Reduction of muscle mass. Weight loss

Most men wonder why muscle mass is lost. There may be several reasons for its loss. Most of them are associated with the aging of the body or a complete refusal to perform physical activity, which previously allowed one to keep the body in shape. Such changes may also be associated with some diseases.

Muscle body mass, how to avoid its loss


Every year the human body wears out and ages. Therefore, it is not surprising that in older people there is a process of decreasing muscle mass and every year it is gaining momentum. Why this happens and what are the reasons for such changes is more than clear. Look at the table of normal weight by year and everything will become clear.

One of the main reasons why older people lose muscle mass is a decrease in the production of the hormone testosterone.

A decrease in its production with age leads not only to muscle loss, but also to a decrease in libido. For this reason, the age of 40 is, to some extent, a turning point for many men.

The age of 40 is a turning point for many men.

At the age of 40, changes occur in the body of men every year, which lead to a slowdown in the performance of many processes in the body. Similarly, testosterone production levels decrease by about 1% every year. This is fraught with the fact that muscle mass in older people disappears with age, for the reason that the hormone that takes an active part in its recruitment and formation is produced in insufficient quantities.

When studying the causes of muscle deterioration in older people, one should not ignore changes in the number of fast-twitch fibers and slow-twitch fibers. Studies have shown that in older people, the number of slow-twitch fibers increases significantly with age, while fast-twitch fibers become 25% smaller.

These reasons once again confirm that age does not spare anyone, which means that the aging of the body, unfortunately, cannot be prevented. But such changes in the body of older people do not indicate that physical activity should be abandoned once and for all. Not at all. Vice versa, regular activity sports for older people is recommended due to the fact that in this way you can maintain physical fitness and prevent age-related diseases.

Regular exercise is recommended for older people


Quite often, loss of muscle mass can occur due to various diseases, which a person may not even be aware of. . A negligent attitude towards one's health can cost a person his health, and in some cases, his life. Therefore, when faced with the problem of loss or poor gain of muscle mass, it is worth making sure that the athlete does not have the following diseases or abnormalities in the body:

  • Diseases that affect thyroid gland and adrenal glands. These diseases may be accompanied by changes in the production of certain hormones, which contribute to a decrease in muscle mass.
  • Diseases associated with loss of nutrients. A sharp loss of muscle can be observed in diabetes mellitus or disturbances in the absorption of nutrients. For some reason, most people believe that diabetes inevitably leads to weight gain. But, with diabetes, a reverse reaction of the body caused by changes can also be observed metabolic processes. For this reason, people with this disease may experience a problem in which muscle mass does not grow.

Sudden muscle loss can be seen in diabetes mellitus

The causes of muscle loss can be represented not only by these diseases. In many cases, the answer to the question of why weight loss, in particular muscle loss, may occur may be simple depression, or more serious causes and illnesses, for example, gastrointestinal obstruction, chronic renal failure, or damage to the body by a virus.

Stopping training

Loss of muscle mass can occur not only in older people, but also in young men who have been exercising regularly for a long time and one day decide that they no longer need it. Some time after any physical exercise in the gym were stopped, some changes associated with weight loss begin to occur in the body of men. Why is this happening? This can happen as a result of the fact that the muscles need regular physical activity, which produces hormones responsible for their contraction, formation and enlargement.

When nothing happens and the muscles do not receive the proper load, they stop exercising and deflate after some time.

After how long they lose their attractiveness depends only on the person and the characteristics of his body.

Most men decide to say goodbye to sports just for a while. The cause may be an injury that takes time to recover, causing the athlete to take time off. No matter how long this break lasts, you need to support the body and try to prevent processes that destroy muscle tissue in the body.

