How much does carp cost? Types of carp: mirror, koi and others. How many kilograms does a carp grow?

Yesterday I saw in the news that the largest woman in Britain died at the age of 26 freshwater fish in the country nicknamed Parrot. Huge mirror carp weighed more than 30 kilograms. The head of the fishing farm, on whose territory Parrot lived, suggested that everyone’s favorite died of old age.

However, the exact cause of death of the lake inhabitant will be announced after an autopsy. Parrot's former owners say they plan to have his body stuffed to forever memorialize the "greatest fish in the United Kingdom."

The parrot was so popular with anglers that tourists from all over the country flocked to the lake near Reading, Berkshire, to see the giant.

Professional fishermen competed with each other to catch the Parrot. Soon after being removed from the water, the carp was released back into the lake each time. Last time The “champion among fish” was caught in 2016.

However, after Googling, I found out that this age, much less weight, is not somehow extreme for carp. Look...

There are many legends about carp among experienced fishermen. What, they say, can this fish live until such centuries that it is all overgrown with moss and has difficulty turning in the water. But as they say, fishing stories are one of two things that every person should rightfully question. Scientists say that carp can live a maximum of 100 years, which is still very good result for fish. True, even 40-year-old carp are considered long-lived, for example, the carp caught in England in 2012 - a lot was written about it in the media.

There is a legend that Chinese Koi carps live for a very long time. An example is a long-lived carp named Hanako, which scientists from Japan have long followed. As a result of many years of research, it was possible to calculate the approximate age of the creature - 217 years. And only after 10 years of life, the fish died, its age was almost 228 years.

And now about the weight.

According to Alexandre Dumas, the largest carp in history was caught in 1711, it weighed 69 kg 765 g. According to L.P. Sabaneev, about a hundred years ago in the river. A carp was caught in Voronezh weighing 4 pounds 10 pounds, that is, 69 kg 615 g, and had a length of one and a half arshins, or about 1 m. There is no doubt that all this data is nothing more than a figment of fantasy, or maybe not.

The growth rate depends on the feeding conditions, primarily on the richness of the food supply and the duration of the period with water temperatures above 20°C. Carp (and carp is a domesticated carp) feeds most intensively at a temperature of 25-29°C and stops feeding at temperatures below 8-10°C. Under favorable conditions, by the end of the second year of life it can reach a length of about 30 cm and a weight of 500-600 g. Its maximum length is more than 100 cm and its weight is more than 20 kg. There is reliable information about the capture at the beginning of the 20th century. carp weighing 45 kg near Taganrog. Due to the increasing intensity of fishing, large specimens of carp are becoming less common.

On October 3, 2006, Liverpool carp angler Pete Fitzsimmons defeated the irrepressible Scar with her “current” record weight of 38,330 kg on Gravier Lake. On the last day of November 2006, professional golfer and now Mainline field tester Gary Hages broke his own last year's record on Rainbow Lake by catching the same mirror carp, but weighing 39.520 kg.

But modern records On December 17, 2006, a new world record for the weight of carp caught was recorded in Germany. On December 17, at the German reservoir Gravel Pit, a female named Mary weighing 38,150 kg was hooked by her compatriot Dieter Marcus Stein. According to Dieter himself, it was just a Sunday 4-hour reconnaissance outing with the main purpose of taking a breather from domestic troubles. Imagine the angler’s amazement when, just a few minutes later, on one of the two fishing rods cast to a depth of 6 m, an electronic alarm beeped shrilly and a swinger started jumping! Dieter is an athletic guy, the water was very cold, and the carp ended up in the landing net pretty quickly. Having estimated the weight of the trophy, the fisherman immediately called his carp fishing friends, and soon seven witnesses recorded a record reading on the scales. "Baby" pulled 38.15 kg and was caught by Dieter Markus Stein

The first to conquer a carp weighing over 40 kg was Graham Slaughter. After 20 minutes of grueling boat fishing to the shore, towed directly into the landing net (the poor fellow could not manage to lift the trophy on board), a giant mirror carp weighing 40,090 kg (88 lbs) was delivered 6 oz) ! The length of the fish was 1.22 m with a height “at the shoulders” of almost 46 cm.

