Speed ​​training in Muay Thai. Muay Thai training: preparatory exercises for beginners. Development of dynamics and technology

Anyone who has seen Tony Jaa in action will see the benefits of Muay Thai. Explosive plyometric training, which is at the core of any Muay Thai fighter's training, allows you to achieve such physical fitness that the impossible becomes possible.

Muay Thai, also known as the “science of eight limbs,” is taught to military and police officers in Thailand due to its lethal potential in close combat. The fighters, using their feet, knees, fists and elbows, unleash a hail of blows on their opponents that can crush any adherent of good old English boxing - provided that the opponents do not differ much in weight and level of physical fitness.

“Muay Thai is considered one of the deadliest martial arts in the world,” says Kru Sean Boland, professional trainer and founder of the Chao Phraya Muay Thai Academy. “Our fighters are regularly tested for strength in battles within the famous K1 championships and often win them.” But Thai boxing is not only about winning in the ring. “Muay Thai is designed to develop agility, endurance and flexibility, and adherents of this martial art tend to be strong and lean,” confirms Boland.

Introducing the program Boland uses to train his students. With its help, you will completely rebuild your body and reach new heights in the gym in less than a month. And if you need inspiration for these activities, watch this video:

Cult film: "Thai Warrior"
Cult Hero: Tony Jaa as Tiang

Fighting pressure

Master the secrets of Thai boxing to gain explosive force and make your legs as powerful as possible.

Your program for 4 weeks

Do these exercises 3 times a week. Always start with the warm-up described below. For classes in the first and second weeks, choose one exercise each from groups A and B and two exercises from group C, completing the session interval training with a jump rope for 6 minutes. In the third and fourth weeks, do 2 exercises from group A at a time, one from group B, then work with a pear and finally 2 exercises from group B. Combine exercises in such a way that each session is different from the previous one. The order of execution can be any - starting with exercises from group A and ending with exercises from group B is not necessary. End each session by jogging for 20 minutes. for a cool down.


1. Run and hit Within 30 sec. Run in place, then add a combination of forward and upward punches to your run. You are also given 30 seconds for these movements. Rest for 20 seconds.

2. Block Stand in a standing position and, jumping in place, raise one or the other knee to your chest in turn for a minute. Rest for 20 seconds. and start training.

Group A. Increase your power

With your butt back, squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Then straighten up, simultaneously sharply throwing your right knee forward and up.

Repeat with the other leg. This is 1 repetition, do 10 of these and rest for 1 minute.

Combine jumping jacks and push-ups, each time adding or subtracting 2 repetitions according to the following scheme: first do 2 jumps and 2 push-ups, then 4 jumps and 4 push-ups, then 6 jumps and 6 push-ups, then 8, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2. This is one approach, do 2-3 of these, rest between approaches for 30 seconds, after - 1.5 minutes.

With your butt back, squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Then jump up and simultaneously turn your whole body 180 degrees clockwise. This is 1 repetition. On your next rep, turn 180 degrees counterclockwise. Perform 3 sets of 20 repetitions. Rest between sets 30 seconds, after - 1.5 minutes.

Group B. Gain Deadly Power

Place your feet at double shoulder width. Bend over and place your hands on the floor. Move them forward without moving your legs until you reach a lying position. Push up and return to the starting position. Do 15–20 repetitions. Rest for 30 seconds.

Get into a lying position and do one push-up. When you're in the top position, throw a forward punch with one arm, then push up and throw a hook with the other arm. This is two repetitions. Do 20-30 repetitions. Rest for 30 seconds.

"Don't wag your tongue until the fight is over"

Tony Jaa

Hit the pears

Perform these exercises as part of your workout in weeks three and four.

Monday and Thursday

100 beat session

  • 25 straight punches (jab/cross)
  • 25 straight kicks

Rest for 30 seconds.

Wednesday and Friday

200 beat session

IN fast pace and without rest do:

  • 25 straight punches (jab/cross)
  • 25 straight kicks
  • 25 knee strikes (hold the bag with your hands)
  • 25 side kicks (each leg)

Rest for 30 seconds. and repeat again.

