The following exercises raise your toes. Effective exercises for bunions on the feet. Indications for therapeutic exercises

Conventionally, it is called a bone. In fact, this is a small cartilage that is designed by nature to hold the big toe in place. correct position. This cartilage is very vulnerable, and if a person wears tight shoes, if he has endocrine disorders, if a person has suffered a foot injury, the cartilage on thumb begins to bend. The foot itself does not look as beautiful as it used to, which is especially upsetting for women. In addition, the woman’s gait changes; it is no longer so smooth; due to the shift in the center of gravity of the foot, the woman may even begin to limp. What a nuisance!

But if the cartilage can be deformed, then its shape can be corrected - it just takes time and effort. Let us immediately note that in the later stages of the formation of a bunion on the foot, gymnastics will not be able to help dramatically - surgery will be needed. But in any case, gymnastics has a beneficial effect on the foot and improves overall health.

Exercise "Paper"

Stretch your fingers by walking for 20-30 minutes or just walking in place. Then try to grab a piece of paper from the floor (crumpled up, because you are unlikely to pick up an even sheet) and place it in your palm. If you don’t succeed right away, don’t be upset - try again and again. It will definitely work!

In addition to the piece of paper, when you practice, you need to collect more inaccessible objects from the floor with your toes. For example, a lighter, pen, pencil, children's toy. The main thing is to do this every day and not get tired of training your toes. Then the joints of the foot will be flexible and the bone on the foot will no longer threaten them.

Exercise “finger fan”

This exercise can be done by imagining yourself as a primitive person. They used to be able to grab trees with their toes and use them much like we use our fingers now. Modern man has almost lost this function of the toes, so we can only develop their flexibility. This makes it possible to stay healthy longer, because how you train your feet determines how long and well you can bear your own body weight. There are also many reflex points on the foot, and by moving your toes, placing them in different positions, you can improve the health of the entire body.

Try moving your toes - each one separately. At first it may not work out, but then you will get better and better. This will bring the ankle ligaments and the smallest muscles of the foot into much better condition. If you walk on a slippery surface, find yourself in an uncomfortable position, stay on your feet all day - where an untrained person could fall and break a limb or dislocate a joint, a trained person, thanks to the flexibility of the foot, will not receive any injury. Making “fingers like a fan”, spreading them out like the fingers of a hand is one of these training exercises. Do it every day, and after 2-3 weeks you will feel the difference in the condition of your feet.

Exercise "Alphabet"

When you wake up, do some pleasant exercises to improve the flexibility of your toes. Without getting out of bed, lift your leg and write letters with your fingers. At first you can write 3 letters for each foot, then increase the number of letters. Ideally, you write the entire alphabet with the toes of one foot - very soon they will become more flexible, strong, and mobile. And then the growth of bones will not be a problem at all. Because your joints and muscles are already trained, and not static.

Exercise “Under tension!”

Don't strain nervous system, as most people do, but toes. This will make them more trained, stronger, blood flow throughout the entire foot will improve, and flat feet acquired at work will not be your disease at all.

Do the exercise like this: bend and straighten your toes, straining them strongly when bending and relaxing when straightening. Do this 10-20 times with each foot. Ten if you are not yet trained, 20 if you are already an experienced person in exercise.

If you already have bunions on your big toes, you need to train them separately. Buy a rubber ring, the kind recommended for babies when they are teething. Put this ring on thumbs legs and try to bend them with this ring.

Also tense your thumbs and hold them in this position for up to 30-40 seconds, then relax for the same amount of time. Such approaches with thumbs should be done from 10 to 20. After 2-3 weeks, you will be able to surprise your acquaintances and friends with increased flexibility of your fingers and the absence of any kind of growths on them.

Exercise "pencil"

This is something similar to grabbing a piece of paper with your toes, but more difficult exercise, for those who are already experienced in training their feet. First you need to warm up the pollen and the feet themselves. To do this, bend and straighten your fingers with force, holding them in the bend position for up to 20 seconds, and relaxing for the same time. Then throw a simple pencil on the floor and try to squeeze it with your toes so as to lift it off the floor.

