How long does it take to pump up your abs to get rid of your belly? Effective abdominal exercises - video. How to pump up your lower abdominal muscles at home

Everyone knows that women, when they see a man, first turn their attention to his figure and only then to everything else.

Of course, fit men are able to please any representative of the fair sex. But such strong men are few and far between these days. Men with the so-called beer belly are becoming increasingly common. But many women will not like the presence of such a belly on their chosen one. So how do you fix this? How can a guy remove excess fat and make his belly more prominent so that girls will like him?

Why do guys get fat?

This usually happens because the muscles have weakened and, as a result, sagged. It also happens when the bowels don't work as well as they used to.

If you want to have sculpted six-pack abs or at least return your stomach to its previous appearance, you need to get rid of all of the above.

How to get rid of belly fat for a man? Of course, if you have fat and you want to say goodbye to it as quickly as possible, cleansing the intestines alone will not do it. We need an integrated approach. Create a new correct menu and perform special exercises for the abdominal muscles.

And in order to cleanse the intestines you need:

  • drink kefir according to the principle “the more the better” (if you can’t follow this principle, then drink 1 glass at night);
  • drink a glass of water in the morning.

Your menu must include plant foods (vegetables, fruits, grains). Sport has always been one of the ways to keep your body and body in good shape. By the way, the abdominal muscles are very resilient. If you want to achieve visible results, you will need to perform the exercises very persistently and more than once. To begin with, perform the exercise about 20 times, then increase the number to 50. Don't be afraid, all of the above does not mean that the repetitions will increase by 30 times every day. This only means that you need to start small, gradually increasing the load. These muscles have another distinguishing feature: rapid recovery.

Exercises that will get rid of fat

How to remove belly fat, what methods exist for this? If you want to lose fat, upper and lower abdominal exercises will not be enough. The whole problem is that excess fat is hidden not only under the skin. They also envelop muscle tissue.

When you work on your abdominal muscles, don't forget about other muscles. If you start working all muscle groups, your metabolism will speed up and you will say goodbye to fat much faster. The abdominal muscles are the last to be worked, since they are also stressed when performing other exercises. Do not start your workout with abdominal exercises, because this way you will exhaust your muscles and all other exercises will be done in vain. Design your training program to work the largest muscle groups first, and then the smallest.

The following exercises remove excess fat:

  1. Lie on your back. Raise your body from this position.
  2. Do the same as above, but bend your knees at a 90-degree angle. The latter is necessary to pump up the rectus abdominis muscle, which supports the spine.
  3. Do the same as above, but in a more complex version, i.e. with body twists. The latter is necessary to pump up the oblique muscles.
  4. Take dumbbells in your hands. Bend first in one direction, then in the other direction.
  5. To perform this exercise you need a bar. Place it on your shoulders and, keeping your back straight, turn to the sides. Pay attention to the abdominal muscles, they should be tense.
  6. Spread your legs and perform a deep barbell press. Then lift the bar to your chest and do smooth squats. You should perform several approaches, the break between which should be 3-5 minutes.
  7. Hang from the bar. Bend your knees, lift them and turn left, then right. This exercise strengthens the oblique abdominal muscles and the vastus dorsi muscle.

Beautiful sculpted abs gives additional confidence and sexuality to its owner. A person with pumped up abs looks much slimmer and can safely wear any tight-fitting clothes. Muscular abdominal muscles contribute to good gastric digestion and rapid metabolism. If you pump up your abs, blood circulation and general well-being of the whole body will noticeably improve. Pumped up abdominal muscles provide proper load on the spine and improve the functioning of internal organs.

But unfortunately, many people start working out their abs only when they gain excess weight and want to get rid of the belly that has appeared. According to the structural features of the human body, muscles are located under a fat layer. If the permissible norms of fat deposits are violated, a bulging belly appears. Therefore, if you set yourself the goal of losing your belly by pumping up your abs, you must first cleanse your body and reduce the fat layer to normal sizes. Pumping up sculpted abdominal muscles is not as difficult as getting rid of excess fat.

The following questions are relevant to this topic and concern many:

  • Do abs help you lose belly fat?
  • How to lose belly fat and pump up your abs quickly and effectively?
  • Is it possible to pump up perfect abs at home?
  • How to pump up your abs and get rid of your sides?
  • Is it possible to remove fat from the abs?
  • How many times should you pump your abs to achieve good results?