Group B. Work your core muscles

Lie on the floor on your back and stretch your arms behind your head, touching them to the floor. At the same time, raise your arms and legs so that they meet above your stomach, return to the starting position. Repeat 15–20 times. Rest 1 minute. before the next exercise.

After all, there is no mentor or partner here. And should beginners focus on this?

First you need to decide on your goals. If your goal is to achieve success in the ring, then you definitely need to study in a section or personally with a qualified trainer.

And homework is logical when the following goals appear:

  1. Seriously improve your health.
  2. Develop dynamics and dexterity of movements.
  3. Deliver a strong blow.
  4. Strengthen muscles and ligaments.
  5. Get a slim, athletic figure.
  6. Outwardly resembles a professional fighter.
  7. Strengthen your fighting character.

For boxing training, the practitioner determines the exercises independently. He is his own mentor. He decides for himself what is optimal for him.

Other advantages here:

  1. Independent selection of the beginning, duration and end of classes.
  2. There are no hits in important places: head, chin, liver, etc.

Inventory questions

Boxing lessons at home can be held in a small room. You can arrange part of the room for this.

The required attributes are:

  1. Massive pear
  2. Special gloves.
  3. Bandage gloves.
  4. Set of dumbbells. The weight of some is 1 kg. They help you practice your strikes productively without a bag. Weight of the second: 2-3 kg.
  5. Bench.

You can learn the basics of boxing for beginners with this kit. Dynamic bags, paws, helmet - this is the attribution of professionals.

The following equipment is useful for training:

  1. Horizontal bar.
  2. Bars.
  3. Swedish wall.

For such activities, you can dress in regular sportswear.

The boxing training program for beginners at home has the following points:

  1. Warm up.
  2. Development of technology and dynamics.
  3. Working with a pear.
  4. Muscle development.


It begins with smooth steps around the room. In this case, you need to stretch your neck muscles and rotate your head.

Further actions:

  1. The gait quickens a little. You should move your arms in a variety of ways and then turn your body.
  2. The goose gait is performed for three minutes. At the same time, the hands and wrists are warmed up.
  3. Steps in place with knees rising high.

Development of dynamics and technology

When learning boxing at home from scratch, after warming up, you should sharpen your stances. There is no need to use dumbbells yet. They will be needed in 2-3 months.

The stands help you move intelligently around the site. They are:

  1. Frontal (hereinafter abbreviated as FS). The position of the legs is shoulder width. Hand position: near the chest, they need to be clenched into fists. Knees – bend slightly

  1. Own (SS). Your weak leg should be put forward. Concentrate the weak hand in front, protecting the jaw. The position of the second hand is on the chest line.

  1. Opposite (PS). Here you need to put your leading arm and leg forward.


  1. Jump forward and backward. Type of jumps - short. Stand type – SS. Type of blows: straight. The front hand is used for application.
  2. Everything is the same as in point 1, only the type of stand is PS.
  3. In the stance - FS to implement direct attacks. Their pace and power gradually develop.
  4. Evade into SS.
  5. Standing still, hit from the side from the FS, as in step 3.
  6. Dive into the SS.
  7. Implement static uppercuts, as in paragraphs 3. and 5.
  8. Fight with the shadow.

After this set of exercises, jump rope. This is how leg strength is optimally developed. It is optimal to conduct 3 three-minute rounds with one-minute pauses.

Working with a pear

After the previous exercises, rest for 5-10 minutes. Walk slowly around your exercise facility. Then put on gloves. There is work to be done with the pear.

It is impossible to work effectively without such work. Here the following criteria must be met:

  1. The starting position is SS.
  2. Alternating direct attacks: from the left hand with uppercuts, with right hand- with side ones.
  3. Strikes are performed individually and serially. The main target is the center of the pear.
  4. The power and dynamics of attacks develop gradually.

The duration of the work depends on your capabilities. It is important to avoid excessive fatigue and exhaustion.

When the bag swings seriously after attacks, you need to increase its mass.

Muscle development

Developed muscles enhance the dynamics of attacks and other movements.