Hold the pencil above the floor for 20 to 30 seconds. Throw the pencil on the floor again, rest for 20 seconds and go back to work. So train your feet by 10-15 pencil lifts from the floor for each foot.

The interpretation of this exercise is more complex, but also more varied. Throw a pencil on the floor, grab it with two toes - first and second. It's like taking a pencil with your hand. If you don't succeed at first, use your hands to help strengthen the pencil between your toes. And - let's write. Write letters in the air with a pencil one at a time as long as you can maintain your balance. Then take the pencil “in the other leg” and write again.

This is interesting because you can even time how long you can practice this grammar. Maybe you are better with your left foot than your right, and vice versa. Then you will know which foot should be strengthened more.

This good exercise for the prevention of bunions or to prevent them from growing further.

Exercise "Bottle"

This is a very easy, but very effective exercise for those whose feet do not bend very well, whose toes have already begun to harden, and this is an excellent method for preventing bunions. While sitting in front of the TV, let your feet work. Place a regular rolling pin or glass bottle under your feet (Pet containers are too flimsy and not suitable for this purpose). Now roll this stick or bottle back and forth for two to three minutes. Then place the bottle under the other foot and roll again for the same amount of time.

All the exercises you choose to strengthen your feet and prevent bunions should be done every day. You can do it in the morning, or you can do it in the evening; ideally, it is advisable to include this charger in morning complex exercises, and then unload the foot in the evening after a working day. The bunion in your feet will decrease as you exercise your joints and ligaments, as well as your leg muscles.

According to doctors, gymnastics for bunions in the legs in the early stages of the disease can stop the process of deformation and return the joint to its original position. The patient should not count on quick results, since training requires systematicity. In the later stages and with pronounced deformation, physical therapy will not give results, so it is important to start classes when the first symptoms appear.

Gymnastics is effective way getting rid of a bunion on your big toe.

Gymnastics: treatment of bunions on the feet

The benefits of bunion exercises

An orthopedic doctor, after a personal examination and X-ray, determines the degree of deformation of the metatarsophalangeal joint and the advisability of training. If the disease is not in an advanced stage, and the patient adheres to a strict exercise schedule, the following positive changes will follow:

  • disappearance of discomfort when moving;
  • returning the joint to its anatomically correct position;
  • improving the aesthetic appearance of the distal section;
  • strengthening muscle tone lower extremities;
  • general improvement in well-being.

Indications for therapeutic exercises

It is advisable to carry out exercises for the toes not only at the initial stage hallux valgus deformity thumb, but also for the purpose of:

  • treatment of flat feet;
  • rehabilitation after surgery on the lower extremities;
  • prevention of bunions on the feet.

General training rules

Since exercise therapy for the feet does not take much time, it can be included in the complex morning exercises.

Physiotherapy will not only get rid of the symptoms of the disease, but also prevent its occurrence.

In order for the bunion exercises to produce results, you must adhere to the following recommendations from orthopedists:

  • Training should be done daily. Preferably 2 times a day (morning, evening).
  • The intensity and duration of classes varies depending on the degree of deformation and the patient’s well-being. To compose optimal training, you should consult an orthopedic doctor.
  • Before execution medical complex You should do a warm-up against the bones on your feet. Self-massage of the foot will also be useful.
  • Exercise should be challenging. If after exercise therapy you do not feel tired, you should increase the intensity of exercise and the number of approaches.

Sports complex

Basic exercises

Some tasks can be done anywhere without interrupting your daily routine. The recommended number of approaches is 10 times, but you need to rely on your own feelings. Charging should include the following exercises:

  • Within 2-3 minutes. walk on the toes, heels and ribs of the feet.
  • Place various small items on the floor (stationery supplies will do). Lift them with your toes.
  • Make movements with each finger separately. In the first stages, neighboring ones will begin to move.
  • Spread your fingers in opposite directions to the maximum distance and hold for 5-10 seconds.
  • A piece of fabric is laid on the floor. You need to create folds with just your fingers and then smooth them out.
  • Imagine that your thumb is a pencil. Write letters and words in the air. Then perform with the entire foot.
  • Roll a smooth glass bottle with your foot. This improves flexibility.
  • Use your toes to pinch various objects.
  • The “bicycle” exercise is performed, but only with the feet. During execution, the sock either straightens or pulls on itself.

