How much does a trainer earn for 1 hour of work? Work as a fitness trainer with training. Individual trainer and customized diets

It is difficult to find a profession where, just like in the work of a sports coach, there will be such a huge range in salaries. The average coach salary is determined by many external factors. There are traditional salaries regulated by sports federations or private organizations where specialists are invited. But at the same time, certain sports are real madness for people; they attract millions of fans who are willing to pay a lot of money for the spectacle. These sports, such as football, hockey, basketball, mixed martial arts and even figure skating, rely heavily on wealthy sponsors. Given these conditions, it is impossible to accurately answer what the salary of a professional team coach is.

Despite the absence of exorbitant investments in professional sports from the state, huge salaries for coaches in some sports are an objective reality. All this is possible thanks to wealthy corporations and private tycoons who are happy to invest their money in sports.

At the same time, many regional coaches, who later train Olympic champions and world sports stars, suffer real financial disaster, being under the auspices of modest municipal organizations.

Fitness trainer salary

The answer to the question, what is the salary of a fitness trainer, is the simplest of all. The income of fitness instructors is practically not regulated by the state; this industry is more than 90 percent owned by private companies.

There are fitness trainers in individual state sports teams, clubs, departments, but there the activities of these specialists, who are often called physical training coaches, are much broader than ordinary fitness exercises for losing weight or gaining mass.

A private fitness professional from a gym is directly dependent on the company for which he works. Salaries are determined by the economic condition of the organization and its marketing policy towards visitors and employees. Some clubs enter into rental agreements for premises with coaches.

Professionals make money by selling their services minus a rental fee. But, basically, instructors work under traditional contracts for employees. If a specialist is employed in a premium establishment, where an annual subscription for a visitor costs from 30 thousand rubles, the salary of a fitness trainer in Moscow can reach 180 thousand.

In budget companies, where the cost of subscriptions is 3-5 thousand, the average salary of a fitness trainer ranges from 30-40 thousand.

The salary of a trainer in a fitness club consists of two components - salary and bonuses. In turn, the salary consists of payment of three key parts:

  • for instructions;
  • for working or duty hours;
  • for personal training.

Not the main, but important factor influencing the salary of a fitness instructor is the level of qualifications. The credentials that a specialist possesses do not guarantee an increase in finances, but make his candidacy attractive to potential clients.

Salary of a youth sports school coach

The salaries of teaching coaches are a big problem for the entire sports community in the country. The situation with low wages for these specialists in sports schools and youth sports schools has remained deplorable for decades. The average salary of a children's coach by region: 10-12 thousand rubles, in some places the salary barely reaches the subsistence level.

The government often talks about the difficult situation, but in recent years the talk has not reached concrete action. Low salaries are explained by the general poverty of regional municipalities. In addition, we must not forget that teacher trainers are under the patronage of the Ministry of Education.

Funds for this area in the budget are not only reluctantly allocated, but have also been reduced in recent years. Over several years, wages for children's coaches have increased by 10-12 percent, but not in every region.

Football coach salary

Football is a typical example of the huge disparity in income for coaches across the country. The difference is mainly made by sponsorship contracts and private investments for individual football clubs. But even without taking into account salaries within the walls of famous football organizations, the salaries of football coaches confidently lead the country. The Moscow region demonstrates the highest level for this indicator. By the way, there are more vacancies open in the Moscow Region than in all other regions.

In Moscow, a football coach, on average, earns 40 thousand rubles, in the Leningrad region - about 30 thousand, and in the Novgorod and Kemerovo regions - 20-25 thousand. The income of coaches with the Pro and Fifa categories stands apart. These coaches have the opportunity to work in teams that compete under the auspices of the most influential football organization in the world - Fifa. Incomes here are completely different - coaches of professional teams earn up to 3 million dollars a year, the average salary is 1 million rubles per month.