It is important to strengthen your legs, buttocks, abdominal muscles, and back.

The following complex is useful:

In the first lessons, two approaches are used. Three months later another one is added. Optimal number of repetitions: 6-10. If 10 repetitions is an easy indicator for you, and you cannot develop the mass of dumbbells, you can increase the number of repetitions, for example, to 15.

Start the strength complex only after taking a rest after working with a pear. This is about 15 minutes.

At the end of the workout, you need to relax the loaded muscles: walk slowly, shaking your arms slightly.

You can purchase some boxing tutorial for beginners at home. It will help you clearly see how to carry out attacks correctly, develop technique, muscles, etc.

Children's question

Teaching boxing to children at home is only possible additional measure to the main classes in the section. Without good coach, who has enormous experience in teaching children, this process cannot be arranged.

The suitable age of the child is 10. In rare exceptions, younger children are taken.

At the initial stage of training, the emphasis is on the development of physical data, agility and sports tactics. Each workout is foreshadowed by: jogging, jumping rope, body movements.

The first children's classes are devoted to learning the rules of boxing. Children gradually delve into the training process. Over 3-4 years, students:

  • learn about the main blows,
  • learn to fight in the ring,
  • learn about movements and series,
  • master the technique.

Thai boxing

Education Thai boxing You can arrange it at home. This is especially true for those who cannot afford gym classes.

Pros of training Muay Thai at home:

  1. Saves time and effort.
  2. Financial savings.
  3. Freedom of schedule.
  4. Opportunity personal lessons with a mentor. He will build a personal Muay Thai training program and help you balance nutrition and rest time. And this is financially more profitable than group classes.

However, Thai boxing lessons at home also have their disadvantages:

  1. Small space for studying.
  2. There is no mentor who will make adjustments to the lesson or “help” if necessary.
  3. There is no working atmosphere: the smell of the hall, noise, impacts on bags, etc.
  4. Problem with sparring.
  5. Difficulties with inventory.

How to learn Thai boxing at home? These criteria must be met:

  1. Initial lessons come only with an online mentor. He will set the mood for the training regime, explain how and what is best to do.
  2. Get equipment to strengthen your arms and legs. The minimum is: two dumbbells 1-2 kg, gloves, small pears.
  3. Classes must be held on a regular basis.

You can purchase a Muay Thai tutorial. For example, "The Way of the Warrior". Its author is Vitaly Varchenko.

How to train Muay Thai at home? A warm-up is a must. For beginners, its basic version will do.

  1. You need to stand up straight. The position of the legs is shoulder width. Smooth ones follow circular movements necks on the sides. Then the head smoothly turns to the left and right side. After which she needs to move up and down. Reps – 10-15.
  2. Rotation shoulder joints forward. The fists are slightly clenched. Then rotate your arms back. Frequency – 10-15 times.
  3. You need to rotate while jumping elbow joints forward in your direction and away from yourself.
  4. The fingers are locked into a lock. The brushes rotate. At the same time, the feet are warmed up with circular movements. You should stand on your toes. First one leg is stretched, then the other.
  5. Rotation of the body laterally in the pelvic area. The head is fixed.
  6. Rotation of the torso in a circle own body. Bend forward. The pelvis is kept level. The pace is calm.
  7. Tilts the body to the sides. The hand reaches behind the head.
  8. At a fast pace, the body turns to the left and right sides. Hands in front of you. They are bent at the elbows.
  9. The same as in step 8, only the bend is made and the legs are straight.
  10. Legs are together. Tilts down. The pace is fast.
  11. Legs are wider than shoulder width. The body is turned to the left. Need to sit on left leg. Its angle is right. Thigh – parallel to the surface. The right leg almost touches the floor. Then the legs change.
  12. The width of the legs is the same as in step 11. Squatting. Only one leg bends. The second one is pulled to the side and held straight. The foot of the supporting leg is completely placed on the floor. The toe of the other foot is pointed upward. The height does not change. There is a movement from foot to foot. Repetitions – 10-15.
  13. Swing your legs. First, alternately left, right forward and up. The number of repetitions is 30. Then, using the same principle, you need to swing your legs to the sides. Here you should lean on the wall.

