Tank biathlon competition. Domestic weapons and military equipment. The final. How it was

“The armor is strong and our tanks are fast” - these famous lines from the “March of Soviet Tankmen”, written back in 1938, have not lost their relevance today when summing up the results of the International Tank Biathlon, held at the Alabine training ground near Moscow as part of the International Army Games -2016. Russian military specialists once again demonstrated their masterly command of armored vehicles and won a well-deserved victory in the relay final, leaving behind the most experienced crews from China, Kazakhstan and Belarus. The intensity of the fight at all stages of the competition sometimes exceeded the Brazilian Olympic passions, as evidenced by tens of thousands of spectators in the stands of the tankodrome (about 25 thousand guests were present at the final alone) and millions of television fans. The course of the decisive battle was watched with great attention and undisguised excitement by the “founding father” of this military-applied sport, Russian Defense Minister Army General Sergei Shoigu, Chief of the General Staff Army General Valery Gerasimov, hundreds of Russian and foreign military leaders and military experts.

The geography of countries participating in the world tank biathlon championship (this status has long been assigned to the Alabino competition by Russian and foreign experts) this year covered almost all continents. Crews from 17 countries took part in the official program: Russia, Kazakhstan, China, Venezuela, Angola, Belarus, Iran, Azerbaijan, Zimbabwe, Armenia, Mongolia, India, Serbia, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Nicaragua, Tajikistan. For comparison: teams from 4 countries took part in the 2013 races, in 2014 there were already 12, and in 2015 there were 13 teams.

Each team consisted of 24 people, including the head of the team, four tank crews of 3 people each (one spare crew), two trainers and a technical support department consisting of 6 specialists. Outside the competition, three crews of the League of Veterans, representing DOSAAF of Russia and made up of reserve military personnel, took part in the races. By the way, as part of military training for citizens in reserve, it would be possible to recruit the best teams of reservists for their subsequent participation in similar competitions at the district, Russian and international levels. As one of the devoted fans of tank biathlon, in the recent past, an experienced driver mechanic of the famous Kantemirovskaya division Artem Vorobyov, said: “My former colleagues and I are in constant contact, improving our tactical skills through virtual tank battles. If the opportunity had arisen, many of my former colleagues would have undergone real retraining and, I’m sure, would not have lost face” at their home training ground during army competitions. In addition, almost all teams (except China and Belarus) competed on the most reliable T72B3 machines, presented by the host country. “These tanks have been in our service for more than 30 years and have not lost any sense of combat readiness or demand,” Vladimir Marennikov, deputy chairman of the public organization “Officers of Russia” of the Odintsovo district, shares his opinion. The most important thing in these competitions is the cohesion of tank crews, mutual assistance, the ability to fire and lead the tank to the finish line.”

It should be noted that not only military personnel from four Russian military districts, but also specialists from the domestic defense industry carefully prepared for the tank championship. Through the efforts of the engineers of the Uralvagon-zavod corporation, a new modification of the T-72 tank (or its “biathlon” version T-72B) was created specifically for the competition, the modernized model T72-B3, which differs from production models in increased reliability, increased engine power (up to 1130 liters . s.), significant modifications to the chassis and tracks. The tank was equipped with a digital chassis control system, which provides automated control of the operation of the power plant, transmission and automatic gear shift modes, an additional aiming and fire control system, as well as improved video viewing devices.

The new version of the armored combat vehicle, which practically failed at the Alabino training ground, was highly praised by both Russian and foreign participants in the competition, as well as independent military experts. “This is a trouble-free, combat-ready machine,” says the coach of the Mongolian team, Gantsukh Erdenetsogsh. The main advantage is reliability and simplicity. It can be easily driven and, if necessary, repaired.” The coach and captain of the Azerbaijani team, Bakhtyar Mamedov and Rashat Atakshayev, share a similar opinion: “The car has become stronger. A powerful motor, a different radio station, an improved control system, which has a positive effect on hit accuracy. The tank is now more convenient." “All stages of the T72B3 are going well,” says Ivan Lagutin, chief of communications of the mechanized battalion of the Republic of Belarus. The best tanks are the tanks of the Ural Carriage Plant.” Independent South African military affairs expert Ashton Mlinden particularly noted the speed and long-term maneuverability of the Russian vehicle.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces of the Russian Federation, Colonel General Oleg Salyukov, also spoke about the reliability of our tanks when summing up the results of the relay race: “Until today, the Chinese tank showed very good results. All crews perform on our equipment, except for the Chinese team, they use their own equipment and are favorably superior in speed. Now we are ahead of them."