The answers to these and other similar questions are individual for each person according to gender, various features of body structure, the body’s tendency to accumulate fat, people’s lifestyle and genetic predispositions. You must first consult with your doctor (nutritionist) and find out the reasons for the appearance of a big belly. But one thing is clear - you can’t remove your belly just by pumping up your abs! We need an integrated approach.

What to do first

  1. Cleanse the intestines of waste and toxins. The human body, performing protective functions, is able to store fat to cleanse the intestines. Intestinal problems should be eliminated to normalize fat deposits.
  2. Create the right daily routine. To cope with stress, rest and normal sleep are necessary.
  3. Start eating right. You should give up sweets and starchy foods in favor of fresh vegetables and fruits. Introduce protein products into your diet, replacing animal fats with vegetable ones. You should eat six times a day in small quantities.
  4. Exercise.
  5. Take a complex of essential vitamins and minerals.

Once your body is prepared, you can move on to more effective methods. You need to understand that fat will not go away immediately, so you need to be patient and persistent. In the question of how to remove fat from the abs, following a special diet is of great importance; without it, the pumped up muscles will remain under a layer of fat and will only contribute to an increase in the size of the abdomen.

Special nutrition for the press includes foods rich in proteins, vegetable fats and complex carbohydrates. The diet should include foods such as chicken fillet, fish, broccoli, dairy products, whole grain bread, spinach, almonds, walnuts, avocado, cabbage, turkey, low-fat cottage cheese, cucumbers, cilantro, legumes, buckwheat, seafood, brown rice, oatmeal, olive oil and others.

How to get a flat stomach

Correcting figure flaws and gaining a sculpted flat tummy is quite possible if you follow the right diet and perform the necessary set of physical activities. The press helps to remove the belly only with an integrated approach. Exercises for sculpted abs should be selected differently, depending on which muscle groups in particular they affect. There are the superior rectus, inferior rectus, transverse, external oblique and internal oblique muscles. First you need to do exercises on the lower abs, then use the oblique muscles, and finally work on the upper abs.

This sequence gives excellent results, which can be seen after about six weeks of training.

It is better to pump your abs on an empty stomach or 2-3 hours after eating. Thus, the body replenishes the lack of energy through fat deposits. This way the fat layer will gradually decrease. Abdominal exercises must be performed on a hard surface in a well-ventilated area. First, you should do light exercises on all parts of the body. Breathing exercises will also be useful.

You need to pump your abs 3-4 times a week. Other days can be devoted to complex physical exercises. Running, swimming, cycling are the best helpers in the fight against excess fat.

Sides and abs

How to pump up your abs and get rid of your sides? Women are most familiar and pressing with the problem of fat deposits on the sides. With the help of persistent training on the oblique muscles of the abdomen, you can eliminate protruding sides and acquire beautiful body contours. Also, rotating the hoop perfectly removes fat from the sides, making the waist thin and graceful.

In addition to the set of abdominal exercises, you should add the following exercises:

  • Standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, arms forming a horizontal “plank”. Bend diagonally, touching your left heel with your right hand and vice versa. Don't bend your arms. Perform 15-20 repetitions.
  • Lying on your side, the right arm is bent at the elbow to support the body, the head and shoulders do not touch the floor, the legs are straight. Raise your left leg 45 degrees and hold in this position for 5 seconds. Return to starting position. Perform 10-15 repetitions on each leg.

In men, the main problem of fat deposits is a large belly. The question of whether it is possible to remove a large belly for a man should be approached thoroughly. This is a long process that requires a radical change in lifestyle. At the first stage, you need to cleanse the intestines, completely change your diet, do daily exercise, race walking or swimming.

Despite the fact that only a small number of people have a beautiful figure these days, absolutely everyone dreams of it.

There are no people who are satisfied with their fatness or, conversely, with a skinny physique.

Some people are hampered by laziness in this matter, others by lack of free time.

It would seem that to lose belly fat you just need to reduce your diet, and the fat will go away over time.

In fact, this is true, but you are unlikely to be happy with the result.

In place of the fat, saggy skin and stretch marks will appear, which cannot be gotten rid of so easily. In this article, we will discuss how you can lose belly fat by doing abdominal exercises.