These are the main ones warm-up exercises for Thai boxing at home. To complete them, you can pull the twine in a static position. Duration – 5 minutes. For beginners, it’s better to take 1-2 minutes.

All points are repeated again 2-3 times.

General physical training for Muay Thai is impossible without running. Usually it is 8-10 km. Also needed:

  1. Explosive actions, such as pushing a ball weighing 3-6 kg.
  2. Development of stretching.
  3. Strengthening bone tissue. Example: kicking a tree.
  4. Development of the reaction. Example: throwing tennis ball into the wall. He throws with one hand and is caught with it.


Home boxing or Muay Thai classes are structured depending on the student’s goals. For success in the ring, they serve as additions to basic training. For personal tasks, these are the basics.

Thai boxing: program for higher educational institutions in Thai boxing Tsinis A. V.


Structure of a training session

Don't count the small things in your training. Even if you become a master, start your training with boxing basics, even if you have mastered them thoroughly. Famous maestros in the music world begin each rehearsal by playing the elementary scales and passages that they learned in first grade. This is what gives mastery great ease and freedom.

There are three main groups of exercises in boxing training:

1. General developmental: warm-up, work on the road, exercises with weights, sport games etc.

2. Special preparatory exercises: exercises with equipment (paws, bags, pears, etc.).

3. Special: sparring, conditional fights, exercises to improve the technical and tactical arsenal with a partner.

Let's look at the basic means of a training session.


Warm-up is where any workout begins. This is a very important part of the workout, since poor warm-up can lead to injury. Warm-up also serves to condition the body under conditions of increased stress.

Warm-up should not be long, 10-15 minutes is enough, and should contain exercises for all muscle groups, ligaments and joints.

Exercises with a jump rope

Exercises with a jump rope improve performance of cardio-vascular system and coordination. These exercises can be used during the warm-up or in the final part of the workout. In Thailand, training begins with this and jumping rope takes 15 minutes.

Jumping rope should be easy and economical. The knees should bend slightly in order to absorb the contact of the feet with the floor. You shouldn't jump too high. The initial goal is to establish a consistent rhythm and maintain it throughout the round. Once the initial steps are mastered, you can move on to more difficult exercises– on one leg, with alternating legs, in motion, double jumps(when the rope makes two revolutions in one jump).

A fight with a shadow

Shadow boxing is the next stage of the training session. It usually lasts 2-3 rounds.

Shadow boxing is performed in two ways:

- by repeatedly repeating the same blow or technique, achieving the correct form of movement;

– imagining an imaginary opponent and fighting with him.

It is always necessary to have a mental picture of your opponent, to see his imaginary strikes, movements and defenses. Shadowboxing should have a specific purpose.


Sparring and other types of training fights are one of the most important parts of training. A boxer cannot succeed in competition without improving his skills in training fights. It is advisable to devote 15–20 rounds per week to sparring. Boxers should conduct training bouts wearing well-fitting masks, 12-16 ounce gloves, shin pads, and vests if necessary. However, in Thailand, boxers most often sparr with punches only. They believe that sparring with kicks will cause unnecessary injury. It is advisable to lubricate your face with Vaseline to avoid cuts.

You can't spar just for the sake of fighting. It is always necessary to set some specific task. It is advisable to select sparring partners who are similar in style to the future opponent. Sparring must be carried out at full strength, otherwise the blow will be lost.

Sometimes it is very useful to sparr with boxers who have just put on gloves, what does this give? A boxer familiar with the Thai boxing technique hits with well-known blows, described many times, and a beginner waves haphazardly, it’s easy to attack him, but some ridiculous blows can be very unexpected and take him by surprise.

Paw exercises

Exercises on the paws are used to practice defensive techniques, mobility, accuracy and technique of strikes, combinations, as well as to solve individual tactical problems. The companies “RAMTL” and “TWINS”, which produce boxing equipment, produce a large assortment various types paws: regular paws for hands, paws-gloves, elongated paws for hands, paws for legs, shields for practicing strikes on the legs and torso. We also produce protective vests for trainers or protective belts for practicing body blows, and shin pads for kicking by trainers.