Jumping in place is effective method combating foot pathology.
  • From a kneeling position, heels and ankles together, placing your feet so that your toes are on the floor. Sit on your heels for 30-40 seconds, then rise and take your starting position.
  • Effectively jumping in place while pushing off the floor with your fingers. Height doesn't matter.
  • If you have concomitant flat feet, roll from toe to heel.
  • Complete the exercise by alternately squeezing and relaxing your fingers. Fixation in a tense position for 30-60 s is indicated.

A set of exercises developed by Bubnovsky allows you to strengthen the foot, relieve tension from the joints, and speed up tissue recovery.

To start performing a set of exercises, sit on the floor. Then turn your right leg out upper part feet, to do this, turn your leg back to your right. In this case, you need to keep your back straight. After you have taken the desired position, lean on your hands behind your back and smoothly lower yourself onto your back. In this case, the knee should not leave the floor. When you reach the floor, lie down for thirty seconds and slowly rise up. Then repeat the complex on the other leg.

For execution next exercise get on your knees and sit back on your heels. Then, without using your hands, begin to smoothly lower yourself onto your back. As soon as you touch the floor with your shoulder blades, you need to rise. Repeat the exercise three to four times.

To perform the following exercise, stand with the front of your foot on a low bench or log, keeping your feet shoulder-width apart. Hands should hold onto a fixed support. As you exhale, lower yourself down without lifting your toes from the log. Then slowly rise as high as possible, standing on your toes. Perform twenty movements up and down.

The entire complex should be performed daily evening time, in order to relieve fatigue and tension from the legs.

Daily exercise

This complex serves to reduce bones, relieve pain and swelling. Daily use of these exercises will relieve discomfort while walking and sleeping.

To begin with, if you have the opportunity, do exercises to strengthen the entire foot. To do this, we stand on our toes, straighten our posture and mentally imagine as if we are being pulled up by the top of our head, and begin to walk in different directions for half a minute to a minute.

Then we walk on the outer surface of the foot, also starting with a small amount, gradually increasing to a minute. Then on the inner surface so that. Then on your heels. This way our foot is strengthened from all sides. Also, to strengthen the veins, walk sideways.

Next, we take a chair, put our feet on our toes and sit on our knees, so that the emphasis on the floor rests on our bent toes, and we sit. This exercise is quite painful for the foot, but it stretches the muscles, which helps. The procedure should begin with five seconds and gradually increase to a minute.

To perform the next exercise you need to take a chair. Place your hands on the back of the chair and begin rolling onto your heels, onto your toes, and onto your knees. This procedure should be repeated for ten minutes. Then squat down and do circular movements feet. In this case, your knees should be kept as low as possible. You need to perform the exercise for two minutes clockwise and two counterclockwise.

Gymnastics should be performed before bed, after lubricating your legs with castor oil. It is recommended to use salt foot baths after gymnastics.

Gymnastics after surgery

IN postoperative period It is very important to prevent relapse. In addition, by performing a set of rehabilitation gymnastics, you speed up your recovery process

The first and most effective exercise is raising the thumb to the top. To do this you must stand in front of a mirror. You only need to look in the mirror, and never down. Standing in front of the mirror, pull your stomach in and move your shoulders back. Stretch your kneecaps knee joints to the top, tighten the inner parts of the ankle and lift two fingers to the top. The fingers must be together, otherwise it will lead to pain. We tighten our fingers and hold for 30 seconds. It is important to do this in a sevenfold pattern so that your fingers do not move to the side.

The second exercise is the so-called fan. Also performed in front of a mirror, pull in your stomach, move your tailbone forward and pull the patella up. Next, stretch your toes along the floor so that the fifth toes are as far apart as possible. But the first two fingers and the inner ankles must be together. We also hold for thirty seconds and pull our feet together. Repeat this several times.

