How much fat, muscle and water is in your body? Formula for calculating ideal weight - how to determine your normal weight? How to Calculate Body Fat Percentage

If you want to know what is needed to calculate body fat and what is not, then you need to read this article.

This is what I looked like:

I know bodybuilders compete at 4 to 5% body fat, so I figured I was around 7%.

What percentage of body fat do you think I had?

Do you believe it was 11%?

This is the number my friend and I got from a test we did (we did it several times to make sure it was accurate).

I weighed about 84 kilograms, and according to the test results I have about 9 kilograms of fat.

To put this into perspective, here's what half a kilogram of fat looks like in terms of volume:

If you want to touch my fat, then if you cling to me, you will only grab the skin. So where is this phantom fat hiding?

And given what it took to detect that small percentage, if it was actually 11% fat, I'm guessing 7% is simply undetectable?

I decided to look into everything and find the answer.

  • What does body fat percentage mean?
  • Pros and cons of popular calculation methods percentage fat in the body.
  • How to determine your body fat percentage with a fair degree of accuracy.
  • What are the most effective ways to track body fat?
  • And much more.

Let's start.

Body fat percentage is total weight minus body fat weight.

For example, if you weigh 68 kg and your body fat is 6.8 kg, then your body fat percentage is 10% (6.8/68).

This percentage changes as you gain or lose fat. Of course, this percentage also changes when you gain muscle or lose muscle mass.

If you used proper nutrition and were engaged strength training To increase your weight from 68 to 78 kg, for example, and gain another 2.2 kg of fat, then the new percentage of body fat will be about 12% (9/78).

If after this you stop doing exercises and lose, say, 4.5 kg muscle mass instead of body fat, your body fat percentage will still be around 12% (9/73.5).

Thus, your body fat percentage fluctuates as you change your constitution.

Why is calculating body fat percentage more important than calculating body mass index?

Many people confuse body fat and body mass index, but they are two completely different concepts.

BMI stands for “body mass index,” and this number is a ratio of weight to height.

  • For example, here is my BMI:
  • 184 (lbs) x 0.45 = 82.8 (kg)
  • 74 (inches) x 0.025 = 1.85 (m)
  • 1.85 x 1.85 = 3.4225
  • 82.8 / 3.4225 = 24.2 (BMI)

Here's how BMI values ​​correlate with body weight status:

  • Reduced =<18.5
  • Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
  • Overweight = 25-29.9
  • Obesity = BMI 30 or more

As you can see, according to my BMI measurement, I was borderline overweight.

Strange, isn't it?

Well, that's the problem with BMI: it's useful for analyzing broad populations, but not as useful for individual assessments of physical development.

BMI is useful for analyzing broad populations, but not for individual assessment of physical development.

Calculating body fat percentage is much better for these purposes.

Normal percentage of body fat in women and men

Body fat is actually the dreaded layer of subcutaneous fat.

It plays vital roles in the body, including protecting organs from damage, maintaining body temperature, producing hormones and other chemicals, and much more.

This is why there is a limit to how thin you can be before you start having health problems.

What does this limit mean?

Below are the body fat ranges and their classification for both men and women:

Unless you are a competitive athlete, you should not try to achieve extremely low body fat levels. If you try to greatly reduce your fat percentage, your body will suffer, including your internal organs, and the road to recovery may be very long.

The lower level of body fat allows you to achieve muscle cross-section. This is exactly what people look like at this stage. Anyone can achieve good health with proper diet and exercise, but it is very difficult to maintain this state for a long period of time.

Maintaining this condition requires strict control of calorie intake, which can be especially difficult if you struggle with your natural constitution.

Healthy fats look healthy and athletic, but there is a lack of definition of the lower level of a given body fat.

The middle range of normal fats is the stage when you become “overweight” and health problems may begin.

If you want to feel good and reduce your risk of chronic disease, then don't accumulate these fats.

How to calculate your body fat percentage?

There are quite a few ways to calculate body fat percentage, and you can get quite a few different results.

In my case, the test showed 11%, but the portable device showed 8%, and the other device showed 6%.

Where is the truth?

Scales that calculate your body fat percentage

The easiest way to measure your body fat percentage is with a scale or handheld device.

These devices use the bioelectrical impedance (BI) method, which involves measuring your body's resistance to light electrical current.

Muscle conducts electricity well because it is 70% water, but fat is a poor conductor because it contains much less water. Thus, in order for your body to be more resistant to electrical current, it must contain more fat. This sounds reasonable enough, but there are serious problems with BI...