Must have proper nutrition

These tips may be useful for people who have begun to lose muscle mass while losing weight, as well as for athletes who decide to take a temporary break:

  • Normalize nutrition. Naturally, if an athlete takes a break, then he can somehow adjust his diet and reduce its calorie content. At the same time, the diet to which the body has become accustomed over time should remain unchanged. sports nutrition. When losing weight, diet is also important, because it allows you to establish metabolic processes.
  • In order to eliminate the lack of muscle mass, it is important to daily supply the body with water, proteins, and carbohydrates, which, even without physical activity, will have the desired effect and prolong the life of the muscles while a break from sports was taken.
  • The use of creatine will provide the muscles with water, while they will remain attractive and maintain their shape. Creatine is often used by athletes who have taken a temporary break before starting heavy exercise.

Using creatine will provide your muscles with water.

  • Consuming a nitrogen donor will increase blood flow directly to the muscles. With this supplement you can maintain the shape of your muscles and provide them with proper nutrition.
  • Staying in stressful situations, especially during the period during which you took a break or when losing weight, is fraught with weight loss. This is due to the fact that when the body is under stress, it begins to actively produce cortisol. A hormone like cortisol is the enemy muscle tissue, as it converts it into fat.
  • In the lives of men who have decided to say goodbye to sports, there may not be heavy physical activity, but some kind of activity simply must be present. Let it be regular walking or jogging, exercise or morning exercises. All this will lead to the fact that the loss of muscle mass will occur more slowly, but with age this process will begin to accelerate.

It often happens that in an effort to get rid of extra pounds and acquire an athletic physique, girls overdo it with loads and now - pumped up thighs and calves, the inability to wear a feminine evening dress, as well as a classic knee-length or higher skirt with pumps.

It turns out that the hours spent in gym, were a waste? But no! After all, if, instead of the previous cellulite, you have elastic muscles, you are already provided with an autonomous power plant for burning excess calories, that is, you are not in danger of obesity, and your athletic fit will be visible even through spacious maxis.

In addition, if the beach season is still far away, you have several months to adjust the costs of bodybuilding. Is it possible to remove pumped up muscles in the legs or at least reduce them at home? All the answers are in our article!

General principles for burning excess muscle

From the very beginning, you need to understand that you will remove pumped muscles from your legs not so much in essence as visually, although with excellent results, the weight of your legs will also decrease, but rather due to the “evaporation” of fat and liquid, which you are not even aware of.

How to remove muscles on girls legs? Get ready for daily workouts. If from strength exercises, especially with the use of weights, the muscles are compressed and thickened due to resistance to loads, then now you need to stretch them in length– and, therefore, visually reduce in volume. At the same time, weakening or reducing the frequency of training is not in your interests. On the contrary, you will have to sweat longer and more often.

Carefully! If you already have highly developed calf muscles, do not abuse it, and especially do not jump barefoot. However, jumping rope once a week will not hurt you either - the main thing is that on other days there are more stretching practices.

2. Jogging

This is an excellent cardio exercise that, in addition to being great physical fitness, will reward you with stamina and longevity. This is also an opportunity for 30-40 minutes of communication with nature (add fresh air).

Required time for running efficiency - at least 30 minutes, since only after 20 minutes the fat burning process starts.

If your problem is only in the bulky muscles of the thighs, you will also need this time in order to give the body the necessary stress for corrective work.

But be careful with running if you have .

Important! Pick up the right shoes for the desired load distribution between the heel and toe.

3. Aerobics

You will achieve the effect of elongated thigh muscles in aerobics classes. How to reduce leg muscles for a girl with maximum speed? Exercise for at least 20-30 minutes.

note! If you have muscular calves, step aerobics is contraindicated for you.

4. Bicycle

If it's a regular bike, avoid steep climbs, as this is an imitation power loads. An average walking pace is preferred. You can also exercise at home using a simulator.

If it is more convenient for you to sit on an exercise bike, then do not add additional loads. Your task is to keep your legs moving for a long time and without interruption. Duration: 20 minutes. This load is perfect for men too. Cycling is very good.

5. Volleyball

If you have a summer house with a volleyball court, then it is very useful to become a member of an amateur volleyball team for a long time.