The third exercise has the same starting position. In this position, you leave the first two fingers on the floor. Raise the remaining four fingers on both sides as high as possible. It is important to raise the fifth fingers as high as possible, while the knees are straight, the stomach is drawn in the first fingers together, do not diverge to the sides, and are pressed into the floor. Hold for 30 seconds and lower.

The fourth exercise is similar to the third. We also raise our fingers, but at the same time the fan stretches at the top. The knees are straight, the hips are compressed, the ankles and first toes are squeezed, the rest are fanned out as far as possible.

Fifth exercise, all fingers up together, the first fingers do not fall apart, the inner ankles do not fall apart either. Without lowering your toes, stand on the base of your toes. Repeat the procedure several times. At first, it can be done near a support.

The following exercise for the feet, you go down on your knees and bend your feet in ankle joints and put your fingers on the floor. This creates a right angle between the toe and the rest of the foot. It is important that in this situation the base of both the first and fifth fingers is pressed. The ankles and heels should never separate. In this position, you lower yourself and pull in your stomach, hold for 30 seconds and rise up. Repeat this exercise several times.

Finally, the legs are placed hip-width apart, with the outer edges of the feet strictly parallel to the floor. Raise your hands to the top, bend forward and grab yourself with a ring of fingers by your big toes. And you begin, as it were, to pull your toes off the floor, but at the same time, with your toes, as much as you can, press your hands to the floor for 30 seconds.

Currently, there are a large number of diseases. They are associated not only with internal organs of a person, but also to the limbs of the hands and feet. If you do nothing, then in a short period of time a lot of complications, pain and discomfort will arise. Because of this, it is impossible to do the things you love and lead a normal lifestyle. Experts note that special gymnastics It will not only relieve increased stress from the feet and toes, but also bring the foot into normal shape, correct minor defects and deviations. This is especially important in childhood When the baby is just beginning to develop, the bone base is formed. With the right approach, you can not only get rid of an existing bone on your finger, but also prevent the appearance of others. After all, it is easier to carry out prevention in advance than to spend a lot of time and money on treatment later.

Why does a bone appear?

It is worth noting that this name is only conditional to make it easier to perceive. In fact, there is a special cartilage on the fingers that is responsible for holding the base of the thumb in a normal position, without bending. Experts note that it is very vulnerable and can lose its elasticity if treated incorrectly. This is especially common when wearing tight shoes, which bring a lot of trouble, discomfort and pain, receiving all kinds of injuries and endocrine disorders. In this situation, the cartilage loses its ability to hold the finger and becomes severely bent. If you look at it externally, the foot looks very scary and ugly. This is especially upsetting for girls who like to wear open shoes and show off their feet. In addition, the gait is disturbed; instead of smooth and graceful girls, they will get a shift in the center of gravity and lameness.

Experts note that if you have such a problem, you shouldn’t worry or be scared. After all, with the right approach and timely treatment, the situation can be corrected. The main thing is not to let the problem get worse and not lead to complications. Otherwise . Currently there are special exercises, aimed at restoring the tissue base, cartilage and general condition of the foot.

Exercise "Paper"

This exercise refers to quite effective and useful. At correct technique manages to achieve a positive result. You are required to first stretch your fingers by simply walking, about twenty minutes. During this time, the foot receives blood flow, necessary materials. After this, you can begin the exercise itself, using only your toes, grab the piece of paper from the floor and put it in your own hand. If you don't succeed the first time, don't worry. The main thing is not to give up, try again and again until you succeed. Due to such actions, bones and joints are strengthened, and grasping ability improves. In addition to paper, you can try to lift other objects that are no longer accessible:

  • Lighter;
  • Pencils;
  • Kids toys;
  • Pens and so on.

The main thing is to do the exercise every day to get positive results. In just a few weeks you will be able to strengthen your finger joints and get rid of the bones that have arisen.