Electricity will follow the path of least resistance.

When current passes through your body, fat deposits in the tissues are not retained. (Inner fabrics are used for this, for example).

What's even worse is that the two electrode devices (like most similar devices) allow parts of your body to pass through.

Foot scales pass through the entire torso, while hand-held devices pass through the lower part of your body.

As far as you understand, all this distorts the results.

Another problem is that the bioelectrical impedance method uses mathematical equations to turn raw readings into body fat percentages, and these equations can be fundamentally flawed.

You see, when a company develops a device like this, they calibrate it using another imperfect method of measuring body thickness: hydrostatic weighing.

There are several stages:

  1. Measuring the fat of a large group of people using the "steering" method.
  2. Measuring people using the bioelectrical impedance method.
  3. Comparison of readings.
  4. Development of an equation to predict the results of the bioelectrical impedance method based on height, weight, gender and other variables.

This might work if the method's readings were accurate, but often this is not the case.

That is, many companies calibrate their devices to avoid incorrect calculations of body fat percentage.

Hydrostatic weighing is the most commonly used, and studies show that the error can be as much as 6% for various reasons related to ethnicity, body weight, hydration status, and more.

If a 6% error doesn't sound too bad to you, then the errors I'm talking about in this article are negligible to you.

In other words, someone might get 10% body fat on one device, but might get 16% by hydrostatic weighing.

The condition of the body can significantly influence the results.

Test your body fat percentage using the bioelectrical impedance method when you are dehydrated and the results are extremely accurate due to its low conductivity.

Check your fat percentage after eating and you'll see the opposite effect. In this case, the error will be large. (In one study, readings varied by 4.2%.)

Research shows that the body is more conductive after exercise, so if you take a test after exercise, you will get an underestimated reading.

These are some of the reasons why scientists decided that bioelectrical impedance devices were not suitable for accurately estimating body fat percentage.

What about using one device to track changes in fat tissue over time?

If a bioelectrical impedance device consistently produces inaccurate results, then it will work, right?

Of course... but there is one thing.

The readings won't always be accurate because they are affected by too many things you can't control, rendering these devices useless.

Caliper for measuring fat folds

Body fat measurement uses a device that measures the thickness of your skin in different places on your body.

The measurements are added together and run through a pair of equations that ultimately give you your body fat percentage.

You probably already understand what can go wrong.

Namely, if you pinch too little skin, the readings will be lower than they actually are. If on the contrary, the indicators will be overestimated.

Unfortunately, pinching the required amount of skin does not guarantee that the results will be accurate. This is due to the inaccuracy of the equations.

In one study, testing showed an average result of 6%, with measurements in some areas reaching 10% or being 15% lower than actual values.

In another study, testing showed results that ranged from 5% minus to 3% plus. This study on bodybuilders demonstrated similar error rates.

The benefit of this type of testing is that the methods used are more accurate than others and can be tracked well across different areas of body fat over time.

We'll talk about this later.

Photos and reflections

This is the easiest way to determine your body fat percentage.

Most people with the same percentage of body fat look the same... as long as they have the same amount of muscle.

If not, the same body fat percentage can look completely different on people with different body types.

For example, a 160-pound guy at 10% body fat has 16 pounds of fat, and a 190-pound guy at 10% has only 3 pounds more fat but quite a bit more muscle. However, the view is completely different.

Visually it looks like this:

Both guys have about 10% body fat, but the one on the left has 20 to 25 pounds of muscle mass compared to the guy on the right.

Now, if you are still reading this article, then you have a good chance to start exercising and build muscle.

In this case, the following images will help you estimate your approximate body fat percentage.

Fat content in men

As you can see, desirable abs are achieved at 10% body fat, blood vessels become visible at 8%, and defined muscles are achieved at 6% or less.

Fat content in women

The extra fat that women carry in their breasts, thighs and buttocks refers to fat that is outside the range of body fat.

As you can see, 10% fat in men and 10% fat in women differ in appearance.

Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DERA)

DEXA uses x-rays of the entire body to help calculate your body fat percentage.

The scientific basis of this method is the following: fat and fat-free mass absorb X-rays differently, which allows each element to be isolated and measured.

One would assume that this method would be very accurate, and in fact many people believe that DEXA readings are infallible, but research shows otherwise.

They can be just as inaccurate as with any of the other methods we've already discussed.