Chinese colleagues brought their own new product to the championship: a deeply modernized Type 96B tank with a higher-power power plant and an improved air supply system, a new transmission, and new caterpillar tracks. The official documents stated that the engine power of the Chinese car was clearly underestimated - 1000 hp. (according to experts, this figure does not coincide by at least 200 positions). These innovations allowed crews from the Middle Kingdom to reach cosmic speeds at the test site. However, there were some breakdowns in the final race: the tank of our main competitors lost one of the road wheels when passing the “comb”.

Partners from Belarus brought their modernized version of the T-72, equipped with the SosnaU optical-electronic aiming system and a wind sensor produced at the enterprises of the union state. The engine power of the tanks they presented did not exceed 840 hp, which, however, did not prevent the Belarusian tankers from leaving behind their Chinese competitors at certain stages.

For reference: German Leopard 2A5, Leopard 2A6, Italian Ariete, Slovenian M-84 (modernized T-72) and American Abrams M1A2SEP take part in similar competitions of NATO countries. However, these competitions do not have a “biathlon” component and are more reminiscent of tactical maneuvers with target practice. And most importantly, they do not have the same sports competition, emotional intensity and team spirit that have characterized the international tank competitions held in Russia for several years now.

From the first meters of a more than sixteen-kilometer distance, the crew of the People's Republic of China rushes forward, trying to take advantage of the super-powerful engine of their armored vehicle. The Russian team, consisting of tank commander Senior Lieutenant Artem Kirillov, driver-mechanic Junior Sergeant Stepan Gavrilov, representing the Western Military District, and gunner-operator Sergeant Konstantin Vertunov from the Eastern Military District, rushes in pursuit, trying not only to catch up with the opponent, but also to try to make a certain groundwork on the high-speed section of the relay determined by lot for our tankers.

Russian tank on the first firing line flank cannon fire. The last shot, the exhalation of regret from thousands of spectators, is one miss. Before this, the Kazakh crew makes three unforgivable mistakes at once and becomes a temporary outsider of the race. The Chinese are sniper-accurate.

The second shooting of Russians from an anti-aircraft machine gun. Artem Kirillov, as befits an experienced and cold-blooded commander, hits the “helicopter” and “ATGM” of the mock enemy. But the Chinese are literally stepping on their heels. Both teams approach the third milestone almost simultaneously. Our shooting from a coaxial machine gun 3 accurate hits. The main opponent unexpectedly lost his aim: one miss, a penalty lap and almost a minute lag when transferring the stage. Belarusians are still third, with a significant lag.

Separately, mention should be made of the new regulations for tank competitions. The championship was divided into three main stages: an individual race with the participation of all teams, a relay semi-final with 12 participants and a relay final. 3 crews from each team took part in individual races. In the races, with an interval of 12 minutes, 4 crews started, which had to overcome 3 laps with a length of 35 km, firing from a cannon with three standard artillery rounds at 3 tank targets, from an anti-aircraft machine gun at a conditional helicopter and an ATGM, from a coaxial machine gun at 3 conditional calculations of an enemy hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher. The team results were based on the total time for completing the distance and the accrued number of penalty points.

According to the competition rules, 10 penalty points were awarded for each knocked down (hit) obstacle pole (limiter), 30 for moving without reducing the speed to 5 km/h 510 meters before the scarp.

At a distance, the tankers had to overcome a whole series of serious artificial obstacles: a section of obstacles and maneuvering, a ford, a rut passage in the cost center, a mound, a fire strip, an anti-tank ditch with a passage, a model of a rut bridge, a ridge, a scarp, a slope.

The twelve teams that scored the most points in the individual race advanced to the semi-finals of the relay.

The very first individual races refuted the opinions of skeptics about the lack of competition in modern tank biathlon. Russian team with a result of 23 min. 18 p. As expected, she finished first in her debut start, but the Indian crew (2 minutes behind) was ahead of their Kazakh colleagues, who were considered one of the favorites of the competition. In the third race, the Belarusian team prevailed, but its result was 26 minutes. 58 p. was by no means a grandmaster. In the sixth race, another crew of the Union State was only 7 seconds ahead of the tankers from Armenia. In the confrontation between the Kazakh and Belarusian colleagues, the former prevailed with a confident two-minute lead. In the head-to-head confrontation between Russia and China in the 12th heat, our colleagues won a landslide victory, showing an excellent time of 21 minutes. 3 s., which remains the record of the current championship.

