Catfish in winter using the old-fashioned method. Catching catfish in winter using a proven method Catching catfish in winter using girders

The catfish fishing season is from the end of May to August, but experienced fishermen do not miss the opportunity to fish for this freshwater predator in winter period. Catching catfish in winter requires preparation. You need to prepare for such fishing in the summer, since with the onset of cold weather at the end of autumn, catfish gradually go to catfish pits, where they freeze until spring. But, if you have identified the locations of such holes in the summer, you can start catching catfish in the winter. It should be remembered that catfish is a predatory fish and should be caught at night; it usually takes bait well at sunset and sunrise, but some fishermen have successfully caught catfish in winter during the day in cloudy, snowy weather. The teeth of a catfish are like a brush, so it is recommended to use a steel leash (can be made from a string) 20 centimeters long, since the catfish can rub the fishing line with its brush during long-term fishing; the place of its attachment must be equipped with swivels to prevent tangling. It is better not to skimp on reels and not to take small ones, since a catfish can take 50-70 m in a jerk, the thickness of the line is 1.5-2 mm, and a nylon cord may also be suitable. When fishing, the fishing line should not get tangled; for this, some people lubricate it with drying oil. Hooks, according to our classification, need to be large, size 40. Lures should also be at least 15 cm, preferably silicone, in winter time It is good to use with a Stand-Up head, then you will increase the effectiveness of hooks. In muddy water, it takes well with yellow neon baits, and in transparent water with silver-green baits; night Super Glow twisters, which need to be “recharged” with a flashlight, also work well. If the current is strong, sometimes in the front part of a semi-dam, then you will need an additional sinker, because catfish are bottom-dwelling fish. It’s good to place the “Olive” at 15-30 g and secure it with rubber stoppers, so that when sliding along the bottom it raises clouds of mud that can attract the attention of catfish. It is better to catch catfish in winter with piece bait, but some fishermen soak pieces of squid in water to create a scent and put them on so that the hook is not visible. Experienced fishermen who know the places of catfish pits prefer to catch catfish in winter, as they react quickly and aggressively to bait during this period. Fishing is also possible with a girder, but you need to take into account that wintering areas may be littered with snags and you will not be able to pull out the gear. Most people prefer to fish with a spinning rod, although frequent snags are possible, which can sometimes be confused with a catfish bite. At the end of autumn, when catfish go to their wintering grounds, you can still catch them with a “kwok”, which it is advisable to make yourself, since the sold ones do not give such a “sound”. When fishing with a kwok, you will have to plow the river, but the catch will fully reward your patience. You just need to have with you a special mitten with a steel thread (a catfish brush can seriously injure your hand) and a hook; for large specimens, especially large ones, when pulled out, they are jammed with a hook or an oar. Fishing can last up to an hour, the main thing is to avoid getting pulled under the snag. At good ice You can use a very old method of catching catfish in winter: fishing with a samodar. Samoder is three hooks with a sinker that are attached to a thick fishing line or rope. They make a hole above the catfish hole and lower the fisher, you can hook more than one fish, so it’s better to go with a partner for this kind of winter catfishing, because you may have to widen the hole in order to pull out the catch. You need to pull it out quickly and carefully so that the catfish does not fall off; it is better to pierce it with a hook near the surface.

Catching catfish in winter is a rather rare and exotic activity. Despite this, there are two opinions when it comes to catching catfish from ice. The first fishermen are sure that in winter the catfish hibernates and there is absolutely no point in catching it, but other fishermen say the opposite. The main rule in winter catfishing is to find promising site and choose a good bait that will wake up the sleepiest fish.

Catfish is a heat-loving fish, so in the cold season its activity noticeably decreases. In winter, it feeds less often and tries not to waste energy on trifles; therefore, 2-3 bites may occur per day, but in most cases only one. Even one bite a day in winter can bring a fairly large specimen. In winter, catfish are located at great depths in various holes.

Deep holes at the junction of two currents are the most promising. It is best to look for such places in open water, then in winter all you have to do is make holes and throw in bait.