Thus, the salary of the Spartak coach is $3 million per year, the salary of the Zenit coach is $1.5 million per year. The salaries of football national team coaches are also high. Thus, the coach of the main Russian football team earns 1.5 million euros a year thanks to numerous sponsors of the Russian Football Union. But there are no more than 30 organizations in the country willing to pay that kind of money, while there are tens of times more specialists.

Trainer's salary in Moscow

The profession of “sports coach” is most in demand in Moscow and the Moscow region. More than 30 percent of all current vacancies are open in this constituent entity of the Russian Federation. As of October 30, 2016, there are 516 active offers. Of the proposed vacancies, 36 percent are limited to the salary range from 22 to 44 thousand rubles. 22% - with a salary of up to 66 thousand rubles; for other vacancies, employers are ready to offer up to 22 thousand. The average salary of a sports coach directly in the capital is 45 thousand rubles.

Russian coach salary

In general, there is a wide range of salaries for sports coaches across the Russian Federation. Following the Moscow region in terms of the number of open vacancies are the Leningrad region, Krasnodar region, Sverdlovsk region, and Rostov region. The regional leader in average earnings for a sports coach is the Republic of Tyva (60,000). Next are Chukotka (42,500), Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (37,500), Yamalo-Nenets Autonomy (about 37,000), Vladimir Region (about 37,000).

Salaries of national team coaches

The salary of the coach of the Russian national team in various sports is formed under the influence of the sponsors of the federations. Obviously, the more popular a species is in a country, the more investors it has who want to promote their product through advertising. The highest salaries in Russia are for football team coaches - 1.5 million euros per year, a hockey coach's salary is about 500 thousand euros per year, for men's and women's basketball 75-100 thousand euros per year. Men's and women's handball national team coaches have some of the lowest salaries (3-5 thousand euros); a swimming coach's salary is even lower.

You might be interested.

The Village continues to find out how much representatives of different professions earn and what they spend money on. In the new issue - a fitness trainer. The fashion for a healthy lifestyle has made this profession quite in demand, however, in order to get really good money for training, you need a lot of experience and an established client base. The Village asked an employee of one of the capital's clubs about how much she earns and what she spends her money on.


Fitness trainer


35,000 rubles


16,000 rubles

payment for housing

6,000 rubles

lunches at work

5,000 rubles

grocery shopping

3,000 rubles

1,000 rubles

internet and telephone

3,000 rubles

1,000 rubles


How to become a fitness trainer

I come from the city of Solikamsk, Perm Territory, and I am 24 years old. When I was still in school, my family and I moved to Yekaterinburg, and from the age of 15 I was preparing to enter a university at the Faculty of Industrial Design. At the same time, I became concerned about my appearance and lifestyle, which determined my appearance. At first I did fitness at home via video. Looking back, I can say that dancing as a child played an important role in the fact that I perfectly copied the technique of performing exercises. Having lost ten kilograms on my own in three to four months (I didn’t follow any strict diets, I just eliminated gross mistakes in nutrition and added daily exercise), I realized that I wanted to continue to develop in the direction of fitness and became a regular at the fitness club closest to my home. I learned boxing, dancing, stretching and everything else possible. At the same time, I studied well to become an industrial designer.

Then I went to St. Petersburg to the B. Vader College of Fitness to finally reinforce my practical experience with a scientific base and get a second specialty. I even devoted my master's thesis and graduation project to the design and development of fitness equipment. Now I work as a fitness trainer in a gym and am developing my project on fitness equipment.

Sport has played a vital role in my life. Firstly, thanks to him, I strengthened my connection with my family, without even knowing how important it was for me (my father was involved in boxing and bodybuilding at one time, but never forced anything on me). Secondly, I learned to love myself and take care of myself, to appreciate the positive experience of using my own body, given to me by nature. Thirdly, I found an area in which I am interested in developing. In addition, knowledge of English and Spanish opens up interesting opportunities, also related to fitness.

