Post about volleyball. What is volleyball: history and rules. Volleyball Federation. Volleyball equipment and inventory


The founder of the game of volleyball is considered to be William J. Morgan, a physical education teacher at Holyoke College, who, for the sake of an experiment in 1895, hung a tennis net to a height of almost 2 m, and students began throwing a basketball camera over it. Morgan initially called his invention a “minthrower,” but later, at the suggestion of Professor Alfred T. Halsted, the game was renamed volleyball.

In 1897, the first rules of the game of volleyball were written down. There was any number of players, you could touch the ball as many times as you wanted, as long as it didn’t touch the court. A point could only be earned on one's own serve, and an unsuccessful attempt to serve resulted in a re-serve. The size of the court was 25 x 50 feet, the height of the net was 6.5 feet, the ball was 25-27 inches in diameter and weighed 340 g. The game was played to 21 points.

The basic rules that are used today were formed between 1915 and 1925. The modern dimensions of the court and ball, the height of the net for men's and women's competitions were approved, the simultaneous presence of 6 players on the court was determined, and only 3 touches of the ball were allowed. The difference from modern volleyball was that the game went to 15 points, which counted when winning only on your own serve. In Asia at that time, volleyball played according to its own rules, different from the rest of the world.

The first national competition was held in 1922 in Brooklyn. A sports volleyball organization was first created in Czechoslovakia in the form of the Union and Volleyball. A little later, national volleyball federations appeared in Bulgaria, the USA, the USSR, and Japan. Basic technical techniques (attacking and feinting strikes, serving, passing, group and single blocks) and game tactics were formed by trial and error.

In 1947, the International Volleyball Federation was organized. Only 14 countries were represented in it at that time. For comparison: it now unites 220 national volleyball federations. In 1949, the first world championship among men's volleyball teams was held. In 1951, at the congress of the International Volleyball Federation, matches of 5 sets were approved, timeouts and player substitutions were allowed.

In 1957, volleyball was recognized as an Olympic sport; the first volleyball tournament was held at the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo. It is noteworthy that the first Olympic champions were the USSR men's team. After the Games, some technical aspects were changed: antennas appeared at the edges of the net, indicating an out “in the air,” and penalties in the form of yellow and red cards appeared.

To further popularize this sport, the International Volleyball Federation strives to make matches more spectacular and suitable for the format of television programs. A positive change in the regulations in this direction was the holding of games using the “rally point” system (now points were counted when someone else served), which is still used today. Attempts were made to limit games by time or play them only to 17 points, but these aspects did not catch on.

Now matches are played until victory in three games (maximum - 5 games) up to 25 points, with the 5th game or tie-break being played up to 15 points. The number of players of one team on the court is 6 people, and instead of the blocker, after the serve, the libero - the receiving player - comes to the back line. The number of touches of the ball in a rally should not exceed 3 times, with the exception of touches on a block. The size of the court is 18 x 9 m, the weight of the ball is 260-280 g, and its diameter is 65-67 cm.

Modern rules spell out errors when performing each element of the game (during the serve, during the rally), the presence of which is monitored by the judges. Failure to comply with the formation is also punishable with a point and a warning for unsportsmanlike behavior of players or coaches. Recently, at most competitions they are trying to use a video replay system, because... In modern times, speeds have increased and it is not always possible to see where the ball fell or where it touched the block.

With the development of volleyball, the tactics of the game also changed. The setters began to play a faster game. Height increased, impact force and jump height became significant. If previously there were very few athletes above 2 m, now in top teams only liberos and setters can be below this mark. Although there are exceptions: some players much shorter than the average height of volleyball players achieve high results thanks to special tactics and technique.

The “Volleyball” report, briefly outlined in this article, will help you prepare for the lesson and expand your knowledge about this sports team game.

What is volleyball?

Volleyball is a team sports game in which 2 teams on a court divided by a net try to send the ball to the opponent’s side so that it falls onto the opponent’s court, or so that the opponent makes a mistake. Each team has 12 people, of which 6 are playing and 6 are substitutes.

In 1947, the International Volleyball Federation was founded, which united 220 national federations. Since 1964 it has been included in the program of the Olympic Games.

Brief history of volleyball

Some researchers consider the founder of volleyball to be a certain Halsted, an American from Springfield. He promoted the flying ball game in 1866, which Halsted called volleyball. But the history of this sport began much earlier. Even in the chronicles of Roman chroniclers (3rd century BC) there is mention of a game that from a distance resembles volleyball. The rules of the game, written in 1500, have survived to this day. Then it was called “faustball”: a 90x20 m area was divided by a low stone wall, on which 2 teams (3-6 players) tried to hit the ball over the wall to the opposing side.