General recommendations on how to lose belly fat using abdominal exercises

This section will be small so as not to stray too far from the main topic of the article. Without these general guidelines, you will not be able to see progress even if you follow the training program regularly for several years. They are as important as the training itself, so their implementation is rigorous.

Firstly, it is necessary follow a low carbohydrate diet. You won't be able to lose fat while gaining it back at the same time. Therefore, you will need to remove from your diet everything that will not allow you to see progress - flour, sweets, fatty foods, carbonated drinks. Their use is of course acceptable, but only in small quantities. And it's best to eat them on cardio days to get rid of the calories immediately.

Secondly, it's worth forget about alcohol. Alcohol itself is the enemy of our body. Any alcohol is bad for us, and the main enemy of weight loss is beer. It itself is a fast-carbohydrate drink, and its negative manifestations do not end there. With beer you always want to snack on something unhealthy and salty - which will negatively affect your diet.

Get enough sleep and avoid stress. Cortisol is a stress hormone that causes the body to store fats in the body. In order to fight it, you need to get a good night's sleep and eliminate all stressors from your life.

Most common mistakes

For those who are not really familiar with the gym or sports in general, this issue will encounter significant difficulties. In order to properly pump up the abs, and at the same time remove the stomach, you need to have a good knowledge of the physiological processes occurring in our body, as well as the anatomy of the body. But we won’t go into too much detail; here we will only point out the main mistakes beginners make.

1. Do a huge amount of exercise. It would seem that the more repetitions of the exercise you do, the more you will load the muscle, burn more calories, and you will be able to see abs in a couple of days. Unfortunately, this is absolutely the wrong approach. Let's start with the fact that the abdominal muscles, like any other muscles in our body, should receive moderate loads. If you do a large number of repetitions, you will only injure your abs more. In addition, most abdominal exercises should not be considered good cardio exercise that will cause you to burn a large number of calories. You'll need to do about 10,000 crunches to equal the number of calories burned per hour of running. Therefore, if you want to know how to properly pump up your abs to get rid of your belly fat, here’s your first tip: you should never do the exercises too fanatically!

2. Try to burn fat only in the abdominal area. What decisions do both girls and guys come to before the start of the beach season? Daily abdominal training, body wrap, abdominal massage, etc. All this is aimed at purposefully getting rid of fat only in the required area. Unfortunately, every such attempt is doomed to failure from the start. The body is quite wise in this regard, and it tries to maintain a “natural” appearance of the body. If fat is deposited, then evenly throughout the body, if it is burned, then the same throughout the body. Therefore, it is necessary to say this - you cannot get rid of fat just on your stomach. In order for you to pump up your abs sooner or later to be able to see the coveted “cubes” instead of fat, you need to combine exercises with diet and cardio exercises.

3. Another most common mistake among beginners is that they do not exercise regularly. It is necessary to perform a set of exercises not once every couple of weeks, but every other day. Only in this case will the muscles receive full load and the necessary stimulus for their growth. At the same time as your abdominal muscles grow, your waist will become slimmer and more toned. But initially you may not even see your muscles - for this you will need to get rid of fat.

Some tips on how to properly pump up your abs to get rid of your belly fat

So, we've talked about mistakes, now we should move on to tips. There are certain nuances that can either slow down your progress or, on the contrary, speed it up. If you have purposefully decided to take care of yourself and your figure, then you must be prepared to strictly follow the rules.

1. Training should only be done on a hard and flat surface. Neither a sofa nor a soft bed is suitable for these purposes. The most you can use is a thin, rubberized mat. They are available in any gym, and for home workouts you can buy them in the store. Why do you need to do this? The soft surface will spring under you during exercises, which will greatly affect the effectiveness of the exercises. You don't want to waste your time and energy, do you? You should also not exercise on a bare floor, because on it you risk injuring your back.

2. Training is best done in the morning. Firstly, in the morning your body is exhausted from an 8-hour lack of food. At this time, he tends to burn fat to the maximum. Therefore, it is in the morning that all cardio exercises and other workouts for weight loss are carried out. Secondly, it is much easier to perform exercises on an empty stomach. If you have any food in your stomach during any crunches or sit-ups, you will feel a lot of discomfort, which will affect your overall workout mindset. In addition, by getting up 15-20 minutes earlier and devoting this time to training, you will get a boost of vigor and energy for the whole day.