For example, in these two studies, individual error rates using DXA were 4% higher. In another DEXA study, the error was 8 to 10%.

This helps explain why many bodybuilders have gained between 6 and 10% as a result of DXA.

Imagine! Is DXA the gold standard for calculating body fat? Think again...

There are several reasons why DEXA may fail.

  • Results may vary between devices.
  • Accuracy depends on gender, body size, weight.
  • Different devices use different algorithms to interpret raw data from body scans.
  • The type of X-ray used affects the accuracy of the test.
  • The level of water content during scanning can significantly affect the results.

So, like other methods such as bioelectrical impedance and skinfold measurements, DXA can give an accurate estimate of your body fat, but it can also be quite skewed.

Bod Pod

A Bod Pod is a machine that works similar to a hydrostatic weighing device, but uses air instead of water.

You sit in a sealed chamber and sensors measure the amount of air that comes from your body. Mathematical formulas are then used to obtain readings.

We already know how inaccurate hydrostatic weighing devices are, and unfortunately the Bod Pod can be even worse.

Its accuracy depends on several variables, such as facial hair, humidity, body temperature, and even the tightness of clothing.

In one study, Bod Pod readings were as much as 15% higher. Error rates of 5 to 6% have been seen in other studies.

I've met dozens of people whose Bod Pod readings were double their actual body fat percentage (it doesn't take an expert to figure out that a person has 10% body fat, not 20%).

The most accurate method for determining body fat percentage

If you've been paying attention, you've probably wondered how scientists were able to determine the error rates of various testing methods.

What did they compare with BI, DECA, Bod Pod, hydrostatic weighing method to check accuracy?

What is the true gold standard for calculating body fat?

This method is known as four-part analysis, which involves the use of several testing methods, separately for body parts, dividing body weight into four categories:

  • Bone
  • Muscle
  • Fat masses

Hydrostatic weighing is used to measure body density, isotope dilution is used to measure total body water, and DECA is used to measure total bone mass.

The data collected from each of these tests is processed through various equations and the resulting result shows an accurate measurement of body fat percentage.

This is nice to know, but it does not bring real benefit to us, because it is interesting, first of all, to the team of scientists.

Luckily, there is a method for calculating and tracking your body fat percentage that is accurate and consistent enough that I think it deserves our attention.

How I Measure and Track My Body Fat Percentage

I track changes in my body fat percentage using various devices, scales, measuring tapes and a mirror.

Here's how I do it...

I weigh myself every day and calculate my average weight every 7 to 10 days.

Your weight may fluctuate from day to day due to things you don't even notice such as water retention in the body, glycogen storage, etc.

That's why, when weighing yourself, you want to get rid of excess supplies.

A weekly weight average is much more useful because it gives you a true picture of what's going on.

If the average increases, it means you have gained weight. If it goes down, it means you are losing weight.

Therefore, weigh yourself every day in the morning after you take a shower and before you eat or before you drink a glass of water.

Record these daily numbers and average them every 7 to 10 days (sum up the numbers you get each day and divide the total by the number of days).

Having such calculations, you will not worry about weight changes.

I take weekly measurements with a compass.

If your skin becomes thicker over time, it means you are accumulating fat. If it becomes thinner, it means you are losing weight.

Therefore, the readings of a compass can be very useful, although not entirely reliable.

I tried many methods for measuring body fat, and this is what I came to:

There are two reasons why I like the caliper:

  1. This is a one-step testing method, which means there is not much room for error.
  2. This method is surprisingly accurate.

I have worked with hundreds of people using this caliper and few have complained about inaccuracy (1 to 2% accuracy).

Here's how you can use it:

Every day I measure my waist.

Waist size (measured at the level of the navel) is a reliable indicator of fat gain or loss.

An increase in waist size indicates an increase in fat, so it's another good way to keep track of yourself (and all you need is a simple measuring tape.)

Every week I take a photo.

If you are a gym enthusiast, then it is very important for you to see yourself in the mirror.

And when you look at yourself every day, you can become depressed because you don't notice any improvement.

Taking weekly photos of yourself from the front, side and back in good lighting helps you record your progress and stay motivated.

Low level for fat percentage calculation

Many people like to brag about their body fat percentage, but the only way to know your body fat percentage with absolute accuracy is to remove all the fat from your body and weigh it.

And I doubt that even the most narcissistic person would do this voluntarily.

Body fat calculations themselves are not that important. What matters is how they change over time.