Faustball quickly became popular in France, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark and Austria. Only the rules and the playing area changed. The composition of the team was strictly defined as 5 people. Players hit the ball over the cord with their forearm or fist. Faustball lasted 2 halves of 15 minutes.

As you can see, the history of volleyball began a very long time ago, but officially its calculation begins in the twentieth century, from the moment its rules were promulgated. Of course, they are constantly being improved and changed. The birth date of this sport is considered to be 1895. Helioke College physical education teacher William J. Morgan announced that he had invented the game of volleyball and developed the rules, which came into use in 1897. Although he called the game not volleyball, but mintonette. On July 28, 1923, the first volleyball match between men's teams took place in Moscow.

In 1927, a book on volleyball, “Volleyball and Fist Ball” by Makrushev, was published. A year later, this sport was included in the competition program of the All-Union Spartakiad. In 1964, the first Olympic volleyball tournament was held in Tokyo. 10 men's and 6 women's teams took part in it.

Volleyball rules: briefly

  1. The area is strictly 19 x 9 m.
  2. Each team can have 14 players. But only 6 players are allowed on the playing area.
  3. Libero position. The libero player can replace any player on the back line. But he cannot attack the opposing team. The libero's uniform color is different from the rest of the team players.
  4. A set of glasses. Previously, games were played out to 15 points from one's serve. Today, each game is played up to 25 points, victory is awarded to the one who wins 3 games.
  5. The attack is carried out with three touches. The first is receiving and passing, the second is choosing a connecting player for an attack, the third is an attacking shot.
  6. Zone. There are 6 zones that are assigned to the players during the starting lineup. After the ball passes, each time the volleyball players move from a larger zone to a smaller one.
  7. Defense, the goal of which is to bring the ball to the set player without losing points and the ball.
  8. Draw after the ball is served. The player cannot make more than 3 touches.

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Volleyball is a team sport in which two teams compete on a court, separated by a net, and at the same time trying to direct the ball so that it ends up in the opponent’s court, or so that a player of the defending team makes a mistake. When organizing an attack, players of one team are allowed no more than three touches of the ball in a row. There are different types of volleyball: 1) Beach volleyball 2) Mini volleyball 3) Pioneerball 4) Park volleyball.


The history of volleyball began in the USA in 1895. The founder of this game was Pastor William Morgan, a college teacher, who proposed calling the game “volleyball,” which translated from English is “flying ball” (from “volley” - to hit on the fly and “ball” - ball).

In 1897, the first rules of volleyball were published in the USA: court size 7.6 x 15.1 m, net height 198 cm, ball with a circumference of 63.5-68.5 cm and weighing 340 g, the number of players on the court and the ball touches is not was regulated, a point was counted only when one’s own serve was served; if the serve was unsuccessful, it could be repeated; they played up to 21 points in a game. Over the history of volleyball, its technique, rules and tactics have developed. The basic rules, some of which have survived to this day, were drawn up in 1915-1925: since 1917, the game stopped at 15 points, and the height of the net became 243 cm; in 1918, the number of athletes on the site was determined - six; since 1922 it was prohibited to touch the ball more than three times; Well, in 1925 the modern dimensions of the court, the size and weight of the ball were established. These rules were used in the countries of Africa, America and Europe, but in Asia, until the 1960s, volleyball was played according to its own rules: there are nine or twelve players on the court, the size of the court is 11x22 m, with no change of positions between players during the match.

The next important moment in the history of volleyball was the holding of a national tournament in 1922 - the YMCA championship was held in the city of Brooklyn with the participation of twenty-three (23) men's teams. In the same year, the Czechoslovakia Volleyball and Basketball Federation, the first in the history of volleyball, was created - the world's first sports organization supervising volleyball.

Since the 1925s, sports federations of the USSR, Bulgaria, Japan and the USA arose. At the same time, basic technical techniques are formed, such as serving, passing, attacking strike and block. Based on these basic techniques of playing volleyball, the team’s tactics develop. In the 1930s, insurance and group blocking began to be used, and attackers and deceptive strikes developed. Well, in 1936, at the congress of the International Handball Federation, held in Stockholm, representatives of Poland proposed the initiative to create a volleyball technical committee as a component of the handball federation. A commission was created, which included 13 countries from Europe, 5 countries from America and 4 countries from Asia. The members of the commission approved the American rules with minor changes as the basis: measurements were taken in metric proportions, the ball could be touched with the whole body above waist level, after touching on a block the player was prohibited from touching again, the height of the net for women was set at 224 cm, the service zone strictly limited.