3. Exercises should be performed at a slow pace. The muscles should feel the load well. Those who pump up their abs in a fast manner are hacks. This method allows you to perform exercises using inertia rather than muscle work. But your goal is not to do exercises for show, but to ensure that they bring benefits. Otherwise you wouldn't be reading this article.

4. In addition to the time you set aside for training, you should also adopt another very useful technique. It should be kept in mind and performed constantly - from the very morning until you go to bed. Only with this technique you can significantly reduce the volume of your abdomen by several centimeters in just a couple of weeks. What is this incredible technique? It's quite simple - you must constantly keep your stomach pulled in and tense. The fact that many people walk around with large, bulging bellies is not always just a problem of fat. In most cases, this occurs because the abdominal muscles lose their tone and become stretched under the pressure of the stomach. If you constantly walk while straining your stomach, you will soon be able to achieve a return to muscle tone and a significant reduction in waist size.

5. While doing the exercises, you will feel a burning sensation in your abdomen. The pain from this feeling sometimes becomes unbearable, which is why people indulge themselves in the form of a reduced number of approaches or repetitions. We cannot force you to endure pain and do it through force, but this is what must be done. If you give your muscles a rest, you lose a significant portion of the effectiveness of your workout. The muscles should be loaded until the moment you are physically unable to perform a repetition. But it’s worth repeating, we’re not talking about hundreds and thousands of repetitions. Believe me, a correctly performed exercise, even in 20-25 repetitions, will make you experience a huge range of sensations.

Exercises with which you can remove your belly and pump up your abs

There is a huge variety of different exercises for the abdominal muscles. We tried to highlight for you the most effective and useful ones, collected in one complex.

To begin with, I would like to talk about two undisputed leaders. These exercises are a little different from standard ab techniques in that they are relatively easy to perform. Even a beginner can easily handle them.

Exercise No. 1 – vacuum. This exercise was developed by one of the American bodybuilders, who was awarded the title of “Miss Olympia” for the relief of his physique. And his abs played a huge role in this. This exercise allows you to tone the transverse abdominal muscles and achieve a flat stomach in the shortest time.

The exercise is performed as follows. Starting position: standing, hands on hips. After this, take a deep breath, completely filling your lungs with air. Then, exhale slowly and under control, while drawing in your stomach as much as possible. Stay in this position. After this, inhale slowly, drawing your stomach inward even more so that it feels like it is almost touching your spine. Then return to the starting position. One such repetition should be from 20 to 30 seconds. This exercise can also be performed sitting, lying down, or on all fours, but the standing variation is the most effective.

Exercise No. 2 – plank. This is also a very good exercise to achieve a flat stomach. Take a lying position on your stomach. Then, stand in such a position that your body is supported on your elbows and toes. The body should be in a straight line, without any deflections. While performing this exercise, pull in your stomach and tighten your abdominal muscles. Within a few seconds you will be able to feel the tension in your entire body.

Exercise No. 3 – classic crunches. Take a lying position, legs bent at the knees, hands behind your head. From this position, lift your body up, as if twisting your abdominal muscles. The main thing when performing is that your body twists and does not rise like a straight line.

Exercise No. 4 – bicycle. Sit on the floor, put your hands behind your head, legs extended forward and hanging above the floor. Then, bring your right leg, bent at the knee, towards your body, while simultaneously touching it with the elbow of your left hand. Then switch arms and legs.

Exercise No. 5 – leg raises. Lying position, legs and arms on the floor. Raise one leg up to a strictly vertical position, then the other. Also, alternately, place them on the floor and repeat the exercise.

Exercise No. 6 – leg stretching. Lying position, hands under the belt, legs extended upward and bent at the knees. Stretch your legs forward and up, then return to the starting position.

Exercise No. 7 – lateral crunches. Lying position, legs bent at the knees, arms on the floor extended forward. Twist your side muscles so that your left hand touches your left toe and vice versa.

In this article, we briefly told you how to properly pump up your abs to get rid of your belly fat. But reading is reading, and getting rid of fat in practice is not so easy! Therefore, do not waste time, and now try to put your new knowledge into practice!

Probably the most pressing question for many girls is how to remove their belly fat. Today we will try to comprehensively answer this burning question, and also offer you step-by-step instructions on how to how to pump up your abs at home.