But last year a huge fish fell for the bait of an ordinary fish. 54-year-old Warren Harrison noted that this was the largest catch of his entire life.

A fisherman traveled 2,580 miles across Europe to catch this particular fish. The length of the caught carp is one and a half meters. According to the Express publication, this carp ranks third in size among all fish of this species caught in the history of fishing.

I’m wondering if such a huge fish is tasty or is it just a matter of sport who will catch the most and don’t even eat them?

Here's what the fisherman said...

Harrison said he had long heard stories that there were huge carp in Lake Hungry that no one could catch. However, the man refused to believe this story until he became the owner of a lucky catch.

The fisherman reported that when he started biting and couldn’t pull the fish out, his first thought was that the hook had gotten caught on something. “I tried to pull it out, but soon realized that “it” was moving. For more than half an hour I tried to get this monster, but it resisted with such force that I was completely wet with my own sweat,” Harrison added.

It should be noted that at this moment the temperature outside remained below freezing. The man finally managed to get the fish. To carry it to the scales, the fisherman needed the help of a friend. The weight of the fish was 46 kilograms. “I failed to break the world record. However, for me this is still the greatest achievement,” said the fisherman.

The world record belongs to Czech fisherman Thomas Krist, who caught a 48-kilogram carp in Hungary.

And for some reason this report reminded me of this popular photo on the Internet:

Almost all fishermen first of all pay attention to the weight and size of the caught trophy, without thinking about the age of the fish, how to determine it, and how the fish grows in general. In this article we will try to answer these questions.

The age of a fish is usually called its life cycle. For some, it is short, like pink salmon, which, having reached sexual maturity at one and a half years, spawns and dies (and there are dwarf coral fish, whose life cycle is just over 3 weeks), or very long, like some sturgeon and sharks. Their cycle can reach up to 150 years

Unlike many representatives of the flora, fish grow throughout their lives.

The growth of a fish is an increase in its size and mass. The growth rate depends on the type of fish; there are fast-growing ones and vice versa. The habitat also significantly influences growth: the availability of food, the composition of water, pressure from the outside. predatory fish, climatic conditions, anthropogenic impact and others. If the situation in the reservoir is favorable, then the fish can live to “old age” and die a natural death.

How fast does pike grow?

There are known cases of catching very large specimens of pike weighing 50 kg and 180 cm long. Its lifespan is approximately 30 years. It grows differently depending on age. Usually, 3-4 weeks after spawning, pike fry 3-4 cm in size appear from the eggs. If in the first year of life it reaches a length of 25-30 cm and weighs up to 300 grams, in the second year - 25-45 cm weighing up to 1.5 kg. In the third year it grows up to 60 cm and can reach a weight of just over 2 kg. A ten-year-old pike can weigh 10 kg with a length of 1 meter. The above factors also influence its growth. In cold times, especially in winter, pike growth slows down.

Her gluttony is justified - she must “gobble up” 15-20 kg of food in order to increase her weight by 1 kg. And it is very important what kind of food it is. The larger the predator, the larger the prey must be, otherwise, in pursuit of small things, the pike will spend more energy than it receives from the prey.

Males reach maturity at 1-2 years, females at 2-3 years. The female is always larger than her male counterpart.

How long does perch grow?

The largest specimen of perch caught was half a meter long and weighed almost 6 kg. His age was 23 years. Perch grows very slowly. In the first year its size is about 5 cm, at 6 years - 20 cm. The growth rate is greatly influenced by external factors. In a small reservoir with a small food supply it grows more slowly, but in large ones it grows faster; in the first year it can grow up to 12 cm. To gain weight of 1 kg, it must eat almost 5 kg of food. At 2 years old, the average perch is 11 cm long and weighs 23 grams. By the age of 9 – 29 and 580, respectively. Stripes on the sides of the perch appear when they grow from 20 to 25 mm. The predatory lifestyle usually begins in the second year. Adult females are always larger than yearling males.