A year ago I decided to move to Moscow. I first came here for an internship at a design studio. Even then I understood that Yekaterinburg was no longer my home, and I had nothing else to do there. I turned out to be one of those who fall in love with Moscow immediately and despite its shortcomings. So far I am completely satisfied with Moscow, but I do not exclude the option of further moves. It was hard for me to say goodbye to my already beloved clients in the Yekaterinburg club - no matter how you look at it, I gave them my energy, and they shared theirs with me. But the choice was made, the common-law husband unconditionally supported, and we moved, which we are both very happy about.

I was looking for a job on HeadHunter and SuperJob. I selected about ten invitations for interviews and testing, of which only one vacancy remained, which satisfied my requests and expectations.

Interviews for different clubs take place differently. Somewhere you come to a personal meeting with a senior trainer, where you are asked about your work experience, professional skills and features of working with clients. They can give the example of a hypothetical client with any health restrictions and contraindications and ask how such a client should train. They may also be asked to conduct training and show themselves in action as a trainer and specialist in selling their services. Online clubs often conduct testing, which can be divided into stages: correspondence and full-time. They test theoretical knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and nutrition. Sometimes a person who performs well in theoretical tests may fail in practical tests.

Features of work

As a rule, the words “trainer”, “fitness trainer”, “fitness instructor”, “gym instructor” mean the same specialist. Already inside the club it becomes clear which of the names is the main one. In my club, for example, we are all trainers, because we don’t just talk about the work of simulators, but we train. Also within the club, coaches are divided into categories. For example, a personal trainer (basic level) and a master trainer (a level higher than a personal trainer, respectively, and the payment for training is higher). The trainer must be able to correctly select exercises and create a training program in accordance with the goals and health status of the client. To do this, the coach needs to understand the basics of anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, and sports medicine. Also, the trainer must be able to act as a nutrition consultant - he must understand dietology (nutrition), as well as psychology.

At the very beginning of your career path, you are looking for any club interested in taking a newcomer, allowing him to work with people and test his skills in practice. Only later, having gained experience working with people, having understood the job market, you begin to understand where you can earn more for the same or even fewer training sessions per month. A bad club for a coach is one where salaries are delayed or not paid for months, and in the field of fitness this is now one of the pressing problems, both in Moscow and in the regions. The simpler the club and the lower its category, the greater the chances that fitness stars do not work there, while there may well be smart trainers who combine work in several places to get more money. I have always strived to work strictly in one club, so as not to spread myself thin, I feel more comfortable that way.

Now I work in the gym of the first aquaclub in Russia. This is a fairly large complex with a swimming pool under construction for aquatic programs, an area for martial arts and crossfit, a children's club and a gym. On weekdays the club is open from 7 am to 12 midnight, on weekends from 9 am to 10 pm. My responsibilities include being on duty, during which I monitor order in the gym, compliance with safety precautions and club rules by clients, meet people, insure, give advice, take care of their comfort and invite them to training.

The morning duty lasts five hours, the rest of the shifts last four hours. While on duty, the coach is prohibited from training himself. In addition, it is prohibited to train during peak hours on weekdays from 18 to 21 hours - during these hours all gym trainers must be at their workplace, even if they are not on duty at this time. This allows you to cope with the flow of people coming to the hall after work. In small clubs of the “at home” format this is not the case. But our club is located in the center among the offices, which makes this rule mandatory.

Since the club opened recently, the coaching staff is still expanding, and we schedule duty shifts a week in advance. I try to take at least three shifts a week. One hour on duty is paid on average 50–100 rubles, depending on the club. In addition to being on duty, each trainer recruits clients and conducts personal training with them during hours free from duty. I try to work in the evenings, as my rhythm of life is more like that of an owl. It’s not difficult for me to be at work at 11 pm, but at 7 am it’s incredibly difficult. However, it is impossible to schedule all clients for the evening, so there are days when I go out in the morning. Sometimes I spend four or five hours at the club, and sometimes all 12. I try to leave myself one full day off a week, as long as it’s Sunday. All other days I, one way or another, spend at the club. If I get enough sleep, I can work very hard and not get tired. I tried the option of working from 9 to 18 hours and realized that this mode did not suit me. Now I have two more girls and seven men working with me, there will be more additions to the staff, but now we are for the most part a good team and have even managed to hold a summer corporate event in nature.