4 main factors that will help you lose belly fat quickly

1. Cardio training

Cardio exercise helps burn excess fat and improve your metabolism. This is explained by the fact that during aerobic exercise, the heart rate increases and blood circulation accelerates. Therefore it is Regular cardio workout helps you lose belly fat, and throughout the body. You can endlessly pump your abs and achieve absolutely nothing if you avoid aerobic exercise. So, how to pump up your abs at home? To start, do some cardio training.

2. Full body workouts

It is very important to note: local weight loss is impossible. You cannot remove only the belly/hips/sides/breeches, etc. The whole body loses weight, not just its individual parts, so it is necessary to train the whole body. The more different muscles you use during exercise, the more effective the workout will be. In addition, the abdominal muscles also work actively during exercises for the arms, legs and back. If you want to quickly pump up your abs, train your whole body.

3. Ab workouts

To pump up your abs and achieve a six-pack, you need to work on your abdominal muscles. Therefore, you should also not forget about abdominal exercises. At the genetic level, it is much more difficult for girls to pump up their abs to six-pack abs than for men. but everyone can achieve a flat, neat stomach. Abdominal training is necessary and important, but you don’t have to do it only them. It's simply ineffective. In addition, even without them you can achieve beautiful abs, we recommend reading: 5 good reasons why you should NOT pump up your abs.

4. Food

However, even daily workouts will be pointless if you consume more calories per day than you burn. Everything eaten above the norm is deposited in problem areas in the form of fat. How to pump up your abs and make them flat if there is a layer of fat on top of the muscles? Nutrition is 70% of success in the question of how to remove belly fat.

Step-by-step instructions on how to pump up your abs at home:

1. Start counting calories and plan your menu daily. We have already written in some detail about how to start counting calories. You need to do this for at least 6-8 weeks until you get used to the new diet.

2. Forget about hunger strikes, fasting days and mono-diets (buckwheat, apple, etc.). Do not reduce your caloric intake below your norm! You will slow down your metabolism and not achieve results.

3. Make a monthly fitness plan for yourself based on the following recommendations:

  • You must have 2 aerobic workouts per week, no less. Check out: Cardio Workouts at Home
  • Include in your fitness plan 2 ab workouts. Check out: Top 50 Abdominal Exercises
  • Practice 1-2 times full body workouts. Watch: Strength training with dumbbells

If you go to the gym or group classes, follow approximately the same principle of load distribution.

This is the best method for pumping up your abs and getting rid of your belly. All 4 factors that we wrote about above work in conjunction and complement each other. If you want quick and high-quality results, then you should not neglect any of them. Start taking action right now: plan your diet for the next two days and create a fitness plan for the week. The main thing is not to be afraid to start!

Questions and answers about how to pump up your abs and get rid of your belly fat

1. How to lose belly fat if I don’t like working out? Will diet help in my case?

It depends on what you mean by the word diet. If you mean various starvation and mono diets, then we, of course, do not recommend them. We advise you to adhere to limited nutrition within the established caloric intake. This will help you lose weight and get rid of your belly fat. For how long and in what volume depends on your body. Just don’t rush him by cutting down his diet more and more.

Exercise will help you lose weight faster. In addition, you will get rid of sagging and make your body more elastic. Without physical activity, it is almost impossible to achieve cubes. If you don't like working out at all, check out stretching programs like Body Balance. They will help tone your muscles.

2. I do ten-minute ab workouts every day. Will this help me get bigger abs?

You are pumping up muscles, but not working on reducing body fat, which is the main obstacle to a 6-pack. You can't lose belly fat just by doing abs. In order to remove belly fat, you need an integrated approach, which we wrote about above.

3. My friend worked out her abs every day and did nothing else, and in a month she achieved an ideal stomach. Does this method still work?

This method only works for certain genetics. Perhaps for your friend the stomach is not a problem area at all. Or the body is so responsive to even slight physical activity that it is possible to pump up the abs only with crunches. This case is not typical. You shouldn't follow the path of least resistance, as you will only be disappointed in the results faster.