In 1947, the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) was created. The development of volleyball has accelerated. European and world championships began to be held, and the European Champions Cup was played. In 1964, volleyball was included in the Olympic Games program. Currently, more than 110 countries are members of the FIVB.

Soviet athletes made a significant contribution to the development of world volleyball.


Volleyball in the USSR began to develop after the Great October Socialist Revolution. Students of art universities and arts workers became its enthusiasts and propagandists. In 1925, on the initiative of the games section, an active meeting was convened in Moscow, at which the first rules of the game in our country were adopted. In the same year, the first official volleyball competitions took place. Since 1927, the annual Moscow championship has been held. In subsequent years, volleyball is developing everywhere. It is widely popular not only in Moscow, but also in Ukraine, Belarus, the Far East, and the North Caucasus.

In 1932, the All-Union Volleyball Section was created, which joined the FIVB in 1948, and was transformed into the USSR Volleyball Federation in 1959.

Since 1933, USSR championships have been held; volleyball was included in the program of all All-Union Spartakiads.

The first international matches of Soviet volleyball players with athletes from Afghanistan date back to 1935, and in 1947 the volleyball team from the USSR took part in the first World Festival of Democratic Youth in Prague. Having entered the international arena, Soviet volleyball players immediately became the leaders of world volleyball - 1949 was marked by the victories of the USSR men's team at the World Championships and the women's team at the European Championships. The 1952 World Cup, held at Dynamo Stadium, was the first major international sporting competition organized by the Soviet Union.

In 1964 in Tokyo, the USSR men's team won the first Olympic volleyball tournament. She also won at the Olympics in Mexico City and Moscow. And the women's team won the title of Olympic champion four times.

Soviet volleyball players are 6-time world champions, 12-time European champions, 4-time World Cup winners. The USSR women's team won the World Championships 5 times, the European Championships 13 times, and the World Cup 1 time. Players Inna Ryskal, Yuri Chesnokov, Konstantin Reva, Nina Smoleeva and Ivan Bugaenkov, coaches Vyacheslav Platonov, Givi Akhvlediani and Nikolai Karpol, as well as Vladimir Savvin as one of the best volleyball officials were inducted into the Volleyball Hall of Fame.

The All-Russian Volleyball Federation was founded in 1992. Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the VFW is Nikolai Patrushev, President of the organization is Stanislav Shevchenko. The Russian men's team is the winner of the 1999 World Cup and the 2002 and 2011 World League. The women's team won the 2006 and 2010 World Championships, European Championships, Grand Prix, and the 1997 World Champions Cup.

Experience shows that the foundation for the further successful development of volleyball in our country is its mass participation. The correct organization of educational work in grassroots groups, including in schools, creates the prerequisites for replenishing national teams with young, capable volleyball players. We recommend the video “About volleyball” for clarity.

Which both adults and children play. In English, volleyball can be translated as “hitting the ball on the fly.” This game is played by two teams on a special site. What other rules and nuances are there in volleyball, who invented it and when, and much more - all this is discussed in the article.

Volleyball Basics

The English word volley means “flying” or “soaring”, and ball, as you know, means “ball”. During the game, competing teams try to throw the ball over the net to the opponent's side so that it hits the floor, or so that a member of the opposing team makes a mistake.

In an attack, no more than three touches of the ball by one team are allowed - after this it is necessary to throw the ball to the opponents.

Who, where and when invented volleyball?

William Morgan was the name of the man who invented volleyball in 1859. The history of its occurrence and its rules originate in the USA, the state of Massachusetts, and the small town of Holyoke. It was here that the head of a Christian youth sports organization came up with the idea to create an interesting team ball game. At first it was called differently - “Mintonette”. From America the game came to Asia - Japan and China, and at the beginning of the 20th century it was already played in Europe.

The basis of the idea was a volleyball net: Morgan hung it in a vacant lot, at a height of about two meters, and gave his players the task of throwing the ball over the net. By the way, its role was then played by an ordinary bull bubble. The game acquired its “own” ball a little later. And the number of participants in the team could be absolutely any.

How did Mintonette become volleyball?