Based on the results of the team competition of individual races, the leadership was taken by the team of the People's Republic of China (two of its crews confidently placed themselves on the first lines of the podium), followed by Russia (3rd and 4th positions) and Kazakhstan, Belarus remained fifth, behind the Indian team. The list of the twelve strongest was completed by the Angola team.

The best Russian crew was the team assembled from representatives of the 39th separate Red Banner motorized rifle brigade of the 68th Army Corps of the Eastern Military District, which received bronze awards.

“Don’t despair,” reassured the gray-haired veteran tanker sitting next to him in the stands, who never misses a single race. The Russians have always been strong in their team spirit. Every dog ​​has his day. After all, there’s a relay ahead!”

From the chronology of the tank relay final

At the second stage, the Russian crew, consisting of tank commander Senior Lieutenant Pavel Martyanov, gunner-operator Junior Sergeant Evgeniy Yazhgunovich and driver-mechanic Junior Sergeant Artem Ubiennykh, representing the Eastern Military District, has a small handicap over their closest pursuer. But the Chinese team is represented by the absolutely best trio of “armored vehicle virtuosos” based on the results of individual races. The Russians pass the high-speed section perfectly, but make an unfortunate mistake at the firing line; one tank target remains unhit. Meanwhile, the Chinese place all three cannon charges right on target and take the lead.

But even an old woman can have trouble. Announced as the supertank of the Celestial Empire, the Type 96B unexpectedly loses one of its road wheels when passing the comb. However, without waiting for a spare car, the Chinese continue to confidently lead the race, demonstrating to the whole world the safety margin of their even partially damaged car. The Belarusians, although with a large lag, hold third position.

The Russians fired from an anti-aircraft machine gun and again one unfortunate mistake. But a penalty loop cannot be avoided, and the Chinese also suffered one setback on the shooting range. However, the rivals are still ahead. A quick change of tank to a spare one, and they are again in the lead in the race. Artem Ubiennykh makes the most of his seventy-two. The leading teams approach the third shooting line almost simultaneously. Evgeniy Yazhgunovich's shots hit the target. But Chinese snipers also confirm their high qualifications.

One of the climax moments of the race is coming, the Chinese (new after a forced replacement) and the Russian tanks simultaneously burst into a straight wide open space. The time has come for a real battle between driver mechanics and engines. Artem Ubiennykh, using all the power of the unique brainchild of the Ural defense industry, classically bypasses the “Celestial Hope” on the left flank, breaking away by a hundred to one and a half meters from the formidable pursuer. And the Chinese crew... is sent to a penalty loop. The jury found the breakdown of the tank to be the fault of the crew, and the time required to replace it was not compensated.

The rules of this most spectacular stage of the competition provide for a tank battle of three crews from each team, changing during the stages. Representatives of four teams start simultaneously and complete four laps (35 km long), overcoming obstacles and hitting targets at three firing lines. In this case, the firing sequence is determined by lot.

Each team must overcome a section of the high-speed race, carry out flank shooting from a cannon at three targets on the move, hit two targets with an anti-aircraft machine gun and three targets with a coaxial machine gun. In case of inaccurate shooting, penalty laps are awarded for each miss. Drivers' mistakes are also punished by an additional 500 meters of distance. The requirements for passing the route are incredibly strict. A penalty loop is added to the crew in cases of stopping at a ford, rolling back when reaching the opposite bank, or going around it; for reversing, falling off a model track bridge or bypassing it; for stopping on a mound or scarp; for touching the side wall of an anti-tank ditch with a passage, leading to damage that does not affect the movement of the combat vehicle; for driving without reducing speed, stopping on an anti-tank ditch with a passage; for hitting a mine in a rut in a mine-explosive barrier; for stopping on a slope; for driving with an open hatch and violating the procedure for unloading a weapon.

A more serious penalty (two additional laps) is provided for violating safety measures: starting to move or firing without the command of the chief judge; firing by the crew with open hatches behind the side protective zones outside the line of opening and ceasefire; movement of the tank when the crew members did not take their regular positions; loading ammunition with the engine off.

In the relay race, the crew must demonstrate all their shooting skills and, while moving, hit 3 “Tank” targets with artillery fire (frontal imitation of armored vehicles at ground level with dimensions of 2.37x3.42 m at a distance of 1600 to 1800 m); use a coaxial machine gun to knock out 3 RPG targets (imitation of crews of an enemy hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher with dimensions of 0.85x0.85 m at a distance of 600 to 800 m); from an anti-aircraft machine gun, hit the “Helicopter” target (frontal projection at a height of 12 m with dimensions of 3.2x3.8 m at a distance from 800 to 1000 m) and the “ATGM” target (frontal projection of an anti-tank gun with dimensions of 1.1x1.5 m at a distance from 800 to 1000 m).