It is very important to have a senior coach above you, with whom you can communicate freely and understand each other, and resolve work issues. I didn’t come across competent senior coaches everywhere. Now I'm happy. A good club always tries to train staff, set standards for working with clients, and sometimes create a list of prohibited exercises that trainers will never give to their clients in order to avoid injury.

In general, I’m already accustomed to the fact that in the fitness industry there is an unreal number of lookers, sexists, and body shamers, but I myself chose to promote a healthy approach to fitness. I believe this: fitness is for life, not life for fitness. I never judge a person and his merits just by looking at his appearance and physical fitness. First of all, fitness for me and my clients is a way of life and a way to gain new experience interacting with your body, learn to feel here and now, a kind of meditation. This is a way to show yourself care and love, without which life is hard and sad, in fact.

The most rewarding thing about my job is seeing the achievements of my clients. It is a great joy to watch how a person who until recently absolutely could not squat, do push-ups, or stand in a plank for 30 seconds, has become stronger and is doing difficult exercises with all his might. Thanks to such metamorphoses, people begin to feel more confident and happier, and I helped them with this. It's very rewarding to make someone's life a little better every day and receive sincere gratitude in return. I can definitely say that for me the most difficult clients are those who don’t care about themselves, who go to fitness out of hatred for their own body, which they don’t want to take care of at all. Such people most likely need the help of a competent psychologist, and the coach is not always able to provide this assistance to the full extent within the framework of his qualifications and the specifics of his work.

It is important for me that the client meets me halfway consciously and voluntarily, then everything will work out and we will both be happy. Such clients are worth their weight in gold; they are also the most grateful and diligent. These people know what and why they need and how much money, effort and time they are willing to spend on it. You can work with such clients, and not babysit them and persuade them to do it one more time. They don’t need to be particularly motivated by anything from the outside (there’s no need to intimidate or manipulate their complexes, which sometimes coaches allow themselves to do; I basically don’t), they have the most important thing - internal motivation. At the same time, I am a fairly sociable person, but I know that I would not be able to work well with just any person. I am sure that around each trainer, in one way or another, a group of clients of a certain type gathers.


My first salary at the new club is approximately 35 thousand rubles. This is lower compared to the rest of the market, but there are a number of reasons for this. The club is new and is just recruiting members; in the first months of work, you need to conduct a lot of initial training for free in order to interest people and get regular clients. In addition, now is not the season for fitness - the busy season will begin in mid-September, when everyone returns from vacation and sends their children to schools and kindergartens. All these reasons for low salaries are temporary, and now I can foresee what awaits me next, and I’m happy with that.

The trainer's salary consists of payment for duty hours per month and payment for personal training. Personal training also varies in cost. One-time training, training from a package of “ten pieces” and “five pieces” are paid differently. There is a training cost for the client and a percentage of this amount that the trainer receives. This percentage depends on the implementation of the plan based on the number of training sessions completed. The fewer training sessions a trainer conducts per month, the smaller percentage of money he will receive from each of them.

This should encourage trainers to do a lot of training, sales, training package renewals and more. In some clubs, coaches are left-handed, that is, they work past the cash register, which is not allowed in good places. The client, of course, can bring an extra few thousand rubles a month into my pocket, but because of such schemes, you can lose your job, and, accordingly, all your other earnings, which is stupid and unjustifiably risky, in my opinion. There are also so-called referrals from managers from the sales department, to whom the trainer pays money for referring clients to a specific trainer. When this happens in a club, it is usually discovered very easily and quickly, and the person loses his job.