Believe me 2-3 hours of jumping in flight they will rush after the ball unnoticed, and twice a week such gambling exercises throughout the season will be enough to joyfully discover elastic, elongated hips and.

In addition, high jumping will gradually stretch the vertebral joints, so your entire body will “grow” over time. The taller you are, the slimmer you will appear, and so will your legs.

6. Hanging upside down

If you are not afraid, and perhaps even a fan of supplementing your gaming practice with various hangs, then there will probably be a couple of turnstiles next to the volleyball court where you can hang for a short time and even swing upside down, secured with your knees. Just be confident in your dexterity!

This exercise Great for stretching muscles both the back and hips, and if hung motionless, is essentially a light static exercise for the entire lower body, including the legs. Namely, you need light static to activate the red muscle fibers, due to which the volume of the muscles in the legs decreases.

Hanging is enough for 10-15 seconds, if you haven't done this before. But if you like it, increase the duration to a minute.

Excellent results for burning muscles shows. Just don't use dumbbells.

7. Swimming

The topic of involuntary stretching can be continued in the pool. Such variety will add a bright touch to your daily “diet”. The benefits of swimming are enormous: arm muscles, shoulder joints, lungs, brain activity and, of course, for the legs.

With regular swimming, as well as water aerobics (you can enroll in special groups, or you can do special exercises for the legs in between swims) the legs acquire incredible flexibility and literally stretch out, like young spring shoots. Add to this the healing benefits of swimming for varicose veins!

Try to use the crawl technique, since it is in it that the legs work in the most extended position. If it’s difficult to swim a 50-meter crawl course, swim breaststroke, and during breaks, make movements with your feet using the crawl technique, holding on to the side. The body position can be either horizontal or vertical. The time required for a full workout in the pool is 30 minutes.

How to remove leg muscles in men? You can also safely use all of the above methods, since the principles are the same.

Static exercises can also help

According to many fitness experts, girls often hide under the guise of pumped-up muscles on their legs. body fat. This is the result of an unbalanced diet designed to stimulate muscle growth(eating more than necessary).

There are many classic and newly created static leg exercises. The principle of their implementation is the same as that of yoga asanas - take a certain pose and freeze for a while, remaining still and monitoring your breathing. The muscles work with absolute rest of the body parts, and in the exercises below they are stretched.

  1. Static is best for the leg area.
  2. The classic “swallow”, as well as the “half-swallow” (the leg laid back is not held parallel to the floor, but slightly inclined with a straight body).
  3. Raising a straight leg forward while standing is the same “half-swallow”, only forward. There is no need to try to raise your leg perpendicular to your body - just enough inclined position.
  4. Abducting the straight leg to the side while standing - one might say, “lateral half-swallow.”
  5. Static stretching () lying on the floor. Despite the exotic name, this exercise is very familiar to those who have done at least a little simple stretches. From a prone position on your stomach, you rise up in an inverted rainbow shape, extending your arms straight forward and legs straight back, with both your fingers and toes maximally extended. Hold yourself in this position using your abs for as long as possible.
  6. Deep bends forward while standing. Keeping your feet close to each other, standing, bend as low as possible with your legs absolutely straight, clasp your calves with your hands and pull your body towards your legs. Having reached the maximum possible depth, we freeze, count to 10-12, and rise.
  7. Yoga exercise “Downward Facing Dog”. From a lying position on your stomach, we rise on your hands and feet to an angle of 60. At the same time, we hold our arms, back and legs as much as possible straight and elongated Do not lift the surface of the foot off the floor.
Note! In this article we are talking only about light statics, that is, performed at half strength, since your task is to remove excess volume, and not to increase muscle power. Performed half-heartedly, static exercises the red ones will be involved muscle fibers, which are responsible for burning excess fat.

Reducing leg muscles with stretching

In addition to static ones, almost everything is perfect for losing muscle mass. famous exercises to stretch the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. For example, you can try stretching while sitting with your legs spread wide apart on the floor: try to grab with your hands the outstretched toe of each leg and pull your torso as straight as possible toward your leg, trying to lie on your thigh. At the same time, pull your chin forward, trying to reach the toe.