As the experts expected, all the favorites of the competition at the semi-final stage brilliantly coped with these difficult tasks. In the first race, the Chinese team easily beat its competitors and showed a grandmaster result of 1 hour 45 minutes. 55 pp. However, in the next four, our Belarusian friends exceeded this time by almost 4 seconds, leaving behind the Kazakhstan team, which was more than three minutes behind. But the audience was most interested in the third race with the participation of the Russian team. And our tankers did not let us down: it took them only 1 hour 39 minutes and 50 seconds to overcome this super-heavy distance. They “brought” the whole 20 minutes to the Indian team, which became the second in the heat. The stands applauded the skill of the domestic crews. As former Kantemirov tanker Artem Vorobyov, who was closely following the progress of the competition, exclaimed at the end of the race: “Russian guys always harness longer, but drive much faster. Excellent army training takes its toll. Russian tank crews have always been, are and will be the best in the world!” However, the victorious reports were still far away. Ahead lies the most difficult final of the relay with the participation of the Chinese, Belarusian and Kazakh teams thirsty for revenge.

From the chronology of the tank relay final

Our finisher in this dramatic race is a tank crew consisting of commander senior sergeant Alexey Cheban, gunner-operator senior sergeant Alexander Tobodyakov and driver-mechanic junior sergeant Sergei Bronnikov (all representing the Eastern Military District). This well-coordinated “mechanized trio” (in the individual race, they remained behind the medalists, but took an honorable fourth place) went into the distance with an almost minute advantage over their rivals from China. The third to pass the baton are the Belarusian tank crews.

The first shooting of the Chinese from a coaxial machine gun, all the cartridges hit the target. After passing the high-speed section, the Russians also methodically and accurately shoot at tank targets. The opponents once again approach the second firing line almost simultaneously. The moment of truth is coming for our shooters. Sergei Cheban hits two targets with two well-aimed shots from an anti-aircraft machine gun, but the Chinese gunner leaves no chance for the mock enemy tanks. The “motor war” begins again.

When starting to fire from a coaxial machine gun, Alexander Tobodyakov probably felt his formidable opponents pressing into his back. But he didn’t flinch, as if he hit all the targets. The Chinese commander's "helicopter" was shot down, the last target of the "ATGM" shot remains unhit. The main rivals are sent to “rewind” the penalty loop. Meanwhile, Russian biathletes are pushing at full speed towards their fourth victory in the history of this military sport. The last minefield, anti-tank ditch and the Russian crew burst into the under-stand area of ​​the Alabino training ground, which has become world famous, to the enthusiastic cries of the fans. The best tankers of Russia “brought” their closest competitors the Chinese team more than two minutes and were almost 12 minutes ahead of the third team from Kazakhstan.

“Our team completed the task 100 percent. We have once again proven that Russia is a worthy opponent,” noted the commander of one of the crews, Pavel Martyanov, following the results of the race. “There is no place for emotions at the training ground. Perfect discipline and team cohesion are the key to success. “Everyone must act harmoniously,” other members of our victorious team supported their commander.

Russian tank crews once again confirmed their title as the best in their profession at major international competitions. At the closing ceremony of the International Army Games 2016, awards in this category were presented by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergei Shoigu and the General Director of the Uralvagonzavod Corporation Oleg Sienko. The winners, along with their well-deserved medals, received the keys to modern UAZpatriot cars. Representatives of the Chinese team received silver medals and valuable gifts, while Kazakhstan won bronze. Alexey Cheban and his comrades Alexander Tobodyakov and Sergey Bronnikov were recognized as the most well-coordinated crew.

Representatives of the Russian defense department, who closely followed the course of the competition, gained a lot of useful information, which will undoubtedly be used in drawing up new requirements for the manual on combat training of types and branches of troops, as well as types of weapons and military equipment. According to the head of the Main Directorate of Combat Training of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Ivan Buvaltsev, the proposed innovations are objectively determined by the experience gained during the International Army Games, and, in particular, the stages of tank biathlon. According to him, the new requirements for combat training of military personnel have already planned for a significant reduction in the time for performing live firing, and also increased the standards of ammunition for crews.