Fan fingers

This exercise is quite complex and effective. Everyone knows that far away, in primitive times, our ancestors managed very well own body. They could cling to branches with their fingers, grab objects, and so on without any problems. This function has been completely lost in modern humans, which is not surprising. After all, you don’t need to move through trees or pick up objects with your toes. Modern man can only improve the flexibility of his limbs, improve his health and increase his endurance. Experts note that there are a large number of reflex points on the fingers. With the right influence, a person can improve their health and get rid of diseases.

As for the exercise itself, before performing it you need to stretch your fingers and try to move each one separately. Of course, it may not work out the first time, which is not surprising. After all, it takes a lot of training, daily practice. Gradually everything will begin to work out, this will lead not only to an improvement in the general condition of the ligaments and bones, but also small muscles. These aspects are very important for modern man. After all, with an awkward blow or fall, you can easily break the bone base and damage the ligaments. But if you do the exercises, this can be prevented. After a few days, you can try spreading your fingers in different directions, making something like a fan. Experts note that with the correct technique, it is possible to strengthen joints and bones. The exercise must be repeated every day for two weeks. After this time, you can feel the first result.


It is advisable to perform this exercise after sleep, as soon as you wake up. Required in supine position raise your leg and write letters with your fingers. At the first stage, it is enough to limit yourself to three letters, gradually increasing the number. After a few weeks you will be able to write the weight alphabet. This result will improve the flexibility, mobility and endurance of the fingers and feet as a whole. In addition, the occurrence of bones is prevented due to constant movement.


This exercise is suitable for those who have difficulties with foot mobility. Required in sitting position Place your feet on a rolling pin or bottle and roll back and forth for a few minutes. Repeat every day, preferably in the evening. Due to this, it is possible not only to relax the legs, but also to improve flexibility and mobility.

Conclusion. All exercises must be performed every day to get a positive result.

The appearance of hallux valgus, or so-called “bunions” on the feet, can greatly disturb the owner of this unpleasant disease, causing discomfort while walking and causing certain problems when choosing comfortable shoes.

Moreover, ignoring the symptoms can lead to complications - the appearance of foot arthrosis, bursitis and even osteochondrosis. Many people believe that the only way to get rid of bunions is through surgery, but in fact, properly selected exercises for bunions can be very effective if your disease is not advanced.

Exercises for the prevention of hallux valgus and their feasibility

If you notice the appearance of a protruding bunion near your big toe, you probably have a question: “Is it possible to remove a bunion on your foot, and is it worth doing?” Exercises performed systematically, with a precise understanding of the goal in the first stages of the disease, will help, if not return the joint to its original state, then bring the shape of the foot closer to normal. Unfortunately, the answer “maybe it will go away on its own” in this case will be incorrect.

In fact, the so-called “bump” is a deformed metatarsophalangeal joint that should fix the big toe in the correct position. It is very useful to regularly perform exercises for a bunion on the big toe - their effect is undeniable, because they:

  • Reduce discomfort when walking,
  • Help the joint take the correct shape,
  • Strengthen tone leg muscles,
  • Produces a general strengthening effect on the body the glow of health.

The appearance of a bone can be due to various reasons.: long-term wearing of uncomfortable narrow shoes, heredity, presence overweight etc. The sooner you pay attention to the problem, the easier and faster it can be eliminated non-surgically. Exercises may not help completely remove the bunion, but they will significantly eliminate the discomfort, unpleasant symptoms, will correct the situation from an aesthetic point of view.

Do not forget that if you have an inflammatory process in the area of ​​the thumb joint, you should not resort to palliative methods, hoping for a cure. You should consult a doctor immediately.

Who is this type of gymnastics for?

Gymnastics for bunions is very effective in the initial stages of the disease, as well as during the rehabilitation period after surgery (if it was not possible to get rid of the problem using conservative methods).

When performing the exercises, you should follow these simple rules:

    Don't take long breaks, that is, if yesterday you worked out, and the next time you remember about gymnastics only after two weeks, this will not bring the desired effect;

    It is advisable to do two approaches– morning and evening, but you should not be overtired;

    Exercise shouldn't be too easy for you, the muscles need to work - so if you feel that everything is very easy for you, increase the number of approaches.