How long does trout grow?

Trout has many subspecies, the main ones in the country being brook and rainbow trout. Pied (or rainbow) trout grow quite quickly in the first years of life; with an average life cycle of 12 years, they reach a weight of 12 kg. In the first year, its weight is approximately 25 grams. The pestle reaches maturity at 3-4 years. Rainbow trout, especially Canadian trout, grow even faster when bred in ponds; one-year-old individuals reach a weight of 125 grams by one year, and by one and a half they already have a marketable weight.

How long does sturgeon grow?

The size of the sturgeon is impressive. Its length can reach 6 meters and weigh more than 800 kg. Sturgeon grows very slowly and matures too late. Depending on the subspecies, males become mature at the age of 5 to 18 years, females - from 8 and even up to 21 years. The largest subspecies of sturgeon is beluga or kaluga; at the age of 15 years they can weigh a ton with a length of more than 4 meters; there have been specimens weighing up to 2 tons with a height of 9 meters.

How long does carp grow?

This fish is a fast-growing fish. Under favorable conditions, carp reaches a weight of more than 50 grams in the first year, 800 in the second, and 1.2 kg in the third. Its length reaches 18 cm in a year, and up to 51 cm in 5 years. At 10 years old, carp can reach 70 cm and 7 kg. The life cycle can be more than 15 years. Maturity of males occurs after 3 years, females - after 4.

How long does a catfish grow?

This is the largest freshwater fish. There are known cases of catching catfish weighing 400 kg. In the first 5-6 years of life, it is a fast-growing fish, then the growth rate slows down significantly. In just the first month they grow up to 15 cm. By their first autumn their weight reaches 600 grams. During the first five-year period, the catfish doubles its weight per year, then the growth rate decreases. A 50-year-old catfish weighs approximately 120-130 kg, and individuals over 250 kg are at least 100 years old.

How to determine the age of a fish

There is a popular joke among fishermen on this topic. You need to determine the age of a fish by its eyes. The further they are from the tail, the older the fish. But in fact, determining the age of the trophy is not very difficult and is accessible to most curious people. As in determining the age of a tree, the growth rings are counted to determine the age of a fish.

They can be seen on scales, gill covers, otoliths, vertebrae, and sections of pectoral fin rays. The easiest way is by scales. It is necessary to take undeformed scales, but not along the lateral line of the fish, clean them and, using a magnifying glass or microscope, count the annual rings. You can also determine whether the fish grew quickly or slowly in a given year. If the fish does not have scales or is very small, then the count can be made by gill covers, vertebrae, etc. Required condition is the treatment of surfaces - it is necessary to dry, degrease, and sometimes lighten them.

What kind of fish grows quickly at home?

It is best to breed fast-growing species. The most popular fish for breeding in ponds is carp. They also breed crucian carp, carp, silver carp, catfish, sturgeon of all types, pike, whitefish, trout, pike perch and others. Most of them grow quickly and many are unpretentious to their living conditions. Popularity depends on the speed of growth, nutritional value and the effort expended to create favorable conditions.

Special farms are being created that are engaged in fish breeding and commercial fishing. There are farms that breed fish for the organization of paid fishing, where fishing enthusiasts can amuse their souls in a pond, knowing for sure that there is fish in it. The rest depends on skill.

When breeding fish in a pond best results show carp, which in a year can gain weight up to 1 kg, crucian carp - 300 grams. Cupid at the age of 1.5 years can weigh up to 10 kg, but in order to breed it, certain conditions must be met. Silver carp can grow up to 2 kg over the summer, whitefish - 400 grams.