During the Young Christian Conference held in Springfield, it was decided to rename the game. Alfred Halsted proposed a new name. In his opinion, “flying ball,” which is how the English word volleyball can be translated, fits perfectly. After all, the ball, bouncing off the player’s hand, flies over the net, and there it meets the hand of another player, that is, it practically does not touch the ground.

The official rules of volleyball also appeared much later than its origins: at the end of the 19th century. According to them, the weight of the ball should have been exactly 340 grams, and the volleyball net should have been placed at a height of exactly 198 centimeters. The dimensions of the site were 7600 by 15100 centimeters. The only thing that remained free was the number of players. A point was then awarded to the player who threw the ball over the net after serving. The team that scored 21 points won the match.

Volleyball today

At the moment, volleyball is one of the most popular and favorite sports games. It is played both indoors and outdoors. The rules of volleyball are simple, and the equipment required is also simple, which is why players of all ages love it so much. Today there is a single Volleyball Federation, which includes more than two hundred national federations. Without exaggeration, this is one of the most popular sports on the planet. And every person knows what volleyball is.

Modern rules of volleyball

The rules of 1897, promulgated by William Morgan, were quite simple. Today they have much more points, subtleties and nuances.

Team composition and position of players

In total, two teams take part in the game. Each volleyball team consists of six main players and up to six reserves. Thus, there should be a maximum of 12 people in total.

Before serving, the players are located throughout the court, in two broken rows of three people each. The front line players stand in front of the net, the other three stand behind. However, during the game, participants can be anywhere within their own area. There are certain player placement schemes.

If it is necessary to make a substitution, the reserve player replaces the main one. In this case, the latter can once again return to the game by making a reverse substitution. But only if at least one game was played with the participation of a substitute player.

Playing field and zones

On the playing field there is a playing area, as well as a free zone. Its shape should be strictly rectangular, with dimensions of 9 by 18 meters. Along the perimeter there is a free zone at least three meters wide.

The surface of each zone in volleyball must be flat and horizontal. To prevent players from getting injured during the match, it should not be slippery or have obstacles. If the game is played in the hall, the floor is painted in light colors. The marking lines should be contrasting and their width should be 5 cm.

Why are zones needed in volleyball and how many are there in total? According to the rules, six is ​​the number of players on one team. Moreover, they are not constantly in their zones, but move one place after each serve. In a more general sense, there are three zones: the service zone, the substitution zone and the front zone.

Number and duration of games

There can be either three or five parties. The game, accordingly, goes until 2 or 3 victories of one of the teams. Before the start, lots are drawn for the right to choose one side or another of the site. The referee in volleyball is responsible for this. The losing team in the toss to select court may choose to serve. In each subsequent game, the players change both sides of the field and the order of serving.

The break between volleyball games lasts three minutes. However, before the decisive game, it lasts five minutes, after which lots are drawn again. Sometimes, after the second game, the break lasts up to ten minutes. But the game can be played without a break if one of the teams managed to win 8 points in the decisive game.

Ball serve and hitting technique

A player from one of the teams serves the ball after the whistle. You cannot serve before the whistle - otherwise, the serve is replayed. There is a special place on the site for serving. The player stands on it, throws the ball and hits it to the opposite side of the field. If the serve is unsuccessful and the ball touches the floor, the serve is not counted. After a team wins the serve, players move clockwise.

Anyone who knows what volleyball is is probably familiar with hitting techniques. In principle, the ball in this game can be hit in any convenient way. Even touching the ball with any part of the body above the waist is considered a hit. If two members of the same team touch the ball at the same time, this touch is immediately equivalent to two hits. The next, third, blow must be made by any participant except these two. To pass the ball to the opponent, no more than 3 hits are given, and he must not touch the floor, otherwise it is considered a mistake.

Blocking and offside

There are special techniques in volleyball, such as blocking the ball. This is the name given to players attempting to interrupt an attack by the opposing team. Only participants located on the front line under the net can block the ball. Any touch with the hand, even an unsuccessful one, counts as a block.

A ball thrown beyond the court line is out of play. In this case, he must touch either the floor or some object outside the playing space. The team from which the ball went beyond the field line is deprived of service or loses a point.

How are points calculated?

The team that reaches a score of 15 points (provided that it has at least a two-point lead) wins the current game. If the score is tied, for example 14:14 or 15:15, the game continues until the next two points, and so on.

The team that wins two games out of three or three games out of five wins. The sequence of victories in the match does not matter.

How to learn to play? Tactics and techniques in volleyball

To become an experienced player, you need to carefully work out your serving technique, fix a certain position of your hands, and learn the optimal pattern of moving around the court. You can learn all this on your own, but it is better to enroll in a specialized section. Today they exist for both adults and children.