And it doesn’t matter how these measurements are carried out: using the DEXA method or Bod Pod.

You can simply weigh yourself, take body fat measurements, take waist measurements, and take photos, and know exactly what's going on with your body.

A healthy, slim and fit body is something that will always be in fashion. A lot of people are trying to get rid of excess fat deposits. But at the same time, not everyone knows what the norm of fat in the body is and how to determine it, but a lot depends on this indicator. Let's try to understand this issue.

Quite often there is a situation where two people who have the same weight look completely different. One is slim and fit, while the other, to put it mildly, does not look very ideal. The fact is that weight is, in principle, not an indicator that you should focus on when assessing your physical fitness. Muscle is much heavier than fat, hence the difference in appearance with the same number on the scale.

How your body combines bone and muscle mass, as well as water and fat, is key. Therefore, what the normal percentage of body fat should be should be known not only to those who are losing weight, but also to those who, in principle, monitor their health. Not only excess fat is dangerous, but also its deficiency, since fat has many important functions, in particular protective and reserve ones. A low percentage of body fat provokes problems with potency in men and problems with the menstrual cycle and fertility in women.

Thus, fat performs the following functions:

  • protects body organs;
  • helps maintain normal temperature;
  • promotes the preservation of nutrients in the body;
  • softens joints;
  • promotes energy accumulation.

To maintain health and lead a full life, a woman needs a body fat percentage of 13-15, and a man needs at least 5-9%. If this indicator is lower, then serious violations in the performance of their functions by bodies and dangerous consequences are possible. If the percentage of body fat is normal, a person will feel and look good, and his reproductive organs will work as they should.

Fat is especially important for the female body. It helps ensure normal synthesis of female hormones, promotes the proper functioning of the genital organs, ensures a normal menstrual cycle, and makes it possible to bear and give birth to a child. The amount of fat may increase with age. An excess of it can be a consequence of certain disorders, but quite often it is a consequence of a lack of physical activity and constant overeating.

Normal body fat

It is impossible to give an exact figure that would determine the norm of fat content in the body. But there is a range within which each individual person can have his own size. This is determined by many characteristics of the body. One person may have a higher percentage of fat than another person of the same gender and age, but he may feel much better.

The amount of fat in the body should not exceed the upper limit, but you need to pay attention to the lower limit, since the lack of fat in the body is fraught with serious consequences.

Normal fat percentage in a woman's body must remain within the following limits:

  • age under 30 years - 15-23%;
  • age 30-50 years - 19-25%;
  • age from 50 years - 20-27%.

For men Normal body fat percentage looks like this:

  • age under 30 years - 11-18%;
  • age 30-50 years - 14-20%;
  • age from 50 years - 16-22%.

In women with a normal physique, fat is located in the abdomen, chest, waist, and hips. If it accumulates on the arms, shoulders, legs, and knee area, this may indicate a tendency to swelling, metabolic disorders, and hormonal imbalances, so it makes sense to consult a doctor.

Fat indicators are also important in men. For them, this determines the functioning of many important systems, in particular, reproductive and digestive. However, it is easier for men to reduce their fat percentage, since their lipid metabolism is faster than that of women. Fat in men is evenly distributed throughout the body. If deposits accumulate in the abdominal area of ​​a representative of the stronger sex, this indicates a violation of the gastrointestinal tract. If they are localized in the area of ​​the sides, chest, hips, this indicates poor nutrition, as well as hormonal imbalance - an increase in the level of female hormones in the body.

The table below will show in more detail what the normal percentage of fat in the body of a woman and a man should be.

Visceral and subcutaneous fat

The human body accumulates two types of fat: subcutaneous (visible) and visceral (internal). located near the surface of the skin and can be seen and felt.

If you determine that your performance is not ideal, be careful. When trying to achieve a sports figure, do not go beyond the physiological norm. In addition, keep in mind that each person is individual, and has his own “healthy” norm. For example, if a girl decides to reduce her body fat content from 18% to 13%, she may experience menstrual irregularities. The indicator will also correspond to the norm, but the individual characteristics of the body will play a role here. Therefore, when working to reduce body fat, monitor how you feel. If you feel unpleasant symptoms, then you should stop losing weight and consult a specialist. And remember that in ordinary life there is no point in achieving extreme performance. But normalizing fat levels is useful.