My husband and I rent a room in an apartment in a Stalinist high-rise for 32 thousand rubles. We pay rent in half. We can assume that I personally spend 16 thousand rubles to pay for housing. It was important for us to live and work in the center of Moscow or close to it. We saw no point in moving and at the same time living on the outskirts of the city in a residential area that was reminiscent of life in our previous place. We had experience of living in Moscow on the outskirts in a two-room apartment, but we made our choice in favor of a room in a good house and area and have never regretted it. The first installments were paid from money specially accumulated for these expenses back in Yekaterinburg.

All our expenses are common, but to describe personal expenses, I divided them approximately in half. It costs at least 3 thousand rubles a month to travel by metro; I don’t use taxis - there’s no need. Eating out costs approximately 5–6 thousand rubles - these are lunches at work, when I don’t bring anything with me, or snacks on walks. About 10 thousand rubles a month for two people is spent on food at home. I can’t deny myself the quality products that I love. I can buy simple pasta for chicken, but I’ll buy my favorite jam - fig and expensive. I can’t drink cheap tea, but sometimes I can drink coffee.

Up to a thousand a month is spent on cosmetics and body products. To pay for mobile communications - 500 rubles per month. We pay for the Internet (400 rubles per month) in turns with our flatmates. I can spend about 2-3 thousand rubles on cafes, cinema, spontaneous small walks. We try to save money on our leisure time, walk more, watch movies at home, look for free events and festivals.

Special expenses are branded sportswear and shoes, which I try not to skimp on as it helps me look great and sell myself to clients. I recently updated my wardrobe, spending a total of more than 10 thousand rubles. There will be no more expenses for this expense item in the coming months.

As for clothes shopping, due to the prolonged heat and the lack of truly summer clothes due to the move, I had to buy a couple of items of clothing at sales. All together it cost no more than 3 thousand rubles, and there will be no wardrobe updates in the near future (four to five months).
We recently spent about 8 thousand rubles on household small items at IKEA (hangers, trash cans, glasses for cutlery and toothbrushes, slippers, bathrobe, towels). These expenses are also more the exception than the rule when it comes to moving.

In the future, with the establishment of a more stable work schedule, I want to bring Spanish lessons back into my life, but I’m not ready to spend more than 4 thousand rubles a month on this, I will look for suitable forms of classes or take up self-study.

So far, all expenses fit into the budget we set for the move, and I will make it to my first full salary using the money that was saved up before the move. In case of money problems, I can always turn to my husband (he has several fickle and one permanent source of income) or my mother, but this is unlikely to be necessary, because you can always come up with an interesting part-time job, including as a freelance designer.

In general, I live in a mode of moderate savings with mandatory concessions until I raise my income to at least 50-60 thousand rubles per month. On average, coaches at the height of the season earn from 80-100 thousand rubles and more, which is my goal for the coming season. With a good income, I plan to get more involved in implementing my fitness equipment project.

The salary of a sports coach can fluctuate within a very wide range. Some representatives of the profession earn hundreds of thousands and even millions, while others complain that their salaries are not enough for anything. Why is this happening?

It all depends on the level of professionalism, achievements, ratings, employment company, etc.

A sports coach is a specialist in educating athletes and preparing them for competitions.

In Russia it is difficult to find another profession with such incredible variability in terms of income. This is due to the fact that a coach’s salary depends on many external factors.

A teaching coach who teaches schoolchildren receives a low teacher's salary, while the salary of a football coach who trains top-category pros exceeds the earnings of the entire teaching staff of the school.

The influence of experience and professionalism on income

The best representatives of the profession are also among the richest people in the world. As a rule, they left big sports to train a new shift. They are willing to pay a lot to such specialists. International sports companies are fighting for them.

A good boxing or volleyball coach can bring his employer a lot of money. This makes him valuable and highly paid.

The most “trainer” vacancies are available in the Moscow region

Most representatives of the profession work on salaries regulated by the administrations of institutions or sports federations.

In Russia, being a coach who has trained an Olympic champion or champions, you can receive a meager salary set by the municipal authorities. This is the paradox of our country. As a rule, big bets are possible where sponsors invest.