For paw exercises, three to six rounds are allotted daily.

When working with the paws, the coach should imitate blows, and the boxer, performing various defenses, should move on to counterattacking actions. Each technique, blow or combination must be carefully worked out. You cannot strike randomly, without a specific goal. It is necessary to constantly create a situation close to combat.

Bag exercises

The bag is the best projectile for delivering a correct, strong and fast strike. Bag exercises usually take 2-4 rounds.

The principles of working on a bag are the same as when shadowboxing. First, each blow is practiced on the form of execution, and then on acquisition impact force and speed through repeated repetition. After mastering single strikes, you can move on to practicing combinations.

It is necessary to constantly be in motion in front of the bag, not to linger in the same position for a second. You should not push the bag instead of hitting it. It must also be remembered that the blow should not be applied to the surface of the bag, but through the bag.

One of the specific bag exercises used in Thailand is kicking, kneeing and punching a swinging bag.

Exercises on a pneumatic bag

The pneumatic bulb promotes good muscle coordination, improving the feeling of striking, differentiated light and strong, and the accuracy of striking. 1-3 rounds are allotted for working with a pear.

Pears are available in four sizes. You need to start with the largest, slower one, and only after consolidating the skills of working on it can you move on to smaller, faster pears. You can slow down the movement of the pear by deflating the air from it. The standard exercise is as follows: the boxer punches with the front of his fist, the bag hits back platform, front and back again and moves towards the next blow with the same fist, but with its edge. This is followed by a change of hand. Hands must be raised. First you need to maintain a consistent rhythm throughout the round. Once this exercise is mastered, you can move on to striking with different strengths and changing the rhythm of the strikes.

Stretching ball exercises

Exercises with the ball on stretches serve to improve the distance and accuracy of defensive strikes with slopes, blocks, and withdrawals. The balls are also available in four sizes.

First you need to start with simple exercises actually big ball- a direct punch with a fist without a step and as soon as the ball goes back after the hit, take a deflection or step back. Then move on to more complex exercises - with strikes after defenses, with series of two-three-four strikes, with steps, on a smaller ball.

Free work in pairs

More often, when working in pairs, only kicks that are not protected by protectors are used. The essence of such a fight is to work out correct protection and counterattack. The more variety and improvisation, the better. The blows are applied lightly and softly, so as not to injure yourself and your partner. Sometimes boxers wear gloves and throw punches as well as kicks. Usually 2 rounds are allotted for working in pairs.

Clinch exercises

This type of work in pairs serves to practice grips, ways out of them, and techniques for unbalancing the opponent. Exercises in the clinch, or they also say “wrestling”, are given 2-4 rounds daily.

This part of the training should not be turned into a fight; knee strikes should be delivered with good amplitude, but should not be strong, and a lot of effort should not be applied. More attention should be paid to striking precisely at the moment when the partner is unbalanced and not ready to defend himself.

Strengthening exercise abdominals and neck

These are very important strength exercises, necessary in order to well withstand the enemy's blow. These exercises end the training.

Structure of a training session

No. 1 Training – tactical and technical;

No. 2 Training – technical and tactical;

№ 3 Circuit training– special physical;

No. 4 Open ring;

No. 5 Competition – refereeing and instruction (for 4–5 goals of training).

Workout #1


General developmental exercises;

Special physical exercises.

Main part:

Simulated battle without an opponent;

Simulated battle with the enemy;

Working in protective equipment;

Conditionally free fights.

Final part:

Work on projectiles;

Workout #2


Running exercises;


Exercises to develop flexibility.

Main part:

Muay Thai School;

Imitation fight in front of a mirror with and without weights;

Working with heavy bags;

Working with medicine balls.

Final part:

Jump rope;

Summing up, homework.

Workout #3


General developmental exercises;

Sport games.

Main part:

Circuit training using equipment and weights.

Final part:

Exercises to develop flexibility;

Summing up, homework.

Workout #4


General developmental exercises;

Main part:

Conditionally free fights;

Free fights.