If the norm of body fat in a woman or man is exceeded, then you need to reconsider your lifestyle. Most often, it is enough to normalize your lifestyle, review your diet and exercise more. From physical activity, first of all, you need to focus on, since they are the ones who burn fat. , or a bicycle - you can choose whatever you want.

Proper nutrition is also very important. Avoid crash diets, as they lose muscle and fluid rather than fat. Eat nutritiously, balancedly, in moderation. It is recommended to eat often and in small portions, exclude fast food, sweets, and baked goods. Healthy foods for reducing fat include lean sources of protein (meat, fish, eggs, dairy), grains, fruits and vegetables. You also need to drink enough water.

Knowing how much fat should be in the body of a woman and a man, you can adequately assess the condition of your body. Remember that excess fat is dangerous, but the same can be said about its lack. Fat is both a friend and an enemy in equal measure, and to ensure that it is only the first for you, control its percentage in the body.

How to find out your body fat level: video answer

Want to know how to measure your body fat percentage, but don't know how? Today it’s as easy as shelling pears: just turn on the calculator online, and it will calculate what you need. Using a special table that displays the ratio of body weight and age, height, gender, you can find out exactly how to calculate how many calories the body needs for normal functioning.

If you are on the path to improving your figure, then, naturally, you need to calculate your body mass index, protein content, and carbon content in food. Can help with all this body fat calculator. Of course, our physical fitness depends on how many calories we consume or burn daily. From an excess of these same calories, subcutaneous fat mass begins to be deposited, and soon you will need a diet or a good sports program to get rid of them.

Naturally, if you are planning to go on a diet, the first question that will arise is how to measure the amount of fat in your body. This problem has already been solved, since the calculator will calculate it itself. The next step is to discuss your plans with a dietitian. It is better to get advice than to harm yourself even more due to the wrong approach to fixing the problem. It is also important to understand that you need to limit yourself only in the amount of food, and you need to eat everything within the limits allowed. Meals should have a balanced amount of the following components:

  • carbons;
  • proteins;
  • fats.

Low calorie diet can bring you a lot of harm, because it is not capable of giving the human body everything it needs for normal functioning. Particularly important are fatty acids, from which other substances are then synthesized in the body. They are extremely important for hair growth, nails, skin renewal and normal organ function.

So, an online calculator is not only the answer to the question of how to calculate the presence of fat in the body, but also your indispensable assistant in everything related to nutrition and figure.

How to Measure Body Fat Percentage

How does the calculator determine the presence of fat in the body? Naturally, he is able to calculate it using a number of formulas. But in order for the calculator to give a definition, you must specify all the necessary parameters, without which it will be impossible to make a calculation. What needs to be entered:

All instruments necessary for measurements:

  • scales;
  • measuring tape.

The analyzer will only show valid results if you have made all measurements accurately. That is why the tape must be used so that it does not tighten the skin or dangle loosely, and it is worth making sure that the scales are accurate. It is also worth measuring weight in the morning and without clothes, without eating, and height - without shoes and with a straight back.


This point is also important. Our body’s need for different substances depends on how we live. There are different levels of activity:

Taking into account the way of life and other above-mentioned indicators, you can correctly calculate the required number of different nutrients. Naturally, the entire diet will differ significantly. First, you should calculate the amount of protein that should be consumed daily, because protein is the building material of the human body, it is important for muscle tone and for the production of hormones. The more active your lifestyle, the more protein your body requires. The norms for fats and carbons should be calculated based on the amount of proteins.

If you are going on a diet, first analyze your indicators with your doctor, then it will be easier to choose the type of diet that is most suitable for you. There are protein, low-calorie and many other diets. But no matter which one you choose, remember that health comes first. There is no need to starve your body or reduce the required amount of vital substances.

Explanation of numbers

Body mass index- ratio of weight to height. The smaller your figure, the lower the index. It is measured in kilograms per square meter. But you need to pay attention to the fact that the formula does not take into account the characteristics of your body, so the results may not be true, for example, for athletes. The index may indicate that a person is overweight, but if the amount of fat in his body shows the category of athletes, then he is pumped up, not fat.

Height to waist ratio - indicates the amount of abdominal fat. Everyone knows that its excess is very dangerous, since the functioning of the heart, liver, gastrointestinal tract, and blood vessels depends on it. Thus, many complex diseases arise, which are very difficult to cure.

It should be noted that each body has different fat levels. They are different for men and women. Men are more muscular, and if they do accumulate fat, it usually happens on the abdomen. In women, fat is deposited not only on the stomach, but also on the hips.