It is important to understand that genetics plays a big role in the formation of a figure. Some people eat everything, don’t exercise, and have an ideal body. Others, without sports and dietary restrictions, immediately gain extra pounds. Still others cannot lose weight in their thighs, but the fourth do not understand how to remove belly fat. This is a building O Well, if someone is helped by daily crunches for 10 minutes a day, but such people are still in the minority.

4. I work out 5-6 times a week, but I don’t watch my nutrition. Could this be the reason why I am not losing weight?

Certainly. Imagine your daily norm - 2200 kcal (let's take approximate numbers). With such a diet, you will neither lose weight nor gain weight. Let's say you don't watch your diet and eat 3000 kcal per day. In an hour of fitness you will burn 400-500 kcal. This means your surplus will be about 300 calories daily, i.e. about 15% above normal. And every day, this “excess” will be distributed throughout your body in the form of fat.. So think about the role nutrition plays in shaping your figure, even with daily exercise.

So now you have a quick guide on how to get toned abs at home. Remains only pull yourself together and start working on your body to get rid of your belly fat in the shortest possible time.

Be sure to read the article.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)

Every time we look in the mirror and see our rounded belly, in the minds of many of us an ardent intention immediately awakens to deal with it. Most people are caught up in a common misconception. It boils down to the fact that working out your abs to lose belly fat is the best workout that will remove fat, pump up muscles and make you look perfect. All that separates you from your cherished goal is regular exercise. In reality, the process of losing weight is much more complicated than you might think.

Is it possible to lose belly fat by pumping up your abs?

If you don't want to spend a lot of time sweating to no avail, but want to understand whether abs help you lose belly fat, take into account the following: physical exercises on your abs alone will not remove belly fat. They bring results only when the percentage of subcutaneous fat is 15, and preferably 8-12% of body weight. In this situation, muscles become noticeable and you can expect the appearance of cubes. This means that at first you will have to diet or at least change your diet to burn calories.

How to lose belly fat and pump up your abs

To noticeably lose belly fat, you will have to reduce the amount of calories you consume by 10-15%. Avoid diets that are more like fasting because they cause the body to lose muscle mass and then store more fat. Instead of this:

  • Increase the number of meals, try to eat small portions 5 times a day, rather than overeating two or three times.
  • Help in getting rid of belly fat is cleansing the body and getting rid of toxins. This significantly speeds up metabolism.
  • It is wrong to put maximum stress on the stomach, wanting to quickly achieve results. You need to work with the muscles in this area, like with any others, that is, alternating load, recovery, and strengthening.


The answer to the question of how to lose weight and pump up your abs will not be complete without a warm-up. Warming up is mandatory before any workout, even for individual muscle groups. It increases blood circulation, increases the pulse, preparing the heart and lower back for stress, and promotes the release of lubrication in the joints to avoid injury. The following exercises will help warm up the abdominal muscles, which are recommended to be done about 10 times each:

  • Body flexion. To do this, lie on your back and stretch your arms back and lift your head slightly. Keeping a slow or moderate pace, change your position by sitting on the floor. To do this, simultaneously lift your body off the floor and bend your knees. Do the exercise using force in the abdominal area. As you rise up, stretch your arms out in front of you.
  • Since we will be working on our back and arms, let’s stretch them too. A deflection is suitable for this. Lie on your stomach, keep your legs together, arms extended forward, head raised, eyes looking down. Lift your chest up as high as you can while moving your arms out to the sides. You can make it more difficult by turning your head alternately to the right and left.
  • You can finish your warm-up with the “Mill” exercise, which warms up the oblique abdominal muscles. It is done from a standing position, arms spread to the sides. Bend rhythmically, touching your left toe with your right hand and vice versa.

Simple abdominal exercises

There are a lot of simple exercises at home that pump up your abs. They differ in their effect on different muscle groups, as well as in effectiveness. Here are a few of the easiest, but most effective:

  • Bike. Lying down, raise your legs and imitate pedaling a bicycle. Keep your arms along your body, palms down.
  • Body lifts. Legs can be bent at the knees or placed on a fitball, hands on the chest or behind the head.
  • Twisting with a roller. To do this, kneel down, grab the roller with your hands and roll it forward as far as possible. At the same time, you should not arch your back.