If you were unable to find such holes, then a good option would be to look for catfish in the lower edge of the channel, especially where the channel sharply goes to the side. As a rule, catching catfish in winter is accompanied by active play of the bait. The catfish most often lies on the bottom and the bait should be given as close to its mouth as possible. Catfish fishing in winter is carried out using a silicone bait 10 to 20 centimeters long, equipped with a heavy lead head.

These can be various twisters and vibrating tails made of “edible” silicone. Small specimens can be caught using large shot-shaped jigs. Balancers and spoons are also a good option for winter catfish fishing. Catching catfish in winter is also possible using girders, but this method of fishing is best used as an addition to active fishing.

The best time For catching catfish in winter, the time before sunset is considered, and it should be taken into account that in snowy and cloudy weather, catfish grab the bait well even in the daytime. In reservoirs near heating stations that are not covered with ice, catfish fishing in winter is carried out using spinning rods.

Catching catfish in December, January, February

There is no special division by months of fishing in winter; catfish are caught throughout the winter. At the beginning and end of winter, catfish are more active, but in the dead of winter they are more passive, go out for prey less often and try to move less.

Baits and lures for catching catfish in winter

When catching catfish with a jig, you will need bait of animal origin, it can be a large bloodworm or a worm. Getting a worm at this time is quite problematic, so fishermen mainly use bloodworms. To increase efficiency, it is good to treat the selected bait with an attractant. A bloodworm is attached to a hook through the middle of the body or under the head, 2-3 larvae at a time. You can attach more than 3 larvae, this will cut off other small fish. planted in the same way.

Jigs for catching catfish in winter

For catching small species, jigs with a diameter of 7 millimeters or more or jig heads are suitable.

Catching large catfish is possible using a burbot jig, which is a large head with a soldered elongated body about 50-60 millimeters long. The choice of bait in this case depends on the size of the expected prey. In the first case, a bunch of bloodworms is suitable, and in the second, you can use live bait or pieces of fish. Suitable bait for winter catfishing are loach, bream, roach, and crucian carp.

The color of the jig is selected based on the fishing conditions; in most cases, a jig with a natural color is suitable - silver, gold. Fluorescently colored jigs occupy a special place in catching catfish from ice and are an excellent replacement for regular jigs.

Silicone baits for catching catfish in winter

When choosing silicone baits, it is better to give preference to products made from “edible” silicone; twisters and

The length of silicone bait for catching catfish ranges from 10 to 20 centimeters. The color of the bait depends on the fishing conditions. Catfish fishing in winter is more successful in silicone baits with a shiny color, but golden or silver baits are also suitable. Among the silicones for catching catfish in winter, the Predator model from the famous manufacturer Mann’s stands out.

The silicone bait is equipped with a jig head in the shape of an olive or a bullet. A Fire Ball type lead head also works well when catching catfish in winter. The weight of the bait depends on the depth and strength of the current in the fishing area. In some cases, the weight of a jig head can be more than 100 grams.

Spoons for catching catfish in winter

Catching catfish in winter is carried out using heavy, large spoons with natural colors. Spoons with a gray-silver color have proven themselves well.

A good option is the universal Kastmaster spinner from Acme with a length of 60 millimeters or more. The weight of the spoon depends on the depth of fishing and the strength of the current. On average, the weight of a spinner for catching catfish in winter is 35-50 grams. Catfish readily respond to special spinners for catching burbot, and specifically the Professor Madepilkki Nestori model from Kuusamo, weighing 54 grams and 115 millimeters long, can attract even the most passive fish.

When fishing for catfish in winter, you can place pieces of fish on the hook of a spoon. Catching catfish in winter is possible using fish intended for summer fishing. In this case, choose bait weighing at least 80 grams with a silver color, which will resemble a roach. An example of such a spinner is the Catfish Spoon weighing 85 grams.

Balancers for catching catfish in winter

As in the case of spinners, you will need large and active baits with bright colors.