Final part:

Analysis of the matches, summing up the results.

Workout #5



Main part:

Refereeing as a side judge, timekeeper, and participant judge.

Preparation for the performance of novice athletes and timing at entry-level tournaments.

Final part:

Summing up, analyzing the results.

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Without having an experienced Muay Thai coach, you cannot count on progress and carry out quality Muay Thai lessons for beginners.

In Thai boxing, the technique of striking with hands, feet, elbows and knees is quite simple to learn, but when mastering it, many related questions arise that can be difficult to solve on your own; even a self-instruction manual on Thai boxing will not help with this.

Incorrect position of the leg in a fighting stance or movement of the body that is done at the wrong time can significantly weaken the force of a blow in Muay Thai. And only an experienced Muay Thai coach will be able to assess what you are doing wrong and help you correct the mistake.

The trainer will choose for you necessary exercises for Muay Thai, which will help you perform all Muay Thai punches technically correctly. Muay Thai exercises are very varied. In addition to working off percussion technology, you need to master your hands. Therefore, it can be very difficult to understand them on your own.

Mastering defensive actions is even more difficult because it requires working in pairs. Therefore, the technique of defense can only be comprehended by group training Muay Thai for beginners, learning the basics training battle Muay Thai.

In life, we encounter situations when the skills acquired in Muay Thai lessons can be useful. sometimes it is the only solution to resolve the conflict.

You can come to the Thai boxing section without any special training, and then improve your skills in Thai boxing classes. physical fitness.

But you can try to achieve excellent physical shape on your own, even before attending Muay Thai classes.

This article will talk about basic knowledge, which will help you achieve excellent physical shape in a reasonable time.

Motivational Muay Thai lessons for beginners

There are a lot of people who want to teach Thai boxing lessons, but there are much fewer who have already taken at least the first step and went to Muay Thai classes for beginners.

In addition to banal laziness, two motives can be distinguished

Motive one

“I have a prestigious job, and my boss won’t understand if I come to the office with a bruise and a broken nose.”

In Thai boxing for beginners, you cannot do without injuries, as in any other type of martial arts. But the risk of injury can be reduced if you approach the matter wisely.

If conquering the heights of Muay Thai is not the first goal of your life, then you are unlikely to encounter problems. Among office workers There are quite a few people taking Muay Thai lessons for beginners.

And already at the first training session, feel free to talk to the coach about the goals of practicing Muay Thai and what exactly you need from training. No one in Muay Thai training for beginners will beat you without your desire.

Second motive

“I haven’t done any sports for a long time, I’ll come to the Thai boxing section, and how will I look compared to the advanced Thai boxers?”

You are not the first, you are not the last - everyone once started somewhere. The physical form of a Thai boxer can truly inspire envy. But it is quite possible for a purposeful person to achieve it in a fairly short time during Muay Thai training for beginners, and as part of independent studies, which we will talk about further.

Physical training of a Thai boxer

Thai boxing is not only a form of martial arts, but healthy image life, which includes proper nutrition, including refusal bad habits, full sleep, leisure. It is necessary to apply both comprehensive and special physical development.

The Thai boxing technique has many subtleties, so it is better not to start studying it on your own. Of course, now there is a lot of information and advice, many educational books and videos on Muay Thai. However, such “advisers” will be of little use; you need a real Muay Thai school.

Even if you get acquainted with the theory of Thai boxing from a self-instruction manual, it is unlikely that you will be able to apply the knowledge perfectly in practice. An experienced outsider’s view is important, assessing your actions and noticing mistakes, you need good school Thai boxing.

And this is the only way you can deliver good technique Thai boxing, and a good knockout punch in Muay Thai.

WITH physical training things are much simpler. You can improve your physical fitness, become stronger, faster and more resilient on your own.

Let's look at some exercises for beginners that will allow you to quickly get into good shape and then the Muay Thai school will be easier to master.

Aerobic exercise

Base loads in Thai boxing are aerobic in nature - these include running, jumping rope, and several specific loads - practicing punches in pairs, working with a punching bag, shadowboxing, hitting a boxing bag.