How to pump up your abs correctly to get rid of your belly fat

The number of classes will depend on the condition of the stomach. For some, regular workouts of 15 minutes will be enough, while others will have to sweat for an hour. You can find a ready-made table of activities with a program that matches your needs. Girls and women who want to tighten slightly sagging muscles can exercise intensively 2 times a week. Men who notice that they are starting to outgrow their normal size and want to quickly fix it will have to sweat 5 times a week. For any goal, include lying, standing, and chair exercises in your workout.

Lying abs exercises

Most abdominal exercises for weight loss are performed from a lying position. They allow you to maximally strain your stomach and effectively pump it up. Legs are bent at the knees for comfort. Here is one of the complexes:

  • Stretch your arms up. Raise your body 45 degrees. When going up, exhale; when going down, inhale.
  • The position of your arms is the same as for the first exercise, but try to raise your body so that your chest touches your knees.
  • Keep your arms and legs extended, and at the same time lift your limbs up, folding them in half.
  • Raise your legs perpendicular to the floor, then lower them, but not all the way, forcing your stomach to be in constant tension.

Standing Ab Exercises

To get a flat stomach while standing, you don’t even need a mat, just stand straight and repeat the following movements. Give each one about 45 seconds. Focus your attention on the abdominal area, keep your back straight:

  • Vertical twists. Performed by lifting one leg perpendicular to the floor. The hands that were raised up reach for the toes.
  • Diagonal knee lift. Raise your hands clasped to the right and up, bend your left knee. Pull your arms and leg towards each other, then switch legs.
  • Raise your right arm up, your right foot points to the side. Lower your hand to your knee, bending it at the elbow, the knee stretches towards the elbow.

Side crunches

To lose weight and give beautiful shape to the side lines and work out the oblique abdominal muscles, use a method such as lateral crunches. When the fat deposits from the waist disappear, this exercise will make your shape sculpted and beautiful. To perform this, you need to lie on the floor, put your hands behind your head, bend your legs at the knees and move them to the side, right or left, as convenient. Raise your shoulders until they are about five centimeters off the floor. This is enough to work the oblique muscles, so you don’t need to try to lift your torso very high.

Exercises for the lower abs

All activities that involve lifting the lower body place emphasis on the lower abs. It is worth choosing several exercises, since this part takes longer and is harder to pump up than the upper one:

  • Raise your legs 60 degrees. Lying on the floor, raise your legs, holding them at the top for two seconds, then lower them, but do not touch the floor. Do it slowly.
  • For the next exercise, place your hands under your buttocks. Pull your legs bent at the knees towards your chest, slightly lifting your pelvis off the floor.
  • If you have enough strength to hang on the bar in your hands, lift your legs from the starting position at right angles to the floor. At the top point, hold for one or two seconds, then lower.

Abs on the chair

You can pump up the press to lose belly fat with an emphasis on the lower section at your workplace and you don’t even have to get up from your chair. Just straighten your back, grab the seat of the improvised exercise machine slightly behind you with your hands and lift your knees up. It is not necessary to reach your chest, but raise your legs so that you feel the tension in your abdominal muscles. At the top point, hold for a couple of seconds. Quantity – from 20 times.

When is the best time to pump up your abs?

Morning or evening - this question does not play any role for those who pump up the press to lose belly fat. You only need to take into account going to bed, meals and not doing exercises immediately before or after meals. Pay attention to another aspect: if you pump up your abs today, then tomorrow the muscles in this area need to be given rest. When it comes to general exercises in the gym, where working out the abdominal muscles is only part of the workout, it is better to allocate time for this at the end. High-quality work at the beginning of training can lead to injuries during further performance of other basic exercises.

How much to pump the press

Only regular exercise and patience will bring results. There are recommendations to pump up the press to lose belly fat every day for 15 minutes twice a day. A more professional technique involves three intense workouts per week. On other days, give yourself cardio exercise, go to the gym, and do gymnastics for about 40 minutes. If your belly fat is slowly disappearing thanks to your new schedule and diet, you can expect that in a couple of weeks some of the contours of your toned abs will become noticeable.

Pay attention not only to the number of approaches, but to the rhythm and intensity of the swing. A good effect for those who pump up the press to lose belly fat is brought by energetic lifts, when in 35 seconds you can easily do 15 repetitions. There is no need to attack all the exercises at once and try to do them as many times as possible. It is important to gradually increase the load, otherwise severe pain in the abdominal area will be ensured.

Video: how to remove fat from the abs

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