Lean body weight- the mass of a person, excluding fat. Here, the mass index is very important in the calculations, because with it the calculator will calculate the required number of calories. If necessary, he will reduce or increase the rate.

Calories required each day are calories burned by the body. Their number depends on lifestyle and activity. This is a very important indicator that is taken into account when choosing diets.

Protein - of course, it must be consumed daily, because it is one of the most important components in our body. When setting the right diet, first of all calculate how much protein is required. Everything else is adjusted based on it.

Fat percentage

So how much body fat is normal? It's different for everyone. For example, bodybuilders and athletes have several percent less fat mass than people who lead a less active lifestyle. Their bodies are mostly muscles in very good shape. But you shouldn’t “de-fat” your body. There is no need to be a fanatic of a small and fragile figure, because this is not suitable for every body.

Do you know what a lack of fat means for the body? First of all, metabolism, the condition of the skin, hair and muscles, and the functioning of organs deteriorate; the production of hormones, including sex hormones, stops, which causes serious illnesses.

Don't predict your obesity, because excess weight is determined by a fat percentage above 30%. If this percentage is less, you have a completely normal, healthy body. If there is only 5-10% fat mass, this is already a problem. You urgently need to reconsider your diet and physical activity.

Both obesity and anorexia are terrible diseases. Because of them, the functioning of the entire body as a whole is disrupted. The spine, heart, digestive system and even sweating - all this depends on the mass of fat. And the appearance generally changes beyond recognition. Here, not only physiological, but also mental health suffers. A person does not like himself, which is why depression, apathy and even nervous breakdowns are not uncommon.

Other ways to calculate body fat

Today, the calculator is far from the only device capable of such actions. For example, to calculate obesity, use bioimpedance. But such a device is not very convenient, since it can only be used at home. If you want to know the most accurate result, then this device will help you.

For those who don’t want or can’t visit a medical laboratory, scales have been created that can determine the ratio of muscle to fat as a percentage. How does this device work? Using electrical impulses passed through the human body. Therefore, you should not neglect safety precautions when using these scales. Take measurements exclusively in a warm room and only at a body temperature of 36.6. Do not take food or diuretic medications as the results will not be accurate. Even a pre-shower can harm you in the process of calculating your body fat percentage.

They even practice weighing in water. Of course, only in laboratories. The patient's weight is measured first in air and then in water. The results are compared, and the percentage of body fat is calculated using various formulas and differences in the density of adipose tissue in different environments. This method is quite accurate and helps to correctly determine the degree of obesity.

You can also measure the amount of fat by simply measuring the fat folds on the body. You just need to pinch the fold in four places:

  • on the triceps;
  • on the biceps;
  • in the navel area;
  • under the shoulder blade.

Doctors use a caliper, a special device, to measure thickness. But at home, a caliper or a simple ruler will do. Use the special table to determine your result. It is important to know that this table takes into account both the age and gender of the person. Over the years, the amount of fat in the body still increases, and this is quite normal.

To quickly determine your body fat percentage, it is better to use the online calculator daily by creating a table or graph yourself. This approach will help the user navigate and will clearly show real changes. In general, in order not to worry about the question of how to find out the percentage of body fat, it is important to lead an active life.

Be healthy and take care of your figure!

Attention, TODAY only!

You probably know that the higher the percentage of fat in the body, the worse it looks. People of the same weight can look different depending on the percentage of fat - and therefore muscle.

When losing weight, it is the percentage of fat that needs to be reduced - this is why starvation diets, which waste muscle and water, are dangerous. Unfortunately, even with the most reasonable diet, on average, for every 3 kilograms of fat lost, there is 1 kg of muscle and water.

Normal body fat percentage

The minimum amount of body fat is 3-4% for men and 10% for women. With this ratio, the muscle relief under the skin is perfectly visible, down to the last fiber. This relief can be achieved only by drying the body ().

But there is no point in achieving such extreme indicators in ordinary life. Fat is not just a harmful substance, it is very important for the body. With a small amount of fat in the body, problems with joints and hair begin.

A low percentage of fat negatively affects the skin. Since fat is necessary for the production of sex hormones, its deficiency leads to problems with potency in men (less testosterone is produced) and to menstrual irregularities in women.

