, we were retreating from the Sventsyans, don’t you dare touch a twig, or some hay, or anything. After all, we are leaving, he gets it, isn’t it, your Excellency? - he turned to his prince, - don’t you dare. In our regiment, two officers were put on trial for such matters. Well, as His Serene Highness did, it just became so about this. We saw the light...
- So why did he forbid it?
Timokhin looked around in confusion, not understanding how or what to answer such a question. Pierre turned to Prince Andrei with the same question.
“And so as not to ruin the region that we left to the enemy,” said Prince Andrei with malicious mockery. – This is very thorough; The region must not be allowed to be plundered and the troops must not be accustomed to looting. Well, in Smolensk, he also correctly judged that the French could get around us and that they had more forces. But he couldn’t understand that,” Prince Andrei suddenly shouted in a thin voice, as if breaking out, “but he couldn’t understand that we fought there for the first time for Russian land, that there was such a spirit in the troops that I had never seen, that We fought off the French for two days in a row and that this success increased our strength tenfold. He ordered a retreat, and all efforts and losses were in vain. He didn’t think about betrayal, he tried to do everything as best as possible, he thought it over; but that’s why it’s no good. He is no good now precisely because he thinks everything over very thoroughly and carefully, as every German should. How can I tell you... Well, your father has a German footman, and he is an excellent footman and will satisfy all his needs better than you, and let him serve; but if your father is sick at the point of death, you will drive away the footman and with your unusual, clumsy hands you will begin to follow your father and calm him down better than a skilled but stranger. That's what they did with Barclay. While Russia was healthy, a stranger could serve her, and she had an excellent minister, but as soon as she was in danger; I need my own, dear person. And in your club they made up the idea that he was a traitor! The only thing they will do by slandering him as a traitor is that later, ashamed of their false accusation, they will suddenly make a hero or a genius out of the traitors, which will be even more unfair. He is an honest and very neat German...
“However, they say he is a skilled commander,” said Pierre.
“I don’t understand what a skilled commander means,” said Prince Andrey with mockery.
“A skillful commander,” said Pierre, “well, the one who foresaw all the contingencies... well, guessed the thoughts of the enemy.”
“Yes, this is impossible,” said Prince Andrei, as if about a long-decided matter.
Pierre looked at him in surprise.
“However,” he said, “they say that war is like a chess game.”
“Yes,” said Prince Andrei, “only with this small difference that in chess you can think about every step as much as you like, that you are there outside the conditions of time, and with this difference that a knight is always stronger than a pawn and two pawns are always stronger.” one, and in war one battalion is sometimes stronger than a division, and sometimes weaker than a company. Relative strength troops cannot be known to anyone. Believe me,” he said, “if anything depended on the orders of the headquarters, I would have been there and made the orders, but instead I have the honor of serving here, in the regiment with these gentlemen, and I think that we really tomorrow will depend, not on them... Success has never depended and will not depend on position, weapons, or even numbers; and least of all from the position.

About the sources of income of CSKA President Evgeny Giner. The most interesting:

What kind of person is Giner?

Giner's acquaintances with whom Vedomosti spoke describe him as a person who knows how to push his opinion, but who does not quarrel with anyone. Almost any major businessman, official or head of a state-owned company is a friend or acquaintance of Giner, he tries to support everyone a good relationship. He knows how to negotiate, can solve complex issues, and has a reputation as a respected person even among his opponents.

The newspaper found out: according to Ukrainian media, in 1986 the Department of Internal Affairs of the Kharkov region charged Giner with theft of state or collective property on an especially large scale. The businessman got off with a suspended sentence. In 1990, the Department of Internal Affairs of the Kharkov region opened a new criminal case against Giner under the same article. After this, the businessman finally moved to Moscow, Ukrainian media wrote.

How Giner ended up in CSKA

In the mid-90s, Giner was called one of the co-owners of the largest clothing fair in Russia, Luzhniki. Vedomosti's interlocutor says that the fair generated up to $20 million a month; Giner's successes attracted the attention of the Ministry of Defense. The structure then owned the struggling sports society CSKA, which also solved financial problems by organizing markets on its territory. Market owners were entrusted with maintaining a football club.