Proper diet

If you've been eating mostly pure protein to gain muscle mass, now is the time to switch to vegetable fibers and fats.

How to get rid of excess pumped up muscles in the legs with the help of nutrition? Include in your diet more vegetable and fruit salads rich in fiber, as well as vegetable oils that are rich in vitamin E and also retain fluid in your body. This is so important for the elasticity of all tissues, including muscles.

Oats are very useful in this regard. It can be consumed not only in porridges, but also in the form of jelly, and also brewed overnight in a thermos and then drunk; use for making diet cakes, mixing with yogurt with the addition of fresh and dry fruits.

Try to consume more plant-based protein, and have a meal twice a week. « fish days», just choose lean fish. Instead of red meat, opt for chicken breasts. Boiled or grilled, cut into pieces and added to fresh salads, this is an excellent nutritious and dietary dish! Don't be afraid of brown rice sides.

After training, refrain from eating dense food for 2 hours, you can drink juices and eat fruits (except bananas). Drinking yogurt won't hurt either. Before training, eat an apple or two - this is the best plant source of energy. Try to forget about special protein bars and shakes forever - if you want to look feminine, choose natural!

Note! You need to eat at least 4 times a day, and the basis should be non-thermally processed vegetables and fruits, as well as complex carbohydrates.

Getting rid of the “big muscle” complex

Let's add a few words about an important psychological point. Self-confidence and sociability are those properties, the lack of which, as psychologists note, leads most people to the rocking chair. By cultivating your communication skills, you will forget about the need to constantly look around for support at the fiercely bulging muscles of not only your legs, but your entire body. After all, a natural smile is a much more effective tool for gaining confidence in society!

Instead of a conclusion

To get rid of excess muscle volume on your legs and enjoy it for many years slender legs nymphs, it is not enough to simply change the schedule and content of training. It is very important to build proper diet and follow it for many years. In addition, engage in introspection and try to understand: what made you strive to get strong muscles? If you have not only a desire to lose weight, but also some hidden complexes, it’s time to get out of the vicious circle of the rocking chair and find other ways of self-realization.

In fact, here's the summary for this article:
(the article is in Russian, I highly recommend reading it, all the mechanisms are explained in detail...)

MRI scan, in order from top to bottom: 40-year-old triathlete, 74-year-old inactive person, 74-year-old triathlete. Nice plump - muscles. The ugly white thing is fat.

Sarcopenia, is an age-related atrophic degenerative change in skeletal muscles, leading to a gradual loss of muscle mass and strength.

With insufficient physical activity after 30 years, 3 to 5% of muscle mass can be lost every 10 years (different sources give different numbers, but everyone, as one, shows that the trend is negative).

According to the American Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), sarcopenia is recognized as one of the five main risk factors for morbidity and mortality in people over 65 years of age.

Loss of muscle quantity and quality with age is a consequence of age-related hormonal changes, changes in the central and peripheral nervous system, systemic inflammatory reactions and a decrease in the density of the capillary network of skeletal muscles.

On average, by age 50, about 10% of muscle mass is lost and by age 80, another 30%.

What's the most disgusting thing - muscle mass lower limbs is lost more actively and intensively than the total MM. Of course, this affects mobility, increases the risk of falls, fractures and the inability to get out of a chair and walk to the toilet on your own. Plus, in the hip and knee joints Osteoarthritis processes and other degradation are underway.

Strength also decreases with age. This study showed that in the USA, 40% of women aged 55-64 years, almost 45% of women aged 65-74 years and 65% of women aged 75-84 years are unable to lift weights. outstretched arm weight 4.5 kg.

Comparisons of quadriceps strength in young and older healthy adults revealed an age-related decrease in strength ranging from 20 to 40% in the seventh to eighth decades of life compared to younger adults. An even more significant decrease muscle strength observed in people in the ninth decade of life and later (50% or more).
Muscle contraction in response to electrical stimulation also slows down.