We hope that the information presented in this article will be of interest not only to fishing enthusiasts, but also to everyone who loves nature.

The cost of purchasing live carp in Russia varies on average from 70 RUR/kg for industrial fish, up to 1500 RUR/piece(for decorative koi carp), with the exception of purebred rare carp, tancho and suwa will cost RUB 10,000/piece.

Product description

Carp is a type of freshwater domesticated fish - carp.

Depending on the purpose when purchasing live carp, they can be divided into two standard groups:

  • Industrial— for food consumption (scaly, mirror, naked);
  • Decorative– for decoration in landscape design, less often at home (Japanese koi carps are sometimes called goldfish for a pond in the “common people”).

A mixed, hybrid species, carp, can also be classified as carp. This variety is resistant to frost and is not fussy about feeding, so these fish are beginning to attract more and more attention, but they also have restrictions when breeding - carp carp is completely sterile and does not produce offspring.

The weight of carps can reach from 2 to 12 kg, and their life expectancy is from 20 years (forage) to 50 years (koi).

Purchase in Russia

You can buy carp at breeding farms by directly contacting them by phone or through a website; various websites also offer a simple and clear purchase procedure, or simply by going to an Auchan-type supermarket in your city (a knowledgeable seller will also be able to find you a pair for breeding !). Ornamental fish are easy to find at any pet store.

Like any other product, live carp can be ordered from abroad. Most often, this service applies to koi carp purchased in Japan. But the cost of such fish will be many times higher than that purchased in Russia or neighboring countries (Belarus, Ukraine). The color scheme of the animals is absolutely similar to those raised in our country, and the fisheries inspection will also require the appropriate papers and check the health of the animals for various diseases. Unlike other live goods imported into the country, carp cannot be vaccinated in any way and require careful testing before being released into the reservoir with other animals.

The price of the product, what it depends on

When setting prices, the following parameters are taken into account:

The purpose of the product plays a role:

  1. Industrial grades from 70 to 150 r/kg.
  2. Decorative varieties (koi) from ~ 100 to ~ 10,000 r/piece.

Also important:

  • Size(how more mass body, for forage fish or body length, for decorative ones), the higher the purchase price. For example: white butterfly (koi) 6.5 cm ~ 580 RUR/piece, for 7.5 cm they are already asking ~ 700 RUR/piece; mirror carp up to 1 kg will cost ~80r/kg and starting from 1.1 kg the price will increase to ~120r/kg.
  • Type of fish, for example, a seam (10,000 rubles) will be more expensive than red and white (~300 rubles), but it’s difficult to distinguish from the outside! Among the food species, the cheapest is scaly (although the difference in price per kilogram for these fish is not significant, about 10 rubles).
  • Geographical location and delivery: as in the case of other goods, the most expensive cities for purchase remain Moscow and Saint Petersburg, but the additional price for this product is not much different from other cities.

Types of fish

Approximate prices are rubles per kg, for industrial ones and rubles per piece, for decorative ones.


  • Scaly~ from 30 to 250 rub..
  • Mirror ~ from 30 to 500 rub..
  • Naked~ 100 RUR.
  • Karpokaras ~ 100 RUR.
  • Carp (wild) ~ 500 RUR.


  • White gold ~ 1000 rub.
  • White butterfly ~ 600 rub.
  • Red white ~ 300 rub.
  • Gold ~ 700 rub.
  • Butterfly ~ 1300 rub.
  • Blue back ~ 1500 rub.
  • Platinum ~ from 5,000 to 13,000 rub.
  • Tancho ~ 10,000 rub.
  • Kokhanku ~ 10,000 rub.
  • Shova ~ 10,000 rub.
  • Sanke ~ 10,000 rub.
  • All possible options assorted ~ from 1,000 to 2,500 rub.

* All prices in this section are approximate, because... Most sellers make concessions when selling and prices listed on websites can vary greatly even within the same website.