“Each of the tank biathlon competitions made adjustments to the “Shooting Requirements Courses” adopted for tank units of the Russian Ministry of Defense, says Viktor Murakhovsky, a veteran of the tank forces and editor of the Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine. The competition is far from real combat. For example, you cannot see a tank firing while driving at maximum speed, driving through swampy terrain or driving on a highway. But clear regulatory requirements for completing the stages of the distance reveal other secrets about the specific preparedness of tank crews. The year before last, I was able to get acquainted with the summary shooting data of the biathlon participating teams, and they turned out to be worse than “satisfactory.” It was after this that Sergei Shoigu demanded that his subordinates not save on ammunition. The intensity of the use of armored vehicles during various exercises has also increased. Today, none of them can do without tanks and their practical applications.”

According to the expert, the development of new requirements is impossible without a comparative analysis of what and how is happening in other armies. In this regard, tank biathlon competitions are a unique opportunity not only to test yourself, but also to compare your methods with other armies.

According to Colonel General Sergei Mayev, who previously headed the Main Armored Directorate of the Russian Defense Ministry: “A typical tank crew uses its equipment no more than 60%. The competitive moment can increase the effectiveness of its combat use to 8090%. Military personnel go all in for the sake of victory. This point deserves analysis in order to make changes to combat training plans, create new methods for training tank crews, and clarify shooting courses. Only through direct comparison can one understand the strengths and weaknesses, draw conclusions and make adjustments to one’s own combat training plans.”

The competition participants especially noted the technical side of their organization. More than 30 Uralvagonzavod specialists were involved in vehicle maintenance and crew training. “Last year we were unable to cross the ford,” says Colonel Dragan Bojic, head of the Serbian delegation. This year there were no such problems. Every issue that arose was resolved in 510 minutes. Without such assistance, our crew would not be able to move on to the next stages.”

Let's hope that future World Tank Biathlon Championships, traditionally held in Alabino near Moscow, will be even more representative, competitive and entertaining. Especially with the participation of teams from the North Atlantic Alliance. According to the organizers of the competition, since 2013 they have been inviting representatives of the NATO armed forces to fight at a tank training ground near Moscow, but they stubbornly remain silent. Meanwhile, fair competition on Olympic principles with the leading Western powers could not only raise the level of international army games, but also help strengthen mutual understanding between peoples and ease international tension.

“The military needs to show their skills somewhere,” Army General Sergei Shoigu said at the closing ceremony of Army Games 2016. There are two places for this: one of them, as you understand, is war. Another thing is our International Army Games. That is why I am absolutely convinced that their geography will grow. The number of teams this year is 2.5 times greater than last year. About 3.5 thousand specialists of various professions arrived: pilots and sailors, reconnaissance officers and paratroopers, artillerymen and engineers, sappers and dog handlers, doctors - all those who are in one way or another involved in military affairs, military affairs. I would like to thank you for your work and service aimed at ensuring the security of your countries. I would really like for us to meet only on these fields, on the fields of such competitions.”


Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and UVZ General Director Oleg Sienko present awards to the winners of the tank biathlon.

“Tank Biathlon 2016”, held in Alabino, has come to an end. He summed up a justified and well-deserved conclusion: our tanks and crews are practically unrivaled.

The first competitions, which Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu proposed to regularly hold in Alabino in 2013, were held with the participation of crews from only three countries: Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Armenia. In 2016, participants from previous years met again at the biathlon and new ones arrived, from almost two dozen countries. There are 121 teams in total, and their total number is three and a half thousand people. Compared to 2015, their number has doubled.

No complaints about tanks

Oleg Sienko noted in an interview with the press that the general level of professionalism is noticeably different from the degree of preparedness demonstrated by the military of past years. He also expressed hope that in the future the corporation will be able to introduce crews with drivers working for UVZ. They noted that the teams had no complaints about the tanks, which is very important. When the market is full of competitors' products, this fact serves as an additional positive recommendation for the product on the market for the corporation, especially during the period of its promotion.

The Sakhalin crew of the 39th separate motorized rifle brigade won the army competition. Its commander, Major General Ruslan Dzeitov, was rightfully proud of the victory, since he proved with his actions that his crew was one of the best in the world. The big country of Russia honored the winners of the international army games “Army 2016”. They were greeted with congratulations and words of gratitude not only by friends and family, but also by regional leaders, noting their skill, fighting spirit, and ability to win.

The gratitude of the command was generous, as always: UAZ-Patriot jeeps have become a traditional prize, given by the Uralvagonzavod corporation first among the best. The head of the corporation, Oleg Sienko, expressed personal gratitude to the champions and personally handed over the keys to the cars.