In many ways, sports income depends on specialization. A gym specialist, a Pilates teacher at a fitness club, a mentor for young hockey players - all these are different areas with their own salaries and prospects for increasing earnings.

As a rule, the best coaches are former players. More details in the next video.

Salaries of fitness trainers

Finding the answer to the question of what a fitness instructor's salary is is not easy. 90% of the activities in this area in Russia are run by private owners.

Fitness trainers can work in private gyms, have their own clients and provide personal training. They can also work in departments, sports clubs, state teams, etc.

This category is often called physical fitness trainers; they can conduct classes in athletics, Pilates, yoga, etc. Many specialists train people using special programs that allow them to lose weight or, conversely, gain muscle mass.

Contract job

Most fitness trainers are hired by companies on a contract basis. This makes them directly dependent on the success of the employer, his marketing policy and the generosity of the owner. Trainers who enter into rental agreements for premises find themselves in more favorable conditions. Their income depends on themselves.

The salary of fitness trainers in private clubs directly depends on the cost of the subscription. If this is an expensive club in Moscow with a monthly subscription costing 30,000 rubles, the coach can receive a high remuneration - up to 180,000 rubles. When it comes to budget clubs, where clients pay 3,000 - 5,000 per month, the coaching rate will vary between 30,000 - 40,000 rubles.

What does a coach's salary consist of?

As a rule, the salary of a sports fitness specialist consists of 3 values:

  • payment for personal training;
  • for the time worked;
  • for the instructions provided.

The most important quality influencing remuneration is qualifications. Awards and ratings themselves do not increase salaries, but they attract clients, due to whom the salary level also rises.

How much do youth sports school coaches earn?

Alas, people who introduce young track and field athletes, volleyball players, judokas, etc. to sports often receive meager wages. This is a big problem for the entire sports community. The average salary of a coach at a youth sports school and sports school for children and youth sports school is 15,000 - 20,000, which is almost on par with the subsistence level.

The salaries of children's coaches are often discussed at the federal level. However, the issue of increasing the rates of sports mentors still remains open.

The main problem is that this coaching category is subordinate to the poor Ministry of Education. The salaries of coaches of youth and children's sports teams have not yet been increased due to the poverty of the regional authorities financing the education sector.

Why do coaches working in children's and youth sports schools have very low salaries? The answer is in the next video.

Prospects for salary growth

A football coach in the capital receives an average of 40,000 rubles. In other regions, his colleagues can count on:

  • in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region - 30,000 rubles;
  • in the Kemerovo region - 25,000 - 30,000 rubles;
  • in the Novgorod region - 25,000 - 30,000 rubles;
  • in Karelia – 20,000 – 30,000 rubles;
  • in the Nizhny Novgorod region - 23,000 rubles;
  • in Tatarstan – 16,000 rubles;
  • Krasnodar coaches have a salary of 30,000 rubles.

FIFA coaches' income

If you look at the question from the calculation of the ratio of income and needs, you get a disappointing picture. However, everything is not so sad. FIFA coaches stand apart from their colleagues. In Russia, they earn on average 1 million rubles.

The coach of the Spartak team annually increases his income by 3 million rubles, Zenit - by 1.5 million, and the Russian national team - similarly. Investors and sponsors play an important role in the formation of such high rates.

Top 10 highest paid football coaches

Income growth and bonuses

The income of coaches in hockey, football, volleyball, judo, athletics, etc. can increase if they manage to train a champion. For example, if a student gets into a professional sports club, his mentor may receive a one-time reward.

Thus, for replenishing the ranks of RFPL football players, 600,000 - 700,000 rubles are due. True, part of the amount goes to pay taxes and school. The mentor himself can count on no more than 400,000 rubles.

If a young athlete gets into the second division, his coach is entitled to about 300,000 rubles. If you're lucky, half of the amount will fall into the hands of the mentor.

How much do trainers earn in different cities of Russia?