There are luminous phosphorus balancers on sale, which are an excellent option for winter catfish fishing. A successful model is the Pro balancer from the manufacturer Spider. This balancer is shaped like a small fish, which is a promising prey for catfish. Spider Pro with a length of 90 millimeters and colors numbered 27 and 29 allows you to catch catfish from the ice in the daytime, and in evening time you need to choose a color marked “F” which denotes phosphorus colors.

When choosing a balancer for catching catfish in winter, you need to choose baits with a stabilizer in the back of the bait. Such balancers have a very active and wide game.

Catching catfish in winter with a jig

This fishing method allows you to catch small and medium-sized individuals, and in this case an active search for catfish is not always required. When catching catfish with a jig, you can use winter tent, which houses the heat source and fishing equipment.

Tackle for catching catfish in winter using a jig

In this case, a winter fishing rod with an open type reel is suitable.

Catching catfish in winter with a jig does not involve a smooth and even game, so most often it is held with gloves, but it is better to take a fishing rod with a handle made of frost-resistant material. In some cases, the fishing rod will need to be left in a passive state for some time, so do not forget to equip it with legs for stable placement on the ice.

The fishing rod is equipped with a metal or lavsan nod about 15 centimeters long. The fishing line used is monofilament intended for winter fishing with a diameter of 0.3 to 0.7 millimeters. The choice of diameter depends on the size of the intended production. Mormyshki are taken from lead with a diameter of 7 millimeters or more.

Technique for catching catfish with a jig

Catching catfish with a jig is not difficult, the main thing is to find its resting place. Having decided on the fishing location, the angler uses an ice drill to make a hole and clear it of snow crumbs with a slotted spoon. As a rule, when catching catfish, bait is not required, so you can immediately proceed to the process of catching fish. The selected bait is placed on the hook, and the jig is lowered into the hole.

Playing with bait when catching catfish in winter is very primitive. The fisherman lowers the jig to the bottom and taps it lightly, raising the turbidity, which is an attractive factor for catfish. Then the jig, with slight rocking, rises to a distance of about 15 centimeters from the bottom and then slowly, again with rocking, falls to the bottom. As a rule, a bite occurs when the bait is lifted.

Catching catfish in winter with silicone baits

This option for catching catfish is considered the most catchy and has recently become increasingly popular among anglers.

Tackle for catching catfish in winter using silicone baits

Catching catfish in winter with silicone is possible using a vertical lure rod with a hard whip and a nod.

In this case, a nod made of a clock spring or rubber is suitable. This fishing rod is equipped with inertial coil and monofilament fishing line with a diameter of 0.3 to 0.7 millimeters.

The best option for catching catfish with silicone baits is to use a short spinning rod up to 1.2 meters long, equipped with a lightweight spinning coil and braided wire with a diameter of 0.2 to 0.6 millimeters. The main thing is that the chosen rod is durable, since winter fishing involves catching trophy specimens.

Technique for catching catfish with silicone baits

Having decided on the fishing spot and making holes, the angler lowers the bait into the hole. Playing with bait is a series of short jerks with the rod, during which the silicone bait bounces.

When catching catfish in winter with silicone, the bait must be reeled in starting from the bottom and subsequently the bait must touch the bottom each time. Only in this case can you count on a bite.

Catching catfish in winter using a spoon

Adherents of active fishing prefer to catch catfish with a spoon, and to further interest the fish, they place pieces of fish on the hook.

Tackle for catching catfish in winter using lures

For catching catfish in winter with a spinner, gear similar to that used for fishing with silicone baits is suitable. This can be a vertical trolling rod with an inertial reel, a nod and a strong monofilament line, or a short spinning rod with an inertial reel and braid. The diameter of monofilament line is from 0.3 to 0.7 millimeters, and braided line is from 0.2 to 0.6 millimeters.

Technique for catching catfish with a spoon

The fisherman will have to play with bait almost at the very bottom. First, the fisherman needs to lower the spoon to the bottom and move it so that the turbidity rises. In some cases, wiring can begin at a distance of about 3-5 centimeters from the bottom.