Examples of price differences for marlin-shop (koi) and mosfishtrade (mirror):

  • Platinum (koi) 25 – 30 cm ~ 5700 RUR and 9300 RUR.
  • Mirror 4-5 cm ~ 30r and 32-35 cm ~ 500r.

How, where and from whom to buy

The simplest and most accessible places are supermarkets (Auchan, Pyaterochka, Metro), ordinary markets, where local fisheries and private farmers bring a lot of their products, as well as pet stores.

In the case of Internet services, general search engines, such as avito and olx, will not be very useful here, and you must always look for individual farms and companies engaged in delivery of the goods you are interested in. But several sites of breeding farms and companies can be identified as the most common.

Food carp suppliers:

  1. MosFishTrade
  2. Zywiec
  3. flagma
  4. The forum where you can find and contact suppliers of carp is called forumhouse

The following companies sell ornamental carp:

  • Marlin-shop.
  • Carp-koi.
  • MosFishTrade.

In general, there are quite a lot of companies engaged in the supply of live carp in Russia and the CIS countries. Here are only examples of the most reliable and large enterprises, but this does not mean that the products of small fish farms will be somehow worse! The main thing you need to pay attention to when making any purchase is the availability of all documents from the wholesaler and the appearance of the animals.

Growth conditions
Compared to other cyprinids, carp is a fast-growing fish. This circumstance, along with other valuable qualities, guarantees the advantage of breeding it in pond farming. The growth of carp is highly dependent on temperature, food rations and stocking density in the pond. Fish productivity is characterized by the increase in fish per unit area.

In winter, carp usually do not grow, with the exception of wintering areas with sources of warm water at a temperature of 8 ° C, in which the fish should be fed with pellets.

In pond farming, when growing fish, they focus primarily on market demands. Therefore, they strive to obtain the maximum fish yield from the useful area. Fingerlings of marketable carp have a length of 6-15 cm, two-year-olds - 23-24 cm, each weighing 250-450 g. Marketable carp should reach a weight of one individual from 1250 to 1500 g with a length of 38-41 cm.

There is a certain relationship between the length of a fish and its mass. The logarithmic relationship between them has the form of a straight line, which means that if the length of the fish is known, then its mass can be determined quite accurately, and vice versa. Steffens (GDR), based on the results obtained in Saxon pond farms, provides the following data

The fatness coefficient is directly proportional to the water temperature. For example, in wintering ponds it is sometimes much less than in summer ones. Thus, Scheperklaus determined the fatness coefficient of a fish school in the fall to be 1.9, and in the spring - 1.6. A decrease in the fatness coefficient due to weight loss to 1.4 leads to large losses of two-year-olds.

Planting Density

This refers to the number of fish that are planted per unit area equal to 1 hectare. Stocking density depends on the age of the fish. In medium-sized shallow-water fry ponds (64), in which the larvae are raised in conditions of good food

Howling base is only a few weeks, with good preparation of the pond, i.e. tillage of the soil, application of fertilizers, 200,000-300,000 or more grown carp fry are obtained from 1 hectare (with losses of 50-60%).

Fry in such first-order nursery ponds are raised to fingerlings (Ki) (65) from July until the following spring, provided that the pond is deep enough to serve as a wintering area. With good preparation of ponds and minor losses (up to 30%), you can get 25,000-35,000 carp fingerlings per hectare. Record yields of fingerlings in ponds on sandy soils, amounting to 75,000-100,000 per 1 ha, were obtained using Hornoska complete organic-based fertilizer. In this case, granules were used as feeding. Timely renewal of pond water also had a beneficial effect on the growth of fingerlings.

Two-year-old carp are raised in second-order nursery ponds, which are usually drained in winter. The average productivity of these ponds is 2000-3000 two-year-old carp per 1 ha, and maximum value reaches 5,000 two-year-olds per hectare. Average losses in these ponds are 10-15%.