Unfortunately, muscle innervation does not improve with age either.

About hormones
Testosterone levels decrease with age. What not in the best possible way influences MM in men. Estrogens, which also do not increase during postmenopause, do have some anabolic effects on muscle in women.

Menopause is associated with a decrease in circulating levels of 17β-estradiol in middle-aged and elderly women. Deterioration in muscle function is observed in perimenopausal women and correlates with a sharp drop in the hormone-producing function of the ovaries. These observations indicate that female sex hormones play an important role in the regulation of muscular system in middle-aged and elderly women. Perhaps hormone replacement therapy in combination with physical exercise may be the optimal solution in the early stages of menopause.

A recent randomized placebo-controlled trial showed increases in total body weight, non-leg weight, and arm and leg strength after six months replacement therapy testosterone in elderly men to maintain normal plasma concentrations. These changes were accompanied by an increase in the level of somatomedin-C (insulin-like growth factor 1 or IGF-1 for short), which suggests the significance of the anabolic effect of this hormone on the skeletal muscle of older people.

Growth hormone and somatomedin-C levels decline with age and, given their anabolic effects, their potential therapeutic effects in sarcopenia are being explored. It has been shown that the administration of somatotropin in pharmacological doses (without physical activity) increases muscle mass, but not strength. For example, a monthly course of somatotropic hormone or somatomedin-C in elderly women increased nitrogen balance, protein metabolism and protein synthesis in muscles.

In general, regardless of the mechanism, muscle atrophy develops when the breakdown of muscle proteins begins to dominate the synthesis.

With age protein intake decreases (A large number of people over 60 years of age consume less than 75% of the recommended daily amount of protein. And in old age, even more is desirable. And if in old age and on a kcal deficit...). Adequate protein intake is necessary to provide skeletal muscle with the necessary anabolic support.

INUnder conditions of starvation (and lack of protein), amino acids are released from muscles that do not experience sufficient physical stress in a given life situation. Muscles that are not involved in physical activity synthesize the hormone myostatin, which at the paracrine and systemic level allows the initiation of catabolic processes in less active muscles.

Decreases sharply in old age physical activity, which also does not have the best effect on the condition of the muscles.

To correct developed sarcopenia, hypertrophy of existing muscle fibers is necessary. Hypertrophy is impossible without physical activity (strength training!!!).

The effectiveness of exercise in counteracting sarcopenia exceeds the results of other approaches used without combination with exercise, such as various options hormone replacement therapy, nutritional correction, etc. Even relatively short courses of training, usually 10-12 weeks with classes 2-3 times a week, led to a significant increase in strength in older men and women. It is significant that an increase in strength and muscle mass through training was achieved even by very elderly people (over 90 years old). In men and women aged 60-70 years, the effect of training was especially high , if immediately after training (over the next 20-60 minutes) protein nutrition was followed at the rate of 0.4 g of protein per kilogram of dry body mass.

Traditionally, the emphasis has been on aerobic exercise, which is beneficial for improving the health of the cardiac and respiratory systems and positive influence on the ratio of lean and fat body mass. However, it has been established that power anaerobic training have a more significant effect on the musculoskeletal system, preventing osteoporosis and sarcopenia. It was shown that strength training of elderly people, carried out for 6 months, partially restored the spectrum of mRNA synthesized by myofibrils to the state characteristic of 30-year-olds, i.e. proven for the first time at the molecular level real rejuvenating effect of strength training.
(Before training, the older participants were 59% weaker than the younger controls, but after six months of training, the results improved and they were only 38% weaker. The expression of some genes also changed and became more like the pattern of younger people).

Placebo-controlled studies have found that when strength training in recreational physical education gain protein nutrition even in very elderly men and women leads to significantly greater increases in strength and muscle mass compared to placebo.

The beneficial effects of strength training can be achieved in two to three 15-20 minute workouts per week.