The technique for catching catfish in winter with a spoon is an alternation of raising and dropping the bait with short pauses. To give the bait the correct action, the angler must sharply lift the rod up. During the pause, the spoon rotates for some time and it is at such a moment that you can expect a bite. Success when catching catfish with a spoon mainly depends on the right place and spoon. A spinner with a wide body makes a lot of waddling movements, which attracts sleepy catfish.

Catching catfish in winter using a balance beam

When catching catfish in winter, balancers, due to their active and sweeping play, are more effective than silicone baits, and in some cases are even more effective. the best option than silicone.

Gear for catching catfish in winter on a balance beam

The gear for catching catfish in winter using a balance beam is the same as when fishing with silicone baits or spinners. In this case it is a fishing rod for winter sparkle, equipped with a nod and an inertial reel with a durable monofilament line with a cross-section from 0.3 to 0.7 millimeters. Or it can be a spinning rod with a length of 0.6 to 1.2 meters with a durable spinning reel and braid with a cross-section of 0.2 to 0.6 millimeters.

Technique for catching catfish using a balance beam

During movement, the balancer deviates to the side and on the way back makes movements that resemble a loop or the figure eight.

With the next swing, the balancer turns around and moves in the opposite direction. Catfish fishing in winter is carried out at great depths, so the angler must make a short and sharp swing of the rod to get the balancer to work correctly.

The technique of catching catfish on a balance beam is not particularly complicated. The fisherman, swinging the rod, raises the balancer to a distance of 10-15 centimeters from the bottom, but sometimes it is necessary to raise the balancer to a distance of about 30 centimeters. At the top point there is a short pause, and then the angler returns the rod to the starting point.

IN lowest point A pause is also necessary; hold the bait until the balancer stops rotating. Another good thing about catching catfish in winter with a balance beam is that in some cases it can hit the catfish’s head, thereby provoking it to bite aggressively.

Choosing a place to catch catfish in winter

A place for catching catfish in winter should be chosen in advance, that is, during the period of open water. Finding a promising fishing spot with an echo sounder will not be difficult. In winter, several individuals of catfish stand in deep holes, and in search of food they go to nearby edges, while trying not to go far from their camp sites.

When searching for places, pay attention to areas with natural obstacles in the form of snags. Catfish can stand in snags waiting for prey.

Find out where catfish fishing is possible in winter in your region:

Professional fishermen claim that catching catfish in winter requires not only patience, but also skill. To catch this fish you need to drill holes in the ice, which already speaks of the professionalism of the fisherman. Naturally, for such a task, it is necessary to prepare gear in advance in order to pull out fish of varying weights from the ice hole at the right time. In addition, for winter fishing for catfish, you need to select good places in the summer, when you can carefully examine everything and become familiar with the features of this fish prize. Catching catfish in winter.

A fisherman's dream

Every fisherman's dream is a big catfish floundering on the ice. Naturally, to catch such a fish, you need to spend a lot of time selecting bait, as well as choosing a method for catching it. There is an opinion that catfish gain weight quite quickly and by winter can grow up to 200 kilograms. However, the growth of such a fish depends on the reservoir in which it lives and the nutrition with which it increases its weight.

A particularly popular fishing activity is catfishing in winter. And even if a blizzard blows, still for the sake of the cherished goal - to catch a catfish and pull it out of the hole - the fisherman sits and endures all the weather adversity. Catfish are especially active at night, when they search for food underwater. With the onset of spring, they experience a lack of food, which can result in maximum yield for such fish.

To catch a large catfish, you need to not only hook it, but also wait patiently until it actually gets hooked. When a catfish gets hooked, it resists quite strongly. If a fisherman caught big fish, then he may need all his strength to keep her on the hook.

When to catch catfish in winter

In winter, catfish hide in holes in various reservoirs. Sometimes there can be several individuals in one pit at the same time. That is why, by making a hole in the ice, you can catch several fish without changing the biting location. In winter, catfish are usually deprived of food, which allows them to be caught using various baits. Such fish can be easily seduced by any bait. It is best to catch catfish in the evening, when it is most active. However, if there is a snowstorm or rather cloudy weather outside, then daytime is also suitable for catching catfish.