A beautiful girl in a club teaches yoga or belly dancing. And he receives income for a few hours of work. Like? Let's see what you need and what you could do too! If you are a young girl or guy, not ugly (beautiful appearance is not at all necessary) and in good health, you can become a fitness trainer.

On the good side, it would be nice to get a specialized - physical education - education. It can be obtained at universities and technical schools.

For example, if you live or can study in Moscow, at your service:

  • Moscow State Academy of Physical Education (MGAPK)

Specialties: Physical education and sports, adaptive physical education.

  • Russian state University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism (RGUPFK)

Faculties: Physical Education, Physical Education and Sports.

  • Moscow Pedagogical University
  • Moscow Regional University

Specialty: Physical education teacher

and many other educational institutions.

If you are unlucky - and you live in the region, then check if your local universities have similar specialties with codes 07/05/20, 03/21/00, etc. Believe me, you will find a suitable specialty for study in any region of Russia.

What is good about this particular path? You will gain a lot of knowledge. They will relate to medical features, psychology, teaching methods, physical education and fitness itself. You will become a real specialist.

A good idea is to become a fitness instructor

The Fast Path to Becoming a Fitness Trainer

If you don’t have the time and desire to study well, you can take advantage of the offer of courses at various sports clubs.

It will cost money, but will take less time. In addition, you may be offered a small selection of employment opportunities upon completion of your studies.

Prices for such training start at around 12-15 thousand rubles, for example, at the “Training Center for Fitness Professionals” in Moscow. But at the “Moscow Higher School of Fitness” you can take the course in parts, from 6 thousand rubles for a 6-12 hour seminar in various areas of fitness.

In regions with such private courses it is more difficult, because the choice of places is much smaller, or even there are no such courses at all. But if you really want to, you can go to the capital to study, fortunately it will only take a few days or weeks.

Fitness specializations that are currently on the crest of popularity and therefore worth mastering:

  • dance aerobics
  • aerobics step
  • strip of plastic
  • latina dance
  • Eastern dance
  • Pilates
  • dance aerobics

How much does a fitness trainer earn?

The question is important and interesting)

A fitness trainer can work for hire (piecework wages); a month with a full load usually earns 30-50 thousand rubles.

An instructor can also rent a place in a fitness club. For convenience, let’s take Moscow prices. Rent is usually 25-30 thousand rubles. With 100 individual lessons at 1200 per training, income after deducting rent will be 90 thousand rubles. Not bad, considering that you don’t need to run around looking for clients - they come to the club on their own.

Summarize. If we talk about the capital, or about cities with a population of over a million, they promise that the minimum salary starts from 7,000 rubles, and the maximum in elite clubs and centers is about 180,000 rubles per month! As you can see, there is something to strive for.

In different clubs, the salary rate is very different and directly depends on the level of the establishment, its popularity and reputation. In premium clubs, where an annual card costs about 30,000 rubles, the instructor’s salary is significantly higher than in democratic sector clubs with a club card costing 3,000 rubles.

The salary directly depends on the solvency of clients purchasing personal training. Also, the number of training sessions performed per month influences the formation of your salary.

When choosing a place of work, you should evaluate your knowledge, skills and experience in the appropriate monetary equivalent. Thus, inexpensive clubs employ “inexpensive” instructors, without specialized education or work experience, while elite clubs employ professionals, for whom there is often a real struggle between directors. Becoming such an instructor is not easy, but it is possible! The main thing is education. Today it decides, if not everything, then a lot.

The salary of a gym instructor consists of:

  • payment for instruction;
  • payment for duty hours;
  • payment for personal training.

In some clubs, the trainer independently recruits clients and receives the full cost of classes from them, but makes monthly payments to the management for renting the hall, regardless of the number of training sessions and clients.

– How much can a fitness trainer earn maximum?

The salary of an instructor directly depends on the level of the fitness club. The minimum salary is 7,000 rubles, and the maximum is about 180,000 rubles per month! That is, everyone who wants to become a fitness instructor has something to strive for.