Normal fat levels in women

AgeClose to idealAverageAbove normal
18 - 24 22,1% - 24,9% 25,0% - 29,5% From 29.6%
25 - 29 22,0% - 25,3% 25,4% - 29,7% From 29.8%
30 - 34 22,7% - 26,3% 26,4% - 30,4% From 30.5%
35 - 39 24,0% - 27,6% 27,7% - 31,4% From 31.5%
40 - 44 25,6% - 29,2% 29,3% - 32,7% From 32.8%
45 - 49 27,3% - 30,8% 30,9% - 34,0% From 34.1%
50 - 59 29,7% - 33,0% 33,1% - 36,1% From 36.1%
Over 6030,7% - 33,9% 34,0% - 37,2% From 37.3%

Normal body fat for men

AgeClose to idealAverageAbove normal
18 - 24 14,9% - 18,9% 19,0% - 23,2% From 23.3%
25 - 29 16,5% - 20,2% 20,3% - 24,2% From 24.3%
30 - 34 18,0% - 21,4% 21,5% - 25,1% From 25.2%
35 - 39 19,3% - 22,5% 22,6% - 26,0% From 26.1%
40 - 44 20,5% - 23,5% 23,6% - 26,8% From 26.9%
45 - 49 21,5% - 24,4% 24,5% - 27,5% From 27.6%
50 - 59 22,7% - 25,5% 25,6% - 28,6% From 28.7%
Over 6023,3% - 26,1% 26,2% - 29,2% From 29.3%

How to measure your own body fat percentage?


Above you have already seen pictures from which you can determine your fat percentage using examples. There are quite a lot of them floating around on the Internet, so you won’t have any problems finding such pictures.

Look at yourself in the mirror as objectively as possible and compare it with the photo. Now look at photos of people with a lower percentage of fat: this is what you can look like.

Body Composition Analyzer Scales

Such scales are available in gyms, and in online stores you will find home versions - now they are inexpensive. They measure body composition using electrical impulses. The readings are based on data about how exactly various tissues resist when current is passed through them. These impulses can only be transmitted by organic mass that does not contain fat. This is how the data is displayed.

When buying an expensive item, remember that you cannot completely rely on this calculation - it is far from ideal.

Fat fold measurement

One of the most effective ways to measure your body fat percentage is to measure your body fat. To do this, you can use an ordinary caliper or an inexpensive available device - a caliper.

With this device you measure the thickness of the fold in at least 4 places. The device gives the most objective idea of ​​the percentage of fat tissue in the body.

Measure your fat fold in 4 places:

  • At the waist: 10 cm to the right or left of the navel at the same level as it
  • Biceps: middle in front
  • Shoulder blade: slightly lower at an angle of 45 degrees
  • Triceps: midway between the shoulder and elbow on the back side

Then add up the resulting numbers and find your fat percentage number in the table below:

Determining body fat percentage using a calculator

A simple, convenient and sure way. Simply enter your details in the table below.

Weighing in water

A very accurate method (error about 3%). Based on the fact that fat has increased buoyancy. A person is immersed in water with his head in a special chair and weighed several times. Then the fat weight is calculated using a formula.

Bioimpedance: determining body fat percentage using current

Bioimpedance is the determination of the percentage of subcutaneous fat in the body using a current passed through tissue. This method is not entirely accurate: results may vary in the morning and evening and depend on the amount of water in the body. The measurement error is about 2%. The speed of current flow depends on the quality of the tissue: the more fat it contains, the longer the signal takes to travel through it.

Body composition analyzers are usually available in all fitness clubs: you can undergo a bioimpedance examination there at any time. The equipment in gyms can be different: the ABC-01 Medass bioimpedance meter, single-frequency, is often found. This device measures resistance at 50 kHz between two electrodes placed on the right side of the wrist and foot. First, the device calculates the total mass of water in the body, then finds the amount of lean mass - body mass without fat. Lean mass is determined by dividing the total amount of water by the hydration coefficient of lean mass, accepted in the software as 0.73. The last step is to calculate your fat mass by subtracting your lean mass from your total body mass.

Scanme system

Some premium fitness clubs can be equipped with the ScanMe analytical system - developed by the Innovation Center of the Russian Olympic Committee and Moscow State Medical University. Sechenov. In 30-40 minutes the system measures almost all your indicators. It also includes a bioimpedance body composition analyzer (using current). In addition, the device is equipped with a pulse oximeter, a hypoxic generator and bicycle ergometer, a spirometer, a biochemical blood analyzer, and a dynamometer. As a result of the study, you get a whole book of your health indicators, including your mental state. To find where you can get tested on scanme in your city, use the search engine!