Power training:

  • improve anabolic hormonal status;

  • reduce the level of pro-inflammatory cytokines;

  • increase physical endurance;

  • normalize high blood pressure;

  • reduce insulin resistance;

  • reduce general and visceral (most associated with age-related diseases) fat deposits;

  • increase the level of basal metabolism in older people;

  • prevent age-related bone loss;

  • the risk of falls and, accordingly, fractures is reduced;

  • reduce pain and improve the functional state of patients suffering from arthrosis, in particular arthrosis of the lower extremities (coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis).

In general - if you just don’t eat, “go on a diet” and, for example, run on a treadmill, ride a stationary bike, etc. - muscles will continue to be lost, and you will like your figure less and less. In addition, after menopause the hormonal profile changes - and fat begins to be deposited inappropriately female type(on the hips), and on the male side (on the stomach and sides) - which does not contribute to the beauty of the figure and is dangerous for the cardiovascular system. That is, if you follow the standard female scheme - gain 2-3-5 kg ​​in the winter, and lose them in the summer, then more and more muscles will be lost. Strength training will allow you to even out the imbalance and, if desired, look something like this:
(Ernestine Sheppard, born in 1937, began bodybuilding at age 56).

"...I have too much big muscles on hands! What to do? How to reduce these muscles?..."

“...How to reduce hip size? They are too pumped up for me...”

“...My calf muscles are too big. How to reduce them?..”

These questions come to me from female audiences quite often. They ask me to tell me not how to pump up muscles, but on the contrary, how to reduce their size! I was surprised when I was first puzzled by such a question! Here you spend years fighting for several kilograms of muscle...

That is, the question essentially sounds like this: how to train so that the muscles do not grow, but, on the contrary, decrease in volume.

I will share my thoughts on this matter.

How to reduce muscles?

Personally, I know of only one way to reduce muscle size - to stop training altogether. That is, not only not to train these muscles, but to stop training altogether. After all, any more or less literate training program leads to the growth of all the muscles of the body due to adaptations occurring throughout the body. At the same time, you must definitely take into account that your diet will need to be limited in protein and calorie content. The muscles will almost immediately begin to lose mass.

But if you still give yourself very intense and long-term stress (which increases the content of stress hormones in the body and depletes the internal resources of the body) against the backdrop of a debilitatingly poor diet, especially in terms of protein content, then things will go even faster. Here is an example of anti-bodybuilding! By the way, you will also have to say goodbye to your health...

But let's not rush to invent something new. harmful type sports

From the experience of practical work as a trainer, I can say that in 90% of cases when a woman complains of excess muscle mass in one place or another (usually the arms, hips and legs), a banal strength test shows that in fact this part consists of mainly from fat and water. And in this part there is a very lack of active muscle tissue.

Let’s say you have “huge” biceps, with a girth of 40 cm. And you are fully confident that these are pure muscle mass! But this means that you should be able to curl your arms with a barbell weighing 45-50 kg at least 5-10 times. And at the same time have a bench press of at least 110 kg! Weak?

In the vast majority of cases it is weak. More precisely, I have never seen women with such abilities, except perhaps professional athletes. But there are quite a lot of women with a shoulder circumference of 40 cm. And many of them claim that they have too much muscle. Which in fact turn out to be nothing more than fat.

Absolutely all of the above also applies to the issue of too massive thighs and legs. The exception is, perhaps, women who were seriously involved in speed skating and some sports. athletics, and then quit these classes. Here there can really be increased muscle mass, and even with a layer of fat. Looking ahead, I will say that this muscle mass can greatly help you get rid of excess fat faster. Especially if you use it for aerobic training.

We should also remember here about some types of female body types, when fat is deposited in places that are atypical for most people. For example, in the area shoulder girdle, arms and back. But again, this is fat.

What to do with all this?

First of all, structure the training (after all, you will need to train) in such a way that the total fat content in the body decreases. These are aerobic exercise techniques already known to you.

And, of course, you shouldn’t give up strength training. Let it be in small quantities, but it will be there. And quite tough.