Growth control

To control the growth of fish in ponds, a cape net (66) is used.

Before control fishing, feed should be added to the feeding area. When the fish are gathered in the feeders, the fishkeeper carefully approaches and throws the net along a curve. If the water is clear, the shadow of the net drives away the fish, making it difficult to catch them. It is also difficult to catch them if there is no food in the feeder yet or the feeder is already empty.

However, there are not enough fish caught in the cap net to draw correct conclusions about growth during the control intervals. In addition, only large fish can be caught with a cast net. If you plan the future feeding ration, focusing on large fish, then in the fall you can get productivity that differs from the planned one.

A more reliable method of control is control fishing with a seine (67). Food is brought into the space covered by the net. After 1 - 1.5 hours, two people remove the seine. The catch usually contains a large number of fish. Based on their average weight, one can make a fairly accurate conclusion about growth, on the basis of which subsequent feed rations are calculated.

Since weight gain largely depends on stocking density, fish at low stocking densities are larger than at high stocking densities. Smaller carp reared at high stocking densities, when there is strong food competition, are called “stunted”. This stunting is not associated with disease and does not have a negative effect on subsequent growth. And if these fish are placed in favorable living conditions, they will grow well.

However, there are often carps that are “stunted in growth” not because of food competition, but because of hereditary causes or past diseases. They grow poorly even in favorable conditions. It is recommended to remove such fish without attempting to nurse them. Therefore, sorting during catches should include not only sorting by age classes, but also the rejection of stunted specimens.

The growth of carp can not only be restrained, but also promoted. The point of intensive fish farming is to produce so-called “stimulated” fish, i.e., through rational feeding, to grow larger carp with less losses over the same period of time. This method will be even more progressive if spawning is carried out in a warm-water nursery. Then growing commercial carp will last 2 years instead of the usual 3 years. Such a method cannot be considered unnatural, since the results of carp breeding in southern countries clearly show that what we achieve with warm water is obtained there in natural conditions.

Planting of different ages. Basically, ponds are stocked only with fish of the same age. However, there is an opinion that when planting two age groups You can get greater fish productivity, since only small fish, not large fish, can find food in the shallow areas of the pond.

The planting of one age group is explained primarily by preventive considerations, since epidemics spread more strongly with a two-age planting than with a single-age planting. It is easier, as has happened in practice more than once, to isolate and neutralize fish of one age group than 2 generations at once. But if the pond has clearly defined zones with different depths, then perhaps you should not refuse to plant two age groups. In this case, both groups must differ sharply from each other in size, otherwise sorting during fishing will be difficult.

Carp is a type of pond fish. It is grown in nurseries and in natural conditions. The fish is not picky about water quality and nutrition, but it is demanding about temperature conditions; it does not like cold water. Under natural conditions, it lives up to 50 years and can reach a weight of 70 kg. It is delivered for sale when the weight of an individual reaches 1.5-2 kg.

Carp is an artificially bred variety; in fact, it is a domesticated carp. The meat of this fish is distinguished by its fat content and delicate sweetish taste. For these qualities it is so valued by buyers.

In Russia, several fish farms are engaged in breeding carp and supplying it to stores. It is also caught from reservoirs where fish live in natural conditions. The price for carp depends on the fishing conditions, method of preparation, transportation and storage conditions.


You can buy carp fresh, chilled or frozen. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the quality of the fish:

  • fins pink or red;
  • the smell is fresh;
  • eyes transparent, bulging;
  • the frozen carcass is covered with a thin layer of ice, like glaze;
  • the shape of the fish is not deformed.

Carp, due to its nutritional properties, is very popular among Russians. Fish contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. This is a record holder for iodine content.

“Carp carcass” in Moscow can be bought for 346.8 rubles, Buy “Carp carcass” in Moscow for 456.72 rubles, Buy “Carp carcass” in Moscow for 266.4 rubles, Price “Carp carcass” is 261.4 rubles. in Moscow.