If you are losing weight, you need to monitor your body fat and avoid weight loss methods that cause you to lose muscle and water. Take photos, visit bioimpedance laboratories, take measurements with a caliper and get an objective picture of body fat content!

Dietetics does not stand still. To calculate your ideal weight, it is not enough to take into account only your individual structure and height. Standards for body fat content have been created for both sexes, as well as for three body types, height and age.

We will not consider such simple options as weighing yourself on an electronic scale that will show you the % fat. Let's consider more interesting options.

How to calculate the percentage of fat by body volume? There are two special formulas, one for men and one for women. As you know, men and women accumulate fat in different ways: in men it is usually on the stomach, in women, as a rule, on the thighs and abdomen.

Formula for men: 495/(1.0324-0.19077(log(Waist-Neck))+0.15456(log(Height)))-450

Formula for women: 495/(1.29579-0.35004(log(Waist+Hip-Neck))+0.22100(log(Height)))-450

How to estimate the ratio of waist and hips? There is a simple method, although it does not give exact numbers, but it shows whether you have excess fat. Divide your waist size by your hip size. If you get a number greater than 0.8, you have excess fat, if less, your fat percentage is normal, everything is fine.

However, this method will not always show the exact amount of excess, so it can be used by not very obese people in order to prevent excess numbers and respond in a timely manner.

Calculation of body fat percentage based on skin fold thickness

Some fat measurement methods are only carried out by professionals, as the accuracy of the assessment depends on this. Let's look at them in more detail. As a rule, such methods are used in health centers and fitness clubs. The most popular of them is the method of measuring the thickness of the skin fold. A special device is used to pinch a fold of skin, the thickness of which is measured according to the applied scale. Typically, the thickness of the fold is measured on the abdomen, hips, chest, and upper back.

After this, the data is entered into the computer. The percentage of fat is calculated by a special program.

Answering the question “what % of fat is normal,” we can say the following:

Professional bodybuilders increase their body fat percentage before competition to 3-4%. This percentage of fat only lasts during competitions and then the fat mass increases, because 3-4% is negligible for the body, especially for women. This leads to hormonal imbalances and deterioration of the skin and hair.

The minimum fat mass index is considered to be 5% for men and 10% for women. But this is precisely the minimum index, which is also achieved for some purposes for a short period. It is undesirable for health to have a constant percentage of body fat at such a low level.

The normal amount of adipose tissue in men is considered to be 12-20% and in women - 18-25%. In this case, the person looks athletic and fit, without excess fat, with beautiful relief.

A clear excess of adipose tissue is when the percentage of fat in men exceeds 30%, and in women - 35%. Clear signs of overweight and obesity: underdeveloped muscles, excess fat deposits, health problems.

Calculation of body fat percentage using ultrasound

When using ultrasound, an ultrasound scan is performed in several areas of the body, since fatty tissues have different densities, after which the total amount of fat in the body is calculated. This calculation is made only in medical institutions that have special equipment.

Calculation of fat percentage from the picture (visually)

You can estimate your body fat percentage approximately. Look at the pictures and at yourself in the mirror and decide which option looks most like you.

In addition to those described above, the BES (bioelectric resistance) method is also used: a weak electric current is passed through your body through electrodes attached to your arms and legs. It is known that fat tissue does not conduct current, so it is believed that the faster the current passes through the body, the less fat you have. This method is used in portable devices that are similar to scales. This device is called a fat analyzer, and it can even be purchased at a very affordable price.

Modern electronic scales also have this function, however, they do not always give an accurate result, since the measurement is only taken in the feet, where the percentage of fat is small. Therefore, the readings may not be entirely accurate.

The last known method for measuring body fat percentage is water weighing. This type of measurement is carried out under water for 10 seconds on a special chair. Several approaches are made, the result is derived based on the three maximum results. This is a rather labor-intensive and inconvenient method; it is used exclusively for research purposes.

So, we have looked at several ways to measure the percentage of body fat. You learned that men and women gain weight in different ways, how to correctly measure volumes using a measuring tape, how to estimate the ratio of waist and hip volumes, you became acquainted with methods for assessing fat used for research purposes, this is: the method of measuring the thickness of the skin fold, ultrasound method, BES (bioelectric resistance) method, as well as weighing in water. You have the opportunity to assess the amount of fat in your body and take appropriate measures in time.