In order to easily withstand these loads, you need to run cross-country (trying to improve your results at least once a week, increasing the distance by a hundred meters, or running a normal section of the path faster).

Second important exercise - interval running. This kind of running involves moving in jerks, with acceleration. For example, you run for 10-15 seconds at a speed of 9-10 km per hour, then sharply accelerate for 10 seconds, and then run slowly again.

Interval running recreates the situation in the ring, when the expenditure of strength is uneven, then you actively attack, starting an attack with an explosive movement, then, on the contrary, you retreat from your opponent, restoring strength.

The third, very important type of exercise for Thai boxing is running up the stairs. This exercise perfectly develops breathing even in those people who are not used to aerobic exercise. This exercise will help significantly increase general endurance and breathing in a short period of time

The fourth type of preparatory exercise is jumping rope. This exercise is mandatory in all sections of Muay Thai. In addition to breathing, it also develops coordination of movements - the very consistency of movements of each muscle, which ultimately makes the Thai boxer's blow so strong.

Power loads

The question of whether Thai boxers should develop strength skills is not yet obvious to many. Let's leave the debate on this issue - this is a topic for a separate article:. However, strength skills have not yet interfered in any form of martial arts.

We also won’t talk about serious training with hardware for now - everything here is individual and how much attention you should pay strength development The coach will decide.

Basic principles

1. Focus on basic exercises (bench press, deadlift, squat). These exercises work large muscle groups, giving impetus to the development of the entire body.

2. Maximum weight. To develop strength, try to work with weights that you can lift no more than 3-5 times in one approach. Remember, under such loads it is advisable to work with a partner who will insure you.

This is especially true for the bench press. Squats and deadlifts are also extremely difficult exercises, so try to work on your technique with people who have experience in strength training.

3. Rest and food. Strength training There should not be many - one, maximum two per week. Even weightlifters and powerlifters don't work on strength every day, so this frequency is enough for you. During the rest period, your muscles should recover and gain strength.

If you are studying martial arts , then no matter what style it is, it is always useful to have a partner for joint training. Working with a partner helps to imitate real wrestling and practice martial arts techniques. In Muay Thai, for example, working with a partner allows you to experience in practice such nuances as time, distance, pace and rhythm of battle, as well as many others.

But unfortunately, it is not always possible to train in the gym with teammates. But don't worry as there are many ways you can exercise on your own and benefit from it. For example, working alone on a bag allows you to discover new combinations and work out mistakes that you have in your strikes.

While working with a partner has clear benefits, independent learning should not be overlooked.

This article discusses a training plan that will be useful to you for self-study. All you need is a little space, a jump rope, a punching bag and good music for training.

Part 1: Warm up

Warm up and stretch - 10 min
Jump rope - 2 rounds (6 minutes total)
Shadowboxing - 3 rounds (total 9 minutes of work)

A fight with a shadow requires concentration and perseverance. Otherwise it's very easy instead the right skills develop bad habits. Imagine your opponent in front of you. Perform at 70% of your ability throughout all rounds. Walk correctly using the balls of your feet (on your toes). Focus on movements, do not forget to break the distance after attacks.

A good option for shadowboxing is tasks for each round.

Round 1: Movements with a sudden impact. Move and periodically throw out sharp kicks and punches. This exercise will help improve your movement technique and the speed of your strikes.

Round 2: Practicing kicks (knees, types, etc.). Continue to focus on your movements, but focus on kicking only.

Round 3: Full sparring. Combine the work with your arms and legs.

Part 2. Working with a heavy bag

1. 50 push kicks

Perform kicks with both feet. Use the movement of the bag to practice punches when the bag is “flying” at you. At the same time, don’t just stand still, but move around.

2. 50 side kicks on each leg.

Perform all kicks on one leg, then on the other. Concentrate on the coordinated work of your legs, body and head. Practice maximum amplitude and strength.

3. 5 free rounds.

Use all proven techniques. Work clearly and simply. Be realistic, you shouldn’t practice any combinations piled up with blows. Remember that what you practice on the bag will become your automaticity and will manifest itself in sparring.