Let's say for the arms it could be 3 sets of dumbbell curls for 10-12 reps plus 3 sets of dumbbell presses upper block 12-15 repetitions.

For the hips, you can do squats with a barbell or lunges with dumbbells in your hands: 3-4 sets of 10-15 times.

There are many techniques you can choose from for your shins. For example, jumping rope in three sets of 200-500 times. Or work on a special exercise machine for the lower leg in three approaches of 12-15 times.

Yes, in general, it doesn’t matter what exactly you do in the context of the issues discussed here. It is important that you understand that a woman's muscles that are too large may actually be just a lack of muscle in that area. And, despite their too large sizes, it would be best to pump them up. To have something to burn excess fat deposits.


The principle of action aimed at reducing muscle mass is extremely simple - it is necessary to reduce the amount of protein entering the body as much as possible, and during training use a large number of repetitions and approaches with medium and light weights. Also shown is a large number aerobic exercise aimed at reducing body weight and strengthening muscles.

Your workout should begin and end on a treadmill or bicycle machine. Use the “fat burning” mode or, in its absence, the “ragged” rhythm - a combination of medium and light loads. The maximum time spent on the machines during the entire workout should be forty minutes, the minimum – thirty.


For example, you have too massive calves or thighs, and you want to make the muscles thinner and more graceful. What can help you? First, avoid strength exercises that overly strain the muscles. For example, try not to ride a bike a lot, about half an hour a day will be enough, and ride slowly, providing the body with improved blood circulation and burning calories. Bicycles are even prohibited for many models, since they don’t need massive calves! Take long walks on foot - this will evenly tighten your leg muscles. Yoga can be a wonderful help in the fight against massive muscles in the legs and thighs. Stretching makes muscles much more graceful and less bulky. You can do these simple exercises for stretching and on your own, better every day. For example, the usual slow tilts of the head down towards the feet are considered effective. You should perform this exercise carefully, concentrating on the sensations in the stretched muscles, controlling your breathing and relaxing as much as possible.

If, in order to acquire thin waist, you diligently pump up your abdominal muscles (both rectus and oblique), but still can’t see the results, and moreover, your waist has become even more massive, then you should switch to aerobic exercise- for example, swimming in the pool or jogging daily fresh air. The fact is that massive muscles (and especially the oblique abdominal muscles) only aggravate the situation, and only aerobic exercise can help the muscles become visible. So, reduce your time in the gym to 2 hours a week and go do any kind of activity in nature or in the water. After some time, you will notice that your waist gradually becomes thin and graceful, and the muscle mass decreases and serves only to support perfect shape.

Do thin muscle arms, shoulders and upper back can also benefit from yoga. If you are swimming in the pool, then try to switch to water aerobics, and not long swims, which forms the muscle mass of these places. If you have thin thighs, then you should also pay attention to these areas - by strengthening and pumping them up a little, and by switching your attention to these places, you will visually balance and correct your figure. The arms and shoulders are some of the most difficult muscle areas to reduce, but with some persistence, you will notice how you become more graceful.

Visit a sauna or bathhouse. High temperatures - good way reduce muscle mass. Be sure to consult your doctor and check the condition of your cardiovascular system. If there are any problems with the heart, then visiting a bathhouse or sauna is contraindicated.

Very useful exercise To reduce almost any muscle group is stretching. With the help of stretching, muscles become elastic and decrease in volume. Pick up suitable exercises stretch for your muscles and do them regularly - then your muscles will be elastic and beautiful. Complexes similar exercises for various muscle groups you can find, for example, in textbooks on yoga or stretching (one of the types of fitness that concentrates on stretching). Stretching techniques are also given there.

Don't eat for two to three hours after your workout. The liquid can be consumed in the same amount. give up protein meat foods for a while and switch to carbohydrate vegetarian foods. The fact is that proteins promote muscle growth, and their consumption will not allow you to significantly reduce muscle mass. These are the main ways to reduce muscle size. Let's hope that you will regularly perform the suggested exercises and follow the methods described above - then the result will not be far off.