Oleg Sienko has been the head of NPK Uralvagonzavod for seven years. He has been awarded government awards more than once, has medals and orders (“For Services to the Fatherland”), has been at the top of the list of the best managers in Russia three times (reviewed by the Kommersant publication), and has won numerous awards in his industry.

It was he who was at the beginning of the development and launch in the workshops of the Uralvagonzavod corporation of a production line for debugging and serial production of the Armata tank, as well as other new products, both military and civilian equipment.

World elite snipers

“Tank Biathlon” managed to gain great popularity in a short time not only in our country, but throughout the world, attracting the press and spectators to the stands and to TV screens. This is not just a tournament, but part of a lot of painstaking work in preparing the large-scale military games Army 2016. They demonstrate the strength, morale and power of the army and provide insight into military leadership internationally.

Tanks for the biathlon come from training grounds that are directly connected with Uralvagonzavod. As a supplier and manufacturer of tanks, its engineers, technologists and, first of all, its leader Oleg Sienko are in constant contact with the military, introducing all the achievements of modern science and technology into the production chain.

The games require careful preparation, its progress and scope can be appreciated if you know that only at the preliminary stage 70 thousand soldiers and specialists of various levels, including tank crews, were involved. There were more than three thousand of the latter at the selection exercises.

The number of participants at the qualifying stage of the competition increased due to changes in the rules of the Games, which was noted by the head of the combat training department of the Ground Forces, Evgeniy Poplavsky. The changes affected both the relay and the race itself: the number of target shootings increased, and adjustments were made to the competition conditions for BMP crews.

In total, the Games program includes 23 types of disciplines. All types of troops prepared for them, and military units from marines and paratroopers competed throughout Russia, as well as on the three seas (Black, Baltic and Caspian). Snipers competed in Kazakhstan.

Oleg Sienko noted that the release of modernized T-72B3 tanks produced by UVZ, which were prepared specifically for increased loads, was timed to coincide with these games. Compared to the previous car, the tank received the most important thing - a powerful engine of 1130 hp. With. (was 840). The vehicle was also equipped with: an automatic transmission system, a panoramic device with thermal imaging for the commander, and a motion control system that can promptly report when a particular unit is in critical mode.

During the preparation of the 2016 Games, Oleg Sienko more than once received convincing evidence of the reliability and accuracy of tanks manufactured by the Uralvagonzavod corporation. Tanks controlled by crews from Russia and Serbia, India and Kuwait, Mongolia and Iran, Nicaragua and Greece and other countries easily took on obstacles: concrete walls and fords, climbed escarpments, and accurately shot at targets. In total, according to the terms of the competition, it was necessary to walk from three to five kilometers, shooting at targets. The final result included taking into account the time it took to cover the distance and the shooting accuracy. The Russian military noted that their strongest rivals were the Chinese and representatives of Kazakhstan.

The winners of the current season of the Games received awards and keys to ATVs, cars, and other valuable prizes from the hands of Sergei Shoigu and Oleg Sienko. But the organizers promise that there will be more awards next season. Colonel General Oleg Salyukov, Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces of the Russian Federation, noted that representatives of any countries will be able to participate in the Games, and equipment can arrive from abroad.

Durability and unpretentiousness

At least thirty specialists from the corporation took part in the preparation process for the event. The senior military leadership and team leaders noted the high-quality work of Uralvagonzavod and the excellent management of its leader Oleg Sienko. Independent experts and heads of foreign delegations agreed that the level of biathlon training deserves the highest praise and maximum appreciation, and without their work, the transition to the next stage would have been impossible.

They note the improvement in the quality of equipment and its maintenance, and are impressed by the maneuverability of the tanks, as well as the irreducible level of productivity. The success of management (and this reflects the personal success of Oleg Sienko and the team he selected) is that all obstacles, problems or discrepancies that arose during the work did not cause meaningless disputes, but were eliminated in the shortest possible time.

The armored vehicles produced by the corporation have proven themselves to be the best, attracting the attention of an increasing number of representatives of foreign companies and organizations. They demonstrated at the training grounds the power and coherence of control systems, reliability, and unpretentiousness in conditions close to combat. A member of the Mongolian team noted that the equipment is easy to operate and does not require complex repairs if necessary.

Much cheaper than similar tanks

Almost all participants in the competition - from soldiers to generals - noted the high reliability of tanks produced by Uralvagonzavod. Oleg Sienko also spoke about a very significant detail: our vehicles are six or seven times cheaper than foreign tanks of the same level. This is if we talk about the T-72B3 tank. Another model, the T-90, is supplied to our army at a price that is 5 times lower than on the foreign market.