The size of the hole made by the angler plays a huge role in catching catfish. The most difficult place to guess is where there might be a hole with fish. Scientists have recorded that the deeper the hole in the reservoir, the easier it is to catch prey, since the catfish gradually goes for the bait, while enjoying the bait. However, if the fisherman managed to catch a catfish, then when pulling the fish out of the reservoir, he must not slow down, since it can jump off the hook due to its weight.

Using a samoder to catch catfish

Catching catfish in winter occurs due to correct use Samodera. This is a device that has a thick fishing line with attached hooks and a weight. Initially, the samoder must be thrown into the hole very carefully so as not to spook the fish. There are several hooks on one samoder. That is why, if you are an extremely attentive fisherman, you can catch several catfish at the same time if you fall into the hole where they live. You need to wait a long time for a catfish to bite. If the place is chosen correctly and there is a deep hole in the reservoir where the catfish hid for the winter, then you can expect a catch.

Catfish baits

Fishermen have confirmed that fish such as catfish are best lured using artificial bait. The most preferable are silicone baits, which are made heavy by attaching a particle of lead to them. The color of such baits improves the visibility of fish, thereby focusing attention on their location. So, for example, if the water in which catfish live is quite cloudy, then it is best to use bright yellow bait. For clear water, silver or green baits are suitable. Additionally, fishermen can use phosphorous baits, which can glow at night, thereby indicating the catfish to food. The size of the bait should not be more than 20 cm. Otherwise, the catfish will not be able to swallow it, and, therefore, will not swim to the fishing spot.

In winter, sleep is not very active. This allows fishermen to freely lure it to the fishing spot and hang bait on the hook that the fish can feast on. The main factor for successful catfishing in winter is the temperature of the reservoir in which the catfish is hiding at the bottom.

Catfishing is currently prohibited. However, poaching methods of catching such fish can be seen quite often today. People simply do not overdo this activity, catching fish for their own purposes and needs.

If you first familiarize yourself with the information that a fisherman may need, you can catch enough catfish in winter to enjoy the delicious meat of such fish. Winter fishing for catfish cannot be carried out anywhere in the reservoir, so you need to prepare for such a complex process in the summer.

Catching catfish in winter requires special skill and patience. Winter fishing in search of catfish is considered an activity only for a real fisherman, because not everyone will dare to drill holes and collect gear when there is snow or frost outside. You need to prepare for such fishing in advance, so experienced fishermen select fishing spots and collect fishing equipment in the summer. Catfish is a worthy opponent in the fight for survival, and therefore offers very strong resistance, which, of course, causes great excitement among fishermen. There are many conflicting opinions regarding winter fishing for catfish; some believe that such fishing is practically useless, while others successfully catch decent specimens. Everyone knows that catfish gain weight very quickly and can reach a weight of three hundred kilograms.

Closer to winter, catfish move to pits in search of a secluded place. There may be several individuals in one hole, where they spend the winter, however, at the sight of a passing bait, this fish will not remain indifferent. The catfish will instantly grab the bait, and then you can safely hook it.
In winter, catfish are deprived of food, so they can easily be attracted by artificial bait in the form of a jig. According to experts, this fish is more active at dusk, but if there is snow or cloudy weather outside, then you can safely hunt for catfish during the day.

Our ancestors went fishing with a drill and a special device in the form of several hooks with a fixed load; this equipment was tied to a strong fishing line or rope. This method, of course, cannot be called sports or professional, but still the results of this method are very effective.