The key to a successful game is quick and effective interaction with the ball. The player touching the ball must do so actively and with lightning speed. Strength training helps a lot in improving physical performance.

Contrary to popular belief, defense in volleyball is no less important than attack. Only with coordinated work of the entire team and a well-built line of defense can you break the opponent’s attack and win the match.

By the way, we are talking not only about protecting your court from the ball, but also about protecting the players themselves. Volleyball must be played using special protective equipment for elbows and knees. These, as well as other nuances, are prescribed in the Volleyball Federation and must be strictly observed at official competitions.

Types of volleyball

There are several types of volleyball. Some of them even became Olympic sports. For example, beach volleyball. It is also called sand volleyball. It differs from the classic version in the smaller size of the playing field, as well as in the smaller number of players in the team.

A simpler type of volleyball is pioneerball. Beloved by beginners for its less strict rules. The ball in pioneer ball is allowed to be picked up, and the pass is carried out not by hitting, but by throwing. There are also park volleyball and mini-volleyball, a game played by players up to 14 years old.

Faustball is common in Germany - the ball is hit with a fist or forearm (from the German word faust, which translates as “fist”). Women's volleyball is also considered an official sport, played only by the fair sex.

Now you know what volleyball is, how and where it appeared, and how to play it. It is not difficult to learn this - both independently and in special volleyball sections. It is only important to have a good reaction, jump high and have developed muscles to successfully attack the ball. For this it is also good to engage in other sports. However, if you are a fan of volleyball and play it every day, all these qualities will definitely develop over time.


Volleyball(English volleyball from volley - “to hit the ball from the air” (also translated as “flying”, “soaring”) and ball - “ball”) - a sport, a team sports game, during which two teams compete on a special site, divided net, trying to direct the ball to the opponent's side so that it lands on the opponent's court (finish to the floor), or a player of the defending team makes a mistake. At the same time, to organize an attack, players of one team are allowed no more than three touches of the ball in a row.

Volleyball- a non-contact, combination sport, where each player has a strict specialization on the court. The most important qualities for volleyball players are jumping ability to be able to rise high above the net, reaction, coordination, and physical strength to effectively carry out attacking strikes.

There are numerous variants of volleyball that branch off from the main type - beach volleyball (Olympic type since 1996), mini-volleyball, pioneer ball, park volleyball.

1. Origin of modern volleyball

Some are inclined to consider the American Halsted from Springfield to be the founder of volleyball, who in 1866 began to promote the game of “flying ball,” which he called volleyball. Let's try to follow the development of the ancestor of volleyball.

For example, the chronicles of Roman chroniclers of the 3rd century BC have been preserved. They describe a game in which the ball was hit with fists. The rules described by historians in 1500 have also survived to this day. The game was then called "faustball". On a site measuring 90x20 meters, separated by a low stone wall, two teams of 3-6 players competed. Players from one team tried to kick the ball over the wall to the opponents' side.

William J. Morgan, a physical education teacher at the YMCA College in Holyoke (Massachusetts, USA), is considered the inventor of volleyball. On February 9, 1895, in the gym, he hung a tennis net at a height of 197 cm, and his students, whose number was not limited on the court, began throwing a basketball camera over it. Morgan called the new game "mintonette." A year later, the game was demonstrated at the YMCA college conference in Springfield and, at the suggestion of Professor Alfred T. Halsted, received a new name - "volleyball." In 1916, the first volleyball rules were published.

The basic rules of the game were formed in 1915-25. In the countries of America, Africa, and Europe, volleyball was practiced with six players on the court, in Asia - with nine or twelve players on a court of 11x22 m without changing positions by the players during the match.

In 1922, the first national competitions were held - the YMCA championship was held in Brooklyn with the participation of 23 men's teams. In the same year, the Czechoslovak Basketball and Volleyball Federation was formed - the world's first volleyball sports organization. A commission was formed, which included 13 European countries, 5 American countries and 4 Asian countries. The members of this commission adopted American rules with minor changes as the main ones: measurements were carried out in metric proportions, the ball could be touched with the whole body above the waist, after touching the ball on a block, the player was prohibited from touching the ball again in a row, the height of the net for women was 224 cm, the zone supply was strictly limited.

In 1949, the first world championship among men's teams took place in Prague. In 1951, at a congress in Marseille, the FIVB approved official international rules, and an arbitration commission and a commission to develop and improve the rules of the game were formed.