Oleg Salyukov also emphasized that the military more than once expressed gratitude to the specialists of Uralvagonzavod for the equipment - personally to Oleg Sienko and the entire team as a whole. He highlighted this remarkable point: the technique is mastered very quickly. For example, in the tank biathlon, the Azerbaijani team showed the best time in target shooting on the 72b3 tank, which indicates excellent qualities: ease of use and excellent control system.

Oleg Sienko also noted the potential of the tanks, saying that the T-72 and T-90 are much higher in terms of survivability on the battlefield, combat endurance and potential than tanks produced in other countries. And the price-quality ratio of the Uralvagonzavod corporation is unrivaled.

Further work is devoted to the service

Noting the successes achieved, the head of the corporation emphasized in conversations and interviews with the press that the company’s future concern lies in the field of service, since such an important export item as military equipment, including flamethrower and artillery, should not be left without attention. The most important thing for those who purchase it is the possibility of service.

The high technical characteristics of the tanks and the corporation's export potential were appreciated and noted by the coach from Mongolia Gantsukh Erdenetsogsh, Lieutenant Batkhtsu Batgisrgal and the crew commander. UVZ General Director Oleg Sienko confirmed that one of the components of the safety of armored vehicles is its mobility.

Russian biathlon participants and winners expressed special gratitude not only to Oleg Sienko as an excellent leader, but also to the entire UVZ team. They noted the simple elegance, reliability and strength of the equipment; victory came thanks to the skill of the crews and the quality of the armored vehicles. They also noted with satisfaction that if previously Chinese tanks were ahead of ours in speed, now Russian vehicles have left them behind.

About Army Games 2016 in numbers

  • Weapons - more than 700.
  • Consumption of fuels and lubricants is about 16 thousand tons.
  • Ammunition consumed - 150 thousand.
  • Spectators - more than half a million.
  • More than 7 thousand took part in driver-mechanic competitions.

Design features of offensive defense

If at the Games last year Belarus and China, represented by their crews, shared victory with Russia, then at the 2016 Games our team was beyond competition, and this is undoubtedly not only the merit of the military, but also a reflection of the fact that the corporation under the leadership of Sienko constantly works to improve product quality.

All teams competed in Russian T-72s and infantry fighting vehicles, only the Chinese used their own equipment. Belarus also used its own armored vehicles, also produced by the corporation, in some types of competitions.

Chinese equipment, as mentioned above, surpassed our tanks in speed. This year, Chinese specialists arrived with their modernized Type 99 machine, which is equipped with elite units. The Chinese army also uses the Type 96B, in the design of which many technical discoveries of tanks of the Soviet period are used. One of China's military experts said that they are not inferior to Russian or US technology.

He is probably not familiar with such new technology as the Armata, as well as the T-90. These cars are also produced by the corporation headed by Sienko. The use of a laser active protection system can disable electronic systems and deprive their crews of the ability to see.

The weapons that the combat vehicles have are impressive: a 125-mm smoothbore cannon with a coaxial machine gun, a 12.7-mm anti-aircraft machine gun. The T-99 tank is also equipped with the most modern firing system.

And although Chinese tanks are equipped with the latest military technology, their cost is an order of magnitude higher than ours, they are expensive even to produce it en masse for the Chinese army. Therefore, Oleg Sienko rightly believes that they fall out of the list of competitors, especially since they are not superior to cars made in Russia.

The very good training of our crews was also noted by the head of the corporation. He said that if last year our team easily won the competition, then at this biathlon it was not an easy task to snatch victory from the hands of our opponents. Sienko also noted that such a victory spurs competition, making the tasks of production workers more interesting, encouraging them to make creative breakthroughs.

About the upgrade incentive

The fact that the Games within the framework of army competitions are becoming increasingly popular is undeniable, and their results are a measure for the decisions that many armies of the world make in their development. An example is the Belarusian team. She competed on Russian equipment and managed to finish ahead of the Chinese in the semifinals. Their modernized version of the vehicle, the T-72BM, was produced at Uralvagonzavod back in the days when Oleg Sienko was not the head of the enterprise. The plant’s new development, a thermal imaging device for aimed fire, is its main innovation, which helped it pass all stages of the difficult path of competition almost perfectly.

Sienko has repeatedly focused on the fact that, despite the widespread opinion that modernization of armies and especially tanks is unnecessary, they will remain a relevant component in all armies of the world for a long time. Therefore, new models and modernization of machines already in production are once again becoming high on the corporation’s list of priorities. They receive worldwide recognition and new orders: an order for 200 cars has been placed in Algeria. The country is also considering the possibility of purchasing a license to assemble tanks on its own territory.