Old-fashioned fishing method

In winter you need to look for catfish in half-dams or near washed-out banks. The most difficult thing will be to find the hole where this fish is used to living in the winter. Therefore, experienced fishermen are in a hurry to identify such areas in the summer. And remember, the deeper the hole, the greater the chances of catching the desired prey. First, you need to cut a hole the right size, then you need to throw the equipment, called a self-propelled gun, into the hole. If the hole is cut correctly, near the fish site, then the result will not take long to arrive. Carefully remove the sauger from the hole; several individuals may be caught on such a device at once. The catch must be pulled out with caution, try not to slow down, as the fish can easily slip under the weight of its own weight. To be on the safe side, on the surface of the water, you need to pierce the flaccid fish with a hook.

Catching catfish in winter is very difficult, because this predatory fish is in a state of absolute rest. That is why we strongly recommend that you prepare for this type of fishing. Our article today allows you to learn some fishing rules, tips for choosing bait and practical thoughts that allow you to determine the best place, time and The best way catching Having caught a catfish in winter, fishing will become an integral part of your life for a long time.

How to catch catfish in winter

Due to their physiological state, the vast majority of catfish are located in the so-called wintering pits in winter. There they are partially or completely frozen, which means you can catch it only if you choose the right place for fishing.

To do this in winter is a success, and the significance of which is never diminished by anyone. The angler who achieves this will be respected for many years. Do you want to be a respected fisherman? Then the tips we will present today will be useful to you.

Choosing a place and time for fishing

A catfish pit is one of the most profitable places, because a large number of desired prey live there all winter. They also often choose half-dams, where it is very calm and also has enough food. In most cases, these predatory fish are located near the very bottom, where they wait for their prey.

Other good places to catch a big specimen are small secluded areas near the groins where the fish will also position themselves in the hope of catching some food for themselves. If we have decided on a place, it is important to note that the bite is best at sunset.

Fishing in winter involves the use of different baits and artificial lures, which can cause a huge stir among hungry fish in the evening! This is exactly what we will try to take advantage of. One way or another, we can tell you how to catch catfish in winter, because we have information about its condition in winter, its location in winter and what time of day is best to fish for catfish. Now another question arises: what to fish for?

Bait selection

It is best if the angler uses special silicone baits with a weighted head. In this case, the bait will quickly and easily sink to the very bottom, where there are a lot of fish. If we talk about the length of the bait, it varies from 10 to 17 centimeters. The color of the bait depends on the body of water in which the fish is being fished.

Transparent water allows you to use golden and silver baits, and muddy water implies the use of only yellow ones. We also note that shiny baits have proven themselves to be excellent, attracting the attention of a hungry predator faster than others.

Wobblers that catch 100%:

Increasing the catch

We have already said that it is better to catch catfish after sunset. At this time the fish heads towards inner part dams, and sometimes swims into snags, where he catches small fish for his food. Winter fishing can be done using a quok. According to some fishermen, it is worth spending a little time and attention to study the creation of the kwok and its use for catching catfish. When trying to catch these fish from a boat, it is best to cast the bait in an area where there is a concentration of small fish. Remember that catfish is a predatory fish, which means that it itself hunts more small fish. Are there small representatives of aquatic fauna? This means that your trophy is somewhere nearby!

Fishing with a zherlitsa

Another popular fishing method is the girder. Now we will talk about how to catch catfish in winter using a zherlitsa. First, we need to securely secure our device on the shore, tying it to nearby growing trees. Do not use pegs, because the catfish will easily snatch the tackle.

The bait is frogs, which can be safely left on the surface. Aggressive fishing awaits us in winter at dusk. We have noted this idea several times already, so do not lose sight of it when you hunt this giant.


Dear readers, today we briefly discussed the basic tips and rules that are important to consider when fishing predatory fish– catfish. Undoubtedly, winter fishing Soma is exciting and interesting, but remember the following:

  • The winter catfish does not rush onto the hook, it is in a state of absolute rest;
  • While in his hole, he will not once again leave his cozy habitat;
  • If you want to catch him in the cold season, then start finding out the location of the catfish pits in the summer;
  • You shouldn’t use just one fishing method; it’s better to study all the possible ones and choose the one that is convenient for you personally and seems effective.

Fishing is a whole science and only “educated” fishermen will be successful!