These exercises are also very effective in preventing foot diseases. Mostly women suffer from problematic bunions (and not only because of the choice of elegant but uncomfortable shoes), so girls who do not yet experience problems with their feet should also pay attention to this gymnastics.

Set of exercises

Before charging, you should do a general warm-up. There are a lot of exercises, it is not necessary to do the whole complex every day. They can be alternated depending on how you feel, the availability of time and the situation. We do each about 10 times. Over time (when you feel that all the exercises are easy for you), the load should be increased.

At the very beginning, you should warm up, it is also advisable to massage your feet. Now we can begin.

Many bunion exercises do not require maximum concentration on your part and can be performed, for example, while watching a TV show, knitting, or reading a book. And some - even at the desktop:

1. We lift objects.

Place small items on the floor. These could be balls of crumpled paper, spools of thread. We try to lift them with the help of our toes and transfer them to our palm. Over time, you can complicate the exercise and take more slippery, narrow or small objects - for example, buttons, pencils, pens (or caps from them). Then try to hold the object for a few minutes, put it back in place and lift it up again with your toes. Exercises for bunions on big toes will help you do two useful things at once: for example, if your child has scattered toys, you can try to collect them in a basket or box while performing this exercise at the same time.

2. "Bicycle".

This is for everyone familiar exercise should be done with emphasis on the feet. Imagine that you are riding a bicycle and pedaling only with your toes. Make sure your shins move parallel to the floor. We arch the foot: it is straightened when the “pedal” is in front, then we pull the toe towards us.

3. "Alphabet".

Starting position – lying down. Raising your leg, we consistently “write” the letters of the alphabet in the air with the tip of the foot. The more letters you can depict, the better.

4. Write letters and numbers.

Now let’s try to actually write the alphabet: sitting on a chair (hands on your knees), take a pen or pencil with your toes and try to draw geometric shapes on a piece of paper (and move your foot not only clockwise, but also back). When you succeed, move on to letters and numbers.

5. Kneel.

We kneel down, then turn the feet of both feet so that all toes are on the floor. We sit on our heels connected together (ankles are also pressed against each other). After half a minute we rise to the starting position, then repeat the exercise.

16. "Caterpillar".

Sitting on a chair, bend your legs at an angle of 90 degrees and place your feet firmly on the floor. We begin to move the foot by bending your toes and moving along the floor (simulating the movement of a caterpillar) - first forward, then back.

17. We are pushing the limits!

You will need a rubber ring to put on your thumbs (starting position - sitting). Instead of a ring, you can use a regular elastic band, but it must be strong and elastic enough. Having stretched it, we begin to bend and straighten our toes. Second option: we spread our feet as far apart as possible, pulling the elastic band, then bring them together.

18. Exercise with a bottle.

Try rolling a hard bottle (plastic will not work), a rolling pin, or some similar cylindrical object of not very large diameter with your foot. First we perform the exercise with one leg, then the other. Roll the bottle (it can be filled with water) in different directions.

19. Up – down – to the sides.

Standing barefoot, we bring our feet together so that they touch (the bones of the big toes should be next to each other, the heels should also be together). Slowly rise to the toes and fix this position. We get down to the floor. Now we place the feet separately. We spread our toes to the sides and again linger in this position for a few seconds. We move them back and relax.

Sitting on the floor with with outstretched legs, squeeze your toes tightly, then relax them. It is advisable to fix the bent position for about half a minute (imagine that you grabbed a pencil or pen with all your toes and are now holding it). Now try to bend only your thumbs: fix them in a tense state, and then rest.

Over time, you can increase the number of approaches and also complicate the exercise: put a rubber ring on your big toe - this will make it more difficult to bend your toes. But you will need to try to do this while overcoming resistance.

These exercises are useful not only for improving the condition of the leg joints, reducing the rehabilitation period, but also for prevention.

Don't forget also about walking fresh air, hardening (for example, a contrast shower is a simple and accessible way to everyone), monitor your diet and daily routine. I wish you health and easy walking! published .

If you have any questions about this topic, ask them to the experts and readers of our project .