Recent events in the countries of the Middle East have clearly shown that a tank is indispensable on the battlefield even in the presence of serious losses due to the use of anti-tank weapons. In addition, the tanks are tested in combat conditions, clearly demonstrating their reliability: when an American anti-tank missile hit the T-90, the tank suffered little damage and was quickly restored.

Sienko is well aware of this fact as the head of the corporation, constantly maintaining control over how machines are modernized in order not only to meet world standards, but also to surpass them.

Excellent equipment for masters of their craft

The world level of tank building is 70% - an indicator of UVZ’s work. General Director Oleg Sienko says that the corporation is not going to give up its championship. He personally takes part in the development of this project. He also emphasized that the car, in which he personally accelerated to a speed of 80 km/h, does not tolerate neglect or inept treatment. This is a car not for those who have just joined the army for military service, but for professionals in their field. For those for whom the army has become a daily job, who are passionate about the cause and know how to handle equipment.

It’s worth talking a little about technology that can not only protect or destroy, but also build. For example, a new excavator has been developed, which the Chinese are interested in. It is being prepared for serial production next year and its cost is an order of magnitude lower than similar foreign products. And what is important, Sienko emphasized, all components are made in Russia.

Another trading partner important for UVZ is India. The corporation signed a memorandum stating that the products will receive promotion and support in India. And not only military, but also civilian equipment. A test batch of cars has already been sent to a distant country, of which the railway development program will require a lot.

For domestic consumers, Uralvagonzavod supplied tram cars to the capital, significantly reducing the price by 20%.

Sergey Petrov

Tank Biathlon 2016, which took place at the Alabino training ground outside Moscow as part of the international army games, ended in victory for the Russians. Together with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, Oleg Sienko, General Director of the Uralvagonzavod Corporation, presented the winners with medals and keys to modern UAZ-Patriot cars.

The skill of controlling combat vehicles at Tank Biathlon 2016 was demonstrated by 18 teams from all over the world - crews from Russia, Iran, Kuwait, Angola and other countries. The winner of the competition was chosen based on the results of individual races and relay races. The tankers overcame a ford, concrete walls, climbed onto a scarp, and hit targets, reports.

Participants and spectators of the competition gave the T-72B3 tank from Uralvagonzavod a high rating. “This is a trouble-free, combat-ready machine,” says Mongolian team coach Gantsukh Erdenetsogsh. - The main advantage is reliability and simplicity. It can be easily driven and, if necessary, repaired.”

“All stages of the T-72B3 are going well,” says Ivan Lagutin, chief of communications of the mechanized battalion of the Republic of Belarus. “The best tanks are those from Uralvagonzavod.”

Independent South African military affairs expert Ashton Mlinden noted how UVZ military equipment is capable of maneuvering quickly and for a long time.

The newcomers to the competition, the Azerbaijani crew, were also pleased. Coach and team captain Bakhtyar Mamedov and Rashat Atakshaev noted the successful modernization of the T-72A tank, for which they thank Uralvagonzavod. “The car has become stronger. A powerful motor, a different radio station, an improved control system, which has a positive effect on hit accuracy. The tank is now more convenient."

The competition participants also noted the organization of Uralvagonzavod’s work at the biathlon. More than 30 Uralvagonzavod specialists were involved in vehicle maintenance and crew training. “Last year we were unable to cross the ford,” says Colonel Dragan Bojic, head of the Serbian delegation. - This year there were no such problems. Now we have close cooperation with UVZ specialists. Every issue that arises is resolved within 5-10 minutes. Without the corporation’s employees, our crew would not be able to move on to the next stages.”

The Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces of the Russian Federation, Colonel General Oleg Salyukov thanks Uralvagonzavod for cooperation and high-quality work. He drew attention to the fact that, compared to last year, the technical support provided by the corporation has increased many times over. “Until today, the Chinese tank has shown very good results. All crews compete on our equipment, except for the Chinese team, they use their own equipment and are favorably superior in speed. Now we are ahead of them."

“This year, tank biathlon participants have reached a more professional level,” emphasizes Oleg Sienko, General Director of the Uralvagonzavod Corporation. - There are many worthy competitors, including crews from Belarus, Kazakhstan, India, Venezuela, as well as a team from China, who participated with their own equipment. I hope that next year, at least, if not in performances, then in demonstration performances, the crews of the UVZ corporation will perform.”