By the end of the 90s, the Ministry of Defense's share in CSKA decreased to a blocking stake. The main shareholder of the club was the Holding Collegium company, which united 18 legal entities representing the interests of market traders, and Armis Sports Group, its beneficiary - Chechen businessman Shakhrudi Dadakhanov, who became president football CSKA.

Later, a situation arose when the Ministry of Defense was dissatisfied with the amounts it received from market traders. Giner was tasked with finding a compromise; in 2001, the previous owners were paid for FC CSKA, and everyone parted peacefully. The owner of 49% of the shares of PFC CSKA became the British Bluecastle Enterprises Limited, 25% - a company controlled by Bluecastle, 25% remained with the Ministry of Defense. Giner was elected president of PFC CSKA. The deal was valued at between $30 million and $80 million.

In Bluecastle's financial statements, Giner has been named as the person controlling the company since 2011. In its 2013 reporting, Bluecastle reported that it owns 100% of PFC CSKA JSC. Judging by the company's documents, Bluecastle received the share of the Ministry of Defense by purchasing an additional issue of PFC CSKA for $193.92 million and paying an additional $331 thousand.

What does Giner own in Moscow?

In 2011, the Luzhniki market was closed. In return, Giner and his partners built the New Luzhniki shopping center with an area of ​​250,000 square meters by 2014. m in the south of Moscow, for which in 2013 he took out a loan of $104 million from Alfa Bank. Last year, Giner’s structure did not have the money to pay Alfa Bank on time for this loan. On June 14, the Meshchansky Court of Moscow recovered $101 million from Giner on a personal guarantee.

At CSKA, trade moved from all pavilions to one - the Start shopping center. Giner's structures on Leningradsky Prospekt received the Aeropolis Hotel with an area of ​​10,000 sq. m. from the CSKA company. m, as well as a small shopping center “Palladium” of 8000 sq. m. Their cost is estimated at $120 million.

What does Giner own in Ukraine?

Giner is called one of the beneficiaries of the VS Energy electric power group. It is reported that in terms of the size of distribution networks, VS Energy is second only to Rinat Akhmetov’s DTEK in Ukraine. Ukrainian Forbes estimated VS Energy’s turnover in 2015 at approximately $235 million.

Since the 2000s, Giner and partners have been involved in the hotel business in Ukraine. In particular, they controlled the Premier Palace chain, whose flagship was the famous Oreanda in Yalta. After the annexation of Crimea, the hotels did not change owners.

What else does Giner own?

Giner and his son Vadim are on the board of directors of a large sales company in the Krasnodar region, NESK-Electric Grids, which occupies 40% of the market in the region. NESK is a sponsor of the football team CSKA. It is unknown whether Giner owns a share in NESK.

Giner heads the board of directors of the investment company TOK Group. In addition, Giner is one of the directors on the board of Techprominvest, a structure of Rostec that will build power plants in Crimea.

This spring, Giner headed the working group to create a joint venture between Rostec and Rosseti - the Technical Customer Center. The joint venture will select contractors and suppliers for Rosseti investment projects through competitions. In 2015–2020 investments of the holding's subsidiaries could amount to 1.2 trillion rubles, a representative of Rosseti said.

Loan for CSKA stadium

In 2005, the club bought land from the Ministry of Defense for the construction of a new stadium for 1 billion rubles. Also in 2005, VEB opened a credit line to CSKA with a limit of up to $280 million until 2023 for the construction of the arena. Vedomosti's source says that the head of the presidential administration, Sergei Ivanov, who patronizes CSKA and personally sympathizes with Giner, participated in the negotiations between the club and VEB. Ivanov himself only confirmed that he provided moral support to the famous club.

Vedomosti notes that the date for the first CSKA match at the new arena has not yet been set, but the delivery of commercial premises has already begun, occupying more than a third of the 171,000 sq. m. m of the total area of ​​the stadium. The opening of the arena will add about 65,000 sq. m. to Giner’s assets. m of commercial real estate, mainly offices. Next to the stadium there will be three office buildings, including a 38-storey tower in the shape of the UEFA Cup, as well as a 48-room hotel.

Photo: Korotayev/Epsilon; Ivanov; /Valentin Kobyshcha